Cannabinoids. Presentation on the topic: Introduction to toxicological chemistry


  • Number of slides: 21

Src="" alt=">CHEMICAL-TOXICOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF INDIVIDUAL DRUG SUBSTANCES: CANNABINOIDS, PHENYLAKYLAMINES Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry Senior Lecturer,"> ХИМИКО-ТОКСИКОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ АНАЛИЗ ОТДЕЛЬНЫХ НАРКОТИЧЕСКИХ ВЕЩЕСТВ: КАННАБИНОИДЫ, ФЕНИЛАЛКИЛАМИНЫ Кафедра фармацевтической и токсикологической химии Старший преподаватель, к.ф.н. Передеряев О.И.!}

Src="" alt=">DRUGS OBTAINED FROM HEMP Marijuana - a prepared mixture of dried and undried tops With"> НАРКОТИЧЕСКИЕ СРЕДСТВА, ПОЛУЧАЕМЫЕ ИЗ КОНОПЛИ Марихуана - приготовленная смесь высушенных и невысушенных верхушек с листьями и остатками стебля, любых сортов конопли, без центрального стебля. Гашиш - специально приготовленная смесь отделенной смолы, пыльцы растения или смесь, приготовленная путем обработки (измельчения, прессования и т.д.) верхушек растения с разными наполнителями, независимо от того, какая форма придана смеси - таблетки, пилюли, прессованные плитки, пасты и др. Гашишное масло - наркотическое средство, получаемое из растения любых видов и сортов конопли путем извлечения (экстракции) различными растворителями или жирами (может встречаться в виде раствора или вязкой массы), экстракты и настои каннабиса. Подразделение на группы осуществляется из-за разного содержания !} active substance- tetrahydrocannabinol (in marijuana 0.5-5%, in hashish 5-10%, in hashish oil 10-30%).

Src="" alt=">Marijuana - collecting, drying and grinding the tops of the plant. Hashish - grinding the tops (manual), use"> Марихуана – сбор, сушка и измельчение верхушек растения. Гашиш – перетиранием верхушек (вручную), использование техники и животных. Гашишное масло – экстракция подходящим растворителем. НАРКОТИЧЕСКИЕ СРЕДСТВА, ПОЛУЧАЕМЫЕ ИЗ КОНОПЛИ Способы получения: Способы применения: Курение – смешивание с табаком Перорально – внутрь (гашишное масло, реже гашиш), жевание!}

Src="" alt=">DRUGS OBTAINED FROM HEMP Active substances Mechanism of action - specific receptors in CNS">!}

Src="" alt=">Toxicokinetics: HEMP-DERIVED DRUGS Bioavailability when smoking 10-23 % Binding of THC to lipoproteins"> Токсикокинетика: НАРКОТИЧЕСКИЕ СРЕДСТВА, ПОЛУЧАЕМЫЕ ИЗ КОНОПЛИ Биодоступность при курении 10-23%. Связывание ТГК с липопротеинами около 97%. Tmax 5-30 минут. Распределение: Липофильные, объем распределения 10 л/кг. В жировых тканях обнаруживаются спустя более четырех недель после курения, в моче спустя 7- 10 дней. Выведение: Быстрая фаза 3-5 часов (Т(1 /2) 3,0-4,5 минут). Медленная фаза до 24 часов (Т(1 /2) 20 часов).!}

Src="" alt=">Clinical signs of intoxication (general): HEMP-DERIVED DRUGS redness eyes and skin around"> Клинические признаки интоксикации (общие): НАРКОТИЧЕСКИЕ СРЕДСТВА, ПОЛУЧАЕМЫЕ ИЗ КОНОПЛИ краснота глаз и кожи вокруг глаз (т. н. «бабочка»), движения либо крайне заторможены, либо размашисты и неуклюжи, речь невнятна (из-за расслабленности речевых органов), позы вычурны и неестественны.!}

Src="" alt=">Clinical signs of intoxication (moderate): DRUGS OBTAINED FROM HEMP causeless laughter, motor disinhibition,"> Клинические признаки интоксикации (средней степени): НАРКОТИЧЕСКИЕ СРЕДСТВА, ПОЛУЧАЕМЫЕ ИЗ КОНОПЛИ беспричинный смех, двигательная расторможенность, болтливость, резкие перепады настроения!}

