Search for fines by number. Find out traffic police fines by driver's license and car number

Even the most conscientious and careful drivers are not immune from receiving penalties for violating certain traffic rules, but what distinguishes respectable drivers from the rest is precisely their timely and desire to avoid them in the future. In the modern pace of life, busy and intense, the likelihood of losing one’s memory of one or another debt to the state increases many times over. And this can already lead to other negative consequences.

Check availability current fines Traffic police and timely them are possible in many ways.

And to do this, it is not at all necessary to collect all your documents for the car and go to the traffic police; you just need to have access to the Internet and know the license plate number of your car.

This not only saves time and money, but also allows you to have all the up-to-date information at any time about the presence of new collections, overdue debts, and check whether the previously paid fine has been repaid. Often, if there are minimum conditions, you can also pay the fine through an online resource that provides data on the debt.

How to check traffic police fines by car number in 2020: various methods

There are several online services for obtaining quick and accurate information about the presence of a state fine. car number:

  1. Official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate;

Official website of the traffic police

Official website of the State Security Inspectorate traffic enjoys the greatest confidence among drivers. The information on it is updated quite quickly, and registering on it is completely optional; all information can be obtained only if you have a driver’s license (you will need to indicate its series and number), and, directly, state number car.

Another advantage of the resource is the easy access to information on fines not only in your region, but also in general, Russian Federation. This is quite convenient for people whose work or lifestyle involves constant business trips and travel to other cities.

By going to the official website (, in the list of online services on the right, you need to find and click the “Check fines” button. In the form that opens, enter the details of your car and driver’s license and send a request.

After some time has passed for processing the request, the applicant gets access to all his fines.

State Services website

Despite the fact that the government services website requires mandatory registration and authorization to access information, it is also one of the convenient and reliable services. Another advantage is the fact that the site provides the opportunity to pay fines online.

It is worth recalling that today, prompt payment of a fine is encouraged by reducing it by half.

After completing the registration procedure on the government services website (, you must undergo authorization. Through the site’s search engine or through the general catalog of services, or, even simpler, on the main page of the portal, below, in the list of popular services of the site, we find the desired fines section and gain access to the service by pressing the “Get service” button.

In the form that opens, enter the current required information about driver's license(series and number) and vehicle registration number. Next, you need to submit a completed application for processing using the “Submit Application” function under the completed form.

After some time, the resource produces a table with a list of fines indicating the date, number of the resolution or protocol and the amount. In the same table, for each fine separately, a payment function is provided.

How to find out fines at the traffic police is described in the video.

Traffic police fines website

This site is also distinguished by its efficiency, relevance and reliability of the information provided, but to obtain it, you will need Additional Information. In addition to the state number of the car and information about the driver's license, registration certificate data is required here vehicle, which can be attributed to the disadvantage of the online service.

But, on the other hand, this inconvenience can be regarded as an additional level of information protection from ill-wishers. Another advantage of the service is the ability to receive notification of a new fine.

Notification can be sent directly to a phone number in the form of an SMS alert, or to a specified email address. To do this, you just need to express your consent to this action.

By logging into the Traffic Police Fines website (, you must enter all the required information in the special fields. After filling out the form and, if necessary, checking the box indicating your consent to receive notifications of new fines, you must click on “Check fines.”

After the request processing time has expired, all information found will appear on the screen.

If you are sure that there is an unpaid fine, but none of the online services detected it, you need to repeat the check the next day. This may be due to overload of a particular portal, lengthy updating and updating of information, or poor performance of the Internet channel.

Not modern, but accurate

If, after a lapse of time, the fine is not found, or there is no access to the Internet, or there is no trust in modern methods and technologies, you can find out about the presence of a fine protocol from verified and in a reliable way– personal visit to the State Inspectorate.

Of course, you won’t be able to save time, but you can rest assured that not a single fine will remain forgotten or unpaid. Armed with a driver's license and presenting it to the traffic police inspector, the applicant will receive all the most accurate information about fines, the date and place of its recording and the number of the resolution, as they say, first-hand.

