How long to fry chicken liver in a frying pan. How long to cook chicken liver

Greetings to everyone who reads my blog. Yesterday I tried to fry chicken liver. It seems nothing complicated, but alas. As a result, the roast turned out a little dry and tough. I started looking for information on how to fry chicken liver in a frying pan correctly. And I realized that I made several mistakes while cooking. Now I’ve learned a lot of new things and I’m sharing these secrets with you. How to prepare this dish is very tasty.

Chicken liver is softer than veal or pork liver and has a sweetish taste. But to really cook it deliciously, you need to follow a few rules.

  • The very first question is how long to fry chicken liver in a frying pan. You need to fry this offal for no more than 10 minutes. If you keep it longer, the roast will turn out hard. Fry the pieces on each side for 5 minutes. Cover the pan only when the food is almost ready.
  • Unlike veal and pork liver, chicken liver does not need to be peeled and soaked. Just rinse and dry.
  • This offal can be fried whole, but it is still better to cut it into small pieces. If you don’t have room for all of them in your frying pan, cook them in portions. It is important to lay them out in one layer and not on top of each other.
  • When preparing a product in batter, dry it first. You can wash it, put it in a colander to drain the water. It is not advisable for drops of water to get into the oil, it will splash.
  • For frying, do not salt the product in advance. Because it will release juice and stew. It is better to salt and pepper directly in the frying pan.

If I want to cook chicken liver, then I buy no more than 300-400 grams of chilled product. And I immediately start cooking. I do not store the product in the refrigerator. It becomes weathered and begins to dry out. Even if you store it under a lid. I like the speed of preparation and the sweetish taste of the dish. And most importantly - less hassle compared to beef or pork. It’s enough to cut each piece into 2 slices and everything is ready for frying.

Product benefits

Did you know that this offal is rich in protein? This means that it can be used as a dietary food. It is ideal for, as well as for recuperation. Protein in the liver is 20.4 g, fat is only 5.9 g, and carbohydrates are 1.4 g.

There is a lot of offal. They strengthen the immune system and have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system. In addition, the liver contains (keratin), which is beneficial for vision and skin. , which is also in this product, helps iron to be absorbed. It has a beneficial effect on the functions of the nervous system. In addition, vitamin C strengthens blood vessels. It is also useful for the growth and development of one’s own. This means it will help you maintain your youth. 😉

In addition to vitamins, chicken liver contains useful microelements and acids, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium. I think you know how important iron is for our body. It is responsible for the normal amount of hemoglobin in the blood. Therefore, the offal is especially useful for those with anemia.

In addition to its excellent composition, this product has low calorie content. Stewed chicken liver is only 140 kilocalories. Fried in vegetable oil - about 150 kilocalories per 100 g

Plus contains iodine and selenium. These microelements have a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.


Cooking with sour cream

Sour cream or cream will add a delicate taste to the dish. We will need:

  • chicken liver – 400 gr.,
  • garlic – 2 cloves,
  • a couple of small onions,
  • half a glass of flour,
  • about 150 gr. sour cream 20%,
  • glass of water,
  • a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil,
  • salt and pepper - to taste,
  • optional 1-2 bay leaves.

Instead of sour cream, the liver can be made with cream, but then water will not be needed. Use 300 g of cream. This dish will be made with sour cream or cream gravy.

Before placing the offal in a frying pan, it must be washed and cut into large pieces. Place in a colander to drain the water. While the liver is drying, mix the flour with salt and black pepper in a bowl. Chop the onion and mince the garlic.

Pour oil into one frying pan, add onion and garlic. Fry until golden brown. Roll the liver in flour and place in another frying pan. Fry on each side for 4 minutes. Then reduce the heat to low and add the fried onions and garlic to the liver. Simmer for a couple of minutes.

Sour cream should be mixed with a tablespoon of flour. It is important to get a homogeneous mixture without lumps. Add a glass of water to it, stir and pour into the frying pan with the liver.

