HTML tree view. WDH: DHTML - Document Object Model

The DOM API is not particularly complex, but before we discuss programming with the DOM, there are some DOM architecture issues to be understood.

Representing documents as trees
HTML documents have a hierarchical structure, represented in the DOM as a tree. Tree nodes represent different types of document content. First of all, the tree view of an HTML document contains nodes representing elements or tags such as and

And nodes representing lines of text. An HTML document can also contain nodes representing HTML comments.1 Consider the following
a simple HTML document.

Sample Document

An HTML Document

This is a simple document.

For those not yet familiar with tree structures in computer programming, it is helpful to know that they borrow terminology from family trees. The node located directly above a given node is called the parent of that node. Nodes that are one level below another node are children of that node.

Nodes that are at the same level and have the same parent are called siblings. Nodes located at any
the number of levels below another node are its children. Parent, grandparent and any other nodes located above a given node are its ancestors.

The DOM tree structure is a tree of Node objects of various types. The Node1 interface defines properties and methods for navigating and manipulating the tree. The childNodes property of a Node object returns a list of child nodes; the firstChild, lastChild, nextSibling, previousSibling, and parentNode properties provide a way to traverse the tree nodes. Methods such as appendChild(), removeChild(), replaceChild(), and insertBefore() allow you to add nodes to the document tree and remove them.

Node types
Node types in the document tree are represented by special subinterfaces of the Node interface. Any Node object has a nodeType property that determines the type of the node. If the nodeType property of a node is equal to, for example, the constant Node.ELEMENT_NODE, then the Node object is also an Element object, and you can use all the methods and properties defined by the Element interface with it.

This object's document-Element property refers to an Element object representing the document's root element. For HTML documents, this is a tag that is explicitly or implicitly present in the document. (In addition to the root element, a Document node can have other child elements, such as Comment objects.)

The bulk of the DOM tree consists of Element objects representing tags such as and , and Text objects representing lines of text. If the document parser stores comments, those comments are represented in the tree as DOM Comment objects.

Element attributes (for example, the src and width attributes of a tag ) can be read, set, and removed using the getAttribute(), set-Attribute(), and removeAttribute() methods of the Element interface.

Another, less convenient way to work with attributes is the getAttribute-Node() method, which returns an Attr object representing the attribute and its value. (One reason for choosing this less convenient technology is that the Attr interface has a specified property, which allows you to determine whether a given attribute is explicitly specified in the document or has a default value.) Note, however, that Attr objects are not present in the element's childNodes array and are not directly part of the document tree like the Element and Text nodes.

The DOM specification allows Attr nodes to be accessed through the attributes array of the Node interface, but Microsoft Internet Explorer defines a different, incompatible attributes array, making it impossible to use this array in a portable manner.

The DOM standard is designed to work with both XML and HTML. The basic DOM API—the Node, Element, Document, and other interfaces—is relatively universal and applies to both types of documents. The DOM standard also includes interfaces specific to HTML documents. HTMLDocument is an HTML-specific subinterface of the Document interface, and HTMLElement is an HTML-specific subinterface of the Element interface. In addition, the DOM defines tag-specific interfaces for many HTML elements. These interfaces, such as HTMLBodyElement and HTMLTitleElement, typically define a set of properties that reflect the attributes of a given HTML tag. The HTMLDocument interface defines various document properties and methods that were supported by browsers before the W3C standard. These include the location property, the forms array, and the write() method.

The HTMLElement interface defines the id, style, title, lang, dir, and className properties, which provide convenient access to the values ​​of the id, style, title, lang, dir, and class attributes that can be used with all HTML tags.

HTML tags do not accept any attributes other than the six just listed, and therefore are fully represented by the HTMLElement interface.

For all other HTML tags in the part of the DOM specification related to
to HTML, special interfaces are defined. For many HTML tags
these interfaces do nothing other than provide a set of properties corresponding to HTML attributes. For example, tegu

    there is a corresponding HTMLU ListElement interface, and the tag has a corresponding HTMLBodyElement interface. Because these interfaces simply define properties that are standardized in HTML, they are not documented in detail in this book.

