If I were governor. Program interview with candidate Evgeniy Roizman

In an interview with the website, the mayor of Yekaterinburg admits that he does not yet have a clear plan for his work as head of the region. There are “ideas about how to do things right.” In his worldview, cities should get more money and more powers. Municipalities will be governed by elected heads, but practically unaccountable to the regional authorities. They will be helped by a competent government, which Yevgeny Roizman, by the way, is not going to lead himself. And in the presidential administration everyone will have to come to terms with the fact that new governor Sverdlovsk region is ready to violate the rules of operation of the established vertical - even to the detriment of subsidies from the federal budget.

On the first working day after three holiday weekends, Evgeniy Roizman talks on the phone all the time. Three handsets lying in front of him on the table ring in turn. And every third call is “very important, I have to answer, sorry.”

At some point, he gets up completely and goes to talk in the next room. He returns a couple of minutes later with a smile on his face. “Nosov called,” the mayor of Yekaterinburg notes triumphantly, apparently referring to the head of Nizhny Tagil. However, he does not develop the topic and does not retell the essence of the conversation.

But it is quite obvious that now he is negotiating with the heads and deputies of the Ural cities, who must be convinced to agree on Evgeniy Roizman as a candidate for governor. According to Roizman himself (and he repeatedly stated this even before he officially announced his candidacy for the upcoming elections), passing the filter is the main thing. Further, he believes, it will be easier. Calls himself the favorite of the race. And, it seems, he has no doubt about victory.

The thesis, of course, is not controversial. There is no clear sociology yet. But formal logic and simple mathematics suggest that (where the mayor’s positions can be considered more or less reliable), and far beyond the EKAD. And a random experimental survey shows that Evgeniy Roizman is there.

But that’s not about that now. As a voter, frankly speaking, I am of little interest in how the candidate is going to overcome the municipal filter. His personal motives for participating in the race are also not particularly concerning. It is important for me to understand what he will do when (and if) he becomes governor. I hope you do too. Therefore, having taken a pause between the mayor’s phone calls, I begin with this question.

- Suppose you win the election and become our governor. What's next? Where do you start? What is the reform plan?
- Well, first of all, I have a number of personnel decisions. I won’t voice them now. Second: both the government apparatus and the governor’s apparatus need cuts. I think it's blown out of proportion. The situation is completely specific. I know her. In particular, the governor's administration employs 180 people. In the personnel department there are about 30. For comparison, the city administration employs about 1.5 thousand people. And in the personnel department there are four. Together with the boss. There is a difference? About ten years ago, four people worked in the administration of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region. Now - 38. In general, I would conduct a complete audit. I would start downsizing. I would make a number of changes.

- These are the very first steps, right? What next?
- Plus, a number of completely non-core properties remain on the balance sheet of the region. They dispose of it at their own discretion and in a completely bayish way. For example, [the closed government recreation center] Kedr was burned down. I talked to the people who built it. They almost cry. They say: “We made it so well. And at some drunken party, take and burn such an object...” I would simply give it to an orphanage - and that’s all. That boarding school on Lyapustina is a regional facility that everyone is just going crazy about. The problem is not being solved. I would take this “Cedar” and give it to them. So that it would be possible to take the children to the dacha at least. And no one would have suffered from this.

So that you understand: what I am saying now is not a program. Simple, primitive, strategic things. Problems of cities that I see and understand.

There are 15 forest parks in Yekaterinburg. And all of them are regional property. I would return them to the city.

- For what?
- So that the city can clean them, put them in order, create recreational areas and create some kind of infrastructure. The city cannot do this now. He watches how these forest parks become dirty, how they fall into disrepair, become overgrown, and he can do nothing. Because this will be an inappropriate use of budget funds. Moreover, we cannot even extinguish them properly if they catch fire.

- Wait, is there money in the city budget for all this?
- Yes, everything is fine. Certainly. If they were transferred to the city, accordingly, the city would keep this money. Powers are transferred along with money.

A separate topic is Mayakovsky Park. For a European, advanced city of one and a half million people, like Yekaterinburg, the Central Park of Culture and Culture is nonsense. The city can't do anything. Cannot attract investors. Because the land does not belong to him. And on this territory you can make Disneyland. And we are 50 years behind! But this is such a simple question! It is decided simply by the good will of the governor.

