Second blood group which foods are suitable. Proper nutrition for the second positive blood group

Nutritionists say that there is no universal “healthy” diet. And for each individual person, the correct diet should be compiled individually, taking into account his physiology, metabolic rate, personal preferences and even gender.

For this purpose, the method of formulating a diet based on a person’s blood type, proposed by researcher Peter D’Adamo, may be useful.

Should people with blood type 2 adjust their diet according to this method? What foods can be consumed and which cannot? What do scientists say about this? Have any studies been conducted on the effectiveness of such a technique? All answers are in the article.

General Information and Research

It’s worth clarifying right away that many scientists are skeptical about this topic. They say that blood type has nothing to do with nutrition, but depends only on a specific set of proteins and carbohydrates that make up the membranes of red blood cells.

Existing Scientific research they cannot yet confirm the effectiveness of this D’Adamo nutrition system.

This will also help avoid the accumulation in the blood of those elements that the body does not need in principle. It is worth knowing that even micronutrients in excess act as toxins. The same sodium, for example, leads to an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood plasma, and an excessive concentration of vitamin A can provoke the growth of benign tumors (and in children - a rapid increase in growth, when the skeleton simply cannot cope with the load and spinal curvatures occur).

Product table

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the table below.


  1. Vegetables in any variety. They are the most useful sources of minerals and vitamins, without which the gastrointestinal tract cannot do.
  2. Vegetable oils. With their help, the body controls the water-salt balance. The most useful is olive oil, it is also a source of complex fats, which are subsequently transformed into energy.
  3. Cereals and grains, but without gluten(rice, for example, will not work). But you should not use them more than 3 times a week. Ideally, use them to prepare any desserts with a high content of complex carbohydrates. The ideal option is corn and oats.
  4. The following fruits: pineapples, grapefruits, figs, lemons, plums. In principle, others should also be included in the diet, but these should form the basis of the fruits consumed. You should also drink apricot and pineapple juices.
  5. From fish products: cod, perch, carp, trout, sardines. These are not the fattest varieties of fish, which are easily digested by the body, but at the same time they contain the lion’s share of fatty acids.
  6. Water with a little lemon juice added(literally 5 milliliters per glass of water).

As for meat, it is better to give preference to lean chicken and turkey (preferably boiled or grilled without marinade and spices).


But as for prohibited and harmful foods, the following should be excluded from the diet:

  1. Fatty meats. This includes pork and beef. But game in small quantities is allowed.
  2. Sugar. It is better to exclude it altogether and replace it with fructose, sweet fruits, dried fruits - they are more nutritious in terms of carbohydrates, not from the inside. And dried fruits contain a huge amount of fiber, which normalizes intestinal function.
  3. Wheat and flour made from it. Flour products with a high gluten content are especially “dangerous”. According to D’Adamo’s theory, such products are generally contraindicated for owners of the second group.
  4. Corn and peanut oil. Despite this, you can eat cornmeal and peanuts in small quantities.
  5. Dairy products, including cheeses, yoghurts, kefir. Only low-fat cottage cheese is allowed in small quantities - it contains a fairly large amount of healthy proteins and vitamin D (which, according to Peter, is best obtained from ultraviolet radiation), but the milk base is minimal.
  6. Sweets. They should all be replaced with fruits rich in carbohydrates.
  7. Beans and legumes. They contain “complex” proteins that are difficult for the body to digest.

You should also completely avoid coffee, black tea, and sweet carbonated drinks. It is recommended to replace all this with natural juices and drinking water with the addition of a small amount of lemon or orange juice.

According to D’Adamo, people with the second blood group descended from the so-called “farmers”, so the basis of their diet is made up of products that you can grow yourself in your garden or garden. And that is why meat and milk, as a rule, are not included in their diet.


But “neutral” products include:

  1. soy in any form, including tofu;
  2. fish caviar (red, black, pike, etc.);
  3. berries;
  4. red dry wine(but use in moderation, only at dinner or a hearty lunch);
  5. peanuts, but be sure to dry them well to minimize fat content;
  6. greenery;
  7. herbal teas.

These are those foods that can be included in the diet, but not in such a way that they form its basis.

Sample menu for the week

Ideally, it should be compiled by a nutritionist for each patient separately (and first sent for general tests to assess physiology). But, in principle, the following menu would be an almost universal option:

  1. Day 1. For breakfast – rice (transparent rice) porridge and green tea. For lunch - vegetable soup and dried fruits. Afternoon snack – compote and apple. Dinner – champignons and stewed pumpkin (can be replaced with zucchini, but add olive oil when stewing).
  2. Day 2. For breakfast - buckwheat with soy milk, green tea. Lunch – green soup (it is recommended to add sorrel). Afternoon snack – nuts, fruits, prunes of your choice. Dinner - chicken fillet(can be replaced with turkey according to your taste).
  3. Day 3. For breakfast - fruit salad. Lunch – mushroom soup. Afternoon snack – nuts and dried fruits. Dinner – fish casserole with vegetables.
  4. Day 4. For breakfast - salad with cucumber. Lunch – soup with fried vegetables (as always – only in olive oil). Afternoon snack – dried fruit jelly. Dinner – baked chicken with mushrooms.
  5. Day 5. For breakfast - soy milk and corn muffin. Lunch – buckwheat porridge with vegetable gravy. Afternoon snack – pancakes made from corn flour. Dinner – baked mushrooms with orange sauce (you can just use lemon juice).
  6. Day 6. Breakfast - fruit salad and green tea. Dinner - rice porrige or boiled green beans. Afternoon snack – fruit jelly. Dinner – baked fish and pumpkin dessert (for every taste, but without dairy products).
  7. Day 7. Breakfast – rice porridge with soy meat. Lunch – green borscht (without tomatoes, with a lot of greens). Afternoon snack – pancakes made from corn or buckwheat flour. Dinner – chicken in caramel sauce (make the sauce from fructose or baked prunes).

Naturally, it is not necessary to follow the order of days. The menu can be adjusted at your discretion using the indicated dishes. Also, one should not forget about personal preferences - the body itself will “tell” which vitamins and minerals it lacks. You can also include simple nutritional supplements in your diet, such as brewer's yeast with zinc, magnesium, iron - this will help improve the overall condition of the skin.