    You can safely assume that the HTMLElement object representing a particular HTML tag has properties for each of that tag's standard attributes (see naming conventions in the next section). Note that the DOM standard defines properties for HTML attributes for the convenience of script writers. A common (and perhaps preferred) way to read and set attribute values ​​is provided by the getAttribute() and setAttribute() methods of the Element object. Some of the interfaces described in the HTML DOM define additional properties or methods other than those corresponding to HTML attribute values. For example, the HTMLInputElement interface defines the focus() and blur() methods, and the HTMLFormElement interface defines the submit() and reset() methods and the length property. Such methods and properties were generally present before the DOM standardization and were made part of the standard for backward compatibility with accepted programming practice. Such interfaces are documented in the W3C DOM Reference (Part V). Additionally, information about the "best practice" portions of these interfaces can be found in Part IV of the Client-side JavaScript Reference, although this information is often listed under the name used before DOM standardization, such as HTMLFormElement and HTMLInputElement in the Reference for client-side JavaScript" are described in the "Form" and "Input" sections.

    Naming conventions for HTML
    When working with HTML-specific parts of the DOM standard, there are some simple naming conventions to keep in mind. HTML interface-specific property names begin with lowercase letters. If the property name consists of more than one word, the first letters of the second and subsequent words are capitalized. Thus, the maxlength attribute of the tag is translated into the maxLength property of the HTMLInputElement interface.

    When an HTML attribute name conflicts with a JavaScript keyword, the name is prefixed with "html" to resolve the conflict. For example, the for attribute of a tag is translated into the htmlFor property of the HTMLLabelElement interface. The exception to this rule is the class attribute (which can be specified for any HTML element) - it is translated into the className1 property of the HTMLElement interface.

    DOM levels and capabilities
    There are two versions, or two "levels", of the DOM standard. DOM Level 1 was standardized in October 1998. It defines basic DOM interfaces such as Node, Element, Attr, and Document, as well as various HTML-specific interfaces. DOM Level 2 was standardized in November 2000.2 In addition to some changes to the core interfaces, this version of the DOM was greatly expanded by defining standard APIs for working with document events and cascading style sheets (CSS), as well as providing additional tools for working with continuous areas of documents. At the time of writing this book working group The W3C's DOM standardizes DOM Level 3. Additionally, you may sometimes see references to DOM Level 0. This term does not refer to any formal standard, but serves as an informal reference to the common document object model facilities implemented in Netscape and the Internet Explorer before standardization by the W3C consortium. With DOM Level 2, the standard became modular. The core module, which defines the basic tree structure of a document using (among others) the Document, Node, Element, and Next interfaces, is the only module that is required. All other modules are optional and may or may not be supported, depending on the implementation. A web browser's DOM implementation obviously needs to support the HTML module, since web documents are written in HTML. Browsers that support CSS style sheets typically support the StyleSheets and CSS modules, since CSS styles play a key role in Dynamic HTML programming. Likewise, since most interesting JavaScript programs require event handling, we can expect web browsers to support the Events module of the DOM specification.

    Unfortunately, the Events module was only recently defined by the DOM Level 2 specification and was not widely supported at the time of this writing.

    DOM compliance
    At the time of this writing, there is no browser that fully complies with the DOM standard. Recent Mozilla releases have come the closest to this, and full DOM Level 2 compatibility is a goal of the Mozilla project. The Netscape 6.1 browser complies with most of the important Level 2 modules, while Netscape 6.0 has fairly good compatibility, but with some gaps. Internrt Explorer 6 is mostly compatible (with at least one unfortunate exception) with DOM Level 1, but does not support many Level 2 modules, in particular the Events module. Internet Explorer 5 and 5.5 have significant compatibility gaps, but support key DOM Level 1 methods well enough to run most of the examples in this chapter. The Macintosh version of IE has significantly more comprehensive DOM support than IE 5 for Windows. Besides Mozilla, Netscape, Internet Explorer and several other browsers offer at least partial DOM support. The number of browsers available has become too large, and changes in standards support are happening too quickly, for this book to attempt to state definitively what DOM features a particular browser supports. Therefore, you will have to rely on other sources of information to determine the compatibility of the DOM implementation in any given browser. One source of compatibility information is the implementation itself. In a compliant implementation, the implementation property of the Document object refers to a DOMImplementation object that defines a method called hasFeature(). This method (if it exists) can be used to obtain information about whether a specific DOM standard module (or features) is supported. For example, you can determine whether a web browser's DOM implementation supports basic DOM Level 1 interfaces for working with HTML documents using the following code:

    If (document.implementation &&
    document.implementation.hasFeature &&
    document.implementation.hasFeature("html", "1.0")) (
    // Browser claims to support basic Level 1 interfaces
    // and HTML interfaces

    The hasFeature() method takes two arguments: the first is the name of the module being checked, and the second is the version number as a string. It returns true if the specified version of the specified module is supported.

