Requirements for tank trucks for transporting petroleum products. Cleaning of tanks and tanks, industrial cleaning service Scheme of washing and steaming of tanks

And industrial tanks, tank trucks and various types of containers:

  • - Washing of cargo tank trucks
  • - Washing tanks and tank containers
  • - Washing containers and tanks for milk, beer, etc.

We sell and install equipment, and also provide cleaning services for various containers.

Cargo tank car wash

Everyone knows that cars need periodic washing. A good owner always takes his iron horse to a car wash at least once a month to wash off road dirt and tidy up the interior. It’s good that there is no shortage of car washes these days. The only negative is that they are all designed for cars. Washing stations for trucks are more difficult to find, and if freight car equipped with a tank, it is almost impossible.

Almost all tank trucks require periodic cleaning, regardless of the cargo they carry. Oil, cement, alcohol, milk or fecal fluids always leave deposits on the tank walls that must be removed. If the tank is being prepared for the transportation of other liquids, then cleaning is simply necessary, otherwise mixing will occur and another liquid will arrive at the final point.

There is an old and proven method for cleaning containers and tanks based on live steam. The so-called “steaming” has significant disadvantages. This process requires large amounts of water, energy and time, due to the large number of cycles that are necessary for normal cleaning.

The VodaMoy company offers modern way for cleaning containers and cisterns using high-pressure water apparatus. This is an effective and relatively inexpensive method. Depending on the size of the tank, washing equipment is selected: a washing head, which is designed for small tanks or a telescopic orbital head for long tanks. The washing head, due to its inertness, allows you to direct jets of water under high pressure along all planes, thereby washing the farthest corners. The telescopic orbital washing head is lowered into the hatch of the tank in the folded state, after which, in the process of extending the telescope to the peripheral sides of the tank, washing begins.

The standard set of equipment for one washing station includes:
a high-pressure water apparatus, a suspended structure for washing containers, a gun for washing external surfaces and a control unit with which the entire process can be carried out fully automatically.

With this type of installation, fuel tankers, oil tankers, milk tankers, as well as tanks carrying fecal fluids, water, alcohol, cement, flour, etc. can be passed through the washing station.

Internal washing of tank trucks and tank containers

High-pressure hydro-cleaning technology is used to clean and wash the internal surface of tank trucks, tank containers and other containers from dirt and deposits of organic and inorganic origin.

Equipment for one post consists of a stationary high-pressure unit of the LM series with a washing gun for the possibility of external washing of vehicles or tank containers, high-pressure hoses, suspended structures made of food-grade stainless steel with built-in high-performance washing heads, additional devices for controlling and automating the process cleaning and washing the car container.
For washing tank trucks and tank containers, we recommend a stationary high-pressure unit LM 350/70/1 (1 head) with a water flow of 70 liters per minute. Connection diagram for a stationary high-pressure unit (HPA) of the LM series.


As a budget option, it is proposed to use a cheaper, simplified version of the kit for the internal washing of tank trucks, tank containers and other containers.

IN this set for cleaning and washing tank trucks, tank containers and other containers, a mobile high-pressure unit (electric) and one hydraulically driven washing head on a hanging bracket are included. The chemical detergent and disinfectant must be prepared in advance in a separate container, with a concentration of no more than 3% and, if necessary, supplied to the pump by gravity (or by a feed pump), when switched by a three-way water tap with internal section at least 1" (not included). (See diagram below.)

- apparatus LM-350/70E (power consumption 15 kW) complete with washing gun and high-pressure hose 10 m;

Washing containers and tanks for milk, beer, etc.

D High-pressure hydro-cleaning technology is used to clean and wash the internal surface of tank trucks, tank containers and other containers from dirt and deposits of organic and inorganic origin.

Equipment for one post consists of a stationary high-pressure unit of the LM series with a washing gun for the possibility of external washing of vehicles or tank containers, high-pressure hoses, suspended structures made of food-grade stainless steel with built-in high-performance washing heads, additional devices for controlling and automating the process cleaning and washing the car container.
For washing tank trucks and tank containers, we recommend a stationary high-pressure unit LM 350/70/1 (1 head) with a water flow of 70 liters per minute. Connection diagram for a stationary high-pressure unit (HPA) series LM

Washing process steps:
1) Rinse off contaminants with clean water.
2) Wash with added detergent.
3) Final clean rinse with water.

As a budget option, it is proposed to use a cheaper, simplified version of the kit for the internal washing of tank trucks, tank containers and other containers; for this, the following scheme is implemented (the type of units shown in the diagram is conditional, may change):

This kit for cleaning and washing tank trucks, tank containers and other containers includes a mobile high-pressure unit (electric) and one hydraulically driven washing head on a hanging bracket. The chemical detergent and disinfectant will have to be prepared in advance in a separate container, with a concentration of no more than 3% and, if necessary, supplied to the pump by gravity (or by a feed pump), when switched by a three-way water tap with an internal cross-section of at least 1" (not included).

