Reporting in 1s 8.3 accounting. Accounting info

Let's look at the process of creating a report in 1C 8.3 using the Data Composition System. For example, let's take the following task: the report must enter data from the tabular part of the goods of the Sales of goods and services documents for a certain period and for the selected organization. He should also group the data by the fields Account, Link to document and Item.

An example of the resulting report can be downloaded from.

Using the File->New menu, add a new external report, give it a name and save it to disk. Let's create a layout diagram using the Open data layout diagram button.

Writing a 1C request for SKD

After creating the layout diagram, we need to write a query that will collect data for the report. To do this, on the Data Sets tab, create a Query data set.

Now you can start writing a query; there is a special field for it in the data set. You can write either manually or using a constructor (which is much more convenient). In our report, the query is the simplest:

|SELECT | Sales of Goods and Services Goods. Link, | Sales of Goods and Services Goods. Link. Organization, | Sales of Goods and Services Goods. Link. Counterparty, | Sales of Goods and Services Goods. Nomenclature, | Sales of Goods and Services Goods. Amount, | Sales of Goods and Services Goods. VAT Rate, | Sales of Goods and Services Goods. Amount of VAT, | Sales of Goods and Services Goods. Price | FROM | Document. Sales of Goods and Services. Goods | HOW TO SELL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PRODUCTS | WHERE | Sales of Goods and Services Goods. Link. Date | BETWEEN &Begin of Period AND &End of Period | And Sales of Goods and Services Goods. Link. Organization | = &Organization

Setting Dataset Fields

After writing the request, the ACS will automatically fill out the table with the field settings.

I'll briefly tell you about some settings:

Setting up resources

In the data composition system, resource fields mean fields whose values ​​are calculated based on detailed records included in the grouping. Essentially, resources are group or overall results of a report. In our case, the resources will be the Amount and VAT Amount fields. Totals for resources can be calculated using functions of the SKD expression language, the simplest of which are Sum(), Average(), Maximum(), Minimum() and Quantity(). To set report resources, you need to go to the Resources tab and drag the necessary report fields into the resources table. After this, you need to set an expression (in our case, Sum()), you can also select the groupings for which you want to see the totals for this resource, this can be done in the Calculate by… column.

Please note that you cannot create groupings based on the fields selected in the resources.

All parameters specified in the request will be displayed on the Layout scheme parameters tab. In our case, these are the Beginning of the Period, the End of the Period and the Organization. Let's go through some of their settings:

  1. The Name, Title and Type columns are filled in automatically and their values ​​should not be changed unnecessarily;
  2. A list of values ​​is available. If you want to pass a list as a parameter, you need to set this flag, otherwise only the first element of the list will go there.
  3. Meaning. Here you can specify a default value for the parameter. In our example, we will select the value Elements for the Organizations parameter (an empty link to the Organizations directory).
  4. Include in available fields. If you clear this flag, the parameter will not be visible in the settings: in selected fields, selection.
  5. Availability limitation. The flag is responsible for the ability to set the parameter value in the ACS settings.

Setting up the report structure

Let's go to the Settings tab, here we can specify report groupings, fields displayed in the report, selections, sortings, etc. The task conditions say that the report should group data by fields: Account, Link and Item, we will indicate them one after another in the grouping area.

On the Selected fields tab, drag our resources (Amount, Amount VAT) from the available fields into the report fields.

Let's add selections by Contractor and Item for ease of use of the report. We will clear the flags for using selection; the user will set them when required.

This completes the report setup; you can now run it in enterprise mode.

Generating a report

For a report on the access control system in 1C, it is not necessary to create a form; the layout system itself will generate it. Open the report in 1C Enterprise 8 mode.

Before creating it, click the Settings button and fill in the parameter values. You can also set selection, if necessary, change groupings, sorting, etc.

