“Right to service and repair” and iPhone warranty – we look at all the options! Service centers: tricks and tricks with the “guarantee” Check the right to service.

A consumer whose equipment fails during the warranty period should know that the breakdown will be repaired free of charge only if it is used correctly.

The procedure for repairing purchased equipment that is under warranty

Let's look at in which case the contractor provides a guarantee.

The owner can count on warranty repair of equipment in the following situation:

  • When a manufacturing defect is discovered, that is, malfunctions appeared as a result of a violation of the product’s production technology, as well as due to the use of spare parts or components of poor quality;
  • The manufacturer undertakes to replace free of charge spare parts and equipment that become unusable during the warranty period;
  • A guarantee for installation and maintenance is provided by an organization that has the appropriate certificate, experience, and also complies with the necessary rules for installation and maintenance. Service and maintenance are carried out by trained end-user specialists who have a certificate confirming the right to provide these services;
  • If specialists have been trained at the manufacturer’s base, they can service the equipment under warranty for two years. The warranty period cannot be extended unilaterally. To do this, it is necessary to sign a special agreement by representatives of three parties: the user, the manufacturer and the organization involved in the repair. The agreement contains the terms and conditions of warranty service for equipment, conditions for warranty repairs, etc.;
  • The person supplying the equipment to the market is not liable for damages of any nature (special, incidental, punitive, consequential). We are talking about loss of income, damage to property, a claim from a consumer, etc. Warranties provided by the manufacturer or supplier must in no way infringe the legal rights of consumers;
  • The Contractor can accept equipment for warranty repairs only if there is a warranty card. This document is issued to the consumer at the time of purchase of the product. The coupon must contain the signature of the official (representing the end user) responsible for the use of the equipment. If there is no warranty card, repairs can only be performed at the expense of the owner;
  • The service organization or contractor is responsible for checking the equipment and identifying deficiencies, drawing up an inspection report and confirmation of the warranty case, and transporting the goods to the place of service work;
  • Components, spare parts, as well as the equipment itself can be accepted for warranty repair if there are accompanying documents indicating the identified problems, the date of purchase of the goods, the organization’s details, and contact numbers. A special requirement is that the description of the malfunction must be clear and concise;
  • Equipment and spare parts that are accepted for free repairs undergo diagnostics to identify declared faults. If no faults are found, the equipment will not be accepted for service, and no one will exchange a working product for a new one. When upon receipt of the goods, problems caused by improper operation are identified, it will be returned to the owner. Otherwise, repairs will be paid at the buyer's expense. Based on the inspection, a special act will be drawn up, and the result will be reported to the relevant organization;
  • If the equipment or its individual parts cannot be repaired, then new ones (included) are supplied instead. In this case, equipment or components that were replaced during warranty service are not returned to the owner.

Terms of repair of the considered category of goods under the warranty service agreement

When a buyer makes a certain purchase, he hopes to receive a good product that meets all the requirements of the declared quality. These requirements are stated in the contract concluded between the seller and the buyer upon purchase, and apply to the established warranty period.

Let's look at the concept of “warranty period”. This concept should be considered a certain period of time during which the contractor assumes responsibility for the compliance of the product with the declared qualities that are specified in the purchase and sale agreement, in the technical documents for the equipment.

If problems are discovered in the equipment during the period specified in the document, the manufacturer undertakes to fix them free of charge. In some cases, we may be talking not only about repairing the product, but also about replacing it and reducing the price.

In most cases, with the rare exception of additional agreements, the warranty period begins from the moment the goods are transferred to the buyer.

When the manufacturer has not established a warranty period, the seller assumes its responsibilities. Sometimes the seller may extend the period set by the manufacturer.

A guarantee of good, constant operation of the equipment can only be said if the buyer complies with all the necessary rules for operation, transportation and storage of the equipment during the warranty period.

Warranty repairs are carried out only during the warranty period.

Warranty service for a product differs from warranty repair in that when servicing a product, specialists try to maintain it in a condition suitable for its trouble-free operation without carrying out repair work.