Src="" alt=">Clinical signs of intoxication (severe): DRUGS OBTAINED FROM HEMP relaxed "dead" face ("catch"> Клинические признаки интоксикации (тяжелой степени): НАРКОТИЧЕСКИЕ СРЕДСТВА, ПОЛУЧАЕМЫЕ ИЗ КОНОПЛИ расслабленное «мертвое» лицо («поймать бледного»,) заторможенные движения, фиксированный или отрешенный взгляд, бредовые суждения, неадекватные реакции на происходящее оглушенное состояние («зависание»)!}

Src="" alt=">Some additional concepts: DRUGS OBTAINED FROM HEMP "Treason" - unexplained manifestations of panic fear"> Некоторые дополнительные понятия: НАРКОТИЧЕСКИЕ СРЕДСТВА, ПОЛУЧАЕМЫЕ ИЗ КОНОПЛИ «Измена» - необъяснимые проявления панического страха «Флэшбэк» - спонтанное возвращение симптомов, вызванных потреблением наркотика вне состояния опьянения. Толерантность.!}

Src="" alt=">Research objects (living person): DRUGS OBTAINED FROM HEMP Urine Blood Saliva Washings from"> Объекты исследования (живой человек): НАРКОТИЧЕСКИЕ СРЕДСТВА, ПОЛУЧАЕМЫЕ ИЗ КОНОПЛИ Моча Кровь Слюна Смывы с рук Смывы с лица Содержимое желудка Волосы Ногти!}

Src="" alt=">Research objects (corpse): DRUGS OBTAINED FROM HEMP Urine Blood Hand washes"> Объекты исследования (труп): НАРКОТИЧЕСКИЕ СРЕДСТВА, ПОЛУЧАЕМЫЕ ИЗ КОНОПЛИ Моча Кровь Смывы с рук Смывы с лица Содержимое желудка Волосы Ногти Внутренние органы (ЦНС, сальник)!}

Src="" alt=">Research objects ( environment): NARCOTIC DRUGS OBTAINED FROM HEMP Actual narcotic drugs Hemp plant"> Research objects (environment): NARCOTIC DRUGS OBTAINED FROM HEMP Actual narcotic drugs Hemp plant Washings from objects (smoking devices, for example: hookah, pipe)

Src="" alt=">Research methods: DRUGS OBTAINED FROM HEMP Appearance, morphological characteristics Characteristic odor TLC"> Research methods: NARCOTIC DRUGS OBTAINED FROM HEMP Appearance, morphological characteristics Characteristic odor TLC (silica gel, petroleum ether - diethyl ether (4:1), strong blue B (BB)) - identify cannabinol ( violet-red color), tetrahydrocannabinol (violet-pink color), cannabidiol (yellow-red color) Drugs themselves, hemp plant, swabs from objects:

Src="" alt=">Isolation methods: DRUGS OBTAINED FROM HEMP Extraction with ethyl alcohol (narcotic substances) Extraction with chloroform,"> Методы выделения: НАРКОТИЧЕСКИЕ СРЕДСТВА, ПОЛУЧАЕМЫЕ ИЗ КОНОПЛИ Экстракция этиловым спиртом (наркотические вещества) Экстракция хлороформом, хлористым этиленом, этилацетатом. Очистка ТФЭ.!}

Src="" alt=">Research methods: DRUGS OBTAINED FROM HEMP ELISA (qualitative and quantitative determination) GLC-MS (identification"> Методы исследования: НАРКОТИЧЕСКИЕ СРЕДСТВА, ПОЛУЧАЕМЫЕ ИЗ КОНОПЛИ ИФА (качественное и количественное определение) ГЖХ-МС (идентификация) ГЖХ-ПИД (количественное определение)!}

Src="" alt=">PHENYLAKYLAMINES Widely used and are used for military purposes (amphetamine, methamphetamine), Obtained synthetically, often"> ФЕНИЛАЛКИЛАМИНЫ Широко использовались и используются для военных нужд (амфетамин, метамфетамин), Получают синтетическим путем, часто изготавливают кустарно. Обладают !} characteristic odor. They are indirect agonists of dopamine receptors (release dopamine, inhibit MAO and block reuptake). Directions for use: orally, injection, inhalation.

