Who and how makes money from import substitution and innovation in agriculture R.F. Gorlov V.V.

UDC 338.43

Korolyuk Elena Vladislavovna

Doctor of Economic Sciences [email protected]

Mezentseva Ekaterina Viktorovna

Candidate of Economic Sciences [email protected]

Elena V. Korolyuk

doctor of economic sciences [email protected]

Ekaterina V. Mezentseva

candidate of economic sciences [email protected]


import substitution of agricultural products in the Russian economy

import substitution of agricultural production in the Russian economy

Annotation. The article examines the key problems of import substitution of agricultural products in the Russian economy. Currently, the Russian economy is experiencing a number of serious changes against the backdrop of an unstable economic situation that has affected all countries of the world, as well as the introduction of economic and political sanctions against Russia. Now our country is faced with the task of reducing the import of agricultural products to a minimum and reviving Russian economy. According to the authors, agriculture should be considered as one of the most promising areas in solving problems associated with import substitution, and, above all, restoring the country’s food independence.

Key words: economics, imports, food import substitution, import substitution in the field of crop production, import substitution in the field of livestock farming.

Annotation. The article deals with the key issues of import of agricultural products in the Russian economy. Currently, Russia's economy is going through some major changes on the background of the unstable economic situation, which affected all countries, as well as the introduction of economic and political sanctions against Russia. Now facing our country faced the task to reduce imports of agricultural products to a minimum and to revive the Russian economy.According to the authors, agriculture should be viewed as one of the most promising directions in solving the problems associated with import substitution, and, above all, the restoration of the countrys food self- sufficiency.

Keywords: economy, imports, food import substitution, import substitution in the field of crop production, import substitution in the livestock sector.

The topic of import substitution has always remained one of the priorities for Russia. For many years, our country has become accustomed to a large volume of imports of goods and services, which amounts to over 50% of total sales. The situation worsened after the introduction by Western countries.

banned the supply of food products

from European Union countries. Accepting data

course towards import substitution.

This is a long and difficult process, which should ensure not only the entry of Russian products into the world market, but also make Russian products competitive. That is why the topic of import substitution is very relevant today.

Over the past 15 years, the share of imports of food products from European countries has increased annually.

Russian Union, USA, Canada, Australia and, as a consequence of the current policy, the dumping expansion of foreign agricultural producers actually weakened the position of domestic agricultural producers in the domestic market.

The market and agricultural potential became the main reason for food expansion against Russia by the West. The Russian food market turned out to be absolutely

unprotected from foreign attacks in - -

zy and deviations observed in the world.

Over many years, Russia has been accustomed to importing large volumes of goods and services from abroad. Thus, the share of imports in most industries in 2013 was 50%

(in mechanical engineering - 70%, pharmaceuticals - 80%). Also, our country purchases beef, pork, poultry, fish, milk, dairy products from abroad

products, butter, cheese, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, sunflower oil, etc. At the same time, in 2013, the production of main types of food (meat and milk) was 6 and 4 times lower than in 1990.

Issues of import substitution are strategists,

level of development and defense capability of the nation.

Import substitution should be understood as the process of increasing production and food supply by national commodity producers in the context of restricting imports from other countries.

With the introduction of a ban on the import of food products, the current situation in the country raised the brand of domestic producers and created problems in a number of industries related to

It also worsened food inflation. Commodity markets in some sectors of crop and livestock production have become dependent on the exchange rate of the national currency.

The sharp deterioration in the macroeconomic situation determined the negative (as of the end of 2015) consequences in bank financing of the agricultural and processing sectors of the economy. First of all, the increase in the key rate of the Central Bank to 17% (an increase of 7%) in itself turned out to be extremely painful for the real sector of the economy, and subsidies to bank interest rates for financing fixed and working capital of farms are calculated based on the rate

8.25%. As a result of the current situation, serious problems arose for farms, agricultural holdings and concerns for which these subsidies were available. Many commercial banks have stopped issuing loans, and the extension rates offered by banks are

Import of main types

are unaffordable for agricultural producers.

An important decision in the field of import regulation there was a ban on the import of pork from countries

European Union since February 2014. Like a trace

supply on the raw meat market, which, in turn, gave impetus to rising prices. Thus, the average price for frozen pork half-carcasses in

2014 amounted to 158 rubles. per 1 kg, which is 48 rubles (or 43.6%) higher than the 2013 level. A similar situation has developed in the poultry meat market. Currently, the price increase in 2014 was 27.9% compared to 2013 (or 20.5 rubles per kg). IN

In 2015, the increase in prices for raw meat averaged 38.2%.

