Palmistry for beginners: meanings of lines on the palm. Preliminary hand analysis

Palmistry (palmistry), or popularly just fortune telling by hand, is often called pseudoscience by scientists, but not everyone is given the ability to predict future events in life or fate based on the lines on the palms and other signs. This is complex, painstaking work, a comparison of facts, and not the imagination of a fortuneteller. Therefore, a few lessons for beginner palmists or those who decide to have an interesting time with friends will not be superfluous.

Palmistry is a science that studies the relationship between lines and patterns on the hands and events in life.

The most important lines in palmistry

There are a large number of lines on the palms, but there are 14 basic ones.



  • Path of Voluptuousness;
  • Line of Mars;
  • Line of Intuition;
  • Travel Line;
  • Mercury line;

The main ones provide information about the spiritual and practical sides of the personality, and the additional ones – about current life. There are also duplicate symbols that make the meaning of the main ones more clear.

Which hand to guess by

Palmists, as a rule, reveal the future by the active hand: the one with which people write, but they give a complete prediction using both. The inactive hand indicates what is destined by fate and the past, and the active hand talks about the present and shows possible actions that influence the course of the future.

It is believed that the lines on the hand most accurately reflect individuality, and an experienced palmist is able to trace the path from the past to the future.

Therefore, the choice of hand for fortune telling depends not only on whether you are right-handed or left-handed, but also on the purpose - what kind of information you want to receive.

It is worth remembering that the signs on the palms show only general information about the abilities, creativity and approximate future of people. However, you can only change your life yourself.

What are the lines on the palms?

The absence of kinks and irregularities, and on bends, indicates their favorable significance.

Pale colors of the lines indicate health problems and a weak flow of vital energy. A reddish color is evidence of optimism, activity and an influx of positive energy, while a yellowish color indicates liver disease and is often found in closed and narcissistic individuals. Dark colors speak of serious attitude to life, arrogance and restrained expression of emotions and feelings, vindictiveness and rancor.

The meaning of lines in palmistry

Psychological and biological features are reflected on their palms. Here you can also find prophetic symbols, information about mental and physical condition. At the same time, to understand the meaning of the signs, it is important to take into account their length and location.

Life Line

It appears on the palm first and does not change over time. Displays a person’s vitality, energy, and possible prospects. Lines rising from it symbolize favorable opportunities, while lines descending indicate health problems.

  • Closely intertwined with the Head line, it distinguishes suspicious and vulnerable people. These people should focus on their own interests and believe in themselves.
  • It does not always mark the exact moment of death, only approximately making it clear how much is measured out to a person. Other symbols and bends, crossing the Life Line, are responsible for the likelihood of accidents.

Belt of Venus

Thanks to the Belt of Venus, you can find out how emotional a person is, his behavior in love relationships and devotion.

  • On long and narrow hands, the presence of the Venus belt speaks of sensuality and emotionality, on wide and flaccid hands - about susceptibility to the influence of vices.
  • Regarding Marriage, it may indicate excessive eroticism, which negatively affects relationships.

Line of the Head (Mind)

The next symbol will tell you about intellectual abilities, intelligence and confidence.

  • Separating from the Life line at the starting point, it characterizes the owner as an independent, impetuous individual.
  • Connecting with Life at the starting point, it speaks of a tendency to take offense.
  • If it originates on the Mount of Mars, and not at the end of the Life line, it can mean nervousness and a rather irritable nature.

Health Line

The absence of this sign is considered a good sign, as it indicates health problems.

  • If Health does not intersect with the Life line and bends away from the latter, this indicates irritability, some nervousness, which does not harm the physical condition at all.
  • If the starting point of Health intersects with the Heart, you should pay attention to possible problems with the organs of the cardiovascular system.

Heart Line

Displays the emotional component of human nature: love, loyalty and devotion.

  • One of the rare combinations when the lines of the Heart and Mind are laid in a straight line through the palm, connecting to the starting point of Life. It denotes the aggravation of all feelings, which is why such people often feel uncomfortable in society, and their lives develop in an unusual way.

Line of Fate

It is responsible for success. It starts at the bottom of the palm and extends to the Mount of Saturn.

