Putin accepted the resignation of the governor of the Novosibirsk region, who resigned of his own free will. Andrei Travnikov: biography and opinions

Election day in the Novosibirsk region turned out to be truly festive. Many residents shared this impression. This was noted by the head of the region, having come to the site in the morning.

Festive mood, moderate decoration of the site, pies with an amazing smell. The mood of a real holiday, - praised Andrey Travnikov organizing voting.

Acting Governor filled out a ballot at Lyceum No. 12 on Serebrennikovskaya Street. But not only in the center of the regional capital, but also on the outskirts, the sites were adequately prepared. Signs, posters with information about all the candidates, attentive staff: members of the election commissions received special training. And many sites have prepared a cultural program for the guests: concerts, master classes, competitions.

The holiday was also in the very center of Novosibirsk - on the site in front of the Opera and Ballet Theatre. There was a concert dedicated to the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Ensembles "Chaldons", "Slavs", "Siberian Patterns" performed ... Other groups also participated in the concert, and in the evening Alexander Marshal took the stage.

Before appearing before the public, the musician drove to the polling station. He took care in advance to vote in Novosibirsk.

Local residents, however, went to the polling stations mainly at lunchtime: from noon to 3 pm, the flow of voters was the most intense. Those who were sick or could not come to the site due to old age were visited with urns at home. Members of the commissions issued ballots to people and received them in a sealed box. As a result, the turnout in the region reached 60%.

The region supported the incumbent president

Voter turnout in the Novosibirsk region in the presidential elections Russian Federation was 60.41%, 1,304,738 voters voted.

Vladimir Putin has unconditional leadership - 71% of Novosibirsk citizens who came to the polls voted for him. The second place was taken by Pavel Grudinin, gaining 16%, the third position was taken by Vladimir Zhirinovsky - 7%. The voting results are close to the national average.

This is a weighty confirmation of the correctness of both the decisions taken by the head of state at the federal level, and those initiatives that were expressed by Vladimir Putin in support of the Novosibirsk Region, - Andrey Travnikov noted.

The security was impeccable.

The acting governor praised the organization of the elections and announced that they were completely legitimate in the region: no serious violations were recorded. This was confirmed by Olga Blago, chairman of the Electoral Commission of the Novosibirsk Region.

Election day went fairly smoothly. It should be noted the high professionalism of our law enforcement who ensured order at the polling stations, - Olga Anatolyevna thanked the policemen. - Not a single complaint that would have affected the voting results was recorded.

Both law enforcement officers and members of election commissions were praised by the acting governor.

On the territory of the Novosibirsk region, voting on the day of the presidential elections in the Russian Federation was very organized and open, - Andrey Alexandrovich summed up. - I would like to thank everyone for the great work that has been done by a large number of people.

The wave of autumn resignations of the heads of regions reached the second Siberian region. A week and a half ago, the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Viktor Tolokonsky, left his post of his own free will. Alexander Uss, chairman of the Krasnoyarsk Legislative Assembly, was appointed to replace him in the acting mode. On Friday, October 6, the resignation of the head of the Novosibirsk region Vladimir Gorodetsky. Until the gubernatorial elections in September 2018, Andrey Travnikov, the former mayor of Vologda, will act as acting chairman.

Who is this Andrei Travnikov?

Andrei Alexandrovich Travnikov was born on February 1, 1971 (he was 46 years old at the time of the appointment of the acting governor) in the city of Cherepovets, Vologda Region.

It has higher education majoring in Electricity and Automation. Served in the Armed Forces of the USSR. After the army, he worked for a long time at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant (JSC Severstal). In 2006 became CEO JSC "Electroremont" In 2010, he was appointed to the post of First Deputy Mayor of Cherepovets. In 2012, he became deputy governor of the Vologda Oblast, and then first deputy.

In 2014, he received a promotion - he was appointed to the post of Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North-West federal district.

In November 2016, he became the mayor of Vologda.

Why was he appointed?

Many experts admit that Vladimir Gorodetsky did not have a successor in the region, and no replacement was found for him in Novosibirsk itself. Appointment not from the local - a frequent occurrence.

But in Novosibirsk this has never happened before, and therefore many are surprised by such a "remote" appointment.

Why did Gorodetsky resign?

Here, rather, he didn’t leave, but “gone”. If the Kremlin decided to replace the governor and there are no big questions for him, then the scheme is as follows: the governor resigns of his own free will, and an acting governor is immediately sent to replace him, who with a high degree of probability will go to new elections and win them.

In the case of Gorodetsky, as Rostislav Turovsky, vice-president of the Center for Political Technologies, told Izvestiya, this is a planned rotation of the governor's corps.