These are the simple things I see when it comes to Yekaterinburg.

- What about other cities? Do you understand what they need?
- Yes. I collect information from other cities. They tell me the basic things. The problems are different. But I believe that direct elections of the mayor should be returned everywhere. And this also depends on the goodwill of the governor.

Amendments to Law 131, which were adopted in 2014, gave governors a free hand and allowed them to build a vertical chain of command. I think we need to return everything back. Firstly, elections educate citizens and allow them to influence the life of their district, their city. Secondly, they give citizens the right to stand up for the one they elected and help him. Elections deprive people of infantilism: we chose, we bear responsibility. The appointees do not justify themselves.

Together with the elections, money and powers must be returned to the municipalities. In all cities, the percentage of personal income tax [which they can leave in the municipal budget] must be increased to at least 30. Previously, we had times when it reached 60%. Now in Yekaterinburg it is 16%. So, we need to return it. And give the opportunity to spend on some of your projects. If they had money, they would do everything themselves. That's it in short. Further…

- Wait, let’s talk about municipal reform some more...
- This is not a reform. I just think that both the region and the country rely on strong cities. You can’t take everything to the center - you have to give it away.

The question here is how do you intend to bring back elections, powers and money? “The good will of the governor” is not really enough. Amendments to the law must be adopted by the Legislative Assembly.
- Right. But they have already measured it. In Yekaterinburg, about 96% of residents believe that direct elections should be preserved. In other territories - well, about 90%. That is, firstly, these amendments to the law immediately demonstrate respect for citizens. Secondly, most of the deputies were elected by constituency, they know the situation well...

But you need to negotiate with the United Russia faction, which controls the regional parliament. And only she can actually decide on changes in the system of municipal government.
- The Legislative Assembly simply agrees with any reasonable proposal - there is no need to break anyone’s knees. It was indeed difficult to take away powers from cities. But it will be easy to return. As soon as you give people back the ability to elect their own mayor, you shift the responsibility onto them. And when you take it away, you take responsibility upon yourself. And you cannot control it all from here, from the center.

On the other hand, by shifting responsibility to citizens and their elected leaders, the governor loses control. Despite the fact that the development indicators of each specific territory and the entire region are his responsibility, his KPI. It turns out that you are ready to let the situation take its course.
- Why on chance? I propose to leave the city to the consciousness, to the opinion of local residents. Entrust it to them. This is what they decided - and they will be able to make all claims only to themselves, and not to the governor. Why can the governor suddenly think that he knows better how to conduct business in Bogdanovich, in Irbit, in Sukhoi Log? Especially if he hasn't been there.

Your logic is clear. But God knows what kind of populists and non-professionals can win elections and gain expanded powers in individual cities. Let's take Degtyarsk as an example. There and in the current system, everything is not easy. Local deputies are in all seriousness...
- Certainly! With the current system in Degtyarsk they cannot solve the problem. But if there are elections, the mayor will be elected and there will be demand for him. Everyone who runs for mayor will know that there is no big money there, no honor or respect. Anyone who will fight in these elections will know that they must prove themselves.

In addition, the situation in Degtyarsk is generally special. In the Urals, this problem has existed since Demidov’s times. When the ore goes away, the forest goes away, when production becomes unprofitable, it can simply be abandoned. And in this case, entire cities of people moved. We know this situation.

We need a very sensible policy. I believe that in the Sverdlovsk region there are such problem areas as Degtyarsk, Volchansk... There we need to think about resettlement, about creating jobs somewhere nearby. There are many such things. We need to think about them. Serious problems are emerging in Novouralsk...

There, as far as I understand, the problems begin with the fact that it is still a closed city. And Rosatom will not allow it to be opened...
- It’s not about Rosatom. Residents won't give it. Because we are used to living behind a fence. Because for many years they lived better than the entire region. I am collecting all proposals for Novouralsk. I'm just looking strategically.