Warranty repairs are not always handled directly by the manufacturer or seller. In most cases, they delegate their powers to organizations specializing in the repair of a particular product. Sometimes such organizations are authorized, and sometimes they are specifically created by manufacturers. We are talking about service centers created by domestic and foreign manufacturers in the Russian Federation.

In addition, a separate individual entrepreneur who has a special registration can act as an authorized person.

When equipment is transferred for repair to a service center authorized by the manufacturer, all work is carried out at the expense of the manufacturer or seller.

The manufacturer (seller) independently pays the service center for used components and repair work performed.

When does the equipment warranty not apply?

The consumer can make a claim if he used the product in accordance with the basic operating rules, as well as if the equipment was regularly serviced.

Important! If the consumer tried to fix the problem on his own, or if any changes were made to the design, warranty repairs will not be carried out.

We are not talking about free repairs in cases of equipment damage as a result of its incorrect use.

If parts classified as consumables fail, they are not replaced under the terms of the warranty repair.

In what cases is the product not subject to warranty repair:

  • In case of violation of the rules for using the equipment or damage to the goods by third parties;
  • Some changes were made to the design without permission;
  • Problems were repaired by specialists who were not authorized to carry out this repair;
  • If damage occurs as a result of power supply failure to comply with State standards for breakdown from high voltage. This means that there are breakdowns in the insulation in the weakest places resulting from its destruction;
  • If there are defects resulting from improper use of the product or from force on it;
  • Some spare parts or components were replaced with non-original parts, which led to problems;
  • The equipment and its components were damaged due to mechanical, thermal or extreme electrical impact;
  • Failures occurred due to exposure of the equipment to water, fire, chemicals, food or waste products of living organisms;
  • When the equipment was damaged due to a natural disaster (flood, fire, lightning, earthquake, etc.).

Most products have a warranty period. This means that in the event of a breakdown, you have the right to contact a repair shop, where they will fix the breakdown for free. The procedure for obtaining warranty repairs and the nuances associated with it are regulated by the Russian Federation Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights.” After studying it, you can easily get a free repair of your purchase, of course, provided that the manufacturer is to blame for the malfunction of the product.

The legislative framework

The Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” establishes the buyer’s right to timely elimination of breakdowns and defects of the product at the expense of the manufacturer, and in some cases, the seller himself.

By law, the manufacturer independently sets a period during which he guarantees the serviceability of his product and guarantees free troubleshooting. This could be 1–2 months or several years. In addition, the seller has the right to set an additional period, increasing the period of provision of free services. He assumes obligations to troubleshoot problems and pay various types of penalties.

The manufacturer may not indicate the period during which warranty repairs are possible. But at the same time, according to Article 19 of the law we are considering, the buyer of a product has the opportunity to make a claim regarding its quality for 2 years from the date of purchase. Please note that this period also applies to those products whose warranty period is much less than 2 years.

The guarantee assumes that when you contact us, you receive free repair of the item, regardless of whether this requires ordering parts or not.

The starting point for the period is the date of purchase of the goods. If its purchase is related to delivery by mail or courier service, then the period is counted from the moment of receipt . There are a number of products for which the warranty period begins to count from the onset of a certain season. This rule includes seasonal goods such as clothing and shoes.

Where to contact?

If any malfunctions occur, you have the right to contact one of the following places:
  • Directly to the manufacturer, if there is a representative office in the city.
  • To the store where the purchase was made.
  • To the company's service center. Often their addresses are indicated on the warranty card. You can also find them on the manufacturer’s website.

Repair claim

You must submit a written claim for repairs in two copies. The application must indicate the following information:
  • Seller information – name and address.
  • Passport and contact details of the applicant.
  • Description of the claim. The text indicates the date of application, the cost of the product and a list of detected faults or defects.
  • Link to the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.
  • Requirements.
  • Compiler's signature.

Procedure for filing a claim

So, you discovered a breakdown or malfunction and decided to contact a service center. To apply you will need:
  • Compiled claim.
  • Original warranty card or other document confirming purchase.
  • Your passport.
The application for warranty repair is handed over personally against the signature of the receiving person. He is obliged to certify the second copy, which remains with you. Your copy must contain the first and last name of the person who accepted it, his signature, the date of acceptance of the application and the seal of the service center.

