A car. Research work "Design of a car and engine" (in English) Auto terms in English

Motor vehicle, intended for the carriage of passengers and having no more than 8 seats, not counting the driver's seat. They are divided into types depending on the type of body and engine displacement... Source: Methodological... ... Official terminology

A car- Saab 9000 is a typical passenger car A car a vehicle designed to transport passengers and luggage, with a capacity of 2 to 8 people. With more seats for passengers, a car is considered ... Wikipedia

a car- 2.2 passenger car: A motor vehicle, excluding motorcycles, designed to carry a maximum of nine persons. Source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

A car- a car designed for transporting passengers and luggage, with a capacity of 2 to 8 people (including the driver). The most widespread are 4 5 local L. a. with closed bodies. In the USSR L. a. classified by... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

A CAR- car intended for transporting passengers (from 2 to 8, including the driver) and luggage. In the USSR, depending on the engine displacement and the dry weight of the car, 5 classes of motor vehicles are distinguished, each of which has 2 groups: an especially small class up to 1.2 ... Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

A car- a vehicle designed to transport passengers and luggage... Automobile dictionary

a car- a passenger or cargo-passenger vehicle with two to eight passenger seats. Light trucks with a permissible maximum weight of up to 3.5 tons (weight of the vehicle with cargo, driver and... Encyclopedia of technology

CAR- [hk], passenger car, passenger car. Easy to move, not for carrying heavy objects. Passenger droshky. A car. ❖ Passenger cab driver for passengers, ant. dray. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

AUTOMOBILE- (Greek autos itself and Latin mobilis moving). The carriage, propelled by some internal mechanical engine. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. CAR crew moving without participation ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

automobile- car, machine, auto, wheels, wheel, wheelbarrow, piece of iron, iron, little car, suitcase, tires, iron horse, tin, motor, (iron, four-wheeled) friend, (auto) chassis, member carrier, van, convertible Dictionary of Russian synonyms . automobile… … Synonym dictionary


  • A car. Textbook for students of secondary vocational education institutions, Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Rodichev. The textbook outlines the basic structure and operating diagrams of mechanisms and systems of domestic passenger cars. Basics given Maintenance and recommendations for elimination... Buy for 989 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Passenger car, V. A. Rodichev. The distinctive features of the fundamental structure and operation of mechanisms and systems of domestic passenger cars in comparison with trucks are outlined. Provides basic maintenance and...

Words on the topic “Car” are a fairly large layer of vocabulary in the English language. It includes numerous terms about the structure of the car, the road, the rules traffic. In this article we will look at the most commonly used vocabulary, which is used not by auto mechanics, but by everyone who drives a car.

The selection of words and expressions is divided into five topics. The first three are nouns (car parts, interior parts, road), I did not add example sentences to them, because there should be no difficulties in using them. Verbs on the topic “Driving”, “Accident” are given with examples to make it clearer how they are used.

Please note that the automotive vocabulary in English contains many words that differ in the British and American versions of the language. They are marked with the abbreviations UK (British) and US (American).

Main parts of the car in English

headlights headlights
low beams low beam headlights
high beams high beam headlights
bumper (UK) bumper (UK)
fender (US) bumper (US)
windshield (US) windshield (US)
windscreen (UK) windshield (UK)
wipers (windshield wipers) wipers
boot (UK) trunk (UK)
trunk (US) trunk (US)
rear view mirror rearview mirror
side mirrors side mirrors
tire (UK) tube, tire (UK)
tire (US) tube, tire (US)
flat tire flat tire
wheel wheel
steering wheel steering wheel
bonnet (UK) roof, hood (UK)
hood (US) roof, hood (US)
tank tank
taillights rear lights
door door
silencer (UK) muffler (UK)
muffler (US) muffler (US)
spare parts spare parts
spare tire spare wheel
petrol (UK) petrol (UK)
gas (US) gasoline (US)
license plate license plate
license plate number car number
make car model
model Car model


  • With the word fender(bumper) there is an interesting expression fender-bender(to bend - bend). This is the name given to a small accident with minor damage to the vehicle.
  • The car number may be called differently, more officially vehicle registration number. In conversation they usually don’t speak at such length, preferring the following options: registration number, plate number, license plate number, license plate.
  • You may encounter words licenSe and licenCe. In all varieties of English except American, licenCe is a noun and licenseSe is a verb. American English does not use the word licenCe, and the word licenseSe can be both a verb and a noun. In this regard, the car number may be called license plate(USA) or license plate(other countries).

In the car (interior parts)

dashboard dashboard
back seat backseat
front seat front seat
seatbelt safety belt
door lock door lock
door handle door knob
glovebox (glovie) glove compartment
horn beep
accelerator gas pedal
brake brake pedal
clutch clutch pedal
handbrake hand brake
lighter cigarette lighter
manual transmission (UK) manual transmission (UK)
standard (US) manual transmission (US)
automatic transmission Automatic transmission
gearshift gear shift lever (manual)
gear selector gear shift lever (on automatic transmission)
airbag air bag


  • horn- this is the beep itself, signal - to honk(the horn).
  • With the word back seat(back seat) there is an expression back seat driver– literally, “back seat driver.” This is what they say about a passenger who tells the driver how to drive, and also, in a broader sense, about a person who likes to explain “how to do it right,” although he himself is not involved in the process.

English words on the topic “Road”

road road
route highway, highway
motorway (UK) mainline (UK)
highway (US) mainline (US)
onramp exit to the highway
lane lane
lane marking (road surface marking) road markings
speed bump speed bump
crossroad (UK) crossroads (UK)
intersection (US) crossroads (US)
road sign road sign
traffic light traffic light
pavement (UK) pavement (UK)
sidewalk (US) sidewalk (US)
crosswalk crosswalk
pedestrian a pedestrian
car park (UK) parking (UK)
parking lot (US) parking (US)
parking space parking space
traffic traffic
traffic jam cork
rush hour peak hour

Expressions on the topic “Driving a car”

  • to buckle up– buckle up

Make sure that the passengers are buckled up. – Make sure passengers are wearing seat belts.

  • to fasten (put on) seatbelt– put on a seat belt

Fasten your seatbelts, please. – Please fasten your seat belts.

  • to brake- to brake

Do you know how to brake? - Do you know how to brake?

  • to hit the brakes(colloquial) – slow down (colloquial)

I had to hit the brakes when I saw a pedestrian. – I had to brake when I saw a pedestrian.

  • to stall– stall (about the engine)

Can you help me? My car stalled. - Can you help me? My car stalled.

  • to step on the accelerator– press on the gas

Shift into first and step on the accelerator. – Shift to first gear and press the gas.

  • to accelerate (to speed up)– speed up

You can speed up on a highway. – You can speed up on the highway.

  • to reverse- give back

Please, reverse carefully. There is a lemo behind us. - Please back up carefully. There's a limousine behind us.

  • to honk (the horn)- honk (beep)

He couldn't hear the car honkingbehind him. “He didn’t hear the car honking from behind.

  • to make a U-turn- turn around sharply

He struggled with the steering wheel, attempting to make U-turn. “He struggled with the steering wheel, trying to make a sharp turn.

  • to follow the speed limit- obey the speed limit

We can drive where we want, but we have to follow the speed limit. “We can drive wherever we want, but we must obey the speed limit.”

  • to exceed the speed limit (to speed)- exceed the speed

Don't exceed the speed limit, speeding may cause collisions with animals. – Do not exceed the speed limit; speeding may result in a collision with animals.

  • to run a red light- go through a red light

I was in hurry and ran a red light. “I was in a hurry and ran a red light.

