How many calories are burned when exercising on a stepper? Are stepper exercises effective for weight loss - full review

Exercise equipment is an important part of any training program. The stepper participates in many of them, as it has long proven its effectiveness and benefits. But any efforts can be nullified if you do it incorrectly. And in some cases, even harm yourself.

How to exercise correctly, what needs to be taken into account and who is not recommended to train on this simulator? Let's talk about everything in order.

Brief characteristics of various types of simulator

A stepper is a step-by-step cardio exercise platform that, using built-in pedals on levers, simulates climbing stairs. The legs work alternately on it. You can also use your arms, just like during normal walking.

This is a very natural motor activity for humans., however, adjusting the resistance of the pedals allows you to increase the load and apply effort for walking. This is the basic principle of this cardio.

A large number of modifications Steppers give both beginners and physically trained athletes the opportunity to choose. Stepper designs may differ in the loading system (mechanical and electromagnetic), pedal stroke (interdependent or independent), size, design, set of functions and programs, and, depending on this, cost.

According to the type of movements performed and design features steppers are divided into:

  1. The basic version of a stepper imitates the most common walking climb up the stairs. It can be equipped with various devices for stability and activation of the muscles of the upper body: racks, levers, expanders.
  2. A smaller version for training in confined spaces and convenient transportation (for home use). The design is very suitable for beginners who cannot immediately switch to heavy loads (overloading the heart suddenly and without preparation can negatively affect its health).
  3. . Such models are equipped with a handle that turns from side to side, thanks to which the upper part of the body turns from side to side in unison with the steps. Such movements help to pump up the abs, back and waist along with the legs.
  4. In this version, elastic cords with expanders are attached to the platform with pedals. With their help and correct use during training, in addition to the legs, the arms, back and shoulders are also worked out. We described how to use expanders correctly in this version in a separate article.
  5. This model is designed on the tumbler principle and resembles a small leg swing with an invisible horizontal axis in the middle. Steps on such a simulator are rolling from side to side while maintaining body balance in the center. The balance beam exercises the entire body, develops balance and coordination, and takes up very little space.
  6. The electromagnetic loading system allows you to increase the amplitude and smoothness of the step, and also, thanks to moving levers, to connect your arms. Almost the entire body is involved in the work, the steps resemble the rotation of the pedals of a huge bicycle, the work of the hands resembles the movements of a skier. This is the most gentle of the steppers in relation to the joints.
  7. The peculiarity of this option is that, while performing the same functions as a stepper for adults, it is designed specifically for children from 4 years old. Such simulators are bright, colorful, very durable and safe. They are designed to interest the child in playing sports and give him a start. physical development from an early age.

What muscles does it use?

As with climbing stairs, the load when working on this simulator is mainly aimed at the lower extremities.

Peculiarity! For half an hour of moderate intensity walking on a stepper, you burn about 300 calories. This figure will increase by another 100 calories if you use levers, expanders or dumbbells to engage your arms and upper body.

Heart Rate You Need to Hold to Burn Fat

It should be about 100-110 beats per minute for beginners and 120-130 for people of average athletic training. Monitor your heart rate using a heart rate monitor or built-in sensors. Do not go beyond the age range of 130-160(if you are 20-25 years old), 123-152 (30-35), 117-144 (40-45), 110-136 (50-55), 104-128 (60-65), 97-120 (70 and higher).

Formula for calculating heart rate. Maximum heart rate (HR) is calculated using the formula approved by most sports doctors: 206 minus your age, multiplied by a factor of 0.88 - or 180 minus your age.

How many times a week do you train?

After strength training, if the muscles are already warmed up, 20 minutes is enough.

If a step session is carried out as an independent workout, you need to practice for about 1 hour (minus the time of warm-up, cool-down, and other exercises - the same 20 minutes).

The optimal schedule is 3-4 times a week, every other day. This rhythm alternates days of stress and days of necessary recovery, it is ideal for both beginners and experienced fitness enthusiasts. The only difference is the intensity of the load.

How to walk correctly: body position

  1. Your feet are on the pedals so that knees and socks were slightly turned outward(heels together, toes apart) – placing your feet on the pedals parallel or with your knees closer to each other not only does not give any effect, but can also lead to a knee injury.
  2. On platforms when walking you need to press with your heels, not your toes.
  3. The body is tilted forward, the lower back is in a slight deflection, support is on the arms (but not transferring the entire body weight to them - then the legs and buttocks almost do not receive the necessary load).

