Changing traffic rules in a circle. Priority for vehicles in a roundabout

Artem, Hello.

If there is only a priority sign “End of the main road” in front of the intersection, then the intersection is of equal importance. Priority is given to vehicles on the roundabout.

Good luck on the roads!

Konstantin, Hello.

This intersection is discussed in this forum thread.

Most likely, the organizers wanted to show that the crossings are controlled, but the intersection is not. In fact, the result was an incomprehensible organization of the movement. I recommend that you write an appeal to the traffic police regarding this matter in order to relocate the “Roundabout” signs.

Good luck on the roads!


All the problems began when someone, during the time of “perestroika,” contributed to the current traffic regulations and prescribed the “right hand rule” when driving at a roundabout intersection!!!

Previously, this rule on the “ring” was canceled And... - THIS WAS CORRECT!!!

Logically, in order to avoid accidents on the “ring”, a car moving from the inner lane to the outer one should have an advantage... - WELL, THIS IS BY LOGIC, but because... Today there is less and less logic every day...

P.S. LOGIC: cars enter the “ring” in three lanes. In the process of moving, there is a need to move from left to right - in order to timely release the lane and the “ring” as a whole - the “right” must let the “left” pass!!! The situation when the “left” let the “right” pass would be justified and logical in the case of the OVERSEAS, when the exit would be on the left side in the direction of travel!!! Today, with the legalized advantage of the “right” on the ring... - IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO LEAVE THE RING. What is happening is NOT the unloading of the ring, but His... - CLOGGATION and an accident, as a result!!!


so it’s easier to move from a small circle to a larger one than vice versa: let’s say, having given way to the roundabout, three cars entered each lane, then when driving in a circle, the distance between cars on the outer circle is usually much greater than on the inner circle. (We don’t consider the case of a traffic jam, where if you don’t give in to each other, you won’t be able to pass each other at all). If you have problems on the roundabout, change lanes to the right lane before the intersection.

Good afternoon If there is only a sign 4.3 “Circular traffic” in front of the circle, then the circle is the main one! And if this 4.3 sign is not there and there are no priority signs... there is nothing! Do they pass according to the “right hand” rule at a roundabout? Did I understand correctly?

Where can you find out for sure?

Good day. In the city of Pushkin, when driving from the center on Pavlovskoe Highway, 50 meters before the intersection marked with the "Roundabout" sign, the "Main Road" sign is installed. At the entrance there is no End of the Main Road sign, only Circular Traffic. Almost the entire flow of traffic flows into the Circle without reducing speed. Still, it’s not clear whether the Roundabout sign cancels the Main Road sign?

Natalie, Hello.

If there is no roundabout sign (and other signs indicating the direction of movement), then:

1. In front of you is an ordinary intersection.

2. Movement in a “circle” is possible in two directions. On the outside, cars drive counterclockwise, on the inside, clockwise.

3. Each of the entrances is a separate intersection where you need to give way to cars approaching from the right.

Good luck on the roads!

Lyuba, Hello.

The "Roundabout" sign does not replace the "Main Road" sign. If controversial and incomprehensible situations arise at an intersection, write a complaint to the local traffic police. Demand that additional road signs be installed at the intersection to prevent misinterpretation.

Good luck on the roads!


Good day, Lyuba! I looked at the place you write about on Yandex panorama. The "Main Road" sign stands on Pavlovskoe Highway before the junction of Sapernaya Street on the right and determines the priority in traffic at this three-way intersection. It has nothing to do with the ring. Since there is only sign 4.3 ("roundabout") before entering the roundabout, a new traffic rule comes into effect at the roundabout - priority for those on the roundabout!


I believe that the priority sign applies only to the intersection in front of which it is installed.

For example, we passed an intersection on the main road, in front of which there is a sign 2.1. Then we see the next intersection, in front of which there are no priority signs at all. Question. Do we have the right, when entering such an intersection, to assume that we are moving along the main road? I guess not. In front of us is an intersection of equivalent roads, and the rule of interference on the right (or the priority of the circle at a new point) applies to it. For example, a car driver is driving to such an intersection (without priority signs) on our right. He rightly considers himself a hindrance for us from the right and therefore uses his priority, and we are obliged to let him through. He doesn’t know at all what priority sign stood in front of us at the previous intersection. So it is with movement around the ring. A person driving along the roundabout has the right to consider himself a priority over someone entering the roundabout (at a new point), if there are no other signs of priority over him. How does he know about the presence of that 2.1 sign that the person entering passed at the previous intersection? Logical?