After submitting the application, you must provide the goods. The receiving party draws up an act of acceptance of the goods. The following data is entered into the document:

  • date of receipt of goods;
  • your data;
  • data of the receiving person;
  • a detailed description of the product received, indicating its identification or serial number;
  • description of damage.
If the examination is carried out by the receiving person on site in your presence, then the document contains confirmation that the breakdown is eligible for warranty repair and the product has been accepted for repair. If the seller cannot determine on the spot whether the case is covered by warranty, he sends the product for examination. At the same time, an act of transfer of goods is also drawn up.

The examination is paid for by the company that carries out the repairs and is completed within 10 days. In some cases, the period may be slightly longer - 20 days.

Please note that if during the examination it turns out that the breakdown does not qualify for warranty repair, you will be required to pay for its implementation and travel expenses associated with transporting the product to and from the laboratory.

In some cases, if the goods sent for repair weigh more than 5 kg or are large-sized, then when drawing up an application, you have the right to demand delivery of the goods for repair and back at the seller’s expense or to demand compensation for delivery costs.

Also, don't forget that you can always compose .

Do I need a box and a receipt for warranty repairs?

According to the law, when providing a product for repair, it is not necessary to have a cash receipt in hand, because a warranty card will suffice. Product packaging is also not required. Moreover, even if there is no documentation for the product, you have no right to refuse repairs.

Of course, it is advisable to attach to your application a copy of a document confirming the fact of purchase and the terms of purchase. This capacity can be either a cash receipt or sales receipt, a sales contract, a warranty card or a technical passport.

Repair times and extensions

Article 20 clearly regulates the time frame for troubleshooting when contacting specialists. The law says that, ideally, the breakdown should be corrected immediately. But realizing that this is not possible in all cases, a maximum period of 45 days is regulated.

When submitting the device for repair, it is also possible to conclude an agreement, which will indicate other deadlines for repair work. But such an agreement is drawn up only at the request of the owner of the goods.

If the specified time is not enough, then with the consent of both parties, new deadlines for repairs can be set. It is worth remembering that any circumstances, even the lack of parts at the service center, are not a reason for postponing the deadline.

If the deadline is violated, you also have the right to expect payment of a penalty in the amount of 1% of the cost of your product. In this case, the penalty is calculated daily. The amount of the penalty is calculated before the completion of repair work.

Replacement product during warranty repairs

Paragraph 2 of Article 20 states that if the product is returned for repair under warranty, the consumer may express a desire to receive a replacement product. It is issued for the period while the original product is being repaired.

By definition, the replacement must have the same characteristics as the original. Provided within 3 days free of charge, but only upon written request. If the application has not been written and the claim itself also does not require the issuance of a replacement product, you should not count on receiving it.

But this does not mean that you can get a replacement for any item. There are exceptions that are not provided for the period of repair:

  • Cars and motorcycles, their components.
  • Furniture.
  • Watercraft.
  • Electrical household appliances used for hygienic or medical purposes. These are hair dryers, heating pads, electric toothbrushes, electric shavers, etc.
  • Electrical appliances designed for cooking.
  • Weapons - both bladed and firearms, their components.

If a replacement product has not been issued, then a penalty of 1% of the cost of the product is calculated daily, which is then paid to the consumer.

It is worth noting that often payments of this nature can only be obtained in court or by threatening the company with court.

Receipt of goods after repair

After the repair is completed, the item must be returned to you. In this case, the service center employees must call you or inform you in some other way that you can pick up the product.

When picking up an item, you need to carefully inspect it to see if there are any new flaws that were not there before, whether the item is intact (no scratches, chips). Be sure to request a demonstration of how your item works. This is necessary to make sure that all work was completed correctly. Otherwise, you will not be able to make any claims to the company if it turns out that the repairs were not completed in full.

Don't forget to get a certificate or report about the repairs performed. The document must indicate:

  • Application date.
  • Date the product was accepted for repair.
  • Duration of repair work.
  • Description of defects and deficiencies, use of components and spare parts.
  • Confirmation that the defect has been corrected.
  • The date the item was returned to the owner.

