Lithium polymer battery. LiPo batteries: description, characteristics, reviews How to charge a new lipo battery

At the time of my active passion for radio-controlled things, I used Turnigy 9x radio equipment, which was powered through a lithium-polymer battery with a low discharge current - unlike model batteries, which produce tens of amperes of current, low-discharge ones are used for regular power supply of all sorts of low-power things.

In general, one time I simply forgot to turn off the remote control and overnight the battery dropped to an unacceptable voltage level:

A voltage of 3.63 Volts is very, VERY low. For example, a similar model battery - it also consists of three series “cans” - produces quite the correct voltage:

It would seem, what is the problem? We connect the battery to the charger and simply charge it. But all smart chargers are called “smart” for a reason: they simply refuse to charge deeply discharged batteries and display the “Low voltage” error:

But why-u-u-u-u?! Lai-lu-la-ah...

The voltage of a lithium polymer battery is no joke!

Let's first deal with tensions. There are three of them.

  1. 4.2V- This upper voltage on a fully charged bank (cell). For two cans - 8.4V. For three - 12.6V and beyond. When the upper voltage is reached, the charging process stops. It is impossible to go higher - overcharged batteries boom and explode fervently and with a spark, this is VERY dangerous and cannot be extinguished with water.
  2. 3.7V- This Rated voltage on the bank. This is what is indicated on the battery. For two cans - 7.4V. For three - 11.1V and beyond. Remember that this is not full voltage charge, but rather average.
  3. 3.0V- This minimum voltage on the bank. Some people take the lower limit as 3.2V, but three volts per cell is generally a super minimum. You can't go lower. Below it will be bad. In my case, 3.6V for three banks is 1.2V for each, that is, significantly less than the superminimum limit.

Deep discharge is very, VERY bad

There is a magical chemistry going on in the battery that allows it to be discharged and recharged. A deep discharge disrupts this chemistry and after a discharge the battery either cannot be charged back at all, or it is impossible to charge back several specific cells, or it is impossible to achieve its former capacity... In general, there will be something “wrong”. What exactly will happen must be clarified in each specific case. Therefore, it is necessary to charge a deeply discharged battery and find out everything.

How to do this if the charger flatly refuses? Let's cheat.

We charge a deeply discharged battery with a smart charger

Intelligent (customizable) charger The battery is connected twice: with a power connector (plus or minus) and a balanced one (the number of contacts depends on the number of cans). Through the power supply, life is poured into the battery, and through the balance, the uniformity of the fill into each jar is controlled.

To fool the charger's intelligence, we connect the damaged battery to the power connector, and the working battery to the balanced one. And everything will be fine, but remember the important points.

  1. Measure the voltage on each bank using a multimeter. Mentally number the pins of the balanced connector (for example, 1-2-3-4 for a three-bank connector) and check the voltage on each pair of pins (in my case, 1-2, 2-3, 3-4). Write this information down somewhere.
  2. To cheat, you must use a battery of the SAME configuration. If the three-jar (3S) is damaged, then also use 3S to cheat.
  3. Set the minimum charge current, no more than 0.5A. I know that the standard charging current for my model battery is 5A, for the victim it is 2.6A. But here you will have to be patient and wait - safety comes first!
  4. Regularly check the voltage with a multimeter on each bank during the charging process (as in step 1) - it should not be higher than 4.2V.
  5. Stop the fraudulent charging process when each bank reaches a voltage of 3.0-3.2V. From this point on, you can charge the battery as usual.

I already said that after charging there may be “something wrong”. Some bank may not accept a charge - you can figure this out by the fact that the voltage on it will not rise during the charging process. That’s what happened to me: the first two charged normally, but the third didn’t want to charge at all. So the battery had to be disposed of, unfortunately. But if you don't have one deep discharge, then it may be possible to bring the battery back to life completely. It may run out faster than before. But it's better than nothing.

