What to write in a short autobiography. Sample curriculum vitae format

- this is a detailed statement of personal information about yourself; it is written for submitting documents when entering a university, service, work, and other industries. There are several subtypes that make it possible not to list a complete life dossier. Such a document is a short autobiography: how to write it, a sample - read below.

To compose correctly, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it must be presented in the first person and have a short narrative form. In no case should we forget that writing must be correct and in a logical sequence.

The outline of a short autobiography includes:

  • Full name of the author, date of birth;
  • data on the education received with a full indication of educational institutions;
  • information about employment and general experience (if you have one);
  • a detailed description of all family members, including brothers and sisters, and the author's marital status;
  • information about criminal record or non-criminal record;
  • date of creation;
  • personal signature.

This document may be required by the company during interviews for future employment. That is why it is important to adhere to a clear structure so that there is no oversaturation of information in what is written. It is worth describing only important points that interest the employer. To avoid mistakes, we recommend using a sample.

Brief autobiography: how to write - sample

We offer an example of a compiled document that will help you write it.


I, Skulkova Natalya Petrovna, was born on December 19, 1974 in Yekaterinburg into a family of engineers.

In 1981 I went to the 1st grade of secondary school No. 112 in Yekaterinburg, which I graduated with honors in 1991.

In 1991-1996. studied at the Moscow Humanitarian University at the Faculty of International Relations.

Since 1998 I have been working as a manager of the private travel company Polet.

Divorced. Family composition:

Daughter – Marina Sergeevna Skulkova, born in 2000, student at the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov.

Son - Denis Sergeevich Skulkov, born in 2008, 4th grade student at Moscow Secondary School No. 135.

I and my blood relatives were not under investigation or trial, and were not prosecuted for committing crimes. Outside Russian Federation I have no relatives.

In order to know how to write a short autobiography about yourself, you need to take into account several nuances:

  1. Work on creating a document begins with highlighting the main points in life that should be written about briefly.
  2. We must not forget about literacy. The presence of grammatical and punctuation errors will cast doubt on your competence and education.
  3. The document must be without “water”.
  4. After writing a document, you must read it to ensure it is written correctly.
  5. Check your writing for errors.

You can download a ready-made template for a short autobiography by clicking on the link. In this ready-made sample, you will need to enter your personal data and describe your life path in a given chronology.

Brief autobiography

Trubachev Grigory Dmitrievich was born on February 4, 1926 in the village of Chernolesskoye, Novoselitsky district, Stavropol Territory, into a working-class family. In 1933 I went to school. He studied until 1941 and graduated from 8 classes. In 1944, on March 2, he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army. In liberated Mozdok, he took a course as a young fighter and was sent to the front. Fought in the 14th Guards. Art. divisions, 5th Guards. Art. army as part of divisional intelligence. He fought on foot from the Sandomierz bridgehead (Poland) to the suburbs of Berlin. He was wounded twice: a slight wound in the right leg; severe, in the left eye with contusion. I met the end of the war in a hospital in the city of Kislovodsk. In 1946 he was demobilized from the Soviet Army. In 1947 he entered the Georgievsky College of Agricultural Mechanization of the Stavropol Territory. In 1950 he graduated with honors and was sent to the Moscow Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. In 1955 he graduated and was sent to work in the Krasnodar region. At first he worked in the station. Staroshcherbinovskaya, then in Art. Otradnaya, and then in Yeisk. Here, in this city, I found my pier. Two children: daughter Zhanna and son Grisha. At first he worked at various enterprises in the city, and then, for the last 25 years, as a teacher at the Yeisk College of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. In 1990, he retired and became interested in journalism. At first I wrote short stories about animals and birds. He began to publish in the local and regional press. Then he began to write stories on everyday and military topics. At the end of 1999, he wrote the story “Awarded Posthumously” about a German shepherd named Caesar. During this period of his life he continues to write. Maintains close contact with the city children's library and other libraries.

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A biography tells about the character, main life events and achievements of a person. A curriculum vitae is much smaller and more specialized. This is a document that should provide readers with basic information about a person and his personality. Biographical information can be prepared both for historical persons and living people (for example, for employment). The following tips will teach you how to write biographies to characterize people professionally.


