Was there an increase in the price of motor insurance this year? There will still be a sharp rise in the price of compulsory motor insurance, just in a year - expert

The deadline for expanding the tariff corridor in the “autocitizen” is postponed for a formal reason: due to the fact that the Central Bank does not have time to register the normative act with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

The shift in the timing of changes in basic compulsory motor liability insurance rates is purely technical in nature, as stated by the head of the insurance market department of the Bank of Russia, Philip Gabunia. That is, there is no point in hoping that the regulator will refuse to expand the upper and lower thresholds of the rate. This means that auto insurance policies will still rise in price, just not at the end of summer 2018, but at the beginning of autumn.

Let us remind you that tariffs will change from 3,432 – 4,118 rubles to 2,746 – 4,942 rubles. Nowadays, insurers generally apply the upper limit, so they will consider expanding the range as a rate increase. They do not hide this, saying that they will cover it (15 billion rubles). OSAGO policies for most car owners will rise in price by about 20%.

News / In Russia

A large insurer that has recruited clients under OSAGO may leave them without payments

In the event of sharp fluctuations in unprofitability and a deterioration in the economic situation, Rosenergo may not be able to cope with its obligations to its customers. This conclusion was made by the actuary based on the results of the mandatory assessment...

6744 0 0 20.07.2018

New base rates will also be introduced for motorcycle owners (from 694 to 1.4 thousand rubles), for taxi owners (from 4.1 thousand to 7.4 thousand rubles), for vehicles of legal entities (from 2 thousand . up to 2.9 thousand rubles).

In addition to tariffs, the Central Bank also plans to change the coefficients used to calculate the price of an MTPL policy. Thus, the KBM or bonus-malus coefficient (gives a discount or premium depending on the level of “accident” of the client) will be transferred to the annual calculation procedure (now the value valid at the end of the last auto insurance contract is used). The Central Bank also wants to assign an insurance history directly to each driver: this will eliminate cases of the discount being reset to zero during a break in driving. These changes are due to take effect on January 1, 2019.

Insurers will calculate the coefficient of age and experience of drivers (AIC) in a new way: it is proposed to expand it to 50 gradations. Presumably for experienced middle-aged and older drivers the values ​​will be reduced, and for young and inexperienced motorists they will be increased. Now FAC varies from 1.0 to 1.8, but in the new version the range is from 0.96 to 1.87.

Earlier, "Wheels" reported that, according to rough estimates, as a result of the changes proposed by the Central Bank,... For an inexperienced young owner of a car with a powerful engine living in a “unprofitable” region, the cost of insurance will immediately increase by 6,000 rubles.

More recently it became known that its . Among the innovations is the abandonment of coefficients that take into account the region of residence of the car owner and the engine power of his car. It is proposed to replace them with those that will take into account the number of serious traffic violations by the driver, as well as his driving style.

In addition, the Ministry of Finance has not abandoned the idea of ​​​​introducing policies with increased payment limits for damage to property, as well as harm to life and health. It is proposed to introduce policies with a threshold of one and two million rubles for each risk. The current option will remain as the basic one: 400,000 rubles for damage to property and 500,000 rubles for damage to life and health. Let us remember that insurers did not approve of these ideas; So far, RSA has responded positively only to the increase in the upper level of the tariff corridor in OSAGO.

Since yesterday, we have known about the impending new compulsory civil liability insurance (cost of MTPL policies). Tariff increases have become traditional and are carried out at intervals of one to several years. The last increase in price occurred in April 2015, as a result of which the cost of the policy increased by as much as 40%. From September 1 of this year, the increase in price will not be so dramatic, but nevertheless, the average cost of an MTPL policy will increase by 20%. In addition to changes in base tariffs, changes in coefficients are planned.

The Central Bank proposed to expand the boundaries of the policy tariff corridor, both upward, by 20%, and downward*. Let us remind you that now the current “fork” corresponds to a minimum of 3.432 and a maximum of 4.118 rubles. After the recalculation and necessary changes, the tariffs will be as follows: from the lower limit of 2,746 rubles to the upper limit of 4,942 rubles. This is precisely the 20% increase in the base tariff.