At the end of 2015, the crop production sector, due to the introduction of an export duty on wheat by the Government of the Russian Federation from February 1, 2015, lost about 15 billion rubles, despite the fact that grain crops account for more than half of the value of the products of this sector, of which wheat accounts for 30- 35%. This fact subsequently led to an increase in prices for grain crops.

In the livestock sector, the growth rate of gross output is inert, since direct returns from new investments are possible only no earlier than the second half of 2016. According to the results of the same 2015, the volume of food

The reduction in imported food supplies partially allows for an increase in domestic production.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the fall in imports

types of food products are given in table 1.

Table 1

real goods, thousand tons

Product name 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

meat 1470.3 1454.9 1558.7 1396.1 865.6

poultry meat 688.1 498.0 576.8 548.7 460.9

milk 426.5 383.8 534.5 578.1 463.8

sugar 2374.3 2580.8 826.2 967.5 613.1

the import of pork decreased by 44%, poultry meat by 52%, and dairy products by 20-30%.

Today, noticeable growth is observed in the production of pork and poultry. The production of meat and meat products in the Russian Federation increased by 6.1% in 2014, by another 5.4% in 2015, and by 14.1%. , -

The national program “Development of Beef Cattle Breeding”, the implementation period of which is 8 years (from 2013 to 2020), was allocated 76.54 billion rubles, of which for the period 2015-2020. - 64.9 billion, - 77.3.

The current state of affairs in this industry

indicates that the planned volumes financial resources is clearly not enough even to implement import substitution in some.

At the moment, there are quite a lot of problems that require special attention, these are, firstly, -

of seed material, non-payment of debts, difficulties with staffing and the serious situation in the agricultural machinery industry, which is being built from scratch today.

To monitor the development process Agriculture and processing industry

thinking, in 2016 we need statistical data. To date, these data are not available in full. Thus, statistics are presented for large and medium-sized agricultural producers, but in the structure of gross output they occupy only 38%. Other organizations -

accurate for complete data analysis.

the country will host the All-Russian Agricultural

significant improvement in the quality of statistics - Literature:

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mic measures to ensure safety

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technical data in this area. During the agricultural census, it is planned to carry out activities to study all agricultural organizations and enterprises, peasant farms, as well as individual and personal subsidiary plots. ,

the farm is considered as one of

the most promising directions for re, -

we eat, and, above all, by restoring the country’s food independence.

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The agro-industrial complex has always been considered one of the most profitable industries in Russia. Agricultural resources, coupled with the proper level of technical equipment, made it possible to stably support the production of enterprises involved in this area. However, at this stage of development, the laws of competition require increasing the efficiency of market participants. In part, the inability of domestic producers to confidently confront foreign competitors led to the need for fundamental changes in economic policy. Import substitution was proposed as the optimal way to solve the pressing problem. In agriculture, it must justify itself as a measure that allows a painless transition for the industry’s economy to a new, more technologically advanced level of production.

The concept of import substitution in agriculture

The development of the concept of import substitution fully fits into the idea of ​​the food security doctrine, which was drawn up back in 2010. Subsequently, it was revised more than once, but the general meaning remained the same. It consists of creating conditions in the domestic market under which Russian manufacturers will be able to strengthen their positions, and the industry’s economy will be less dependent on foreign goods. In some way, import substitution in the agricultural sector has become a tool for achieving the objectives of the doctrine.

However, the restriction of import supplies of agricultural products also contributed to the introduction of significant adjustments to the development programs of the agro-industrial sector. Along with this, some threats have emerged affecting the macroeconomic climate, technology platform and agro-ecological factors. Such threats can be realized by a complete refusal of imports or restrictions with high coefficients, therefore experts in economic and industrial development note the need to maintain a balance in restrictive measures.

Functions of import substitution

Achieving the set strategic goals, which are expressed in strengthening the national agro-industrial complex, is implemented through a whole range of tasks. First of all, import substitution is designed to support integration functions that are focused on optimizing the processes of interaction between agricultural business entities at different levels of management. In many ways, strengthening the model for effective control and management of the complex makes it possible to create conditions for more productive work of farms as the main unit of the industry.

As for indirect functions, import substitution in agriculture should contribute to the active implementation economic instruments supporting the sector, optimizing logistics processes of interaction between partners, solving problems of distribution and consumption of not only products, but also the raw material base. As data from studies of agricultural enterprises show, only a small part of them is able to fully meet the needs of the modern consumer. And this applies not only to the main quality characteristics product, but also secondary aspects of interaction between the manufacturer and market participants.