Refusal to carry out warranty repairs

In some cases, it is possible to refuse to carry out free repairs. The main reasons for refusal may be:
  • Violations of the rules for the use of goods by the consumer. Simply put, using a product for purposes for which it was not intended.
  • Improper transportation of goods or storage in a place with unfavorable conditions for the goods. For example, storing equipment in a basement with high humidity.
  • Actions of force majeure or force majeure situations. This includes fires, thunderstorms, and hurricanes. For example, if your antenna is struck by lightning and it, along with the TV, fails, you will be denied warranty repairs.
  • Liquid entering an electrical appliance.
  • Warranty withdrawal.
  • Mechanical damage.
  • Violation of operating rules.

Warranty extension

If the problem is successfully resolved, the warranty period for the product is extended by the period during which it was under repair - from the moment of treatment and delivery of the product.

If, when troubleshooting, components or components of the main product were replaced, then it is covered by a warranty for the same period as the warranty on the item itself.

Video: What to do if a warranty item breaks?

You can learn more about the possibilities of repairing a product that is under warranty from a short video:

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We also provide warranty and service for other brands of household appliances represented by us: Nuc Galaxy, Angel, Oscar, Kempo, Hyundae, Coway, Feel Green, Shinil, Doctor Green.
Affiliate information about the company “All Juices” on the official websites of manufacturers:
Tribest | L"equip | Hurom | Excalibur | | Omega Juicers | Piteba | Incomk

2) Super Service (free pickup and delivery for repairs directly from your home!)

Only our clients who have purchased goods in the “Vse Juices” store have the opportunity to use the unique “SUPER-SERVICE” service free of charge and unlimited. The service works anywhere in Russia for all goods weighing more than 5 kg (product + packaging). Thanks to this service, if you need to submit your product for warranty diagnostics and repairs, you can do this in 1 minute - without leaving your home! You fill out an application, the Service Center manager contacts you, then our courier comes to you, picks up the device and delivers it to our Service Center. After the repair, your product is also delivered to you at your address, in both cases DELIVERY is FREE*, it is paid for by our store (if the case is recognized as warranty).
* Please note that, in accordance with current consumer rights legislation, our company is obliged to reimburse the consumer only necessary expenses for sending goods from the consumer to the SC and back, that is, expenses incurred within reason. When calculating the cost of delivery, we are guided by the tariffs of the Russian Post, as well as the corporate tariffs of the courier service "DPD". If you choose another transport company or ask to send the goods by air delivery, we warn you that we can only compensate you Part shipping costs. For example, you ask to send cargo by SDEK with air delivery for 2000 rubles, and ground transportation by mail to the same address will cost us 500 rubles. Thus, you will pay 1,500 rubles, and we will pay the remaining 500 rubles for sending your product to the service center.

3) Replacement device during repairs!

In case of urgent need, we provide a free replacement device, similar in type to the client’s device, which was sent for diagnostics and repair at that moment. If you would like to use this service, please describe your situation in your repair request. The number of replacement devices is limited. Please note that household appliances for cooking are not included in the mandatory list of goods for which the seller must provide a replacement. The decision to provide replacement equipment is made by the company management.

4) Human attitude towards people and technology:)

Our service center specialists treat your equipment as if it were their own. It will not be scratched during diagnostics, and defects that the client did not know about, but which were identified by the technician while examining the device, will not be ignored. Possible necessary costs will always be agreed with you in advance if the case is recognized as not under warranty, or the device will be returned in its original form. When returning the device to the client, it will be carefully packaged, even if you handed it to the service center without a strong / original box. They will choose the most convenient, fast and reliable delivery for you, insure the goods upon shipment, and provide you with a tracker number for tracking.

5) Direct contact with a specialist (before and after repair)

Only our company provides the opportunity to its beloved clients to communicate directly with the repair specialist by calling a toll-free phone number ☎ 8 (800) 333-36-27
Write to e-mail [email protected]
Submit your application ""
Ask at

6) The credo of our service center is “Fast and Convenient, but with Guarantee and Understanding!”