    For example, if hasFeature() indicates that the MouseEvents module is supported, this implies that the UIEvents module is also supported, which in turn implies support for the Events, Views, and Core modules. In Internet Explorer 6 (on Windows), hasFeature() returns true only for the "HTML" module and version "1.0". It does not report compatibility with any other modules

    In Netscape 6.1, hasFeature() returns true for most module names and version numbers, with the exceptions of the Traversal and Mutation-Events modules. The method returns false for Core and CSS2 version 2.0 modules, indicating incomplete compatibility (even though support for these modules is very good).

    This book documents the interfaces that make up all DOM modules. The Core, HTML, Traversal and Range modules are covered in this chapter. The StyleSheets, CSS, and CSS2 modules are covered in Chapter 18, and the various event-related modules (except MutationEvents) are covered in Chapter 19. Part V, The W3C DOM Reference, contains Full description all modules.

    The hasFeature() method is not completely reliable. As noted above, IE 6 reports Level 1 compatibility with HTML tools, even though there are some compatibility issues. On the other hand, Netscape 6.1 reports incompatibility with Level 2 Core, even though this browser is almost compatible with this module. In both cases, more detailed information is needed about what exactly is compatible and what is not. But the volume of this information is too large and too variable to be included in a printed publication.

    Those who are active in web development no doubt already know or will soon learn about many browser-specific compatibility details. There are also resources on the Internet that may be helpful. Most importantly, the W3C (in collaboration with the US National Institute of Standards and Technology) is working to create an open source toolkit for testing DOM implementations. On
    As of this writing, development of the test suite is just beginning, but it should provide an invaluable means of fine-grained testing of DOM implementation compatibility. Details can be found at

    The Mozilla organization has several test suites for various standards, including DOM Level 1 (available at Netscape has published a test suite that includes some tests for DOM Level 2 (available at Netscape also published a biased (and outdated) DOM compatibility comparison of early Mozilla releases and IE 5.5 (available at Finally, you can also find compatibility and compliance information on independent sites on the Internet. One worth mentioning site is published by Peter-Paul Koch. A link to the DOM compatibility table can be found on its main JavaScript page (

    Internet Explorer DOM Compatibility
    Since IE is the most widely used web browser, a few special notes about its compatibility with the DOM specifications are in order here. IE 5 and later support basic Level 1 and HTML features well enough to run the examples in this chapter, and support key Level 2 CSS features well enough to run most of the examples8. Unfortunately, IE 5, 5.5 and 6 do not support the Events module from DOM Level 2, even though Microsoft was involved in defining this module and had plenty of time to implement it in IE 6. As we will see in Chapter 19, processing Events play a key role in client-side JavaScript, and IE's lack of support for a standard event-handling model makes it difficult to develop rich client-side web applications. Although IE 6 claims (through its hasFeature() method) to support DOM Level 1 core and HTML interfaces, in fact this support is not complete. The most glaring issue you're likely to encounter is a small but annoying one: IE doesn't support node type constants defined in the Node interface. Recall that every node in a document has a nodeType property that specifies the type of that node. The DOM specification also states that the Node interface defines constants that represent each of the node types it defines. For example, the constant Node.ELEMENT_NODE represents an Element node. In IE (at least up to and including version 6) these constants simply do not exist.

    The examples in this chapter have been modified to work around this obstacle and contain integer literals instead of the corresponding symbolic constants.

    For example:
    if (n.nodeType == 1 /*Node.ELEMENT_NODE*/)
    // Check that n is an Element object

    Good programming style requires that constants be placed in the code rather than hard-coded integer literals, and those who want to make the code portable can include the following code in the program to define constants if they are missing:

    If (!window.Node) (
    var Node = ( // If there is no Node object, define
    ELEMENT_NODE: 1, // it with the following properties and values.
    ATTRIBUTE_NODE: 2, // Note that these are node types only
    TEXT_NODE: 3, // HTML. For XML nodes you need to define
    COMMENT_NODE: 8, // other constants here.