Src="" alt=">PHENYLAKYLAMINES pallor of the distal extremities, increased blood pressure, tachycardia, dry skin , dilated pupils, hyperglycemia."> ФЕНИЛАЛКИЛАМИНЫ бледность дистальных отделов конечностей, повышение артериального давления, тахикардия, сухость кожи, расширение зрачков, гипергликемия. психотического возбуждения, сопровождающееся совершением антисоциальных действий Клинические признаки употребления!}

Src="" alt=">PHENYLAKYLAMINES verbosity, unmotivated motor activity, confusion, amnesia, period of intoxication, tremor, impaired coordination of movements,"> ФЕНИЛАЛКИЛАМИНЫ многоречивость, немотивированная двигательная активность, спутанность сознания амнезия период опьянения тремор, нарушение координации движений, глазодвигательные расстройства психоз Передозировка!}

Src="" alt=">PHENYLAKYLAMINES ephedrine methamphetamine amphetamine norephedrine ephedrone T(1/2) 9 h T(1/2) 3-11 h T(1/2) 3-8"> ФЕНИЛАЛКИЛАМИНЫ эфедрин метамфетамин амфетамин норэфедрин эфедрон Т(1/2) 9 ч Т(1/2) 3-11 ч Т(1/2) 3-8 ч Т(1/2) 8-12 ч Т(1/2) 4 ч!}

Src="" alt=">Isolation of acidic and basic substances using acetone Method A.A. Vasilyeva (modified) Method"> Изолирование веществ кислотного и основного характера с помощью ацетона Метод А.А. Васильевой (модифицированный) Метод Стаса-Отто (модифицированный) Метод В.Ф. Крамаренко СПОСОБЫ ИЗОЛИРОВАНИЯ ФЕНИЛАЛКИЛАМИНЫ!}

Src="" alt=">Research methods: ELISA (qualitative and quantitative determination) TLC (qualitative determination ) GLC-MS (identification) GLC-FID"> Методы исследования: ИФА (качественное и количественное определение) ТСХ (качественное определение) ГЖХ-МС (идентификация) ГЖХ-ПИД (количественное определение) ВЭЖХ (количественное определение) ФЕНИЛАЛКИЛАМИНЫ!}

The main components determined in biofluids are: Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, Δ8-tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabinol, cannabidiol.

The sample is taken by wiping the hands of a person suspected of smoking hashish with a cotton or gauze swab moistened with ethyl alcohol. The alcohol from the samples is evaporated at room temperature, and the swabs are packaged in plastic bags and sent to the laboratory for testing.

Isolation. Cannabinoids are extracted from the tampon material twice with diethyl ether in 10 ml portions for 1 minute. The extract is evaporated to a final volume of 0.1-0.3 ml and used both for the preliminary determination of cannabinoids by characteristic color reactions, and for their qualitative determination by thin-layer chromatography.

For a preliminary study, take 5 μl from an aliquot of the extract evaporated to a small volume, apply the sample to filter paper, dry it and then spray it with a 0.5% solution of strong blue B in a 10% aqueous solution of sodium carbonate. The absence of an orange coloration of the spot serves as the basis for the conclusion that no cannabinoids were detected in the sample. When an orange color appears, a second aliquot of the extract is applied to the Silufol plate.

Chromatographic purification and detection. Chromatography is carried out in the system petroleum ether:diethyl ether (4:1) twice. Spot detection is carried out by spraying the chromatogram with a 0.5% solution of strong blue B in a 10% sodium carbonate solution. In this case, cannabinol (Rf = 0.76) and tetrahydrocannabinol (Rf = 0.84) are mainly detected.

It should be borne in mind that the detection of tetrahydrocannabinol only in washes from the skin of the hands is not a basis for concluding that the person smoked hashish, since accidental contact with hashish is possible, which the person being examined was not aware of.

Identification of cannabinoids in the saliva of a hashish smoker.

Sample selection. From persons suspected of smoking hashish, approximately 10 ml of saliva is taken into a bottle with a ground-in stopper with a capacity of 100 ml, after which the oral cavity is washed with 50 ml of 70% ethyl alcohol, which is saturated with sodium chloride (the latter is administered to prevent swallowing alcohol). Saliva and rinsing are combined, the bottle is closed, sealed and sent for testing to the laboratory.