How will you make strategic decisions about development or even the relocation of entire cities if you are going to transfer power and authority to elected, uncontrollable mayors? If Degtyarsk doesn’t want them to have a new production facility there (and, apparently, it won’t), there won’t be any plant there. And there will be no jobs. And development too.
- In Degtyarsk, it is quite possible that it makes sense to develop recreation infrastructure. It is difficult to locate production there. And it is not known whether it is necessary at all. They also wanted to build an antimony plant there.

- Yes, but they won’t build it. .
- To Asbest.

- And in Asbest: protests against the construction of the enterprise.
- Because they failed to present it clearly. They failed to have an honest conversation with the residents. That's why the whole city resisted. I believe that such things can be done precisely with strong local government. Talk, prove. You can't break it over the knee and force it on it - it will explode. And when local government is strong, in the end they begin to look at what is beneficial to the city. This does not happen with appointees.

It will be a competent leader who will consider the benefits, and not a populist who came to power on beautiful promises. At the same time, you yourself noted: a person will go to the polls, realizing “that there is no big money there, no honor or respect either.” Question: does a professional need such elections and such a position? Who will run for mayor?
- That is why it is necessary to return powers backed by money to the localities. In addition to personal income tax, you can, for example, return to cities all fines that are collected on their territory. It makes sense to immediately spend this money on video recording, which will increase the number of fines received by the budget and increase the consciousness of the population.

In general, yes, the governor will have less influence on the municipality. So what? But the city will become richer and better.

Another important point: there should be no party component in the elections of heads. The governor now has a task - the maximum percentage of United Russia in any elections. And everything is built around this. Wrong prioritization! The goal should be to improve the well-being of citizens. Let them live better. It doesn't matter under whose flags.

It is clear that Moscow will later ask for this. On the other hand, after some time people will respond kindly to this. A change of priorities is needed. I may not succeed, but at least I’ll say it out loud.

And where did you even get the idea that in cities they will elect not professionals, but populists?

- Unfortunately, this happens. There are precedents.
- Where? I think everyone will think a hundred times before casting their vote.

- This is a long evolutionary process, in my opinion.
- Yes. But there is no other way.

When and if you become governor, you will have to solve problems that are almost traditional for every head of our region. I suggest you go through them. For example, a TV tower. What will you do with it?
- Now that’s all, it’s in regional ownership. I think it was bought in someone's interests. But this has already happened. As everyone says, it was free, but now it costs half a billion. Of course, we need to announce a competition...

So it was announced. And even canceled already. As I understand it, because there is no queue of people wanting to develop this territory.
- A very serious problem. The tower itself is expensive, dismantling is expensive. And the area is problematic. There is a small mosque there. No one will allow a larger one to be built, but out of politeness and for reasons of logic, this mosque must be bought out and given some worthy place in return. And there a project must be developed that will suit the city and its citizens and at the same time be economically feasible. How to catch this economy? The situation is stalemate.

- Next: St. Catherine's Cathedral in the water area of ​​the City Pond.
- My position has always been balanced. When there were the first rallies against the cathedral on Labor Square, I was for the restoration of the cathedral. Because it is a very important part of the city's history. Firstly, St. Catherine's Cathedral grew simultaneously with the city. Secondly, a sisterhood was created there. And they behaved very honorably after the Revolution, they sheltered a lot of disadvantaged and persecuted people. At one time, there was also one of the best libraries in the city... In general, it was the favorite cathedral in the city. Only one icon has survived from him - it is in the art gallery. This is a special place.

As for the new project, I saw it. This is a very good project. Let's start with the fact that all the interior decoration there is meant to be mosaic. This is timeless material. A very serious story. The temple will be beautiful.

Another thing is that they failed, in my opinion, to present it competently. We failed to reach out to the city residents with this idea. A confrontation arose. We need to take it off. We need to rent “Cosmos”, make a good presentation on a wide screen, defend and negotiate with residents without shouting and screaming.

Moreover, there were precedents. For example, the circus building. Now this is a distinctive feature of the city. And once upon a time there were so many reproaches: “What kind of unfinished construction is this? There’s some bare concrete sticking out!” There was swearing - I caught it. An international example is the Eiffel Tower. Everyone thought that she was disfiguring Paris. And now it’s impossible to imagine Paris without her.