It is worth noting that all information services provided are free.

Neither online services nor traffic police inspectors will require you to write statements or requests for information.

Information is provided promptly, at the time of request, within 5–7 minutes, in the absence of technical problems.

How to obtain the necessary data, whether to use an online service or follow the proven, “old-fashioned” path and visit the inspection in person, everyone decides for themselves.

You just need to remember about the responsibility for late payment of fines issued and about incentives for conscientious road users for the timely and complete execution of fines or Protocols.

Find out how to check fines at the traffic police in the video.

In contact with

Payment of taxes and transport tax fees is the responsibility of every citizen. The same applies to the transport fee - a special payment that is levied in favor of the state for obtaining the right to use motor vehicles.

Transport tax is paid by absolutely all legal owners of the car, regardless of their status, area of ​​residence and current financial situation. It must be paid not only to individuals, but also to enterprises whose balance sheets include cars. In order to pay this fee on time, you need to know how to determine the resulting debt, including by car number.

How to check information by state number: tax office?

Before obtaining the necessary information about the amount of debt or the amount of current taxation, an identity verification procedure is required. This applies to both viewing on Internet portals and personal visits to the inspection. Today, mandatory payment is transport tax Finding out the debt by car number is not difficult.

The car owner will be required to provide various information about the car, as well as an identification document, and therefore it is impossible to check the transport tax debt by the car number (only by it) it is impossible.

At the same time, all data on vehicles, including license plates, are available in the databases tax service and with bailiffs - in a situation where the debt is assigned by the court. This means that by proving your identity, you will be able to obtain information about the amount of the fee for the car by indicating the vehicle number.

To determine the size tax collection, in our country in most cases they use an agricultural complex called Traffic Bailiff, it is similar to another hardware complex that calculates malicious fines. The traffic police automatically searches for unpaid amounts of transport tax using the car's license plate.

Searching for tax debt using the Internet online

The Internet has long become an assistant for people in various fields. For the convenience of motorists, you can check the vehicle tax using the car number on several websites.

Internet portal of the Federal Tax Service (via TIN)

Before using the Federal Tax Service resource, you must register and then log in. Next, you need to enter a login that matches your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) in the fields provided and come up with a new password. After this, select a section called Overpayment/Debt in the window. On the page that opens, all the tax data of interest will appear, including the transport tax that must be paid.

There is also the option of paying off debt - to do this, you will need to click the button labeled Pay Debt. After this, the system will make the payment and display a receipt as confirmation.

When using this resource, you should remember that it only provides information about existing overdue payments, so if the period has not yet expired, the data will not be displayed on the screen.

State Services Portal

Before you start using the portal and find out the information you are interested in, you need to register by entering your name, place of registration and other information. After this, you will need to go through the authorization procedure, which will take more time than registering on the portal. But as a result, the resource will provide more opportunities, not only information on debts for transport fees, so the time spent will be justified.

On the bailiffs portal

Individuals can find out their debts specifically for transport tax, which were sent for execution by the court, online in the federal database of the bailiff service. In order to get started, you will need to complete registration, then go to the resource and select the tab called Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings. Next you should search by individuals, entering the necessary data, including the car number.

After completing the procedure, a new window will open, where all the transport tax data will be presented - this information can then be printed.

Other Internet resources

The amount of debt can be found on other websites, but you usually don’t need to enter a lot of information: a license plate number, full name and tax identification number are enough. However, you should remember that such portals are used at your own risk, since not all sites can provide a guarantee of confidentiality. It is best to prefer reliable official sites public services, which allow you to find out the necessary information without fear.

Find out your debt via SMS

Any citizen can order a special service called SMS notification: it is provided by the tax service resource, launched back in 2013.

To obtain information on debts via SMS for transport tax, you will need a TIN. You can also get special keys from tax authorities to log into your personal account and view the necessary information.

By mail

There is also the easiest and most popular way to determine the amount of debt - wait for the postman to bring a receipt for payment.