Set the fire to average level, stirring continuously, bring to a boil. Add salt, bay leaf, turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid. After 5 minutes of simmering, the dish will be ready. It is very good served with mashed potatoes. Om-Nom-nom. I’m writing the recipe and my mouth is watering :)

Delicious in batter

To prepare we will need:

  • 400 g offal;
  • 4 pieces of egg whites;
  • a couple of tablespoons of flour;
  • salt and pepper;
  • a small bunch of parsley.

Before frying, the offal is washed and placed on a paper towel. Heat a frying pan with oil well. Flour should be mixed with proteins. You can beat it with a whisk or with a mixer. Don't forget to add salt and pepper.

Each piece of offal should be dipped in egg whites and flour and placed one by one in a frying pan. Fry on each side for no more than 5 minutes. Check the degree of readiness by pressing the pulp with a fork. It should sag slightly, but at the same time be somewhat harder than in its raw form.

When the offal is fried, place it on a plate. Sprinkle the finished batter with finely chopped parsley. It can be combined with onion rings, also cooked in batter and spicy tomato sauce. With a small investment of time you get very tasty dish. Bon appetit!

With onions and carrots

To prepare the dish we will need:

  • half a kilo of offal;
  • 2/3 cup milk;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • one medium sized carrot;
  • onion head;
  • Add salt and pepper to taste.

Rinse the liver well, cut in half. Leave in a colander to drain. Dissolve a teaspoon of honey in milk. Next, finely chop the vegetables and saute them for about 3 minutes. Over medium heat in regular vegetable oil. When the onion becomes transparent, add the offal. Fry for no more than 5 minutes.

Focus on the color of the liver. As soon as it turns brown, add milk and spices. Mix everything well, the mixture should just start to boil. Once this happens, turn off the heat and cover the pan. Leave for 5 minutes until fully cooked. If you pass the prepared mixture through a meat grinder, you will get a tender liver pate. This would be a great snack with grain bread.

I also recommend watching the video:

Note to the hostess

Before you start cooking, you need to choose a quality product. The taste of the dish will ultimately depend on this. The fresh product is usually uniform red-brown in color. The surface should be smooth and glossy. If there are cloudy spots, it’s better not to buy this.

It also shouldn't be frozen. If you bought just such a product, when fried it will give juice and will stew. You won't get a golden brown crust. But this is very important, since it “seals” all the juices inside. And the liver remains tender and juicy. Be sure to see how it is cleaned. The pieces must be whole, without fat. The edges are smooth, this is what fresh liver looks like. If its structure is loose, the edges are uneven, and the color is orange, the product has been frozen.

I hope my tips and recipes will help you prepare delicious and healthy dishes. Perhaps you also have some secrets for cooking chicken liver? Bring your friends and blog. And I will continue to prepare interesting recipes and share them with you. Bye bye.

Fans of chicken by-products will love the taste of tender liver cooked in sour cream and cream sauce.

It goes with any side dishes.

In combination with sour cream, dry liver, with its bitterness, becomes a sweetish, pleasant-tasting dish that melts in your mouth.

To add flavor and aroma, various spices, herbs, and wine are sometimes added to sour cream sauce.

She's very helpful.

Therefore, it should be included in the diet regularly, especially since there are many recipes for preparing chicken liver, both in sour cream and in other sauces.

It must be consumed for lung diseases, fatigue, diabetes, fatigue, when vision is weakened, for quick recovery after childbirth, for pregnant women, and for atherosclerosis.

  1. When choosing chicken liver, you should know that it should have a brown color with its inherent burgundy tint, without any green spots.
  2. This product is high quality.
  3. You cannot buy a product if it is yellow, light in color, or too dark.
  4. Then the product may be contaminated with salmonella from an unhealthy bird.
  5. She should have no lymph nodes.
  6. If it is fresh, then the smell is slightly sweet, if it is of poor quality, then it has a bitterness and a pronounced sour smell.

Chicken liver cooked in sour cream sauce

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • chicken liver – 400g;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • carrots – 2 pieces;
  • olive oil – 2 – 3 tablespoons;
  • ground black pepper,
  • sour cream – 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • bay leaf – 2 pieces;
  • salt to taste.