At present lithium polymer batteries(Li-Po) are used everywhere (including by modellers) because:

  • they are capable of delivering very high currents compared to other types of batteries (tens of times higher than, for example, nickel-metal hydride, such as Ni-Cd or Ni-Mh);
  • there is no “memory” effect of the battery, long-term storage is possible - during a year of storage they lose no more than 10% of their capacity;
  • allow a large number of charge-discharge cycles to be carried out without significant loss of capacity;
  • have a fairly good weight/capacity/current output ratio;
this makes them indispensable in a number of cases. The disadvantages include:
  • this type of battery is very easy to damage (deform or puncture), which leads to fire;
  • when operating in the cold, the voltage may suddenly drop; you need to monitor this very carefully;
  • relatively high cost.
General concepts
1. Consider the labeling Li-Po batteries:

So, the first thing you should pay attention to is the inscription 3S1P 11.1V (number 1).

This means that this battery has 3 cells connected in series.
If the designation is 3S2P, it means two groups of 3 connected in series, cells connected in parallel. It sounds kind of complicated, but it's not =)

Explanation in the picture below:

The voltage of one cell (“bank”) is conventionally taken as 3.7V, hence the voltage of a “three-cell” battery is 11.1V. In fact, the voltage of a fully charged cell is 4.2V, that is, a 3S battery, fully charged, has a voltage of 12.6V.

The minimum voltage on the cell, below which the battery cannot be discharged, is 2.8V. In fact, it is better not to lower the voltage below 3.3V per cell, since further processes of salt deposition begin, which leads to irreversible degradation of the battery.
If you are using batteries on board the copter, you should not lower the battery voltage below 3.5V, and in the cold season, not below 3.7V. It was found out experimentally, not a single copter was harmed in the process =)

2. So, let's move on. Current output (number 2):

How current output is calculated: we multiply the number “C” by the capacity in Ah. In our case, 25C*2.2Ah (2200mAh converted to Ah). We get 25C*2.2Ah=55A, that is, this battery is capable of delivering 55 Amps for a long time. In fact, it is recommended to take at least a 20% current reserve, that is, use this battery with a load that consumes no more than 44A in long-term mode. Some manufacturers, in addition to the main current output, indicate the peak “C” value that the battery can withstand.

3. Well, the third parameter is capacity. It is measured in milliamp hours or ampere hours (in our case, the battery capacity is 2200 milliamp hours or 2.2 ampere hours). Translated into Russian, this means that when connecting a load that consumes 2.2 A, the battery will be completely discharged in 1 hour.

Charging Li-Po batteries

To charge Li-Po batteries, it is recommended to use specialized chargers, for example the following: A simpler option (can charge only 2S and 3S batteries with balancing, low currents and only Li-Po):
A cooler option (can charge 2S-6S batteries with balancing, plus Ni-Cd, Ni-Mh batteries): If the manufacturer does not give special recommendations on this topic, it is recommended to charge batteries with a current not exceeding 1C . In our case, this is 2.2Ah*1C=2.2A, that is, it is recommended to charge this battery with a current of no more than 2.2 Amperes. Again, in reality, the lower the charging and discharging currents, the longer the battery will last. In the instructions for the charger you can read about balancing charging. It is recommended to always charge the battery this way, this eliminates the possibility of cell imbalance (the total voltage on our battery can be 12.6V, but at the same time, the first bank will have 4V, the second 4.2V, and the third 4.4V). When overcharging even one cell, the battery can catch fire and even explode, which is why it is recommended to ALWAYS charge with balancing. Li-Po batteries should only be charged under supervision and in a non-flammable container! Most the best option– use of fireproof bags for storage and charging, for example these: | ​ ​ In addition, if the battery is only after the flight, it needs to be allowed to cool!

