Redemption scenario medical examination. “Sick, get treatment!” or hospital-style bride price - scenario

Props: You will need 4 medical gowns (you can have 2 if the “doctors” wear them in turns), a syringe without a needle. From the children's hospital, a toy stethoscope (it would be funnier if there was a tube like the one Dr. Aibolit had), a stick for checking the throat, two circles with a handle for checking vision, and a neurologist's hammer.

And also a marker, a sheet of paper, darts, carrots, candy, vitamins, and some juice.

The groom and his friends are met at the bride's house by the witness and her bridesmaids. On the entrance door there is a piece of paper with the inscription “Quarantine”.


Do you know that love is a serious disease that cannot be cured? The bride and groom know this best of all. Their love became so intense that they realized: they couldn’t separate for a minute, otherwise it would be fatal.

Our fiancé has only been separated from his beloved for a few hours, but look how negatively this has affected the state of his nervous system: his fingers are shaking, his cheeks are burning, his hands are restless. The patient is more likely to be alive than dead, but if the bride price is delayed, we risk losing him.

As statistics show, not all suitors reach the end of such tests with honor. Considering the bride price to be a serious psychological burden on the fragile psyche of the young body, they run away already on the first tasks, taking with them a bouquet intended for the bride. I hope, dear groom, that your nervous system is still stronger, and you will at least let me finish my speech before your heels sparkle.

I want to reassure you: you are provided with comprehensive support and supervision from not only friends and relatives, but also qualified specialists. Our doctors will perform high-quality diagnostics and, if necessary, prescribe treatment. Well, if you turn out to be healthy, we will all be happy for your future healthy offspring.

The therapist comes out.


-Who allowed you to be here? Don't you see - we're in quarantine! If you really need to come in, you will have to undergo disinfection.

He approaches the groom, demands that he open his mouth and injects him with some juice from a syringe. Then he gives a vitamin for prevention. Turns to the witness:

- And you, comrade, in my opinion, are unwell. We need to disinfect you.

The therapist pours a glass of vodka for the witness and turns to the groom again.

“For some reason, my dear, you have turned pale.” And the eyes are sad. (Listen to the heart) And the heartbeat is rapid. (Listens to the pulse) And the pulse is also not normal.

Eh, my friend, I see you are having an attack of melancholy. Get a medical checkup immediately. Here are directions to an ENT specialist, an ophthalmologist and a neurologist. If they are all diagnosed as healthy, you will be able to see your bride.

Medical examination by an ophthalmologist

The groom enters the entrance and goes up to the desired floor. An ophthalmologist is waiting for him on the landing, who intends to check the groom’s vision.


- So, take the tool (hands him the circles) Cover one eye. However, if you want, you can cover both. Here's a dart, throw it at the target, you need to hit the bull's eye. And don’t mess around with me here!

The groom throws darts, closing first one eye, then the other. If it does not hit the center of the target, the ophthalmologist demands a bribe to write a diagnosis of “healthy”.


- Tax. What do we really have? You have a clear deviation. The anxiety you experience negatively affects your vision. The preliminary diagnosis is “myopic love.” Here's a carrot to improve your visual acuity.

The groom and witness approach the door of the bride's apartment. There they will meet with a neurologist.

Medical examination by a neurologist


- Well, hello, nervous groom! What are you complaining about? Give me your knee.

He begins to tap his knee with a hammer, asks you to follow the movement of his hand with your eyes, then feels the pulse and says:

- Tell me, my dear, are you an artist by any chance?

The groom answers: No!


- Well, that's even better! Here's paper and pencil. Now let's test your memory! Draw me your bride. I'll just blindfold your eyes! Otherwise, the hour is uneven, you’ll copy it from my nurse.

A blindfolded groom tries to draw a portrait of the bride. Naturally, he does it terribly.


- I knew it! "Restless love"! Treatment for this disease is beyond my control, but I also cannot diagnose it as “healthy”. Unless, of course, you interest me in this...

Medical examination by an ENT specialist

- Hello, groom! What are you complaining about?