Isolation. The resulting sample is mixed with 50 ml of a saturated aqueous solution of sodium chloride. Cannabinoids are extracted with 10 ml of ethyl acetate. Extraction time – 5 min. The number of extractions is 3. The extract is dried by adding 1-1.5 g of anhydrous sodium sulfate. Then the extract is filtered through a paper filter and evaporated to a few drops.

Chromatographic purification and detection The entire resulting solution is applied to a Silufol plate. Chromatography is carried out under the conditions described above. It should be borne in mind that a negative result is not yet a basis for concluding that the person did not use hashish, since traces of hashish after smoking remain in the oral cavity for up to 1 hour, and on the skin for up to 24 hours (if the skin surface has not been exposed to wiping with solvents such as cologne, ethyl alcohol).

Detection of cannabinoids in blood plasma.

5 ml of blood plasma is extracted four times with 5 ml of a mixture of petroleum ether containing 1.5% pentanol by volume. The combined organic extract is evaporated to a volume of several drops and transferred to a Silufol plate. Chromatograph under the same conditions as the saliva extract.

Lecture No. 1

Slide 2: Lecture outline

Subject, sections and tasks of toxicological chemistry. Organization of forensic chemical, forensic medical and drug testing. Rights and responsibilities of the SME. Agricultural facilities and problems solved by forensic chemists. TX methods. Basis for the production of SCE. Rules for research and sending biological material for laboratory research. Features of Agricultural Institute. The procedure for conducting examinations. Documentation of forensic chemical examinations.

Slide 3: Literature

Toxicological chemistry: textbook / T.Kh.Vergeichik: edited by Prof. E.N.Vergeichik. – M.: MEDpress-inform, 2009. Toxicological chemistry by M.D. Shvaikova “Medicine”, Moscow, 1975. Toxicological chemistry by Kramarenko V.F. Kyiv "Higher School" 1989

Slide 4: Abbreviation used in toxicological chemistry

TC - toxicological chemistry CTA - chemical-toxicological analysis SHA - forensic chemical analysis CTI - chemical-toxicological research SME - forensic medical examination (expert) SHE - forensic chemical examination (expert) SHL - forensic chemical laboratory VD - material evidence BO – biological object

Slide 5: 1. Subject, sections and tasks of TX

Toxicological chemistry is a pharmaceutical discipline that studies the properties of poisons, their behavior in the body and corpse, the development of methods for isolation, purification, qualitative detection and quantitative determination of toxic substances and their metabolites in biological materials and environmental objects.

Slide 6

Toxicology (from the Greek toxikon - poison, logus - study, science) - the science of poisons and poisoning, studies the laws of interaction between a living organism and poison. A toxic substance or poison is a substance that, when introduced into the body in small quantities and acting under certain conditions on the body, can cause illness or death of the body. Poisoning or intoxication is a disruption of body functions under the influence of poison, which can result in health problems or death.

Slide 7: Main sections of TX:

Biochemical toxicology is a field of science about the mechanisms of interaction between toxic substances and a living organism, i.e. toxicokinetics and biotransformation of foreign compounds in the body. Analytical toxicology (chemical-toxicological analysis) is a section of toxicological chemistry that examines the methods and methods of analytical chemistry as applied to biological objects.

Slide 8: Main directions for using chemical-toxicological analysis:

Forensic chemical examination (in forensic chemical laboratories); Analytical diagnostics of acute poisonings (in chemical and toxicological laboratories of centers for the treatment of acute poisonings); Chemical and toxicological diagnostics of drug addiction (in forensic chemical laboratories).

Slide 9: TX tasks

Development and improvement of methods for isolation, purification, detection and quantitative determination of toxic and potent substances in the organs and tissues of a corpse, as well as in biological fluids of living individuals. Development of methods for analyzing poisons without their preliminary isolation from biological material. Providing assistance to forensic investigative authorities in resolving those issues that require special knowledge in the field of forensic chemistry. Providing assistance to health authorities in the field of preventing the development of drug addiction and poisoning by various chemical substances.