Discharging Li-Po batteries/storing Li-Po batteries

How to count maximum current, which can be used to discharge the battery, we have already discussed.
Now there are general recommendations for using batteries, especially on copters (since there are usually very high currents):
  • Before the flight, you need to check not only the total voltage on the battery, but also the voltage on each bank (to avoid imbalance), this can be done with a multimeter or, more conveniently, with a special device like these:

    If the flight takes place in the cold season (especially at sub-zero temperatures), the battery must be kept warm (for example, warmed up in the car)

  • During the cold season, the battery should not be discharged to less than 3.7V per cell
  • If the battery gets hot during a flight, you should not charge it immediately after the flight; you need to let it cool completely and only then charge it
  • In case it is planned for a long time do not use the battery, you need to store it in a semi-charged state (voltage about 3.7-3.8V per cell), this is the so-called storage mode. Chargers (links were above) can put the battery into storage mode, the so-called “STORAGE”

Progress is moving forward, and to replace the traditionally used NiCd (nickel-cadmium) and NiMh (nickel-metal hydride) we have the opportunity to use lithium batteries. With a comparable weight of one element, they have greater, compared to NiCd and NiMH capacity In addition, their element voltage is three times higher - 3.6V/element instead of 1.2V. So for most drives, a battery of two or three cells is sufficient.

Among lithium batteries There are two main types - lithium-ion (Li-Ion) and lithium polymer (LiPo, Li-Po or Li-Pol). The difference between them is the type of electrolyte used. In the case of LiIon, this is a gel electrolyte; in the case of LiPo, it is a special polymer saturated with a lithium-containing solution. But for use in drive power plants, lithium-polymer batteries are most widely used, so in the future we will talk about them. However, the strict division here is very arbitrary, since both types differ mainly in the electrolyte used, and everything that will be said about lithium-polymer batteries almost fully applies to lithium-ion batteries (charge, discharge, operating features, safety precautions ).
From a practical point of view, our only concern is that lithium polymer batteries currently provide higher discharge currents. Therefore, in the airsoft market, they are mainly offered as a source of energy for electric drive motors.

The lithium polymer battery (Li-pol or Li-polymer) is a more advanced design of the lithium-ion battery. A polymer material with inclusions of a gel-like lithium-conducting filler is used as an electrolyte. Used in mobile phones, digital technology, etc.
Conventional household lithium-polymer batteries are not capable of delivering high current, but there are special power lithium-polymer batteries that can deliver current 10 and even 45 times the numerical value of the capacity. They are widely used as batteries for radio controlled models, as well as in portable power tools and some modern electric vehicles.

* High density energy per unit volume and mass;
* Low self-discharge;
* Thickness of elements from 1 mm;
* Ability to obtain very flexible forms;
* Slight voltage drop as discharge occurs.

* Number of operating cycles 300-500, at discharge currents of 2C until capacity loss of 20% (for comparison: NiCd - 1000 cycles, NiMH - 500, LiFePO4 - 2000).
* Batteries are a fire hazard if overcharged and/or overheated. To combat this phenomenon, all household batteries are equipped with a built-in electronic circuit, which prevents overcharging and overheating due to too intense charging. For the same reason, special charging algorithms (chargers) are required.
Lithium batteries “grow old” even if they are not used, but just sit on the shelf. After 2 years, the battery loses about 20% of its capacity.
Lithium polymer and lithium ion batteries reduce capacity, unlike nickel and nickel-metal hydride, under the influence of charge. The more battery charge, the shorter its service life. It is better to store them charged at 40-50%, and at a temperature of 0-10 degrees.
Deep discharge completely disables lithium ion battery. Optimal conditions storage Li-ion batteries are achieved at 40% charge of the battery capacity. Lithium batteries age, even if they are not used, but simply lie on the shelf. Accordingly, there is no need to buy a battery “in reserve” or get too carried away with “saving” its resource. When purchasing, be sure to look at the production date to know how long this power supply has already been in stock. If more than two years have passed since the date of manufacture, it is better to refrain from purchasing.
Everything that comes before the number 2000 is the name of the manufacturer or trademark.
* 2000 mAh is the battery capacity.
* 2S1P - 2S is the number of batteries in the assembly. Each battery has a voltage of about 3.7 volts, so the voltage of this battery is 7.4 volts. 1P is the number of assemblies. That is, if we take 2 identical batteries, connect them with “insulating tape” and solder the power wires in parallel (plus with plus, and minus with minus), then we will get a doubling of the capacity, such a battery is designated 1000 2S2P and is actually equal in operation to 2000 2S1P. Usually only single assemblies are used, so 1Ps are not spoken or written.
* 20C - maximum discharge current, measured in battery capacities.