- No matter what.

- This doesn’t happen! You can't just get rid of me! Come on, open your mouth.

He examines the groom’s throat and says thoughtfully:

“It looks like the throat ligaments are out of order.” Well, let's check it out. Sing a heartfelt song, so loud that the bride can hear! And get down on one knee, the acoustics are better down there. And you, my witness, will be a backing vocalist!

The groom gets down on one knee, the witness in the background folds his arms across his chest, and they begin to sing a lyrical song (naturally, prepared for them in advance).

- Well, I knew it! The song is about love, which means the diagnosis is clear: “Eloquent love.” You need treatment, my dear. However, your treatment awaits you on the other side of the door, but without my diagnosis “healthy” you cannot enter there. We'll have to decide something...

The groom pays the ransom, receives the coveted note in the direction and enters the room. There he is met again by the therapist.

Bride treatment


– Well, dear, despite your financial support of my corrupt colleagues, I can say with full responsibility that you are terminally ill. Diagnosis of chronic love. I am prescribing lifelong treatment for you: to always be close to your bride!

Leads the groom to the bride.


– Dear bride! I trust you with the treatment of your fiance. I'll write out the recipe now.

Pretends to write something on a beautiful piece of paper with stamps (prepare in advance - it will be a good memory for the young), then reads out loud:

1. Give the groom artificial respiration every day - the more often, the better. 2. Feed only tasty, satisfying and healthy food. 3. Avoid aggravating his attacks of melancholy by paying as much attention as possible.

- Goodbye, goodbye - the therapist leaves. The bride and groom go down to the wedding procession.

When a bride plans to have a ransom at her wedding, it becomes a problem for her bridesmaids or sisters. After all, they want the holiday to be interesting, and for this they need to use unusual competitions, which is quite difficult to do.

To facilitate this process, they came up with the idea of ​​disguising the tests as different situations from life. A ransom in a medical style, for example, choosing a medical examination procedure as the basis for the plot, also applies to such events. Medicine is one of the industries that weddings rarely encounter, making it the perfect way to create a special start to the day.

When drawing up a script for an event, you should decide in what manner it will take place: will it be a medical examination, or formal scenes with just one or two doctors.

All stages must be done in the same style, so the organizers should agree among themselves how they will conduct the buyout.

And only after that you can create props and assign roles.


To create the right bridal experience, bridesmaids will need to put in a lot of effort. First, you should make a plan for the meeting, trying to organically fit all the competitions into it.

Conventionally formatted questions and competitions will not work, so they must be carefully selected and disguised as medical topics. To conduct a medical ransom, you need to prepare:

  • 5 white coats;
  • 5 medical masks;
  • 5 hats per head;
  • stethoscope;
  • paper strips;
  • lora head mirror;
  • rubber mallet;
  • scapula for closing the eye;
  • 2-3 plastic balls (can be replaced with apples);
  • posters with the words “quarantine” and “no entry”;
  • many plates with the names of medical professions, size 10 by 5 cm;
  • outpatient sheet;
  • posters with calls to lead a healthy lifestyle or with first aid methods;
  • a list of riddles on a wedding or family theme;
  • several soundtracks for famous love songs (preferably with a funny plot);
  • printed love song lyrics;
  • several printed poems;
  • music Center.

All decorative elements are evenly hung around the entrance area, so as to create the impression of a hospital.

To complement this, signs are hung next to neighbors’ doors with the names of doctors or office premises that are “located” inside.

List of characters and their roles

The most important place in the ransom is occupied by the presenters. After all, they are the ones who set the whole mood when the groom goes through competitions.

To carry out this, you will need 5 girls, but some professions can also be performed by men. This will look especially impressive if the bride’s relatives or cousins ​​act as doctors.

Who will the presenters portray:

  • nurse;
  • therapist;
  • Laura;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • neurologist.

These are the main professions, but additional doctors can be added. At the same time, the number of competitions held by each presenter is reduced.

