How to make an nxt robot for sumo competitions. International robot competitions - Rules - Free category - Free category

1. General rules

1.1. The robot must push the opposing robot beyond the black line (Out of bounds).

1.2. After the competition begins, the robots must move towards each other until they collide.

1.3. After a collision, the robots must try to contact each other.

1.4. During the competition, team members must not touch the robots.

1.5. Two autonomous robots are put into the ring (round field). Robots are trying to push the opponent out of the ring.

1.6. The robot that wins the most rounds wins the match.

1.7. When playing “everyone with everyone”, the robot that wins the most matches is considered the best.

1.8. If there are a large number of participants, it is possible to organize ranking according to the “Olympic system” (for elimination).

2. Robot

2.1. Robots must be built using only LEGO Mindstorms parts

2.2. During the entire round:

The size of the robot should not exceed 25x25x25cm.

The weight of the robot should not exceed 1 kg.

2.3. A robot that, in the opinion of the judges, intentionally damages other robots or damages the field surface in any way will be disqualified for the entire duration of the competition.

2.4. In the design of the robot it is strictly prohibited to use:


2.5. Before the match, robots are checked for size and weight.

2.6. The robot can have many programs from which the operator can choose each round.

2.7. Between matches it is allowed to change the design and programs of robots.

3. Field

3.1. A white circle with a diameter of 1 m with a black border 5 cm thick.

3.2. In the circle, red stripes mark the starting zones of the robots.

3.3. The red dot marks the center of the circle.

3.4. The field is placed on a podium 16 mm high.

4. Conducting Competitions

4.1. The competition consists of a series of matches. The match determines which of the two robots participating in it is the strongest. The match consists of 3 rounds of 30 seconds. The match is won by the robot that wins the most rounds. The judge may use an additional round to clarify controversial situations.

4.2. Rounds are played consecutively.

4.3. At the beginning of the round, robots are placed behind the red stripes (from the center of the ring) in their starting zones; all parts of the robot touching the field must be inside the starting zone.

4.4. At the judge’s command, a signal is given to launch the robots, while the robot operators must start the program on the robots and move away from the field more than 1 meter within 5 seconds. During these same 5 seconds, the robots must drive in a straight line and collide with each other.

4.5. For beginners: After a collision, robots cannot maneuver around the ring.

4.6. For the experienced: After a collision, the robots can maneuver around the ring as they please.

4.7. If the robots do not collide within 5 seconds after the start of the round, then the robot due to which, in the opinion of the judge, no collision occurs, is considered the loser of the round. If the robots are driving in a straight line and do not have time to collide within 5 seconds, then the robot located closer to its starting zone is considered the loser of the round.

5. Rules for selecting the winner

5.1. If a robot does not move without being in contact with another robot for more than 10 seconds, then it is considered a loser in the round.

5.2. If any part of the robot (even one not attached to the robot) touches outside the black border, the robot loses the round.

5.3. If at the end of the round no robot is pushed outside the circle, then the robot closest to the center of the circle is considered to win the round.

5.4. If the winner cannot be determined by the methods described above, the decision to win or replay is made by the competition referee.

6. Judging

6.1. The organizers reserve the right to make any changes to the rules of the competition if these changes do not give an advantage to one of the teams.

6.2. Control and summing up of results is carried out by a panel of judges in accordance with the given rules.

6.3. The judges have full authority during all competitions; all participants must abide by their decisions.

6.4. If any objections arise regarding the judging, the team has the right to orally appeal the judges' decision to the Organizing Committee no later than the end of the current round.

6.5. A replay may be carried out by decision of the judges in the event that the robot was unable to complete the stage due to outside interference, or when a malfunction occurred due to the poor condition of the playing field, or due to an error made by the panel of judges.

6.6. Team members and the leader must not interfere with the actions of their team's robot or an opponent's robot, either physically or from a distance. Interference will result in immediate disqualification.

6.7. The judge may end the competition at his own discretion if the robot is unable to continue moving within 10 seconds.

12.2. Robot design for the Sumo competition.

Basic robot behavior "Sumo" very similar to the behavior of a robot in "Kegelring". The robot also needs to find an object inside the field and push it outside the circle. The differences, as usual, lie in the details: now this object, in turn, is looking for our robot and also wants to push it out as quickly as possible.