To calculate how many amperes a LiPo can deliver when the engine is loaded, you need to multiply the Capacity by the amount of C and divide by 2000 (since the capacity is indicated in milliamps/hours). The maximum current of this battery will be 50 Amps. For 2200 20C - 44 amperes, 1200 30C = 36 Amps and so on.

Charging LiPo batteries

LiPo batteries are very charge critical and should not be overcharged or they may catch fire.
For charging, you must use special chargers with a balancer (controls the charge of each battery bank separately).
LiPo batteries are charged with a current of 1C (unless otherwise indicated on the battery itself; recently they have appeared with the ability to charge with a current of 2 and 5C). Staff charging current The battery in question is 1 Amp. For a 2200 battery it will be 2.2 amperes, etc.

There is quite a wide variety of chargers for LiPo batteries, but we will focus only on the most “worthy” ones. All chargers listed below charge Li-ion, LiPo, LiFe, NiMh, NiCd, Pb and new standard 123:

Turnigy are charger clones famous brand IMax. The only difference is cheaper production and cheaper electronic components.
The IMaxes themselves are more expensive.
IMAX B6 Charger/Discharger 1-6 Cells (GENUINE)
Genuine IMAX B8+ Charger/Discharger 1-8 Cells
For all chargers except the first one, you will need a power supply. You can use a computer, from a laptop:
12V 5A 110/240V 50/60Hz Power Supply
"On the road" - you can connect the charger to the car battery.
Using the Twin pack charge lead (2 x 3S)6S and Twin pack charge lead (2 x 3S)6S w/ XT60 splitters, you can charge a pair of identical 3S batteries on a charger that supports 6S. With skillful use of hands, such a splitter can be converted to charge a pair of 2S batteries.
A computerized “charger” balances the battery (equalizing the voltage across each battery bank) while charging. Although you can charge 2S batteries without connecting the balancing cable (white connector in the photo), it is strongly recommended to always connect the balancing connector! 3S and large assemblies should only be charged with the balancing cable connected! If you don’t connect and one of the cans picks up more than 4.4 volts, then an unforgettable experience awaits you.fireworks!
You can protect yourself and charge in special packages - they are not flammable and are specially designed to reduce harm in the event of a LiPo battery fire.

We continue the story about charging LiPo batteries.

Usually, about 90% of the battery’s capacity is quickly filled into the battery, and then recharging begins with balancing of the cans. The more charged ones and those that have approached the limit are shunted and the charge goes to the remaining banks. That's why it can charge a pair of 3S batteries as one 6S.

LiPo Operation

It is not recommended to discharge a LiPo battery below 3 volts per cell - it may “die”. For timely warning of discharge, sound indicators are often used:
Hobby King Battery Monitor 2S
When the battery reaches the limit, the indicator begins to beep, at first rarely, then more often.
When the motor consumes more current than the battery can supply, the LiPo tends to swell and “die.” So you need to strictly monitor this! Use wattmeters to monitor:

Battery Monitor 2-6S
It is enough to measure once for each existing spring and just know how many amperes the motor “eats” on a given spring.