Watch also the video on creating reports on the access control system:

The 1C 8.3 platform and the configurations running on it are fundamentally different in interface from their predecessors. In the new 1C, the program window is divided into three areas: “Main top menu”, “Side context menu” (which changes depending on which section the user is in) and “Work area” (occupies the largest part of the screen in which the user works with data, enters information).
In previous publications, we paid enough attention to the topic of reports in 1C 8.2. Among our publications: general rules generation of reports, product reports, sales reports, mutual settlements with counterparties, etc. But in the new interface of the 8.3 platform, everything has changed dramatically. Firstly, the entire program interface has changed. Secondly, 1C developers changed the reporting logic. For example, instead of one sales report (as in 8.2), 20 sales reports with different settings are built into the interface. The names of the new reports correspond to their logical purpose. Accordingly, the report settings are largely predefined (already configured for the user). Most likely, the 1C developers relied on predetermination in order for users to configure less themselves and use the ready-made ones more.
For example:

1C 8.3

Analysis of primary interest (by impact channels)
- Efficiency of transactions with clients (by type of transaction)
- Analysis of the performance of sales representatives
- Sales analysis by business regions
- Gross profit by manager
- Reconciliation of settlements with partners
- In the old configuration, all these same reports were called simpler:

1C 8.2

- Analysis of customer orders
- Statement of mutual settlements with counterparties

The essence of the old and new reports is the same. The result of processing the same information is returned. The only difference is that in 8.3 reports are configured completely differently. Why the developers so radically changed the interface and methods of working with reports is a mystery shrouded in darkness. But since the 1C 8.3 program is already widely used by many enterprises, we will not delve into the reasons fundamental change interface, but rather let’s figure out how to work with the new program.
We warn you that even an experienced 1C user may encounter difficulties when setting up a report in 8.3. Everything is very new. At first glance, it may seem that reports are not customizable at all due to the extensive collection of predefined settings squeezed into the configuration by developers, but this is not so. Reports in 1C 8.3 are customizable, and below, using the example of the “Gross profit by partners” report, we will analyze the main methods for setting up 1C 8.3 reports.
1. Select a report. Firstly, we recommend choosing from the existing customized reports the one that is closest in essence to the purpose of the information being extracted in order to minimize the labor costs for setting up. Or perhaps you will choose one that doesn’t need to be configured at all. True, for this you will need to sift through all available reports. Let's be optimistic. Experience is always a useful thing.
2. Eliminations. The main type of filter is designed to filter out obviously unnecessary information from a report. For example, selection can be set by buyer, division, manager, warehouse, etc. There can be an arbitrary number of selections in the report. Those. you can select by manager and by warehouse at the same time.

3. Grouping. Anyone familiar with reporting customization methods previous versions 1C know that grouping is a tool for presenting information in an easy-to-view form. Grouping significantly reduces the length of the report if it is huge, allows you to view data step by step, and provides quantitative and summary results for each group. To truly appreciate the convenience of this method, you need to generate a report yourself and make sure own experience. Make the same settings in the report as shown in the screenshot below. Please note that on the “Edit Groupings” tab there are arrows that move the groupings up and down, which allows you to build a hierarchy of who is the most important of the groupings, what will unfold under what.

If you have exactly repeated our settings, you should get exactly the same report as in the screenshot below.
We looked at the basic methods of working with reports. More specific reports will require perseverance and experimentation with settings.

If you still have questions about working in 1C, ask our support team. Use the form feedback For free consultation with a 1C specialist.

It's time to submit the next regulated report, the configuration has been updated and the latest version has been installed financial statements, but bad luck - the parameters of the required form do not contain the required period!

No need to panic and blame the service company or programmer for everything! A few simple manipulations will save your nerves and time, and most importantly money!

For example, you need to submit a reporting form for the 4th quarter of 2014. Currently, there is no such period in the list for selecting parameters of the reporting form (Fig. 1).

In order to independently add the required period to the list of reporting periods, you need to go to the directory " Reporting periods» via the main menu

Operations -> Directory... -> Reporting periods (Fig. 2).

Advice! In order to quickly find the desired reference book or report in the general list, just start typing its name on the keyboard! In our example, just type “otch”.

In the directory that opens, click on the “Create” button (Fig. 3)

A window for creating a period will open, in which you need to specify the frequency and start date of the period being created, the rest will be filled in automatically! (Fig. 4). Click “record and close”.

The period “year 2014” has been created and will be displayed in the list, but inside it is empty, and we need to have subperiods equal to a quarter!