Nevertheless, let’s focus on our goal: one of the sensors capable of identifying objects at a distance (infrared or ultrasonic) will continue to help us look for an opponent, and we will timely determine the black border of the field using a color sensor. Therefore, to create and debug a sumo robot program, we suggest you use the same robot that we prepared for Lesson No. 11 - Kegelring.

In order to protect the sensor located in front from interaction with an opponent, we will build a bumper and attach it to our robot. Below are detailed building instructions for both the home and educational versions of the Lego mindstorms EV3. You can experiment and come up with your own design.

Lego mindstorms EV3 Home

Lego mindstorms EV3 Education

We will attach the resulting element to the front beam of our robot.

Lego mindstorms EV3 Home

Lego mindstorms EV3 Education

Our educational robot is ready. Let's start creating a program for a robot sumo wrestler. It's great if you have the opportunity to debug the program using another robot! If not, then it’s okay: you can use, for example, a radio-controlled model of a car or the same pins from Kegelring as an opponent.

12.3. Creation of a program for the Sumo competition.

The first thought that comes to mind: use the program to "Kegelring", making cosmetic changes to it. Indeed, robot behavior algorithms in "Kegelring" and in "Sumo" very similar. They implement searching for an object and pushing it out of the field. You can load a program into the sumo robot to "Kegelring", but such a sumo wrestler will not work very effectively. However, the knowledge gained in the previous lesson will be useful to us now.

It's time to load our project into the programming environment "lessons-2", create a new program in it "lesson-12" and connect the robot to the programming environment.

The behavioral model of a sumo robot can be divided into two parts: search for an opponent And opponent's attack. Let's first implement the first part - searching for an opponent.

Let us describe in detail the sequence of actions of our robot when detecting an opponent on the field:

  1. rotate around its axis until the sensor located in front detects an opponent;
  2. stop opposite your opponent.

This sequence of actions completely repeats the robot’s search algorithm for pins in "Kegelring", but, since the distance between the robots is "Sumo" may exceed the distance from the robot to the pin, then we need to select a different threshold value for the sensor used.

Let's place the opponents on the field opposite each other, as shown in the figure below.

This position practically corresponds to the maximum distance between the robots from each other during the competition, so the current reading of the sensor measuring the distance to the opponent can be taken as the threshold. Important: since the threshold value will be quite large, it is necessary that there are no foreign objects outside the field at a distance of about 1 m during the robot’s operation that could interfere with the search.

On "Hardware Page" located in the lower right corner of the programming environment, select the tab "Port view" (Fig. 1, 2 item 1) and take readings from the sensor that determines the distance to the opponent, setting the appropriate mode for displaying the readings.

In our case, the ultrasonic sensor is in mode "Distance in centimeters" shows the value - 56.1 (Fig. 1 item 2) 57 .

Rice. 1

Infrared sensor in mode "Approximation" shows the value - 68 (Fig. 2 item 2). Let's take the number - 70 .

Rice. 2

By analogy with "Kegelring" we can program the robot to find an opponent, just to distance ourselves a little from the previous lesson, we will change the direction of rotation of the robot to the opposite:

Ultrasonic sensor

  1. "Green palette" "Turn on" "B" set equal -30 , port power value "C" set equal 30 (Fig. 3 item 1).
  2. To search for an opponent, we use the program block in the mode "Ultrasonic sensor - Comparison - Distance in centimeters" 57 (Fig. 3 item 2).
  3. turn off the engines (Fig. 3 item 3).

Rice. 3

Infrared sensor

  1. In order to make the robot rotate around its axis, we will use a software block "Independent motor control" "Green palette", Set the operating mode of the unit "Turn on", port power value "B" set equal -30 , port power value "C" set equal 30 (Fig. 4 item 1).
  2. To search for an opponent, we will use a program block "Waiting" for "Orange Palette" in mode "Infrared sensor - Comparison - Approximation", with a threshold sensor response value equal to 70 (Fig. 4 item 2).
  3. After the robot is opposite the opponent, using the program block "Independent motor control" "Green palette" turn off the engines (Fig. 4 item 3).