  • to tailgate– drive close (to the car in front), do not keep a distance

Tailgating causes many car accidents. – Failure to maintain distance leads to many accidents.

  • to pull over (off)– stop (and move off the roadway)

If your car starts to overheat, pull over immediately. – If your car starts to overheat, stop immediately.

  • to pull out of– leave (for example, from a parking lot)

The bus pulled out of the parking lot. – The bus left the parking lot.

  • to cut (someone) off- trim

I speeded up and someone cut me off. “I accelerated and someone cut me off.”

  • to park– park

Sorry, you can't park here. - Sorry, you can't park here.

  • to pass a car- overtake a car

The “Do Not Pass” sign indicates that passing a car is prohibited. – The “No Overtaking” sign means that you cannot overtake a car.

  • to change lanes- move to another lane, change lanes

The driver decided to change lanes but didn’t make sure that it was safe to do. – The driver decided to change lanes, but was not convinced that it was safe.

  • to change gear– change gear

Learn how to change gear first. – First learn how to shift gears.

  • to run out of gas (petrol)– use up fuel

Where is the nearest gas station? We are running out of gas. – Where is the nearest gas station? We're running out of gas.

  • to fill up (the car)- fill the car)

Always fill up the car before a long drive. – Always refuel your car before a long trip.

  • to flag (someone) down \ wave someone down- brake the car (gesture)

The police officer flagged me down and asked for a drivers license.

  • to get in- get in the car

Get in! Get in the car! - Sit down! Get in the car!

  • to get out- get out of the car

I'd like to get out at the post office. – I would like to get off at the post office.

  • to pick (someone) up– pick up a passenger

Can you pick me up at nine o'clock? -Can you pick me up at nine o'clock?

  • to drop (someone) off– disembark the passenger

Drop him off at the nearest subway station. – Drop him off at the nearest metro station.

  • to indicate– show turn

Never turn without indicating. – Never turn without showing the turn.

  • to drive off- leave somewhere

I shut the door and the cab drove off. “I closed the door and the taxi drove off.”

  • to give (someone) a lift (UK)– give a lift (UK)
  • to give (someone) a ride (US)– give a lift (US)

Can you give me a ride, please? – Could you give me a ride?

Expressions on the topic “Accident, problems with the car”

  • car accident (car crush)- car accident

In the beginning of the movie a few people died in a car accident. – At the beginning of the film, several people died in a car accident.

  • to have a flat tire (puncture)- puncture the wheel

On the way to the airport, we had aflat tire. “On the way to the airport we got a flat tire.

  • to break down- break down (about a car)

Sorry, I'm gonna be late, my car broke down. - Sorry, I'll be late, my car broke down.

  • tow truck– tow truck

There is nothing you can do, call a tow truck. “There’s nothing you can do here, call a tow truck.”

  • to tow– evacuate

Cars parked on the road will be towed. – Cars left on the road will be towed away.

  • to run into (someone)- bump into someone

The first time I was driving a car, I ran into a tree. – The first time I drove a car, I crashed into a tree.

  • to slam on the brakes- brake sharply

The driver in front of me slammed on thebrakes and I nearly ran into him . “The driver in front of me braked sharply, and I almost crashed into him.

  • to run over (someone)- run over someone

It looks like they are going to run over someone. “It looks like they’re about to run over someone.”

  • to sideswipe- hit the side of the car

See those scratches? I got sideswiped by some idiot. – Do you see these scratches? Some idiot hurt me.

  • to rear-end- drive into a car from behind

I broke suddenly and she rear-ended me. “I braked sharply, and she drove into me from behind.

  • to veer into oncoming traffic– drive (sharply) into the oncoming lane

His car vered into oncoming trafficand ran into a tractor. “His car swerved into oncoming traffic and crashed into a tractor.

  • to drive on the wrong side of the road– drive on the wrong side (on the oncoming side)

And then I noticed that we were driving on the wrong side of the road. “And then I noticed that we were driving in the oncoming lane.

  • to lose control- can't handle control

The driver lost control and the car ran into a brick wall. – The driver lost control and the car crashed into a brick wall.

  • to skid - get into a skid

The car skiddedon a patch of ice and veered into a snow bank. “The car skidded on the ice and ended up in a snowdrift.

  • to roll over - roll over

The driver was thrown from his car when it rolledover. “The driver was thrown out of the car when it overturned.

  • drunk driving– drunk driving

There are laws against drunk driving, but not against driving with a hangover. There are laws against drunk driving, but not drunk driving.

  • reckless driving– dangerous driving

Their car rolled over, possibly as a result ofreckless driving. – Their car overturned, possibly as a result of dangerous driving.

  • distracted driving– inattentive driving

Distracted driving is the act of driving while engaged in other activities such as talking on the phone. – Inattentive driving is driving in which the driver is engaged in unrelated activities, such as talking on the phone.

  • to hit and run- knock down a person and escape

She was hit and run but fortunately she was not heavily injured. “She was hit by a car, which then fled, but fortunately she was not seriously injured.

  • to have a head-on collision- crash head-on, make a direct collision

When Robert tried to pass a car he had a head-on collision with a truck. – When Robert tried to overtake the car, he made a direct collision with the truck.

  • a driving ban– deprivation of rights

I got a two years driving ban for drunk driving. – I was deprived of my license for two years for driving while intoxicated.

Every day I see two or three people flying without looking back at a red traffic light, as if it does not exist at all. I'm not a preacher, but I can tell you this: the lives people lead make them crazy, and that crazyness shows in the way they drive. - Charles Bukowski

Beauty truly is power, but only if you know how to use it. It's like having a Ferrari: if you can't really drive it, you don't need it. - Monica Bellucci

I think this post is more masculine. It contains gasoline, tires and is flavored with machine oil.

For me, cars and automobiles are always a dark forest. I don't know much about brands or the device. And from time to time I confuse their names. Once upon a time I played Need For Speed. These were happy races, and I always won them with a Lamborghini. =)

So, let's look at the words.

Trunk - trunk

Whee l- wheel

Door - door

Hubcap - wheel cap

Brakelight - warning light for engaged parking brake (Wow!)

Bumper- bumper

License plate- numbers

Tire- tire

Tread - rubbing surface (wheels)

Shockabsorber - shock absorber

Rearviewmirror - rear view mirror with day/night switching

Windshield/windscreen -frontwindglass

Windshield wiper - windshield wiper

Hood- engine hood

Blinker - turn indicator


Seat - seat

Seatbelt - belt

Engine - engine

Motor - motor

Exhaust pipe - exhaust pipe

muffler - “like a muffin” Silencer.

Jack - jack

Floor mat - a mat on the floor of the car interior

Gas can - gas canister

Jumper cables - large cross-section electrical wires

Spark plug - spark plug

Battery - battery

Motor oil - machine oil

Dip stick - oil measuring ruler

Funnel - fuel

Steering wheel - steering wheel

Horn - car siren

Honk - car horn

Speedometer - speedometer

Fuel gauge - fuel meter

Stick shift/gear shift - manual transmission

Pedals - pedals

Clutch - clutch

Brake - brake pedal

Accelerator - acceleration pedal

Phrases and expressions you will need when renting a car.

When traveling, it is very convenient to rent a car. You can call and reserve a car or rent it on the spot.

If you are at the airport, you can ask, “Where is the rental car booth?” (Where is the car rental office?) or “Where can I rent a car?” (Where can I book a car?)

After you arrive at the place, ask if there are cars available. It is usually said like this:

« Hi. I would like to rent a car." Hello, I want to rent a car
« Do you have any cars available? Do you have cars in stock?