  • Tears and various kinds of defects on it indicate professional difficulties.
  • The merging of the principles of Fate and Life indicates attachment to relatives, to the family, dependence on the opinions of parents and closest relatives.
  • When Fate stops at the Heart, a person’s future can be destroyed due to unbridled feelings or emotions that burst out. Perhaps we are talking about love.

Line of the Sun (Apollo)

It originates in the lower part of the palm and “runs” along it to the tubercle of the Sun. It indicates a person’s successful implementation in various areas, but is not always present on the hand. Displays moments of professional growth, achievements and success.

  • If the starting point of the Sun is located at any point in Life, you have a creative nature awaiting success.
  • If the starting point of the Sun is located above the Heart line, a person will be able to fully realize himself, but only at an older age.

Line of Voluptuousness

Short and small, it runs parallel to the line of Mercury or tangentially connects the tubercles of Venus and the Moon, revealing susceptibility to the influence of base instincts.

Line of Mars

Runs along the line of Life, means good health and prosperity.

Marriage Line

It’s easy to guess what it’s talking about: the duration and number of marriages, well-being in the family field.

Line of Intuition

Starting on the hillock of the Moon, semicircular Intuition moves towards the hillock of Upper Mars or Mercury. It is used to judge the development of intuition and the presence of mystical and supernatural phenomena and events in a person’s life.

Travel Line

Starting on the Life line or in the center of the Moon’s tubercle, a small horizontal line runs across the palm - Travel, symbolizing travel, including outside the home country.

Mercury line

Another additional sign originating in the lower part of the palm. Gives information about health, business abilities and intelligence.

Wrist Rings

Usually there are 3 rings around the wrists.

  • If the lines rise upward from the rings, expect trips abroad and unexpected wins.

Children's Lines

Width and depth indicate the gender of the child: wide and deep - expect a son, lines are weakly expressed - a daughter.

It would be difficult to reveal all the secrets and features of palmistry in one article, but we still provided the basic knowledge.

Who knows, maybe this is your calling!

Girls are often interested in how to tell fortunes for themselves? Not everyone is able to entrust their fate to an outside magician, so people try to master the art of fortune telling on their own. Finding out the future is quite simple - it is important to perform certain manipulations correctly.

In the article:

How to tell fortunes for yourself for the future?

To find out what upcoming events have in store, you can use different ways. Fortune telling on Christmastide is quite common. Each option is unique and allows you to look into the future and lift the veil of secrecy.

Before embarking on any such ritual, you need to properly prepare the magical attribute and tune in yourself. It is advisable to clean the artifact using salt, water or fire.

It is enough to put the item in pre-prepared Thursday salt, hold it several times over a candle flame or hold it under running water. The negative energy that was on the magical attribute will go away. Before starting fortune telling, you need to relax and get rid of unnecessary thoughts. You can meditate, use .

Rituals with attributes are not all common ways that will help you find out what fate has prepared for a person. No less popular is decoding, which will help you find out when to expect the most important events, what can be prevented and what you should be wary of. Fortune telling by hand - palmistry - also remains popular.

How to tell fortunes on your hand?

Palmistry is a complex science that cannot be learned quickly. It takes experience and constant practice to continually improve your skills. You can learn some basics that will help you know the future. For example, by looking at your hand, you can determine the size of your palm and fingers, which will help you recognize the protective element.

If the palm and fingers are equally short, the patron is Earth, if the length of the palm is longer than the length of the fingers, the assistant is Fire, if on the contrary - Air. If the fingers and palm are the same length, the patron is Water.

Brief general characteristics:

  1. People whose patron is Earth, usually have clear boundaries, are stubborn, do not deviate from priorities and are full of energy. Practical, responsible, love to work with their hands.
  2. For Air characterized by sociability, wit, and talkativeness. Often people are angry, cold and even petty. Representatives of air are able to cope equally well with mental and physical work. Often a person uses radical methods.
  3. Representatives Water introverted, creative, sympathetic, empathetic and insightful. Quite emotional, but can be withdrawn and capricious. To find out what is going on in their soul, you need for a long time gain confidence. They rely only on intuition.
  4. Representatives Fire spontaneous, optimistic, extroverts. They take on work boldly and listen to their instincts. Often a person can be an egoist, but his conscience also gnaws at him. They are often accused of impulsiveness and insensitivity, but at heart they are quite vulnerable.