Rice. 4

At the stage of debugging this algorithm, you will have to select values "Power" motors "B" And "C" as well as the threshold value of the sensor, ensure that your robot accurately detects and stops exactly opposite the opponent. Only after this will it be possible to move on to the software implementation of the attack algorithm.

If the search for an opponent is in "Sumo" very similar to searching for pins in "Kegelring", then pushing your opponent out has an important difference! When starting an attack, the first thing you need to do is to rush straight at maximum engine power towards the detected opponent, checking with a color sensor to detect the border of the ring. But our opponent can also move! Therefore, it is quite possible that the opponent will move away from the direction of our attack. In this case, our robot, having missed, will move towards the border of the ring, losing the opponent and precious time.

Therefore, we need to analyze both sensors during forward movement and stop the attack if the robot will lose his opponent OR the robot will reach the border of the ring. Therefore, we need to stop using the program block "Waiting" for "Orange Palette" and independently receive and process the readings of two sensors in a cycle.

Let's proceed to the step-by-step implementation of the algorithm opponent's attacks: for this we will create a temporary program in the project "lesson-12-1" and start filling it with program blocks.

  1. Let's take a program block "Cycle" of "Orange Palette".
  2. Inside the block "Cycle" place the program block "Independent motor control" "Green palette" "Turn on" (Fig. 5 item 1), motor power "B" And "C" set to the maximum value - 100 (Fig. 5 item 2).

Rice. 5

  1. Following the block "Independent motor control" Let's place a program block. Set the block operating mode to the value "Comparison - Reflected Light Brightness" (Fig. 6)

Rice. 6

In this mode, the program block "Color sensor" "Yellow palette" visually very similar to a program block "Waiting" for "Orange Palette" in mode "Color Sensor - Comparison - Reflected Light Brightness". But, unlike the block "Expectation", this program block does not wait for the condition specified by the parameters to be met "Comparison type" (Fig. 7 item 1) And "Threshold value" (Fig. 7 item 2), but immediately produces a logical value ( "True" or "Lie") in the output parameter and the measured value in the output parameter "Lighting" (Fig. 7 item 4).

Options "Comparison type" And "Threshold value" on Rice. 7 pos. 12 "Comparison result" (Fig. 7 item 3) gave a boolean value "True" when the color sensor crosses the black border of the ring.

Rice. 7

  1. In case of using an ultrasonic sensor behind the block "Color Sensor" install the software block "Ultrasonic sensor" "Yellow palette". Set the block operating mode to the value "Comparison - Distance in centimeters" (Fig. 8 pos. 1). Parameter "Comparison type" (Fig. 8 item 2), parameter "Threshold value" (Fig. 8 item 3) set in such a way that the output parameter "Comparison result" (Fig. 8 item 4) gave a boolean value "True"

Rice. 8

In case of using an infrared sensor behind the unit "Color Sensor" install the software block "Infrared sensor" "Yellow palette". Set the block operating mode to the value "Comparison - Approximation" (Fig. 9 pos. 1). Parameter "Comparison type" (Fig. 9 item 2), parameter "Threshold value" (Fig. 9 item 3) set in such a way that the output parameter "Comparison result" (Fig. 9 pos. 4) gave a boolean value "True" in case the robot loses sight of the opponent.

Rice. 9

Let's once again analyze the intermediate code of our attack algorithm: we turned on the motors at maximum power and moved forward, constantly polling the sensors in a loop. If our robot crosses the black line of the ring boundary, then the value of the output parameter "Comparison result" of "Color sensor" will take the value "True". If our robot loses its opponent, then the value of the output parameter "Comparison result" sensor tracking the opponent will also take the value "True". In any of these cases, we should stop the attack, ending our loop. The software block will help us with this. Let's take a closer look at this block: program block "Logical operations" designed to perform operations on logical data (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10

Selected program block mode "Logical Operations" of the "Red Palette" defines one of four operations on logical data: "And (AND)", "OR (OR)", "Exclusive OR" And "Exception (NOT)". D va input parameter "a" And "b"(for operation "Exception (NOT)"- one input parameter "a") transmit input values ​​to the program block, and the resulting value is given by the output parameter "Result". If you have not encountered logical operations before, you can familiarize yourself with the basic knowledge in the attached help under the spoiler.