You may be asked, “Did you make a reservation?” (Have you booked in advance?) If there are no cars available, they may say “ I’m sorry, we do not have any cars available today."(Sorry, we don't have any cars in stock today). Then look further, by the way, there are many car rental agencies at airports. Unless of course it is peak season, you can call and reserve a car.

The agency may ask you:
“What size car would you like?” - What size do you prefer?
« What type of car would you like? What type of car do you want?
“What type of car do you need?” What kind of car do you need?

“What sizes do you have?” What sizes do you have in stock?
« What are my options? What choice do I have?

« We have compact, midsize, full size, luxury, SUV, and a minivan.«

We have compact, midsize, full-size, luxury, SUVs and minivans.

“How much is the full size car?” How much does a big car cost?
“How much is the midsize car?” How much does a medium-sized car cost?

« How many does the full size car seat? How many seats (how much space) are there in a big car?
« How many can fit in the midsize car? How much can fit in an average car?

“I’ll take a midsize car. "I'll take the middle one

Let's look at 2 dialogues.

We rent a car.

Jack: Welcome to Cyprus Ride. Can I help you?

Miss Cara: I need to rent a car.

Jack: Do you know our website? Maybe, you have reserved the car there?

Miss Cara: No, I learned about my trip just 2 days ago

Jack: That's okay. Let us see what cars are available. What size do you prefer?

Miss Cara: Not big

Jack: We have several economy-sized two-door coupes available and a few sedans. How long will you need a car?

Miss Cara: For four days

Jack: How much driving do you plan to do?

Miss Cara: Why do you ask about it?

Jack: You can choose our unlimited mileage plan for 5 days. It costs 100 dollars

Miss Cara: No, Just from my office to the mountains

Jack: Ok, then 10 dollars a day. Do you have a valid driving license?

Miss Cara: Yes, I do.

Jack: Ok. Would you like to purchase our insurance plan for an extra 15 per day? It`ll cover any damages to the car.

Miss Cara: No, thank you.

Jack: Ok. Bye for now

Miss Cara: Bye.

need to rent - need to book

have reserved - reserved

learned - found out

available - in stock

prefer - prefer

coupes - coupe

sedan - sedan

unlimited mileage plan - unlimited mileage

valid driving license - valid driver's license

purchase our insurance plan - buy an insurance plan

damages - damage, losses.

At a gas station.

GAS STATION ATTENDANT: What can I do for you?

YOU: Fill it up, please… Hey, how far is Philadelphia from here?

GAS STATION ATTENDANT: It's about 100 miles from here.

YOU: What's the best way to get there?

GAS STATION ATTENDANT: Take the 95. That will take you all the way to Philadelphia.

YOU: Thanks. Is the 95 a toll highway ?

GAS STATION ATTENDANT: No, it's free. Would you like me to clean your windshield?

YOU: Yes, please... And could you check my oil as well?

GAS STATION ATTENDANT: All right... All done. That'll be $46.75.

YOU: Here you go.Keep the change

fill it up please - please fill with gasoline

best way to get - best way to get there

toll highway - toll road

check my oil - check my oil

keep the change - Keep the change.

Idioms and expressions.

Car boot sale. Sale “from the trunk” (car owners bring products to the park, to the sports ground and sell them directly from the car).

Car pool. an association of car owners for joint, alternate use of them. Advantage is not so popular in Russia yet

  • Savings on fuel, repairs, parking and fees.
  • Reducing traffic congestion by uniting motorists and fellow travelers in one car.
  • Emissions of harmful gases are reduced, which can reduce global warming.
  • Passengers are able to avoid the stress and strain of driving. Alternating between days, carpool members can take turns taking on the role of driver.

Drive bananas/nuts. Drive crazy. Both in a good and bad sense =).

Have a great day

If you're visiting abroad, you may need to rent a car and maintain it while being faced with the need to speak English. In this section we will teach you “machine” English.

If you need to rent a car, you can do it directly at the airport at the representative desk of a rental agency, for example Hertz, National, Avis, Enterprise etc. This can also be done from the hotel by contacting the reception. In this case, the administrator will order a car for you, and it will be driven to the hotel.

Car brands are usually not discussed. The price is only affected class- Class. Car classes are called as follows: Economy– Economy, Compact– Compact, Intermediate- Average, Standard– Standard, Full- Full, Premium– Premium, Luxury– Lux, Minivan– Minivan, SUV(Sport Utility Vehicle) - SUV

Below are the automotive words and expressions you'll need to learn the dialogue in this lesson and on your journey.

Play words

auto service (car service, garage, repair shop) – car service
car- a car
car rent- car rental
convertible– convertible
minivan– minivan
pick-up– pickup
sedan– sedan
sports car- sport car
truck- big jeep
engine- engine
driver's license- driver license
gas– gasoline
gas station- Gas station
parking lot– parking
pump- column
Road Service (Road Assistance) – roadside assistance service
toll-road- toll road
transmission- Transmission
washer fluid– windshield washer fluid
windshield wipers– wipers

Study the dialogue that might take place at the rental agency.

Play Renting a Car at the Airport

- Hello. How're you?- Hello! How are you doing?
- Good, thanks. How may I help you?- OK, thank you. How can I help you?
- I’d like to rent a car.– I would like to rent a car.
- Certainly. What class do you have in mind?- Certainly. What class would you like?
- Premium.– Premium.
- OK, it would be an Audi A5. For how long would you like to rent a car?- Fine. It will be an Audi A5. How long do you want to rent a car?
- My return flight is in three days.– My return flight will be in three days.
- OK. The rate is 45 dollars per day. That makes it 135 dollars. Keep in mind that our check-out time is 2 pm. So, if your flight is later that day, you would need either come to the airport a few hours earlier or pay for the late return. What would you prefer? - Fine. Rate is $45 per day. Total it will be 135 dollars. Please note that you will need to drop off your vehicle at 2pm. Therefore, if your flight is later, you will have to arrive at the airport several hours earlier or pay for a late car return. What do you prefer?
- My flight is 10.30 pm. I don't want to spend the whole day at the airport. I'd rather pay more.– My flight is at ten thirty in the evening. I don't want to spend the whole day at the airport. I'd rather pay more.
- OK. May I have your driver’s license, please?- Fine. Can I have your license please?
- Here it is.- Here, take it.
- Everything looks fine. May I have your credit card, please?- Everything is fine. Can I have your credit card please?
- Sure. Where do I pick up the car?- Certainly. Where can I pick up the car?
- The shuttle stops outside Exit B. It’ll bring you to the HERTZ lot; you will give this booking ticket to the attendant and he will bring you your car.– The bus will stop
near Gate B. It will take you to the Hertz parking lot. You will give your reservation receipt to a member of staff and they will deliver your vehicle.
- What if I have a problem with the car?– What if I have problems with the car?
- Our company provides a 24-hour Emergency Road Service. Just call this toll-free number from anywhere in the country and a representative will make arrangements for the Road Service team to be on your way as soon as possible. – Our company provides 24/7 roadside support. You can simply call this toll-free number from anywhere in the country, and a representative from the company will arrange assistance as quickly as possible.
- Thank you very much.- Thanks a lot.

A comment
1. check-out time– the time when you need to check out of the hotel or, in this case, return the car; the expression is applicable in various situations.
2. return flight- return flight
3. late return– late return (of the car)
4. I'd rather do something...- Rather (better) I will do something...
5. toll-free– free; toll– fee, fee, for example: toll road- toll road
6. make arrangements- to organize something, to agree on something

If something happens to the car you rented, you contact your rental agency. Below is a list of some problems that may arise while operating your vehicle.