Is this system effective for losing weight?

In principle, general recommendations for people with the second blood group, especially for women, already allow fundamental change get rid of a few extra pounds from your diet. Fatty meats and fish are excluded from the diet, as are complex protein foods. Namely, they most often lead to the gain of excess fat mass.

But for faster and noticeable weight loss, you can also follow the following recommendations:

  • do not eat after 6 pm;
  • Be sure to eat walnuts or pistachios every day (very good for brain function);
  • follow fractional meals (that is, food can be pre-cut using a food processor or a regular fork);
  • give yourself 2 or 3 “fasting” days every month, when you shouldn’t eat at all and only drink water with lemon juice;
  • Add carrots in any form to salads, soups, side dishes (fresh, grated, boiled, fried) - they contain vitamin A, which helps the body break down and absorb simple fats.

But it’s better to temporarily give up cabbage and oats– they contain substances that suppress the production of certain hormones and enzymes by the pancreas, which will increase the chance of fat accumulation and will hinder the process of losing weight.

Now we invite you to watch the video:


In summary, for those who have blood type 2, one of the main recommendations is to completely avoid or minimize the presence of fatty meats in the diet. It is better to replace it with soy or chicken breast (you can also use turkey). You should also give up fermented milk products in favor of vegetables and fruits.

Most of the suitable “ingredients” can be easily grown in your own garden. By following the above diet, a person will fully provide his body with all the necessary micronutrients, but there will be no excess fatty or protein foods, which cause excess weight gain.

Believe it or not, but by blood type you can determine the character and individual preferences of a person. In Japan, for example, when meeting someone or applying for a job, it is quite likely that the question will not be “what is your zodiac sign?”, but “what is your blood type?” A direct relationship between blood type and a person’s diet has also been proven.

The blood type is inherent in us initially and does not change throughout life. Scientists have long found out that if a person consumes only foods recommended for his blood type, then the problem of excess weight will never affect him. By choosing the right menu based on your physiological characteristics, you will not only gain slimness and beauty, but also gain new vitality and improve your well-being significantly. Tempting, isn't it? Let's see what it is diet for blood group 2 with positive or negative Rh factor. Let's figure out if there are contraindications and consider detailed menu products.

The diet for women with the second blood group resembles the diet of vegetarians, since the products for cooking are vegetables and fruits. Often, people with blood type 2 have a sensitive gastrointestinal tract. The delicate digestive system needs only the right food to feel good and not accumulate extra pounds. Plant foods cope with this task perfectly.

Eating foods such as meat, milk and baked goods leads to the deposition of fats in the subcutaneous layers of the body. This is explained by the fact that meat products are difficult to digest by the body, so lipid cells gradually accumulate and fat folds form. Getting rid of the fat that has accumulated over the years is not easy. Modern weight loss techniques can help with this. When switching to a special menu designed for people with blood type 2, as an addition to improving your well-being, you can receive a pleasant bonus in the form of excess weight loss.

The main foods for people with blood type 2 include:

  • vegetable oils that improve digestion;
  • vegetables that improve intestinal function and enhance metabolic functions;
  • fruits that improve the processing of toxins and calories.

Of all the existing fruits, pineapple is desirable. More than forty percent of the population with blood type 2 is Rh positive, especially women. But it must be said that the diet for the second positive and negative blood groups is identical.

Products from the "white list"

Unfortunately, few people have information about which products are recommended for them. The blood type diet (2 positive or negative) will be easy to use if you always have the approved food table for women in front of you. All of them are included in the so-called allowed - “white” list.

Products Names Comments
Seafood Perch, carp, cod and salmon
Dairy Hard cheese and soy milk Avoid whole milk.
Eggs Chicken and quail Don't cook
Oils and fats Olive and linseed
Nuts Peanut Do not fry
Seeds Pumpkin seeds
Cereals and cereals Buckwheat and amaranth Prepare soup or porridge from these ingredients.
Juices and liquids Juices: apricot, pineapple, plum, grapefruit and cherry Make it a habit to start your day with a glass boiled water with the addition of lemon juice.
Vegetables Cabbage, Jerusalem artichoke, broccoli, onions, carrots, greens, beans and lentils
Fruits and berries Pineapple, cherry, blackberry, plum, grapefruit, cranberry. Lemon
Dried fruits Raisins and figs

The proposed table of food products by blood type will help you when planning and creating your individual menu.

Products that bring neither benefit nor harm are in the middle - they are neutral (watermelon or grapes).

Nutrition according to blood group 2
+ 0
Beef, veal, lamb, liver, heart, Ground beef, ham, bacon, ham, goose meat, lard, pork, rabbit, duck meat Turkey, broiler chickens, chicken meat, eggs
Carp, salmon, mackerel, fresh herring, pike perch, cod, mackerel, trout Catfish, caviar, squid, flounder, salmon (smoked), halibut, crustaceans, salted and pickled herring, catfish, eel Smelt, seaweed, perch, sturgeon, river pike, tuna
Whole milk, food grade casein, skim milk, ice cream cream, whey, cow's milk cheese Yogurt, kefir, goat milk, sour cream, processed cheese, sheep milk cheese, homemade cottage cheese
Olive and linseed oil Peanut, coconut, butter, corn, cottonseed oil Cod liver oil, margarine, sunflower, soybean oil
Peanuts, pumpkin seeds Pistachios Almonds, walnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts, poppy and sunflower seeds

Let us briefly consider what these types of products are:

  • Turkey or chicken meat.
  • Seafood: perch, tuna, sturgeon and pike.
  • Dairy products: homemade cheeses, yoghurts, kefir, processed cheese.
  • Oils and fats: cod liver oil, rapeseed oil.
  • Nuts and seeds: walnuts, almonds and pine nuts.
  • Cereals and cereals: barley, oat and corn flakes.
  • Freshly squeezed juices: from grapes, cranberries, apples and cabbage.
  • Vegetable products: cucumbers, radishes, beets, asparagus, pumpkin, beans, peas.
  • Fruits and berries: watermelon, grapes, strawberries, pomegranate, kiwi and strawberries.

Well, let’s move on to the most “favorite” prohibited group of foods by many. When you include them in your diet, your health worsens, fat deposits begin to grow, and so on.