Algorithm for performing the work of preparing chicken liver in sour cream:

  1. Prepare the ingredients needed for the dish. The carrots must first be peeled, washed, and grated using a medium-sized grater.
  2. Peel the onion and cut into regular cubes.
  3. Cooked carrots and onions should be fried using vegetable oil until the vegetables are slightly browned.
  4. Wash the meat, soak it in milk first to remove the bitterness, cut it in any way (cubes, strips).
  5. Add to roasted vegetables.
  6. Add 3 tablespoons of sour cream, as well as bay leaf, a pinch of pepper, and salt. Mix everything thoroughly. If desired, you can add an apple, pre-grated on a coarse grater; for those who like a spicier dish, add squeezed garlic.
  7. Cover everything with a lid and simmer for 25 minutes - over very low heat. You will soon get a very tasty sauce when the sour cream is combined with the juice of vegetables and liver.

We present you a video that shows step by step how to cook chicken liver with sour cream:

Offal in sour cream and mushroom sauce

Chicken liver with sour cream prepared according to this recipe is a real feast for the stomach.

It is cooked in sour cream and mushroom sauce under an onion coat.

It turns out incredibly appetizing and tasty.

The resulting beautiful golden-brown crust is also pleasing to the eye.

The dish can be prepared both everyday and for a festive table.

  • sour cream – 400-500 g;
  • chicken liver – 1 -1.5 kg;
  • onions – 2-3 pieces;
  • flour – 2 tablespoons;
  • mushrooms – 200-300 g;
  • breadcrumbs - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • olive oil - 3-4 tbsp. frying spoons;
  • salt - a pinch.

Algorithm for preparing chicken liver with sour cream and mushrooms:

  1. First peel the onion, then cut it into rings or half rings and fry in hot oil until well browned.
  2. Wash the meat, cut into medium-sized pieces, roll in flour. It is best to do this using not a plate, but a plastic bag into which you need to pour flour. Then place the liver in a bag of flour. Tie the bag tightly so that it does not come undone. Take the edge of this bag and shake it gently. Each piece will be covered with a layer of flour while shaking.
  3. Add these pieces to a deep frying pan with hot oil. Fry just a little - only 5-7 minutes. They will be raw inside, but will have time to get a decent crust on top. Season with salt and pepper spices.
  4. The container in which you are going to bake the dish should be well coated with oil. Then a layer of liver is laid out, followed by a layer of fried onions.
  5. Cut the mushrooms into strips, fry lightly, add sour cream to them. Add salt, pepper a little and let it brew for a while.
  6. If you wish, you can add not mushrooms to the sour cream, but ketchup, grated cheese, and pasta.
  7. A layer of onions on top is poured with sour cream and mushroom sauce. Filled from above thin layer breadcrumbs.
  8. Place in the oven for baking at 220 C for 20 minutes.

Stewed chicken liver in sour cream and wine

  • chicken liver -600 – 700 g;
  • red dry wine– 250 g;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • sour cream – 1 glass;
  • bacon – 200 g;
  • vegetable oil (for frying) – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • pepper - a pinch;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • spices (to taste).

Prepare chicken liver with sour cream and wine like this:

  1. Wash the offal, soak in milk, cut into small pieces, lightly fry until a crust appears.
  2. Pour wine over it and simmer for about 10 minutes.
  3. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Fry it in a frying pan along with pieces of bacon.
  4. Place a layer of pre-fried onions and bacon on the offal, top with a glass of sour cream. Add pepper, salt. Simmer all ingredients for another 15 minutes. The dish is ready.

What are we having for lunch? Soup! Yes, not simple, but with dumplings, thanks to which an ordinary dish can become completely new in taste. There are numerous recipes in the article.

Where the Napoleon cake came from and why it was called that can be found here. You will also find his step-by-step recipe there.