List of equipment included in the kit for cleaning and washing tank trucks, tank containers and other containers:

- apparatus high pressure-E(power consumption 15 kW) includes a washing gun and a 10 m high-pressure hose;
- electrically driven washing head with hanging bracket, 10 meter high pressure hose;
- three-way high pressure valve, for switching head-gun;
- high-pressure hoses, as agreed (can be supplied in any required length);


The main methods of cleaning containers from residual oil and petroleum products are considered. The advantages and disadvantages of each of the considered methods are noted. A new biotechnology for cleaning containers has been proposed, which involves the use of an effluent, a product of anaerobic processing of organic waste in a biogas plant, as an oil destructor biological product. The effluent has a lower cost compared to other biological oil destructor products, is non-toxic and environmentally friendly. The use of the proposed biotechnology is possible in various industries: fuel and energy, oil and gas industrial complexes, oil transportation and oil refining companies, coke and metallurgical industries, motor transport enterprises and other organizations involved in the storage and sale of petroleum products at oil depots, gas stations and terminals.


oil destruction


oil sludge

1. VRD 39-1.13-056-2002 “Cleaning technology different environments and surfaces contaminated with hydrocarbons."

2. Gimaletdinov G.M., Sattarova D.M. Methods for cleaning and preventing the accumulation of bottom sediments in reservoirs [Electronic resource]// “Oil and Gas Business”, 2006. - Access mode:

3. Instructions for cleaning tanks from petroleum product residues [Electronic resource]// Approved by OJSC NK ROSNEFT on January 28, 2004. Access mode:

4. Oil sludge [Electronic resource] // Thematic portal. - Access mode:

5. Rules for the technical operation of tanks [Electronic resource]// Rosneft, 2004. – Access mode:

When transporting oil and storing it in tanks, deposits (oil sludge) are formed at the bottom, consisting of particles of mineral (non-petroleum origin) and the heaviest hydrocarbons, mainly of the paraffin series, specific gravity which are higher than the density of oil and water. Physically, sediments are a dense, non-fluid mass, located extremely unevenly along the bottom of the tank. The sediment level ranges from 0.3 to 3 meters, and the volume ranges from 300 to 6000 m3. The sediment prevents the movement of oil and the mixing of its various layers in the tank, which contributes to the localization of concentrated aggressive salt solutions and the development of corrosion processes in the area of ​​the bottom and first zone of the tank. At the same time, the working (useful) volume of the tank decreases. All this reduces performance characteristics facility and negatively affects the quality of oil and oil products refilled into these containers. According to the requirements set out in the “Rules for the Technical Operation of Reservoirs” (2004), partial inspection of tanks with cleaning is provided at least once every 5 years, and a complete inspection at least once every 10 years. The frequency of cleaning tanks is set out in the requirements of GOST 1510-84 and depends on the type of petroleum products, technical condition tanks, storage conditions and frequency of changing the grade of petroleum products. Timely cleaning of tanks from oil residues, highly viscous tarry sediments, moisture and mechanical impurities will ensure the uninterrupted operation of oil depots, gas stations, thermal power plants and fuel and lubricants storage facilities.

Cleaning tanks of sediment is a dangerous and labor-intensive job that requires significant material costs. Even the most advanced cleaning method - chemical-mechanized - does not exclude manual labor and the presence of people in the gas-contaminated area inside the tank. Depending on the specific conditions (type, capacity of the reservoir, the presence of a stationary system for washing out bottom sediments, the amount and mechanical properties of solid oil residues), various methods and technological schemes can be used to clean the reservoir.

It should be noted that the methods of cleaning tanks are divided into three types: manual, mechanical (mechanized) and mechanized cleaning method using detergents (chemical-mechanized).

With the manual cleaning method, after removing solid residues, the container is steamed and washed with hot (30 - 50) water from a fire nozzle at a pressure of (0.2 - 0.3) MPa. The washing water with the remaining oil sludge is pumped out with a pump. The use of the manual method of cleaning oil tanks has the following disadvantages:

  • Huge risk to the health and safety of people cleaning tanks using manual methods;
  • Personnel involved in cleaning tanks are usually much less trained than personnel involved in maintaining the main equipment of enterprises associated with the production, refining and transportation of oil. This factor greatly increases the risk of human errors and even criminal negligence. It is no secret that in Russia the labor of unskilled, low-paid workers is often used to perform such work;
  • With such cleaning methods, environmental pollution always occurs (water and air basins and soil);
  • The volume of oil waste generated during such treatment is enormous. This creates problems with their subsequent transportation, disposal, recycling and/or disposal.