There is one more nuance during operation - our battery is 2000mAh 15C (min). In theory, it delivers 30A. Motors typically allow 20% higher than recommended currents.
In reality, maintaining the maximum current output of a battery for a long time is not very good. For example, there are cases when 2200mAh, 20C supplies a current of 44A for only 2-3 minutes, then there is a “drop” in the voltage, although according to calculations it should deliver at least 5 minutes.
So, when choosing a LiPo battery, you need to pay attention to the maximum current declared for the selected motor and take into account the margin.
So, for a motor that “eats” 8-12A, a 1000mAh 20C is quite suitable, but for 16-18A you need to select either one with a higher current output, for example 25-30C, or take a larger capacity battery, for example 1600 20C.
Nano-tech batteries with a current output of 25-50C are now available for sale.

IN LiPo operation batteries, there are several important points that we strongly recommend you pay attention to. We list them in descending order of danger:
1. Charge to a voltage greater than 4.20 volts/cell.
2. Battery short circuit.
3. Discharge with currents exceeding the load capacity or heating the battery above 60°C.
4. Discharge below 3.00 volts/cell.
5. Battery heating above 60°C.
6. Battery depressurization.
7. Storage in a discharged state.

Failure to comply with the first three points leads to a fire, all others - to complete or partial loss of capacity.

From all that has been said, the following conclusions can be drawn:

To avoid a fire, you must have a normal charger and correctly set the number of cans to be charged on it. It is also necessary to use connectors that eliminate the possibility of short-circuiting the battery and control the current consumed by the motor at full throttle. In addition, it is not recommended to cover the battery in the drive on all sides from the air flow, and if this is not possible, then special channels for cooling should be provided.

In cases where the current consumed by the motor is more than 2C, and the battery in the drive is closed on all sides, after 5-6 minutes of (continuous) operation of the motor, you should stop it, and then pull out and touch the battery to see if it is too hot. The fact is that after heating above a certain temperature (about 70 degrees), a “chain reaction” begins to occur in the battery, turning the energy stored in it into heat and the battery literally spreads, setting fire to everything that can burn.

If you short-circuit an almost discharged battery, then there will be no fire; it will quietly and peacefully “die” due to overdischarge... This leads to the second important rule: monitor the voltage at the end of the battery discharge and be sure to disconnect the battery after use!
If you forget about the connected battery for a day or two, it turns out that you can say goodbye to it - it doesn’t like deep-discharge lithium.

Depressurization is another reason for lithium batteries to fail, since air should not get inside the cell. This can happen if the outer protective package is damaged (the battery is sealed in a package like heat-shrink tubing), as a result of impact or damage with a sharp object, or if the battery terminal is overheated during soldering. Conclusion - do not drop from a great height and solder carefully.


Based on the manufacturers' recommendations, batteries should be stored in a 50-70% charged state, preferably in a cool place, at temperatures no higher than 20°C. Storing in a discharged state negatively affects service life - like all batteries, lithium-polymer batteries have a small self-discharge.

Storage mode

Using a computerized charger, you can put the LiPo into storage mode, which will bring the battery charge to 3.85V per cell. Fully charged batteries will die if stored for more than 2 months (maybe less). Verified on personal experience. They say that they are also completely discharged, but for a longer period.
Some people store batteries in a plastic suitcase - it's convenient. Someone stores and carries it “in the field” in the above-mentioned bags...
LiPo is an ordinary battery and if you do not short-circuit the contacts and do not pierce it, it will not cause any problems during storage and transportation.

Preparing LiPo for use

Getting the LiPo ready for use is very easy - just charge it and that's it!
This type of battery does not have a memory effect (no need to discharge before new charger), there is no need to cycle - do charge-discharge cycles before use.
If you are charging “in the field”, then you should look for batteries with accelerated charging; they are labeled Fast charge 2C or 5C, for example the above-mentioned nano-tech ones have 15C per charge. In theory, they can be charged with a current of 33 Amps!
The charger, which has a maximum charging current of 5A, allows you to reduce charging from 50 minutes to 20!