Afterwards, you need to determine which hand to guess by. A woman’s right hand means the skills and events that were laid down at birth, and the left hand tells what was acquired during life. For men it's the opposite. You should pay attention to the dominant hand, which will tell you about the past and present, and the second hand - about the future.

After defining the hand, you need to find the main lines. Not every person has deep and clear contours; sometimes they are short and intermittent. There are at least three main lines on any palm:

  • hearts;
  • heads;
  • life.

The line of fate is not visible to everyone.

Heart line

Usually located from the little finger and going to the index finger, it is responsible for stress resistance, love relationships, depression, heart disease. A beginner needs to know that if the line starts below the index finger, a lot of romantic relationships await the person.

Other meanings of the heart line:

  1. If it starts on the middle finger, the person is probably selfish in love, an owner, and often a despot in the family.
  2. If it starts in the middle of the palm, the person is amorous and flighty.
  3. Direct and short - lack of romance.
  4. In contact with the life line - it is easy for the owner to get hurt.
  5. If it is long and crooked, it is difficult for a person to restrain emotions and feelings, perhaps this will interfere with achieving goals.
  6. Straight and placed parallel to the line of the head - the personality is able to control emotions, manage the situation and influence other people.
  7. Wavy - a large number of romantic relationships that will not result in marriage.
  8. The presence of circles means emotional breakdowns and depression. The closer the circles are to the index finger, the more likely it is that this will happen in adulthood.
  9. Line breaks indicate emotional trauma.
  10. Perpendicular small lines will indicate emotional upheaval.

Head line

Responsible for intelligence, thirst for knowledge, the ability to learn, and communicate with other people.

Head line meanings:

  1. Short line - a person believes that physical achievements are more important than mental ones.
  2. Curved - achievements in the creative field are possible.
  3. Standing far from the line of life - a thirst for adventure, optimism.
  4. Merges with the life line - a strong connection with relatives.
  5. Wavy - inability to concentrate attention and control behavior.
  6. A deep, long line speaks of a clear and sharp mind, the ability to concentrate, and achieve goals.
  7. Direct - realist.
  8. The presence of circles and crosses means emotional crises.
  9. A large number of perpendicular lines means making spontaneous decisions.

Life line

Located near thumb and creates an arc that usually ends near the wrist. Responsible for physical health and changes in life. People often believe that the longer the line, the more years a person will live.

In some interpretations, you can find information regarding another line, which is located next to the line of life, closer to the thumb. They believe that this line appears on the palms of lucky people, the favorites of fortune, and is characterized as another life line that helps to overcome any troubles.

If the life line is located too close to the thumb, this indicates possible health problems, psychological disorders, and fatigue.

Other interpretations of the life line:

  1. Winding - great energy potential.
  2. Deep - vitality.
  3. Short and barely visible - a person is easy to control.
  4. Located in a semicircle - the personality is very strong, full of enthusiasm.
  5. Straight and as if crossing the palm - a person is careful in relationships.
  6. The presence of circles indicates serious illnesses and injuries.
  7. A broken line means a change in lifestyle, a shock.

Line of fate

It starts at the base of the palm and is responsible for dependence on external circumstances.

If the line is deep and crosses the palm, the person is not able to make independent decisions and believes that he depends on fate.

If it changes direction or is interrupted, the owner is susceptible to the influence of other people. The common principle with the life line is that a person controls his own destiny.

Closer to the center it connects with the life line - despite adherence to principles, one day a person will give in to the interests of others.

This method of fortune telling will help you get to know yourself better and understand at what age you expect emotional shock or disappointment. Armed with knowledge about the future, you can correct the course of expected events.

In contact with

Every day we experience emotions, perform various actions - all this is reflected in our hands, gradually forming into the order of lines, hills or rings.

Deciphering these signs will provide their owner with a lot of useful information and will reveal secrets that he, perhaps, had no idea about.