The mechanized cleaning method can be carried out by supplying hot water under pressure through special washing machines (hydromonitors), steaming the surface of the tanks for several days with superheated steam and subsequent mechanical cleaning, or using abrasive jet cleaning devices. This cleaning method significantly reduces cleaning time, reduces tank downtime, reduces the amount of heavy operations harmful to human health, and reduces the cost of the tank cleaning process. The disadvantages of the mechanized method of cleaning tanks include high consumption thermal energy for heating cold water, the need to pump contaminated water to treatment facilities, relatively large losses of light fractions from oil residues.

The essence of the chemical-mechanized method is that tanks are cleaned using detergent solutions that improve the separation of sediment from the walls, bottom and internal structures of the tank. The use of these solutions helps to improve the quality of cleaning, the intensity of the cleaning process, and is characterized by an insignificant degree of use of manual labor. The main disadvantages of the method, which limit the possibilities of its practical application, are the high cost of the special reagent used, the need for further purification of detergent solutions and disposal of the reagent.

The most common cleaning method around the world remains manual cleaning of tanks from oil sludge. Cleaning of tanks in the technological process of most oil producing and oil refining enterprises is traditionally considered as the last most important thing for the enterprise.

In addition, there are combined methods for cleaning containers and tanks. Here is an approximate list of measures for using the combined cleaning method:

Washing away oil sludge deposits accumulated on the bottom of the tank with a washing solution;

Washing off the remaining petroleum product (oil) from the walls of the tank with a washing solution;

Selection (pumping) of oil sludge obtained during the erosion of sediments from the bottom of the reservoir into a temporary storage tank;

Separation of petroleum product (oil) from the washing solution and mechanical impurities;

Injection of separated petroleum product (oil) into tank trucks, pipelines or containers;

Degassing of tanks and containers using forced pressure ventilation;

Mechanized cleaning of internal surfaces of tanks and containers;

Manual post-cleaning of internal surfaces of tanks and containers;

Waste collection in quick collection containers.

Stages of work production:

1. Tank inspection:

Conducted to obtain the following information:

Tank design;

Explosion and fire characteristics;

State of the gas-air environment in the tank;

The amount of viscous and highly viscous sulfur, paraffin and mechanical deposits

2. Preparation for work:

Determining the location of work;

Connecting portable grounding to the tank circuit;

Laying pipelines from the work site to the tank for supplying technical detergent (TMS) and pumping out the emulsion from the tank being washed;

Connection to the steam main for heating the TMS and the pumped-out oil product is not a prerequisite; it is possible to use your own transportable boiler unit (TCU);

Test activation of the motors to determine the direction of rotation and check the sealing of the connection;

3. Determining the presence of non-selectable residue and pumping it out.

Before starting work, with the tank hatch open or through the gauging hatch, the level of the non-selectable oil product residue is determined using a meter rod. The measurement results are compared with the indicators of the calibration tables of the given tank.

After determining the residues, a suction hose or a submersible axis-diagonal pump with a hydraulic drive is lowered into the tank to a certain depth to pump out a commercial petroleum product, which is supplied to the cleaning and filtration system, after which it enters the storage tank.

Pure petroleum product can be pumped to another tank or fuel tanker, and in their absence - to a storage tank.

4. Preliminary degassing of the tank to an explosion-proof state:

To create safe conditions for using a jet pressure washer, using a washing machine or a fire nozzle (for dark petroleum products), an explosion-proof condition must be ensured inside the tank, which is achieved by degassing. The explosion-proof state of the gas-air environment is established based on the results of gas analysis, which is carried out as necessary during work.

A safe concentration of petroleum product vapors in the tank is achieved by washing the inner surface of the tank with TMS using a washing machine or fire nozzle for three complete cycles while constantly spraying the TMS solution over the surface of the tank for 20-25 minutes. If the washing quality is insufficient, the cycles are repeated.

After pumping out the emulsion and oil sludge from the tank at a vapor concentration below 0.8 of the lower flammability limit of the device (gas analyzer), forced degassing begins.

When the concentration of petroleum product vapor in the tank decreases to 50% of the lower flammability limit (0.5 LVP), the permissible flow rate increases to 50 m/sec.

In order to prevent stagnant zones with low air mobility in the tank, the speed in the initial stage of forced degassing must be at least 2 m/sec. The fan installed for forced degassing must comply with the required standards.

5.Removal of technological residue of dark oil product:

In a tank containing high-viscosity petroleum products, the non-removable residue contains mechanical impurities, paraffin deposits and corrosion products of the tank metal.