"Black list" of products

As you might have guessed, since there is a “white” list of products, there should also be an opposite one.

Types of foods prohibited for blood group 2:

  • Meat products: lamb, pork, beef, quail and rabbit meat.
  • Seafood: halibut, shrimp, herring, squid, crayfish and all types of caviar.
  • Milk products: butter, ice cream, cheeses, whole and skim milk.
  • Oils and fats: peanut, sesame, cottonseed and corn.
  • Cereals: bran products and wheat-based products.
  • Freshly squeezed juice (orange or tomato).
  • Vegetable products: eggplants; mushrooms from greenhouses, olives, potatoes and cabbage.
  • Berries and fruits: oranges, tangerines, coconuts, mangoes.

People with blood type 2 should avoid all the foods listed above. Surely it will be difficult for most to give up, for example, potatoes. Eating foods from the “black list” is allowed extremely rarely and in small portions. However, over time you will get used to it, and this will be more than enough.

Sample menu for the week

Many people are scared by the word diet. Images of meager portions and lack of taste in dishes appear in my head. This is not true; following proper nutrition can be tasty and varied. To make it easier for you to create a new food menu for every day, let’s look at an illustrative example.

So, a weekly diet could be as follows:

Day Eating Menu


Breakfast Rice porridge with any of the permitted fruits. Tea.
Soup (cook by adding some potatoes, carrots and white cabbage). You can also make an appetizer of tomatoes with olive oil.
Dinner Stew the vegetables and drink a glass of pineapple juice.
Breakfast Buckwheat porridge with soybean milk. A mug of any tea.
Soup with sorrel and eggs and salad. Grated carrots.
Turkey fillet and side dish of rice with vegetables. A glass of cherry or raspberry juice.
Wednesday Breakfast Vegetable or fruit salad if desired. Cup of coffee.
Dinner Mushroom soup with seasonal vegetables. You can also make a salad.
Dinner Fish baked with boiled beans. A glass of juice.
Breakfast Buckwheat porridge. Tea.
Dinner Fish soup with vegetables.
Dinner Oven baked fruits. If desired, you can use hard cheese. Juice.
Breakfast Rice porridge cooked with soy milk. Coffee.
Dinner Potatoes baked with fish.
Dinner Salad of fresh tomatoes and herbs.
Breakfast Fresh green salad with boiled egg.
Dinner Soup (with potatoes, carrots and white cabbage) or pumpkin puree.
Dinner Turkey or chicken fillet plus vegetable side dish.


Breakfast Fruit salad with the obligatory addition of pineapple.
Dinner Mushroom soup with added herbs.
Dinner A piece of cheese and a glass of tea.

For the next week, the diet may be similar, or with changes, but always based on the use of products from the list of permitted ones. It is better to eat 5 times a day. Have snacks between main meals. Ideal for them: nuts, fruits and dried fruits, as well as berries. If you still feel hungry, fresh vegetables are allowed.


The most important thing to remember is that weight loss can only be effective when it is comprehensive. Otherwise, the success achieved will be short-lived. Soon the lost kilograms will return in one and a half volumes.

What is included in comprehensive weight loss:

  • Eat right;
  • Introduce physical activity into your life;
  • Get enough sleep;
  • Always have a positive attitude towards life;
  • Use the funds traditional medicine- herbs and tinctures.

People with the second blood group are classified as farmers. This type of blood was formed when agricultural skills appeared in people. In the world, 37.8% of the population have a second blood group.

People with blood type A are characterized by:

  • organized, constancy, adapts well to any changes.
  • first
  • have a sensitive digestive system.
  • have a strong immune system.
  • Self-soothing is a way to relieve stress.

The diet for blood type A is based on the consumption of plant foods.

It is better to include plant foods in the diet for blood group II. Meat products must be completely excluded from the diet. Digestive system of people with blood type II Digests poorly and assimilates meat products. It is rare to include lean poultry meat in the diet for blood type II.

Dairy products, especially whole milk, should not be included in the diet for blood group II. These products inhibit the metabolic process in the body and cause allergic reactions.

When creating a diet menu for blood type A important know, what products I contribute increase or weight loss. Let's look at them in more detail.

Foods that increase weight in people with blood type II:

  1. Meat products. Digested and absorbed poorly. They accumulate in the body in the form of fat and food toxins.
  2. Dairy products. Slow down the metabolic process in the body.
  3. Vegetable and lima beans. Reacts poorly with enzymes of the digestive system and inhibits metabolism.
  4. Wheat. Reduces the effect of insulin.

Products that reduce weight in people with blood type II:

  1. Vegetable oils. Promote better digestion and reduce swelling.
  2. Soy products. Accelerate the digestion process. Well absorbed by the body.
  3. Vegetables. Improve intestinal activity and speed up metabolism.
  4. Pineapples. They burn extra calories and speed up intestinal activity.

Important know when drawing up a menu for the second blood group, what products nutrition should be completely exclude, and which ones to include in the diet in large quantities.

Let's take a closer look at the different product categories.

Meat products for a diet with blood type A:

  • healthy products No.
  • neutral products: chicken, chicken, turkey meat.
  • completely exclude lamb, duck, heart, liver, pork, beef, rabbit, veal.

Seafood for the diet for the second blood group:

  • very healthy products: carp, rainbow trout, mackerel, cod, sardine. The snail is edible.
  • neutral products include: sea bass, smelt, pike, shark, tuna. Sturgeon, stone perch, croaker.
  • It is prohibited to eat: sea pike, anchovy, beluga, scallop, caviar, squid. Flounder, shrimp, smoked salmon, lobster, sole, striped catfish. Crayfish, mussels, herring in any culinary preparation, oysters, eel.

Eggs and dairy products for the diet for blood group II:

  • healthy products: cheese and soy milk.
  • neutral products: yogurt, goat milk and cheese, homemade cottage cheese, kefir, processed cheese. Feta and Mozzarella cheese.
  • exclude from the diet: ice cream, whey, hard cheeses, whole milk, blue cheese. Milk sherbet, food grade casein, buttermilk, butter, skim milk, eggs.

Fats and oils for the diet for blood type A:

  • healthy olive and flaxseed oil.
  • neutral rapeseed oil and cod liver oil.
  • exclude corn oil, peanut and sesame oil, cottonseed oil.

