How to increase your rating in etxt. Etxt: advanced training and getting stars at the initial stage

It is very annoying for novice copywriters that buyers of articles and customers choose those copywriters who have a higher rating to carry out work with the text. It is worth saying that a high rating cannot mean that the copywriter’s professionalism will also be high. There is no direct correlation here, but it still says that there is some experience in performing the work and the copywriter can be trusted. From all this it follows that the copywriter’s rating needs to be increased. In this article, you can read ways to improve your ranking on content exchanges.

1. Offer your articles for sale at prices lower than the average prices on the exchange and even lower than other newcomers, this will attract the attention of buyers. But unlike prices, the quality of the articles themselves must be excellent. If the quality of the articles is excellent and the prices are reasonable, then your articles should sell well, and maybe you can get a regular customer. The number and speed of sales will provide you with a rapid increase in your copywriting rating.

2. When posting articles in the article store, for free sale, large articles should be divided into several small ones. This is true for exchanges where the rating is added for the fact of selling an article, for example. There are other options, for example, on the exchange the rating is added not for the fact of sale, but for the amount of sale, that is, by one rating unit for every 10 rubles.

3. Write several articles for sale on the same topic at the same time. If a buyer comes to the exchange and buys your article and likes it, then he can buy your other articles on the same topic. He can also simply buy all the articles on the topic he needs, which will just turn out to be yours.

4. You need to look for regular customers. A regular customer, satisfied with the quality of your new article, will give you a positive review, which on the exchange also increases your rating by one point, and on other exchanges the review also means a lot. So, it is better to have a lot of positive reviews than great rating. Do quality work and the buyer or customer will definitely leave you a good rating.

5. On the exchange you have the opportunity not only to sell your own articles, but also to buy others’. And this also increases your rating. On the one hand, this is not correct. That is why on such exchanges, both the accounts of the copywriter and the customer exist separately from each other. But on exchanges where there is no such division, you can increase your copywriter rating this way. After purchasing articles from other copywriters, try to understand and understand how articles should be written. You need to buy articles from experienced copywriters, because you won’t be able to learn anything from a beginner.

You shouldn’t strive too hard to get a big rating; it’s better to focus on the quality of your articles. If your articles are well written, then you will be able to earn a copywriting rating as a result. For me personally, as a customer, it is better to have a good copywriter with a low rating than a worthless copywriter with a high rating. The content exchange rating is valid only on one exchange, or rather, each of them has its own, and your quality of articles will remain with you forever. Therefore, it is worth remembering that if you are a good copywriter, then you will not need to look for ways to increase your rating, the rating will find you.

You can lower your rating or go negative simply by not completing one large order, and a lot of time will be spent on further restoring it, since you will have to forget about large and expensive orders. An author with a low or negative rating always causes distrust among customers. The copywriter will have to sell his articles at minimum prices, and he will not be able to get an order more than 5 rubles per thousand characters.

There are rules that allow you to regain your lost rating in a fairly short time, but they do not work if the author has gone into a big minus of -500 units. With such a negative rating, you won’t be able to earn more than 500-600 rubles a month and will have to:

  • create a new account, but for this the site administration may ban you without the possibility of receiving earned funds; You can register by following this LINK
  • start working on another exchange.

The following steps will help you quickly restore your rating on the ETXT.RU exchange.

  1. Start reselling texts. Content exchanges charge positive rating for purchasing texts. Buying content just to increase your own rating will cost you a lot, so articles can be sold on another exchange, increasing their value by a maximum of 10 rubles. As a result, you will be able to increase your rating and earn money on two exchanges at once.
  2. Find a regular customer, in this case you will always be provided with necessary work. For authors with a low or negative rating, customers are willing to pay no more than 10 rubles per 1000 characters. If we take as an example exchange ETXT.RU , where the rating is awarded depending on the price of the order, then you will have to work like this for a very long time, and your earnings will be minimal. Customers explain such a low cost by the fact that by typing a large amount of work you can quickly raise your rating. This is not entirely true. A rapid increase in rating occurs only from expensive orders.

It is even more difficult for a beginner who has no experience working on a content exchange to increase his rating than for an author with experience to get out of the red. You will have to work based on the following recommendations.

Three tips that will help you quickly increase your rating on the ETXT.RU exchange

  1. Complete your profile. Customers do not trust beginners, thinking that they make a lot of mistakes, so it is necessary to post several articles in the portfolio. Highly completed advanced training tasks will help raise the status of a newcomer in the eyes of the customer. These actions will prove that you are able to write unique texts without grammatical and syntax errors.
  2. To receive a high-paying order, you must immediately submit at least 10 applications to different customers. If you manage to do a good job, then perhaps you will find a regular customer.
  3. As soon as a newcomer has managed to earn the first hundred in the rating, he needs to start actively selling his own texts. It is better to post 5 articles per day with a volume of at least 2000 characters, the cost can be set from 20 rubles/1000. The more articles you have posted for sale, the faster they will sell. If you pay attention to the high rating of successful copywriters, you will find out that it is earned on sales alone.