In the tank, when using a TMS solution heated to 60-65°C, local heating of the oil product is carried out. TMS is supplied under a pressure of 10 kgf/cm2. The suction pipe of the submersible pump is located at a distance of 5-8 mm from the bottom of the cleaned tank. Metal parts of steam lines and hoses for TMS must be reliably grounded. The concentration of hydrocarbon vapors in the gas-air environment is no more than 2 g/m3, that is, 5% of the lower explosive limit.

6. Washing the internal surfaces of tanks:

After removing the technological residue of the petroleum product, the tank is washed with a TMS solution.

The operating temperature of the solution must be at least 5° C. For dark petroleum products, the solution temperature should be 50-60° C. The jet pressure ensures that the TMS solution penetrates the surface layer of the petroleum product without creating splashes, which, when removed from the surface, can be charged with static electricity. The jet pressure at the outlet of the machine nozzle is 10 atm, the jet length is 12 meters.

The productivity and number of washing cycles depends on the degree of contamination and the viscosity group of the oil product.

7. Degassing of the gas space to sanitary standards:

To degas the tank, all inspection and gauging hatches must be open. Degassing is performed with a fan, intermittently, for 20 minutes for 1.5-2 hours to achieve the maximum permissible concentration:

Gasoline vapor in the air 100 mg/m3

Hydrogen sulfide - 10 mg/m3

Tetraethyl lead - 0.005 mg/m3.

In tanks with pontoons, degassing of the gas space is carried out sequentially under and above the pontoons.

Ventilation of leaded gasoline tanks is carried out by washing with a TMS solution adding or spraying separately a solution of potassium permanganate (KMnO4), the concentration of which is 0.025%.

During the entire degassing process and every hour, gas concentrations are measured and the data is recorded in a gas concentration measurement chart.

8. Additional cleaning of the internal surface of the tank, visual inspection of the bottom and walls:

Before the operator enters the tank, a control analysis of the air in it is carried out for the content of petroleum product vapors, and while the operator is in the tank, exhaust ventilation is continuously running to ensure 3-4 times the air exchange.

The operator is equipped with a special suit and shoes. To work in the tank, a gas mask with a panoramic mask, a safety belt with cross-shaped straps and a signal and safety cord are used.

When working inside the tank, three people are involved (two near the manhole, one in the tank). The operator's time in the tank is 15 minutes, rest time is 15 minutes.

Selected oil sludge residues and mechanical impurities are disposed of when cleaning tanks.

All of the above allows us to conclude that the currently used traditional technological processes surface treatments are environmentally hazardous, time-consuming, ineffective and extremely expensive. The components of high cost are large heat and energy consumption, significant water consumption, the need for stationary wastewater treatment plants and equipment for separation of petroleum products.

In this regard, it becomes extremely important to replace traditional technologies with more progressive, economical ones that improve the quality of cleaning of washed surfaces and allow organizing a closed, waste-free process for separating hydrocarbon compounds.

Such a technology can be a microbiological method for cleaning containers from oil and petroleum products. The technical result of this method is the complete cleaning of containers from oil and petroleum products without the formation of explosive mixtures of gases in the cavity of the container.

An effluent is added to the tank with the remaining oil or petroleum products - a solution of activated sludge of anaerobic origin with a maximum humidity of 91%, carbon/nitrogen/phosphorus ratio 25/1/1, pH 7÷8.5. As a result of the microbiological reaction and active symbiosis of the consortium of microorganisms contained in the activated sludge solution of anaerobic origin, oil and petroleum products are destroyed to carbon, nitrogen and their compounds with hydrogen, which lose their mechanical connection with the walls of the tank. To decompose petroleum products, it is necessary to maintain the oxygen concentration in the solution volume at a level of 2-5 mg/l, which is achieved by injection compressed air into the solution at a speed of 0.5-1.5 m3 of air/m3 of water per minute. At temperatures below 10 °C, the air must be heated. At the end of microbiological activity and the complete conversion of oil and petroleum products to carbon, nitrogen and their compounds with hydrogen, the container is drained. The resulting activated sludge solution is non-toxic, environmentally friendly and, therefore, does not require further purification.

Today, biotechnologies are known based on the ability of microorganisms to destroy oil hydrocarbons, which can be used to clean tanks of oil sludge. The advantage of the proposed method is that the main product used (effluent) is a by-product of processing organic waste in a biogas plant and, therefore, has a lower cost compared to known biological oil destructor products.


Deryabin D.G., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education OSU, Orenburg.

Gerasimenko V.V., Doctor of Biology, Professor of the Department of Chemistry, Head of the Department of Chemical Technology of Oil and Gas Processing and Ecology, Branch of the Russian state university oil and gas named after I.M. Gubkin in Orenburg, Orenburg.