The expert noted that Gorodetsky falls under the "age limit" (now the Kremlin seeks to appoint younger, modern leaders to the post of heads of regions) - he is 79 years old. In addition, he did not cling to his position in any way, did not fight for power.

Gorodetsky has not yet received any appointment.

Acting Novosibirsk Region Andrey Travnikov changed the structure of the regional government. He reduced the number of members of the government, and also took personal control over the activities of the Ministry of Finance and the Department of Science and Innovation. Experts, however, call these changes cosmetic and note that a small "bench" of managers in the region will not allow for large-scale personnel changes.

Acting Governor of the Novosibirsk Region Andrey Travnikov signed a number of documents on changing the structure of the regional government. Thus, the number of members of the government has been reduced from 25 to 19, leaving only the first deputies of the governor, prime minister and ministers. Anatoly Dyubanov, head of the department of informatization, Roman Shilokhvostov, head of the department of property and land relations, and Mikhail Zhiganov, deputy head of the administration of the governor and the government, were removed from the government. “Heads of departments are withdrawn from the government and continue to fulfill their duties as heads of executive bodies,” Andrey Travnikov said at the meeting. As Kommersant found out, the letter of resignation was written by Vice Governor Alexander Titkov. He himself confirmed this information to Kommersant, saying that he had not been working in the regional government since December 5.

In addition, in the decree of the acting governor, there was no place in the regional government for the Minister of Construction, Sergei Boyarsky. Officially, neither Mr. Boyarsky, nor the press service of the regional government confirm these personnel changes.

Deputy Governor Yury Petukhov, who became the first deputy chairman of the government, received an increase. Previously, this position was held by Viktor Znatkov. “A new large socio-political bloc is being formed, the work of which will be coordinated by First Deputy Governor Yuri Petukhov,” Andrey Travnikov said at a government meeting. This is political work, and organizational, social block and ensuring the activities of the government in Moscow, he said. Vladimir Znatkov will continue to coordinate the activities of the infrastructure and economic block - all units related to infrastructure, construction, housing and communal services, economic development, the acting governor said.

Deputy governors Yuri Proshchalykin, Anatoly Sobolev received the posts of deputy chairmen of the regional government. Minister of Education, Science and Innovation Policy Sergei Nelyubov has been appointed another deputy chairman of the government.

Also, the head of the region will personally supervise the department of science and innovation policy, which was previously under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education. The department will be removed from the ministry. The Ministry of Finance also passes under the personal control of the governor. The Acting Governor instructed to form a new composition of the personnel reserve of civil servants by January 31 "with an emphasis" on the winners of the regional stage of the "Leaders of Russia" competition, initiated by the presidential administration.

The acting governor remains consistent in his decisions and, as he said earlier, began work with the formation of a government structure, says political analyst Dmitry Puchkin: "For now, the changes look cosmetic." “The acting governor took a break to analyze the personnel composition - with whom he sees the possibility of further work. The honeymoon is over, the time has come for management decisions,” says political consultant Igor Kozlov.

“The decision of the acting governor to personally coordinate the direction of science and innovation can only say that the way these functions are performed now does not suit him,” the expert believes.

Dmitry Puchkin believes that the withdrawal of the department of science and innovation policy from the ministry is connected with the recent trip of Mr. Travnikov to Akademgorodok, where he received the first public support from residents, representatives of the scientific community. “The expectation from Andrey Travnikov of a big wave of resignations remains, but it must be taken into account that the bench is rather short - there is a shortage of personnel and management in the region,” summed up Igor Kozlov.

Tatyana Kosacheva, Oksana Pavlova

Andrei Travnikov held his first meeting in the status of acting head of the Novosibirsk Region with the security forces. She passed right after. At the ceremony, the appointee made a short speech, assuring the audience that he would fulfill the tasks that the Russian president had set for him. The audience greeted the emotional performance of his predecessor Vladimir Gorodetsky with long applause and a standing ovation.

Andrey Travnikov arrived in Novosibirsk early in the morning on Monday, October 9th. The performance with the participation of the Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in the Siberian Federal District, Sergei Menyailo, took place at noon. Regional ministers, heads of regional administration structures, deputies of the State Duma, the Legislative Assembly and the City Council, heads of municipalities and directors of large enterprises, heads of regional departments of federal departments gathered in the large hall of the regional government. Together with the interim, Vladimir Gorodetsky also came out to them.

Sergei Menyailo quoted, which was signed on October 6. It says that Gorodetsky resigned of his own free will. The plenipotentiary thanked him for his work: "Much has been done, but more remains to be done."

“The potential of the region is huge - scientific, educational, industrial, industrial, intellectual and the biggest potential is human. Therefore, the prospects for the region are huge. I am sure that with normal work, the potential of the region can be unlocked and thereby fulfill the tasks that the president set. And (to justify) the trust that has been given to the region today,” Menyailo said.