Collection of information

  1. Gather all the necessary information. This step is necessary even when preparing an autobiography, when it seems that you know everything about yourself. You will still have to write down the data that will be needed when drawing up a biographical certificate:

    • Prepare a list of all companies and organizations where you have worked. Highlight the most important ones.
    • Prepare a list of your most significant achievements in different areas (publications, completed projects, career advancement, etc.).
    • Write down the things you are most proud of in your life.
    • Write down basic personal information. Sometimes it is enough to indicate your place of residence and marital status(the volume of this block depends on restrictions on the size of the biographical information).
    • Read through your old cover letters. Try to see what qualities and aspects of your life you have felt the need to emphasize in the past.
  2. Collect information about another person (subordinate, historical figure, etc.) d.). Finding information about others is more difficult than gathering information about yourself, but if you write about someone close to you, you'll have a lot of fun along the way and get to know them better. To get as much information as possible, use the following methods:

    • Search the Internet (on sites where the information is trustworthy). If you write about a celebrity, they may have their own website.
    • If you are a student, you can find a teacher who is an expert in studying a particular historical figure. Ask the professor to give you some time to answer a few questions about this person.
    • Read several biographies of the person you are interested in at your local library.
    • Perform searches on different resources. Don't limit yourself to one source. The more different assessments and opinions, the more more complete picture. When you discover interesting information, seek confirmation from other authors.
    • Select some event from the life of this person that allows you to reveal the main features of his character and qualities that you would like to emphasize. Find information about this event.
    • Make a list of the main events in this person's life: date of birth, place of residence, main activities during life, place and time of death.
    • Make a list of the main events of life: where the person worked, how his interests changed, what major achievements were achieved. To write a biographical note about a person, you need to feel his life from the inside.

Consider the information you have collected

  1. Reflect on your life. You have collected enough information about the main events and achievements in your life. Now you need to step aside and think about what qualities and achievements you would like to focus on. What traits and events might impress a potential employer? What events are not related to achieving your goals? Do the following:

    • Think about what qualities you would like to highlight. If you need to highlight your originality of thinking, focus on the original projects you have completed. Need to show the ability to get along with people? Emphasize teamwork skills.
    • Think about the parts of your life that don't need to be included in your curriculum vitae. An autobiography can be limited to 1 sheet of paper, so you shouldn’t write down every time you successfully tied your shoelaces. Cross out all events that are not related to your future work.
    • Think about an anecdote that can illustrate the qualities you want to emphasize. A little brainstorming will help you find several jokes and choose the most relevant one. Do not forget that the joke is only used in large biographical information, and in brief description it will be inappropriate.
    • Think about what achievements and work experience you need to highlight. You won't be able to include all of your achievements, so you should only choose those that are closest to your chosen area and create the greatest impact.
  2. Reflect on the life of the person or historical figure you are writing about. Having completed the collection of information and research work, sit back and think. What does the collected data tell us? What trends can be detected based on them? These reflections will allow you to experience a person’s life in order to find in it the main features that you are going to write about.

    • Ask yourself, what influence did the era and circumstances of his life have on the formation of this person’s character?
    • Think about how this person influenced the lives of loved ones, society in general and future generations?
    • Consider which character changes, work accomplishments, and life events you would like to highlight. A biographical certificate about a historical person differs from a reference certificate that is used for hiring. For example, you may be more interested not in work experience, but in a person's personal relationships.
    • Decide what qualities of this person you would like to highlight? Perhaps this is a moral attitude to work, a sense of humor, determination or another quality? Whatever you choose, you need to construct all further descriptions in such a way as to confirm your position with facts.
    • Find a joke or anecdote that perfectly illustrates the qualities you would like to describe.

Writing a curriculum vitae

  1. Start with a joke. If the length of the document allows the use of an anecdote, its place is at the very beginning. This will capture your readers' interest and also provide a snapshot of the person you're writing about. "Always write in the third person, even if you are writing about yourself . An anecdote can be one paragraph or just a few sentences long, but it should sufficiently reveal the characteristics of the person you are writing about.