Play Problems

I have a flat tire.- I have a puncture in the wheel.
There's something wrong with the battery. I can't start the car.- There is some problem with the battery. I can't start the car.
The engine is not running well.- The engine is not running well.
The windshield wiper is broken.- The wiper is broken.
There’s a harsh grinding when I put the transmission into reverse.– There is a loud grinding noise when I put the car in reverse gear.
My transmission is shot.- The box flew.
The brakes are not working.- The brakes don't work.
I need an oil change.- We need to change the oil.

Play Problems with the Car

- Hi! My name is Todd Harris. I’m renting a car from you and I have a problem with it.- Hello! My name is Todd Harris. I rented a car from you and now I have a problem.
- Hello! Could I please have your booking number? It’s in the top right corner of your Rental Agreement.- Hello. May I know your reservation number? It's in the top right corner of your lease.
- The number is 435С.– Number 435C.
- Fine. While I'm opening your file, please describe what the problem is?
- I have a flat tire.- I have a puncture in the wheel.
- I see. Are you OK, sir? Were you able to pull to the side of the road?- Clear. Are you okay, sir? Were you able to make it to the side of the road?
- There’s nothing wrong with me, I’m OK. I just need to continue my trip.- Everything is fine with me. I just need to continue on my way.
- Not a problem. Stay where you are. We'll locate you and our Road Service Team will be there in thirty minutes. They will chahge the tire.- No problem. Stay where you are. We'll pinpoint your location and our roadside assistance team will arrive within thirty minutes. They will replace the wheel.
- Thank you very much. I appreciate your help.- Thanks a lot. I appreciate your help.

A comment
1. nature of the problem– verbatim: the nature of the problem; translate: nature of the problem, what is the problem, what is the problem
2. flat tire– literally: flat tire; translate: puncture in the wheel

Play Problem with the Windshield Wiper

- Hi! My name is Karen Davis. I’m renting a car from you and I have a problem with it.- Hello! My name is Karen Davis. I rented a car from you and I have a problem with it.
- The number is 8446S.– Number 8446S.
- OK. While I’m opening your file would you please describe the nature of the problem? - Fine. While I'm opening your file, could you please describe what the problem is?
- Well, one of the windshield wipers is damaged to the point it’s not moving and it’s raining outside.– One of the wipers is damaged to such a state that it does not move, and it is raining outside.

- I’m at my hotel.- I'm at my hotel.
- Would you please give me the name and address of the hotel?– Please give the name and address of the hotel.
- I’m staying at the Hyatt, at 75 Eastwood Road, LA.“I'm at the Hyatt, 75 Eastwood Road, Los Angeles.
- OK. This is what you need to do. Find Quick Repairs Auto Service at 23 Benton St. It's two miles north of your hotel. They'll take care of you. You don’t pay anything, but don’t forget to ask for an invoice; you will give it to the clerk when you return the car. - Fine. You need to do the following. Find Quick Repairs at 20 Benton Street, two miles north of your hotel. They will fix the problem. You don't have to pay anything, just remember to ask for a receipt; you will give it to our employee when you return the car.
- Thank you very much.- Thanks a lot.

A comment
1. damaged to the point it’s not moving– literally: damaged to such a point that it does not move; translation is carried out according to the context, for example: damaged to such a state that it does not move
2. at the Hayatt– in “Hayat”; Please note that the name of the chain hotel is used with the article the.
3. at 75 Eastwood Road; Please note that in English the house or building number is placed before the street name, and the street name is used without an article.
4. They'll take care of you.– literally: They will take care of you; meaning: They will repair (correct) the breakdown.
5. invoice- a receipt for payment for something

Play Problem with the Transmission

- Hi! My name is Lauren Black. I’m renting a car from you and I have a problem with it.- Hello! My name is Lauren Black. I rented a car from you, and now I have a problem with it.
- Hello. Could I please have your booking number? It’s in the top right corner of your Rental Agreement.- Hello! May I have your reservation number? It's in the top right corner of your lease.
- The number is 760K.– Number 760K.
- OK. While I’m opening your file, would you please describe the nature of the problem?- Fine. While I'm opening your file, could you please describe what the problem is?
- Well, there’s a harsh grinding when I put the transmission into reverse.– When I shift into reverse gear, there is a sharp grinding noise in the box.
- Do you know how it’s happened?– Do you know how this happened?
- No idea. I noticed it just now.- I have no idea. I just noticed this.
- OK, ma'am. Where are you right now?- Okay, ma'am. Where are you now?
- I'm at the St. Mitchel Hotel, at 162 Alcazar Avenue, Coral Gables, Florida.“I am at the St. Mitchell Hotel, 162 Alcazar Avenue, Coral Gables, Florida.
- OK. This is what you do now. You need to find Mr. Joe's garage at 45 Melrose St. Take Alcazar Avenue and drive straight three blocks. Then take a right. Mr. Joe's garage will be on the right side. - Fine. You need to do the following. Find Mister Joe's at 45 Melrose St. Drive straight down Alcazar Avenue for three blocks. Then turn right. Mister Joe's Auto Service will be on the right side.
- Will I have to pay for the repairs?– Will I have to pay for repairs?
- No. You don’t pay anything, but keep the invoice; you will give it to the clerk when you return the car.- No. You don't have to pay anything, but keep your receipt; you will give it to our employee when you return the car.
- Thank you.- Thank you.

If you need to refuel, then you go to gas station– a gas station to gas a car (get gas) - refuel. At a gas station you pull up to pump– column and select the type of gasoline: unleaded regular, unleaded plus (clean), premium gas (super clean). There is also diesel fuel - diesel[ˈdiːzəl].

Vinitsyn Sergey




Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education BRYUKHOVETSKY BRANCH OF “KUBAN STATE AGRANIC UNIVERSITY”

Scientific and practical conference on the topic “The best research, experimental design, creative work”

Topic: “Design of a modern car»

(in English)

Head: Yakuba N.A, teacher foreign language .

Art. Bryukhovetskaya-2010

Currently, the sociocultural context of learning a foreign language has changed, the professional importance of a foreign language in the labor market has increased significantly. From a secondary subject, it has become one of the most popular disciplines in Russia, in particular in Kuban, economic ties with English-speaking countries are expanding ( America, England, etc.). Currently, enterprises in Kuban require specialists who speak English. The materials in English presented in this research work serve as one of the ways to form the technical thinking of future specialists.

Research work in English is intended for students of engineering specialties, as well as anyone who is interested in technology and wants to expand their knowledge of the English language.

The research work includes 3 sections, each section contains several texts, a dictionary and exercises are provided for each text. The exercises are based on basic lexical and grammatical material. The presented tasks are built on the basis of a differentiated selection of language and text materials, taking into account the peculiarities of foreign language communication of specialists in the field of technology and mechanical engineering.

The purpose of the research work is to introduce English language learners to various issues of automobile design, as well as the basic concepts and terms of mechanical engineering.

Basic information – car design.

Work materials can be used both during independent work students over the language and in practical classes under the guidance of a teacher.

Introduction 3

Section 1. “The types of engines” 4

Topic “ENGINE” 4







Section 3 “Systems in the construction of an automobile” 16

Topic “Cooling system” 16



Technical translation 23

Used literature 27

Appendix 28

Section 1. “The types of engines”

Topic “ENGINE”

1. Vocabulary.

to make – force

to be referred to as – to be called, to be called

to term – to call

to cause – force, cause, cause

although - although

to create - create

shaft – shaft

engine - engine

source - source

wheel - wheel

combustion chamber - combustion chamber

to take place – to happen


The engine is the source of power that makes the wheels go around and the car move. It is usually referred to as an internal combustion engine because gasoline is burned within its cylinders or combustion chambers.