As for sign 2.2, according to GOST, sign 2.2 “End of the main road” is installed at the end of the section of the road where it loses its main status. Installing this sign would simply duplicate the new traffic rules clause (“circle priority”), which probably would not be superfluous.

It’s strange, but in Paris, at the entrance to Place Charles de Gaulle (in common parlance, Place des Stars) with 12 rays and intersections, there is no “Circular Traffic” sign, but traffic around the Arc de Triomphe is carried out in one direction - counterclockwise, while moving in a The area is inferior to those moving in. Isn’t it like in all of Europe?

Good day, Lyuba! I looked at the place you write about on Yandex panorama. The "Main Road" sign stands on Pavlovskoe Highway before the junction of Sapernaya Street on the right and determines the priority in traffic at this three-way intersection. It has nothing to do with the ring. Since there is only sign 4.3 ("roundabout") before entering the roundabout, a new traffic rule comes into effect at the roundabout - priority for those on the roundabout!

As far as I remember, the Main Road ends only with the installation of the End of the Main Road sign. Or are there exceptions to this rule? Then, please point my nose at the relevant traffic rules so that this is imprinted in my consciousness

The main road ends in three cases: sign 2.2 (end of the main road), sign 2.4 (give way), and a controlled intersection.

Alexey explained everything correctly in this answer to you, Lyuba, because:

Traffic regulations clause 13.11(1). When entering an intersection, on which a roundabout is organized and which is indicated by 4.3, vehicle driver obliged to give in way for vehicles moving through such an intersection.

I believe that the priority sign applies only to the intersection in front of which it is installed...

Incorrectly, I wrote above 3 cases of cancellation of sign 2.1 (main road). We have already discussed this on the forum.

Even if at the next intersection there are no priority signs in front of you (remember an ordinary suburban highway), they must be on the road you are crossing (i.e., 2.1 “yield” signs). Their complete absence is an oversight of the road service (knocked down by hooligans, wind, etc.). In the event of an accident, the insurance company pays for the damage, reimbursing its costs from this road service through the court.


Okay, but at a roundabout, in the case that Lyuba described, should there be priority signs or not? And why then is sign 2.1, installed in front of the previous intersection, no longer valid at the entrance to the roundabout?

This is the place on Google Panorama

Okay, but at a roundabout, in the case that Lyuba described, should there be priority signs or not?

This is decided by the authorities, depending on the traffic in a certain direction (i.e. if there are more cars in a certain direction, this direction becomes the main one). In other words, the task is to decongest the intersection as quickly as possible! There are no priority signs - the circle is the main one. There are - according to them.

And why then is sign 2.1, installed in front of the previous intersection, no longer valid at the entrance to the roundabout?

upon entry sign 4.3 one without priority signs- the main circle. If with him there was a sign (change of direction of the main road) - follow it.


Because clause 13.11(1) says, I repeat again, and you yourself said about this same Lyuba: Once upon entry sign 4.3 one without priority signs - the main circle. If there was a sign hanging (change of direction of the main road) - follow it.

A roundabout without priority signs is a variant of an equivalent intersection (a special case).

You say that the next intersection, after the one marked with sign 2.1, must also have priority signs.

It turns out that in the case of a roundabout, your statement does not apply.


Among the three cases you listed of the cancellation of sign 2.1, this case is not present.

You say that the next intersection, after the one marked with sign 2.1, must also have priority signs. It turns out that in the case of a roundabout, your statement does not apply.

I say that priority signs should be at least on the secondary one with the same coating (not necessary for the ground, it is inferior to the coating). It makes no difference what configuration the intersection ahead is. Remember the suburban highway, which for you is the main one from city A to city B, unless there are signs 2.1 or similar in front of each intersection.