It is important that the ransom is dynamic and does not take more than half an hour. If the organizers want to conduct more than 6-7 tests, then they can only be very short, otherwise the groom and the witness will be very tired.

Funny medical style bride price scenario

First of all, you should properly decorate all the rooms in which the groom will be.

And they start doing this from the local area so that he sees the posters before he gets out of the car. Therefore, it is necessary to hang a “quarantine” banner on the entrance canopy.

And on the road leading to the yard, place signs “No entry” or “For staff only.” The door to the entrance is fenced with white curtains, taking into account that a table can fit in the created space. When the groom and his witnesses arrive, they see a fenced area.

When they pull back the curtain, they find themselves in a waiting room with a nurse sitting in it.

Nurse: Good afternoon, why are you here?

Groom: For the bride!

M: Oh, we’re in quarantine, we can’t let anyone in. What to do? Could you come another day? Preferably next week, when the ban on visiting is lifted.

The groom gives a negative answer and says that they are having a wedding today and are expected at the registry office.

M: Oh-oh-oh, what a pity. Well, I can talk to some doctors to check you out. But you understand that no one will do this for nothing.

Witnesses place a bottle on the table or put several banknotes in the nurse's pocket.

M: Well, since you are serious, let's go inside. You will be examined, and if you pass all the medical tests, you will be allowed in to see your beloved.

The group, led by a nurse, enters the entrance and encounters a therapist on the first floor.

T: Yes! I don’t understand why there are strangers on the premises?! Zhannochka, what kind of violation of the regime, did you want to talk to the head doctor?

M: Tamara Georgievna, look at the young people, they came for the bride. Well, how could you not put yourself in their position? Maybe we can do an unscheduled inspection so they can get to the girl?

T: Eh, Zhannochka... Well, okay, who is the groom? Come over, I’ll see that you’re not sick, and I’ll decide what other doctors you should see.

So, the lymph nodes are normal, look up... The whites of the eyes are clean. Now open your mouth, you don’t seem to be sick. Well, then visit an ENT specialist, an ophthalmologist and a neurologist. If they confirm that he is healthy, then I will let you go to the bride. Keep the directions, I'll go and have some tea.

Zhannochka, escort the young people, otherwise they will get lost like the girl last week, then we will look for them on all floors.

Everyone goes up to the next floor and sees the ENT office. The doctor looks up and asks the nurse: Did something happen? What the men came with, I thought we were closed.

M: Yes, they urgently need to get into the territory, Tamara Georgievna said to undergo an examination.

L: I see, well, we’ll check. Let's start with hearing, groom, turn around. I will ask you riddles, and you must hear them and answer them correctly.

The doctor asks a riddle in a whisper, and the man must give the correct answer. If he didn’t hear the question, guessed incorrectly, or couldn’t figure out what to say, then his friends should put a bill in the nurse’s pocket for each such case.

L: Well, your hearing is normal. Ultimately, it can be developed, but this is your own business. Now let's check how healthy your throat is. You need to read the text or sing a love song as quickly and loudly as possible. Here I have several to choose from.

The man chooses a verse or song, after which the nurse turns on the desired melody. After this, the groom must sing the text loudly and expressively.

I hear that your ligaments are fine. Thank you for pleasing us with your soulful performance. Now let's check your nose, and you are free to go.

Here are some paper strips, each of them smells like a certain perfume. You need to choose which scent your loved one prefers.

The groom sniffs all the strips and gives the doctor the one that smells like the bride. If he is mistaken, then the witnesses will have to pay a fine “for inattention.” When a man guesses the right scent, he is sent to the next doctor.

There is an ophthalmologist on the next floor: Good afternoon, have you decided to have your eyes checked? Well, that's commendable. Stand behind the line and close one eye.

Zhanna, please take the eye scapula to the patient.

Now look at the board with your left eye and read what this number is. – The doctor points to the most large number. – Great, but what is this number associated with? I can give you a little hint, it refers to your beloved.

Hidden under the numbers physical parameters brides, favorite day of the week, parents' birthdays, etc.