    • Explain who you are writing about. Writing about historical characters is more difficult than writing an autobiography. You can start with childhood by telling a joke about Abraham Lincoln's childhood. Then surprise the reader by telling him who you're really talking about.
    • Convey a sense of the person's character. If you want to convey honesty and trustworthiness, make sure the joke you choose exemplifies those qualities.
    • Show what qualities distinguish this person from others. Use details of qualities and figurative figures of speech to demonstrate how this person is different from others.
  2. Provide basic information about the person. Once you've captured the reader's interest and told him about a person's main quality, provide basic information about him to create a three-dimensional impression of his life. When highlighting your highlights, accomplishments, and passions, consider the following:

    • Be honest. Don't twist or embellish to impress the reader. Your goal is to tell how events really happened.
    • Write creatively. Don't retell a story that everyone has already heard 100 times. Find new ways to convey the same information that the reader already knows. Use originality of expression and unusual ways of conveying facts.
    • If you are writing an autobiography, include extensive information about past positions that relate to your future job. Indicate exactly what you did, what main results you achieved or are going to achieve. This is what employers are most interested in, so this block can be expanded, even if you need to reduce information about your personal life.
    • If you are writing a biographical account of a historical figure, tell where the person was born and died, what passions they had, what they accomplished, and how they influenced society. You can also add any external information that is relevant to the person you are describing.
    • Do not forget that the description of events must correspond to chronology. Don't confuse your readers.
  3. Strong ending. So, you have piqued the reader's interest and told him enough about the person. Now you need to find a clear and confident conclusion to the curriculum vitae. Try to keep your ideas in 1-2 sentences. You can use the following tips:

    • An autobiographical essay can end with personal information. For example, you can indicate where you currently live, who you live with, and what you do.
    • When finishing a biographical note about a historical person, tell readers what impact this person had on the development of society.

Checking your completed curriculum vitae

  1. Check the prepared document. Once finished, check whether the size of the curriculum vitae is within the prescribed limits. Make sure the material conveys your main idea and is presented in a coherent manner. Taking the time to review will pay off in that you will be able to highlight the most important character traits and convey the main idea more clearly. Use the following tips:

    • Read the work twice. During the first reading, don't make any notes, just make mental notes of which passages sound funny or unnatural. As you read the second time, make note of places that need to be expanded or excluded, as well as phrases that are difficult to understand. Try to improve such sentences.
    • Read your work out loud. This will help determine how consistently and smoothly your thoughts are presented. You need to make sure that the reader gets a clear and strong impression of the person whose life you are describing.
    • Make sure your curriculum vitae meets your goals. Think about what qualities and life experiences you wanted to talk about. Does the prepared document meet this purpose or may the reader have a different opinion?
    • Make sure you invest in volume limits. Each sentence can have deep content, but you shouldn’t go beyond it. You will frustrate, not impress, your readers or employer; you will frustrate them if you test their patience with boisterous language.
    • Set the completed document aside for a few days. When you come back to it, you'll be less attached to each sentence to see what went well and what didn't.
  2. Edit your work. Once you are confident that the curriculum vitae is complete and does not require significant changes, you should begin editing at the sentence level. This stage of review involves analyzing each sentence to ensure clarity, accuracy and consistency. Use the following tips:

    • Shorten long, clunky sentences that are difficult to understand.
    • Replace boring words with more descriptive terms. Try to replace the words with other terms good And Fine.
    • Remove all uninteresting sentences, as well as those that are not related to the topic.
    • Correct all grammatical and spelling errors.
  3. Ask a stranger for their opinion. When you are confident that the work is ready, do not rush to show it to the general public. Have a third party read this curriculum vitae to ensure that the work is perceived as intended. If you are going to publish your CV on job search sites, you need to make sure that the text leaves a good impression. When choosing a person to evaluate text perception, pay attention to:

    • A close friend who can appreciate how vital, informative and consistent the information is presented.
    • An expert in the field. Biographical information about historical figure can be reviewed by a specialist, such as a history professor or other academic (but not by someone who regards you as an employee or subordinate).
    • Ask for the opinion of a person who has written a lot of biographical information and is well versed in this area.
    • Ask a friend who is good at grammar and spelling.
  • When preparing your autobiography, do not go beyond the allocated limits of more than a few words. Otherwise, the employer may think that you do not know how to follow orders or cannot express your thoughts concisely.
  • Before you begin, you may want to read a few ready-made CVs to get a general impression of this type of document.
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