This burning, or combustion, takes place an a high speed termed as an “explosion”. The high pressure thus created causes a shaft to turn or rotate.

This rotary motion is transmitted to the car so the wheels rotate and the car moves. Most automobile engines have four or six cylinders, although some eight-, twelve- and sixteen cylinder engines are in use.

3. Answer the questions:

1. What is transmitted to the car so the wheels rotate?

2. How many cylinders have most automobile engines?

3. What is the source of power?

4. What can you say about internal combustion engine?

4. Fill in missing words:

1. This burning, or combustion, takes place an (high speed).

2. Gasoline is (burns inside the cylinders) or combustion chambers.

3. Power that makes the (wheels rotate) and the car move.

4. The high pressure thus created causes a (shaft turns) or rotate.

5. Most (car engines) have four or six cylinders.

5. Translate into Russian:

  1. car moves
  2. high pressure
  3. internal combustion engine
  4. wheels go around
  5. source of power
  6. rotary motion
  7. sixteen cylinder engines
  8. transmitted to the car
  9. Most automobile engines
  10. within its cylinders


1. Vocabulary.

steam chest - steam collector

the more...the more - the more...the more

mostly - mostly, mostly

to invent - to invent

to boil - to boil

pipe - pipe

steam - steam

valves - valves

piston - piston

to reach - to reach

pressure - pressure

stroke - stroke

speed - speed

opening - hole

2. Read and translate the text.


The steam engine was the first high-speed engine ever invented. The principle of the steam engine is simple. When water is boiled, it changes in to steam. The more the steam is heated, the more pressure it has.

A steam engine has some important parts. One is a boiler where fire turns water into steam. The steam goes through a pipe to the other important part - the steam chest with a cylinder and a piston in it. There are valves, or openings, in the steam chest. As the piston moves in the cylinder, it opens and closes the valves automatically, so that fresh steam enters just when the piston has reached the end of its stroke. A rod from the piston is connected to a wheel.

Now steam engines are mostly used in locomotives.

3. Answer the questions:

1. What is connected to a wheel?

2. What are some important parts of a steam engine?

3. What can you say about the principle of the steam engine?

4. Are there valves, or openings, in the steam chest?

5. How now steam engines are mostly used?

4. Fill in missing words:

1. One is a boiler where __________water into steam.

2. A rod from the piston ___________to a wheel.

3. The steam engine was the first ____________ever invented.

4. As the __________in the cylinder, it opens and closes the_____________, so that fresh steam enters just when the piston has reached the end of its stroke.

Missing words: fire turns, valves automatically, high-speed engine, is connected, piston moves.

5. Translate into English:

  1. steam heats up
  2. the piston moves
  3. important parts
  4. fire turns water
  5. high speed motor
  6. steam trap with cylinder
  7. end of turn
  8. connects to the wheel
  9. more pressure


1. Vocabulary.

gallon - gallon - English. (4.54 l); Amer. (3.78 l).

besides – besides, except

to last - last, continue, persist

screw - screw

like - similar, similar

directly - directly, directly

alone - one, only

immediately - immediately, immediately

spray - spray, jet, splash, spray

fuel - fuel

to inject – inject

to ignite – to light up

to use - to use

2. Read and translate the text.


A diesel engine is like a gasoline engine but simpler. Diesel engines are usually larger and can do more work. The fuel used in a diesel engine is oil. In diesel engines only air is blown into the cylinder. It does not need spark plugs. Diesel engines can be four - stroke ones and two - stroke ones.

Diesel engines use a cheaper kind of fuel and give more power for each gallon of fuel burned than gasoline engines. Besides they last much longer. In new trains and ships diesel engines run large generators which make electricity. The electricity runs motors which are connected to the wheels of the train or to the ship"s screws.

The diesel engine is an internal combustion engine. It uses oil as a fuel. The fuel is introduced in the form of spray and the engine requires no special ignition device.

In the four-stroke cycle Diesel engine air alone is drawn into the cylinder on the charging stroke. This air is being compressed on the return stroke to a very high pressure. The result of the combustion is that the air is heated to a high temperature.

The heavy oil injected into the air at the end of the stroke will be immediately ignited by It. The oil burns rapidly, but without explosion. The compression pressure is much higher than that in any other oil or gas engine.

3. Answer the questions:

1. What happened at the end of the stroke?

2. Is in the four-stroke cycle Diesel engine air or petrol drawn into the cylinder on the charging stroke?

3. What is the result of the combustion?

4. What is fuel used in a diesel engine?

5. A diesel engine is like a gasoline engine but simpler, isn’t it?

6. How diesel engines are used in new trains and ships?

4. Fill in missing words:

1. The ___________is an internal combustion engine.

2. This air is being ________on the return stroke.

3. The electricity ________which are connected to the wheels of the train or to the _________.

4. Diesel engines use a cheaper _________and give more power for each gallon of ________than gasoline engines.

5. In diesel engines only air ______into the cylinder.

Bank of words: compressed, fuel burned, diesel engine, ship"s screws, runs motors, kind of fuel, is blown.

5. True or false:

  1. In new trains and plane diesel engines run large generators which make electricity.
  2. The fuel used in a diesel engine is petrol.
  3. In the four-stroke cycle Diesel engine air alone is drawn into the cylinder on the charging stroke.
  4. The oil burns slowly, but without explosion.
  5. In new trains and ships diesel engines run large generators which make electricity.


1. Vocabulary.

detachable - removable

secure - strengthen, attach

to exert – to influence, to exert influence

duration - duration, duration

succession - sequence

to comprise - include, contain

to succeed - to follow something

admission – admission, access, entrance

motion - movement

to take place – to happen, to happen

to secure – to protect, prevent

internal combustion engine - engine internal combustion

mechanical energy - mechanical energy

to consist of – consist of…..

inside - inside

crankshaft - crankshaft

rotary - rotating

flywheel - flywheel

inlet valve – inlet valve

exhaust valve - exhaust valve

camshaft - camshaft

constantly - constantly

majority - majority

revolution - turn

2. Read and translate the text.


The gasoline engine is that type of machine where power is generated within the cylinders. The engine is set in motion by the explosions of a mixture of gasoline and air.

Combustion takes place above the pistons. The detachable head is secured to the top of the cylinder block. It encloses the cylinderblock and forms the combustion chamber. When the fuel is burnt within the cylinders the expansion of gases is used for producing piston movement. Such a type of engine is called the internal combustion engine

In any internal combustion engine the gas charge is drawn into the cylinder.

The internal combustion engine converts heat into mechanical energy by burning a mixture of oil fuel and air within its cylinder or cylinders. The internal combustion engine consists of the following: 1. A cylinder (there may be several). 2. A piston which moves up and down inside cylinder. 3. A crankshaft connected to the piston by a rod known as a connecting rod. The connecting rod turns the up-and-down motion of the piston into a rotary motion of the crankshaft. 4. A flywheel which keeps the crankshaft moving when the pressure is exerted upon the top of the piston. 5. Two valves known as the inletvalve and the exhaust valve. 6. A camshaft which is used to open and close the valves. "Combustion engines may be divided into types according to the duration of the cycle on which they operate. By a cycle is meant the succession of operations in the engine cylinder which constantly repeats itself. The great majority of modern automobile engines operate on the four- stroke cycle.