And one more question for you. Does a single sign 4.3 ("roundabout") cancel the effect of sign 2.1 installed at the previous intersection?

I also thought about this a little earlier. I can’t give a definite answer. Yes, you will have to take the secondary route, but this secondary route is only at this intersection. Those. we can say that all the rays further beyond the intersection are secondary roads, but we can also say that they are the main ones (since there were no 2.2, 2.4 and traffic lights).

There may be a sign or marking indicating the direction of the turn when entering. I would like to take a look at the Yandex (Google) panorama.

There are NO signs there, I checked my memory (I was very surprised when I passed) just in case using panoramas, though only from the Defense side

And here is a link to the Panorama from the Champs Elysees. There are no signs or markings. But there are no questions about who gives way to whom. Those moving counterclockwise around the Arc de Triomphe give way to those entering the square. It is quite difficult to maneuver in multi-lane traffic, but congestion is minimal.

Maksim! Thank you for the clarification!) It’s just that we, among the driving school teachers, had a dispute) I was right!

The "Roundabout" sign does not replace the "Main Road" sign.

Slow down a little, Maxim. Since November 8, 2017, sign 4.3 “KD” has acquired the functions of priority signs. Or rather, sign 2.4 "Give way."

The first half where in the circle means on the main one is clear and logical, and it was like that before, but why complicate everything and highlight the secondary and main ones there, and then in your picture the one who is on the circle/main one does not have a yield sign, but he should follow the right hand rule???? Those who came up with this don’t have a license or driving experience? Why complicate everything so much????

Having learned to drive on motorways and around the house, everyone sets off on the road with the hope of safe and comfortable driving on the roads. But without knowing the traffic rules, this is almost impossible, especially at intersections.

The first thing you have to determine quickly and accurately on a real journey is: who is in charge, who has what priority on which road, and only then instantly assess your rights to direction, speed and movement.

Traffic rules: roundabouts. Who's in charge

Traffic rules say that a roundabout is practically no different from any other road intersection.

Traffic regulations pay attention to intersections, but their significance is equivalent to straight sections of roads and various options for curves on them. Instructors often say that if you look at a circle from above and straighten it out, it will still be the same straight road with turns.

From any point of view, it is road signs that change the state of priorities of road users that are of primary importance on any road. It is especially spelled out in the traffic rules. Who is in charge is determined by road signs 4.3, 2.4, 2.5, and plate 8.13.

You don't need to know much to get it right:

  • enter the circle;
  • drive along it (and this is again a straight road);
  • leave the circle in the right direction.

The simplest and first rule: move from the far right lane to the far right, unless signs or road markings indicate otherwise. Drive only in your own lane and show only the right turn in time. On the roundabout, only to change lanes to the left you need to indicate a left turn. Only leave the right lane with a right turn unless signs and road markings indicate a different driving option.

On particularly dangerous sections of the roadway, road signs are necessarily repeated - this is further confirmation that of the two important concepts in traffic rules: “circular traffic”, “who is in charge”, the emphasis is on the latter.

Roundabout intersection

As a general rule, an intersection is the point where two roads intersect. When one of them is the main one, the question of priority is obvious. When roads of equal importance intersect, priority is determined by the standard formula: and it is always right." The presence of road signs changes the priority.

In traffic rules, traffic in a circle, when it is a roundabout, is determined by sign 4.3 “Roundabout”. At such a road intersection there is always an island, and movement is directly impossible. Both the road and the ring can have several lanes.

As a general rule, entry into a roundabout is made only to the right, only from the far right lane of the road to the far right lane of the roundabout. may indicate other movement options.

Typically, before a roundabout there is a sign 8.13 “Main Road Direction”, as well as signs 2.4 and 2.5.

Thus, in the vast majority of cases, it is difficult to make a mistake in determining priority, since traffic rules around the ring regulate traffic in full. Despite this, there are many nuances.

Psychological aspects of priority

Moving along a familiar route rarely causes difficulties, however, as in any other situation, there is always a chance of being faced with a difficult choice. The road, like an airliner, like an ocean ship, like any other massive structure, harbors the power of cruel objectivity - it does not forgive mistakes, but it always provides enough options for safe movement.

