Car insurance online. Electronic insurance policy

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Buying a used car comes with a number of questions. One of them is how to issue a compulsory motor liability insurance policy for a used car.

OSAGO is compulsory civil liability insurance for all road users, without which you cannot drive a car. The MTPL policy is a guarantee of compensation for losses to traffic participants who or whose vehicles were damaged in an accident and were not found to be at fault for the incident.

In this material we will introduce you to the nuances of obtaining a motor vehicle license.

What documents are required to obtain compulsory motor liability insurance when purchasing a used car?

To apply for a policy, prepare (for individuals):

  • Policyholder's passport;
  • A diagnostic card with a fresh mark or an inspection ticket;
  • The owner's driver's license and copies of the driver's licenses of other drivers who will be included in the policy. For a policy without restrictions on the number of drivers, copies are not needed;
  • An application, the form of which is issued to the insurance company. The applicant is only required to correctly fill out all the lines.

Important! Check the list of documents with the insurance company whose services you plan to use. It can be expanded by internal regulations.

It is worth noting that no insurance company can issue MTPL insurance without diagnostic card. It confirms that the car has passed a technical inspection, has no defects that prohibit the operation of vehicles, and is allowed to drive.

After everything Required documents collected, you can start purchasing a policy.

There are several ways to obtain insurance. The best option for obtaining a policy is the official office of the insurance company. Before you go shopping for insurance, it is worth checking whether the company has a sufficient number of policy forms.

You can use the services of an insurance broker. This option is convenient, since agents often go to meet clients and bring documents themselves. However, it is worth purchasing a policy only from trusted brokers.

When purchasing from an unfamiliar broker, the cost of insurance may be much cheaper, but there is a risk of receiving compulsory motor liability insurance on a fake form. It is very difficult to find a conscientious broker, because they “feed” on a percentage of sales and are ready to commit any deception. How to avoid falling into a trap? Before getting down to business, collect as much information as possible about the broker and, of course, check the license. Also, don’t be lazy to call the insurance company and find out whether this employee really works for them. If you find a good specialist, he will help you purchase a policy quickly and as profitably as possible.

Registration of compulsory motor liability insurance when purchasing a used car is complicated by the inability to buy insurance online. The system generates an error if the owner and his car were not insured under MTPL in the previous year.

It is worth noting that you must purchase a car title for a used car within 10 days after purchase.

How to get insurance for a used car

To obtain a motor vehicle license, you need to complete several steps:

  • Choosing an insurance company;
  • We check for the presence of a technical inspection mark and pass it if necessary;
  • We collect documents;
  • We visit the office of the insurance company, carefully fill out all lines of the application, provide documents;
  • We pay the required amount and receive a policy, the data in which we carefully check with the originals.
  • Add the insurance company's support phone number in case of an accident to your contact list;
  • Carefully read the rules of the insurance company, carefully fold the forms for registration of road accidents(they will be issued along with the insurance policy);
  • Check the presence of the original check attached to the OSAGO form. Otherwise, the insurance payment may be subsequently denied due to the lack of a payment receipt.

Remember! OSAGO is insurance of the driver's liability to other road users, not the car, so the latter is not required to obtain a motor vehicle license.

How much does it cost to get an MTPL policy?

MTPL tariffs are fixed and regulated by the state.

The cost of insurance depends on:

  • the age and driving experience of the driver (if several people are included in the insurance, then the cost of the policy is calculated according to the least driving experience and age);
  • on the presence of accidents, the year of manufacture of the vehicle;
  • type of vehicle (truck/car);
  • the period for which the insurance is issued;
  • region in which insurance is issued.

You can find out the price of the policy using the service Calculation of the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance on the RSA service. The procedure will not take much time, and you will know in advance how much you will pay for insurance.

You can check your car's current insurance information and find out the vehicle's operating history using the Autocode service. From the full report, in addition to data on compulsory motor liability insurance, you will receive data on mileage, accidents, fines, restrictions, technical. inspections and much more. The cost of one report is 349 rubles.

Many motorists, realizing that all such tricks of insurers are illegal, continue to use their services, not always paying necessary policies health, life or property insurance. "What can you do about it?" - many say in bewilderment - “You need to travel every day, where can you get away from it, everyone pays...”

OSAGO insurance online

If you value your time and would not like to pay extra money to dishonest insurance agents, then it is better to solve the problem in the optimal way. You still don’t know how to insure MTPL on the Internet? This is very easy to do, no matter what city you live in. You will need documents for the car, a driver's license and a diagnostic card (if the car is older than 3 years).