Anyone can comprehend the basics of palmistry; its essence lies in the ability to determine the type of sign and understand its meaning.

Lines on the palm: the meaning on the right hand, what the lines on the palm of the left hand mean is discussed in detail in this article.

Total There are several types of lines on a person’s hands, 6 of which are the main ones. Others are classified as secondary.

Main line What do the lines on the palm of the right hand mean? What do the lines on the palm of the left hand mean?
Life LineQuality of life in the futurePotential received from birth
Health LineIndicates possible health problemsState of health by nature
Line of MindIntellectual achievementsInherited Potential
Heart LineEmotional state of a personThe main traits of his character
Sun LineWay to successPersonality strengths
Line of FateResult of decisions madeEvents that will happen naturally

Active and inactive palm

The first thing to start with is analyzing the location of the main lines.

However, their meaning can carry different information, it all depends on how exactly the lines are located on the palm: the meaning on the right hand is often different from the decoding of the features on the left.

When reading the signs of the left hand, you can find out what a person is destined for by nature, see his heredity.

The lines on the right speak about events that will be the result of decisions made; in fact, a person’s conscious actions in life will lead him to them.

Palmists call palms “active” and “inactive”, the first case is usually the right hand if the person is right-handed or left, if left-handed.

There is another way to determine hands - simply ask the person to show their palm. In most cases, everyone intuitively gives the active one.

Definition of the sign of Life

The trait of Life has the most significant meaning, which crosses the palm and originates between the thumb and index finger, goes around the hill of the thumb and ends at the wrist.

For some people it may be completely absent, this means that the person is in search of himself, his purpose in life. For the same reasons, this line may periodically appear and disappear.

A clear and pronounced line denotes stability and determination, suggests that a person sets himself certain goals in life and tries to follow them, realizing his potential.

Breakups imply drastic changes in life, and there is a big difference on which hand it is interrupted.

When reading the meanings on the left hand, you can find out what a person is destined for by nature, see his heredity. The lines on the right palm speak of events that will result from decisions made.

If the Life line is a dotted line or is interrupted on the right hand, this means that the person himself will become the initiator of change, and if it is on the left (inactive) palm, all events will happen by themselves.

Sometimes you can notice small branches - these signs indicate important events . Whether they will be bad or good can be recognized by their direction - down or up, respectively.

A fork at the end of the Life line means a craving for long journeys, adventures, and vivid impressions.

The location of the line itself is also important; for energetic and firm individuals, it originates closer to the index finger and widely circles the hill. A shift towards the thumb on the contrary speaks of a weak character, a pronounced tendency towards fear and uncertainty.

Palmists also say that by the length of the Life line you can approximately determine at what age certain events will occur. To do this, its entire length should be divided into 12 parts, each of which is equal to 7 years. However, such calculations are very conditional.

Health Line

The state of health throughout life can be judged by the Health line (the meaning on the right hand, what this line means on the palm of the left hand is described below) . Usually it consists of several segments that can overlap each other or form gaps.

The sign begins with the Mount of Mercury, which is located at the base of the little finger, and ends in the middle of the palm at the wrist.

The most negative factor is her touching the Life line, this suggests that diseases will have a certain impact on a person’s fate.

For many people, this line is absent, or has only a beginning and an end - this is a good sign, it means the person has excellent health, and this applies to all areas: physical, emotional, mental.

When the line runs across the entire palm without touching other signs, this also indicates the absence of serious illnesses.

If the fragments of the line are layered on top of each other, this indicates a successful fight against any diseases, interruption indicates that the disease will periodically recede.

In this case, it is reasonable to pay special attention to your condition, take a responsible approach to treatment and follow the recommendations of doctors.

What does the Mind Line mean?

The line of the Mind or Head begins from the same point as the line of Life or nearby, and crosses the palm horizontally.

This the sign determines the mental abilities and intellectual achievements of a person. To draw the right conclusions, you need to compare both hands. Deciphering the lines in the palm, the meaning on the right hand will characterize a person’s achievements and intellectual growth.

If the line on the left is less pronounced than the other, it means that the person is effectively realizing his natural potential; in the case where the clarity and length are the same, there is something to think about.