So, let us emphasize once again the most important points related to the use of lithium-polymer batteries:

Use a normal charger.
Use connectors that prevent short-circuiting the battery.
Do not exceed permissible discharge currents.
Monitor the battery temperature when there is no cooling.
Do not discharge the battery below 3V per bank (remember to disconnect the battery after playing!).
Do not subject the battery to shock.

Lithium polymer (LiPo) batteries
Operating and safety instructions

Before using the elements, carefully read and strictly follow these instructions. Incorrect use of cells may result in the release of significant amounts of heat, fire, explosion, damage or loss of capacity of the cells.

General instructions

Lithium polymer batteries (abbreviated LiPo batteries) require special care. This is true for charging and discharging as well as storage and other operations. The following special instructions must be observed:

Improper handling may result in explosions, fire, smoke and poisoning. In addition, failure to follow instructions and warnings may result in loss of performance and other defects.

Battery capacity decreases with each charge/discharge. Storage at too high or too high low temperatures can also lead to a gradual decrease in their capacity. In the design of the model, batteries after 50 cycles, subject to charging and discharging regulations, still provide 50-80% of the capacity of a new battery, which is achieved due to high discharge currents and induction currents of the motor. Battery packs cannot be connected either in series or in parallel, since the capacities of the battery cells may be too different. Therefore, the battery packs we supply have undergone special selection.

Special Instructions for Charging LiPo Batteries

To charge LiPo batteries, use only approved chargers with associated charging cables. Any manipulation of the charger or charging cable may have serious consequences. When using a charging cable with a protection circuit, mandatory and complete control of each individual element of the battery pack is carried out. The maximum charging capacity should be limited to a value equal to the battery capacity multiplied by 1.05.

P Example: For a 1800 mAh battery: Charging capacity - 1890 mAh.

Number of elements in the assembly




Nominal voltage, Volt


Nominal capacity C, mAh




Max. Charging voltage, Volt


Min. Discharge voltage, Volt

Allowable charging current 1C, mAh




Balancing current, mAh




To charge and discharge a LiPo battery, use only charger/discharge devices that are specifically designed to work with this type of battery. Make sure the correct number of cells is set, as well as the correct final charge voltage and final discharge voltage. Please follow the instruction manual for your charger/discharger.

Additional handling instructions

The battery being charged must be placed on a non-breakable, heat-resistant, non-conductive stand during the charging process! Flammable and flammable items should also be kept away from the charging area.

LiPo batteries connected in series can be charged together in a pack only if the voltage of the individual cells deviates by no more than 0.05 V. If the voltage deviation is more than 0.05 V, then the voltage should be equalized as accurately as possible by charging or discharging each battery cell.

Under these conditions, the LiPo battery can be charged at a maximum of 1C (the value of 1C corresponds to the capacity of one cell) of the charging current. From max. voltage of 4.2 V per cell, you should continue charging at a constant voltage of 4.2 V until the charging current is less than 0.1-0.2 A.

Voltages higher than 4.25V per cell should be avoided as otherwise it may suffer permanent damage. To prevent overcharging, the charge cut-off value should be set to 4.1-4.5V per cell to increase battery life.

After each charging process, check whether the permissible voltage at 4.2 V individual elements. There should be the same voltage. If the voltage of individual battery cells deviates by more than 0.05 V, then the voltage should be equalized by charging or discharging each cell individually. To prevent overcharging, after using the unit for a long time, they should be charged individually regularly.

Always ensure correct polarity when charging the battery. If the polarity is not observed, abnormalities occur during the charging process. chemical reactions, and the battery becomes unusable. This may result in cracking, smoke, or fire. The permissible temperature range when charging and storing LiPo batteries is 0-50°C.

Storage: LiPo batteries should be stored at 20% charge. rated capacity. If the voltage of the battery cells drops below 3 V, they must be recharged. Deep discharge and storage in a discharged state (cell voltage less than 3 V) render the battery unusable.