And when they say that there are too many churches... Well, go to Venice, Rome, Milan - there are a hundred times more of them.

- It's clear. The next problem is the capital repairs program.
- I don't like this program.

- Nobody likes it. But that's a given.
- Yes. In addition, at the start this program was handed over to A Just Russia. They installed a completely incompetent person. As a result, the program was failed in both Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region. We need to correct the situation. I would leave this program to management companies and residents. I think it would be easier if management companies took out loans for repairs, and then residents closed off these loans. This is a very serious matter. We need to figure it out. I don’t have any ready-made recipes yet. But here I would rely on specialists from Yekaterinburg, on their experience.

- Another important problem is gasification.
- A very important problem! Part of the region is still not gasified. We need to gather specialists and interested parties, create a program and carry it out point by point. People are ready to wait. If it is clearly stated exactly when it will enter such and such a district, such and such a municipality...

- As I understand it, there is a program. And the deadlines are written. It is only suggested to wait 30 years.
- Nobody will wait 30 years. This story is actually significant. It makes sense to meet people halfway and look for opportunities. No ready plan. But I understand what needs to be done. I will consult with specialists and look for opportunities. Gasification can also lead to debt.

- The budget still takes loans. National debt is growing...
- You see, we need to look at expenses. And start with yourself. For example, I don’t buy myself a car. I have one - it was left over from its predecessor. As a matter of principle, I don’t fly business class. I think if the entire administration the governor will go With such cuts, some money can be saved.

- Reducing staff and cutting these costs will definitely not solve the problem of gasification in the region.
- Certainly. But there is also media support, for example. This is half a billion rubles! And all this serves not to increase well-being, but to maintain power. This is a question of priorities.

We need to study. I don't see this situation from here. I can only see from the inside. I think they will help me. There are many smart ministers there. There is someone to rely on.

While we're talking about ministers, how do you imagine the structure of government? Now it is headed by the governor, personally supervised...
- I think we need to return to the previous scheme. Needed new chapter government. A good, smart prime minister. Same as Alexey Petrovich Vorobyov. Moreover, I think [former prime minister of the regional government Denis] Pasler is very suitable for this position. He was belittled and not allowed to work, but he knows the area well. If I had stayed in this position a little longer, I would have reached Vorobyov’s level.

- Denis Pasler will not return to the government.
- Certainly. He's already left. All. You can only consult with him. It will also be possible to consult with Alexei Petrovich. Elders will help...

- But who will be the prime minister is not at all clear.
- Look, I have my own assumptions about the Minister of Finance. I think that bringing the Minister of Finance from Tyumen to Yekaterinburg, the financial center, is ridiculous.

Obviously, the head of the region simply trusts her. Appointing trusted people from your team to key positions is a completely normal practice.
- But the Minister of Finance should not be the one whom the head trusts! They should be the most competent specialist possible. And competence in this case is much more important than personal loyalty. Let it be more difficult for me, but easier for the region.

- Do you already know the name of “your” Minister of Finance?
- Certainly. Not finding a professional person in this field in Yekaterinburg is simply incredible. I also have an idea about who should become the Minister of Health. I would also highlight tourism. The Gornozavodskaya Urals are so rich in content that tourism here can become an independent sector of the economy. And, of course, industry. I think it is necessary to develop internal cooperation, cooperation between enterprises of the Urals.

- Wait, but the Tourism Center has been created, and the industrial cooperation program has already been launched...
- Regarding tourism: I would not make a mistake and would not entrust this industry to people who were not born here. Regarding industrial cooperation: yes, I know the factory people who are now involved in this, they are closing in on themselves. But there are also those who do not understand these possibilities. We need to meet, help, figure it out.

We need to make a separate program for our forest. The forest is leaving. They cut him down, actually steal him...

There are many such moments. Small businesses are dying out. I would look at how to reduce taxes for them. At one time this was done in the Perm Territory - through budgetary maneuver. It bore fruit there. Agriculture We also need to do something: just give the peasants freedom, the opportunity to breathe...