Bibliographic link

Kostin M.V., Demin A.V., Sadchikov A.V. CLEANING CONTAINERS FROM OIL AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS RESIDUES USING EFFLUENT // Modern problems of science and education. – 2014. – No. 6.;
URL: (date of access: 07/24/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Petroleum products are commonly used as fuel, lubricant, when laying new roads and repairing old ones, as well as for many other purposes that are extremely important in the life of a modern person.

They are certain mixtures of hydrocarbons and their derivatives.

Petroleum products, as a rule, have a viscous oily structure and have high level absorbency. These substances are delivered to their destination in tanks.

From time to time, these containers may require repairs or replacement of their filling with another substance. In this case, the tank requires high-quality cleaning.

Proven methods for cleaning tanks

Experts thought long enough about how to clear a tank of petroleum products, and after conducting a lot of tests, they invented two main methods.

Steaming method

Petroleum products have one peculiarity: at high temperatures they become more liquid and lose their viscosity. Therefore, in order to clean the tank, it is heated well. This is done using a special steaming station. After heating, oil products are removed from the surface.

This method is not highly effective and has the following disadvantages:

  • the need for special equipment;
  • the ability to carry out work exclusively by specially trained personnel;
  • high level of danger during work;
  • low efficiency.

Therefore, when deciding how to clean a tank from petroleum products, you should take into account all possible risks.

Washing method

Washing of tanks from petroleum product residues is carried out using specially developed chemicals. The concentrated cleaner should be diluted in full accordance with the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

After preparation, the solution is applied to the surface using a spray bottle and left for a certain time.

Most often, the holding period is no more than half an hour. At this time, on the surface of the tank there is chemical reaction and petroleum products are completely dissolved.

The container is then washed with clean water supplied under high pressure. Contamination is washed off quickly enough.

The method has a number of the following advantages and is therefore considered the most suitable for these purposes:

  • fast, effective cleaning of large areas;
  • complete dissolution of petroleum product residues;
  • the ability to carry out work without the involvement of specialists;
  • safety for humans.

It must be taken into account that when washing tanks, a large amount of water is formed, contaminated with residues of petroleum products. Therefore, work should be carried out near the drain so that they can flow there. Otherwise, there is a possibility of contamination of the area where the tank stood.

Also, before emptying the tank of oil products, you need to put on clothes that you won’t mind throwing away if something happens and stock up on protective equipment - a respirator and gloves.

Docker GYM - professional product for removing bitumen, tar, bitumen mastics, bitumen varnishes, sealants. Designed for external and internal work. Gel. Does not contain acid.

The cost of the main work to clean fuel tanks from petroleum product residues

Number of tanks/cost
1 2 3 4 5
up to 10 m 3 12,000 rub. RUB 11,800 RUB 11,600 RUB 11,400 RUB 11,200
up to 15 m 3 RUB 13,200 13,000 rub. RUB 12,800 RUB 12,600 RUB 12,400
up to 20 m 3 RUB 14,400 RUB 14,200 14,000 rub. RUB 13,800 RUB 13,600
up to 25 m 3 RUB 16,200 16,000 rub. RUB 15,800 RUB 15,600 RUB 15,400
up to 30 m 3 RUB 17,800 RUB 17,600 RUB 17,400 RUB 17,200 17,000 rub.
up to 35 m 3 19,000 rub. RUB 18,800 RUB 18,600 RUB 18,400 RUB 18,200
up to 40 m 3 20,000 rub. RUB 19,800 RUB 19,600 RUB 19,400 RUB 19,200
up to 45 m 3 RUB 22,400 RUB 22,200 22 00 rub. RUB 21,800 RUB 21,600
up to 50 m 3 RUB 22,600 RUB 22,400 RUB 22,200 RUB 22,000 RUB 21,800
up to 60 m 3 RUB 23,800 RUB 23,600 RUB 23,400 RUB 23,200 23,000 rub.
up to 75 m 3 25,000 rub. RUB 24,800 RUB 24,600 RUB 24,400 RUB 24,200

Cost of additional work for cleaning fuel tanks

Job title Price
Unplugging fuel tanks 2,000 rub.
Sealing fuel tanks 2,000 rub.
Separation of oil sludge from commercial petroleum product 2,000 rub.
Removal of contaminated petroleum products up to 3 m 3 8,000 rub.
Oil sludge disposal with provision of certificates, liter 18
Degassing of tanks with a capacity of up to 10 m 3 RUB 4,600
Degassing of tanks with a capacity of 10 to 25 m 3 RUB 5,800
Degassing of tanks with a capacity of 25 to 50 m 3 7,000 rub.
Degassing of tanks with a capacity of over 50 m3 negotiable
Inspection of tanks with provision of documents from Gorgstekhnadzor negotiable