    Language-independent DOM interfaces
    Although the DOM standard was born out of a desire to have a common API for programming dynamic HTML, the DOM is not just of interest to web programmers. In fact, the standard is now most heavily used by Java and C++ server programs for parsing and manipulating XML documents. Due to its many use cases, the DOM standard was defined as language independent. This book only covers binding the DOM API to JavaScript, but there are a few other things to keep in mind. First, note that object properties in JavaScript bindings typically correspond to the get/set method pair in other languages. Therefore, when a Java programmer asks you about the getFirstChild() method of the Node interface, you need to understand that in JavaScript the Node API binding does not define a getFirst-Child() method. Instead, it simply defines the firstChild property, and reading this property in JavaScript is equivalent to calling the getFirstChild() method in Java. Another important feature of binding the DOM API to JavaScript is that some DOM objects behave like JavaScript arrays. If an interface defines a method named item(), objects implementing that interface behave the same as read-only arrays with a numeric index. Suppose that as a result of reading the childNodes property of a node, a NodeList object is obtained. Individual Node objects from a list can be obtained, firstly, by passing the number of the desired node to the item() method, and secondly, by treating the NodeList object as an array and accessing it by index. The following code illustrates these two possibilities:

    Var n = document.documentElement; // This is a Node object.
    var children = n.childNodes; // This is a NodeList object.
    var head = children.item(0); // This is one way
    // use NodeList.
    var body = children; // But there is an easier way!

    Likewise, if a DOM object has a namedItem() method, passing a string to that method is the same as using the string as an array index. For example, the following lines of code represent equivalent ways to access a form element:

    Var f = document.forms.namedItem("myform");
    var g = document.forms["myform"];
    var h = document.forms.myform;

    The DOM standard can be used in a variety of ways, so the standard's developers carefully defined the DOM API in a way that does not limit the ability of other developers to implement the API. In particular, the DOM standard defines interfaces instead of classes. In object-oriented programming, a class is a fixed data type that must be implemented exactly as it is defined. On the other hand, an interface is a collection of methods and properties that must be implemented together. Therefore, a DOM implementation can define any classes it sees fit, but those classes must define methods and properties of the various DOM interfaces. This architecture has a couple of important consequences. First, the class names used in the implementation may not directly correspond to the interface names used in the DOM standard (and in this book). Secondly, one class can implement more than one interface. Consider, for example, a Document object. This object is an instance of some class defined by the web browser implementation. We don't know what class it is, but we do know that it implements the Document interface; that is, all methods and properties defined by the Document interface are available to us through the Document object. Since web browsers work with HTML documents, we also know that the Document object implements the interface
    HTMLDocument and that we also have access to all the methods and properties defined by this interface. Additionally, if the web browser supports CSS style sheets and implements the CSS DOM module, the Document object also implements the DocumentStyle and DocumentCSS DOM interfaces. And if the web browser supports the Events and Views modules, Document also implements the DocumentEvent and DocumentView interfaces.

    The DOM is broken into independent modules, so it defines several additional minor interfaces, such as DocumentStyle, DocumentEvent, and DocumentView, each of which defines only one or two methods. Such interfaces are never implemented independently of the underlying Document interface, and for this reason I do not describe them separately. If you read the description of the Document interface in the W3C DOM Reference, you will find that it also lists the methods and properties of various additional interfaces. Likewise, by looking at the description of additional interfaces, you will simply find a cross-reference to the base interface they are associated with. Exceptions to this rule are cases where the additional interface is complex. For example, the HTMLDocument interface is always implemented by the same object that implements the Document interface, but since HTMLDocument
    adds a significant amount of new functionality, I've given it its own man page.

    It is also important to understand that because the DOM standard defines interfaces and not classes, it does not define any constructor methods. If, for example, you want to create a new Text object to insert into a document, you can't just write:

    Var t = new Text("this is a new text node"); // There is no such constructor!

    The DOM standard cannot define constructors, but it does define several useful factory methods in the Document interface for creating objects. Therefore, to create a new Text node in the document, you need to write:

    Var t = document.createTextNode("this is a new text node");

    Factory methods defined in the DOM have names that begin with the word "create". In addition to the factory methods defined by the Document interface, several such factory methods are defined by the DOMImplementation interface and are accessible through document.implementation.

— younger). All tree elements are descendants root, and that is their ancestor. In this case, all elements and texts that form their contents are nodes document tree.