Cereals and cereals for the diet for the second blood group:

  • Very healthy cereals from buckwheat and shiritsa.
  • neutral grains: barley, spelled, bran from oats and rice, oatmeal or flour, corn flour, rice and puffed millet. Corn flakes - cornflakes.
  • exclude wheat from the diet.

Bread and bakery products for the blood group diet (blood group II):

  • healthy products: bread made from soy flour, rice cakes, bread made from sprouted wheat.
  • neutral products: rye bread, corn bread, crispbread, wheat bread (spelt), rice bread, gluten-free bread.
  • It is not recommended to include in the menu: wheat bread, grain bread, wheat matzo, bread based on rye meal. Baked goods containing a large amount of proteins.

Seeds and nuts for blood type (blood group II):

  • must include pumpkin seeds, peanuts and peanut butter.
  • neutral products: poppy seeds, walnuts and pine nuts, sesame and sesame-based paste, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts. Edible chestnuts, sunflower seed paste, nuts and almond paste.
  • It is prohibited to eat pistachios, cashews and American nuts.

Legume products for the diet for the second blood group:

  • healthy foods: regular vegetable beans, lentils, radiant beans, spotted beans, black beans.
  • neutral products: green peas, broad beans, white beans and peas. Green peas and beans, shelled beans.
  • completely eliminate chickpeas, copper beans, dark beans, lima beans, and red beans.

Vegetables for the diet for blood type A:

  • healthy foods: garlic, spinach, turnips, chicory, carrots, homemade artichoke, Jerusalem artichoke. Leafy vegetables. Edible hibiscus, parsnips, red onions, parsley, asparagus and kale. Leeks, Spanish and yellow onions, Swiss chard, kohlrabi.
  • neutral foods: pumpkin, celery, green olives, cucumbers, radishes, asparagus. Rutabaga, avocado, Brussels sprouts, green onions and shallots, canola, white and yellow corn, young mustard leaves. Beetroot, cumin, cauliflower, fennel.
  • harmful foods: tomatoes, all types of olives (except green), yams. Red and white potatoes, hot peppers (hot), lima beans, eggplants, greenhouse mushrooms. Sweet potatoes, green and yellow peppers, red cabbage, white cabbage, Chinese cabbage.

Berries and fruits for the diet for the second blood group:

  • very healthy fruits: prunes, raisins, grapefruit, figs, apricots, blueberries, lemon. Blueberries, pineapples, lingonberries, blackberries, cherries, plums, cranberries.
  • neutral products: elderberry, watermelon, pomegranate, apples, black grapes, black and red currants. Persimmon, melon, dates, peaches and nectarines, lime, raspberries, gooseberries. Red and green grapes, kiwi, strawberries, pears.
  • excluded from the diet: coconuts, bananas, tangerines, oranges, papaya. Mango, rhubarb, honeydew melon and Cantaloupe variety.

Spices, spices for the diet for the second blood group:

  • healthy products: soy sauce, barley malt, ginger, garlic sauce, black molasses.
  • neutral products: tarragon, almond extract, sage, horseradish, caraway seeds, dill, thyme. Rosemary, Spanish paprika, red pepper, spearmint and peppermint, nutmeg. Bay leaf, marjoram, turmeric, corn starch, cinnamon, curry. Allspice, coriander, mustard, vanilla, cardamom, anise, basil.
  • It is prohibited to consume apple and balsamic vinegar, wine vinegar and white vinegar. Capers, ground black and white pepper, food gelatin.

Diet sauces for people with blood group II:

  • A very useful product is mustard.
  • Neutral products include jellies and jams, pickles, relish, low-fat salad dressings, marinades and pickles.
  • It is prohibited to use mayonnaise, ketchup, and spicy soy sauce.

Drinks and juices for blood type A:

  • very healthy juices from plums, apricots, black cherries, carrots, pineapple, grapefruit and celery. Water with lemon juice, green tea, coffee, red wine.
  • neutral drinks: apple cider, vegetable juices from permitted vegetables. Apple and grape juice, white wine.
  • Do not drink tomato juice, orange juice, papaya juice, beer, black tea, or alcohol.

Herbal infusions and teas for the blood type diet (blood type 2):

  • healthy teas and infusions from rose hips, chamomile, echinacea, St. John's wort. Valerian, aloe, hawthorn, smooth elm, burdock, fenugreek. Alfalfa, ginseng, ginger.
  • neutral products: sage, elderberry, hops, verbena, yarrow. Mullein, thyme, linden, licorice root, coltsfoot. Raspberry and strawberry leaves, white birch buds, peppermint, shepherd's purse, dandelion.
  • exclude from the diet: catnip, rhubarb, cayenne pepper, red clover, corn silk.

Very it is important to combine diet for the second blood group with exercise. Of all the exercises, relaxation sports are suitable for people with the second blood group: yoga, swimming, slow-paced aerobics and stretching.

The Blood Type 2 Positive Diet is an eating plan based on your blood type. This type of diet became popular after the publication of Peter D'Adamo's book Eat Right 4 Your Type. The book became a bestseller; its author claims that diet is not only about weight loss, it can help with allergies, increase resistance to infections, and improve overall health.

A New Look on the connection between nutrition and health was proposed by the American physician Dr. P. J. D'Adamo, who put forward a completely new and revolutionary theory of nutrition. It is based on the correlation of food composition to individual blood groups. Basically, it is based on the individuality of each person, manifested, among other things, by attitude to nutrition and genetically determined congenital factors.

P. D'Adamo

P. J. D'Adamo continued his father's research, based on the proven fact that each blood type arose during a separate period of human development. Therefore, it can be assumed that it carries genetic information about the lifestyle and living conditions of that period. In his research dr. D'Adamo and his colleagues studied hundreds of staple foods to find out how they stack up against red blood cells in particular.

The scientific basis for this nutritional principle

Modern research has demonstrated that carriers of certain blood types may have an increased or decreased risk of certain diseases. But there are no studies showing that diet influences these risks. A large-scale review study (Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 98, Issue 1, July 1, 2013) that examined thousands of expert articles found no sufficiently robust work to support the dietary requirements proposed by Dr. D'Adamo . The result of the study was the statement that there was no evidence to support his theory. One of the works that found some connection even contradicts the recommendations of the author of the blood group diet.