If you find any additional useful function in the warranty service of other companies, write to us about it by email: [email protected], we will try to become better for you, and you will receive additional .

FYI: How do other stores operate?

Other selling organizations (online stores) most often do not have their own service department, since maintaining this department is very expensive and either a very large company or a supplier company (importer of equipment) can afford it. In 99% of cases, these organizations send goods to our authorized service center “All Juices”, where there are specialists and... The client wastes time sending goods to the store, then to our service center, and then in the reverse order. Diagnostic and repair time is usually at least 35-40 days.
Other stores may contract with regular repair services not authorized by the equipment manufacturers. Given the lack of original spare parts, these repair services will be able to:
- only identify the malfunction, i.e. carry out diagnostics
- repairing failed parts is unlikely
- use non-original spare parts for repairs and break factory seals, which completely voids the device’s warranty.

Regular store ☹
Forces you to write written statements to the service center, describe the problem, send a registered letter.
Forces you to send your faulty device to their service center at your own expense
You send this product at your own expense at your own peril and risk, worry about its safety and also waste time arriving at the post office / transport company. You make special packaging, spend extra. funds to improve the shipping box.
You are responsible for the safety of the shipment in case of loss or damage.
After receiving the service center, it does not inform you about what it has received, it delays the deadlines to the maximum, which are (30 days diagnostics / 45 days repairs), and often violates these deadlines.
You have been for more than 2 months. do not use the device, swear, waste your nerves in the process of shipment, as well as in the process of diagnostics and repairs, completely transport costs.
Only by asserting your rights can you receive a refund of the delivery cost if your case is recognized as a warranty (the wasted time and nerves cannot be returned)

Diagnostics and repair procedure

Before using any devices, please read the instructions. If you have lost the book with operating instructions that came with the device, then use our website. Go to the card of any product and click on the button instructions , You can study or download it. If, after proper assembly, the device does not start or does not operate in accordance with the stated standards, proceed to the steps below.

The procedure for diagnostics and repairs at the Vse Juices service center (hereinafter: SC):

  1. Contact a SC specialist by email[email protected] or by filling out an application describing the details of the malfunction. If necessary, attach photo/video materials.
  2. Receive instructions on how to ship the instrument after you have decided on the date and time.
  3. Receive a safety receipt from the service center while the device is under repair (example):
    - personally when handing over the device (for Moscow, St. Petersburg and regions);
    - scanned copy by email - upon written request of the consumer;
    - by letter by Russian Post - upon written request and at the expense of the consumer.
    The original safety receipt must be returned upon return of the device to you, subject to warranty repair or replacement of the device with a new one.
  4. The conclusion signed and stamped is issued by the chief engineer after diagnostics ().
  5. A service center employee conducts special tests with the product on the equipment being diagnosed (or already repaired) at your request and shoots individual videos showing exactly your device, securing it with a serial number. You will receive photo and video materials before sending your device back, in order to be convinced that its performance corresponds to what is nominally stated. Equipment sent before the application number is assigned and without data on return shipment will not be accepted for diagnosis and repair.

Return delivery is also carried out at the expense of the Vse Soki company. You will receive a completely repaired or new device,if a decision was made to replace it, in the shortest possible time with absolutely free sending and receiving for you. All stores are required to do this according to Russian law.(Clause 6 of Article 18 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” ). That is, all goods weighing more than 5 kg must be sent for repair under warranty at the expense of the selling store, service center, manufacturer or importer. Usually this happens at the expense of the seller store, but not all people know about this, and therefore do not demand compliance with their legal rights.

Example. You live in Krasnodar. You buy a juicer from an online store with a total weight of 10 kg with a box, delivered from Moscow, and after a year and a half you want to contact the service center for warranty. Report this to the seller store or directly to the service center.

Quality and convenience

The courier will pick up the device directly from your apartment;
- The SC will confirm receipt of the package by calling/SMS/email;
- diagnostics and repairs will take 1-2 business days (subject to availability of spare parts);
- You will receive photo/video materials and an expert opinion on the work performed with the seal and signature of the chief engineer;
- quickly and consistently, and most importantly* get your device back for free.