Let’s add them using the “Fill” button, provided that the cursor is on the desired period (2014 is highlighted in blue!) (Fig. 5).

In the window for generating reporting periods, check the boxes for the subperiods you need, in our example these are quarters (Fig. 6). Then click the “Fill” button.

Now the added period will appear in the parameters of our reporting form. The whole procedure will take no more than a minute. The result can be seen in Figure 7.

In the future, you will be able to independently add new periods or edit existing ones to suit your requirements. The same actions must be performed if the required period is not available when adding planned appointments. Good luck with your reporting!

Alexandra Luft. Consultation Line Specialist.

Step 1. Where is the Universal Report in 1C 8.3

The universal report in 1C 8.3 is called through the Reports – Universal report section:

The Universal Report form looks like this:

Step 2. How to generate a universal report to find errors in accounting

There are situations when a business transaction was completed using a Transaction entered manually: the amount in account 68.02 was reflected, but no movements were made in the VAT accumulation register of Purchases. As a result, the amount in the Purchase Book does not match the amount in balance sheet according to the account 68.02.

Important! To understand which register to use to generate a Universal Report in 1C 8.3, you need to go through the flowchart presented below and understand as a result of which document you can find the required register:

It is enough to know that the data in the Purchase Book is collected according to VAT register Purchases to generate a Universal report on it. Since we will compare the Universal report with account card 68.02, the report must be configured so that the information in both the card and the report is presented in a single key.

Step 3. How to set up a universal report in 1C 8.3

Let's configure the report as follows by clicking on the Show settings button:

  • On the Grouping tab, use the Add button to add the lines Organization and Registrar. At the same time, we added a grouping by organization to see the total amount by organization for easy comparison with the total amount in the card:

  • On the Selection tab, set the selection for the desired organization using the Add button:

As a result, the report will look like this:

In this form, it is easy to compare with account card 68.02, since they have a similar structure. This allows us to understand which document has not made any movement in the Purchases VAT accumulation register or in the accounting register:

Here is an example table of registers that it is advisable to check if an error is detected in a particular accounting section:

Attention! Very often it is not enough to correct one register: perhaps the error will not go away, but will become more hidden and problematic. In particularly difficult cases, it will be necessary to correct a set of registers, and in this case it is better to give the 1C 8.3 database to a 1C specialist programmer for analysis.

Step 4. How to fix the found error

In our example, in the account card 68.02 there was an “extra” document Transaction entered manually, which generated the amounts on the accounts accounting, but did not generate movement in the Purchase VAT accumulation register and did not get into the Purchase Book. That is, in this case, you need to add movement along this register in this document. How to do this is described in detail in.

As a result, we get the following picture:

Step 5. How to use the Universal report in 1C 8.3

A universal report in 1C 8.3 can be built using directories, information registers, documents and accounting registers.

According to the accounting register

For example, instead of an account card, you can generate a Universal report on accounting registers with the following settings:

In order not to clutter the report on the Indicators tab, uncheck the boxes for unnecessary indicators:

Using the following window management commands:

You can place report windows side by side for easy data comparison:

By information register

For example, in 1C 8.3 it is necessary to find information on employees who already have personal bank accounts opened to transfer wages.

We will generate a Universal report for the information register of the same name, making the following settings:

If there are several organizations in the 1C 8.3 database, you can set the selection for the desired organization on the Selection tab. We get this option:

According to the directory

Suppose you need to get a list of Buyers with their addresses and phone numbers from the 1C 8.3 database. Let's make the following settings:

Important! We made a selection based on whether the counterparty was included in the Buyers group of the Counterparties directory, but if the user made a mistake and included the purchasing counterparty in another group, then this counterparty may not be included in the report.

The figure shows that the names of the indicators are in brackets, and next to them is the column heading, which is more understandable and readable for the user, which will be displayed in the report. To change the title, right-click on the line with the indicator and select “Set title”:

As a result, we get a report like this:

How the Universal report works in 1C

Let's consider a few more questions, the answers to which can be obtained using the Universal Report in 1C 8.3.

Question No. 1

How to make a selection in a Universal report only for a specific buyer and find out how much of a specific (certain) product range was sold to him?