How and why does it work?

The principle is very simple. According to experts and doctors, every person's immune system is able to detect whether a substance is negative or positive for the body. But for this identification, the body uses not one method, but several.

One of them is identification through chemical substances, antigens. They are present in the cells of absolutely all organisms, and one of their types is responsible for recognizing blood groups, each of which is distinguished by precisely this antigen and a different chemical structure.

How does this relate to nutrition? When the immune system detects a foreign antigen entering the body, it immediately creates antibodies to destroy it. It has been discovered that different foods contain different antigens that react negatively only with certain blood types. Therefore, what is suitable for one person may not be suitable for another.

Purpose of Dr. D'Adamo's scheme

It may seem that we are talking about the area of ​​sci-fi (science fiction). May be. But meals for 2 positive group blood has a right to exist. People who observe it testify to fast weight loss without side effects(fatigue, hunger, etc.).

One of the positive aspects of this scheme is the improvement in overall body tone. Whether it is due to the elimination of extra pounds or the direct positive effects of nutrition is unclear.

Diet or lifestyle?

Nutrition according to blood group 2 with positive Rh is not a dietary scheme as such, it should reflect a new lifestyle. After giving it up, the kilograms will return. The diet is quite varied, so the body does not experience “deprivation”, as with a number of other radical regimens.

What do representatives of this group “like” in nutrition?

Representatives of group 2 with positive Rh (A Rh+) ​​are the first vegetarians with a sensitive digestive tract, a stable immune system, good adaptation to new foods and environmental changes.

According to historical data, this blood type originated in Asia or the Middle East 25,000-15,000 years ago due to mutations in blood group 0 (1st). This was a reaction to changes in environment associated with the transition to a culture based on agriculture and the domestication of animals.

Permitted and prohibited products: table

Extracts of the studied food precipitated erythrocytes of individual blood groups. In accordance with these reactions, nutrition for positive blood group 2 (table below) is based on suitable and unsuitable foods.

SuitableAllowed in small quantitiesUnsuitable
Productcal/100 gProductkcal/100 g
Fish with dark meat (perch, cod, mackerel)80-100 Olive and linseed oil810 Meat from large animals
Garlic149 Fermented dairy products70 White meat fish (e.g. flounder)
Bird100-200 Sugar400 Whole milk
Green beans36 Chocolate570 Dairy products (except fermented)
Soybeans and products made from them280 Molasses300 Corn sprout oil
Lentils90 Eggs40 Beans
Peanut620 Wheat products400 Butter
Grapefruit41 Seaweed extract84 Melon
Green onions40 Corn86 White cabbage
Carrot42 Rice120 Sweet potato
Kohlrabi31 Pepper
wheat germ90 Potato
Broccoli33 Banana
Spinach32 Mango
Blackberry30 Papaya
Plums59 Orange
Apricots48 Vinegar
Figs150 Ketchup
A pineapple46

Detailed tables detailing prohibited and permitted foods for blood group 2:

Drinking regime

For people with positive blood type 2, herbal teas and herbal stimulating drinks are suitable. Recommended:

  • aloe;
  • echinacea;
  • alfalfa;
  • burdock;
  • hawthorn.

Good juices from the above types of fruits, red wine (no more than 1 glass daily), coffee, green tea.


  • black tea;
  • beer;
  • lemonades;
  • mineral waters;
  • strong alcoholic drinks.

Nutritional features for children, the elderly, pregnant women

Although the assumptions and research results regarding the diet plan for people with A Rh+ are not scientifically based, proven, it is very popular. Maybe the reason for this is the “expert” sound of the name. But searching for a miraculous method of losing weight and improving your health is akin to searching for the holy grail or elixir of youth.

Due to sufficient diversity and relative balance, P. D’Adamo’s nutritional principle is not contraindicated for children, the elderly, and pregnant women. It is important to simply find “your” products.

Quitting the diet

All diets have one thing in common – short duration. In a sense they are extreme. They cannot be followed for a long time. A person begins certain restrictions in the hope of improving his figure in a month.

But going back to regular food is the worst idea. If you really succeed in losing weight, returning to your previous diet is a guarantee of the “yo-yo” effect. Therefore, nutrition for weight loss involves adjusting your diet once and for all. Those. It's about consistent compliance with dietary rules.

Indications and contraindications

The main advantage of P. D’Adamo’s scheme is the almost complete absence of contraindications. An exception is individual intolerance to certain foods for blood group 2, which must be excluded from the diet and replaced with analogues.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of the food plan:

  1. If the diet contains your favorite foods, the diet will be enjoyable.
  2. An opportunity to think about the food you consume in general.


  1. Based on unproven assumptions.
  2. The menu may be missing some important nutrients. Especially if you compile it yourself, without knowledge of the principles of a rational diet.
  3. Some allowed vs prohibited foods are controversial.

Facts and myths

The most common myths regarding P. D'Adamo's scheme.

Myth: Cereals and muesli for breakfast are what you need.

In a diet regimen, all dehydrated foods should be avoided. To lose weight, you need to increase your intake of foods high in water. It provides food with juiciness and volume, as a result of which a person gets full much faster.

Myth: Light products help you lose weight

The “light” designation on the product packaging indicates that it has a lower energy value, mainly achieved by reducing the fat content. Light foods marketed as 0% fat often contain other ingredients that increase energy intake.

Myth: Fruits are healthy, so they can be consumed unlimitedly.

Fruits are sources of vitamins, minerals, other important substances, soluble and insoluble fiber. Everyone knows that they need to be consumed regularly. But with dietary restrictions in the diet, they should be present on the menu in reasonable quantities. In addition, suitable species must be given priority.

Eating according to blood group 2 is not a diet as such. This is a healthy lifestyle. Once you begin to follow its principles, it is recommended to constantly adhere to them.

Weight loss doesn't have to be drastic. To start, simply reduce portions, choose foods carefully, but not at the expense of taste or variety. You can eliminate or replace some menu components.

Movement is also important. To maintain the effect on your figure and health, a daily one-hour walk is recommended.

Menu for 1 day

One-day menu for the diet of people with a second positive blood group:

  1. Breakfast: buckwheat.
  2. Lunch: chicken salad, lentils.
  3. Afternoon snack: tomato and pepper salad.
  4. Dinner: oatmeal with berries.