Logical operations

Logical operations are performed only on Boolean values ​​(data), which is also a Boolean value. A Boolean value can be in one of two states: "True" or "Lie". Logical operations are often written in tabular form in the form: "input parameter 1" - "input parameter 2" = "result". Logical operations implemented by a software block "Logical Operations" of the "Red Palette" can be written in tabular form as follows:

Logical operation "AND"

The result of a logical operation "And (AND)" will be the value "True" "True" "Lie".

"a" operation "b" result
"Lie" "And (AND)" "Lie" = "Lie"
"Lie" "And (AND)" "True" = "Lie"
"True" "And (AND)" "Lie" = "Lie"
"True" "And (AND)" "True" = "True"

Logical operation "OR (OR)"

The result of a logical operation "OR (OR)" will be the value "Lie" only if both input values ​​are equal "Lie", in all other cases the value of the operation is "True".

"a" operation "b" result
"Lie" "OR (OR)" "Lie" = "Lie"
"Lie" "OR (OR)" "True" = "True"
"True" "OR (OR)" "Lie" = "True"
"True" "OR (OR)" "True" = "True"

Logical operation "Exclusive OR"

The result of a logical operation "Exclusive OR" will be the value "True" only if one of the input values ​​is equal to "True", in all other cases the value of the operation is "Lie".

"a" operation "b" result
"Lie" "Exclusive OR" "Lie" = "Lie"
"Lie" "Exclusive OR" "True" = "True"
"True" "Exclusive OR" "Lie" = "True"
"True" "Exclusive OR" "True" = "Lie"

Logical operation "Exception (NOT)"

Logical operation "Exception (NOT)" applies to only one input value. The result of a logical operation "Exception (NOT)" above the input value is the opposite value.

  1. Behind the program block "Ultrasonic sensor" or "Infrared sensor" place the program block "Logical Operations" of the "Red Palette".
  • Output parameter "Comparison result" program block "Color sensor" (Fig. 11, 12 pos. 1) "a" program block "Logical operations" (Fig. 11, 12 pos. 4).
  • Output parameter "Comparison result" program block "Ultrasonic (infrared) sensor" (Fig. 11, 12 pos. 2) connect to the input parameter "b" program block "Logical operations" (Fig. 11, 12 pos. 5).
  • Operating mode of the program block "Logical operations" install in "OR (OR)" (Fig. 11, 12 pos. 3). In this case, the result of the logical operation will take the value "True", only if one of the conditions is met: the color sensor has crossed the black line, the robot has lost its opponent.
  • By setting the program block mode "Cycle" in meaning "Boolean value" (Fig. 11, 12 pos. 7), output parameter "Result" program block "Logical operations" (Fig. 11, 12 pos. 6) connect to the input parameter "Until there is truth" program block "Cycle" (Fig. 11, 12 pos. 8). These settings will terminate the loop when "True" result of a logical operation.

Rice. eleven

Rice. 12

Let's test the resulting attack algorithm! To do this, we will place our robot inside the ring, install a stationary opponent on the contrary and launch the attack program for execution. Our robot must confidently push the opponent out of the ring and stop above the black border of the field. Happened? This means our sumo wrestler correctly controls the border of the ring.

Let's conduct a second experiment: again we will install a stationary opponent opposite the robot and launch the attack program. When our robot rushes towards the opponent and gets close enough, we will abruptly move the opponent to the side. Our robot must stop after losing its opponent.

To summarize: we have implemented an algorithm for searching for an opponent and have successfully tested it; the attack algorithm has also been tested.

A completed sumo wrestler's program must, in an endless loop, sequentially search for an opponent, and then attack the opponent. It would be possible to combine both parts of our program, if not for one small addition. If our robot has stopped above the border of the ring, then before starting the search, the robot should move back a little and return inside the ring. Let's supplement our attack program with the following code: outside the attack cycle, we'll use the program block " Switch" "Orange palette". Unit operating mode "Switch" install in "Color Sensor - Comparison - Reflected Light Brightness." Options "Comparison type" And "Threshold value" install similarly to those previously used in the program block "Color sensor" "Yellow palette". Therefore, if our robot stops above the black line, then execution will be transferred to the upper container of the program block "Switch". It is in the top container that we will place the program block "Steering" "Green Palette", with parameter settings that force the robot to move back one revolution of the motors. In the lower container of the program block "Switch" Let's place a software block that turns off the motors (Fig. 13). Having re-tested the attack algorithm, we will make sure that after the robot sumo wrestler pushed the opponent out of the ring, he returned a little back.