The speech of the acting governor was rather short (as was the whole ceremony, by the way).

“The President has set me a serious task - to work for the benefit of the Novosibirsk Region, for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Novosibirsk Region. I would like to make every effort to complete this task,” Andrey Travnikov said without a prompter. – I would like to thank Vladimir Filippovich for the tremendous work done as Governor of the Novosibirsk Region. Of course, the most important thing is that the achievements should be consolidated, and promising projects should be supported.”

“I hope that together we will ensure the necessary pace of this development,” the new leader of the region addressed the audience. – I hope for the constant support of all those who came to support me on this significant day for me. Surely, in a large region there will be people, there will be forces that, in the course of work, will try to identify some kind of conflict situations. As history shows, not a single territory benefited from conflicts. This diverted time, resources from tasks from the development of regions and municipalities. I appeal to you with a request to contribute to the unification, consolidation of common efforts to fulfill our tasks.”

After Travnikov, Gorodetsky spoke. He thanked the audience for the years of joint work, noting that “something worked out, something not quite”, many had to argue, but the government always tried to find solutions, sometimes non-standard, even for the most difficult issues.

“This desire to do something, to grow, united us. Yes, it didn’t always work out, sometimes there were moments that should not have appeared in our lives. But this is life, this is work,” the ex-governor pointed out. - I think it's right - time requires renewal. We all feel that the period ... What people want, they do not understand, maybe due to what, but they are waiting for an update. Therefore, today's personnel decision is also one of the elements of the renewal. But renewal will then be perceived by people when it leads to positive changes.”

According to Gorodetsky, over the past year and a half, the Novosibirsk region has found its growth points, which are not found in other regions. He wished Travnikov to quickly get to know the region, customs, traditions and people and "fall in love with this region." At the same time, the ex-governor noted that he was not going to rest, but wanted to “be carried away” - “to get up (in the morning) with something preoccupied.” On the sidelines of the government, his appointment as a senator from the executive branch of the region is being discussed, but this can happen only after and, obviously, only if the representative of United Russia wins.

“Dear colleagues, the meaning of our life is not just that each of us holds positions, everything seems to be fine, everything is successful ... Success depends on people's lives ... I hope that something was successful, and much was successful. Should be even more successful. I would like to ask you to unite and work for the benefit of the people,” finished Gorodetsky. The audience thanked him with loud and prolonged applause, the audience stood up.

“I understand that all journalists are looking forward to some personnel decisions. Changes will appear over time, any leader selects a team for himself, - leaving the hall, shared the acting. - But I assure you: there will be no hasty decisions, and there will be no decisions - replacement for the sake of replacement. First of all, I will get acquainted with the region, get acquainted with the people with whom I work. Then I will make some decisions.”

During the first communication with Novosibirsk journalists, Andrey Travnikov said that he plans to rely in his work on the authority and experience of "many respected residents of the Novosibirsk Region", including ex-governor Vladimir Gorodetsky, promised to go to hockey and carefully study large-scale projects and problems which have recently led to conflicts in the political environment and public life.

“Certainly, I will reevaluate the solutions to many of the problems that are on the agenda today. Some new considerations will express over time. Today I will say that a number of tasks that both the city of Novosibirsk and the region face will still have to be solved. Including the task of organizing modern way disposal of municipal solid waste,” said the interim head of the Novosibirsk region.

On the question of whether he will participate in the gubernatorial elections, Travnikov was not allowed to answer the plenipotentiary Sergei Menyailo. Acting, however, noted that despite the fact that he was being prepared for appointment to high positions (Travnikov is in the presidential personnel reserve), the direction to Novosibirsk came as a surprise to him personally. “The task has been set, the task is quite serious. And I am ready to take on its implementation,” he said.

Immediately after the performance, Travnikov went to his office, which they managed to prepare over the past weekend. The first short meeting was with representatives of law enforcement agencies, followed by a conversation with Plenipotentiary Menyailo (according to the official information of the embassy, ​​“strategic directions of economic development region, issues of budget planning, progress in the implementation of the "May decrees" and instructions of the head of state in the region). In the waiting room, Novosibirsk Mayor Anatoly Lokot, speakers of the Legislative Assembly and the City Council Andrey Shimkiv and Dmitry Asantsev are in line. Andrei Travnikov will hold his first meeting of the government of the Novosibirsk Region on 10 October.

Presentation by the Acting Governor:

© vologda-portal.ru. Andrey Travnikov

08 Oct 2017, 14:56

An electrical engineer by education, Andrey Travnikov, Acting Governor of the Novosibirsk Region, was remembered in Vologda for the fact that in a year he “repaid all the negativity”, but after that he was sent to the Siberians, “full of self-esteem.” Regional deputies at first were discouraged by the unexpected choice of the president, but on October 9 they will be able to get to know him personally.