Let's return to the ministers. Even if you know the names of professionals who could occupy all the key positions in your government, how can you get these professionals there? It seems to me that a smart business manager will not accept a ministerial salary.
- The post of minister is an opportunity to realize oneself, to make a name for oneself. It makes sense to look at forty-year-olds - they are smart enough. And, of course, the prime minister must also be young and advanced. Since Pasler is not there, I am looking at other candidates.

The last question is probably: do you have a plan “B”? What will you do if you don’t pass the municipal filter or lose the elections?
“I'm just going to be honest until the end.” It is clear that other people will make the decision. And now we will see everything.

I'll try to pass this filter. The chances are small, but they are there. When I began to dive in, I suddenly discovered that both the governor and his entourage had little idea of ​​the situation in the region. I have supporters. But we need to make sure that we don’t push them under the roller.

You will need a lot of money for this. But, as you yourself noted in one interview, there is no money and no one will give it.
- There are no problems with this. If I go through the municipal filter, they just throw it in my head. I know who is ready to bet on me. Now everyone is just waiting.

The mayor of Yekaterinburg, Evgeny Roizman, who is running in the elections from Yabloko, risks dropping out of the gubernatorial race in the Sverdlovsk region. The head of the Central Election Commission (CEC) Ella Pamfilova warned the party and its nominee about this, noting that Yabloko members “abused their right” by nominating a candidate bypassing the legal procedure. Yabloko leader Emilia Slabunova promised to defend the party’s rights in court.

Yevgeny Roizman received a warning from the Central Election Commission that he may not be allowed to participate in the elections of the Sverdlovsk governor, since he was nominated by Yabloko according to a procedure “not provided for by law.” Ella Pamfilova stated this. According to her, during the nomination of candidates, “in some parties there is a failure of internal party discipline,” due to which they use “the provisions of their charter to resolve issues not provided for by law.” Thus, “some parties, in fact, abusing their rights, interpret their charter in order to violate the law,” said Ms. Pamfilova, referring to the law “On Political Parties.”

The head of the Central Election Commission named Yabloko as one example. On June 17, the conference of the regional branch, which was authorized to nominate a candidate, was disrupted due to the departure of the head of the branch and his supporters from the party, who did not want to nominate Mr. Roizman (see Kommersant of June 19). Then the Yabloko members took advantage of the charter, which allows the party leadership to suspend the activities of the regional branch, in which case the powers of the regional governing bodies (including conferences) are transferred to the federal bureau of Yabloko. It nominated Evgeniy Roizman on June 21. Such a nomination scheme was adopted after consultations with lawyers of the Sverdlovsk election commission, said the head of the Yabloko political committee, Grigory Yavlinsky, who personally participated in the consultations.

However, Ella Pamfilova insisted yesterday on another round of consultations in order to “perform all procedures properly so that the candidate is registered.” “Come, we’ll involve the Ministry of Justice, we’ll work out the whole procedure,” she addressed the party leadership, without specifying in what way Yabloko deviated from the legal procedure. Yabloko leader Emilia Slabunova came to the Central Election Commission yesterday for consultations, at the end of which she told Kommersant that she “did not understand the essence of the claims.” The Law “On Political Parties” strictly regulates the procedure, but not for the election of governors, but the “procedure for vesting powers” ​​at the proposal of the president. Otherwise, the law only states: “ Political Party is the only type of public association that has the right to nominate candidates.” And the “Apple” charter provides: the federal bureau receives “including powers related to participation in elections” when reorganizing the regional office. “Our charter has been registered by the Ministry of Justice, which has no complaints about any of the points, including this one, which raised doubts in the Central Election Commission,” Ms. Slabunova emphasized. According to her, during consultations at the Central Election Commission, they did not explain to her “what specific article or specific point of the law on parties” Yabloko did not take into account.

The Yabloko chairman “gave the impression that the CEC is concerned that someone might go to court to remove Yevgeny Roizman from the elections” on procedural grounds. That is, “there are no claims to the legality of the nomination in the CEC,” Ms. Slabunova believes, but “someone has a fear that our candidate will overcome the municipal filter, and these fears are outlined by the CEC.”