Menu for the week: video recipes

The following menu example can be adjusted in accordance with personal preferences - otherwise, combine, exclude, add, replace products.

  1. Breakfast: ham + vegetables + whole grain bread.
  2. Afternoon snack No. 1: chicken breast in butter.
  3. Lunch: trout, salad.
  4. Afternoon snack No. 2: ham.
  5. Dinner: smoked mackerel.

  1. Breakfast: ham, scrambled eggs.
  2. Afternoon snack No. 1: fish.
  3. Lunch: Grilled chicken strips.
  4. Afternoon snack No. 2: ham + vegetables.
  5. Dinner: Korean soy meat.

  1. Breakfast: fish pate, bread.
  2. Afternoon snack No. 1: ham + vegetables.
  3. Lunch: pork with curry.
  4. Afternoon snack No. 2: chicken.
  5. Dinner: turkey + rice.

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal with raisins, coffee.
  2. Snack #1: Greek yogurt.
  3. Lunch: carrot soup with chickpeas, whole grain bread.
  4. Afternoon snack No. 2: blueberries.
  5. Dinner: buckwheat with mushrooms, herbal tea.

  1. Breakfast: cucumber salad with egg, tea.
  2. Afternoon snack No. 1: plums.
  3. Lunch: steamed fish.
  4. Afternoon snack No. 2: prunes or nuts.
  5. Dinner: asparagus with tofu, herbal tea.

  1. Breakfast: vegetable salad.
  2. Afternoon snack No. 1: cottage cheese.
  3. Dinner: rice soup, whole wheat bread.
  4. Afternoon snack No. 2: any suitable fruit.
  5. Dinner: fish, Brussels sprouts.

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal toast, coffee.
  2. Afternoon snack No. 1: grapefruit.
  3. Lunch: zucchini, sheep cheese.
  4. Afternoon snack No. 2: yogurt.
  5. Dinner: chicken, vegetable salad.

Price of food for a week

The cost of food given in the table is very approximate. It depends on the specific food consumed, its quantity, combinations and, of course, the place of purchase.

ProductsCost per week, rub.
Fish: carp, salmon, mackerel, perch, trout, sardines500
Milk, cheeses, eggs: soy milk, tofu300
Oils and fats: flaxseed oil, olive oil400
Nuts and seeds200
Fruits: pineapples, cranberries, figs, lemons, plums, blueberries, greens, apricots, raisins300
Vegetables: artichokes, broccoli, horseradish, garlic, carrots, pumpkin, leafy vegetables, spinach300
Cereals and pasta: wheat, rye, oat, buckwheat, rye flour, rice200
Legumes: red lentils100
Additional expenses150

As you can see, products for positive blood group 2 will not cost more than your usual diet. Therefore, its compliance will not affect the budget.

Nutrition based on a person’s blood type has a beneficial effect on the general condition and helps strengthen the immune system. It is believed that, depending on the group, everyone has inherent predispositions to certain pathologies.

People with positive blood group 2 are more likely to develop gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, it is recommended to consume exactly those foods that are suitable for your blood.

Nutrition according to blood type (2 positive group predominates over all others, so special attention is paid to it) is based on D’Adamo’s theory. According to his views, blood was divided into groups gradually and food had a direct change in the composition of plasma.

Initially, everyone had the same blood group (1st). At this time, the diet was dominated by meat, which was obtained by hunters. Man gradually developed and began to engage in agriculture. The diet changed (plant foods appeared), which led to the formation of the 2nd blood group.

Man continued to develop further and began to breed domestic animals, which again affected the diet and education of the 3rd group. The last, 4th group, appeared relatively recently; it occurred due to the mixing of the 2nd and 3rd groups.

According to D’Adamo, a person should eat the food that people ate when groups were formed.

It is she who is able to be completely absorbed by the body and does not harm it. If a person’s diet contains food that is not typical for his blood type, then it will not be digested normally. The body will reject it, extra pounds will begin to be deposited and diseases will develop.

On the left is Peter D Adamo. The man who invented nutrition according to blood group 1,2,3,4 positive

Based on the statements, D’Adamo divides food products accordingly into groups into 3 types:

  • useful. It brings only benefits to the body;
  • neutral. Does not have any effect on the human body;
  • harmful. It disrupts the balance in the body, causes the development of pathologies and rapid weight gain.

Additionally, physical activity is determined for each group. And taking dietary supplements is necessary. They are needed to compensate for the deficiency nutrients excluded by diet. In this nutritional principle, there are no restrictions on portion sizes or strict meal times. It is only important to eat foods that match your blood type.

This theory has no medical evidence or justification, but has factual evidence.

People who followed a blood diet noted significant changes in health (in the direction of improvement) and additional weight loss to normal. These improvements were maintained on an ongoing basis, subject to continued compliance with dietary rules.

Features and rules of the diet for 2 positive blood group

Nutrition, blood type 2 is positive, the main emphasis is on a vegetarian menu(occasionally it is allowed to consume white poultry meat to replenish the cost of animal protein). This is due to the fact that the ancestors of this group developed Agriculture. Therefore, plant foods predominated in their diet.

People in this group have low stomach acidity, which prevents them from fully digesting and assimilating meat products. Its use causes disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (pain and disruption of the stomach, intestinal obstruction). Also, due to low acidity, you should not eat sour, spicy and fatty foods. It is prohibited to consume dairy products.

This additionally encourages people of blood type 2 to focus on food of plant origin. Compliance with this diet allows you to normalize metabolic processes, which leads to cleansing the body of harmful substances. This change affects the improvement of well-being and appearance. The recommended period of following the diet is at least 3 months.

The nutritional rules must also include yoga, swimming and dancing.

This allows you to increase the endurance of the immune system, and if weight loss is necessary, it will speed up the weight loss process. Also, to strengthen the immune system and replenish the lack of vitamins, it is necessary to take a complex of vitamin preparations.

Failure to comply with the blood group diet often leads to the development of diabetes mellitus, the formation of benign and malignant tumors and mental imbalance. In the autumn-spring period they are often exposed to colds.

Gender features of diet

Dietary nutrition differs not only by blood type, but also by gender. This should be taken into account when planning your diet. The main distinguishing feature of organisms is the difference in metabolic processes.