This arrangement indicates that the mental abilities given at birth are not developed. At a young age this may be justified and understandable, but for an adult it is a reason to change your lifestyle and try to achieve more.

There is a misconception that a deep and clear line of the Mind always speaks of impeccable intellectual capabilities. In fact, this is not always the case; the expressed sign characterizes a person who is very dedicated to his work, perhaps a professional in some industry.

Basic transcripts:

  1. Short line - a person prefers physical work to mental work.
  2. Long across the entire palm is a sign of a logical mind and a penchant for analytics.
  3. Zigzag or wave-shaped - it is difficult for him to concentrate on one thing, he often switches his attention from one object to another.
  4. If the line is reduced to the bottom, the person is overly naive and gullible.
  5. The beginning of the line does not coincide with the line of Life - a seeker, a traveler through life, a lover of exploring, learning new things.
  6. Fateful, important decisions are indicated by strokes and crosses on the line.

Meaning of the Heart line

The Heart Line gives a decoding of the emotional and psychological component of a person. Its origin comes from the edge of the palm, under the little finger and can reach the index or ring finger.

When doing fortune telling, palmists pay attention to how the line ends:

  1. Between the middle and index fingers - typical for people who are easy to communicate with. Usually these are full-fledged extroverts - positive and cheerful people. Naturally, these individuals attract the attention of others and arouse the interest of the opposite sex. However, if the meaning of the line in the palm of the left and right hands is different, this indicates that the person has consciously changed his habits.
  2. At the base of the middle finger - Before you is a self-centered person who only cares about his feelings. People with this character are attractive, but quickly tire their partner by ignoring his emotional needs.
  3. Closer to index– inherent in maximalists, they give everything, try to evaluate every situation objectively. It’s comfortable to spend time with them, they are attentive to loved ones and do not accept “half-hearted” relationships.
  4. In the area of ​​the little finger or ring finger- This is an unemotional person who keeps all his feelings under control.

It is easy to understand what the lines in the palm of the left hand mean - these character traits are inherited by a person, but he has the power to change. The active one can be used to read the future, and a comprehensive analysis should be carried out according to different signs.

Sometimes refusal to change one's character leads to negative consequences, for example, a person may lose his job or family if he is naturally selfish and does not want to change anything.

Sun Line

The line of the Sun is not often reflected on the palms of the hands, but if it is visible, it usually stretches from the middle of the wrist or palm and reaches the ring finger.

The sign will help determine how a particular person can achieve success and happiness in life. A short line reveals a subtle nature that appreciates and loves creativity. These people understand art and music.

Communication with such a person is pleasant and easy - such individuals know how to express their thoughts and willingly share them with others.

lines on the palm of the left hand - these character traits are inherited by a person, but he has the power to change.

A line in the shape of a wave also indicates a penchant for creativity. However, such a person succumbs to pessimistic moods, fear, and anxiety. Negative emotions clearly prevent him from achieving his goals or setting a specific goal.

An interesting fact is what the lines in the palm of the left hand mean - they indicate the strengths of character given to him from birth. The traits of the right palm help determine in which area a person can achieve success in the present and future.

Decoding the line of Fate

The Line of Fate runs vertically or with a slight deviation upward from the middle of the wrist.

Read the sign below:

  1. An even vertical line speaks of success in all endeavors, a brilliant career and self-realization.
  2. If the line is weakly expressed, it means that the person is dissatisfied with the state of affairs that he has. Perhaps this concerns your career, personal life or other important areas.
  3. Marks in the form of dashes or crosses indicate a frequent change of direction in professional activity.
  4. When the line begins where the Life line begins, it indicates life difficulties in the early years of life.

By reading the lines on the palm, the meaning on the right hand (or active) will reveal events that will happen in the future. All of them will become a natural result of making certain decisions, so a person should pay special attention to this trait.

By the left hand you can judge what will happen according to the will of fate, if you give in to its flow.

Secondary lines on the hands

Lines of secondary significance are not found in everyone. By deciphering the signs together with the main features, you can create a more complete and informative Life Map (as palmists call the entire process of reading hands).

For example, the line of Wealth, which forms a triangle, located between the features of Fate and Mind.