In the morning or evening?

For those who want to lose excess weight, morning is preferable.

A sharp transition from a lazy state to an active one will help the body burn fat more intensely to compensate for the energy expended.

Nutrition correction

Exhausting yourself with strict diets is unacceptable - just eat healthy, natural foods. Eat less carbohydrates, more protein - the building material of muscle tissue.

Benefits and contraindications of exercises

Working out on a home cardio machine is not only aerobic exercise for muscles and strengthening them.

Step exercises also allow:

  • reduce weight;
  • improve coordination of movements;
  • activate the work of the heart, lungs, and brain;
  • train the lungs and improve blood supply to the muscles of the limbs, abdominal cavity and pelvis;
  • develop general body endurance;
  • strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood pressure;
  • increase the power and strength indicators of the body;
  • reduce the amount of body fat.
Scientists have proven: after three months of exercise, lung volume increases by 8.6%, waist circumference becomes smaller by 2%, and cholesterol levels decrease by 3.9%.

However, there are restrictions and contraindications for practicing on a stepper.

You should stop studying, If you:

  • injuries have not yet been completely cured (dislocations, fractures, sprains, etc.) or you suffer from serious diseases of the joints and spine;
  • suffered a heart attack or stroke;
  • have chronic diseases of internal organs - kidneys, liver, lungs (asthma);
  • are in the last stages of pregnancy;
  • you are suffering arterial hypertension or diabetes mellitus in the acute stage;
  • being treated for colds with high fever.
Important! People who are significantly overweight and older people who love a healthy lifestyle should consult a doctor before starting exercise.

Step towards health

Doctors from the USA B. Patey and D. Herrington, who studied the benefits of walking up stairs, briefly formulated its importance for health. They noted that Each step overcome can extend a person’s life by four seconds. It’s neither too early nor too late to start self-improvement at any age.

Your activities are a contribution to a beautiful, slender body today and active longevity in the future. Therefore, if your body does not have good reasons for refusing to train on a stepper, feel free to step on the machine and step towards your health.

  • Hello dear readers, in this review I want to share with you my opinion about the long-awaited simulator, which did not quite live up to these expectations. I'll tell you what to choose a step platform or a stepper? How many calories will you burn on a stepper? and I will share other useful information.

  • How many calories will you burn on a stepper? Your fat burning pulse?

If you look at the indicator of calories burned on this simulator, then it only counts the number of steps, based on this, it displays the indicator of calories burned, but I would not rely on them, I will explain why. A person at rest spends a certain number of calories, and the number of these calories depends on height, weight, gender, and metabolism. So how? different people can spend the same amount of calories having initially different weight, height, etc.
If you focus on losing weight, namely burning fat, I would advise you to mainly pay attention to your pulse, calculate your heart rate at which fat burning will occur during training. An approximate formula that I found on the Internet.
Aerobic heart rate limits

  • (220- age) * 0.6
  • (220- age) * 0.8

Where the first calculation will determine your minimum aerobic heart rate, and the second calculation will show your maximum heart rate. I show by the example of my age, 24 years old.

  • (220 - 24) * 0,6 = 117
  • (220 - 24) * 0,8 = 156

How to determine your pulse without a heart rate monitor? everything is very simple, during training, when you feel that your pulse has increased, take a stopwatch, time it for 15 seconds, count your pulse, then multiply by 4. A couple of these measurements and you will be able to figure out approximately what your pulse is by your breathing. On the Internet you can find many other ways to determine your effective heart rate without measuring it. If you're interested, look it up.

The simulator on a small screen alternately shows time, calories, and the number of steps per minute. The only thing that does not change is the top indicator - the number of steps taken.

The screen is removable and runs on just one battery.

The kit includes such a tool, this is for securing parts of the simulator that become loose over time.

The instructions describe in detail how to exercise and how to use the exercise machine.

I'll just give you a couple of tips on how to practice on a stepper.?:

  • 10 minutes of joint exercises for knee and hip joints is required
  • I think it’s better to train in sneakers than barefoot
  • It is important to take a positive position on the simulator; if you buy it, you will see on the box a picture of a girl standing on the simulator, but I will try to explain in words.
  • Lean forward slightly, bend at the waist, bend your knees, when pressing the pedals, feel the tension in the gluteal muscles, under no circumstances press on the pedals with the force of your knees, try to press with the strength of the muscles of your thighs and buttocks.