*for goods weighing over 5 kg including box.

In a regular store

You have to do it yourself:
- write written statements to the SC, describe the problem, send a registered letter;
- send your faulty device to the service center at your own expense and worry about its safety;
- waste time traveling to a transport company or post office;
- spend additional money on a special shipping box and its improvement;
- be responsible for the safety of the parcel from loss or damage.

In addition, the service center does not notify you of receipt of the device, delays the deadlines (30 days of diagnosis/45 days of repair) to the maximum and often violates them. As a result, you do not use the device for more than 2 months, have conflicts, waste your nerves, incur transportation costs, and only after asserting your rights can you receive a refund of the delivery cost if your case is recognized as a warranty (and the time and nerves spent cannot be returned).

Address of the equipment collection point for service:

Before arriving at the service center Necessarily fill in

  • Saint Petersburg
    metro station Petrogradskaya (480 m)
  • St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, st. Ordinarnaya, 18, lit. A (entrance from Levashovsky Prospekt)
  • Mon-Fri: 10:00 — 19:00
  • Sat-Sun: weekend

Before arriving at the service center Necessarily fill in Application for diagnostics and repairs at the Vse Soki service center and agree on the date and time of the visit.
You will find more detailed information in the section.

For clients from other cities:

  1. (Domostroitelnaya str., building 1, lit. B) - We can provide a special tariff with lower prices for shipping and, if a warranty case is recognized, we will compensate for delivery costs in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation
  2. (1st Verkhniy lane, 10, lit. A)
  3. (1st Verkhny lane, 12b)
  4. (3rd Verkhny Lane, 9.)
b) Dispatch Russian Post ; Delivery 2-6 weeks, very careful packaging is required).

Explanations: shipping by TC or Post is carried out at the expense of the client; if a warranty case is identified, return shipping is carried out at the expense of the service department, and reasonable costs for delivering the device to the service center are reimbursed if the weight of the device exceeds 5 kg (according to the legislation of the Russian Federation).

SC - Service center
ASC - authorized service center
TK - transport company
IN. — Vasilyevsky Island

Rules for returning and exchanging goods of good quality.

Dear buyer! You purchased a technically complex product in our online store, which is intended for food processing. Before turning on the device for the first time, we ask you to carefully study the operating instructions, familiarize yourself with the limitations and precautions, and familiarize yourself with the process of assembling and disassembling the devices. If you start using the equipment for its intended purpose, you will in any case already lose the right to return the product if you don’t like it! Our consultants are always happy to answer all your questions before and after purchasing equipment; we ask you to carefully approach the purchase so that you are satisfied with our work and the purchased equipment for many years. If you have never used the product and have kept the packaging and presentation intact, you have the right to return it to our online store. We ask you to be understanding if you decide to return the product after you have started using it, and our store, after checking, refuses to do so on legal grounds. Also, you do not have the right to return goods of proper quality if the goods were purchased not for personal use, but for business activities (commercial operation of the goods).

When contacting a service center under warranty commercial exploitation The following cases are recognized:
- if the buyer of the device is an organization or individual entrepreneur;
- if, when contacting the service department, the client specified in writing or orally that the device was not used at home;
- if the device has obvious signs of increased wear of parts (screw, mesh, other parts of the squeezing part or motor block);
- if the service courier picks up the device from a cafe, restaurant, or other industrial premises where the device was used;
- other factors that clearly indicate the intended commercial nature of the buyer’s activities using this product.

If, based on the above, the service center recognizes that the product has been in commercial use, it will issue a special statement reducing the warranty period for the device to the period of the commercial warranty, or, in the case where the device was intended exclusively for domestic use, the warranty will be canceled, and Returns or exchanges of goods will be refused.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, including the conditions for return and exchange, apply only to the facts of the purchase of goods by individuals for private needs!

The return of goods of proper quality purchased in our online store remotely is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation [Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”] [Chapter II] [Article 26.1]. Returns are possible within 7 days from the date of delivery of the goods to the buyer, and can only be made if the goods have never been used, the product is in its presentation condition, the integrity of all packaging, instructions, components, as well as a document confirming the fact and terms of purchase the specified product. If traces of use of the goods are detected, as well as traces of opening the packaging, the Seller reserves the right refuse in accepting the goods, as this is a violation of the presentation. To return goods, an identification document is also required.