  • To avoid the bitterness that is present in chicken product, it should be left in milk to soak for 2 hours.
  • After this time, it will become much more tender, getting rid of unwanted bitterness.
  • You can remove bitterness not only by soaking.
  • Lose 30 kg in 2 weeks! Diet for the laziest.
  • Another method is scalding with boiling water until the offal changes color.
  • Liver prepared according to these recipes is a low-calorie dish.
  • Per 100 grams, the calorie content of chicken liver in sour cream is 147 g.
  • For 1 serving – 235 g.
  • You should know that it tastes much more tender than beef or pork.
  • It turns out soft hearty dish, which will appeal to everyone who tries it.
  • The advantage of the dish is its unusually delicate and tasty sour cream sauce, which makes the liver soft.
  • The dish is prepared very quickly.
  • You can treat yourself by preparing it for dinner and serving it along with vegetables.

How long to stew chicken liver step by step video recipe

We have also prepared a video for you full understanding step by step process preparations.

Every cook, when preparing his dish, tries to preserve as much as possible all the ingredients in it. beneficial features. The liver contains a huge amount of various vitamins and microelements. It perfectly increases hemoglobin and improves hematopoiesis. To ensure that meat does not lose its beneficial properties during cooking, you need to know how long to cook chicken liver. There are a huge variety of ways to prepare this meat product. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Meat broth

How and how long should you cook chicken liver to obtain broth? Everyone knows that delicious rich broth is best obtained from bones. The longer they cook, the tastier the final product turns out. With liver it's the opposite. There are no bones in it, and therefore there is no need to boil it for hours. Rather, when cooked this way, you will end up with a tough, rubbery piece of meat.

Chicken liver broth is soft and flavorful. It's perfect for vegetable soups. To some extent, it can even be called a dietary dish.

Rinse the chicken liver and place in a pan of cold water. After that, put it on the fire and let it boil. After this, add salt and spices to taste and cook for 20 minutes. The floating foam must be removed so that the broth is clean and transparent. Finally, you can remove the meat and continue preparing the broth, adding the necessary ingredients.

Boiled liver

How long should you cook chicken liver to get a tender, soft dish? Many housewives ask themselves this question when their goal is to cook boiled meat.

For this recipe, you need to wash the liver and cut it into small pieces. Place the meat in a pan with pre-filled water and put on fire. After boiling, cook the product for no more than 15 minutes.

The size of the original piece directly determines how many minutes to cook the chicken liver. Check its readiness with a sharp knife. To do this, take out one piece and pierce it. If you see light juice, then the meat is ready and should be removed immediately. If a red liquid is released, it means that the product needs to be boiled a little more.

Fried (baked) liver

Many housewives prefer to bake or fry meat after boiling it first. How long to cook chicken liver for subsequent processing?

If you want to cook a fried dish, then you need to remove the meat from the boiling water after five minutes of cooking. Then you can start frying or stewing it.

If you plan to cook the liver in the oven, then you need to remove it from the pan immediately after the water boils. After this, place the product on the mold and put it in the oven along with other ingredients.

Liver in a steamer

Recently, more and more people are switching to proper nutrition. Thus, steamed foods are considered much healthier than those that are boiled and even more so fried. If you purchased a double boiler, you are probably wondering how long to cook chicken liver in it.

Despite the fact that this meat has a rather delicate structure and cooks quickly, the steaming time significantly exceeds the cooking time in water. The chicken liver is cooked in a double boiler for about 30 minutes. This value may vary and depends on the size of the selected piece.

When steaming meat, its readiness is checked in a similar way to other cooking methods. Take a sharp knife and pierce the piece. If you see clear juice, then the product is completely ready for consumption. If the juice has a red tint, you should let it steam a little more.

Liver in a slow cooker

Quite often in a modern kitchen you can find such a household appliance as a multicooker. More and more housewives prefer it, not wanting to stand at the stove for hours. Cooking chicken liver in a slow cooker is possible with the simultaneous addition of additional products.

Usually this device already has a liver cooking mode, but if you don’t have one, don’t despair. Chicken liver can be cooked in the regular meat cooking mode, but the duration of its cooking should not exceed 15 minutes. For proper cooking, check the product for readiness in the same way as the previous methods - using a knife.