Well, your eyesight is good, as is your memory. Now I will record this on the outpatient sheet, and you can undergo your final examination.

Participants rise to the platform in front of the bride's door.

A neurologist is waiting for them there: Hello, are you ready to test your nerves? Sit down on a chair and let me knock you lightly. Well, the reflexes are normal. What about the reaction speed?

The doctor moves away from the patient and throws him a ball, and the man must catch it. After this, the doctor moves further away and repeats the procedure. This happens 2-3 times until the inventory runs out.

If they want to complicate the competition, then the groom is given balls and asked to use themjuggle. When a man has experience, then you can give three objects, but if he has never done this, then you should limit yourself to two balls.

Well, the reaction is good, you can go to Tamara Georgievna, she will look at the results of the examination.

T: Have you visited everyone? Amazing! Give us a bypass sheet here, let's see if you can be allowed to see the bride. Wow, what good results! You are completely healthy and can get married. Congratulations!

In this video there is a very funny bride price in a medical style:

A medical-style ransom is always very unusual and allows you to disguise almost any competition as an examination. At the same time, the tests look very organic, the main thing is to choose the right props. What other doctors can the groom go through, and what kind of tasks can he prepare?

Promotion! Saxophonist for a wedding for only 5,000 rubles per hour!

Medical style ransom will be very relevant for those whose lives are connected with medicine, although for those who have nothing to do with it, but have a wonderful sense of humor, it will also be perfect!

You will need: White coats (according to the number of participants), the shorter the more interesting; syringe (choose a larger one, for example, a disposable one for washing ears); phonendoscope (can be a toy one); spoon to look at the throat; a device for testing vision (the one that covers one eye); hammer for testing reflexes; darts; marker; Whatman paper; sheets of black paper; White paint; candy; carrot; vitamins (ascorbic acid, for example); juice; groom's card for undergoing a medical examination (can be made from a small notebook, add a photo and basic information about the groom); badges for doctors;

Decorate the premises You can use the inscriptions “laboratory”; "no entry"; red crosses; inscription 03, you can take a photo of the bride's parents in a white cap, the bridesmaids in the form of nurses in advance and put up a board of honor.

The groom and his friends approach the bride's entrance. The door is locked, across it there is a sheet with the inscription: "QUARANTINE!" or "HOSPITAL"

Nearby are two girlfriends dressed in white coats. Before entering the house, you must undergo disinfection. Inject juice (use clear grape or apple juice) into your mouth from a syringe without a needle. They give you vitamins to snack on from a jar labeled “VIAGRA.”

The best man can act as a therapist who refers the groom to various specialists and accompanies him.

Medical examination by an ophthalmologist

Option 1

The groom enters the entrance and goes up to the floor. The first doctor awaits him there - an ophthalmologist who is going to check his vision.
Ophthalmologist: Hold the instrument! Cover your eye! Cover two if you want!
Oculist: Ok! Hold the dart and try to hit the center of the target! And don’t freeload on me here! The groom first closes one eye and throws darts into the dartboard with the other hand, then the other eye and throws the dart.
Ophthalmologist: So... Based on the results, I want to say that there is a clear deviation. We will note this on your card. The optometrist begins to write on the groom's card.
Ophthalmologist: I’m giving you a diagnosis. Based on the results of the throws, excitement was revealed that caused deterioration in vision. The preliminary diagnosis is falling in love. I give you a carrot to improve your eye sharpness.

Option 2

Let's test your vision, lover!
Well, look, do you see these numbers and what do they mean?
"__" - bride's age
"__" - birthday, age of the groom
"__" - meeting day
"__" - wedding day

X-ray room

Invite the groom to choose his bride's x-ray. Of course, you don't need to take real pictures. Make handprints with white paint on sheets of black paper, one of the prints should belong to the bride, and the rest to girlfriends, parents, friends.

If the groom makes a mistake in his choice, demand a ransom!