You should never assume that all road users are in a balanced state, not only have high-quality knowledge of traffic rules, but also intend to follow them. “Driving” to a conflict, rather than to the road, is an all too common problem today.

Therefore, it is always important to know, as described in Who's in Charge? The new rules make this clear. It’s just that old habits, which are too strong among experienced drivers to this day, can be a problem for a beginner who finds himself on the right, especially in a difficult situation on the ring.

When choosing a route and determining the behavior of other road users, you should strictly follow the rules and expect that others will do the same, but you should never lose sight of the possibility of an unforeseen situation.

Determining priority in any matter rarely causes difficulties for a person. Here, it takes almost no time to make the right decision. On the road, the scale of values ​​comes to a grinding halt, and everything changes significantly.

Strange roundabout

A roundabout isn't anything special compared to other road crossing options, but it never hurts to be vigilant and prioritize correctly.

Such a circle is difficult to notice; here, entering (and not passing by) the roundabout is carried out in a straight line. It is not always made in the form of a circle. Various tangent options appear in the most unexpected places. Therefore, it is very important to pay close attention to the signs.

Entering a roundabout

On the road, you need to take into account all the nuances. To drive through a roundabout safely and comfortably, first of all, you need to pay attention to the road signs in front of the intersection. If there is only a 4.3 road sign, it is best to choose the right lane, show a right turn, make sure that the cars on the circle remember that they have an obstacle on the right instead of priority, and boldly enter. But as soon as the vehicle is on the circle, everyone has equal rights until the first intersection, at which the one on the right will be right.

If 2.4 or 2.5 is added to sign 4.3, you will have to give way or stop altogether.

If the road in front of and at the intersection is divided into traffic lanes, and there are road markings or signs of special regulations on them, then priority and actions should be determined taking this into account.

Driving through the intersection

We should never forget what is defined as driving on a straight road. When changing to a lane to the left, you need to show a turn, to a lane to the right - too, but a right turn does not give any right to turn right if the car is in the second lane. Even if there are road markings on the second lane allowing a right turn, you should make sure that the car to the right will not go straight.

An important point: the rules for driving around the ring require you to remember where the main road begins and ends. Where this is important, an appropriate version of the 8.13 sign indicating the direction of the main road is displayed at each entrance.

Leaving the intersection

As a general rule, it begins with an indication of a right turn, made from the right lane to the right lane. If there are signs and markings and there is no obstacle on the right, then you can turn from the second or even third lane. Although the third, fourth or more stripes on the ring are intended for other purposes.

All changes in lanes inside the ring are carried out similarly to driving on a straight road, taking into account those moments (usually only the right lane) that are imposed by the priority of drivers entering the ring at the place where their main road is.

Before leaving the roundabout in the wrong lane, you need to be absolutely sure that there is no obstacle moving straight ahead on the right.

Bon Voyage!

Knowing the rules and following them is important and necessary, but after 2010 it is advisable to re-read the section in the traffic rules “Circular Traffic”. Who is in charge on the ring, the rules are described in detail. This is just one paragraph, but many experienced drivers can, out of habit, drive like the good old days, and this is already creating an emergency situation.

Just don’t take this as a basis. The road is the road, and it's not a matter of roundabouts, and certainly not new changes in the rules.

You need to know the traffic rules and apply them correctly, you need to drive carefully and carefully, and set your priorities correctly. Then the journey will be safe and comfortable, and passengers and cargo will be delivered to the right point at the right time.

When driving on roads, traffic rules must be strictly followed. Thus, in particular, on roundabouts, the rules of passage must be observed. Despite the fact that many drivers have difficulty driving through a roundabout, it is not difficult to understand.
In this article, we will get acquainted with the concept of circular motion, and also understand various common situations and how to maneuver correctly: enter, move in a circle and move out of it.

On the roads of the Russian Federation in cities and between settlements on highways, you can often find sections of road surfaces with roundabouts. Based on the traffic rules, the concept of a roundabout means an intersection in which traffic is provided in a circle and counterclockwise, with adjoining sections of roads from three to five

This movement is accompanied by the mandatory installation of the following sign 4.3 “roundabout” before entering the roundabout in all directions. Direct movement in these areas must be in accordance with the marked markings and installed signs. There are often roundabouts without additional signs and markings. In such cases, you must move according to the rules of an unregulated intersection.