Special instructions for discharging a LiPo battery:

Discharging below 3V per cell causes permanent damage to them, so this situation must be prevented. If individual elements differ in charge level, then the regulator will turn off due to low voltage too late, as a result of which individual elements may be too discharged.

The battery temperature during discharge should not rise above 70°C. Otherwise, care should be taken to improve cooling or reduce the discharge current.

Battery shell

Film-laminated aluminum foil can be easily damaged by sharp objects such as needles, knives, nails, motor contacts, etc. Due to damage to the film, the battery becomes unusable. Therefore, the battery should be inserted into the model in such a way that the battery cannot be deformed even if the model is dropped or collides with other objects. If there is a short circuit, the battery may catch fire.

Temperatures above 70°C can also damage the housing, causing it to become leaky. This leads to loss of electrolyte, the battery becomes unusable and must be disposed of.

Mechanical shock

LiPo batteries do not have the same mechanical stability as metal-cased batteries. Therefore, avoid mechanical shocks that may be caused by falling, shock, bending, etc. Never cut, tear, deform or drill into the film-laminated aluminum foil or bend or distort the LiPo battery. Do not apply pressure to the battery or contacts.

Handling contacts:

The contacts are not as strong as other batteries. This especially applies to the aluminum positive contact. Contacts break off easily. Due to heat transfer, external pin leads should not be soldered directly.

Cell connection

Direct soldering of battery cells to each other is not allowed.

For direct soldering heat may damage battery components such as the separator or insulator. Connections to the battery can only be made industrially using spot welding. If the cable is missing or broken, professional repair by the manufacturer or distributor is required.

General precautions when using batteries

Do not expose batteries to fire or burn them.

Do not allow water or other liquids to come into contact with the elements.

Do not allow elements to overheat. With strong heating (over 90°C), the insulator and the structure of the element may melt. This may result in significant heat generation, fire or explosion.

Batteries should not be exposed to microwaves or pressure. This can cause smoke, fire and more serious consequences.

Batteries should be stored and charged on a stand made of non-flammable, heat-resistant and non-conductive materials.

Observe polarity when connecting elements to a charger or consumer. Charging with reverse polarity may cause a fire or explosion.

Do not short-circuit cell or battery terminals. Large short circuit currents inevitably lead to the release of a significant amount of heat, loss of electrolyte, gas formation, fire or explosion.

Protect the elements from impacts and damage, do not drop them. Strong mechanical stress can damage the internal structure. Strain may cause a short circuit, which may result in significant heat generation, fire or explosion.

Be careful when soldering components. Overheating of the terminals may cause the battery casing to melt, which may result in the release of significant heat, fire, or explosion.

Do not disassemble or modify items. Disassembling the battery may cause internal short circuits. This may result in gas, fire, explosions or other problems.

After use, disconnect the battery from the consumer to avoid deep discharge.

Keep away from children. If a battery is swallowed, consult a doctor or ambulance. Incorrect use is dangerous.

When charging batteries

Do not use chargers not approved by the manufacturer. Follow the charging modes recommended by the cell manufacturer. Failure to comply with the specified conditions (temperature, voltage or current, incorrect operation of shutdown devices) can lead to the release of a significant amount of heat, fire or explosion.

Carry out charging under constant supervision. Never leave charging batteries unattended.

Do not connect the battery directly to a power source (battery, power supply, etc.). High voltage causes excessive charging current, which may result in significant heat generation, fire or explosion.

After the charging time specified by the manufacturer has expired, stop the charging process, even if it is not completed.

The batteries built into the device must be removed from the device if they are not currently in use; unused devices must be turned off in a timely manner to prevent deep discharges. Make sure your batteries are charged in a timely manner. Deeply discharged LiPo batteries are defective and should no longer be used.

Do not charge the battery near heat sources or in a vehicle. Overheating may result in electrolyte leakage, generation of significant heat, fire, or explosion.