To register as a candidate, Evgeniy Roizman needs to collect 126 signatures municipal deputies. According to Kommersant’s information, Mr. Roizman now has about 40 signatures, although on June 27 he had only 10. “He began to actively collect signatures, which means that the possibility of being registered has become a real possibility. Therefore, a backup option for canceling registration, published by the Central Election Commission, is being prepared,” Yevgeny Roizman’s press secretary Victoria Mkrtchyan told Kommersant. Mr. Roizman was unavailable for comment yesterday.

“Officially, the decision on registration will be made from July 16 to July 26 after signatures are received,” regional election commission press secretary Dmitry Vetoshkin told Kommersant. Emilia Slabunova stated that the party will defend its case in all instances, including the courts.

Victor Khamraev; Ilya Peretykin, Ekaterinburg

On June 17, at a conference of the regional branch of the Yabloko party, they were supposed to officially nominate a candidate for the post of governor of the Sverdlovsk region. However, before the start of the conference, the head of the Sverdlovsk regional branch, Yuri Pereverzev, and 10 other members of Yabloko made a statement that they were leaving the party because they did not agree with the decision of the federal leadership to nominate Yevgeny Roizman for the gubernatorial elections.

“In Moscow they mistakenly believe that Evgeny Roizman has retained the same popularity rating that he had when he was nominated for mayor of Yekaterinburg four years ago.

The proposal to hold a vote on the nomination of a candidate for governor on an alternative basis, in order to respect basic democratic principles, was ignored by the federal leadership. Mr. Roizman did not establish interaction with the regional office, the election program was not announced (if there is one at all).”

What did Yavlinsky say to this?

The head of the Federal Political Committee of Yabloko, Grigory Yavlinsky, was present on June 17 in Yekaterinburg and said that Roizman’s candidacy would still be nominated for the gubernatorial elections on Wednesday, June 21, at a meeting of the party bureau in Moscow.

Mr. Yavlinsky also said that the party bureau would decide to terminate the powers of the regional branch of Yabloko in the Sverdlovsk region.

Update. On June 21, at a meeting of the federal bureau of the Yabloko party in Moscow, the final decision was made to nominate Mr. Roizman as a candidate for Sverdlovsk governors. He himself was personally present at the meeting and noted that Yavlinsky’s party is “one of the most stable and oldest democratic parties, and you can count on the word of its leader” (quote from Znak.com).

What does “Parnassus” have to do with it?

After it became known that the regional bureau of the Yabloko party refused to nominate Yevgeny Roizman for the post of candidate for governor, the Sverdlovsk branch of the People's Freedom Party (Parnas by ex-Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov) supported the nomination of Mr. Roizman for governor of Sverdlovsk areas.

Project "Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region" reports that there are 1,515 deputies in the Sverdlovsk region. Of these, 971 people are members of United Russia, 90 people are in “”, 73 people are in, 36 are in the Liberal Democratic Party and 30 are in various small parties, from Yabloko to the Civil Platform. The authors of the project say that it will not be easy for Evgeniy Roizman to collect 126 signatures to pass the municipal filter:

“It is obvious that representatives of parliamentary parties will vote according to the instructions received from their leadership. “A Just Russia” - for Dmitry Ionin, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - for Alexey Parfenov, the LDPR - for Igor Toroschin, “United Russia” - for Evgeny Kuyvashev and, possibly, for Dmitry Sergin p. As for the self-nominated candidates, their intentions were unknown to anyone until today.

We asked deputies from small parties and self-nominated candidates for which candidate they would give their signature. Of the 153 respondents, the majority (65 deputies) intend to support Yevgeny Kuyvashev. Another 69 deputies refused to answer the question or said that they had not yet decided. Five people spoke out against all candidates and eight were ready to speak for Evgeniy Roizman.”

When are the elections?

Photo from the official website of the Yekaterinburg City Duma

The head of the Central Election Commission, Ella Pamfilova, said that Yabloko has a number of questions regarding the nomination of Yevgeny Roizman as a candidate for governor of the Sverdlovsk region. Yabloko leader Emilia Slabunova has already met with Pamfilova and realized that the authorities seem to be preparing to deny Roizman registration. Experts believe that the Kremlin has not yet decided for what reason this will be done - either because of the candidate’s inability to pass the municipal filter, or because of the “mistakes” of Yabloko itself.