Medical examination by a neurologist

Neurologist: Good afternoon, nervous groom! Are there any complaints? Give me your knee. The doctor begins to tap on the knee, feels the pulse, and asks you to follow the movement of his hand with your eyes.
Neuropathologist: My dear, are you by any chance an artist?
Groom: No!
Neurologist: Even better! Keep paper and pencil. Let's check how your memory is! Come on, draw your bride! Just let me close my eyes! Otherwise you’ll copy it from my nurse! The groom is blindfolded and must draw a picture of the bride. Of course, he'll do it terribly.
Neurologist: That's what I thought! "Love"! This is not my responsibility, go to the next doctor!

Medical examination by an ENT specialist

Option 1

The groom is greeted by an ENT specialist, with a badge saying “Ear Throat Nose” written on his chest.
ENT: Hello! Any complaints?
Groom: No!
ENT: This doesn’t happen! You won't just leave me! Open your mouth! The doctor looks at the throat with a thoughtful face.
ENT: Let's check your tonsils! Come on, sing a heartfelt song for your sweetheart! Get down on your knees so that you can hear what you need! And you, comrade (to the witness), can be a backing vocalist! The groom kneels, the witness behind him stands with his arms folded on his chest, and the friendly company begins to sing a heartbreaking song, prepared accordingly in advance.
ENT: That's what I thought! Everything is clear with you, since the song is about love, it means, most likely, you are in love. My conclusion is “Falling in Love”.

Option 2

Ear, nose and throat doctor: didn't give in
And yet he was going to get married.
So that no one doubts
Confess your love!

Shout loudly, without melting:
"(Bride's name) I love you!"
He's screaming something bad
Maybe your throat hurts?
If so, then pay

Medical examination with a geneticist

Outwardly you are quite healthy,
drink cow's milk
and the flu will not be scary,
but let's check the genotype!
We don’t know the groom at all,
And we want to know everything about him.
Let my friends take my time
The groom's merits will be listed.

We learned a little about the groom, now we will test his moral stability. So which of these girls is your bride? They show towels with girls. The groom must choose which of them is his bride (there is, of course, no bride).

Bride treatment

The therapist goes with the groom and witness to the bride.

Therapist: Dear fiancé, you are diagnosed with “Chronic LOVE forever”, your illness is incurable. Your lifelong cure is a bride. The doctor takes the groom to the bride.
Therapist: Bride! I am giving you the main recipe for health for your fiance. He writes the recipe and reads it out.
Therapist: 1. Give the groom artificial respiration for palpitations every day and as often as possible! 2. Feed tasty and healthy food. 3. Pay as much attention as possible so that an attack of melancholy does not occur!

Scenario of bride price in a private house in a medical style.

Characters: the groom and his friends - “patients”, a doctor, an otolaryngologist, an ophthalmologist, a cardiologist, a nurse.

There is a doctor and a nurse at the gate of a private house. Inscriptions: “Registration of the wedding tour”, “Do not enter without love”; “Acceptance strictly by prior marriage proposal.”

Doctor: Hello, patient. Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated? What are the symptoms?

The groom answers.

Doctor: symptoms may indicate different diseases. Let me listen to the heartbeat.


Doctor: oh, how your heart is pounding, you probably have wedding fever, you urgently need to measure your body temperature.

Gives me a large cardboard thermometer.

Doctor: who is this? Are you sick too? Well, then everyone needs to measure their temperature. To do this, patients line up shoulder to shoulder to each other and pass the thermometer from armpit to armpit. We can't help with our hands and feet! whoever drops the thermometer will pay for property damage!

Game Thermometer. The groom and friends pass the thermometer by holding it under their armpit, without helping with their hands. If the thermometer falls, the doctor takes a ransom.

Doctor: no, the thermometer is showing the wrong temperature. Let's check it the old way. Now you need to melt the ice, you can melt it with anything, just not with your mouth, otherwise you can catch the flu.