Do not use or charge lithium polymer cells with dry cells or batteries of a different type or capacity. In such cases, deep discharge or overcharge of elements is likely. These factors cause undesirable chemical reactions in the elements, which can lead to the release of significant amounts of heat, fire or explosion.

If you notice a change in the shape, color of the element, an unfamiliar smell, or notice heating of the element, immediately disconnect it from the consumer or charger and avoid using this element in the future.

If the seal of the element is compromised (damage to the integrity of the housing, leakage of electrolyte or odor is detected), immediately remove the element from any source of open flame. Electrolyte is flammable.

Electrolytes contained in LiPo batteries or electrolyte vapors are harmful to health. Never allow direct contact with electrolytes.

If electrolyte comes into contact with your skin, eyes, or other parts of the body, wash it off immediately with plenty of clean water and then seek medical attention. medical care. If treatment is not promptly provided, prolonged exposure to electrolytes can cause serious harm.

Damaged or deteriorated batteries are classified as special waste and must be disposed of appropriately.

Any beginner has a question: What is LiPo and what is it eaten with. Let's try to figure it out.

After reading it, newcomers began asking questions about LiPo, which was the reason for creating the article.

1.What is a LiPo battery?
It often happens that a person does not want to look for anything and immediately asks questions. I will not transfer the text. Read it.

LiPo acc. must be selected carefully for the model.
Any LiPo acc. has a marking. For example Turnigy 1600 mah 3S 30C where,
Turnigy - manufacturing company
1600 mah - battery capacity
3S - number of cans (1 can 3.7v)
30C - current output

1C - one battery capacity. For our example, 1600 ma (or 1.6A) A-amp
For the provided battery we get: 30 x 1.6A = 48A
The RC system of the model in which this battery is used. , must have a peak current in the electrical circuit of less than 48A, preferably with a margin. (no more than 40-45A)
If this condition is not met, the battery will be killed.
An alarming sign will be its swelling. Such batteries can be returned to their original state by placing them in the refrigerator or basement/cellar; but the functionality will be reduced. After such procedures, you need to do a couple of discharge-charge cycles.

I want to emphasize that LiPo is a dangerous thing and must be handled with care.

What not to do:

  1. damage the outer shell.
  2. heat.
  3. strongly discharge (below 3v.)
  4. charge with high currents.

2.How to charge?
For LiPo Chargers special chargers (chargers) are used for batteries.
It is strongly recommended to use a charger with balancing capability.

Any LiPo acc. (2S and above) has 2 wires: 1) Power (red "+" and black "-")
2) Balancing.
A balancing wire is necessary to ensure uniform charging of all battery cells.
Modelers attach a beeper voltmeter to the balancing wire to prevent discharge below the threshold.

LiPo batteries can be charged with 1C current. For a long battery life, you need to use a charge current of 0.4-0.6C. When choosing such a current, the battery will live longer (aging will progress less).
But I must indicate that there are batteries with a charge current of 2C or 5C. It will be indicated on the packaging.
Let's look at an example: Turnigy 1600 mah 3S 30C
Current 1C is 1.6A, but optimally for a battery you can take a charge current of 1A.
The battery will take longer to charge than with a current of 1.6A, but its service life will be longer.
If the charge current is more than 1C, the battery may explode and there will be a fire.

Most advanced chargers have different LiPo charging options
Charge charge
Balance balance
You need to select the S number of your battery, set the current strength to A and wait.

3.How to store?
Batteries must be stored at 60% charge (3.8v per cell)
If stored at 100% charge or discharged for a long time, the battery will die/swell.
For proper storage LiPo required:

  1. Keep away from direct sunlight
  2. Temperatures from +18 to +5 are recommended (some modellers store them in the refrigerator)
  3. Store in special bag or fireproof box.
  4. Place the battery into storage mode.
If LiPo is not properly cared for, it tends to quickly “die” (current output drops, capacity decreases)

The article was written for a group in VK RC reviews

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