As a rule, roundabout roads are not accompanied by the installation of traffic lights, although they are in rare cases. While driving, the driver of the vehicle must always turn on the turn signals when performing maneuvers, namely when changing lanes from one lane to an adjacent one, when leaving and entering the roundabout.

Examples of circular motion

As already mentioned, depending on the signs installed at roundabouts, it is determined which of the drivers, either who is on the roundabout or who is just entering it, has priority. Let's look at possible situations.

1. Use of one sign 4.3.

One of the common situations is when a roundabout is indicated by only one road sign 4.3. In this case, we can simply say that this intersection is unregulated, so drivers must follow the well-known “right hand” rule. It turns out that the car that is already moving on the ring does not have an advantage, because it has an obstacle on the right, and the one that, accordingly, enters, passes as if on the main one.

This scheme was widely used on roads earlier, but after 2010 the situation changed a little, when they began to forcibly change the traffic pattern depending on the necessary requirements and load on the road sections. In addition to sign 4.3, they began to put up additional priority signs, for example, “ ” or you are entering the “main road”. This made it possible to control traffic flows.

2. Additionally, there are “give way” or “main road” signs.

Most often in cities, before entering a roundabout, you can find, in addition to sign 4.3, the following: “main road” or a sign informing that you will need to let everyone through - “give way.” Also, the main road can stand simultaneously with a sign about the route of the main road, exactly how it goes along the ring. In these cases, it is necessary to take into account the priority of directions in each individual case.

Usually there are such schemes when the driver gives way only once when entering a roundabout, and then drives around the circle along the main road and does not give way to anyone. In this case, the roundabout is the main road.

The following combinations of signs are also common: 4.3 and 2.5 - moving without stopping is prohibited. These signs in front of the roundabout indicate that the vehicle that is located on the roundabout has priority, and which enters must, firstly, stop near it (2.5) or, secondly, let those moving along the roundabout pass.

Driving rules: entry and movement around the ring

While driving through a roundabout, the driver must turn on the right turn, and after entering the roundabout, turn it off. It is worth noting that a left turn is in no way
case, it cannot be turned on, regardless of whether it will be rebuilt after that or not. You can enter the ring itself from the adjacent road from any row, but without changing the row, i.e., if a car enters the circle from the second row, then it must be in the second row. Before you begin to enter the ring, regardless of whether there is traffic on the main road or a secondary one, you must always make sure that other participants let you pass and allow you to pass.

The circular movement, as a rule, has two or three rows, in rare cases the number of rows can reach four. The right lane is used for exiting to the right into. In this case, you must show a right turn. The remaining rows are used for transit passage of the roundabout. When changing lanes from one lane to the left, the turn signal must be turned on. If you accidentally lose your row, confusion with other participants may occur, which can lead to a possible accident.

Exit from the roundabout

If you need to turn and exit the roundabout by turning right onto any exit, the driver must change lanes to the far right lane in advance. If the roundabout has three lanes, then, accordingly, you need to change lanes to the right lane in advance. All maneuvers must be performed carefully and with a high degree of confidence so as not to interfere with other vehicles. Each lane change must be accompanied by the activation of the right turn signal.

Is there a fine for driving through a roundabout the wrong way?

Each driver must drive around the roundabout in accordance with the accepted rules. In case of violation, an administrative fine may be imposed.

If there is a traffic light in front of a roundabout intersection, and you entered the roundabout with an illegal signal, the inspector will issue a fine of 1,000 rubles.

In addition to this violation, others are often encountered in practice at roundabouts:

  • exiting the roundabout from the middle or left lane, and not from the permitted right lane;
  • failure to turn on the turn signal indicator when making at least one lane change;
  • not allowing a car to pass on the roundabout moving along the main road.

Traffic violations at roundabouts can be recorded under different conditions. They may or may not have appropriate signs installed. In both cases, if the driver does not allow the other driver to pass first, he will be considered a trespasser. In this case, the amount of the fine will also be 1000 rubles (12.13 of the Code of the Russian Federation).