Pamfilova, as is known, said that Yabloko members “abused their right” by nominating a candidate bypassing the legal procedure. “It’s not too late to fix everything now. I ask Yabloko representatives: urgently contact the Central Election Commission so that we can now work out in detail all the nuances of registration, help, there is still time before July 21 to fix everything,” said the head of the Central Election Commission at its meeting on June 30. Let us recall that Yabloko officially nominated Roizman on June 21, but this was preceded by a scandal in the regional department, whose powers the party leadership had to suspend. As a result, the mayor of Yekaterinburg was nominated for governor by decision of the federal bureau.

The head of the Central Election Commission noted that timely measures will allow “not to point fingers at regional or central authorities” who allegedly “obstruct their candidate.” And she recommended “instead, carry out all the procedures properly so that the candidate is registered and collects signatures.” The party considers all these claims to be unfounded.

As Yabloko deputy chairman Nikolai Rybakov explained to NG, Roizman was nominated by the federal bureau of the party, fulfilling the powers of the regional organization - and all this in accordance with the charter. “There are fears that this is a hint and that he will not be allowed to participate in the elections. It’s sad that the CEC is involved in political games,” he said. The whole point, according to Yabloko, is that Roizman is able to collect signatures, which is why the authorities were scared.

Slabunova told NG that representatives of the Central Election Commission and the regional election commission were present during the nomination. “If this was a good hint to eliminate the shortcomings, then it would have been done either over the phone or to me personally. And since this was done at a meeting of the Central Election Commission, this is a signal,” she believes.

Slabunova explained that she had already visited Pamfilova on Friday. According to the Yabloko leader, the head of the Central Election Commission recommended that the party hold a congress and re-nominate Roizman. “I replied that this makes no sense, because if they want to remove him from the elections, they will remove him at any moment and for any pretext, even if we hold a congress,” she told NG. Slabunova is sure: the authorities felt that Roizman could pass the municipal filter, and now they are simply preparing the ground for his exclusion. “I told Pamfilova that, if necessary, the party will defend its rights in court,” Slabunova said.

Member of the Yabloko political committee Sergei Mirokhin confirmed to NG that everything was done according to the law and charter. He suggested that Pamfilova may have really wanted to give good advice to the party, since she suspects that the regional election commission could create obstacles for Roizman. “Pamfilova understands perfectly well that her department is not a vertical, that regional election commissions depend on local administrations. And in case of claims, even she can do little, so she offers us to insure ourselves,” Mitrokhin said.

Roizman's press secretary Victoria Mkrtchyan told NG that the regional election commission confirmed Roizman's nomination by Yabloko on June 23, although with delays. And since then, signatures have been actively collected, which must be obtained from at least 126 municipal deputies. “Now a little less than half has been collected. So far, those deputies whom we asked in advance have signed, mostly independents. We must submit signatures to the regional election commission from July 16 to 26, and only then, when these signatures are accepted, he will become an official candidate. Why the CEC intervened remains a mystery to us,” she emphasized. Mkrtchyan stated that “if there was no hope of collecting 100% of the signatures required for nomination, Roizman would not have gone to the polls.”

The head of the Political Expert Group, Konstantin Kalachev, explained to NG that for now Roizman really cannot be removed from the elections, because he is not a candidate. He noted that previously some lawyers had already stated that Yabloko had violated its charter. So, according to the expert, the party’s fears are justified; most likely the decision to refuse Roizman has already been made: “But now the question of who to turn the arrows on is being decided. Either to Yabloko - and tell everyone about the wrong nomination from the party, or to the municipal filter.” As Kalachev stated, “Roizman will not be allowed, if not this way, then that way. Pamfilova feels this and does not want to be extreme. It is important for her to maintain the image of an irreconcilable fighter for competitiveness and openness of elections.”

The mayor of Yekaterinburg was nominated with violations. The head of the Central Election Commission, Ella Pamfilova, proposes re-nomination; the politician himself believes that they do not want to allow him to participate in the elections

Evgeny Roizman. Photo: Alexander Shcherbak/TASS

The Central Election Commission did not recognize the nomination of Yevgeny Roizman as a candidate for governor of the Sverdlovsk region. According to the Chairman of the Central Election Commission, Ella Pamfilova, the mayor of Yekaterinburg was nominated with violations, which means that urgent measures must be taken to correct the shortcomings and re-nominate.