How long to cook chicken liver directly depends on the desired result. Choose the option that suits you.

To make chicken liver more tender, you can pre-soak it in milk. It is advisable to add salt and spices immediately during the cooking process.

Remember that you cannot cook chicken liver for too long, otherwise it will become rubbery and lose its beneficial properties.

Cook with pleasure and then you will achieve the desired results and praise from guests and relatives.

How to fry chicken liver in a frying pan

Chicken liver is an affordable, nutritious and healthy product. You can prepare a lot of dishes from chicken liver, from first and second dishes to pates, soufflés, fillings for dumplings, pies and pies.

Doctors recommend eating chicken liver for anemia, fatigue, and diseases of the cardiovascular system. And all this is due to the fact that chicken liver contains potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, vitamins, and among other things, chicken liver has a low calorie content, comparable to the calorie content chicken breast. This allows people on a diet to use it for cooking.

When choosing chicken liver, pay attention to the following nuances:

It is better to choose fresh, chilled liver rather than frozen.

The liver should have a smooth surface with a characteristic shine.

The smell of fresh liver should be slightly sweet.

The liver should not be loose.

The liver is boiled, stewed, baked, and prepared into pates and fillings. Let's look at the rules for frying chicken liver. Remember that chicken liver cooks very quickly - frying takes approximately 8-10 minutes. Do not overexpose the chicken liver in the pan - it will become tough and tasteless. It is best to fry chicken liver for butter. Then the liver will acquire additional flavor and become tastier. After frying, sprinkle the liver with chopped dill - this is a very tasty combination.

Despite the fact that the liver plays the role of a blood filter in the body and is capable of accumulating harmful elements, it is very useful for humans. It is known that chicken liver helps with chronic mental and physical fatigue and deterioration in the functioning of human internal organs, and has a good effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

It has low fat content and a soft, pleasant consistency, is well accepted by the body and does not cause heaviness in the stomach or any adverse reactions. In terms of protein content, chicken liver is comparable to dietary chicken breast.

  • Vitamin A is absolutely necessary for improving vision and skin condition. It is found quite rarely in products, especially in meat.
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - promotes the absorption of iron from food.
  • Vitamin B9 - is involved in the formation of the body's hematopoietic and immune systems, and is of no small importance during fetal growth during pregnancy. Participates in regeneration processes.
  • Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that helps strengthen the immune system and produce collagen.
  • Nicotinic acid improves the functioning of all internal organs.
  • Iron is directly involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin. The amount of iron contained in 100 grams of liver is sufficient for a person’s daily needs.
  • Iodine and selenium - improve the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Choline has a beneficial effect on brain activity and memory.
  • Methionine is an amino acid that is considered a “vaccine” against the appearance of cancerous tumors.
  • Lysine - has a good effect on the functioning of ligaments and joints, thereby preventing the development of osteoporosis.
  • Vitamins E, B6, B12, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium, copper and zinc.

Chicken liver is rightfully recognized as a good dietary product and is excellent for people who adhere to proper nutrition, athletes and those wishing to lose weight, since it has a relatively low calorie content (approximately 140 kcal per 100 g).

Thanks to a fairly large amount of vitamins and minerals, it is indicated for regular consumption. It is also recommended for lung diseases, diabetes, decreased vision, fatigue, overwork, pregnancy and postpartum period, after severe operations and when the body is weakened by serious illnesses.

Hematologists note the exceptional benefits of the liver for patients suffering from anemia.

In addition, it helps improve blood clotting and is used to prevent thrombosis. Consumption helps relax the nervous system and helps prevent insomnia.

In African tribes, men were even forced to eat chicken liver in significant quantities, because the pantothenic acid it contains has a positive effect on the functioning of the adrenal glands and the production of testosterone, the hormone responsible for the fertility of the stronger sex, as well as muscle endurance.

However, we should not forget that even such an exceptional by-product as chicken liver has its negative sides.