  • Should I choose a step platform or a stepper?

The first step platform to appear in my arsenal of home exercise equipment, to be honest, it didn’t last me for a long time, after a couple of months of training it began to gather dust on the shelf, although I periodically returned to it, but after 1-2 lessons I abandoned this exercise machine

Now to answer the question. It all depends on your preferences, I will describe the pros and cons, draw your own conclusions. I’ll just say one thing in common: both exercise machines put a strain on knee joints, be careful.

There are also advantages to both, it's light weight, small size, no need to connect to the network.

  • Stepper

Stepper training is very monotonous, the same repetitive movement, you can only change the tempo. ​And what irritates me even more is that there is no way to adjust the force of pressing the pedals in order to make the workout more aerobic or, on the contrary, strength training. It turns out something between strength and aerobic.

On the stepper during the first classes my muscles get very tired, I don’t even have time to warm up and increase my heart rate. Only after 3 lessons I was able to increase the lesson time to 20 minutes. And so on, progressively, you can bring the workout to 40-60 minutes. But again, it’s SOOO boring to stand in one place and press the pedals.

If you don’t warm up your joints enough before training, they will start to hurt, although this is purely individual, for me my knees are a very problem area and the first load I feel during training is on them.

One of the advantages I can note is that you see how many calories you burned (although the readings here are very inaccurate, as I said above), but still it is important for me to have at least a rough idea of ​​how many calories I burned. The second plus is also the minus I was talking about, the monotony of the classes, some people really like it, there is no need to be focused on training. You can even read the news on your phone at the same time.

Also, for those who want to focus on the buttocks and get into shape, this exercise machine will be ideal since the main load during exercise is on this muscle.

  • Now about the platform.

It itself is light, so it glides across the floor; you need to practice either on a carpet or lay a mat underneath, otherwise there is a risk of tripping and injuring yourself.

The second point is the neighbors. It sounds strange, I'll explain. When you jump on the platform, around it, and so on, all this creates a lot of noise and most likely the neighbors will knock on the radiators with displeasure, so exercises in the morning and at night are not very possible.

One of the advantages is the variety of training, everything is very dynamic and not boring, you can use different muscle groups, strengthen the training with the help of weights on your legs, add dumbbells to your hands, change the height of the platform, increasing the difficulty. There will be no problems with the program; there are many options for training on the step platform on YouTube. A very good cardio workout, the heart rate increases quickly, and it’s not difficult to maintain a fat-burning pace.


If I had to choose one of two exercise machines, I would choose the step platform, but it’s up to you to decide for yourself. Thanks for reading, I hope it was useful.)))

When choosing a home exercise machine, most people are guided not only by the principle of multifunctionality, but also by the principle of maximum compactness. Buy a whole fitness station that takes up about 5 square meters. meters, may be the dream of many, but the dream is hardly feasible, because even in fairly spacious apartments it can be extremely problematic to install a treadmill or exercise bike.

What to do if you don't have much space but are desperate to buy a home gym. An excellent way out of such a complex issue is a stepper. Perhaps that is why this exercise machine has gained popularity among home exercise equipment.

What is a stepper?

A stepper is a small-sized exercise machine, the exercises of which are similar to walking on stairs. Hence the name - in English language the word step means step. This small exercise machine is designed to train the leg muscles and consists of pedals and a simple mechanism.

Depending on the mode of operation of the pedals, there are two types of steppers.

Steppers with dependent pedal travel.

The mechanism of this simulator involves a coupled fastening of the pedals - bending one leg, the other lowers along with the pedal. Exercises on such a simulator are easier, since you don’t need to put in a lot of effort. But on such a simulator you will not be able to regulate the amount of load.

Steppers with independent pedal travel.

This simulator is more effective because it allows you to select the load on each leg. In addition, steppers with independent pedal travel are most often equipped with handrails or hand levers, which involve the arms and shoulder girdle in the training process. On this stepper you can adjust the load using a computer, measure your pulse, calculate the number of kilometers traveled and the number of calories burned.

The stepper is often called a women's exercise machine, as it allows you to keep your thighs and buttocks in shape, and these are known to be quite common problem areas. If you regularly exercise on a stepper, you will be guaranteed beautiful and slender legs.

So, how to exercise on a stepper correctly?

Before exercising on the stepper, be sure to do some stretching exercises, this will prepare your muscles for training.