If it is clear and even, this indicates a stable financial situation, and in combination with a pronounced line of Fate, it can be assumed that a person will acquire wealth through a successful career.

However, the reason for wealth can be marriage, inheritance, or a lucky coincidence, for example, a lottery. Other lines with corresponding marks will bring more clarity to the reading.

There is one more minor feature - Guardian Angel line. This sign speaks of good luck, such people are lucky in any situation, and troubles bypass them.

The mark on the hand is located parallel to the line of life, but is shifted closer to the thumb, located on its hill. It may be pronounced or barely noticeable, but the very fact of its presence is a good sign.

When the line of the Guardian Angel is on an inactive palm, this means that a person is given protection at birth and for life; if the line is on the right hand, then over time it may disappear.

This means that protection from failure is provided by fate for a time and should be used wisely.

Romantic relationships and marriage - reading hands

The marriage line is a horizontal line under the little finger; by the way, there can be several of them. Clear, deep signs indicate marriage or marriage, weak ones indicate a romantic relationship.

If the sign is interrupted, this indicates a divorce or temporary break in the relationship; double lines indicate a relationship with two partners at the same time.

Separation is judged by the presence of forks; the reason for this may be a long business trip or a coincidence of circumstances.

Vertical lines from this line indicate how many children a person will have. Moreover, on the left (or inactive) hand you can find out what is destined by fate, and on the right - what decision a person will make. Therefore, the number and position of signs on different palms is different.

There's another one line associated with family relationships - line of divorce. It rings the base of the sore finger. The absence of this indicates a strong family life or its absence.

Complete information about fate can be obtained only after analyzing various lines; often different traits speak about the same thing, or, conversely, contradict each other.

Here it is worth paying attention to other signs, for example the marriage line. Moreover, the analysis must be carried out on both palms, not always, what is destined happens in life, sometimes cool decisions help to avoid annoying mistakes.

Decryption results cannot be relied upon 100%, The Fate Card should be taken as recommendations, advice, instructions. Palmistry does not belong to the list of approved sciences, but this teaching took a very long time to build.

For decades, people have been collecting and analyzing information, creating certain statistics, so it cannot be considered as some kind of fortune-telling. Thus, it has every reason to be used in practice.

What do the lines on the palm mean:

Meaning on the right hand, what do the lines on the palm of the left hand mean:

Many of us would like to know what will happen to us in the future. You too? Then take a closer look at your palm: there you will find answers to questions about your personality and probable future.

The practice of fortune telling by lines on the hand, or palmistry, has been known since ancient times. It is believed that all events experienced by a person are reflected in the palm, changing the shape and bend of the original lines.

To start, turn your dominant hand - depending on which way you write - palm up.

For full understanding, what is written on the hand, you must first understand what lines there are, and why they are of different lengths and shapes.

Heart line

Where is? The heart line crosses the top of the palm and stretches from the little finger to the middle or index finger.

Photo by Ekaterina Travnikova

What does it mean:

    If the heart line is straight and long: You are rational, thoughtful and make decisions with your head, not your heart. You think about others first.

    If the line is short and straight: in this life you are interested in many things, but not romance. No, no, love adventures are not about you at all.

    If the heart line is long and curving: You often follow your feelings.

    If the line ends under the index finger: You are absolutely satisfied with your personal life.

    If the line ends under the middle finger: You are amorous and most likely possessive in a relationship.

    If the heart line ends between the middle and index fingers: You really like to flirt.

    If the heart line is broken: Many challenges await you in your personal life.

    If the line crosses the life line: It's very easy for you to get your heart broken.

Mind line

Where is? Crosses the palm diagonally in the center and ends between the thumb and index finger.

Photo by Ekaterina Travnikova

What does it mean:

This line itself denotes a way of thinking, as well as a psychological state.

    If the line of mind is short: You are impulsive and often make decisions without thinking.

    If the line of mind is long: everything is just the opposite - you like to carefully analyze everything and think through it to the smallest detail. But there are also disadvantages - sometimes you tend to overestimate the situation.

    If the mind line is wavy: You lose interest very quickly. A curved line indicates that you are a romantic person with very strong intuition.