  • With high cholesterol, as a fairly large amount is contained in chicken liver
  • For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, stomach and duodenal ulcers
  • Elderly people - with caution, as the liver contains a large amount of extractive substances
  • Children under three years of age due to the risk of allergies
  • You should also avoid eating excessive amounts of liver because it can lead to an overabundance of vitamins (no more than 2 times a week)

Thus, chicken liver brings both benefits and harm, and some people need to use it with extreme caution.

How to choose quality chicken liver

The main rule is freshness, since during long-term storage it begins to accumulate toxins and harmful substances. The quality of the liver can be determined simply by looking at it from all sides: it should have a uniform brown-burgundy color and a smooth, glossy surface with even edges, without foreign inclusions, blood clots, large blood vessels, remnants of adipose tissue and other organs.

A strong orange color indicates that the liver has been frozen or chemically treated with chlorine. If the product is too light or yellow in color, then the liver was taken from a bird sick with salmonella, or the chicken was fed antibiotics during its life.

Fresh liver has a nice slightly sweet smell without any other odors, especially ammonia. A bitter taste in the finished dish is a normal situation.

However, excessive bitterness indicates a violation of the liver storage rules or that it has become old.

It will also be overly bitter if it has a slightly green tint, which indicates damage to the gallbladder during its removal. A loose structure indicates that the liver has been frozen and thawed several times, and dryness indicates that it has been stored for a long time.

There is always a chance of buying a stale product, since without freezing the liver is stored for only two days at a temperature no higher than +5 degrees, and when frozen - up to three months. And if the liver is stored (or sold on the shelves) at room temperature, then its shelf life is reduced to 5-8 hours. However, when frozen, B vitamins are destroyed and animal fats are oxidized, which is why the liver acquires a bitter taste. It is difficult to get a truly tasty dish from such liver.

You should not purchase a liver if there is a significant amount of ice in the package, because this indicates that the manufacturer filled it with water before freezing. In addition, under a layer of ice it is difficult to assess the main criterion for liver quality – color. It is also worth noting that in a package filled with gas, the liver is stored much longer than in a package made of foam polystyrene.

Therefore, when purchasing, it is better to give preference to fresh, chilled brown liver with a smooth and even texture and a sweetish odor.

How to cook chicken liver

For some reason, people often underestimate offal products, including chicken, although after learning about the benefits of this product, looking for recipes for its preparation.

This product has gone through several revolutions in the history of cooking, and many people’s understanding of it is still ambiguous. Many people believe that offal, including liver, is better suited for family nutrition and should not be offered to guests.

Liver is rarely on restaurant menus, although it has many fans who consider it a unique product and believe that the whole secret lies in its preparation options.

Chicken liver dishes are available in almost all cuisines of the world, and in Europe it is even considered a delicacy. You can use it to prepare not only main courses, but also salads, cakes, casseroles and soufflés, which may appeal even to those who have a negative attitude towards it. Chicken liver in any form is prepared in less than half an hour and combined with various side dishes; you can add various spices and seasonings, as well as sour cream, mayonnaise, milk or cream, and tomato paste.

Its huge advantage is that it does not require special preliminary preparation, just rinse the pieces under running water, remove large blood vessels (if any) and cut. Even the freshest and good quality If cooked incorrectly, chicken liver can become tough and rubbery. To avoid this, you can use the following tips:

  • Add salt only shortly before the end of cooking to avoid excess juice.
  • Cook over low heat only
  • Do not cook for longer than 15 minutes. The cooking time of the liver directly affects its softness due to the evaporation of water
  • Place in the pan one at a time so as not to sharply reduce the temperature of the oil.
  • To add additional softness, it is recommended to soak pieces of liver in a solution of baking soda (two tablespoons of soda per half liter of water)
  • To obtain a particularly tender liver, you can coat it with mustard before cooking and leave for half an hour.
  • It is best to cook the liver at once and not leave it for later. If the prepared dish is very bitter, then it should not be consumed, since the raw product was most likely of poor quality
  • A properly prepared liver will be smooth when cut, elastic but soft when pressed with a finger, and when pierced it will release clear juice

Dishes based on chicken liver are quite inexpensive, quick and easy to prepare, and incredibly tasty. Liver, unlike the liver of large animals, does not need to be kept in milk, since it has practically no bitter taste when prepared.