Import substitution program in agriculture

The state import substitution program is formed by a set of long-term strategic goals. In particular, the main subprograms include stimulating the development of crop production, livestock farming and beef cattle breeding. In each of these areas, it is also expected to develop processes for processing raw materials and selling final products. That is, the tasks of developing more effective schemes for interaction between participants in the chain from the direct producer to the consumer are formulated again. This is due to the fact that import substitution in agriculture is largely hampered by the technological backwardness of many enterprises. In this regard, the main program also provides for the beginning of technical and technological modernization with the active implementation of innovative solutions.

Import substitution objectives

Achieving the strategic goals formulated in the state import substitution program is possible only if real problems facing industry representatives are solved. In particular, it is necessary to increase the volume of investments in agriculture, stimulate processes for improving the efficiency of exploitation of land resources, land reclamation, overcoming stagnation in the livestock segment, developing domestic agricultural engineering, etc. As can be seen, in each sub-sector, import substitution and agricultural development are implemented with with its own characteristics, which are also determined by characteristic long-term problems. But there is also a general specificity of the import substitution program in the agro-industrial complex, which is worth considering separately.

Features of import substitution in agriculture

Features of the development of the agricultural sector in the context of the rejection of imported goods and the transition to a new technological level are determined by several factors. First of all, there is a certain dependence on foreign suppliers. Some industries are still unable to optimally cover the relevant niches with their products. Therefore, there is unevenness in the production efficiency of enterprises from different subsectors. In addition, import substitution in agriculture is impossible without government support. In this regard, programs to stimulate private farming are also being developed, especially in regions that have every opportunity to effectively realize their agro-industrial potential.

Problems of implementing the import substitution program

The main problems include the backwardness of the technical and technological platform, on which the efficiency of agro-industrial enterprises depends. This is due to the minimal income of commodity producers, which is not enough for modernization technical means. Also great importance has producers' access to the market. Again, backward and ineffective infrastructure does not allow import substitution in agriculture to achieve its goals in terms of improving the economic situation. This is especially true for small businesses that are forced to fight with large monopoly networks of producers from the domestic segment.

Indicators of the implementation of the import substitution program

At one time, indicators of the effectiveness of import substitution were included in the program for the strategic development of agriculture, and then moved into the doctrine of food security. At the moment, they are used to evaluate the strengthening domestic production in the context of the lack of competition with foreign manufacturers, as envisaged by import substitution in Russia. Agriculture and, in particular, the pace of its development are assessed by indices of agricultural production, fixed capital of enterprises and the physical volume of investments.

Prospects for the development of the agricultural industry

In assessing the prospects for the development of the domestic agricultural complex, it is important to take into account natural, but negative factors that will slow down this process. Firstly, this is a logical decrease in income from imported products that Russian counterparties receive. Secondly, this is the inevitable modernization of the technical platform, which will require a considerable part of financial and organizational resources. Nevertheless, against this background, import substitution in Russian agriculture can show very noticeable rates of development in the main segments, including crop production, livestock breeding, grain production, etc. As the capacity of enterprises increases, the economic condition of market participants in this industry will naturally strengthen.


At this stage of the implementation of import substitution programs, we can state the fact that the domestic market is closed for imported products. But this does not mean that Russian farmers should abandon the experience of their foreign colleagues. In particular, import substitution in agriculture may well switch to the principles of so-called closed production within the industry. This means that the direct manufacturers of the products are also involved in promoting their products along the supply chain right up to the counter. This scheme, of course, requires a serious transformation of the models of interaction between market participants at different levels. However, this transition promises the same commodity producers a significant increase in profits, and consumers - a decrease in the cost of products.

Tea, coffee, and exotic crops are successfully grown in Russia, using the agricultural experience of other countries. However, it is not yet possible to fully meet the country's needs in various areas.

Traditionally, the most profitable business projects in Russia are the primary processing of raw materials, trade, and construction. At the same time, our country is firmly connected with the image of a raw materials giant, which on its own is not able to not only clothe and put on shoes for its citizens, but also simply feed them. And although the policy of import substitution in agriculture was announced several years ago, we have not seen a large number of domestic nectarines and pineapples on the shelves. What is really happening in the industry? Are there any examples of successful import substitution?

Russia's need for foreign products in agriculture is more than just dependence. The vegetable growing sector uses up to 60% of imported seeds, and in potato growing - up to 80%. IN winter period Currently, 90-95% of vegetables consumed by Russians are imported from abroad.