Let's sum it up

According to the accepted rules for driving through roundabout intersections, entry to it can be made from both the right and left lanes, because You are allowed to do this maneuver from anyone. As for leaving the circle, this can only be done from the far right. The priority of each direction is determined either by signs or by the “right hand” rule. You should also not forget about the rules for driving on the roundabout itself - when making any lane changes, it is recommended to turn on the left or right turn signal.

You also need to keep in mind that for any violation of the rules for driving at a roundabout, a fine of 1,000 rubles is provided, and if it is committed again, you will need to pay 5,000 rubles.

Prime Minister Dmitry.

“Even in one city there can be different schemes, depending on what kind of intersection it is,” the head of government explained the need to introduce new rules. — Because of this, conflict situations arise that could be avoided if these rules were uniform. Now priority for passage is given to those who move around the circle itself, and those entering will have to give way. This practice exists in almost all European countries and has proven its effectiveness.”

According to the adopted changes, the driver of a car, when entering a roundabout intersection of equivalent roads, indicated by the “Roundabout” road sign, is now required to give way to other vehicles already moving in a circle.

At the same time, there is an important caveat - if priority signs or traffic lights are installed at such an intersection, then the movement of vehicles along it is carried out in accordance with their requirements.

From a legislative point of view, from November 8, a new clause 13.11 note 1 appears in the Russian Traffic Regulations: “When entering an intersection at which a roundabout is organized and which is marked with sign 4.3, the driver of a vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles moving along such an intersection.”

At the same time, the third paragraph of clause 13.9 was declared invalid, which read as follows: “If sign 4.3 is installed in front of a roundabout intersection in combination with sign 2.4 or 2.5, the driver of a vehicle located at the intersection has priority over those entering such an intersection vehicles."

The government's initiative was previously supported by the Traffic Management Center (TCOC) in Moscow. “Currently, there are already about 54 roundabouts on the capital’s roads, 40 of them have a scheme with priority on the circle, so the Data Center supports the decision that at all roundabouts there should be priority on the circle itself by default,” said the Deputy Head of the Directorate TsODD.

By the way, on the same day as the decree on roundabouts, Medvedev also signed another decree that introduces diagonal “waffle” markings throughout Russia. Previously, it was applied as an experiment only at a number of metropolitan intersections. Such markings can be applied to busy intersections where congestion often occurs. This often happens due to the poor culture of drivers and the “waffle” will make them more disciplined, and at the same time better navigate a difficult intersection.

Commenting on the introduction of waffle markings, the First Deputy Prime Minister noted that such markings are widely used all over the world.

According to him, seeing such markings, the driver must understand that traffic jams often occur on this section of the road and he is obliged to complete the maneuver without creating obstacles for other road users.

In order to “help” drivers be more careful in such areas, it is planned to install photo recording systems for traffic violations at such intersections.

It turned out that under the current legislation it was almost impossible to achieve real deprivation of liberty for them.

In this regard, the Ministry of Internal Affairs wants to raise the maximum level of punishment so that the crime provided for in Article 264.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation moves into the category of medium gravity. This, in turn, will allow the judge to much more often send hard-drinkers not to compulsory labor, but to jail.

Following the traffic rules is a vital necessity for any driver. Every person driving a vehicle must know and be able to put into practice the algorithm for maneuvering on the roadway without creating interference with other cars, trucks, buses, etc. For example, if an intersection involves a roundabout, the rules for driving through such a section are clearly regulated by traffic rules . The driver’s task is to correctly select the lane and direction, as well as correctly exit from this zone. This is necessary in order to minimize the risk of an emergency and, consequently, an accident. Since November 2017, new rules for driving through roundabouts have been in force. They are described in detail below.

Roundabout intersection: definition

This term refers to a section of road that in appearance resembles an island. According to the rules of travel, roundabout traffic in this area must be organized counterclockwise. However, this condition is relevant only for roads with right-hand traffic. If you are driving on the left, you must drive in the opposite direction. This feature is important to take into account in each region.