Each element in this tree corresponds to an HTML element and therefore has tag(s), content, and a set of attributes. To move to the document object model, there is only one step left to take: call all tree elements objects, and make their attributes readable and changeable from scripts and applets. As a result, the tree of HTML document elements becomes dynamically managed; Moreover, we can now easily add new properties to each element, in addition to the standard HTML attributes.

It was this approach that was used as the basis for the dynamic HTML model of Microsoft browsers, and then adopted as the basis for W3C standards, called document object model(Document Object Model or DOM). At the same time, W3C expanded the concept of DOM to any XML documents, considering the HTML DOM as a specialized special case with additional features. Thus, DOM is a platform- and language-independent HTML and XML document model that defines:

  • interfaces and objects that are used to represent and manipulate a document;
  • the semantics of these interfaces and objects, including their attributes and reactions to events;
  • relationships between these interfaces and objects.

To date, the W3C has standardized DOM levels one and two (DOM 1 and DOM 2);

  • DOM 3 is in working draft stage. These acronyms respectively stand for the following:
  • DOM 1 describes the basic representation of XML and HTML documents as trees of objects;
  • DOM 2 extends the core DOM 1 interfaces and adds support for events and styles;

DOM 3 describes loading and parsing documents, as well as their display and formatting.

  • Given the current state of things, we're only considering DOM 2 (and the DOM 1 it contains) here.
  • DOM 2 consists of the following groups of interrelated interfaces:
  • Core basic interfaces that define the tree view of any XML document;
  • View interfaces describing possible document displays;
  • Event interfaces that determine the order of generation and processing of events;
  • Style interfaces that define the application of style sheets to documents;

Traversal & Range interfaces that define the traversal of the document tree and the manipulation of areas of its content;

HTML interfaces that define a tree view of an HTML document.

DOM 2 Core represents XML documents as trees consisting of nodes, which in turn are also objects and implement more specialized interfaces. Some types of nodes can have children, that is, they themselves are subtrees, while others are leaves, that is, they do not have children. The following table summarizes all possible abstract document node types;

For each node type, those nodes that can be its children are listed. For the concepts corresponding to the nodes listed, see the description of XML document structure.Table 4.1. Document tree structure
Interface Description Children Document
Element (max. one), ProcessingInstruction , Comment , DocumentType (max. one) Document fragment
Element, ProcessingInstruction, Comment, Text, CDATASection, EntityReference DocumentType Document type
has no children EntityReference Document fragment
Section link Element Document fragment
Element Attr Attribute
Text, EntityReference ProcessingInstruction Document type
XML Directive Comment Document type
A comment Text Document type
Text CDATASection Document type
CDATA section Entity Document fragment
Chapter Notation Document type

Notation In addition, DOM 2 Core contains the specification of the NodeList (ordered lists of nodes accessible by number in the list) and NamedNodeMap (unordered lists of nodes accessible by their name) interfaces. These objects are alive

, i.e. any change in a document automatically entails a change in all lists associated with it. It should be emphasized that DOM 2 Core contains two sets of interfaces, each of which provides full access to all document elements. The first set represents an object-oriented approach with the following inheritance hierarchy: document its constituent elements their attributes and text content. When considering the document tree in this way, we are talking about object hierarchy . The second approach is based on the principle “everything is nodes”. Here, all components of the document are considered as equal nodes of its tree, and we can only talk about

All DOM 2 Core interfaces are divided into basic (fundamental) and additional (extended).

The main interfaces are , , , , Node , NodeList , NamedNodeMap , CharacterData , Attr , Element , Text and Comment . These interfaces must be supported by all DOM implementations, for both XML and HTML documents. Additional interfaces target XML documents, so HTML DOM implementations may not support them. These include CDATASection, DocumentType, Notation, Entity, EntityReference, and ProcessingInstruction.

To be language and platform independent, the DOM defines the following types: DOMString A text string consisting of Unicode characters in UTF-16 format. In JavaScript and Java it is implemented by the String type.

DOMTimeStamp Date and time in a format acceptable for the specific language. For example, in JavaScript this would be a Date object, and in Java it would be an integer of type long containing the number of milliseconds. Below is

short description

all DOM interfaces indicating the model level (DOM 1 or DOM 2) in which this or that interface property is defined. The W3C specifications are written in the platform-independent language IDL. We present them in accordance with the syntax of JavaScript, which is the main scripting language today.