In order for the finished dish to truly please the whole family or guests, you need to know how long to simmer the chicken liver in a frying pan.

After all, of all the known cooking methods, it is stewing that allows you to preserve the nutrients to the maximum. The recipes below will help with this.

Stewed chicken liver with onions

This is the simplest and one of the most common recipes in everyday life without using a large number of products.


  • Half a kilo of chicken liver
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Sunflower oil 3.75 dessert spoons
  • Iodized salt and a few pinches of pepper
  • Tomato paste 3 dessert spoons


  • The liver needs to be thoroughly washed and dried with paper towels, cut into smaller pieces
  • Also peel, wash and chop the onion
  • Place it on a hot frying pan sunflower oil, fry over medium heat until browned
  • Add the liver to the onion and fry, stirring, until a crust forms (about 7-8 minutes)
  • Add spices and paste to taste, mix well and simmer covered over low heat for about another 5 minutes.

Now the dish is ready. You can serve it with any side dish you like.

Stewed chicken liver in sour cream

This recipe is not much more complicated than the previous one, the set of products is still small.


  • Chicken liver 460 g
  • Onion 1-2 pcs
  • Sour cream (10/15/20%) 60 g
  • Vegetable oil 3 dessert spoons
  • Salt, pepper 2-3 large pinches
  • Also, if desired, you can add herbs or seasonings


  • Wash the liver very well, get rid of large vessels, divide each piece into 3-4 small pieces
  • Peel, wash and chop the onion
  • Place the onion in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil, fry over low heat until golden brown.
  • Add the liver and, stirring occasionally, fry for 4-5 minutes.
  • Next, you need to add spices and sour cream, mix and simmer over medium heat for about another 7-8 minutes. Shortly before readiness, you can add garlic and herbs if desired.
  • Stewed chicken liver in sour cream is ready. Best served with pasta, mashed potatoes or buckwheat.

Modern housewives increasingly began to simplify their lives and prepare their favorite dishes in their irreplaceable assistant - a multicooker. What are the advantages of cooking liver in a slow cooker over cooking in a frying pan? When stewed in a slow cooker, all the beneficial substances are preserved in the liver, it turns out amazingly soft and velvety.

In addition, you don’t have to worry about the liver burning or becoming tough. It is important that vegetable oil is not used - this has a positive effect on the overall calorie content of the finished dish. Since the cooking mode differs from the usual cooking in a frying pan, you need to know how long to simmer chicken liver in a slow cooker.

Stewed liver in sour cream sauce in a slow cooker

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • Chicken liver0.6kg
  • Onion
  • Carrot
  • Sour cream (fat content to taste) 60g
  • Flour 30 g
  • Salt and pepper, half a teaspoon (or more, as you like)


  • As in previous recipes, wash the chicken liver, dry it slightly and cut into smaller pieces
  • Peel and wash the onions and carrots. Chop the onion and grate the carrots on a grater with large holes.
  • Set the multicooker to “Baking” mode, transfer the prepared vegetables to the multicooker, fry for 10 minutes with the lid open
  • Add the liver to the vegetables and fry everything together in the same mode for another 12-15 minutes. Next, add flour, stir, add sour cream, stir again and cook in the “Stew” mode for 50-60 minutes.
  • Shortly before readiness, add spices, stir and close the multicooker lid until the end of the program. This method takes longer to prepare the dish, but it turns out juicier.
  • Liver stewed with sour cream in a slow cooker is ready. You can decorate with fresh herbs.

Thus, cooking chicken liver is a fairly simple and quick process that does not require a large amount of ingredients.

Summarizing all the information, we can say that correctly chosen chicken liver is an extremely beneficial product for human health, and ready-made dishes turn out to be amazingly soft and appetizing if you follow all the cooking tips.

In the video - chicken liver in Italian:

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