How sense organs and analyzers work presentation. Presentation on the topic: Analyzers and sense organs

Analyze the situation: A woman was brought to the hospital with damage to all sensory organs and loss of sensitivity. The patient felt the outside world only through the touch of one hand. A woman was taken to the hospital with damage to all sensory organs and loss of sensitivity. The patient felt the outside world only through the touch of one hand. 1. How was this patient’s behavior characterized? 2.Draw a conclusion about the meaning of the senses.

The meaning of the sense organs The six sense organs give a person a variety of information about the world around him, which is reflected in his consciousness in the form of sensations, perceptions and memory ideas. The six sense organs give a person a variety of information about the world around him, which is reflected in his consciousness in the form of sensations, perceptions and ideas memory The sense organs play a large role in a person’s adaptation to the conditions of existence. Sense organs play a big role in a person’s adaptation to living conditions.

Analyzers -S-S-S-A system of elements that: receives information from the senses about the state and changes in the external and internal environment, processes this information, and draws up a program of the body’s activity on its basis. Why do you think F. Engels calls the sense organs “tools of the brain”?

Conducting section - sensitive nerve fibers that conduct nerve impulses generated in the receptors in the central nervous system (to the central section of the analyzer) - sensitive nerve fibers that conduct nerve impulses generated in the receptors in the central nervous system (to the central section of the analyzer) back

Questions for consolidation: 1. Why is the safety of all its parts necessary for the normal operation of the analyzer? 2. The olfactory receptor perceives the smell of ammonia in a negligible concentration, but if you drop ammonia on the olfactory nerve, there will be no reaction. Why? 3. Why does a person fall asleep when the activity of all receptors is disrupted? 4.What is the difference between the concepts “sensory organ” and “analyzer”? 5.Where are the analyzer centers located?

Analyze the situation: A woman was brought to the hospital with damage to all sensory organs and loss of sensitivity. The patient felt the outside world only through the touch of one hand. A woman was taken to the hospital with damage to all sensory organs and loss of sensitivity. The patient felt the outside world only through the touch of one hand. 1. How was this patient’s behavior characterized? 2.Draw a conclusion about the meaning of the senses.

The meaning of the sense organs The six sense organs give a person a variety of information about the world around him, which is reflected in his consciousness in the form of sensations, perceptions and memory ideas. The six sense organs give a person a variety of information about the world around him, which is reflected in his consciousness in the form of sensations, perceptions and ideas memory The sense organs play a large role in a person’s adaptation to the conditions of existence. Sense organs play a big role in a person’s adaptation to living conditions.

Analyzers -S-S-S-A system of elements that: receives information from the senses about the state and changes in the external and internal environment, processes this information, and draws up a program of the body’s activity on its basis. Why do you think F. Engels calls the sense organs “tools of the brain”?

Conducting section - sensitive nerve fibers that conduct nerve impulses generated in the receptors in the central nervous system (to the central section of the analyzer) - sensitive nerve fibers that conduct nerve impulses generated in the receptors in the central nervous system (to the central section of the analyzer) back

Questions for consolidation: 1. Why is the safety of all its parts necessary for the normal operation of the analyzer? 2. The olfactory receptor perceives the smell of ammonia in a negligible concentration, but if you drop ammonia on the olfactory nerve, there will be no reaction. Why? 3. Why does a person fall asleep when the activity of all receptors is disrupted? 4.What is the difference between the concepts “sensory organ” and “analyzer”? 5.Where are the analyzer centers located?

“Vision deterioration” - Blink rapidly for 1-2 minutes. Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds, then open them for 3-5 seconds. Deterioration of vision. Repeat 6 times. 1. Keep your head straight, do not throw it back. Psychiatrophygiological basis of vision impairment. How to sit at a computer for a long time without deteriorating your eyesight. Gymnastics for the eyes.

“Eye” - How does the eye see? Consists of an eyeball and an auxiliary apparatus. The eyes are a window to the world around us. Optical system of the eye: Refractive apparatus (cornea - iris - lens - vitreous body). Accessory apparatus of the eye: Muscles of the eyeball Eyebrows, eyelids with eyelashes Lacrimal apparatus.

“It’s better to see once” - Wherever I want, I take it there. I can’t believe my eyes! Which organ provides the most information? Retina. I take one berry, look at another, notice the third, and the fourth SMELLS. Does the brain always process received information correctly? Features of the structure of the Retina Lens Defects. Heart. Trust but check!

“Illusions” - How many people do you see in the picture? Hence the name illusion. or Optical illusion. Does it seem to you that there is a wave going through the drawing? Rubber pencil illusion. Is there flickering and rotation? All pictures presented here are absolutely static. Zöllner illusion (1860). Black. Optical illusions. Illusion “Cafe Wall”.

“Optical systems” - 11. Specialization “Design of optical systems”. Specialization: Computer Optics. 3. 13. 7. Cameras. 16. 12. 8. Direction and specialty. 5. 10. Specialty and specialization. 15. Telescopes. Eye and vision.

“Visual analyzer” - What are the three membranes of the eyeball called? Repetition. What structure changes the diameter of the pupil? What is usually called the sense organ is the peripheral part of the analyzer. The wall of the eyeball consists of three membranes. What is characterized by congenital farsightedness? The maximum number of rods is located on the periphery of the eye.

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