It is completed in four strokes of the piston, or during two revolutions of the crankshaft. Engines are also being built to operate on a cycle which is completed in two piston strokes. The four-stroke cycle comprises the following four phases or operations, which succeed one another in the order in which they are given: Admission of the charge to the cylinder. Compression of the charge. Combustion of the charge. Expulsion of the products of combustion.

3. Answer the questions:

1. What are the operations in the four-stroke cycle?

2. What can you say about gasoline engine?

3.Describe the internal combustion engine.

4. A camshaft which is used to open and close the valves, isn’t it?

5. Why is such a type of engine called the internal combustion engine?

6. What energy does the internal combustion engine convert?

7. How many valves are there in the internal combustion engine? What are they?

4. Fill in missing words:

1. It is completed in (four turns) of the piston, or during two revolutions of the crankshaft.

2. In any internal combustion engine the (fuel) charge is (sucked in) the cylinder.

3. The detachable head is secured to the top of the (cylinder block).

4. The (engine) is set in motion by the explosions of a (mixture) of gasoline and air.

5. A (flywheel) which keeps the (crankshaft) moving when the pressure is exerted upon the top of the piston.

6.It is completed in four strokes of the (piston) or during two

(turn) of the crankshaft.

5. Translate into Russian:

  1. gasoline engine
  2. combustion chamber
  3. air within its cylinder
  4. close the valves
  5. two revolutions of the crankshaft
  6. in two piston strokes
  7. connecting rod.
  8. great majority
  9. the inlet valve and the exhaust valve
  10. duration of the cycle



1. Vocabulary.

STARTER MOTOR - Electric starter

to be put into engagement (zd.) – to engage

toothed ring - ring gear

periphery - rim

disengagement gear - disengaged gear

to project – to stand out, to perform

moisture - moisture

to arrange - to build in

dust - dirt

driver's cabin - driver's cabin

action - action

To release pressure on the clutch pedal - release the clutch

To disengage - turn off

Direct drive - direct transmission

Speed ​​– speed

Hand brake

Lever - lever

Clutch pedal - clutch pedal

Lightly - slightly

Accelerator pedal – gas pedal

to press - press

to increase - increase

gear shift lever - gear shift lever

2. Read and translate the text.


The starter motor is mounted on the left side of the engine. It is a small motor enclosed to prevent the dust and moisture from entering. The gear on the starter shaft is so arranged that. It can be put into engagement with a toothed ring cut on the periphery of the flywheel. The starter is only required to work for a few seconds. An automatic disengagement gear is used to put it out of action when the engine is started.

A steel rod connects it with the pedal that projects through the floor of the driver’s cabin. All that is necessary to start the car, is to press the starting pedal.


Low Speed. The driver releases the hand brake lever and presses on the clutch pedal in order to disengage the clutch. He moves the gear shift lever to the left and back. It is the low speed position. He releases pressure on the clutch pedal and at the same time presses lightly on the accelerator pedal. Now the car is started. He releases the second speed.

Second Speed. The driver released pressure on the accelerator and again disengages the clutch. He moves the gear shift lever through the neutral position. He returns the clutch pedal to its normal position and presses on the accelerator pedal. That is all. He engages the high speed.

High Speed. The driver disengages the clutch as before. He pulls the gear shift lever back from the second position. He increases the speed of the engine. He looks at the speedometer.

3. Answer the questions:

1. How is starter motor mounted?

2. What can you say about an automatic disengagement?

3. How is the car started?

4. Does the driver move the gear shift lever through the neutral position?

5. The driver increases the speed of the engine at the high speed, doesn’t he?

6. What connects it with the pedal that projects through the floor of the driver’s cabin?

4. Fill in missing words:

The gear on the _________is so arranged that.

A steel _______it with the pedal that projects through the floor of the driver’s cabin.

The driver disengages the ______as before.

He ________the gear ________lever through the neutral position.

He ______pressure on the clutch pedal and at the ___________presses lightly on the accelerator pedal.

An automatic ___________gear is used to put it out of action when the _______is started.

Bank of words: moves ,starter shaft, engine, clutch, releases, disengagement, rod connects, shift, same time,

5. True or false:

The gear on the starter shaft is so arranged that.

The starter motor is mounted on the right side of the engine.

It cannot be put into engagement with a toothed ring cut on the periphery of the flywheel.

He releases pressure on the clutch pedal and at the same time presses lightly on the brake pedal.

He moves the gear shift lever through the neutral position.


1. Vocabulary.

burn button – signal button

throttle lever - throttle lever

lighting switch – lighting switch

gear shift lever - gear change lever

head brake lever - hand brake handle

To Jet in motion - set in motion

Drive shaft - cardan shaft

According to - according to

Capacity (building) - size, capacity, capacity

Steering wheel

Steering column - steering column

chassis - running gear

frame - frame

Spring - spring

Gear box - set of gears

Propeller shaft - propeller shaft

2. Read and translate the text.


There are many control levers in the driver’s cabin. In front of the driver’s seat there are the steering column and the steering wheel. In the middle of the steering wheel there is the horn button. There is also a lighting switch on the steering wheel. What pedal is this? It is the brake pedal. What pedal is to the left of it? It is the clutch pedal. Where is the accelerator pedal? It is to the right of the brake pedal. What pedal is at the foot of the steering column? It is the starter pedal. There is a gear shift lever to the right of the driver. The hand brake lever is beside it.


We divide the car into two capital parts: the chassis and the body. The chassis is the lower part of the car. It consists of a frame with axles, wheels and springs, and an engine which transmits the motion through, the transmission, to the wheels. The engine consists of a, cylinder block, crankcase, crankshaft and many other parts. The crankshaft sets in motion the flywheel.

Transmission consists of. the clutch the gear box, drive shafts and propeller shafts. The body is the upper part of the car. It is designed according to the capacity of the frame.

3. Answer the questions:

1. What levers are there in the driver’s cabin?

2. Where is the hand brake lever?

3. Where is the steering wheel?

4. Where is the lighting switch?

5. Where is the gear shift lever?

6. Into what two capital parts we divide the car?

7. What can you say about transmission?

4. Fill in missing words:

The (chassis) is the lower part of the car.

The engine consists of a, (cylinder block), crankcase, (crankshaft) and many other parts.

It is designed according to the (size) of the frame.

It is to the (right) of the brake pedal.

Transmission (consists of) the clutch the gear box, drive shafts and (propeller shaft).

5. Translate into Russian:

  1. clutch pedal
  2. steering column
  3. brake pedal
  4. control levers
  5. driver's cabin
  6. chassis and the body
  7. wheels and springs
  8. crankshaft

in motion the flywheel.

Section 3 “Systems in the construction of a automobile”

Topic “Cooling system”

1. Vocabulary.

seat (zd.) - socket

to force (zd.) - drive

hollow - hollow

water packet - water jacket

Entirely - completely, completely

As long as - bye

Tubular - tubular

Honey comb (zd.) – cell phone

variety (building) – variety

hexagonal - hexagonal

sock - drain valve

to drain off – to drain, drain

Close (zd.) - crystal

Side by side - nearby

majority - majority

To fill - fill

Bottom - bottom

Pump – pump, pump

To rise - to rise

Variety - variety, type, variety

2. Read and translate the text.


The majority of engines are cooled by means of water. The cylinder head, the combustion chamber and the valve seats are surrounded by hollow spaces known as water jackets. They are filled with water. These jackets are connected by pipes to the top and to the bottom of the radiator. The radiator is mounted at the front of the car. There are two circulating methods: pump and thermo-syphon. In the pump system, the pump is placed in the bottom water passage. It is driven by the engine and forces the cooled water into the jackets. It forces the heated water to the top of the radiator where it is cooled again.