The violations are due to the fact that Roizman was nominated at a meeting of the Yabloko federal bureau in Moscow, and not from the regional branch, as required by law. The meeting of the regional branch of the party collapsed due to the disagreement of its leadership with the proposed candidacy.

In an interview with Business FM Head of the Central Election Commission Ella Pamfilova she said that everything can still be fixed, and she is ready to support Evgeniy Roizman:

“We are all interested in him making some effort.” Now I found out that he doesn’t really collect these signatures. He needs to collect signatures, overcome the filter, and we, of course, are determined to register him, like the rest of the deputies, and, of course, it’s strange for me to hear all this speculation. One gets the impression that he himself doesn’t really want to. There is still time now, and if he is actively involved in collecting, he still has the opportunity to overcome the filter. All the nuances will still be overcome, with our help, we are ready to help. I just don’t want to raise any more questions right now, so as not to harm him. Sometimes I am surprised by the position of some Yabloko leaders; in a number of regions there are big disagreements between the regional branches and the central ones. Instead of putting our internal relationships in order, it turned out to be easier to blame someone for not giving them, not letting them in.

— So there is no intentional obstruction?

- No, no. If they were honest, they would tell, as in the last elections, and now we are methodically helping many of their candidates. They are registered in most regions. I would really like all this to be overcome with Roizman, and he would fully go to the polls.

The illegality of Roizman’s nomination was previously pointed out by CEC member Yevgeny Shevchenko. But the politician himself believes that these statements mean one thing - not allowing him to participate in the elections.

Mayor of Yekaterinburg“This history is not legal, this history is political. If we translate what Pamfilova said into Russian, it should sound like this: well, they clearly told you that we won’t let Roizman run in the elections. Further: Yabloko has enough precedents, Yabloko has already nominated many people, it is the oldest democratic party in Russia, and they have a fairly powerful legal apparatus. They know how to put forward, they were doing this much earlier than Pamfilova did it. The nomination took place according to the only possible scenario under the circumstances. In fact, this is their backup option, the main thing is that they will try to fail the municipal filter, but they are afraid because they understand that this will be followed by an appeal to the Constitutional Court, because the municipal filter is a completely illegal and unconstitutional institution. What is happening in the Sverdlovsk region, the acting governor is an appointee, and not the most successful one, and when the president was present here, he showed a letter (that is, it was announced, it is on the Kremlin website), where residents of the region say: worse than now , we have never lived before. That is, I think that this corresponds to reality - an appointee who did not justify himself. But the president finds himself in a very difficult situation; he cannot admit that his appointee has not justified himself. He was released to the polls, and what they are trying to do now is clear that if I pass the municipal filter, I will win these elections, but no one will let me in.”

The CEC’s statements are not the main obstacle to Roizman’s registration. Political commentator for Ura.ru Konstantin Dzhuntaev also believes that he cannot overcome the municipal filter and gain the required number of votes.

Konstantin Dzhuntaevpolitical commentator for Ura.ru“The legal aspects of the Sverdlovsk gubernatorial campaign in general and the attitude of candidate Roizman are not important. Main question from the beginning of the campaign it was whether Roizman would pass the municipal filter or not. The governor's administration initially made every effort to ensure that Roizman did not pass the filter and was not registered. How it was done: notaries from the governor’s administration went to the municipalities, who, after meetings of local municipal dumas, gathered local deputies one at a time in separate offices and urged them to sign either for the United Russia candidate Evgeny Kuyvashev, or for one of the officially supported candidates from Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, A Just Russia. In three days, an overwhelming number of signatures from municipal deputies were collected in municipalities. Roizman nominated himself only a week and a half after the start of the campaign, and, accordingly, about a week after the majority of municipal deputies had already given their signatures. The headquarters that was created has been disbanded, we expect that Roizman will soon issue a statement through one of the channels, declaring his withdrawal from the campaign.”

According to the Central Election Commission, Yabloko has problems with nominating candidates not only in the Sverdlovsk region, but also in the Krasnodar region.

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