Peasant farm "ZHAK"

Region: Tula region

The farm supplies a large amount of products: potatoes, cabbage, beets. Over 11 years of active work, the area of ​​cultivated land has increased from 40 hectares to 11,000 hectares. The enterprise boasts a significant production volume: over 90 thousand tons of potatoes, about 200 tons of meat products, 6 thousand tons of milk. The organization's storage facilities are equipped with equipment from European suppliers, which allows high quality goods.

In the summer of 2015, the company appeared in the news by launching the largest watering installation in Russia. The complex irrigates about 11% of all company land (1,100 hectares). Experts also note the high yield of grain crops: it exceeds the regional average by 2-3 times (80 centners per hectare versus 32).

Cheese factory "Russian Parmesan"

Region: Moscow region

The unusual project of Oleg Sirota, a former programmer, attracted a lot of attention at the very beginning of its creation. The young man sold his real estate, cars and moved to the village, where in about a year he built a cheese production workshop. Even such national journalists as Komsomolskaya Pravda paid attention to the implementation of the project. O. Sirota timed the launch of production to coincide with the anniversary of the “counter-sanctions” and decided to earn popularity points at this event.

It is too early to talk about any profit, since the cheeses have been created only since August 7, 2015. However, one cannot fail to note the enthusiasm and stubbornness of the farmer-programmer: it took him only 12 months to make his dream come true. O. Sirota is going to offer the Russian market not only yoghurts, but also parmesan, which will fully correspond to its European counterpart. As the cheese maker notes, to create production he used purely Russian equipment, products and technologies.

At the same time, in some of his publications, he told how he went to Switzerland for experience, which, as you know, joined the sanctions against Russia. The total investment (O. Sirota’s personal funds) amounted to about 12 million rubles. A kilogram of the finished product is planned to be sold for 650-700 rubles.

Do you want to know how a Russian cheese maker made his dream come true? Then be sure to watch the story about his plant on the Russia 24 channel.

LLC "Greenhouse complex" (Mokshansky)

Region: Penza region

The organization became famous for the production of real Dutch roses in Russia. Currently, the company has a whole network of greenhouses, the total area of ​​which is 24 hectares. Over the past year, the company grew 23 million roses, the total number of varieties is more than 70 units. Thus, the Penza region is largely provided with fresh flowers of domestic production.

The organization was created long before the introduction of sanctions about 10 years ago. To improve the quality of products and achieve high results, the company sends its specialists for internships to Holland and uses modern equipment in their work. “Moksha Rose” plans to master the production of other flowers that can also decorate customers’ holidays.

Farm "Ostrich Farm"

Region: Leningrad region

Breeding ostriches in Russian conditions has long ceased to be a utopia. Peasant farm V.V. Vigovsky is a clear confirmation of this. The farm grows and sells various products: ostrich eggs, poultry meat, creams, leather, feathers, souvenirs. In addition, year-round excursions are available to visitors, even in frosty winter.

The high popularity of ostrich meat is evidenced by the fact that prior registration is required to purchase it. The cost reaches 1,690 rubles per kilogram, while an egg costs about 1,500 rubles per piece. By the way, an individual bird about 1 month old costs 6-15 thousand rubles, so you can create your own farm with a relatively small starting capital. However, experts note the high capriciousness of the ostrich and the need to observe special conditions for its cultivation. However, poultry meat is widely in demand in Russia: our citizens do not suffer from vegetarianism.

OJSC "Adler Tea"

Region: Krasnodar region

The company, founded back in Soviet times, produces tea in the Adler region. The organization produces its own raw materials and processes imported ones. In addition to tea, the company grows hazelnuts, persimmons, laurel, bell pepper, eggplants and other crops that are difficult to care for even in hot climates.

Despite its long history and a large number of activities, Adler Tea OJSC cannot boast of high profits. Thus, in 2014, losses amounted to about 9 million rubles, although just a couple of years ago the organization showed net income. At the same time, revenue in 2014 amounted to 21.2 million rubles (for 2013 - 35.6 million rubles). In the near future, it is planned to increase the area for growing subtropical crops to 100 hectares, as well as to build a new greenhouse plant.

One of the consequences of import substitution is a sharp decrease in imports in June 2015. Thus, purchases of meat and products in the 6th month decreased by 49.5% compared to the same period last year, vegetables - by 46%, fruits - by 32.4%, grains - by 66.5%. However, experts note the duality of this event: not only a decrease in imports, but also a reduction in the commodity and consumer market.