Game "Ice"

Doctor: hmm, it’s not clear what diagnosis to give you, perhaps your “Heart stopped”? or are you having “Wedding Madness”? or maybe you are hooked on a very rare drug “Love”. I'm sending you for a medical examination! Did everyone put on love? It is written not to enter without love! Well, okay, we'll give you ours for the chocolate.

The nurse takes chocolates or other ransom and gives everyone hearts on a stick, which can be tied to their hands or hung around their necks.

Issues a medical examination sheet.

Doctor: come in for a medical examination.

Invites you into the courtyard of the house.

In the courtyard of the house there are three medical stations: an Otolaryngologist station, a Cardiologist station, an Oculist station and a treatment room.

Doctor ENT.

ENT: so the patient needs to have your hearing checked. Now the songs will be played, you need to guess the song and sing along, we are also checking the rest of the patients.

Spleen “My heart stopped.”

L. Utesov “Your heart doesn’t want peace”

Degrees “I’ll sign my heart up for the swimming section”

Nautilus Pompilius "Breath"

Egor Creed "You are my bride"

Lor: you definitely have very good hearing and voice. But you all aren’t feeling very well, the patient is very nervous, he could use a calming glass, but this one has a high temperature, you need an antipyretic, a mood booster and not just a mood booster, if you know what I mean... and everyone’s heartbeat is higher than normal! And in general, you are very excited and need relaxing treatments!

Treatment room. It is better to place it near the table. To carry out the “procedures” you need a container of champagne and a box of chocolates.

Nurse: We don’t have enough doctors, everyone left for the wedding, so you, the groom, will need to give injections to everyone present and yourself too. Here, take the elixir from the container with a syringe and put it into the mouths of all patients. Don't forget to give everyone pills. The patients line up one after another. And we give me directions.

They answer that there are no directions.

Nurse: okay, maybe some chocolate.

“Procedure room” the groom’s column passes from the nurse, gives her the ransom and goes to the groom, receives champagne from a syringe and candy in his mouth.

Nurse: everyone has undergone treatment, but for more fun, I would advise you to visit a cardiologist!

Cardiologist: And here are the patients, and everyone came with their hearts, just as I like! To determine the diagnosis, you and I need to make a cardiogram. This is a relationship scale. The vertical line is the heart rate level from 1-10, where 10 is the strongest heart rate in life. And the horizontal line represents years of life. I have photos from different years of the groom’s life, you need to attach these photos to the cardiogram so that we can understand when your heart beat stronger and happier.

The groom has a photo.

Cardiologist: so we have identified the reason for your diagnosis - meeting with your fiancee. And for a more accurate diagnosis, visit an ophthalmologist!

Oculist. The ophthalmologist's station should be located against the wall. 10-15 rubber medical gloves with letters written on them are attached to the wall. Gloves with the letters of the bride's name written on them are attached to sticks.

Ophthalmologist: Let's check your vision now. Close your right eye and read the letters from left to right. Okay, now a more difficult test, I have darts, I will give them to you and your friends, your task is to throw darts at the letters. In this case, you need to save the letters that are in your beloved’s name.

Participants throw darts.

Ophthalmologist: well, from the remaining gloves you need to make a bouquet for the bride, you can also use hearts to decorate the bouquet. In the meantime, we will gather a consultation.

The groom and his friends make a bouquet of gloves with the letters of the bride's name.

Doctors: our council decided that even though your diagnosis is chronic and incurable, only a person with the same diagnosis can alleviate your suffering. We have a very nice patient under treatment, whom I think you know. Tell us what you know about her? Name a compliment for the bride for each letter that is in your bouquet.

Description: We offer 3 options for a medical-style buyout scenario. You can choose any scenario you like. The duration of each redemption option is about 15-30 minutes.

You can supplement these developments with your own comic tasks for the groom. For example: take x-rays of your hands in advance different people, including brides. The groom must guess where the photo of his beloved's hand is.

Option 1. Medical style ransom scenario.

Description: The groom receives a certificate of fitness for married life. The therapist, ophthalmologist, ENT specialist and neurologist check the health of the groom.