Along with a description of the standard, we provide a brief description of its implementation in the Microsoft and Gecko object models. It should be noted that Microsoft's implementations for XML and HTML are completely independent (they are implemented by the XMLDOM and MSHTML software components, respectively), while in Gecko the object model is the same for HTML and XML documents. The following discussion focuses on the DOM for HTML; XML DOM will be discussed in detail in Part VIII.

4.2.3. Exceptions: interface DOMExceptionThe DOMException object is the prototype of all exceptions that can occur while processing a document. It has a single property code of type Number , which contains the exception number according to the following table:
Table 4.2. Standard DOM Exceptions 1 Name Value Description Model INDEX_SIZE_ERR
The index is out of range. 2 DOM 1 INDEX_SIZE_ERR
DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR 3 The given text cannot be cast to type . INDEX_SIZE_ERR
HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR 4 An attempt was made to insert a node into the wrong place in the tree. INDEX_SIZE_ERR
WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR 5 Invalid document type. INDEX_SIZE_ERR
INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR 6 An invalid character was encountered. INDEX_SIZE_ERR
NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR 7 An attempt was made to modify an object in an illegal manner. INDEX_SIZE_ERR
NOT_FOUND_ERR 8 Accessing a non-existent node. INDEX_SIZE_ERR
NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR 9 The parameter or operation is not implemented. INDEX_SIZE_ERR
INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR 10 An attempt was made to add an attribute that already exists. INDEX_SIZE_ERR
INVALID_STATE_ERR 11 Referring to a non-existent object. INDEX_SIZE_ERR
SYNTAX_ERR 12 Syntax error. DOM 2
INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR 13 An attempt was made to change the type of an object. DOM 2
NAMESPACE_ERR 14 An attempt was made to create or modify an object that does not conform to the XML namespace. DOM 2
INVALID_ACCESS_ERR 15 The parameter or operation is not supported by the object. DOM 2
Support: Non-standard implementation.

Some error codes are supported.

4.2.4. Implementation description: DOMImplementation interface Support: For XML documents only (XMLDOMImplementation). Complies with DOM 1. : The DOMImplementation interface contains methods whose execution does not depend on a specific document object model. It is accessible through the object's . createCSSStyleSheet method


an object Complies with DOM 1. : The DOMImplementation interface contains methods whose execution does not depend on a specific document object model. It is accessible through the object's ..createCSSStyleSheet(title, media) Arguments: title, media type expressions Result: new CSSStyleSheet object Exceptions: SYNTAX_ERR Support

The createCSSStyleSheet method creates a new CSSStyleSheet object and returns a pointer to it. This method should only be supported by DOM implementations that support CSS.

The object is created outside the document context; DOM 2 does not allow you to include a newly created style sheet in a document. Complies with DOM 1. : The DOMImplementation interface contains methods whose execution does not depend on a specific document object model. It is accessible through the object's . The title argument specifies the title of the style sheet, and media specifies a comma-separated list of display devices.

The createDocumentType method creates an empty DocumentType node and returns a pointer to it. It is intended for XML documents and may not be supported for HTML documents. The qualifiedName argument specifies the qualified name of the document type to be created, publicId is the public identifier of the external section, and systemId is the system identifier of the external section.

hasFeature method Complies with DOM 1. : The DOMImplementation interface contains methods whose execution does not depend on a specific document object model. It is accessible through the object's ..hasFeature(feature, version) Arguments : feature, version type expressions Result : boolean Exceptions : none Support

The hasFeature method returns true if the DOM implementation supports the specified feature, and false otherwise. The property name (in any case) is specified by the feature argument; it must follow XML naming conventions. The version argument specifies the version name of the property being checked. If not specified, true is returned if at least some version of this property is supported.

In Gecko, the feature values ​​can be the strings "XML" and "HTML", and the version value can be the strings "1.0" and "2.0". Example:

Alert(document.implementation.hasFeature("HTML", "1.0")); alert(document.implementation.hasFeature("HTML", "2.0")); alert(document.implementation.hasFeature("HTML", "3.0"));

The first two alert statements will output the string true , and the third will output false .

In Microsoft XMLDOM, the feature values ​​can be the strings "XML", "DOM", and "MS-DOM", and the version value can be the string "1.0". Example:

Var objDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); alert(objDoc.implementation.hasFeature("XML", "1.0")); alert(objDoc.implementation.hasFeature("XML", "2.0"));

The first alert statement will output the string true , and the second one will output false .