Slide 10: 2. Organization of forensic medical, forensic chemical and drug testing

Structure of the forensic medical service of Russia: Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination (republican, regional, regional) Departments: Department of Medical Examination of Victims, Accused and Other Persons; Organizational and methodological department; Duty service; Department of Forensic Medical Examination of Corpses with a Histological Department; Department of complex examinations;


Slide 11

Forensic laboratory: - forensic biological department; - medical and forensic department; - forensic chemistry department; - bacteriological department; - cytology department; - molecular genetic department; - spectral separation; - biochemical department. The analysis of biological objects for the presence of toxic substances, including narcotic substances, is carried out in the forensic chemical department.


Slide 12: 3. Rights and responsibilities of SSE

The main responsibility of a chemist-expert is to carry out an examination at the suggestion of the court, inquiry and investigative bodies. The expert is obliged: when called by the judicial investigative authorities, to appear and participate in inspections and examinations and give opinions. In case of failure to appear or refusal to give an opinion, he is subject to criminal liability. The expert is obliged to give opinions in accordance with the circumstances of the case.


Slide 13: The expert has the right

Familiarize yourself with the case materials related to the subject of the examination. Request Additional materials necessary to give an opinion (medical history, protocol for examining the scene of the incident). With the permission of the person conducting the inquiry, investigator, prosecutor or court, to attend interrogations and ask questions related to the subject of the examination.


Slide 14: The expert does not have the right to:

Disclose preliminary investigation data without the permission of the prosecutor or investigator, for which he gives a receipt. Negotiate with participants in criminal proceedings on issues related to the examination. Collect materials for research independently. Conduct research that may lead to the complete or partial destruction of objects of examination.


Slide 15: 4. Agricultural facilities and tasks solved by forensic chemists

1. In case of poisoning, various objects can be sent to SCE: internal organs and tissues of human and animal corpses; discharge; hair; cloth; food and beverages; air, earth, dishes, etc. 2. To provide quick medical care For victims of acute poisoning, the following may be sent for testing: blood; urine; vomit; gastric lavage waters, etc. The main task of SCE is the qualitative and quantitative determination of toxic substances.


Slide 16: 5. TX methods

Isolation methods: Steam distillation Mineralization method Extraction with polar solvents Extraction with organic solvents Infusion with water Special isolation methods


Slide 17

Purification methods: Distillation Recrystallization Extraction Re-extraction Sorption Dialysis Electrodialysis Chromatographic methods


Slide 18

Methods of analysis: Chemical Spectral Electrochemical Chromatographic Protein-binding Mass spectrometric method.


Last presentation slide: Introduction to toxicological chemistry. Chemical-toxicological objects: 6. Features of agricultural chemicals

Variety of research objects. Difficulty in isolating small amounts of toxic substances from biological material. The influence of accompanying substances (i.e., endogenous) on the results of qualitative and quantitative determination of toxic substances. The need to use highly sensitive methods. It is necessary to take into account the natural content of the substances being determined. Difficulty in assessing the results, because there is no quantitative yield when isolated.

Clay method of consumption
marijuana remains smoking, that is
smoke inhalation. This method is
most effective in terms of
specific intoxicating effect
hemp products. It is through
respiratory tract THC is absorbed
most effectively.
They usually smoke a “joint” - a rolled-up cigarette with
marijuana. When the smoke cools,
passing through the rolled cigarette into the lungs
smoker, THC condenses on
leftover cigarettes. Therefore, most
“valuable” is for a drug addict
cigarette butt (last sixth part
"jamb") How to smoke a cigarette butt
almost impossible, it burns
fingers and lips, drug addicts finish smoking
it through a homemade mouthpiece or
just putting it on a needle.

It is appropriate to say a few words about
"Khimka". "Khimka" is marijuana, which
military personnel soaked in
acetone, and then dried and smoked.
A young man's story about
I was intoxicated by such “Khimki”
startling: “You know, first
nothing, and then the buzz is as if
you were suddenly hit from behind
a brick to the head." Similar
description of the “high” we had
hear only from teenagers who
tried to take one of the remedies
The fact is that those who used Khimka
smoked who knows what, because after
treatment with acetone neither THC nor any other active
no marijuana substances remain in the smoke.
Therefore, what military personnel
considered a “high”, it was only mild
fainting due to direct poisoning

Unlike many other drugs, marijuana, when used
application outside the sacrament has not only physical and mental
action, it has a moral action. We don't know which
the way this happens, but when used in everyday life marijuana
capable of atrophying the human memory of God in the soul -
it has a direct physical effect on the human
Not only does marijuana cause direct aggression, it can
anesthetize (numb) the soul, eliminate mental pain,
caused by the consequences of aggressive human actions. The one who
smokes marijuana systematically, will not feel guilty
to himself and his loved ones for the bad deeds he committed.
That is why soldiers, after senseless and cruel wars in
Marijuana helped so much in Afghanistan and Vietnam. She
anesthetized the deepest kind of mental pain - pain
moral, a complex of guilt of a person for the death brought to another.