A fairly popular solution is a medical-style buyout scenario. You can offer to arrange a ransom, the plot of which is based on a medical examination. The groom will be checked whether he is ready for future family life. The best man and bridesmaids will be doctors. It is necessary to pre-distribute roles between them. White doctors' coats can be used as outfits.

– Hello, (name of the groom). Why did you come to us?

- For the bride! Marry!

– According to the new decree, everyone must undergo a medical examination before getting married. It is important to make sure that you are ready for family life, have good health! You can only get to the bride if you present a certificate stating that you are ready for family life!

– First we need to check your vision. You need to say what these numbers mean.

Next, the medical-style buyout scenario involves the first building. There are numbers written on a piece of paper that the groom needs to guess what exactly they mean. For example, mother-in-law's birthday, date of acquaintance, time of first meeting and other options. If the groom does not know the correct answer, then he pays the ransom.

– More research needs to be done. Your task is to draw your bride.

Next, another competition is held. For this you will need multi-colored crayons. The groom's task is to use crayons to draw the bride on the asphalt. If the ophthalmologist does not like the drawing, you must pay a ransom.

……………..full version of the paid buyout scenario…………………..

Option 2. Medical-style ransom script for doctors' wedding

Description: The essence of the ransom plot is based on a comic medical examination of the groom. Checking the groom's health with funny questions.

A great option is a medical-style ransom scenario that will bring a lot of laughter and positive emotions. The essence of the ransom plot is based on a medical examination of the groom. To do this, you must first assign roles. At the same time, the bridesmaids are doctors - ENT, neurologist, ophthalmologist. The witness is the head doctor of the hospital. When preparing, you will need to find white robes that the bridesmaids and bridesmaid will wear. The entrance can be decorated in the style of a hospital. The ransom begins with the groom and his friends driving up to the entrance. This is where the chief physician meets him.

Chief physician:
- Hello! Why did you come to us?

- For the bride! I want to marry her!

Chief physician:
– We are having a medical examination at the hospital today. We will check you too. Here is our ophthalmologist, ENT specialist, therapist, neurologist (the witness points to the bridesmaids). Go for a medical examination, which everyone who is planning to get married must undergo!

A medical-style ransom scenario then involves a therapist. He approaches the groom and examines him.

“I see the sadness in the groom’s eyes, the paleness of his face. The situation needs to be corrected urgently. You need urgent help! I am prescribing treatment for you!
The therapist takes a jar on which “Love” is written (you can pour juice or other drink into the jar) and gives it to the groom, who drinks.

– It is necessary to undergo a medical examination to assess your health! Let's test your memory. Answer the questions.

The medical-style ransom scenario then requires the groom to answer questions:

………………………….the second part of the script is hidden………

Option 3. Hospital style ransom scenario

Description: Costume themed ransoming of the bride by the groom from the hospital doctors. A hospital-style ransom scenario for the bride and groom, who are in one way or another related to medicine. For doctors, or medical students, or medical dynasties.

When planning a wedding, you can choose as good option a ransom scenario made in the style of a hospital, which will be quite original. To do this, it is necessary to prepare suits - medical gowns, on which the doctors' positions will be written. The groom arrives at the bride's entrance. On the entrance it says "Hospital".

Therapist (witness):
– Hello, why did you come to us?

- For the bride!

– In order to get to the bride, you must undergo a medical examination. We need to make sure you are in good health for your future married life. Come in, our doctors will examine you and make a diagnosis!

The groom comes closer to the entrance. Here he is met by an ophthalmologist.

- Let's check your vision! You need to make sure that you can see the bride and not confuse her with another girl.

Next, the hospital-style buyout scenario involves holding a competition. It is based on the game of darts. Photos of other girls are attached to the target. In the center is a photo of the bride. The goal is to hit the other girls, not the bride. If the groom misses, he pays the ransom.

– To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct another study.

………………..the rest of the text is hidden……………………

End of introductory fragment. For purchase full version scripts go to cart. After payment, all materials will become available for downloading from this page, as well as via a link that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 149 R ub.

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