Rice. 13

Now you can complete the development of the program for the sumo robot. Inside the infinite loop we will sequentially insert a program to search for an opponent, and then a program to attack the opponent. Try to do this work yourself without looking into the solution.


The program that we discussed with you in this lesson implements only one direct force algorithm for the behavior of a sumo robot. It implies that in a direct confrontation of force, the robot must certainly defeat its opponent. But our training robot certainly doesn't look anything like a muscular sumo wrestler. In order to confidently perform in this competition, it is necessary to pay the closest attention, first of all, to the design of the robot, to create a durable, protected platform, with the help of additional drive wheels or tracks to increase traction with the surface of the ring. On a popular video hosting site on request "sumo lego robots" you can find many videos from real robot competitions, from which you will certainly get interesting ideas for implementation in your own designs.

The main goal of this lesson is to use a practical example to show you a method for continuously processing readings from a pair of sensors. Can our program be improved? Undoubtedly! For example, using the program block "Random value" of "Red palette", change the opponent search algorithm in such a way as to set the robot to randomly rotate left or right, thereby disorienting the opponent. Try to embed this additional code into our program yourself. Also think about what changes need to be made to the program if the competition is held in a black ring with a white border. You may have your own ideas for improvement: share them in the comments to the lesson!

Sumo- one of the most exciting Lego Ev3 robot competition. In this competition, the robot must push the opponent’s robot out of the circle without going outside the circle itself.

At the very beginning of the competition, the robots are placed in the center of the circle, after the stratum the programs are launched and the robots must wait 3 seconds, after which the robots must reach the border of the circle and only then they have the opportunity to attack the enemy. The portal contains diagrams of robots for Lego sumo and assembly instructions

Let's describe Sumo algorithm and program for EV3 robot

1 Action.

The robot waits for 3 seconds, we drive away from the center of the circle to the border, we drive forward, we spin, we look for the enemy, we drive to the enemy, if we drive away from the border, we drive back.

Set the wait to 3 seconds.

2 Action. We drive back to the border.

Act 3. After the robot has driven to the border, it must move forward. Forward movement.

4 Action. We set up an infinite loop. The robot will attack the enemy until it is pushed out or until the competition time ends.

We set it to a rotation cycle with an ultrasonic sensor. (you can also use an infrared sensor)

5 Action. We drive forward until the color sensor sees a black line, the border of the circle.

6. Action After we saw the border, we drive back.


Write your departure yourself using Lesson 1.

In this competition, participants must prepare an autonomous robot that can most effectively push the opposing robot beyond the black line of the ring.

1. Conditions of the competition

1.1. The competition takes place between two robots. The goal of the competition is to push the opposing robot beyond the black line of the ring.

1.2. If any part of the robot touches the field outside the black line, the robot loses the round (if a podium-style field is used, then the loss is counted if any part of the robot touches the surface outside the podium).

1.3. If at the end of the round no robot is pushed outside the circle, then the robot closest to the center of the circle is considered to win the round.

1.4. If the winner cannot be determined by the methods described above, the decision to win or replay is made by the competition referee.

1.5. During the round, team members must not touch the robots.

2. Field

2.1. A white circle with a diameter of 1 m with a black border 5 cm thick.

2.2. The starting zones of the robots are marked with red stripes in the circle.

2.3. The red dot marks the center of the circle.

2.4. The field can be in the form of a podium with a height of 10 -20 mm.

3. Robot

3.1. Robots are not subject to restrictions on the use of any components other than those prohibited by existing rules.*

3.2.1. During the entire competition:

  • The size of the robot should not exceed 250x250x250 mm.
  • The weight of the robot should not exceed 1 kg.