Answer: When posting a Sales document (act, invoice) in 1C 8.3, movements are formed in the accounting register and VAT Sales (we do not take it in the case of separate VAT accounting). There is no analytics for goods in the VAT Sales register, so you will have to take data from the accounting register.

In this case, the Universal report is configured as follows:

  • Period;
  • Accounting Register;
  • Posting journal (accounting and tax accounting);
  • Subconto movements:
  1. Next, click on the Show settings button and add the following values ​​on the Selection tab:
  • Account Dt – Equal to – 62.01;
  • Account Kt – Equal to – 90.01.1:

  1. On the Grouping tab the following values ​​are added:
  • Subconto 1 Dt;
  • Subconto 3 Kt:

  1. After these settings, you need to click the Generate button and the Universal report in 1C 8.3 will be built in the required form:

Question No. 2

Expenses do not include wages, taxes and contributions. These expenses are not visible in KUDiR. The simplified tax system for payment is calculated without these expenses. How to find an error using the Universal Report?

Answer: Let's build an analysis in the Universal Report based on the accumulation register of Expenses under the simplified tax system. In this case, the Universal report is configured as follows:

  1. In the report header for selecting information, the following values ​​are indicated:
  • Period;
  • Expenses under the simplified tax system;
  • Balances and turnover:
  • Type of expense;
  • Consumption element:

  1. On the Indicators tab, the values ​​should be set as in the figure:

From the report we see that some expenses in the column Reflection in NU listed as Not accepted. This means that these expenses will not be automatically included by the program in KUDiR and an error was made when entering documents. It is necessary to correct the analytics in such documents, that is, the cost item must have the value Accepted in NU as shown in the figure:

After this, you need to re-post the payroll documents and re-close the months.

Question #3

In KUDiR, NU expenses do not include the cost of goods sold. How to find an error using the Universal Report?

Answer: In 1C 8.3, expenses are accepted into KUDiR in accordance with the conditions set in the accounting policy. When selling goods in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the following conditions are: the goods must be capitalized, payment for them must be made to the supplier, and the sale of these goods must be reflected. When all three conditions are met, the costs will be included in the KUDiR.

Let's build a Universal report in 1C 8.3 for the accumulation register of Expenses under the simplified tax system and clarify the conditions that are not met for acceptance as expenses in the NU. In this case, the Universal report is configured as follows:

  1. In the report header for selecting information, the following values ​​are indicated:
  • Period;
  • Accounting accumulation register;
  • Expenses under the simplified tax system;
  • Balances and turnover:
  1. Next, click on the Show settings button and add the following values ​​on the Grouping tab:
  • Type of expense;
  • Consumption element:

  1. On the Indicators tab, the values ​​should be set as in the figure:

  1. After these settings, you need to click the Generate button and the report will be built in the required form:

As can be seen from the report, the reason why expenses for purchased goods do not fall into KUDiR is the lack of payment to the supplier for the goods.

Consequently, either the payment for the goods to the supplier was not made correctly, or it simply simply did not exist, and therefore the expense for the purchased goods should not fall into the KUDiR.

Question #4

How to view the price of goods receipt in 1C Enterprise 8.3 ( using the Universal Report?

Answer: There is no special report for tracking the price of goods receipt in 1C, but you can build your own report using the Universal Report on Receipt documents (act, invoice). In this case, the Universal report is configured as follows:

  1. In the report header for selecting information, the following values ​​are indicated:
  • Period;
  • Document;
  • Receipt (acts, invoices);
  • Goods:
  1. Next, click on the Show settings button, and on the Grouping tab, add the Nomenclature value:

  1. On the Indicators tab, the values ​​should be set as in the figure:

  1. After these settings, you need to click the Generate button and the report will be built in the required form:

ATTENTION! Please note that not every problem can be solved using the Universal Report. Its main inconvenience is that it works ONLY with one object of analysis: a directory, document, accounting register, information register or accumulation register.

It does not track complex connections between objects. For this purpose, there is a special DCS tool – Data Composition System. With its help, programmers and experienced users can generate complex reports, select the necessary information, and add their own fields for calculation.

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