To make articles sold out faster and your ratings to rise, choose popular topics. Each exchange offers its own top popular queries and categories. The category rankings present article topics that are in great demand, and query rating is a list of the most common queries used by customers.

To never lose your rating on the article exchange:

  • do not take an assignment on a topic that you do not understand;
  • do not agree to an order if you are not sure that you can complete it efficiently.

Always carry out the customer’s task clearly and try to please him, even if it seems to you that he is being too picky. The desire to do quality work will help you quickly increase your rating and get a lot of positive feedback from satisfied customers and buyers.

Good luck to you!

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    Why was my skill level lowered? There were 3 stars for copywriting/rewriting/translation/CEO - but now they don’t, what happened?

    Successfully completing a task to improve your skill level and improve your qualifications is not enough. Qualification must be verified with each order/article sold. Agree, this is fair - after all, Customers, choosing you as a Contractor with a level of qualifications, want to be sure that they will receive high-quality work.

    If the quality of the orders you carry out does not correspond to the assigned skill level, the administration, based on the results of checking the texts of orders/sales articles, reserves the right to lower the skill level of the performer.

    ATTENTION! If the work contains gross errors in spelling, grammar, style, etc., the administration reserves the right to block the user’s account due to poor-quality test work.

    How to get a task to increase your skill level?

    To receive a task to increase your skill level, you must click on the [+] icon opposite the items “copywriting”, “SEO copywriting”, “rewriting” or “translation” in the “Skill Level” section (in the menu at the bottom left of the page). In the window that opens, you need to click on the “Get test task” link.
    Attention! The same window is used to load the completed test work (File "Review").

    How much time is given to complete the work to improve the skill level?

    You are given 2 weeks to complete the work to improve your skill level.

    I don’t have the required type of work in the Skill Levels section, what should I do?

    You need to add the right type work in your personal account. Click on your full name in your personal account and add the desired type of work in the tab Additional Information. After adding a job type, you can take required task to improve your skill level.

    Can I complete tasks to increase my skill level multiple times?

    The performer has the right to repeat tasks to improve the level of skill. However, reworking previous work is unacceptable; it is necessary to choose each time new topic test task.
    Repeated submission of a similar type of work (copywriting, rewriting, etc.) is possible no earlier than 5 days after sending the previous task. But if you want to improve your skills in another type of work, then you don’t need to wait. (For example, you received 2 stars for rewriting, you can submit a new work for rewriting no earlier than 5 days later. And for copywriting you can submit it immediately).

    In a test task to improve the level of translation skills - English language, I am fluent in German (French, Italian, Spanish, etc.), how can I complete a translation task?

    Currently, we only check qualifying assignments for translations from English into Russian or from Russian into English. But if you own some other foreign language, You can send a translation of 1 or 2 texts of your choice on any topic from Russian to foreign and/or from foreign to Russian (from 1500 to 2000 printable characters with spaces). To submit a task to improve your skill level, you must select the translation task “Translation on a free topic”. Don't forget to check the box next to the option to add to your portfolio. After texts are checked by a moderator, they will be added to the portfolio, but we do not assign qualifications in such cases.

    I had 2 stars in copywriting, I did a new job to improve my skill level to get 3, I didn’t receive anything, my qualifications were removed, why?

    If a new job to improve the level of skill is performed with less quality compared to the previous one, the skill level for this type of work is automatically reduced.

    I was not accepted for a job to improve my qualifications, my level of skill was not increased, can I sell the article?

    Selling tasks sent to the Exchange to increase your skill level is prohibited. Exclusive rights to works belong to the Exchange, regardless of the results of the verification. Any unauthorized use of unique text materials submitted as work for advanced training will be regarded as an attempt to steal a unique text, as a violation of the Offer; If you attempt to steal a unique text, your account will be immediately blocked.

    What should be the uniqueness of the text on the assignment to increase the level of skill - for copywriting to two stars - for the test to successfully pass the test?

    The uniqueness of works written with the aim of increasing the level of skill should be the higher the better - for any level of skill and regardless of the type of work. Matches based on common phrases are acceptable - names, dates, terms, etc.

    For what, how and by whom are skill levels assigned (stars next to the types of work in the performers’ profile)?