There may also be “crosses” on the line - intersections of small lines. If there is only one, then get ready for impending drama in your personal life. If there are several crosses, then you need to be ready to make several important decisions.

By the way, if your line of mind does not touch the line of life, then congratulations! You are on the verge of amazing adventures.

Line of fate

Photo by Ekaterina Travnikova

Where is? Surprisingly, not everyone has such a line. It extends from the base of the palm to the middle finger. It's okay if you don't have one - but if you do, here's what it means:

    If the fate line is deep: you are on the right path, follow your heart and it will lead you where you need to go!

    If the line of fate is interrupted: Your life will change due to an external factor.

    If the line merges with the life line: you are already on the way to your dream!

    Starts at the thumb and crosses the life line: you are very close to your family and friends.

Life line

Where is? This line begins in the space between the thumb and index finger and arcs towards the wrist.

It is important to remember: the length of this line does not mean whether your life will be long or not.

Photo by Ekaterina Travnikova

What does it mean:

The life line is responsible for a person’s energy and his life experience.

    If it's long: You are a very strong personality and a wonderful friend!

    If the line is short: Be careful, they are trying to manipulate you. You should definitely think about yourself, not others.

    Curved line: You are a very positive person, open to the world.

    Barely visible line: This is a sign that you lack energy and adventure in your daily life.

    Broken line: Don't overdo it, it can lead to serious health problems.

Other signs to look out for:

Teacher's square (small square or "hashtag" under the index finger):

You will make an excellent coach or trainer. Have you ever wanted to become a teacher?

Ring of Venus (short line above life line):

You are very sensitive and react sharply to various events. You may also experience mood swings.

Apollo Line (vertical line along the edge of the palm):

It means that a successful career awaits you. Your self-confidence and creativity will help you reach unprecedented heights!

What are your hands saying?

Hello! Are you interested in how to find out your fate by the lines on your hand? This is what we will do now. Everyone knows that palmists (and gypsies), even with a glance at your palm, can tell a lot about you, your problems and your character.

What do the lines on your hands tell you?

Palmistry is an ancient esoteric science of predicting the future, a story about the present along the lines on the palm. In fact, this is a map of life in your hands.

Lines by planets:

  1. Life
  2. Hearts
  3. Fates
  4. success
  5. Health
  6. Intuition
  7. Marriage
  8. Voluptuousness
  9. Ring of Venus

Hills of the planets:

  1. Venus
  2. Jupiter
  3. Saturn
  4. Apollo
  5. Mercury
  6. Mars

The lines on the hands are called the map of life, by which you can find out your future. The science is complicated, but there is general principles decodings that are not difficult for a person with little knowledge of palmistry.

Heart line

First, let's look at the heart line. It must be studied from the outer part of the palm.

  1. The line ends under the index finger - it means you have a happy personal life.
  2. If it ends under the middle finger, then you are an egoist in love; in a love relationship, everything revolves around you.
  3. If its ending is between the middle and ring fingers, then you are an amorous person.
  4. When the heart line is short and straight, then you are devoid of romance.
  5. If the stripe runs under your fingers, then you are a jealous, but extremely passionate person.
  6. Be careful in love, if the heart line crosses the life line, you can easily get your heart broken.
  7. A heart line rising towards the index finger indicates an affectionate personality.
  8. Parallel to the line of the mind - you check feelings with the help of the mind.
  9. A winding line shows many frivolous hobbies.
  10. A broken line indicates that the person has gone through severe heartache.
  11. There are many small strokes on the heart line that cross it, which means that a person often looks to the side, having difficulty remaining faithful to his half.

If you see a cross near your middle or index finger, you can count on a successful marriage. Red dots on the line foreshadow an unsuccessful marriage, as well as unsuccessful hobbies.

If the heart groove is deep, clear, brightly colored, then harmony in love awaits you.

Grooves extend from the heart line in all directions - this also predicts happiness in love, as well as a successful fate. But if they are subtle, then this person is an egoist with a cold heart.

Mind line

It leaves the inner part of the palm, goes to the outer part, lies under the line of the heart.