3.2.2. Before the start of the round, the robot must satisfy the following condition: A triangular plate with an angle of 45 degrees, pressed to the surface of the field, and brought from either side of the robot, must touch the robot at a point above 3cm from the field. The touch point is fixed with any part of the robot, including: wheels, tracks, rubber bands, wires...

3.2.3. Dispute between the participant and the judge under rules 3.2. when checking the robot, it is always decided not in favor of the participant.

3.3. The robot must be autonomous.

3.4. A robot that, in the opinion of the judges, intentionally damages or soils other robots, or otherwise damages or contaminates the field surface, will be disqualified for the entire duration of the competition.

3.5. Before the match, robots are checked for dimensions, weight, and distance of parts to the field.

3.6. Constructive prohibitions:

  • The use of any adhesive devices on the wheels or body of the robot is prohibited.
  • Do not use any lubricants on exposed surfaces of the robot.
  • It is prohibited to use any devices that provide the robot with increased stability, for example, those that create a vacuum environment.
  • It is prohibited to interfere with the IR and other sensors of a rival robot, as well as interference with electronic equipment.
  • It is prohibited to use devices that throw anything at an opposing robot.
  • It is prohibited to use liquid, powder or gas substances as weapons against an opposing robot.
  • The use of flammable substances is prohibited.
  • It is prohibited to use structures that can cause physical damage to the ring or the opposing robot.

Robots that violate the above prohibitions are removed from the competition.

3.8. Participants have the right to promptly make structural changes to the robot between rounds (including repairs, replacing batteries, choosing a program, etc.), if the changes made do not contradict the requirements for the design of the robot and do not violate the competition regulations. The time for prompt structural changes to the robot is controlled by the judge, but cannot exceed 1 minute.

3.9. Between matches it is allowed to change the design and programs of robots.*

4. Conducting competitions.

4.1. The competition consists of a series of matches. The match determines the strongest of the two robots participating in it. The match consists of 3 rounds of 30 seconds. Rounds are played consecutively.*

4.2. The competition consists of at least two attempts (the exact number is determined by the organizing committee). An attempt is the totality of all matches in which each robot participates at least 1 time.*

4.3. Before the first attempt and between attempts, teams can customize their robot.

4.4. Before the attempt begins, teams must place their robots in a “quarantine” area. Once the judge confirms that the robots meet all requirements, the competition can begin.*

4.5. If during inspection a violation is found in the design of the robot, the judge gives 3 minutes to eliminate the violation. However, if the violation is not corrected within this time, the team will not be able to participate in the competition.

4.6. Once the robot has been placed in “quarantine,” it cannot be modified.(for example: download a program, change batteries)or change robots until the end of the attempt.*

4.7. Judges and robot operators participate directly in the fight - one from each team.

4.8. After launching the robots, operators must move more than 1 meter away from the field within 5 seconds.

4.9. Each operator can stop the start of a round once during the entire match without penalty, but no later than 1 second before the end of the 5-second countdown. The start delay is allowed for no more than 30 seconds. A delay for a longer period of time can be carried out only with the special permission of the judge. After the problem is resolved, the robots are set to start again.*

4.10. If during a round any electrical part of the robot is not firmly fixed (it comes off or hangs on the wires), then this robot is considered a loser in the round.

4.11. If during a match, the design of any robot was unintentionally damaged, and requires more than 50 seconds to repair, then the match may be interrupted and the team is allowed to fix the design of the robot, at which time matches with other teams can take place, after the robot is repaired and the current match is completed, the interrupted match continues.*

4.12. The match is won by the robot that wins the most rounds. The judge may use an additional round to clarify controversial situations.

4.13. The round is lost by the robot if:

  • One of the robot parts touched the area beyond the black border of the ring.
  • If the robot is further from the center of the ring than the opponent's robot. If the round time has expired and not one of the robots has left the ring.

5. Competition options

5.1. The rules provide three levels of difficulty. The competition organizer is obliged to warn participants in advance about the selected difficulty level.

5.2. Level 1: No maneuvers. For beginners. It is solved mainly mechanically.

5.2.1. After the judge announces the start of the round, the robots are placed by the operators in front of the red lines.

5.2.2. When the robots are installed in the starting positions, the judge asks about the readiness of the operators; if both operators are ready to start the robot, then the judge gives a signal to start the robots.