Don’t overload yourself during your first workouts; 10-15 minutes of exercise will be enough for you.

When exercising on a stepper, it is very important to ensure correct body position.

On mini steppers without handrails, it is more difficult to maintain balance, but it is easier to control the correct position of the body, since the body weight does not shift to the hands.

The correct position on such a stepper is to stand straight, slightly leaning forward. Do not arch your back too much and do not bring your knees close together.

If you exercise on a machine equipped with handrails, your arms should not be tense. Do not place your body weight on the handrails.

Remember, if you quickly step from step to step, you will only achieve greater muscle fatigue. This pace will not increase the number of calories burned, but rather reduce it.

Make sure your foot is fully on the pedal.

If your foot “hangs”, it creates additional stress on the joints, which is extremely undesirable.

Start your workout at a slow pace and gradually increase the load. It is good to alternate slow walking with deep steps. At the end of the workout, you can slow down the pace, and at the end of the session, do some stretching again.

After a week, the duration of training can be increased by 5 - 10 minutes. And, after about a month, you can exercise for 40-60 minutes a day.

Unfortunately, the muscles quickly get used to such a load, and to get the maximum effect, it is good to alternate exercises on the stepper with other sets of exercises, using your body weight.

For example:


Starting position: legs together, arms extended along the body. Take a step with your right foot forward 80 centimeters. As soon as the right leg touches the floor, lower the left knee to the floor. We return to the starting position and perform the exercise with the left leg. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.


Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Keep your back straight, your stomach tucked, and your abdominal muscles tense. As you exhale, slowly lower yourself down and hold for a couple of seconds. Inhaling, we slowly rise and return to the starting position. We perform 3 sets of 10-15 times.

Plie squats

Starting position: standing, place your heels together and point your toes to the sides. The back is straight, the stomach is tense and drawn in, the shoulder girdle is lowered.

Exhaling, we slowly lower ourselves into a plié, knees spread to the sides. We linger at the bottom for a couple of seconds, and with an inhalation we rise to the starting position.

We perform 3 sets of 10-15 times.

How many calories can you burn on a stepper?

The number of calories spent on a stepper depends primarily on the intensity of the activity and the duration of the training.

A stepper refers to a machine designed for aerobic exercise. During 30 minutes of low- to moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, you can lose up to 250 calories.

Benefits of a stepper

The trainer is compact and takes up little space. The stepper can be used not only for weight loss purposes, but also for recovery after fractures and operations. Stepper exercises also strengthen the cardiovascular system and help treat arthritis and arthrosis.


There are no categorical medical contraindications for the stepper. However, if you have problems with joints, then it is better to choose another exercise machine, since the stepper increases the load on the joints.

The mini stepper for weight loss is very convenient, compact and is sold in all sports stores. But can convenience be synonymous with efficiency, and can training on a home exercise machine replace systematic exercise in the gym? Many consumption tables estimate an hour of exercise on a mini-stepper at only 220 kcal. Only half of a regular dessert contains more calories. Is it worth training on a mini-stepper?

Mini-stepper: pros and advantages

A significant advantage of a home mini-stepper is its compactness. The simulator can be comfortably located even on just one square meter of space. This makes its purchase worthwhile for owners of the smallest apartments. In addition, the mini-stepper is very easy to put away, for example, under the bed, so that it does not spoil the interior.

The good thing about a mini-stepper is that it is a universal exercise machine. You can walk, take small dumbbells in your hands and perform exercises for biceps, triceps and deltoids. This way you will get a double load: both cardio and a little tightening of the muscles of the upper body. Using a home stepper, you can warm up before strength training and do independent cardio.

The third advantage of the mini-stepper is its low price. This machine can be purchased for less than $100, even from a well-known, reliable manufacturer.

What are the disadvantages of a home stepper?

First of all, the popular “legends” that the mini-stepper “shakes your butt” are not true. Usually the pedal stroke of this simulator is so small that the gluteus maximus muscles do not even have time to fully engage, let alone “pump up”. But the exercise machine does a good job of maintaining muscle tone, that’s a fact.

The second drawback of the mini-stepper is that it is still not suitable for training seriously trained girls. The point, again, is the small pedal stroke. So if you run or do other high-intensity cardio, a floor buddy may not help you get to your fat-burning heart rate.