In women, metabolism proceeds more slowly than in the stronger sex. What nuances should be taken into account when creating a menu for men and women.

Male Female
It is necessary to eat dishes and foods high in protein. It is a necessary element in the formation muscle mass and balancing a man’s hormonal levels. Since the consumption of meat dishes in the diet is at a minimum, it is necessary to consume more nuts and fish. You can use dietary supplements. The diet should consist of foods with fewer calories. Since the female body is predisposed to rapid weight gain (provided by nature for the safe bearing of a child during pregnancy).
The diet should consist of more high-calorie dishes. Men are exposed to more physical activity every day, which leads to more calories burned per day. Additionally, energy is spent on maintaining muscle mass (which a man has more than a woman). We need more foods containing iron and calcium. Blood loss occurs due to the menstrual cycle and childbirth. A lack of these substances causes bone fragility and a deterioration in overall health.
The menu must contain products containing selenium and zinc. These substances are necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system, in particular, they affect potency.
Due to the predisposition to obesity, the basis of the diet should be vegetables and fruits (but not fried).
Eat more foods containing fiber, as the male sex is susceptible to the formation of cholesterol. Women's portion sizes should be smaller, but they should eat food more often than men. Since ladies spend fewer calories and the metabolic process is reduced.
It is recommended to limit the consumption of protein of plant origin (peas, soy, lentils), as they stimulate the formation of female sex hormones. Reduce your consumption of sweets, they quickly lead to weight gain.
Limit your intake of foods containing calcium, as it increases the likelihood of developing prostate cancer. Alcohol should be kept to a minimum. Female body has a greater predisposition to alcohol dependence.

When drawing up a menu taking into account the calorie content of food, it is important to take into account what kind of physical stress the body experiences (working conditions, presence of sports hobbies).

Authorized Products

Nutrition according to blood type is based on creating a menu of healthy foods and excluding harmful ones.

Eating according to blood group 2 positive means eating certain foods and prohibiting others.

For the 2nd positive group, the list of permitted products includes:

Vegetables and root vegetables:

  • spinach;
  • carrot;
  • garlic;
  • turnip;
  • cabbage;
  • pumpkin;
  • Jerusalem artichoke;
  • chicory;
  • broccoli.


  • pineapples;
  • apple;
  • grapefruit;
  • lemon;
  • plum;
  • figs


  • everything is red except for barberry.



  • pumpkins.


  • buckwheat;
  • cereals;
  • rye;

Flour products:

  • bread made from rye and soy flour;
  • waffles from rice flour.


Vegetable oils:

  • olive;
  • rapeseed;
  • flaxseed

Marine products:


  • green and herbal tea;
  • Red wine);
  • juices from permitted fruits and berries;
  • coffee.


  • mustard.

The exception to dairy products is completely low-fat cottage cheese.

When compiling a menu of permitted products, it is necessary to take into account existing contraindications in the presence of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Prohibited Products

When eating according to blood group 2, it is strictly forbidden to include the following foods in the diet:



  • caviar;
  • oysters;
  • frog legs;
  • crayfish;
  • octopuses;
  • mussels, clams;
  • anchovies;
  • greenling;
  • herring;
  • flounder;

Milk products:

  • cheeses (except feta);
  • butter;
  • milk;
  • ice cream;
  • yoghurts.

Vegetable oils:

  • peanut;
  • sesame;
  • cotton;
  • coconut;
  • corn



Flour products:

  • bread and pasta products made from durum wheat or whole grain flour.


  • eggplant;
  • tomatoes;
  • mushrooms;
  • bell pepper;
  • potato;
  • Chinese and white cabbage.



  • ketchup;
  • mayonnaise;
  • marinades.


  • mint tea;
  • from prohibited vegetables and fruits;
  • beer;
  • vodka;
  • cognac;
  • Black tea;
  • drinks containing gas.

Sweets (sugar, chocolate, candies) are completely excluded. The beneficial substances contained in these products must be obtained by taking vitamin supplements. Otherwise, a lack of nutrients, minerals and vitamins may develop.

Products that slow down the process of weight loss with positive blood type 2

Nutrition according to blood type (2 positive) also highlights a list of foods that can slow down the process of burning excess fat deposits. They do not carry any special nutritional value or harm to the body; they are more neutral. But their use inhibits the metabolic process in tissues.

The list of these products includes:


Marine products:

  • perch;
  • sturgeon;
  • seaweed;
  • pike and other river fish;
  • cod liver oil;
  • smelt.

Milk and its products:

Vegetable oils:

  • sunflower;
  • soy.

Honey is also one of these products.


  • pearl barley;
  • corn;
  • millet;
  • barley


  • White wine;
  • champagne;
  • juices from neutral berries.



  • poppy;
  • sunflower.

Bean varieties:

  • green peas;
  • young beans in pods and white.

Vegetables and greens:


  • avocado;
  • grapes and raisins;
  • pear;
  • peach;
  • any dried fruits;
  • kiwi.


  • watermelon;
  • gooseberry;
  • raspberries.

Flour products:

  • cookies from oatmeal;
  • products based on corn flour.


Sweet products:

  • jams;
  • jelly;
  • dark chocolate;
  • marshmallows

A list of these products can be included in the diet, but in small quantities.

Weekly menu for women

It is recommended to prepare a diet based on blood group separately for males and females.