Welle LLC

Region: Leningrad region

The Welle company is, rather, not import substitution in its pure form, but an example of how Western technologies can take root on Russian soil, bringing worthy results. The organization is engaged in the production and sale of oatmeal-based products. Thus, customers have access to desserts, cocktails, ready-to-eat breakfasts, drinks and much more. The company was founded in 2004, and has currently achieved high levels of financial and economic activity.

Revenue in 2013 amounted to 464.4 million rubles (56% more than a year earlier), net profit - 27.1 million rubles (an increase of 100%). Moreover, the company operated only 9 years ago with annual revenue of 43.8 million rubles and a loss of 4 million rubles. In 2014 alone, the organization passed 3 different inspections and is characterized high level sustainability.

LLC Agrofirma Razdolye

Region: Penza region

The agricultural company chose an import substitution project such as strawberry production. 1.5 hectares were allocated for the berries, and 4 varieties of the plant went on sale. Their average cost was about 160 rubles in July 2015, which is significantly cheaper than imported analogues. At the same time, buyers liked taste qualities products that were appreciated.

“Agrofirm “Razdolye” has been represented on the market for a long period of time and has impressive financial indicators. For example, revenue in 2013 amounted to about 10 million rubles, net profit - about half a million.

So, import substitution in agriculture is a huge number of projects that surprise with their boldness and diversity. It should be noted that businessmen do not fully use the potential information space, but in vain: the domestic consumer is obliged to know his heroes.

Import substitution started in Russia on August 6, 2014 and turned out to be very useful for Russian agricultural producers. The Ministry of Agriculture calculated the effect of import substitution accumulated over 3 years. Achievements in the rural sector and other sectors will be clearly demonstrated on September 12-14, 2017 at the international exhibition “Import Substitution”, which will be held at Crocus Expo in Moscow.

Three years ago, as a response to Western sanctions against Russian companies and officials, restrictions were introduced in our country on food supplies from these countries. The restrictions included cattle meat, fish processing, cheeses, poultry products and fruit and vegetable farms. Food imports into Russia then amounted to $43 billion a year.

This was an excellent protectionist measure that cleared the way to consumers for Russian producers. In agriculture, imports fell to $25 billion in 2016 (by 42%), and the growth of agricultural production in the country during the period was 11%.

Import substitution in agriculture was supported by additional injections of money from the state budget. In 2017, the amount of state support exceeds 242 billion rubles (+27% compared to 2014), in particular:

  1. 20-35% of costs for refurbishment or construction of dairy farms, fruit and vegetable complexes, greenhouses, warehouses and breeding centers are reimbursed;
  2. You can receive compensation of up to 35% when investing in agriculture in the Far East;
  3. Subsidies to increase the productivity of dairy production in the Far East, Non-Black Earth Region and Crimea increased by 20% (an increasing factor of 1.2 was introduced);
  4. Costs for fruit and berry gardens are reimbursed (up to 2.5 billion rubles)
  5. You can get a loan at a rate of up to 5%, where the share of subsidies for small agricultural enterprises is determined by the region;
  6. A grant for opening a farm and agricultural cooperatives can amount to up to 3-30 million rubles, depending on the scale of the farm;
  7. Exporters can take advantage of the priority project “Export of Agricultural Products”: preferential loans, consultations, participation in foreign exhibitions.

In agriculture, import substitution was best achieved in the sales of pork and poultry, where consumption of overseas meat decreased by 3 and 2.5 times, respectively. Imports of vegetables fell by half. Minister of Agriculture of Russia A.N. Tkachev said: “In order to maintain the received impetus for development, it is important not to reduce the volume of state support in the future. This is the main incentive for investment in the agricultural sector.”

The import substitution program in Russia sets the task for Russian manufacturers to create high-quality products that would not only replace imports, but would also be attractive abroad and increase Russian exports. In other words, Russian goods and services must become competitive on the world stage.

Exports of Russian agricultural products abroad in 2016 increased to $17 billion; in January-May 2017, it increased by 17% compared to the same period in 2016. “Russia can trade not only oil, but also become the world’s leading agricultural power, this opens up great opportunities for the dynamic development of the economy as a whole,” this is how the Minister expressed his hopes for export growth. By 2020, agricultural exports should reach $21 billion/year.

The “Import Substitution” exposition in 2017 will feature products from domestic manufacturers in such areas as the agro-industrial complex (AIC), mechanical engineering, oil and gas sector, and consumer goods. They will be represented by both the manufacturers themselves and the regions in which they produce. They will be joined by officials responsible for creating an environment in which import substitution can be implemented without bureaucratic barriers.

Sources: , Ministry of agriculture

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