Vladimir Gorodetsky's successor, who resigned of his own free will, will fly to Novosibirsk on October 9 and will be introduced to members of the government, deputies and heads of municipalities on the same day. Taiga.info provides for acquaintance the biography of the acting governor, opinions about him from Novosibirsk and Vologda, as well as his own statements.

Andrey Travnikov was born on February 1, 1971 in the city of Cherepovets. Graduated from the Cherepovets Metallurgical College in 1990, and then from Cherepovets State University majoring in Electric Drive and Automation. From 1992 to 2006, he worked in various positions at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant (OJSC "Severstal"), then four years - CEO of LLC "Electrical Repair".

In 2010, Travnikov began his career in the municipal and public service. In 2010-2012 - First Deputy Mayor of Cherepovets Oleg Kuvshinnikov, then his first deputy as governor, from 2014 to 2016 - Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in Northwestern federal district, since 2016 - the head of Vologda. On October 6, Vladimir Putin appointed him acting governor of the Novosibirsk Region, Vladimir Gorodetsky, "at his own request".

“Honestly, I am discouraged. I could have expected anything, but I did not imagine that someone from Vologda would be delegated. Frankly, I’ll say that, to some extent, I’m even going with my thoughts, because someone came to us in the center of Siberia from that region. The most interesting thing is that, remembering what was the news and talk about the positive experience in management and so on, to be honest, I don’t remember that somewhere in the news they talked about some kind of positive experience in the Vologda Oblast and Vologda, in particular » .

“This [appointment of Travnikov] is an unexpected action. In Novosibirsk, completely different candidates were mentioned and discussed - either from Novosibirsk, from Moscow, but with Novosibirsk origin. The last weeks have been like a madhouse: a bunch of versions, forecasts, names. And the last two are just swings. Either one is “appointed”, then “another”. And finally, the incredible political soap opera that we have never seen in our city has ended. The first question I had, as probably everyone else, was who? It was a very big surprise from this choice. Because if the acting had shoulder straps lieutenant general Of course, no one would be surprised by this.

If I were acting, I would try to understand what are the most resonant problems in the Novosibirsk region and why they force people to take to the streets to protest, and then figure out what to do about it. Probably in the first days he will meet with the legislature, the mayor's office of Novosibirsk, evaluate socio-economic the situation in the region in order to make other decisions later, including personnel ones.

“Andrey Alexandrovich is a calm and balanced leader. All the scandalous things that were under his predecessor - the project of paid parking, problems with public transport - he decided carefully, carefully and carefully. For a year, he leveled the negative that was seething in the city.

“My colleagues and I are discussing options for how this [appointment] happened. The very first - Travnikov at one time got into the federal personnel reserve when he worked in the embassy. Logically, Severstal, [its owner Aleksey] Mordashov, has a fairly close relationship with the Kovalchuk family. And this is one of the most influential circles in the academic environment, including those with a fairly high level of influence on the Russian Academy of Sciences. The head of the FANO [Mikhail] Kotyukov is currently considered to be associated with the Kovalchuk group. There were persistent rumors that he was considered as the main candidate for Novosibirsk governors. Let's see how close this version is to reality, how attentive Travnikov will be to the problems of Akademgorodok.

The political scientist thinks that it will be "very difficult" for the acting governor in an unfamiliar region. “I have repeatedly been to Novosibirsk, here the level of local patriotism is very high, plus there is also the topic of the struggle for the role of the capital of Siberia with Krasnoyarsk. And the arrival of a Varangian not from Siberia at all is a challenge. I think that Travnikov will have a very difficult time.

“I knew all the governors and mayors of Novosibirsk, and I can say that they were major political figures. To become the governor of the Novosibirsk region is to become on a par with Luzhkov, Sobyanin, Matvienko, Shaimiev, Tuleev. This means becoming a political heavyweight in the full sense of the word. Because governors of this level are deeply educated people who have vast experience in managing large industrial teams and enterprises.

Siberians are a very peculiar people. A people full of self-esteem, pride, and I would even say snobbery. They are absolutely sure of their superiority and unusually politically active. This explains the political discord that exists in the region today.

Andrei Alexandrovich [Travnikov] will have a hard time there. Given the fact that in a year to go to direct elections, he will have to take over, establish himself and win. And there is very little time left for that. Let's hope that the president, having entrusted this post to a Vologda resident, will not leave him, but will help and support him in difficult times.

There are people who literally live in an airplane. And today, the leader often chooses not a place where it is interesting to live, but where it is interesting to work. So I made my decision on the same principle. Moreover, with the current development of transport and communications, the line between cities is blurring. In the week we are all immersed in work, there is no free time left, and on weekends or on vacation you can go to St. Petersburg, to Moscow - anywhere.

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