Days Breakfast Snack Dinner Snack Dinner
1st Buckwheat porridge, in water, not boiled. Kefir, low fat. Chamomile flower tea. Grapefruit or apple. Baked carp or pike perch. Stewed stew of broccoli, oyster mushrooms (mushrooms) and carrots. Green tea. Peanut or pineapple. Boiled, white meat chicken. Boiled rice. Cucumber salad with olive oil.
2nd Boiled eggs (2 pcs.). Waffles made with rice flour. Salad with Jerusalem artichoke and spinach in olive oil (or without it). Green tea. Grapefruit or apple Baked cod with carrots and onions. Boiled broccoli. Apple juice. Plums or almonds. Baked mackerel with seaweed salad. Carrot juice.
3rd Porridge from oatmeal with red berries. And rye bread. Coffee. Avocado or pear Roasted white meat turkey. Pumpkin and rice porridge. Salad of greens and cucumber with olive oil. Pineapple juice. Apple or grapefruit Baked salmon fillet with zucchini, carrots and onions. Peanut. Apple juice.
4th Pearl barley porridge in water with raisins. Green tea. Peanuts or almonds. White meat chicken stewed with mushrooms and onions. Crispbread from rye flour. Coffee. Cedar nuts. Boiled pike perch with boiled green peas. Stewed kale with herbs. Chamomile tea.
5th Porridge from corn grains with apple pieces. Low calorie yogurt. Green tea. Watermelon or apple. Boiled chicken meat (white). Buckwheat porridge. Kale and cucumber salad with olive oil. Coffee. Dark chocolate. Baked carp with soybeans. Stewed or fresh turnips. Juice from red berries.
6th Cottage cheese with raisins. Rye bread. Cherry juice. Gooseberries. Apple and carrot salad. Boiled trout with buckwheat porridge (on water). Green tea. Pumpkin or sunflower seeds. Cucumber and radish salad. Baked chicken with broccoli. Apple juice.
7th Soy milk porridge made from oat flakes. Jelly from permitted berries or fruits. Coffee. Dark chocolate. Baked chicken with turnips or zucchini. Apple and carrot salad. Peanut. Chamomile tea. Peach or pineapple. Baked mackerel with boiled rice. Cucumber salad. Green tea with jam.

If desired, fruits and nuts can be interchanged from the list of permitted products.

You can also make substitutions according to your fish preferences. If there is a lack of protein or iron in the body, you need to add fresh apples, buckwheat porridge and boiled eggs to your diet. The menu must be changed week by week and adjusted according to how you feel. Use products from the approved or neutral lists.

  • cranberries Helps normalize the functioning of the reproductive system and fights inflammatory reactions;
  • orange. It is on the prohibited list. But once every 10 days it is necessary to include it in the diet. This fruit contains the necessary supply of folic acid;
  • soybeans and cabbage of different varieties inhibits and destroys the development of cancer cells;
  • seaweed and legumes help replenish iron deficiency;
  • dairy products (ryazhenka, yogurt, cottage cheese) Low fat content helps maintain the required strength of bone tissue.

Weekly menu for men

Nutrition according to blood group 2 positive for men:

Days Breakfast Snack Dinner Snack Dinner
1st Boiled rice with apricot. Coffee. Pumpkin seeds or apple. Radish and cucumber salad dressed with olive oil. Broccoli, carrot and onion soup with white chicken. Rye bread. Cedar nuts. Green tea. Pumpkin puree soup. Stew of mushrooms, carrots, onions with baked carp. Pineapple juice.
2nd Buckwheat porridge with soy milk. Chamomile tea. Pine or plum nuts. Soup with white meat chicken with sorrel, onions and eggs. Rice flour cookies. Coffee. Dark chocolate. Baked white meat turkey with zucchini, onions and carrots. Cranberry juice or fruit drink.
3rd Cabbage and cucumber salad. Cashew nuts. Coffee. Dark chocolate. Mushroom soup with fried onions and carrots in olive oil. Seaweed salad with egg. Rye bread and green tea. Peanut or grapefruit. Baked mackerel with young green beans. Cashew and apple juice.
4th Omelet with soybean oil. Rosehip drink. Grapefruit. Lentil soup with white meat chicken. Cucumber and onion salad with olive oil. Yogurt with low cheese content. Green tea. Pineapple juice with pulp. Baked trout with zucchini, onions and carrots. Rye bread. Pear. Carrot juice.
5th Oatmeal porridge with milk and red berries. Rice flour cookies. Coffee. Dark chocolate. Broccoli cabbage soup with chicken, carrots and onions. Cucumber and radish salad. Cashew nuts. Green tea. Low fat cottage cheese with pineapple slices. Baked turkey meat along with carrots and onions. Stewed pumpkin. Plums. Rose hip decoction
6th Buckwheat porridge with soy milk. Apple. Green tea. Low fat kefir and any red berries. Baked fish with boiled rice. Cucumber and radish salad. Coffee. Dark chocolate. Baked mackerel with onions and boiled buckwheat. Grapefruit. Apple juice.
7th Omelet with soy milk. Peach. Coffee. Apple and carrot salad. Boiled chicken (white meat) with boiled rice. Pineapple and apple salad. Coffee. Low fat yogurt with apricot. Carp stewed with zucchini, carrots and onions. Cucumber and radish salad. Rice flour cookies. Pomegranate juice.

If necessary, products can be replaced with interchangeable ones from the table. And also based on taste preferences. Additionally, it is necessary to take into account the presence of which products are desirable in the diet.


  • fish. Helps strengthen the heart muscles. There should be more of it than chicken in a man’s diet;
  • tomato. It is on the prohibited list, but it is recommended to include it in the diet once a week. It serves as a prevention for pancreatic cancer and affects sperm motility;
  • Bulgarian pepper. It is on the prohibited list. It can be included in small quantities when preparing stews or salads. The product affects muscle and bone tissue;
  • oat groats. Must be consumed in any form. It promotes the removal of cholesterol and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • honey. Supplies the body with all useful substances. It is recommended for the male population with an active lifestyle;
  • nuts must be present daily. They have a beneficial effect on potency;
  • pomegranate and its juice protect the prostate gland from cancer, replenish the lack of vitamins.

When compiling a dietary menu, it is necessary to take into account the importance of these products and include them in the diet.

The results that the diet promises

Nutrition according to blood group allows you to regulate metabolic processes. As a result, toxins and waste are removed from the body, excess weight disappears (and fat cells are also full of harmful substances). As a result, the body rejuvenates from the inside. The condition of the skin, hair and bone tissue changes.

If you follow the diet for at least 3 months, the achieved result lasts for a long time (due to the normalization of metabolism).

Additionally, the elimination of chronic diseases of the digestive tract and other organs is noted, due to the normalization of the body’s functioning. Before switching to this diet, it is recommended to consult a therapist to exclude contraindications.

Nutrition based on blood groups excludes the consumption of some important foods. Therefore, the duration of the diet and the need to repeat it should be discussed with your doctor and monitor changes in test results. For the 2nd positive group this is especially important, since they have a weak digestive tract.

Article format: Oksana Grivina

Video about nutrition according to blood type 2 positive

What should the menu be like:

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