Cost of additional work

Job title Price
Measurements of electrical insulation resistance and lightning protection negotiable
installation and repair of tanks, pipelines and fuel dispensers negotiable
Graduation by volumetric method up to 5 m 3 12,000 rub.
Graduation by volumetric method 5-10 m 3 RUB 21,000
Graduation using the volumetric method 10-25 m 3 RUB 25,800
Graduation by volumetric method 25-50 m 3 RUB 31,800
Graduation using the volumetric method 50-75 m 3 RUB 37,000
Graduation by volumetric method over 75 m 3 negotiable
Graduation by geometric method from 5 to 10 m 3 RUB 9,200
Graduation by geometric method from 10 to 25 m 3 RUB 10,800
Graduation by geometric method from 25 to 50 m 3 12,000 rub.
Graduation by geometric method from 50 to 75 m 3 RUB 13,400
Graduation by geometric method from 75 to 100 m 3 14,000 rub.

Prices do not include VAT.

One of the activities of the PIR company is the technological cleaning of specialized containers and tanks from internal deposits and contaminants. For industrial organizations and productions we offer the following services:

  • Technological cleaning of tanks and containers for storing and transporting fuels and lubricants;
  • Cleaning storage tanks for edible and industrial oils;
  • Cleaning gas station tanks;
  • Cleaning containers storing bitumen, fuel oil, diesel fuel and other fuels and lubricants before changing the stored contents of the fuel type.

The constant use of tanks for storing substances containing petroleum products and fats, over time, leads to the deposition of various types of deposits on the walls and bottom, ranging from an ordinary fatty film to a persistent asphalt layer of polymer compounds and thickened petroleum product residues. Such unwanted deposits not only lead to a deterioration in the quality of product storage, but also, as practice shows, to a significant reduction in the volume of the container and the threat of breakdown of pumping equipment. Timely cleaning of fuel and lubricants tanks used for storing high-octane fuels helps maintain high quality petroleum products and guarantees high-quality refueling of vehicles.

High-quality cleaning of tanks from petroleum products, carried out by our company, makes it possible to ensure complete removal of unwanted deposits and, subsequently, to fill the tank with clean substances that comply with GOST standards:

  • Gasoline;
  • Diesel fuel;
  • Aviation fuel;
  • Fuel oil;
  • Oil;
  • Refined products and semi-finished oil products;
  • Special additives and oils;
  • Oils and fats used in the food industry;
  • Various types of special liquids and solutions.

Cleaning containers from fat deposits is carried out:

  • Using certified production equipment, using the most modern developments in the field of environmental safety, using chemicals, equipment and technology for cleaning fuel and lubricants tanks, carried out only by highly qualified specialists with extensive experience;
  • Carrying out work in strict compliance with all necessary regulations and safety standards for cleaning tanks from petroleum products;
  • Ensuring the quality of work, the result of cleaning containers from fatty deposits that meet standard indicators;
  • A wide range of serviced equipment from standard tanks for storing and transporting fuels and lubricants, oil, oils and fats, to oil storage tanks, underground storage tanks, road and rail tanks, fuel tankers, to standard barrels and canisters for storing gasoline and diesel fuel.
  • Cleaning of industrial equipment and tanks for storing petroleum products and their processing - oil traps, grease traps, sludge storage tanks, aviation fuel storage tanks;
  • The use of dry steam cleaning technology and soft blasting technology for cleaning, as the most effective and safe methods for cleaning containers from the build-up of fat-containing compounds, oil residues, fuel, waste products of living microorganisms.

The activities of the PIR company extend not only to standard cases related to the cleaning of reservoirs from fuel and lubricants, such as tanks or barrels, we provide our services for the installation of special oil collection equipment at gas stations, fuel stations, gas stations Maintenance and car washes. The company’s specialists will quickly assess the condition of the equipment, develop an optimal work plan, and promptly install the necessary equipment.

Today we provide the most comprehensive package of services for cleaning fuel and lubricants tanks. Specialists can work not only with stationary industrial facilities, but also carry out cleaning on-site to private customers. Our clients today include large enterprises in the oil refining complex, the transport sector, energy generating companies, as well as small firms and individuals.

The company’s specialists are constantly working to improve the technology for cleaning various containers, while new, more modern and cost-effective methods and technologies are constantly being introduced into the production process. Using in practice the entire arsenal of equipment, having extensive practical experience, we offer customers the cleaning of tanks from petroleum products, the price of which is the most attractive in the region. Counting on long-term cooperation with each client, our company takes an individual approach to each specific case and offers the most rational method and way of carrying out work.