According to the rules of passage, roundabout traffic must be carried out as long as the vehicle is in the intersection area. At the same time, drivers do not need to turn on their turn signals while covering this section. Light signals must be given only when changing lanes from one lane to another.


A certain symbol is always installed before such intersections. The sign is called "Circular Traffic". Driving rules in each specific case depend on the direction of the arrows on the symbol. This means that you are only allowed to turn in the direction the sign indicates. Turning around is prohibited. In addition, it is important to know about the following feature: the first turn must be made to the right.

Most often, the “Give way” symbol is installed simultaneously with this sign. This is a requirement that means that the person driving the vehicle must not start moving or perform any other maneuver if this will provoke other participants having the right of way to change their speed or trajectory. Externally, it looks like an inverted triangle of white color with a red border.

It is important to know that the “Roundabout” symbol is not a priority sign. The rules for driving through such a section directly depend on whether a sign is installed at the same time, which stands for the requirement to take into account the priority of traffic participants moving in the intersection area. Regulation is often carried out using the “Main Road” sign.

Previously, if these symbols were absent, the driver was obliged to give priority to vehicles that were on his right side in relation to him. On November 8, 2017, new rules for driving roundabouts came into force. According to them, any vehicle moving through this area has an advantage over cars that are just about to enter this zone. In other words, the right-hand rule for such intersections is no longer valid.

If there are traffic lights or priority signs, you must move according to their conditions.

The need to prevent chaos on the road necessitates changes in travel rules. Roundabouts were previously associated with areas where the risk of accidents remained high. Before the amendments were made, the driver had to give way to other participants only if there was a sign indicating the corresponding requirement. If the symbol was missing, the person driving the vehicle had the right of way. These rules were considered imperfect, since accidents were very often recorded at roundabouts. From now on, emergency situations are created much less frequently. This is due to the fact that drivers clearly understand that the vehicle driving in a circle has the right of way.

Often, in such areas that have a large area, a “Pedestrian crossing” sign is installed. The area for passers-by is not regulated in any way. According to the rules for driving roundabouts, the driver is obliged to give way to pedestrians in all cases without exception. It is important to know that not only those passers-by who have already stepped on a zebra with at least one foot have the right of priority, but also those who are just about to carry out the maneuver, that is, persons who are in close proximity to the sign or marking.

This point is not regulated in any way by traffic rules. There are no rules for driving roundabouts in relation to a particular lane, however, in order to avoid an emergency situation, it is recommended to listen to the following advice:

  • It is allowed to enter an intersection with a roundabout organized at it from any lane. According to paragraph 8.5 of the traffic rules, the driver is obliged to change lanes to the right lane in advance before performing any maneuver. However, the exception to the Rules are areas with roundabouts. In other words, the driver can enter the intersection from absolutely any lane. But it is important to consider the row occupied. For example, when entering from the left lane, it is unacceptable to change lanes to the far right. This is explained by the fact that when performing this maneuver, the risk of an accident increases significantly.
  • If the number of lanes at an intersection does not coincide with their number on the section of road along which the vehicle is moving, the motorist must change lanes in advance to the correct lane.
  • If a person driving a car needs to turn right, it is advisable to take the appropriate lane. This recommendation is also relevant for drivers who want to change direction and move to the left.
  • It is advisable to occupy the central lane if necessary to continue moving straight.

Features of making a right turn

According to the driving rules, roundabout traffic must be carried out counterclockwise. Consequently, a driver intending to turn right is required to reduce speed and turn on the appropriate light signal in advance. In addition, he must reorganize in advance. In this case, in the far right row.

According to the new moving rules, roundabout traffic should be organized as comfortably as possible for all participants. A driver who intends to enter such an intersection must make sure that other vehicles allow him to pass. This is true during rush hour, when traffic is at its highest and most people take advantage of the right of way, making it quite difficult for a new participant to make a maneuver.

It is important to remember that the traffic rules governing roundabouts are very strict. According to them, upon entry, the driver is obliged to give way to all vehicles moving in a circle.

Features of making a left turn

Before performing the maneuver, you must change lanes to the appropriate lane. If there are more of them than in the area that the driver intends to leave, you need to take the left lane.