In the thermo-syphon system of water cooling there is no pump. The system is based on the fact; that hot water is lighter than cold water and has a tendency to rise. So when the water in the jackets of a thermo-syphon cooled engine gets hot, it rises to the top and enters the radiator through the upper pipe. Here it is cooled and goes to the bottom of the radiator and from there back to the jackets. The circulation is entirely automatic and continues as long as there is a difference in temperature between the water inthe radiator and that in the jackets. There is a variety of designs in the structure of the radiators The two main types are tubular and honey comb type.

In the tubular type a series of flat vertical tubes connect two tanks. The honey comb type is built up of short tubes placed horizontally. Their ends are soldered together, making a labyrinth of narrow spaces between the tubes. These spaces are filled with cooled water. Tubes of various shapes are used round, square, hexagonal. A cock is placed at the lowest point of the radiator to drain off water when it is necessary. Behind the radiator a fan is provided to blow cool air on the tubes containing water. It is driven by a belt from a pulley on the crankshaft.

3. Answer the questions:

1. What are surrounded by hollow spaces known as water jackets?

2. Is there a pump in the thermo-siphon system?

3. The honey comb type is built up of short tubes placed horizontally,

isn't it?

4. Is there a variety of designs in the structure of the radiators?

5. What can you say about connecting of these jackets?

4. Fill in missing words:

These _______are connected by pipes to the top and to the _______of the radiator.

The system is based on the fact; that hot water is _______than cold water and has a ________to rise.

Here it is ______and goes to the bottom of the ________and from there back to the jackets.

In the _________ series of flat __________tubes connect two tanks.

The radiator a fan is ________to blow cool air on the tubes containing water.

Bank of words: bottom, behind, jackets, cooled, lighter, tendency, radiator, vertical, tubular type, provided.

5. Translate into English:

  1. through the top tube
  2. radiator structure
  3. the engine gets hot
  4. cylinder head
  5. narrow spaces
  6. temperature difference


1. Vocabulary.

to vary – change (s), change (s)

to meet the requirements – satisfy needs, requirements

pound - pound

operating conditions - operating conditions, operating mode, operating conditions

Close (building) - crystal

Service brakes - service brakes

Emergency brake - hand brake (parking brake)

Side by side - nearby

to store - store

to deliver – transfer, deliver

Intake stroke - suction stroke

Vapor - steam

Fuel - fuel


Tank - tank

Importance - importance

Ordinary - ordinary

2. Read and translate the text.


The fuel system is designed, to store liquid gasoline and to deliver it to the engine cylinders on the intake strokes in the form of vapor mixed with air. The fuel system must vary the proportions of air and gasoline vapor to meet the requirements of the various operations conditions. The fuel system consists of a tank in which the liquid gasoline is stored, a fuel line, or tube, through which the gasoline can be brought from the tank to the engine, a pump, which pulls the gasoline through the fuel line, and a carburetor, which mixes the gasoline with air. The carburetor is designed to mix each pound of gasoline with 9 to 15 pounds of air under various operating conditions.


It is not necessary to explain the importance of brakes. It is clear that without brakes the car is quite helpless. They must be well and strongly made. It is necessary to give them close and careful attention. There are two sets of brakes, one for ordinary service, called the service brakes, and theother for emergency use, called the emergency brakes. Sometimes both are mounted inside the same drum. Sometimes one is outside and the other - inside The service brake is operated by a pedal. The emergency brake is operated by a lever.

3. Answer the questions:

1. Describe the fuel system.

2. What are the functions of the carburetor?

3. Why is the fuel system used?

4. What are there two sets of brakes?

5. Is the service brake operated by a pedal or by lever?

6. Why the car is quite helpless without brakes?

4. Fill in missing words:

1. (Fuel system) consists of a (tank) in which the (liquid) gasoline is stored, a (fuel) line, or tube, through which the gasoline can be brought from the tank to the (engine).

2. The carburetor is (created) to mix each pound of gasoline with 9 to 15 pounds of (air) under various operating conditions.

3. It is (necessary) to give them close and careful (attention).

4. Sometimes both are mounted (inside) the same drum.

5. The (parking) brake is operated by a (lever).

6. It is not necessary to (explain) the (importance) of brakes.

5. True or false:

  1. The fuel system is designed, to store liquid gasoline and to deliver it to the engine cylinders on the intake strokes in the form of vapor mixed with air.
  2. Sometimes both are mounted outside the same drum.
  3. They must not be well and strongly made.
  4. The carburetor is designed to mix each pound of gasoline with 9 to 20 pounds of air.
  5. It is necessary to explain the importance of brakes.
  6. The fuel system consists of a tank in which the liquid gasoline is stored, a fuel line, or tube, a pump and a carburetor.


1. Vocabulary

driving system - power transmission

at his will - at will

cone clutches - cone clutches

disc clutches - disc clutches

former - first (of those listed)

coil spring – spiral spring

multiple disc - multi-disc

single plate - single disk

a number of – row, several

driving – leader

driven - driven

to mesh - to mesh

spline - longitudinal groove

surface – surface

coil - coil

spring - spring

outer - external

to revolve – turn around

to attach - to attach

fixed - motionless

to continue - continue

2. Read and translate the text.


When the motor - car has to be sat in motion first of all it is necessary to start the engine. When the engine is running you start the car. By means of a pedal, the operator at hiswill, connects or disconnects the engine with the transmission. This device is called a clutch. Clutches are divided into two main groups: cone clutches and disc clutches. In the former group two cone surfaces are used to convey the drive. The cones are normally pressed into contact with one or another by means of a single powerful coil spring. This type of clutch is old and is now used only to a limited extent. There exist two types of disc clutches: the multiple disc type, and the single plate type.

There exist two types of disc clutches: the multiple disc type and the single plate type. The, multiple clutch is composed of a number of driving and driven discs. The driving discs have teeth on their outer diameter. They mesh with the internal teeth of: the internal teeth of the flywheel, sliding and turning it. When the flywheel revolves these discs revolve with it. The driven discs have teeth on their inner diameter. They are attached to the clutch shaft by means of splines. They can slide on the shaft. They are so fixed that they must rotate when the clutch shaft revolves. The driving discs continue to revolve with the flywheel while the driven discs rotate at the same speed as the clutch shaft.

3. Answer the questions:

1. Into what groups are clutch divided?

2. What is the cone clutch?

3. What is the disc clutches?

4. Does the flywheel revolve these discs?

5. Is multiple clutches composed of a number of driving and driven discs?

6. They mesh with the internal teeth of the flywheel, sliding and turning it, don’t they?

4. Fill in missing words:

  1. When the motor - ___has to be sat in motion first of all it is ______to start the engine.
  2. When the ________revolves these ____revolve with it.
  3. This device is called a _________.
  4. They are ________the clutch shaft by means of_____.
  5. Clutches are ______two main groups: ____clutches and disc clutches.
  6. . The, multiple clutch ______of a number of ______and driven discs.

Bank of words: necessary, flywheel, divided into,splines, is composed, driving, attached to, car, discs, cone, clutch.

5. Translate into Russian:

  1. multiple disc type
  2. two main groups
  3. by means of splines
  4. outer diameter
  5. these discs revolve
  6. start the car
  7. at his will
  8. the single plate type.

Technical translation:


The engine is the source of energy that makes the wheels move and the car move. It is also classified as d internal combustion engines because the gas burns inside the cylinders or combustion chambers.