Sufficient experience in the service market provided by the PIR company makes cooperation with us mutually beneficial and convenient for our customers, because the timing, quality and price of cleaning work are the most attractive and affordable today. You can order this and other services by writing to the company’s e-mail or by contacting the contact numbers posted on the website.

Frequency of mandatory (scheduled) cleaning of tanks

GOST 1510-84 “OIL AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS. Labeling, packaging, transportation and storage” regulates the frequency of scheduled cleaning of tanks with petroleum products.

Product stored in the tank: Frequency of planned cleaning:
at least 2 times a year
aviation gasolines
straight-run gasolines
fuel for rocket engines at least once a year
aviation gasolines
aviation oils and components
straight-run gasolines
additives for lubricating oils and oils with additives at least once a year
automobile oils at least once every 2 years
automobile gasolines
diesel fuels
oil as needed
fuel oils
motor fuels
similar (in terms of physical and chemical properties) petroleum products

The cleaning of containers and tanks from petroleum products is carried out when changing the type of liquid stored in the tank. Work may be carried out to enable repair work or to check the integrity of the protective coating and diagnose possible damage. To prevent a decrease in the quality of stored petroleum products, timely work on cleaning surfaces is carried out.

Work performed when cleaning surfaces.

The level and technological conditions of tank cleaning work may change when choosing the required purpose of the operation. According to the level of contamination of the walls and bottom of the petroleum product storage and chemical composition the air in it, our company’s specialists will determine the complexity and extent of purification.

Type of container cleaning Amount and degree of purification
Walls Bottom
Scheduled cleaning of petroleum products A small deposit of oxidation of the metal and film of the substance is allowed A film of the substance is allowed. Sediment and deposition of mechanical impurities are possible in a volume of no more than 1 tenth percent of the total
Cleaning for Substance Replacement A little rust is acceptable Sediment is unacceptable.
Cleaning for flaw detection
Cleaning the tank for subsequent repair work without the use of welding or cutting metal The presence of a film of petroleum products, detergent and metal oxides in maximum permissible concentrations is allowed. The presence of all previously listed contaminants is allowed with the addition of bottom sediment in the amount of the maximum tolerance.
Cleaning the tank for repair hot work. In this type of service, the presence of a film from the detergent within acceptable limits is allowed. The presence of petroleum product residues is prohibited. Residual content of bottom sediment and oil distillation products is not allowed. Only detergent pairs within the permitted values ​​are permitted.
Cleaning for tank calibration work.
For carrying out work on applying a protective coating.

After completing the entire cycle of cleaning work, a visual quality assessment is carried out, and air samples are taken for express analysis in our laboratories. Based on the results of all inspections, an acceptance certificate for the work performed is drawn up.

Technological process for cleaning tanks.

The cleaning process is divided into several stages:

1) Preparatory work.

When concluding an agreement, the managers of the company and the customer’s firm agree on the locations of connections to sources of electricity, coolants and where oil products should be temporarily removed from the tank. At this stage, technologists develop instructions for carrying out key moments of the stripping process. Special orders are issued - permits for especially dangerous work. They must indicate the location of equipment for stripping and diagrams of temporary pipelines and power networks.

After execution preparatory work, the company and highly qualified specialists, take responsibility for carrying out the cleaning and drawing up all documentation.

2) Preparing the work site.

To do this, the following work is performed:

  • a fence is installed at the cleaning site;
  • rapid deployment of fire extinguishing equipment is provided;
  • arrangement of household and industrial premises;
  • laying access roads to the work site;
  • installation of pipelines for pumping out waste and installation of pumps;
  • installation of a system for supplying cleaning solutions and a steam pipeline;
  • installation and installation of a container for settling dirty masses;
  • gas purification devices are installed;
  • consumables are imported;
  • a grounding circuit is installed;
  • residual oil products are pumped out;
  • the tank equipment is dismantled;
  • briefing is provided before work;
  • analysis is carried out on all parameters.

3) Carrying out the process of removing uncollected petroleum product residues.

For this purpose, several types of work technologies are used, depending on the tank and the substance contained in it. Before removal, by heating petroleum products, they are softened and brought to a liquid state. To perform this operation, several high-tech methods are used:

  • The work is done using steam or heated water. With this method, a coolant (temperature of about 900) is pumped into the reservoir, the layer of which must be equal to the layer of the substance. The container is filled with hot steam.
  • A similar heated oil product is added. Then, using pumps, the substance is circulated with parallel heating in the heat exchanger for 15 hours.
  • Hydromonitors create high pressure of heated water and a stream removes the substance from the bottom and walls of the tank, with parallel pumping it to a temporary storage site. It should be noted here that it is easier to work with light petroleum products. The remainder of this type rises up and is easy to select and pump out.