4.2.5. Document fragment: DocumentFragment interface Support: For XML documents only (XMLDOMDocumentFragment).

Complies with DOM 1. The DocumentFragment interface is a descendant of the Node interface and inherits all its properties and methods. As its name suggests, it is designed for operations with fragments of documents

(extracting part of the document tree, creating a new document fragment, inserting a fragment as a child of a node, etc.). Note that when inserting an object of type DocumentFragment into a Node that can have children, all children of that object are inserted, but not the object itself. For examples, see the Node interface.

The Document interface corresponds to an XML or HTML document. It is the basis for accessing the content of the document and for creating its components.

Document interface methods Property Model Description
INDEX_SIZE_ERR Creates an attribute.
DOM 2 Creates an attribute given a namespace.
INDEX_SIZE_ERR Creates a CDATA section.
INDEX_SIZE_ERR Creates a comment.
INDEX_SIZE_ERR Creates a new document fragment.
INDEX_SIZE_ERR Creates a new element.
DOM 2 Creates an element with a given namespace.
INDEX_SIZE_ERR Creates a link to a section.
DOM 2 Creates a new Event object.
INDEX_SIZE_ERR Creates a directive.
INDEX_SIZE_ERR Creates a new text node.
DOM 2 Returns the element with the given ID.
INDEX_SIZE_ERR Returns a collection of all elements that have the given tag.
DOM 2 Returns a collection of all elements that have the given tag, given the namespace.
DOM 2 Imports a node from another document.
doctype property Complies with DOM 1. : document.doctype Editable: no Support

The doctype property returns the type of this document (type DocumentType).

For HTML documents and for XML documents that do not have a document type declaration, null is returned. Complies with DOM 1. : document documentElement property

.documentElement Mutable: no Support: Standard compliant.

Meets the standard.

The documentElement property returns the root element of this document (of type Element). For HTML documents, the HTML element is returned.

Example: operator Complies with DOM 1. : document Alert(document.documentElement.tagName);

will output an HTML string to the screen. Implementation property.implementation Editable: no Support: For XML documents only.

Complies with DOM 1. Complies with DOM 1. : document The implementation property returns an object of type describing

this implementation

DOM. Complies with DOM 1. : document styleSheets property

.styleSheets Editable: No Support: HTML documents only.

Example of creating an attribute for an HTML element:

Var myDiv = document.getElementById("idDiv"); var attr = document.createAttribute("temp"); attr.value = "temporary"; myDiv.setAttributeNode(attr); alert(myDiv.getAttribute("temp"));!}

The alert operator will print the string temporary .

An example of creating an attribute in Microsoft XMLDOM:

Var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmlDoc.async = false; xmlDoc.load("c:\My Documents\books.xml"); var root = xmlDoc.documentElement; var newAttr = xmlDoc.createAttribute("temp"); newAttr.value = "temporary"; root.setAttributeNode(attr); alert(root.getAttribute("temp"));!}

Here the alert operator will also print the string temporary .

createAttributeNS method Complies with DOM 1. : document.createAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName) Arguments : namespaceURI, qualifiedName type expressions Result : new Attr object Exceptions : INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, NAMESPACE_ERR Support : Not supported.

Not supported.

The createAttributeNS method creates a new Attr object and returns a pointer to it. It is intended for XML documents and may not be supported for HTML documents.

The namespaceURI argument specifies the URI of the namespace, and qualifiedName is the qualified name of the attribute to be created in that namespace. The created object of type Attr has the following attributes: Complies with DOM 1. : document Subsequently, the created attribute can be assigned to any element using the Element.setAttributeNode method.

createCDATASection method

.createCDATASection(data) Arguments : data type expression Result : new CDATASection object Exceptions : NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR Support : Standard compliant.

Meets the standard. Complies with DOM 1. : document The createCDATASection method creates a new CDATASection object and returns a pointer to it. It is intended for XML documents only; attempting to call it in the HTML DOM throws a NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR exception. The data argument specifies the contents of the one being created. An example of creating a CDATA section in Microsoft XMLDOM:

Var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmlDoc.async = false; xmlDoc.load("c:\My Documents\books.xml"); var root = xmlDoc.documentElement; var newSection = xmlDoc.createCDATASection("Hello World!"); root.appendChild(newSection);

Var root = document.documentElement.firstChild; var comm = document.createComment("This is a comment."); root.appendChild(comm);

createDocumentFragment method Complies with DOM 1. : document.createDocumentFragment() Result : new object Exceptions : none Support : For XML documents only.