Fitness trainer's opinion

So, it is advisable to buy a mini-stepper for those whose fitness level can rather be described as average rather than high. let's consider typical mistakes working out on a stepper. First of all, many girls hold on to the wall or the back of a chair with their hands while walking in the exercise machine. Remember that this takes most of the load off your core muscles, which means you will burn fewer calories during this workout. Try to maintain a perfectly straight posture, pull in your stomach and literally “glue” your shoulder blades to your back to increase tension. Try not to walk on your toes; maintain a natural position of your foot on the pedal of the exercise machine. It is indeed easier to move your feet quickly on your toes, but this way you risk overstraining your calves and getting quite unpleasant sensations the next day.

Many girls simply do too little and too slowly on the mini-stepper to feel the real effect of the training. They should definitely stick to the 20 minute rule. In order to start burning fat during a workout, the work should last 20 minutes or more, but not less. If you don’t have time for such long exercises, but still need to do strength movements for problem areas, try to warm up on a stepper for 5 minutes, do strength exercises, and then add 10 minutes of pure cardio, this will have more effect than if you just do 5 minutes do squats and 15 - walk on a stepper.

To truly burn fat through your workouts, keep an eye on your heart rate. We remind you that it must be in the zone of 50-60% of the number that is obtained if you subtract your age from 220. If it seems to you that the stepper is not able to “raise” the pulse so much, add sharp, swinging movements with your arms, or even a few exercises with light dumbbells. Those who are prepared can try this training scheme. After warming up, we walk on the stepper at medium speed for 4 minutes, and then do jumping jacks on the floor with or without a rope for a minute. Simply increasing the resistance works great. Approach your training creatively, and the mini-stepper will “pay for itself” within the first month of training.

Do you use a mini stepper? Then leave your feedback in the comments!

Fizkult-hello, my dear readers. Today I want to tell you about a machine that will help tighten your buttocks. And also make your legs slimmer. After all, it is this part of the body that women lose weight the worst. In addition, this simulator improves heart function. Have you heard of this? We will also consider this stepper for weight loss. I will also give important instructions for exercises so that you can lose weight effectively.

Don't be afraid to build up those ugly leg muscles with this machine. It will not happen. But strengthening your heart and tightening your butt will really work. If the step technique is performed according to all the rules, this apparatus does not load the joints.

Regular training on such a simulator will provide:

  • toned buttocks, elastic thighs and beautiful calves;
  • engaging the abdominal and back muscles;
  • weight loss;
  • increasing endurance;
  • improvement of figure relief;
  • increasing the productivity of the respiratory system.

Exercising on a stepper promotes the production of dopamine. It is this hormone that helps us cope with stress. During exercise, blood circulation in the lower body is stimulated, which is very effective in the fight against cellulite. In tandem with proper nutrition You can achieve an excellent cosmetic effect on your legs and buttocks.

Reviews and results of losing weight

I tried to select the most informative reviews for you.

Lyalya: I study in front of the TV in the evenings instead of having dinner. Class time is up to half an hour. Perfectly toned my legs and butt.

Kira: I'm working out on a stepper in the gym. Before class, I run for about 20 minutes, then stepper. I practice on it for at least 50 minutes. On average I try for about an hour. I don’t know about anyone, but I break out in three sweats. I probably lose 1000 calories per workout. The effect is visible after just a few sessions. Your legs are losing weight and your butt is getting toned.

Ninulka: I have tightened my buttocks a lot in a month. I walk about 1500 steps. Then I take one kilogram dumbbells and walk another 700 steps. During classes I watch TV. I turn on my favorite TV series and train.

Lily: I'm probably doing something wrong. My knees hurt a lot during classes. Perhaps due to the fact that I never played sports at all. I guess you just need to get used to the stress.

Lenchik: I went on a fruit and vegetable diet. Stepper daily for 30 minutes. The result is minus 6 kg in two months.

Vitalina: I work out for half an hour 2-3 times a week, until I lost 3 kg.

Natalia: My butt became firm and round, but my legs at the top became fuller. That's why I abandoned the stepper.

Tatiana: And my beloved husband gave me a mini-stepper for my anniversary. Happy as an elephant. I'm too lazy to go for a run. And this thing is always at hand. You can study at any convenient time. Perfectly tightens the whole body.

Lyuba: I've been working out on the gym for a month. Every day I walk about 1000 steps. The volume decreased greatly, I lost 7 kg. But in addition to classes, I eat a low-calorie diet.