4) Work on degassing the facility.

To ensure safety during cleaning, the air in the container is cleared of gas contamination. In this case, air samples are taken and gas concentrations in the tank are analyzed.

Our company uses 2 methods of air purification for this:

  • Evacuation of vapors and injection of clean air. Natural ventilation of the container is the simplest and most reliable method. Tall barrels can be ventilated even at a wind speed of 1 m/sec.
  • Forced injection of clean air and replacement of petroleum product vapors with it. To achieve this, the company uses fans and steam ejectors with reliable spark insulation and explosion-proof properties.
  • When removing fuel oil and other dark products, steaming the tank is used. Steam is supplied at a temperature of 900. There is also the possibility of filling with hot water - The best way degassing of underground barrels.
  • Phlegmation of air and vapors. During this process, inert gas is pumped into the container. It is heavier than air, filling all pores and voids, displacing vapors of flammable substances. They even use cooled boiler chimney smoke.

5) The operation of fine cleaning of surfaces is carried out using the following work:

  • Primary washing is carried out by supplying hot water under high pressure. This removes residual dirt and rust. To do this, wash with special hand-held instruments from the top of the tank to the bottom.
  • Then the dirty water and rust plates are pumped out using pneumatic conveyors. On small objects, after this operation, sediment is collected without the use of bulky tools.
  • Then the tank equipment itself is washed. Here, the most painstaking and responsible operation will be the removal of rust and dirt from heating devices.
  • Final cleaning of the tank. In this case, the walls and bottom are first treated with a solvent, then washed with hot water. After pumping out the water, the surfaces are brought clean by wiping them with a rag.
  • Dirt and rust are removed and waste is processed. Of these, secondary petroleum products are isolated. Everything else is recycled. This is done using chemical, thermal, and bacteriological treatment of production waste.

They transport waste and dirt using vacuum machines and special tanks.

Photos of completed objects

Cleaning tanks is accompanied by the accumulation of various wastes. The EcoTekhprom-Yug company provides a range of services for washing containers, as well as collecting, removing and disposing of liquid waste generated during processing.

Which organizations benefit from our services?

Services for cleaning tanks and recycling waste accumulated after processing are useful for railway transport enterprises, chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries, food processing plants, and public utilities. Gas stations, oil depots, and seaports can also contact us.

How tanks are washed

Cleaning of railway and automobile tanks is carried out by high-performance installations that supply water under high pressure. To improve the quality of processing, chemical reagents are added to the liquid. The choice of detergents depends on the type of contamination.

The second tank cleaning technology is sandblasting. Using this method, oil residues are easily removed, paintwork, pieces of corrosion and scale. The method gives excellent results. There is no metal deformation during processing; the container is completely ready for further use. The surface of the tank after sandblasting can be primed and coated with anti-corrosion compounds.

Soft blasting technology is considered the most promising and environmentally friendly. This is the cleaning of tanks from oil products and other contaminants with a jet of compressed air containing particles of soft materials. The abrasive used is Armex, which is sodium bicarbonate, and UHDO (calcium carbonate). The technology is characterized by high productivity, ease of waste disposal, and can significantly save energy resources.

How waste is disposed of after tank cleaning

When cleaning tanks from oil products and other contaminants, a mixture of product residues and detergents is formed at the bottom of the tank. It is drained through a special pipe into containers and sent for recycling.

Oil emulsions undergo regeneration. The hydrocarbon component goes for further processing, the sand is filtered out (if sandblasting technology is used), and the aqueous phase is returned to the cleaning cycle. Utilization of oil sludge is carried out in a tricanter, where the mixture is separated into a commercial quality oil product, water and mechanical impurities. Hydrocarbon recyclables are used in thermal power generation.

The wastewater generated after washing food tanks is separated or settled. The resulting fractions are burned, disposed of in landfills or composted.

How our company works

The EcoTekhprom-Yug company works under contracts and issues all the documents necessary for the client. Treatment of tanks is carried out in specially equipped rooms with supply and exhaust ventilation. After cleaning, the object is steamed, dried, and disinfected.

Advantages of EcoTekhprom-Yug

The EcoTekhprom-Yug company has a license for the disposal of washouts from cleaned tanks. In our work we use the latest technologies and modern high-performance equipment. Our staff has undergone appropriate training and is highly qualified. Thanks to excellent technical equipment, we can process tanks of any size efficiently and quickly. Our specialists have extensive experience in preparing facilities for flammable work and changing the type of product being transported.

If you want the tanks to be cleaned at the highest professional level, call EcoTekhprom-Yug.

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