This method is good because you don’t need to do any additional effort to find the required amount. However, given that any system is imperfect, there is a possibility of losing this paper. In this case, it is recommended to go to the tax office and ask the operator to issue a duplicate receipt form.

How to find out how much to pay?

On this page you can enter your details and check if you have been fined. The search is carried out by driver's license or according to the vehicle registration certificate.

The search for fines is done online on the official website of the traffic police. If there is a fine, you can pay it directly through the website using a bank card.

To search for a fine, you need to enter one of the values ​​in the form below

  • driver's license number
  • STS number.
  • by resolution number

It is better to search using both documents, since a fine can be registered on any of them.

To avoid problems with the traffic police, be sure to check whether you have a fine.

The fact is that cameras automatically record violations, and information about this is recorded in the necessary authorities according to the state number of the car or other data, and you are on the list of debtors until you pay the fine. You will learn about this through a notification by mail. However, it happens that information does not reach you for various reasons. For example, it gets lost along the way and comes to the address where you no longer live, but where you registered.

It also happens that an inspector personally stops you for a violation, draws up a report, and you simply forget about it. It’s even worse if you paid the fine, but due to the bank’s fault, the information was not sent to the proper authorities, and you are still on the list of debtors. Or maybe you just decided not to pay because you think it’s unnecessary?

In any case, you should know that fines not paid on time can lead to serious problems. For example, it could be like this:

  • you will not be able to travel abroad;
  • you will receive a penalty for non-payment, especially if a second fine appears and it turns out that the first has not yet been paid. You will receive a double fine, and maybe imprisonment for 15 days or compulsory work.

Often cameras automatically record a violation, and the resolution is lost in the mail or arrives at the place of registration where you do not actually live. Another situation is also possible: an inspector stops you and draws up a report, and you conveniently forget about it. Or you pay a fine, but due to the bank’s fault this information does not reach the traffic police, and you continue to be on the list of debtors. Or they simply decided that it was not necessary to pay the fines and that everything would somehow resolve itself.

Be that as it may, this may cause you trouble in the future:

  1. You will not be able to go abroad. Before you do, be sure to check to see if you have any fines. If the amount of debt is equal to or exceeds 10,000 rubles, there is a high probability that you will not be allowed to leave Russia.
  2. You will be punished for evading payment of a fine. If an inspector stops you again and finds that the previous fine has not been paid, you may be given an additional penalty. Usually this is a double fine. But administrative arrest for 15 days or compulsory labor is also possible. True, this rarely happens.

How to check traffic police fines online

In the search results you can find many sites offering to check fines. But it is better to use official sources or resources that indicate which databases they work with.

1. On the official website of the traffic police

On the traffic police website in the “Services” section there is a form for checking fines. To obtain information, you must enter the car number and vehicle registration certificate number.

If you paid a fine, and information about it is displayed, it means there is a problem on the bank’s side. In this case, you need to send a payment receipt to the traffic police.

Upload a scanned receipt (a photo will do) and leave your email for feedback. When traffic police officers check this information, they will make changes on the website and send a notification to you by email.

2. On the public services portal

You can learn about fines in the “Transport and Driving” category. Log in to the government services portal and go to the “Traffic Police Fines” section. There are two ways to check for debts:

  1. By the driver's last name and driver's license number.
  2. By car number and vehicle registration certificate.

After submitting an electronic application, the system will issue a list of fines that are assigned to you or your car.

If you already have a fine receipt in your hands, you can enter its number and pay everything immediately.

3. Through Yandex.Money

The service allows you to find out information about fines by license number or vehicle registration certificate and pay the debt.

Just fill out the form fields and click on the “Check” button. If you check the box “Receive notifications about fines”, in the future this information will be automatically sent to you by email or SMS.

Afterwards you will receive a message about the presence or absence of fines. You can pay your debt here. But keep in mind that the service takes a small commission: 1% of the amount, but not less than 30 rubles.

Yandex also has a special application for searching and paying traffic police fines - Yandex.Fines. In the application you can find out the validity period of the 50% discount or set up notifications about new fines.

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