It is possible to buy OSAGO online online in any city in the country, quickly, without long lines and hassle.

But many drivers do not know what documents are needed when applying for or renewing an MTPL insurance policy, and unscrupulous representatives of insurers love to take advantage of this, demanding that car owners provide a lot of certificates, even to the point of requiring them to provide a conclusion from a certain company on checking the performance of the car battery ( Unfortunately, this happens too!).

Also, in a number of regions there is another way to take money out of drivers’ pockets. Insurers do not refuse to provide insurance services and even readily accept documents for the purpose of issuing MTPL policies, but they warn that they do not have policy forms now, and they will have them after a significant period of time, a week, a month. And half an hour or an hour after the discouraged driver’s visit to the insurer, a call comes from a certain “broker” or intermediary, who, of course, is aware of the whole situation and is ready to help issue an MTPL policy with the desired insurance company right now. Naturally, it's not free. But quickly, immediately, here and now. It is not surprising that many (out of ignorance or out of hopelessness - another question) agree to this, because they need to travel every day... Although they are indignant, “after all, it’s expensive, of course.”

However, in the Federal Law dated April 25, 2002 No. 40 “On compulsory insurance civil liability of vehicle owners "it is directly and clearly stated which documents the insurer has the right to require when renewing or extending an existing MTPL policy, namely:

  1. documents for the car (usually this is a vehicle registration certificate or vehicle passport (PTS));
  2. driver's licenses of all drivers who will directly drive the vehicle.
  3. vehicle diagnostic card (this is what replaces the technical inspection) for cars older than three years;

This list is final. Of course, all insurers know about this, but many also require drivers to provide a host of other documents. It's important to know that this is illegal.

Is it possible to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance online?

To do this, you only need to indicate the parameters of the policyholder and personal transport. Do not doubt whether it is possible to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance online. You will be able to solve the problem in just 5-10 minutes.

It is much more convenient to order an MTPL policy online. But in order to accurately calculate its cost, it is important to know the following parameters of the policyholder and the insured car, namely the following:

  • the total number of drivers allowed to drive a car;
  • age and general experience of drivers. It is important to understand that an insurance policy for a driver over 22 years of age and with more than three years of driving experience will be significantly cheaper;
  • car engine power (in horsepower, the more, the higher the MTPL insurance);
  • insurance region, it is known that for drivers registered in rural areas or small towns, the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance is somewhat cheaper than for drivers registered in metropolitan areas;
  • bonus-malus coefficient, that is, whether the driver has a discount for driving without accidents in previous years or its absence;
  • insurance period, each month in insurance for 3 months will be significantly more expensive than when concluding a compulsory motor liability insurance policy for a year;

It is possible to buy OSAGO online in any city in the country. Now the question of how to obtain compulsory motor liability insurance on the Internet is not associated with any technical difficulties, everything is transparent and intuitive. The purchase process itself happens quite quickly: by filling out a simple online application form on the website in 5-10 minutes and indicating the data on the car and drivers there, the car owner saves himself from a lot of costs and worries associated with issuing an MTPL policy. This is a convenience that not everyone knows about yet, but many of those who have at least once tried to issue a policy on the Internet are already becoming regular customers and are not ready to exchange such convenience for long queues at the insurer and searching for a lot of unnecessary (or rather, necessary) only to the insurer itself) of documents.

How to insure MTPL on the Internet.

Ordering an MTPL policy online is very simple. If it is necessary to clarify details or inaccuracies, a specialist will contact you as soon as possible and help you fill out or correct the application and answer questions. The security of data entered by the customer is ensured by an encryption protocol and the availability of means to protect the transmitted information.

A car is a fairly expensive property that needs to be protected from possible troubles on the road and illegal actions of third parties. Many modern car dealerships offer insurance as an additional service. Citizens who buy cars secondhand choose the company they can trust to take out insurance. Russian motorists today are offered two types of car insurance. Which one to choose depends on how seriously the driver wants to protect his property.

Why do you need to insure your car?

Quantity Vehicle on the road increases daily. This leads to even experienced drivers getting into accidents. How to get car insurance, protecting yourself and your car as much as possible? First, you need to decide what exactly the owner wants to insure the car against.