How to exercise on a stepper correctly

Usually the result is noticeable after a couple of weeks of intense training. The number of calories burned depends on the intensity and duration of the activity. The main thing to remember is that you can only lose weight with regular exercise.

In 40 minutes of training, you can take an average of 2,500 steps. This will burn about 300 calories.

If you practice after strength training- 20 minutes of training is enough. The beginning and end of the workout should be with a gradual increase and then decrease in load. If you exercise for 20 minutes, the load gradually increases in the first 5 minutes. In the last 5 minutes it decreases. Between this time interval, train for 10 minutes at your working speed. How to determine it? If you can talk during class, but your breathing becomes difficult, the speed is working :)

Separate workout on a stepper, it should last at least an hour. You will need at least 40 minutes to warm up and only after that fat burning will begin. With a 1 hour workout, fat will only be lost in the last 20 minutes. Warm-up and cool-down in this situation will take 10 minutes. If this is not done, the body will experience stress. You will not get the expected calorie expenditure.

To enhance the effect, you should limit yourself to carbohydrates. But it is better to eat more protein foods. It will help you recover faster after training and improve the shape of your legs and hips. By balancing your diet, you can lose 1 kg per week.

Diet is also important. Don't overeat before class. And after class, you can eat an apple or drink a glass of low-fat kefir. Natural yogurt or 1-5% cottage cheese is also suitable. The protein contained in the product will help muscles recover.

Errors when working on a stepper

Valgus movement of the knees- reduction of the knees when they are brought inward during movement, which is traumatic. This needs to be monitored carefully. When placing your feet parallel, your knees should not reach towards each other. They must also be parallel.

Transferring body weight to your arms- occurs if the stepper has stops. Many beginners simply hang by their hands, with no load on their legs at all. Then what is the point of training? Watch the distribution of the load; your legs should get tired, not your arms :)

Press on the platform with your toes, lifting your heels– in principle, nothing terrible will happen, but there will be no benefit from the training. With this position of the feet, the buttocks will not receive the necessary load.

To prevent your thighs from growing in size, your heels should not hang down. The foot should be fully on the “pedals”. The pressure on the heel is smooth. Then the leg goes completely down and the buttocks tense. The butt sways, not the legs.

Stepper with handrails - how to exercise to lose weight

Due to incorrect body position, many beginners find this exercise machine heavy. They stand on it for literally a few minutes and then pass by. To prevent this from happening, you need to hold the body correctly. To pump up your buttocks and lose weight, do the following:

  • lean forward a little, focus on your hands;
  • On the contrary, the butt needs to be pulled back;
  • you should feel a slight arch in your lower back;
  • the foot is completely on the platform. Heels together - toes apart. Press the pedals with your heel;
  • The knees should not straighten completely during the stroke. Bent over all the time.

In this position, the load on the lower back is minimal. It will be distributed over the thighs and buttocks. And there is no need to be embarrassed by this situation. Yes, you will look funny. Pose with a protruding butt 😉 But you’re not on the podium! Our goal is to get your body in order and lose weight. Therefore, we don’t pay attention to others. This is advice for those who train in the gym.

Steps can be small or large. For beginners, I advise you to choose a load of up to 3-5 difficulty levels.

These exercise machines have sensors that count your heart rate. Keep an eye on it to stay in the right range all the time.

For the best effect, I advise you to use breeches for weight loss. In addition to reducing the volume of the fifth point, they also fight cellulite.

And don’t think that a small exercise machine is ineffective. It provides excellent exercise for the legs. Of course, anyone with Napoleonic plans should not limit themselves to just a stepper. Strength training will help you lose weight more effectively and pump up your butt faster.

Contraindications for exercise

Any sports equipment has contraindications, the stepper is no exception. It puts minimal stress on the knee joints, but if done incorrectly, they can be damaged. Therefore, if you have joint diseases, it is advisable to exercise under the supervision of a trainer.

The main contraindication is chronic diseases of the respiratory system. Also, you should not use a stepper if you have thrombophlebitis, diabetes, or hypertension.

Training on this simulator loads the spine. Therefore, the stepper is contraindicated for people with injuries or serious back problems. Better take a closer look at an exercise bike with a horizontal seating position.

As you can see, this little trainer can be very useful. Of course, don’t forget about a balanced diet and strength training. But even one stepper will help keep you in shape. It’s just that in tandem with other sports activities it will be more effective. Be beautiful and slim! Until next time. I almost forgot - subscribe to updates. I have many more interesting topics in store for discussion.

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