For citizens of the Russian Federation:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Driver license;
  • Military ID;
  • Temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of registration of the passport;
  • Sailor's passport.

For foreign citizens:

  • National foreign passport of a foreign citizen;
  • Diplomatic passport of a foreign citizen;
  • Temporary residence permit for a stateless person.

When returning goods of proper quality, the amount paid by the Buyer under the contract, with the exception of the seller’s expenses for delivery of the returned goods from the Buyer, must be returned to the Buyer no later than 10 days from the date the buyer submits the corresponding request in writing and the moment the goods are returned. In addition, within the specified period, the seller has the right to conduct an examination of goods in order to determine their quality and safety of consumer properties. If, as a result of the examination, the fact of at least one-time use of the product is revealed (for example, microscopic residues of ingredients on parts of kitchen appliances, traces of putting cuffs of massage devices on parts of the body, scratches and abrasions on the fastening elements of parts of devices), the return and exchange of goods will be denied based on loss of presentation of the returned goods.

Procedure for returning goods of good quality:

(The tracker number after the order has been shipped is in the comments column (personal account) and is sent to you by email)

To clarify information about the application:

When purchasing iPhones and iPads second-hand, customers often wonder about the warranty status of the product they are purchasing. In order to be sure that you are purchasing a new device, we recommend checking its status in a special section of the official Apple website. Just enter the serial number of the device, and you will find out the expiration date of the warranty period and other information on technical support for the product.

How to find out the serial number of an iPhone or iPad:

  • On iPhone and iPad: You can find the serial number on the product packaging or in iOS settings: “Settings -> General -> About device”.
  • On Mac or PC: If your device is working, you can find the serial number by connecting it to iTunes. Then go to the main tab and click the line under the information with the gadget’s capacity.

Now that you know the twelve-character serial number, you need to use a special service on the Internet.

How to check iPhone and iPad warranty status:

Step 1: Go to the Apple website and open the page dedicated to information about the warranty status of the company's products.

Step 2: Enter your account settings.

Step 3: Enter the serial number of your iPhone or iPad, as well as the code from the picture.

Step 4: Click Continue.

If your mobile device has never been activated, you will be prompted to activate. If your iPhone or iPad has been activated and is under warranty, there will be a green check mark next to the “Eligibility for Service and Repair” column. In the same field you can find out the expiration date of the warranty.

If your smartphone or tablet has been activated and the warranty has already expired, you will see an orange exclamation mark that says: “Phone support: Expired.”

Directly from the Apple website, you can contact support or “request repair” at one of the company’s authorized service centers.

These rules and obligations apply between the 3Gzone Service Center of ASC Lamport LLC (contractor) and the Customer (consumer) when providing repair services for equipment (equipment).

1. When the Service Center accepts equipment for repair, a work order is issued in 2 copies.

2. The service center is not responsible for possible loss of data in the individual memory of devices associated with reprogramming, replacement of memory blocks, other storage media, boards, or software installation.

2.1. The warranty repair period is determined by the delivery time of serviceable spare parts and components from the manufacturer of the equipment being repaired.

2.2. The maximum repair period if spare parts are available can be 15 days. The maximum delivery time for spare parts is 30 days. In total, the maximum repair period can be 45 days. If during the repair process it becomes obvious that the repair cannot be completed within the specified period, the parties sign an agreement on a new repair period.