Any use of marijuana causes a sharp unnatural expansion
peripheral blood vessels. An outside observer will immediately notice
redness and swelling of the eyeball, very often the sclera and
eyelids. The eyes may begin to water and appear extremely
inflamed. The pupil slows down its reaction to light.
This reaction is especially typical during the first hour of intoxication.
marijuana. But a person who systematically smokes it appears
constant feeling of inflammation of the eyelids and eyeball.
The heart rate increases, the pulse increases sharply. Degree
increased heart rate depends on the amount of THC contained
in smoked hemp. The maximum increase in heart rate and the following
the increase in pressure occurs 20-30 minutes after
smoking a dose.
In people who regularly use cannabis products, arterial
pressure, on the contrary; almost always reduced, since the body
gets used to the fact that to raise blood pressure at least to
normal numbers, he needs marijuana.
Remember, cannabis use becomes especially dangerous for people
suffering from any diseases of the cardiovascular system (defects
heart, vegetative-vascular dystopia, hypertension, etc.).

Remember that if you systematically smoke marijuana, your body
reduces its ability to resist the effects of such dangerous
bacteria such as staphylococcus and streptococcus. The likelihood is that any
a scratch will lead to serious purulent complications, and any
cold - to pneumonia, you have much higher than most
the people around you.
Systematic smoking of marijuana leads to loss of muscle mass
body, to replace muscle tissue with fat. Laziness begins to appear
only on a psychological level, but also on a physical level.
It becomes difficult for a marijuana smoker to tense his muscles to
perform any physical task (for example, to perform
sports exercise). Muscular activity is very difficult
coordinate. The simplest actions become a problem.
One of our patients complained, for example, that he had lost the ability...
chop wood at the dacha. Habitual action began to require
extraordinary stress and much more time than
Remember, with regular drug use, your body gradually
stops listening to you.

interspersed with bouts of uncontrollable causeless laughter and
talkativeness. Up to the complete impossibility of stopping speech, which
Smokers themselves often call it “verbal diarrhea.”
This blissful mood persists throughout the entire period of intoxication,
as if in fits and starts. Very often a blissful state of mind without
for obvious reasons is replaced by anxiety, including motor anxiety,
irritability, causeless anger.
The second main feature of intoxication is a sharp illusory
change in the environment. Objects change their shapes and
sizes. They seem to move and move. The air is filling
veins of light that sometimes seem to glow and animate
creatures. Living bodies appear in the piles of clothes. In any sounds it seems
some understatement. It seems that the sounds carry a special
"otherworldly" meaning.
In psychiatry there is a special term that describes hallucinatory
change in the actual situation. This change is called
pathological illusion, or pareidolia.
It is specific illusions (pareidolia) that are the most
characteristic mental sign of marijuana intoxication. They are saved
not constantly during the period of “high”, but in the form of “phase fantasies”.
The nature of illusions during one use of marijuana several times
changes dramatically. For example, a smoker feels either in the underwater world or
in a spaceship, then in a scary forest. And all this happens on
background of a clear understanding that the addict is always in the same situation
same room.