Today in Russia there are the following types of insurance:

  1. Necessarily;
  2. voluntary.

The main goal of the first is to help the driver who has become participant in an accident. If you have a compulsory insurance policy, the person responsible for the accident is relieved of the obligation to cover the costs associated with repairing the damaged vehicle. The insurance company will have to compensate for the damage. The absence of a compulsory insurance policy is administrative offense. If a traffic police inspector, when checking documents, discovers that the driver does not have insurance, such a violator will be fined in accordance with article of the Code of Administrative Offenses RF.

If a car owner wants to protect his property from damage, theft and other illegal actions of third parties, he should think about a policy voluntary insurance.

The document may indicate various risks. A list of them can be found at the office of the company from which the driver decided to buy car insurance.

OSAGO policy

After purchasing a vehicle, the new owner has only 10 days to register it and obtain insurance. You can find out what documents are needed to insure a car on the insurance company’s website or by calling the insurer’s office. Purchasing a policy is impossible without presenting:

  • the applicant's identity documents;
  • vehicle registration certificates;
  • driver's license;
  • diagnostic card, if the age of the car requires mandatory technical inspection;
  • powers of attorney, if the documents are not prepared by the owner of the vehicle.

To obtain insurance, the driver will have to write an application, the form of which will be provided by a company employee, or apply for a policy independently through the websites of insurance companies.

CASCO insurance

Owners of expensive vehicles strive to protect their property from all possible troubles. The most reasonable solution to the problem is to purchase a CASCO policy. It is considered the main type of voluntary insurance. The policy guarantees compensation for damage resulting from damage, theft or destruction of vehicles. Different insurance companies offer their own options for insurance events, in the event of which the owner of CASCO can count on receiving payment. The cost of insurance is quite high, but after spending once, the car owner can feel protected from any troubles on the road.

Despite the fact that the law does not provide restrictions regarding the age of the vehicle, insurers prefer not to deal with equipment that is more than 4-5 years old.

To apply for car insurance, the insuring party must provide:

  1. passport;
  2. power of attorney if the applicant is not the owner of the car;
  3. if the equipment belongs legal entity, its registration documents are submitted.

The owner of the vehicle will have to write a statement in the appropriate form. Some insurance companies require documents for anti-theft systems installed on the car.

To purchase a CASCO policy, you need not only to know what documents are needed to obtain insurance, but also to prepare the vehicle itself for inspection. The car is awaiting a serious inspection, since no one wants to risk their money.

Addendum to the compulsory insurance policy

DSAGO or an addition to the compulsory insurance policy of compulsory motor liability insurance is quite rare in practice. This service is offered only by the largest insurance companies.

The point of purchasing it is that if the costs of an insured event are not covered by the amount provided for by the “automobile insurance”, they are reimbursed through payments under the DSAGO. It should be remembered that this document is not used independently. It can only be purchased with a basic mandatory policy.

How to get insurance and whether you can even buy this policy should be found out from your insurance agent.

Other types of insurance

Some participants traffic They regard such an offer as a desire to sell an additional service.

A completely different opinion is held by citizens who took out such insurance and got into serious accidents. The policy allows you to receive payment to persons who have received injuries and mutilations of varying degrees of severity. If the driver dies, the insured's family receives the money.

Citizens who traveled to Europe for own car, they know that it is impossible to cross the border without presenting a special insurance policy. " Green map"is the European analogue of the Russian OSAGO policy. You can purchase it from almost any insurance company.

If for some reason the driver did not do this, he can buy a policy directly at customs.

Insurance will allow you to compensate for all losses if the car owner gets into an accident on the territory of a foreign country.

How to choose an insurer?

Choosing an insurance company is a very serious and responsible task. You should make sure that it is reliable so that if an insured event occurs, there will be no problems with payment.

Lawyers recommend that you carefully read the permitting documents that mandatory should be in the hands of every insurer. It makes sense to pay attention to the “age” of the company. An organization that has managed to survive in a competitive environment for at least 3-5 years inspires trust.

The presence of an official website will allow you to get acquainted with reviews from clients of the insurance company. But there are also pitfalls here. The absence of negative reviews should be alarming, as this is the first sign that they were paid for and ordered from a company engaged in website promotion.

As surprising as it may be, word of mouth can play an important role in choosing an insurance company. Drivers share information among themselves. Therefore, if one of them was deceived with a payment, he will definitely tell his friends about it.

Our insurance broker Auto-Service is engaged in issuing compulsory motor liability insurance for regions in Moscow with delivery and without imposing additional services. We know what difficulties car owners face and have already helped more than one hundred drivers, which you can read about in our reviews.