3. Having handed over the equipment to the 3Gzone Service Center, the Customer gives his consent to the processing, distribution (including transfer in cooperation with third parties), use, blocking, destruction, depersonalization, cross-border transfer of his personal data specified in the completed order - on behalf of the company "ASC Lamport" LLC and a representative of the manufacturer of the equipment being repaired to carry out actions related to the implementation of warranty and other obligations of the manufacturer/importer/authorized person in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights". In particular, the Customer agrees to replace the software when contacting the ASC with the latest version by release date, as a result of which data may be lost. He also agrees to receive information messages and calls from ASC Lamport LLC and a representative of the manufacturer of the equipment being repaired regarding the progress and result of the repair. By handing over Samsung equipment for warranty repair and signing the work order, the Customer gives his consent to the processing of the provided personal data by the ASC and the companies of the Samsung group of companies (including, but not limited to: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Samsung SDS Europe Ltd., Samsung SDS Global SCL Rus, SERK LLC, SEUK LLC), as well as for the transfer of data, including cross-border transfer, to other counterparties within the framework of current legislation, if such transfer is necessary to achieve the purposes of processing. Purposes of processing: provision of repair services, provision of technical and service support, performance of other duties assigned by legislation in the field of consumer protection, analysis of products and services, maintenance of internal corporate financial and operational reporting, as well as direct contacts with the Customer for feedback and information on the progress and status of repairs, conducting surveys and research on the level of satisfaction with the quality of service. The customer does not object to the transfer of video and audio recordings of the service process from the ASC to Samsung in order to control and improve the quality of the service provided.

4. When submitting equipment for warranty repair, the Customer must provide a warranty card or other document confirming the date of its purchase. If the warranty period for the equipment has not expired, but the Customer cannot present the warranty card or restore it from the seller, the Customer must provide receipts, invoices, contracts or other documents confirming the date of sale. If the Customer has an unfilled warranty card, which contains corrections, or is not intended for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, it is equivalent to the absence of a coupon. If the Customer does not have documents confirming the date of sale of the equipment (coupons, receipts, invoices, etc.), warranty repairs are possible during the free service period calculated from the production date determined by its serial number.

5. The authorized 3Gzone service center reserves the right to refuse warranty repairs to the client and offer paid repair services if the diagnostic process reveals a malfunction resulting from:

If the conditions specified in the warranty card are violated by the owner;

If mechanical damage is detected;

If traces of contact with conductive liquid are detected.

5.1. In case of non-warranty repairs, the Customer assumes the risk associated with the possible occurrence of defects in the delivered equipment that are not indicated in the receipt. As well as the risk of a possible complete or partial loss of equipment functionality during the repair process in the event of violations of operating conditions by the Customer (clause 5). Having submitted the equipment for repair, the Customer agrees with the equipment, description of faults, damage, and also with the fact that all internal damage occurred before the equipment was accepted for repair.

5.2. In case of non-warranty (paid) repairs, the service center provides a guarantee for the work performed, the warranty period is 3 months and does not apply to the following non-warranty repairs:

Restoration from corrosion (full or partial);

Restoration of installation (soldering of the board after mechanical damage).

In case of refusal of non-warranty repairs, the Customer must pay for the diagnostic service of faulty equipment provided by the Service Center, the cost of which is determined by the Service Center and is:

For laptops without disassembly 600 rubles, with disassembly - 1200 rubles;

For smartphones and tablets - 600 rubles;

For other equipment - 600 rubles.

6. If the consumer fails to show up at the end of the service to receive the product or otherwise evades the consumer from accepting it after 3 days from the date of notification of the readiness of the product after repair, the service center has the right to charge a fee for storage of the product, and subsequently charge a fee for storage from the consumer. Notification of the completed repair of the product is made by sending an SMS message* to the consumer’s contact phone number indicated in the receipt. In this case, the product is returned to the consumer only after payment for storage. The storage fee is 30 rubles per day. The service center also has the right, if its costs for storing the goods exceed the cost of the goods, to dispose of the goods without the consent of the consumer due to his failure to appear or evasion of accepting the repaired goods.

*Note. Urgent delivery of an SMS message about the completion of repairs to the recipient cannot be 100% guaranteed, as it is associated with many factors beyond the control of the Service Center.

Conditions for issuing equipment:

1. The delivery of the repaired equipment is carried out to the person specified in the order of the service center when handing over the equipment for repair, in the presence of a passport or any other identification document (military ID, service ID, driver’s license, etc.), or a handwritten power of attorney with a copy of your passport.

2. The absence of these documents is the basis for an official refusal to issue repaired equipment until the relevant documents are provided.

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