With such changes, the average cost of the policy will cost 1,000 - 1,200 rubles more, instead of 5,800, drivers will pay 7,000 rubles. The so-called cheap policy will cost 200 rubles more, instead of today's 1.5 thousand to 1.7 thousand rubles. This was stated by Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Vladimir Chistyukhin.

*Currently, a corridor of two values ​​is used, which is used by auto insurers. Insurance companies can, at their discretion, set a base rate when calculating compulsory motor liability insurance, after which the base rate is supplemented with coefficients that adjust the cost of the policy upward or downward, depending on positive or negative factors.

But the improvements will not end just by changing the OSAGO rate. In the future, serious changes await us, the so-called liberalization of tariffs. One of the most important changes will be age-experience coefficients And .

The number of age categories will increase tenfold, from today's 5 to 50 different gradations. The maximum and minimum value of the coefficient increase will change by 5%. Drivers aged 16 to 24 will pay more, since according to statistics they get into accidents more often, for them the insurance policy will rise in price by 5%, and, on the contrary, drivers aged 25 to 34 will receive a reduced 5% coefficient.

The bonus-malus coefficient (BMC) will be assigned for one year.

Changes to “liberalization” will be implemented in three stages.

The first comes in the summer. It will include: adjustment of the age-experience coefficient, reform of the MSC and expansion of the tariff corridor.

Second phase will be held in the fall of 2018: it will review the legislation.

Third, final stage: will be implemented in 2020. It's still being worked on.

The Central Bank announced another increase in tariffs for compulsory motor liability insurance from September 1, 2018. We are not talking about a fixed increase in tariffs, but about expanding the so-called “tariff” corridor. For category “B” cars, its minimum threshold will be 2476 rubles, and the maximum – 4942 rubles. At the same time, the minimum threshold decreased by almost 1,000 rubles, and the maximum increased by 800 rubles compared to previous rates of 3,432 and 4,118 rubles, respectively.

But the reduction in the minimum price will not at all entail a reduction in price or at least maintaining at the same level the cost of the compulsory motor liability insurance policy from September 1, 2018. All insurers in full use the maximum corridor limits, charging the highest insurance premiums for payment.

The reason is simple - both RSA and individual insurance companies will continue to hint about losses and unprofitability of insurance activities, trying in every possible way to push the state to increase the cost of insurance. The new MTPL tariffs are another example of this.

How much will OSAGO cost from September 1, 2018?

The real increase in the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance policies from September 1, 2018 should be expected within 20%, but the least expensive policies for small cars driven by experienced drivers will suffer the least. Its cost should not increase by more than 500 rubles, but the average policy for a passenger car is from 100 to 150 hp. for drivers with different experience it will cost from 5,500 to 8,000 rubles.

IMPORTANT: However, there are no plans to raise tariffs yet and such a change needs to be approved by law.

If you haven't taken out insurance yet, now is the time to do it.

For example, for a driver who is responsible and careful in driving, when calculating the price of the policy, a maximum 50% discount (coefficient of 0.5) is applied for long-term trouble-free operation of the car. This does not mean at all that the final cost of the MTPL insurance policy will be reduced by such a factor. Since the compulsory motor liability insurance policy currently applies to a vehicle, if the driver who is entitled to the maximum discount needs to be included in the policy, which includes the owner of another car who was involved in an accident due to his own fault, his maximum coefficient will certainly be reduced.

As planned, from January 1, 2017, the MTPL policy will be untied from the car and tied to a specific driver. In other words, for all drivers their individual bonus malus (IBM) will be calculated, which changes due to accidents of another car and driver.

2. Classes of unprofitability of drivers (KBM coefficients)

Starting from the new year 2017, the Russian Union of Motor Insurers will introduce 14 individual classes for drivers (loss class “M” and 13 classes).

For example, for loss class “M” a coefficient of 2.45 is applied. For drivers who often get into accidents due to violations of traffic rules, the corresponding loss class will be assigned with a coefficient of 2.45. Such drivers will be able to take out a policy that is 2.5 times more expensive.

At the moment, loss classes apply to the car, and drivers are assigned the first class. Drivers receive a 5% discount for accident-free driving. Over the course of a year, the bonus-malus ratio may decrease by 0.05 percent. And the maximum discount for ten years of accident-free driving will be 50 percent (hence the coefficient of 0.50).