When you try to apply for a compulsory car insurance policy in Moscow for a car registered in another region, you may encounter a refusal or the imposition of additional insurance for health, property, etc. You may be sent for examination, for example to Troitsk, where you need to make an appointment in advance. Thus, insurance companies will do everything to avoid accepting you for insurance. These actions are illegal, below we will look at why you may be denied and how to quickly and without additional costs buy a compulsory motor liability insurance policy for a regional car.

Why are they refusing to issue MTPL for the regions?

1. Imposing additional products

If you contact a branch of an insurance company, they will agree to issue you a policy, but only together with life insurance, home insurance, etc. The central offices of companies prohibit branches from renting out MTPL policies for regional cars without additional sales. This is due to the fact that you are insured according to the regional coefficient, which is much lower than Moscow, and you use the vehicle in Moscow, where the chance of an insured event is higher than in your region with less car traffic. In other words, your policy will only bring losses to the insurance company, so they are trying to compensate for this by imposing break-even extras. products.

2. Lack of compulsory insurance policies or failure in the program

Having learned that you want to buy a car insurance policy for a regional car, the employees will inform you that there are no policies available, it seems that they did not refuse, but they did not issue a policy either. One of the most common methods. They may also say that the program does not work. For example, next to our office there is a RESO-Garantiya office, and clients constantly come from there to us, with the words “Their program doesn’t work there...”.

3. Lengthy consideration of the application or sending for inspection

They may agree to issue a policy, but they will ask you to sign up 5-7 days in advance, and after submitting the application they will consider it for another 5-30 days, followed by an inspection of the car. What’s even more interesting is that you will be sent to inspect the car, as far as possible from the treatment office. Most often we receive complaints about being sent for examination to Troitsk. Unfortunately, according to Federal Law 40, this requirement is legal.

4. Lack of opportunity to insure regions

For agents and brokerage companies there is also a ban on issuing regional cars; insurance simply will not accept such a policy, so they would be happy, but alas. In turn, our insurance broker can help you in this situation, more on that at the end.

How to buy compulsory motor insurance for regions in Moscow cheaply?

According to paragraph 8 of Article 1 Federal Law dated 04/25/2002 No. 40-FZ “On compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners”, the MTPL agreement is public, which means that at the first contact with you they must conclude an agreement. According to the MTPL law FZ-40, you have all the rights so that, while in Moscow, you can easily buy a compulsory motor liability insurance policy for a regional car. All of the above facts of direct or indirect refusal are illegal (except for the 3rd).

What to do in this or that case if you are refused
and what is the fastest and most reliable way to issue an insurance policy for the regions?

1. Contact the central office

It is better to immediately go to the central office of the insurance company, where you are required to issue a policy. Branches often only follow the rules of the central office and are afraid of violating them and losing their bonus. In case of imposition of additional insurance, write a written refusal in two copies. If you decide to apply at a branch, prepare an additional written request for registration of compulsory motor liability insurance in 2 copies. If there is a further refusal, you can safely go to court, of course, if you have the time and desire.

In the actual absence of compulsory motor liability insurance policies, you have the right to be refused in accordance with Article 426 3 of the Civil Code Russian Federation, since there is no possibility of registration. You are unlikely to prove whether this is true or not.
Unfortunately, after all the efforts, your application for compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance for a regional car may be considered for up to 30 days. The insurer can follow the principle and use its right in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 445 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. After 5-30 days, you will be invited to issue you a compulsory motor liability insurance policy; they may also be asked to inspect the car.

2. Agree to OSAGO with imposed additions

If you do not have the time and desire to defend your rights, then agree to an MTPL policy for regions with additional products in the form of health insurance, liability to third parties, home insurance, etc. The cost of compulsory motor liability insurance usually increases by 5,000 - 8,000 rubles. If you wish, you can later terminate the add-on. insurance and return part of the money. The traffic police department has the largest commission, about 8,000 rubles. above the cost of the policy. Drivers need to register their car, which is what local businessmen use. We strongly do not recommend this method.

3. Buy compulsory motor liability insurance for regions in our company

We are pleased to offer you such a service in 2018 and believe that an honest approach to your work will always pay off. We do not impose any additional services, and when applying for compulsory motor liability insurance we always take into account your discount for accident-free driving - KBM. True, insurance companies never pay us for issuing such policies, and coordinating and issuing such a policy takes a long time, which the employee will devote specifically to your registration. That's why we have extra. commission, which we will notify you about in advance. We work with various companies and coordinate your regional policy with the following companies: RESO, INGOSSTRAKH, VSK, NASKO, Renaissance and others. Registration takes from 2 hours to a day. You can calculate the exact cost by calling us by phone.