If the intersection involves two-lane traffic, you must follow a different algorithm. You need to start the maneuver in the left lane. As soon as the first or second exit is overcome, you must immediately change into the right lane. It is important not to forget to turn on the appropriate turn signals.

The rules for driving roundabouts at a three-lane intersection are similar to those described above. The only difference is that the driver needs to change lanes to the right twice. Performing this maneuver requires maximum concentration. It must be carried out carefully, in a timely manner and adequately assessing the situation on the road.

Movement in forward direction

Such intersections can be adjacent to any number of secondary roads. It is this feature that is decisive for drivers; a person is guided by it when assessing his actions on the roadway:

  • If there are more than 2 lanes at the intersection, you must take the middle one.
  • If there are 2 rows on the site, the choice of the optimal zone directly depends on the traffic situation that developed at the time the driver performed the maneuver. At the same time, it is important to remember the need to comply with the requirements of priority signs, if any.
  • It is allowed to cross a roundabout intersection with the goal of subsequently moving in the forward direction and in the right lane. But it is important to remember that in this case the driver may interfere with another participant intending to make a right turn from the middle lane.

Thus, it is most advisable to drive in the middle lane. At the same time, it is important to remember the need to give way to all passers-by if there is a pedestrian crossing at the intersection.

Features of leaving the site

This situation is strictly regulated by traffic rules. According to the Rules, it is necessary to leave an intersection where traffic is organized in a circle only from the right lane.

In this case, the driver, immediately before changing lanes into the required lane, is obliged to adequately assess the current situation and give way to all vehicles on his right. This is due to the fact that overtaking is allowed at roundabouts. In addition, you can stop on them, but only on condition that the distance from the border of the junction of the roadway and this section is at least 5 m.

Thus, all drivers must clearly remember the following rule: entry is allowed from any lane, exit - exclusively from the right.

Controlled roundabouts

In this case, the entire site is a single object, and a traffic light is installed at each entrance. As a rule, such a scheme is used only at small intersections where secondary roads are clearly visible. For large areas it is not always relevant.

Rules for driving with traffic lights:

  • Circular movement is carried out according to the requirements of the signal light. If it is turned on, the driver should not pay attention to priority signs.
  • If for some reason the traffic controller has taken responsibility for organizing traffic, it is necessary to follow his orders, even if they contradict the traffic lights.
  • Vehicles located at the roundabout have priority. When the green permitting signal is turned on, the entering driver is required to give way (including to pedestrians). He must also make sure that all road users have completed the maneuver they have started.

If the requirements of a signal light contradict the signs, you must rely on the established symbols and not on the traffic light.

The amount of monetary compensation is regulated by the Code of Administrative Offenses. If you enter a roundabout while the traffic light is red, the driver faces a fine of 1,000 rubles.

If a motorist commits a serious violation repeatedly, the amount of monetary compensation is 5 times greater. As an alternative, a penalty is used that implies deprivation of a driver's license for a period of 4 months to six months. The choice of sanctions against the violator is made by the court.

A fine is also imposed in the following situations:

  • The driver did not give the right of way to vehicles located at the intersection.
  • Crossing the area in the oncoming lane.
  • The driver did not turn on the appropriate light signal while changing lanes.
  • Leaving a roundabout from the center or left lane.
  • Parking.

In such cases, a fine of 1000 rubles is imposed.

According to the new travel rules, the roundabout should be comfortable for all participants. Stopping at an intersection is only permissible when the distance to the roadway being crossed is 5 m or more. Failure to comply with this condition will result in a fine of 500 rubles.

Ignoring the sign's requirement to follow the direction of travel will result in the revocation of your driver's license. It is important for drivers to remember that an intersection where vehicles move on the right must be driven counterclockwise.


Some changes came into force in November 2017. From now on, new rules for driving roundabouts are in effect. According to them, vehicles located directly at the intersection have the right of priority. New road users are required to give way to them. This rule is relevant for uncontrolled intersections. If there is a traffic light, you must follow its signals. For non-compliance with the rules, the violator is subject to a fine, the amount of which varies from 500 to 5000 rubles.

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