If a driver gets into an accident due to his fault, regardless of the discount provided, for the next insurance period an increasing premium of a factor of 1.55 is applied to him. Returning the bonus-malus coefficient to 1.0 is possible if you drive the car without accidents for two years.

In addition, due to the attachment of the bonus-malus coefficient to both the car and the driver, when insuring the driver who owns the car and adding other drivers to the policy for one driver, different coefficients may be applied to the same driver, depending on the number of drivers included and the coefficients applied to the driver. him and the car.

3. From 01/01/2017, all drivers will be subject to a personal KBM when applying for an MTPL policy, which will be changed annually.

At the moment, the bonus-malus coefficient is changed after the registration of an insurance contract for the next term. By decoupling drivers from their cars, they will receive a fairer BMR ratio for them. And starting from the new year, insurance companies will be prohibited from independently calculating the bonus-malus coefficient. RSA will prepare an electronic online system that calculates the individual BMI coefficient for all drivers and transfers it to insurance companies when concluding an insurance contract.

This will prevent abuses committed by insurance companies when calculating the price of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

4. Will the discount on the MTPL policy increase from 01/01/2017?

If the driver needs to be included in someone else’s insurance, the calculation will not be the average coefficient applied to two insurances, but much more fair. When a driver with a coefficient of 0.5 needs to sign up for an insurance policy, he does not lose his coefficient and he faces the minimum coefficient.

According to RSA data, a fifth of drivers, thanks to the use of the new calculation methodology, from 01/01/17 will receive a discount on the final cost of the compulsory motor liability insurance policy of 2-15% percent.

5. Will the MTPL policy increase in price without limiting the number of drivers allowed to drive?

However, with the use of the new system for calculating the bonus-malus coefficient from 01/01/17, by canceling the linking of the cost of the policy to the car, the cost of the MTPL insurance policy will significantly increase without limiting the drivers allowed to drive. At the moment, when calculating the cost of such a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, a KBM coefficient of 1.80 is used. The increase in the price of this MTPL policy will affect about 13.6% of drivers.

6. Is there a transition period with the introduction of a new system for calculating the bonus-malus coefficient?

The Russian Union of Auto Insurers, after the start of the new calculation of the KBM coefficient, has defined benefits for the transition period. For example, drivers enrolled in several MTPL policies, for which several bonus-malus coefficients are applied, will be able to take advantage of the minimum BMR (at the moment, insurance companies in such cases apply the average bonus-malus coefficient.

7. Will the cost of the policy increase for taxi drivers and legal entities?

For legal entities, from 01/01/17, when applying for a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, the average coefficient for the legal entity’s vehicle fleet will be applied. Naturally, companies with a large fleet will be forced to increase annual insurance costs.

The changes are especially inconvenient for large taxi fleets, whose cars often get into accidents due to the fault of the drivers themselves. Starting from the new year, at least one driver getting into an accident will lead to a significant increase in insurance prices in the next calendar period.

8. Will the cost of the MTPL policy increase if a driver who was previously involved in an accident through his own fault is added to it?

The new rules for calculating the price of an OSAGO policy after January 1, 2017, when several drivers are included in the policy, provide for its calculation for the driver with the worst KBM coefficient. In the process of applying for a policy, any car owner must carefully study the innovations and take a responsible approach to adding a driver to the MTPL policy, to whom a large KBM coefficient is applied. Due to the accident rate of such a driver, the final cost of the MTPL insurance policy will increase significantly.

In 2017, no significant changes to traffic rules are expected. However, this does not mean that everything will remain as before for motorists. 2017 promises many important innovations in various aspects of the life of a car owner. I tried to collect the most important of them in one material.

Anna Zaikova

What will happen exactly

1 Available MTPL policy online.

From January 1, every insurance company will be required to issue auto insurance policies electronically. Moreover, insurers will be fined 300 thousand rubles for each system failure due to which the client will not be able to issue a policy within half an hour. The total duration of interruptions in the operation of the site cannot be more than 4 hours per month.

The opportunity to buy an MTPL policy online appeared back in 2015, but selling policies via the Internet was the right, not the responsibility of insurers. For a long time, only 14-17 companies provided such a service. However, many drivers complained that they were unable to use these services due to constant glitches. In 2017, such problems should no longer exist. Read more about the innovation in our.