  • With a short line of mind, you focus not on mental work, but on physical work.
  • If the stripe goes across the entire palm, you think logically, think about and analyze events.
  • A wavy or zigzag stripe indicates that you are easily distracted and lose attention.
  • A line ending downward indicates excessive gullibility.
  • The line of the mind does not intersect with the line of life - you are a seeker of new adventures and impressions.
  • Curls or breaks in the line of the mind indicate an emotional crisis.
  • Take a good look to see if there are any strokes or crosses on the line of the mind. They indicate that decisions will occur in your life that will become fateful.

Life line

Read from the place between the thumb and index finger to the wrist.

  • A long and deep life line along its entire length indicates that you do not miss a single chance in life.
  • A short and weak stripe means you are not an ambitious person.
  • A life line with a good bend means that you are a strong, strong-willed person. You cannot be broken.
  • A straight line confirms your caution in communicating with new people.
  • An interrupted strip indicates unexpected turns in life. And circles and curls indicate previous injuries.
  • If there is more than one groove in the palm, or it bifurcates, this person is full of strength and energy.

A sign of wealth, branches running from the furrow of life upward to the line of the heart and mind. They portend success in all matters. A double life line is a sign of wealth and happiness.

Line of fate

Read the line of fate from the wrist up.

  • The fate line runs straight up - you will achieve success in your career.
  • A weak line shows that you are not happy with the job or profession you have chosen.
  • Strokes and branches on the line indicate frequent job changes.
  • If the line of fate branches off at the base from the line of life, then you are the person who created herself.
  • When the line of life and fate intersect approximately in the middle, then you will have to sacrifice your interests for the benefit of others.
  • If the groove of fate runs from the base of the thumb and crosses the line of life, then you may have a family business.

If the design on one hand is very different from the design on the other, then you are an adventurer.

If the fate line originates from the life line, then in the early years the person will experience many difficulties. The line of happiness is the one that meets the line of life and seems to come out of it. This situation prepares a person for health and a happy life.

Decoding the lines of wealth

The line of wealth is a dash that connects two lines - Fate and Head or mind and forms a triangle. It's good to have a closed triangle. It means that money will come and accumulate.

If it has gaps, or is not completely connected with the features of the mind and destiny, then you need to look for the “hole” where the money disappears

And if the triangle is located on the hill of Apollo, then money will come only thanks to your abilities.

The money triangle is visible in the photo.

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Your protector - Guardian Angel

The Guardian Angel line runs next to the life line. Not every person has such vital protection. It can be short, or it can start at the beginning of the life line and end at the bottom of the palm.

The owner of this sign has a huge reserve of internal strength, he will overcome all difficulties, he is lucky in everything:

  • in personal life
  • in money
  • career
  • almost always all wishes come true
  • good luck always accompanies him.

He will get out of disasters alive, he will avoid troubles, he will not know despondency. Everything works out for a person as if by itself. He doesn’t need to look for a job, the job will find him. He may not reach great heights or be very rich, but he will never be unhappy.

If the sign of the Guardian Angel is on the passive hand, then it is given at birth or passed down from the family. If the line is located on the other hand, then protection is given for some period of life. Having protection is a great gift from Heaven.

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Each person has his own Guardian Angel who helps him in difficult times...

The most mysterious sign

The ideal line of the Sun or Apollo, as in the photo, is not often seen.

Most often it is smaller in size.

In talented children it appears in childhood, in adults - throughout life. Children who have this trait will be successful from early childhood.

If the line of wealth and success comes from the line of the heart, then recognition will come in adulthood. If the line is smooth, without islands or interruptions, then its owner is a real darling of fate.

A short line of success warns a person that the rise in one’s career can be very rapid, but the fall can also be no less rapid. Do not despair, palmistry is simply warning you, be vigilant, careful, do not test your fate.

How to tell by hand how many children there will be

Through the line of children located on the hill of Mercury, you can find out how many children fate can give you, and how many you actually have is decided by the parents.

Interestingly, the closer to the edge of the palm it is, the sooner you will have children. If the lines are located at the very edge of the marriage line, then they will appear at a later age. If two similar lines extend from the marriage line, then you can expect twins.

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