Since January 2017, insurance companies are required to provide the opportunity to issue an insurance policy via the Internet. These innovations started back in 2015, but in reality they hardly worked.

Those who tried to actually implement the instructions on how to insure a car under OSAGO via the Internet were faced with the fact that the sales function did not work on the websites of insurance companies.

At a certain stage of filling out forms, the resource generated an error, referring, for example, to outdated data.

The law did not provide for liability of insurers in case of failure to provide electronic services. Accordingly, technical support services of insurance companies did not pay enough attention to ensuring the operability of services.

The question itself “how to issue an electronic MTPL policy” did not pose a problem. It was difficult to find a company that actually provided such a service.

Changes to the law on compulsory motor liability insurance, introduced in January 2017, require insurers to ensure uninterrupted operation of services for the sale of electronic policies.

The insurer's website cannot stop working for more than half an hour a day. Any planned technical work must be announced in advance with the mandatory indication on the main page of the insurer’s corporate website of the exact time of its start and end.

The penalties for violation are quite serious:

  • 100-300 thousand rubles fine for a one-time refusal to conclude an insurance contract;
  • revocation of license in case of repeated malicious violations.

How to obtain an electronic MTPL policy via the Internet

To obtain an electronic MTPL policy, you must complete the following steps:

    1. Open the insurance company’s website and register in your “Personal Account”.
    2. Click the link “Electronic OSAGO” or “e-OSAGO”.
    3. Select one of the registration options “renewal of an old policy” or “registration of a new one”. The first case is relevant if you have already taken out a policy with this insurance company. In this case, it is enough to enter the number of the old OSAGO and your passport details. Then the registration procedure will take less time.

Important: if the MTPL policy expires later than 2 months, it is impossible to extend the insurance. This is done in accordance with the law on compulsory motor liability insurance.

  1. Enter your passport details, phone number, e-mail, driver's license details, PTS and diagnostic card (if the car is older than 3 years). In some cases, insurers require uploading scanned copies of documents. They should be easy to read and free of glare and stains.
  2. Wait until the document verification is completed (it does not exceed half an hour according to the law).
  3. Click the “Payment” link that appears and make a payment using a bank card or other instrument that allows you to pay online. You can even pay in cash. To do this, you will have to visit the insurance office or order delivery by courier and pay for the policy upon delivery.
  4. Receive an electronic document sent to the e-mail specified during registration and print it.

It should be remembered that the effect of electronic compulsory motor liability insurance begins on the day following the day of registration.

It happens that when entering data in your personal account, the car owner makes mistakes.

Even additional data verification does not completely eliminate inaccuracies. How to make changes to OSAGO?

Effective tools that allow you to change MTPL data based on the policyholder’s request and RSA database data are only being developed.

How to add a driver to the electronic MTPL policy or make other changes? You must submit a written application to the insurance company.

The application will be processed and the required changes will be made to the database soon.

To avoid having to register a driver, you can do it simpler: register for compulsory motor liability insurance with an unlimited list of drivers.

According to the law, every Insurance Company is obliged to provide the opportunity to buy compulsory motor liability insurance via the Internet. Each of them has an official website address where you can make a purchase.

Video: I’m buying an electronic MTPL policy without additional extras, how can I apply for it online?

We figured out the question of whether it is possible to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance via the Internet. However, car owners sometimes encounter some difficulties when trying to follow the instructions:

Questions and complaints can be addressed to the Bank of Russia, the service for the protection of financial services and minority shareholders.

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    I have a question.

    According to my passport, I have a residence permit in the Moscow region, but I permanently reside in the Republic of Crimea and have temporary registration in the city of Feodosia. I am the owner of a car Renault Sandero Stepway 2014 release. The car is registered in the traffic police of the city of Feodosia, Republic of Crimea. In 2015 and 2016, I took out MTPL insurance at the place of temporary registration, that is, in Feodosia, I wanted to renew the insurance in 2017, but they refused me, citing the fact that MTPL should be done only at the place of permanent registration, although the car never left the Republic of Crimea, and I'm here for temporary registration.

    Please explain whether this is legal???

    my e-mail address: [email protected]

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