2 The ERA-GLONASS system will become mandatory.

From January 1, all new cars that go on sale in our country must be equipped with the Russian emergency response system for road accidents based on ERA-GLONASS.

What it is? A terminal is built into the car, which automatically determines the location of the vehicle and transmits collision information to the system via mobile communications. In addition to the coordinates, the data package contains the time of the accident, the severity of the consequences and the VIN number of the vehicle. In passenger cars, the system will transmit data automatically; in commercial vehicles, this will have to be done manually by pressing the appropriate button on the terminal.

According to experts cited by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, ERA-GLONASS will save about four thousand people annually by reducing the response time to accidents by up to 30%.

The procedure for certifying a car with ERA-GLONASS is complex and expensive. Therefore, some manufacturers considered it unprofitable to obtain approval for poorly selling cars. This will lead to many luxury models disappearing from the market. And those that will remain, due to the introduction of the new system, are several.

In mid-December 2016 - what about the used cars that are imported into the country? The ERA-GLONASS requirement applies to all imported vehicles, including used ones. The other day, the customs office gave an explanation: they will not issue PTS for cars without an emergency call device. However, if you have an old but valid certificate of safety of the design of the vehicle (issued for a period of 3 years), issued before January 1, 2017, customs officers still promise to issue a PTS.

3 Strict requirements for carriers of children.

From July 1, 2017, it will be possible to transport children only on buses that are not older than ten years. In addition, the bus must be equipped with a tachograph and a GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation system.

4 Guest workers will be removed from the helm.

From June 1, 2017, drivers with foreign licenses will not be able to engage in commercial transportation. This requirement establishes an amendment to the Law “On Road Safety”.

5 Paper PTS will become history

From July 1, 2017, the traffic police must stop issuing paper vehicle passports (PTS). Since July 2016, they have gradually been converted to electronic ones. Replacement occurs automatically. There is no need to go and hand over your old passport: as a historical document, you can keep it as a keepsake.

6 Replacing a driver's license will be simplified.

From February 1, 2017, it will not be necessary to go to the traffic police to get a new license if you lose your old one or their validity expires. This service will be available at multifunctional centers (MFCs). There you will also be able to obtain an international driving license.

Mikhail Khaustov

There will be a high probability

1 Payments in kind under compulsory motor liability insurance will be replaced with repairs.

The State Duma has already adopted the corresponding bill in the first reading and is now being finalized. It is assumed that the motorist and the insurance company, at the time of concluding the contract, agree on a list of service stations, one of which will restore the broken car in the event of an accident.

They are going to introduce compensation in kind only for vehicles registered in the Russian Federation and owned by individuals. The Central Bank proposes to leave cash payments only in several cases:

  • when the car cannot be restored;
  • when the cost of repairs exceeds the insurance amount under the MTPL contract;
  • when, due to the fault of the insurer, repairs cannot be properly organized;
  • if the insurer has lost its MTPL license (then the Russian Union of Auto Insurers will pay compensation);
  • if the car is under warranty, which cannot be preserved during third-party repairs;
  • when the victim finds himself in a difficult life situation and what is more important to him is not repairs, but money. For example, to improve your health after an accident.

Repairs under compulsory motor liability insurance should take no more than 30 days (from the date of issue of the repair order), excluding holidays and weekends. Plus another 5 working days that may be needed to deliver the vehicle to the repair site. Delaying repairs will be punishable by a fine for each day of delay.

2 Platon's preferential tariff will be cancelled..

The Ministry of Transport is preparing to raise the rate for the passage of 12-ton trucks on federal highways from February 2017. It is expected that then the rate will increase from the current 1.53 rubles to 2.61 rubles per kilometer, and from June - to 3.06 rubles. However, this has not yet been officially announced.

Control over truck drivers will also be tightened. So, if now in the Altai Territory there is only one frame with cameras installed, with the help of which they identify unpaid drivers, then in 2017 their number is up to nine.

Ivan Kuzmin

3 Significant increase in gasoline prices.

Fuel becomes more expensive every year, but at a rate below inflation. In 2017, the increase in prices for petroleum products may be more noticeable. Experts name three factors that could contribute to this: the planned increase in fuel excise taxes, an increase in the mineral extraction tax (MET) and a stable increase in oil prices. According to various estimates, gasoline and diesel fuel at gas stations may rise in price by 8-12%.

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