First, the cannabis user experiences a loss of ability to properly
navigate in space. Experiments have shown that a person during
intoxication with cannabis and for another day after its completion is not capable of true
estimate the distances between objects. The smoker cannot adequately
perceive the distance between oneself and the edge of the sidewalk, between oneself and
a speeding car, etc.
Secondly, the addict loses the correct sense of time. Internal time
the addict slows down sharply. A few minutes of “high” are perceived by oneself
smoker for like a few hours. The correct sense of time, according to us
According to observations, it is restored only 8-10 hours after smoking
Thirdly, a person’s brain function is sharply impaired, which psychologists
called short-term memory. A smoker has a very poor memory of words and
events that
occur within four to eight hours after smoking
cigarettes with cannabis. Memory impairment as smoking increases
marijuana can worsen and "take on more and more temporary
Fourthly, during the same 4-8 hours the ability to
concentration. A person is unable to identify what is significant to himself
information from the flow of signals from the external environment. He is unable to understand what
part of the conversation has to do with him; personally, some attitude, some not. At all

containing THC. Synonyms in slang are the same as for hashish, but in
Irkutsk has a specific one - “shala” (with emphasis on the last syllable).
2. Hashish is dried and processed cannabis resin. Hemp
plants secrete resin only in hot climates; it serves them to retain moisture and
sun protection. Hashish (anasha) - in the lane. from Arabic means “herb”, a specially prepared mixture of separated resin, hemp pollen or
mixture prepared by processing (grinding, pressing, etc.)
Cannabis (hemp) plants with various fillers containing THC. This
the definition was given by the expert and technical department of the SCM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in 1991.
(in our country previously, hashish was confused with marijuana). Synonyms in slang:
plan, God's grass. The color is brown, the smell is specific, heavy.
It usually comes in lumps, tablets, or slabs. In the novel by Ch. Aitmatov
“Plakha” accurately describes how drug addicts ran naked through the thickets of the Chuya
cannabis and then collected the adhering pollen from the body. Even better - jump on
A horse that sweats quickly will have more pollen stick to it.
3. Hashish oil is a concentrated liquid extract, obtained from
plants using solvents. It is believed that this oil can
contain up to 60% of the psychoactive substance THC. Occurs as a viscous
mass or dense solution;
4. “Hash Pie.” If the hemp resin is not dried and
processed into hashish, it hardens. And sometimes drug addicts use
it without additional processing. Zat-hardened resin is chewed or
added to food (usually flour products). Such products are called
“hash pie” (or simply “hash” or “hashek”). Added to products



Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) substance
Δ8-tetrahydrocannabinol in freshly harvested
no material available
Cannabinol (CBN) is ten times less active than
Cannabidiol (CBD) is not psychoactive
Minor depending on the type of raw material:
cannabidivarin, cannabivarin, cannabichromin,
cannabicyclol and butyl analogues of THC

Impact effects

Marijuana has a stimulating and
sedative effect, complemented by
higher doses of hallucinogenic
Bioavailability when smoking up to 10-50%
Lipoprotein binding 97%

“The Problem of Drug Addiction” - Drug addiction is spreading like wildfire. Drug addiction prevention is the key to our future. When suddenly tears wash your soul, don’t be ashamed of your momentary weakness. The problem of drug addiction. Formation of life skills. Methods of influence. Number of serious crimes. In Ukraine. Victim of heroin addiction.

“Prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism” - Family help. Drugs and alcohol. Drug dealers. Prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism. Strict control. Causes and factors of youth drug abuse. How does the drug work? Prevention. Consequences of drug addiction. Inefficiency. External signs drug addicted person. Alcohol abuse. The youth.

“Drug Addiction Treatment” - Spirit. Therapeutic community. Story. Body. Minnesota model. Drugs and drug addiction: history, approaches, methods, models. Methods. TS methods. Drugs in ancient times. Approaches. Models. Soul. 12 Steps Program. Basic methods. Possible approaches to understanding addiction.

“Work on drug addiction prevention” - Theoretical concepts of prevention. The concept of a narcotic drug. Strategic priorities for drug addiction prevention. Rule of information, health and educational work. Prevention of drug addiction. Legislative acts of the Russian Federation. History and relevance of the problem. Synthetic substances.

“An example of drug addiction” - Today Maria became a student. The syringe was HIV-infected. I don't take drugs, but it's still too late. The choice is yours. Today we went to a disco. Under the gravestone of his dreams. Addict. I’m ready to do anything to keep Dima. From Masha's diary. The effect of drugs on the human psyche.

“Prevention of drug addiction and substance abuse” - general characteristics drug addiction and substance abuse. Extensive poppy crops. Average age started using various drugs. Specialists. Opium group of drugs. Training individuals in drug addiction self-prevention programs. Medical and psychological rehabilitation. Mental dependence. Structure and main directions of comprehensive drug addiction prevention.

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