5.2.2. After the signal to start the robots, operators launch the program.

5.2.3. The robots must drive in a straight line and collide with each other.

5.2.4. Robots are prohibited from intentionally maneuvering around the ring.

5.3. Level #2: Limited maneuverability. Requires experience. Provides the ability to maneuver across the field.

5.3.1. After the judge announces the start of the round, the robots are placed by the operators in front of the red lines.

5.3.2. When the robots are installed in the starting positions, the judge asks about the readiness of the operators; if both operators are ready to start the robot, then the judge gives a signal to start the robots.

5.3.3. After the signal to start the robots, operators launch the program.

5.3.4. The robots must drive straight and collide with each other; after the collision, the robots can maneuver around the ring as they please. The time from the start of the round until the robots collide should not exceed 5 seconds.

5.3.5. If the robots do not collide within 5 seconds after the start of the round, then the robot due to which, in the opinion of the judge, there is no collision is considered the loser of the round.

5.3.6. If the robots drive straight and do not have time to collide within 5 seconds, then the robot located further from the center of the field is considered the loser of the round.

5.4. Level #3: Increased maneuverability. Requires good skills. Forces the robot to navigate in space.

5.4.1. The robot, in its design, must have a clearly visible start button, which performs the function of turning the robot on and off.

5.4.2. After the judge announces the start of the round, the robots are prepared by the operators, after preparation the operator must inform the judge that the robot is ready, after that, until the end of the round, the operator cannot enter any data into the robot, and the robot program must be launched by pressing the start button.

5.4.3. After the robots are ready, the judge uses a draw to determine the placement of the robots at the beginning of the round.

Examples of robot placement:

5.4.4. The judge places the robots in starting positions.*

5.4.5. At the judge's command, by pressing the start button, the operators launch the robots.

6. Judging

6.1. The organizing committee reserves the right to make any changes to the rules of the competition if these changes do not provide advantages to one of the teams.

6.2. Control and summing up of results is carried out by a panel of judges in accordance with the given rules.

6.3. The judges have full authority during all competitions; all participants must abide by their decisions.

6.4. The judge may use additional rounds to clarify controversial situations.

6.5. If any objections arise regarding the refereeing, the team has the right to orally appeal the referee's decision to the Organizing Committee no later than the end of the current match.

6.6. A round can be replayed by decision of the judges in the event that there was outside interference in the robot’s operation, or when a malfunction occurred due to the poor condition of the playing field, or due to an error made by the panel of judges.

6.7. Team members and the leader must not interfere with the actions of their team's robot or an opponent's robot, either physically or from a distance. Interference will result in immediate disqualification.

7. Rules for selecting the winner

7.1. According to the decision of the organizing committee, ranking of robots can take place according to different systems depending on the number of participants and the regulations of the event within which the competition is held. Recommended system:

o The first attempt, in which all participants participate according to the Olympic system (knockout) until 3-5 finalists are determined (the number of finalists is announced in advance). Participants are grouped into pairs in turn: the first with the second, the third with the fourth, etc.

o The second attempt, in which all participants participate according to the Olympic system (knockout) until 3-5 finalists are determined (the number of finalists is announced in advance). Participants are grouped into pairs through one: the first with the third, the second with the fourth, etc.

o All finalists of previous attempts participate in the finals and compete according to the system, each with each other. Ranking is based on the number of matches won. In controversial situations, additional matches are played.

* the marked points of the regulations can be canceled or changed by the organizing committee of a particular stage of the competition.

Advice to the organizing committee:

  1. To conduct competitions, at least 2 judges are required: The first judge conducts the matches, the second checks the robots before the matches.
  2. If the ring is made in the form of a round platform, the competition will be more spectacular and it will be easier for judges to identify the robot that has fallen out of the ring.

Order of conduct.

    The competition consists of a series of matches. The match determines which of the two robots participating in it is the strongest. Depending on the number of participants, the match consists of 3 or 5 rounds of 30 seconds. The match is won by the robot that wins the most rounds. The judge may use an additional round to clarify controversial situations.

    According to the decision of the organizing committee, ranking of robots can take place according to different systems depending on the number of participants and the regulations of the event within which the competition is held.