This burning or combustion occurs at high speed and is called an "explosion". This creates high pressure which causes the shaft to turn or rotate.

This rotational motion is transmitted to the wheels of the car and the car

moves. Most car engines have 4 or 6 cylinders, although 8, 12 and 16 cylinders are also used. d engines.

Steam d engines were the first high-speed engines invented d engines. Working principle of steam d The engine is very simple. When water boils, it turns into steam. The higher the steam is heated, the more pressure it has. Steam d The engine has some important parts. One of them is a steam boiler, where fire turns water into steam. The steam passes through the pipe to another important part - the steam collector with a cylinder and a piston in it.

Diesel engine

Diesel The engine looks like a gasoline one d engine, but simpler. Diesel engines are usually larger and can handle more work. The fuel for them is diesel fuel. IN diesel engines only air enters the cylinder. It does not use spark plugs. Diesel engines can be four or two stroke.

Diesel engines, unlike gasoline engines, use cheaper fuel and produce more energy per gallon of fuel burned. In addition, they are more durable to use. In new trains and ships, diesel engines run large generators that produce electricity. Electricity runs motors that are connected to train wheels and ship propellers.

Diesel engines are internal combustion engines. The fuel is atomized and the engine does not require a special ignition device.

In four-stroke diesel engines, air is drawn into the cylinder during the loading stroke. This air is compressed during the return stroke at very high blood pressure. As a result of combustion, the air is heated to a high temperature.

What is an internal combustion engine?

A gasoline engine is a type of mechanism in which energy is produced inside the cylinders. The engine is powered by the combustion of a mixture of gasoline and air.

Combustion occurs above the pistons. The removable head is attached to the cylinder block. This, including the cylinder block, creates the combustion chamber. When fuel burns inside the cylinders, the expansion of the gas creates the movement of the piston. This type of engine is called an internal combustion engine.

In any type of internal combustion engine, a portion of fuel enters the cylinder.

An internal combustion engine converts heat into mechanical energy by burning a mixture of fuel and air inside a cylinder or cylinders. An internal combustion engine consists of: 1. A cylinder (there may be several of them). 2. A piston that moves up and down inside a cylinder. 3. The crankshaft is connected to the piston by a connecting rod. The connecting rod moves the piston up or down when the crankshaft rotates.

Electric starter.

The electric starter is located on the left side of the engine. This small device is protected from dirt and moisture from the engine. The starter shaft gear is positioned so that it meshes with the flywheel ring gear. The starter only needs to operate for a few seconds. The automatic shut-off gear is used to stop its operation when the engine is already running.

Low speed (first). The driver turns off the handbrake and presses the clutch pedal. He then moves the gear lever to the left and back. This is the low speed position. He releases the clutch and at the same time lightly presses the gas pedal. Now the car is moving. He turns on second speed.

Second speed. The driver releases the pressure on the gas pedal and presses the clutch again. He moves the gearshift lever to neutral. He then returns the clutch pedal to its normal position and presses the gas pedal. That's all. He reaches high speed.

How is the engine cooled with water?

Most engines are cooled with water. The cylinder head, combustion chamber and valves are surrounded by water jackets. They are filled with water. These jackets are connected by tubes to the top and bottom of the radiator. The radiator is located at the front of the car. There are two circulation methods: pump and thermal siphon. In a pump system, the pump is located at the bottom of the water passage. It is driven by a motor and drives cold water into the shirts. It also forces hot water to the top of the radiator where cooling occurs.

In a thermo-siphon system, water is cooled without a pump. This system is based on the fact that hot water is lighter than cold water and can rise. Thus, when the water in the thermo-siphon jackets cools, the engine warms up, and the water rises to the top and enters the radiator through the upper tube. Here it cools and flows into the lower part of the radiator and from there back into the shirts. The circulation is completely automatic and continues as long as there is a temperature difference between the water in the radiator and in the jackets.

Carburetor and brakes.

The first reason for the appearance of power is the combustion of a mixture of gasoline and air in an internal combustion engine. The carburetor provides the mixture that is drawn into the cylinder by the intake valve on the intake stroke. The carburetor is located on one side of the cylinder block. It is connected to the combustion chamber via the intake manifold and intake valve. The carburetor takes gasoline and air, sprays gasoline into the smallest particles, mixes them with air, thus creating a mixture. So, the first function of a carburetor is to convert liquid gasoline into fuel that will burn. The second function is to regulate the flow of fuel.

There is no need to explain the importance of brakes. It is clear that without brakes the car is completely helpless. They must be reliable and well made. It is necessary to pay close attention to them. There are two types of brakes: regular (service) brakes and hand (parking) brakes. Sometimes they are both mounted inside the same drum. Sometimes one is mounted on the outside and the other on the inside. The service brake is operated by a pedal. The handbrake is activated by a lever.

Chassis and body.

We divide the car into two main parts: the chassis and the body.

The chassis is the lower part of the car. It consists of a frame and axles, wheels and springs, an engine that transmits movement to the wheels using a transmission. The engine consists of a cylinder block, crankcase, crankshaft and many other parts.

The transmission consists of a clutch, gearbox and driveshaft. The body is the top part of the car. It is created in accordance with the size of the frame.

The rear axle is a simple design. It is the most important part of the transmission. Since it transmits energy to the rear wheels and is connected to the cardan by a driveshaft. The rear axle consists of: 1. Axle housing supporting the vehicle. 2. The axle shaft that drives the wheels. 3. The ring gear is used to transmit the movement of the propeller shaft to the right and left. 4. A differential that allows one wheel to turn faster than the other. On the inside of each axle shaft there is a driven gear

Power transmission.

When you need to get your car moving, you first need to start the engine. When the engine is running, you set the car in motion. Using the pedal, the driver connects and disconnects the transmission at will. This device is called a clutch. Clutches are divided into two main groups: cone and disc clutches. The former use two conical surfaces to transmit force. The cones are usually pressed into contact with each other by a single powerful coil spring. This type of clutch is obsolete and is now used only to a limited extent. There are two types of disc clutches: multi-disc and single-disc.

A multi-disc clutch consists of a number of driven and driven discs. The drive discs have teeth on the outer diameter. They engage the inner teeth of the flywheel, sliding and turning it. When the flywheel rotates, these discs rotate with it.

Piston and functions of piston rings.

The engine may have 4, 6 or more cylinders in which the mixture is burned. There is a piston inside each cylinder. To prevent friction between the moving part of the piston and the cylinder walls, the pistons are located loosely in the cylinder and thus cannot completely contain the mixture in the combustion chamber. Each piston is equipped with spiral piston rings located in the grooves of the piston.

These rings serve to prevent the mixture from entering the piston onto the cylinder walls. They create compression in the cylinder and prevent mixture penetration. After use, the rings must be removed for inspection and cleaning. They protect the piston from wear caused by rapid movement. It's easier to replace cheap piston rings than a piston.

What is the control tube used for?

Each radiator contains a small tube that runs from the internal filler to the base of the radiator. It's called a control tube. Its main purpose is to remove steam when the radiator warms up. Some cars have an indicator mounted on the instrument panel that shows the temperature of the water in the cooling system.

Used Books:


1.A.V. Gninenko. Modern car. How do we see it? English for students of automotive, highway and mechanical engineering specialties - Moscow, 2005.

2. T.Yu. Polyakov “English for engineers” - Moscow, 2004.

3. Internet


1. P.I. Kovalenko “English for technical universities” - Rostov-on-Don, 2002.

2.Under. ed. Chernukhina A.E. English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary - Moscow, 2000.

3. Modern English – Russian dictionary - Moscow, 2006


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