Meets the standard.

The createDocumentFragment method creates a new empty object of type and returns a pointer to it. An example of creating a document fragment in Gecko:

Var elem = document.documentElement.firstChild; var o = document.createDocumentFragment(); elem.appendChild(o); Complies with DOM 1. : document createElement method

.createElement(tagName) Arguments : tagName type expression Result : new Element object Exceptions : INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR Support : Standard compliant (see note 2).

Meets the standard.

  • The createElement method creates a new object of type Element and returns a pointer to it. The tagName argument specifies the tag of the element being created. The new object's nodeName attribute is tagName , and its localName , prefix , and namespaceURI attributes are null . If an object has attributes with default values, then corresponding Attr nodes are automatically created and attached to the element.
  • Notes:
  • For XML, element tag names are case sensitive. For HTML, they can be set in any case, but are converted to uppercase when the element is created.
    Attempting to create a FRAME or IFRAME element in Internet Explorer results in either a fatal browser error or, at a minimum, complete destruction of the document object tree. Node Type Behavior
    ATTRIBUTE_NODE ownerElement attribute is null , specified is true . All children of the original node are recursively copied to the new Attr node, regardless of the deep value.
    DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE If deep is true , then the specified document fragment is imported; otherwise, an empty node is created.
    ELEMENT_NODE All attributes of the original node, except those specified by default in the source document, are copied to the new Element node. The default attributes that are accepted in this document for elements with that name are then created. If deep is true , then the entire subtree of the original element is imported.
    ENTITY_NODE Entity DocumentType Nodes
    ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE Notation nodes can be imported, but in DOM 2 the DocumentType is read-only, so importing such nodes doesn't make sense.
    PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE The values ​​of the target and data attributes of the source node are copied.
    TEXT_NODE, CDATA_SECTION_NODE, COMMENT_NODE The values ​​of the data and length attributes of the source node are copied.

    Prepared by: Evgeny Ryzhkov Publication date: 11/15/2010

    A document tree is a diagram for constructing an HTML document that shows the relationships between various page elements: the order and nesting of elements. This diagram helps to navigate this seemingly chaotic mess of HTML tags.

    The document tree helps a web developer when writing CSS rules and Javascript scripts.

    The note

    Don't confuse the document tree with the document object model (DOM). DOM is a more complex concept (will be written about it a little later).

    In order not to go into long and tedious explanations of why a document tree was called a tree, let's look at an example - take a simple HTML code:

    Page title Main title

    paragraph of text.

    • paragraph 1
    • point 2
    Second title

    This is how the HTML code is seen by unenlightened natives who accidentally clicked to view the page code. But the trained eye of a web developer will take it apart, see all the levels of nesting and interconnection. It will build out of chaos a clear hierarchical structure in the form of a tree (because the diagram is similar to the outline of a tree):

    Family ties

    There are certain connections between the elements of the document tree. Let's look at them.

    Ancestors and descendants

    From the schematic image of the tree, and from the HTML code itself, it is clear that some elements are nested within others. Elements that contain others are ancestors (ancestors) of everything embedded in it. The nested ones, in turn, are its descendants (descendant).

    For clarity, consider one branch of our tree:

    Each ancestor can have an unlimited number of descendants. Each descendant will have a number of ancestors depending on the structure of the tree and on which branch it will be located, but in any case there will be at least one ancestor.

    Parents and daughters

    Parent is the immediate ancestor (first-level ancestor) of an element. Conversely, the immediate child (the first-level child) is called a child.

    Each parent can have an unlimited number of daughters. A child element will only have one parent.

    A parent element is also called a direct ancestor, and a child element is a direct descendant. These are something like semantic names.

    Sister elements

    Siblings are a group of two or more elements that share a common parent. The elements don't have to be the same type, they just have to have a common parent.

    Adjacent Elements

    Adjacent elements are sister elements that are located “neighborhood”.

    Previous sister and next sister

    Everything here should be clear from the names of the terms themselves. Preceding sibling - the previous sister element by code. Using our example branch for

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