  • 6-26 participants - 5 rounds per match, 20-40 participants - 3 rounds per match.
  • The first attempt in which all participants participate according to the Olympic system (knockout) until 3-5 (the number of finalists is announced in advance) finalists are determined. Participants are grouped into pairs in turn: the first with the second, the third with the fourth, etc.
  • The second attempt in which all participants participate according to the Olympic system (knockout) until 3-5 (the number of finalists is announced in advance) finalists are determined. Participants are grouped into pairs through one: the first with the third, the second with the fourth, etc.
  • All finalists of previous attempts participate in the finals and compete according to the system, each with each other. The ranking is based on the number of matches won, but at the start of the final all finalists are considered equal. In controversial situations, additional matches are played.
  • 3 rounds per match. Breaks between attempts are 30 minutes.
  • First, participants are divided into 4 equal groups. In the first attempt, the 1st and 2nd groups participate in the first field, and the 3rd and 4th groups participate in the second field. Each participant plays on his own field using the “everyone against everyone” system. At the same time, 50% of the meetings of each team with opponents are ensured.
  • In the second attempt, Groups 1 and 3 participate in the first field, and Groups 2 and 4 participate in the second field. Each participant plays on his own field according to the “everyone against everyone” system, without repeated meetings held in the previous attempt. At the same time, 75% of the meetings of each team with opponents are ensured.
  • The third attempt is given when there is sufficient time and is not mandatory. In the third attempt, Groups 1 and 4 participate in the first field, and Groups 2 and 3 participate in the second field. Each participant plays on his own field according to the “everyone against everyone” system, without repeated meetings held in previous attempts. This ensures 100% of each team’s meetings with opponents.
  • The finals involve 5-7 teams that have won the most matches. The finalists compete according to the system, each against each other. The ranking is based on the number of matches won, but at the start of the final all finalists are considered equal. In controversial situations, additional matches are played.

Note: Please note that the Olympic ranking system may unfairly evaluate participants if pairs contain equal opponents. In this regard, we recommend ranking “everyone with everyone” among as many participants as possible. 1

  1. Operators can configure the robot at any time except for their match and 5 minutes before it.
  2. If during inspection a violation is found in the design of the robot, the judge will give 3 minutes to eliminate the violation. However, if the violation is not corrected within this time, the team will not be able to participate in the competition.
  3. Teams cannot request extra time before the match.
  4. Before the start of the round, operators can choose a program and must place the robots in the stratum zone (behind the red line). Next, the judge confirms the readiness of the participants and gives a signal to start the round, while the robot operators must start the program on the robots and move away from the field more than 1 meter within 5 seconds. During these same 5 seconds, the robots must drive in a straight line and collide with each other. After the collision, the robots can maneuver around the ring as they please.
  5. During the match, one of the judges calls a pair of competitors for the next round and checks their robots.
  6. Before starting, the robot must be completely in the stratum zone (behind the line).

Calculation of competition time:

Approximate match time for 5 rounds:

~ calling a team and checking robots (3 min) + 5 * (showing robots (10 sec) + round (30 sec) = 3-4 min.

Competition time T when playing each against each with N teams:

T=((N*N-1)/2)*4 min

Example with 10 commands:

((10*9)/2)*4 min = 3 hours.

Example with 10 teams in a mixed (each with each + Olympic) system:

((5)+(5*4)/2)*4 min = 1 hour.

Sample Schedule for a two-shot competition with 20 teams:

  • 9:00 – 9:30 Team registration.
  • 9:30 – 9:45 Meeting with participants (Explanation of rules).
  • 9:45 – 10:30 Preparation of robots.
  • 10:30 – 11:30 Conducting 1 attempt at competitions according to the Olympic system ((10+5)*4min=1hour)
  • 11:30 – 12:00 Break.
  • 12:00 – 13:00 Conducting 2 attempts at competitions according to the Olympic system ((10+5)*4min=1hour)
  • 13:00 – 14:00 Break. (Holding additional matches if many teams are in the top five in their first attempts)
  • 14:00 – 15:00 Final. Everyone with everyone.
  • 15:00 – 16:00 Summing up.
  • 16:00 – 17:00 Award ceremony.
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