    The skill level is assigned to the Contractor for completing test works on copywriting, rewriting, translation or SEO copywriting proposed by the Exchange administration. Entries are judged on literacy, style, content and many other aspects. The work is assessed by professional philologists. Translation works are checked by linguist translators.
    Based on the results of completed work, the author is assigned a qualification level (“stars”). 1 star - beginner, 2 stars - intermediate, 3 stars - high level language proficiency.
    For example, when assessing copywriting And rewriting"stars" mean the following:
    One star
    is given if the article is unique, there are no gross grammatical and punctuation errors, typos, and the elementary rules of lexical and syntactic compatibility of words and text style are observed.
    Two stars
    are given if the article is unique, and it must be completely free of grammatical and punctuation errors and typos, and all norms of word usage in the Russian language and the style of the text are observed. In addition, the text must be written in lively language and be interesting to the target audience.
    Three Stars
    are awarded only to exclusive articles that are interesting and accessible to the target audience. At the same time, it must be completely free of grammatical and punctuation errors and typos, and all norms of word usage in the Russian language and the style of the text must be observed.
    The assignment is considered failed in the case of: plagiarism; distortion of the meaning of the source text; arbitrary abbreviation of text (omission of informationally significant text fragments); presence of factual errors; the presence of fictions and conjectures of the rewriter; the presence of comments and personal opinion of the rewriter.
    The criteria for evaluating copywriting and rewriting are the same due to the fact that the finished rewriting text must be of high quality, interesting, readable, and must not contain stylistic errors, regardless of the quality of the source text, which may contain errors.
    SEO copywriting is assessed according to the same criteria, but at the same time the key words specified in the task must be correctly and beautifully entered into the text.
    Please note that SEO assignments may contain misspelled keywords. When checking works, we also evaluate the ability to creatively work with keys - any, even incorrect ones.
    Assessment of the level of qualifications for rewriting, copywriting and SEO copywriting can be adjusted if the text is ideal in style, written in a lively style, interesting in terms of content, reflects the essence of the task, structured, informative, holistic and generally impeccable, but There are a couple of shortcomings in this (typo, accidental comma, etc.). In such cases, the rating is set at the discretion of the moderator checking the work, and can be marked with two or three stars, depending on the artistic value of the text.
    Translation evaluation criteria.
    One star
    This assessment is given to an adequate translation of the original (“An adequate translation is a translation that provides the pragmatic tasks of the translation act at the highest possible level of equivalence to achieve this goal, without violating the norms or usage of the TL, observing the genre and stylistic requirements for texts of this type and corresponding to the social recognized conventional norm of translation. In loose usage, “adequate translation” is a “good” translation that meets the expectations and hopes of communicants or persons assessing the quality of translation." Komissarov V.N.). Minor stylistic errors and partial non-compliance with the norms of word usage in the target language are allowed. The translated text must be correctly formatted and cannot contain typos, untranslated passages or spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. The translation text must contain only one translation option for individual words, terms or expressions. It is desirable to maintain the unity of terminology inherent in this field of knowledge.
    Two stars
    This assessment is given to an adequate translation of the source text without omissions or arbitrary abbreviations of the original text, which meets the customer’s requirements and complies with the norms of word usage of the target language. Spelling, punctuation, grammatical or stylistic errors are not allowed. The translated text must be correctly formatted and cannot contain typos or untranslated fragments. The translation text must contain only one translation option for individual words, terms or expressions, and in addition, the unity of terminology inherent in this field of knowledge must be observed.
    Three Stars
    This assessment is awarded to an adequate translation without omissions or arbitrary abbreviations of the original text, which meets the customer’s requirements and, in addition, fully complies with the rules of spelling, grammar, punctuation and norms of word usage of the target language, as well as the style of the source text. The translated text must be correctly formatted and free of typos, spelling errors and untranslated fragments. The translation text must contain only one translation option for individual words, terms or expressions, and in addition, the unity of terminology inherent in this field of knowledge must be observed. Among other things, the text must be written in a lively, accessible language and be interesting to the target audience.
    Attention: if a new job for advanced training is performed of less quality compared to the previous one (we are talking about the same type of work), the qualifications are automatically downgraded.

Hello, dear readers! Pavel Yamb is in touch and due to the nature of my work, I communicate a lot with people who want or are already writing articles to order. It's amazing how different people go to copywriting: teachers, students, schoolchildren, a mother with four children and a grandmother with 7 grandchildren.

And recently I got into a conversation with a colleague - she is studying to become a criminologist - psychologist. Can you imagine? And he works part-time on the Etxt exchange. Considering that I know her well, I decided to give her the floor on my blog and she will tell you how to earn several “stars” on this content exchange (here are instructions for it) and increase your initial stage at least the “rewriting” qualification. I will only rant on topic - I promise!

How I stepped on a text rake

Let me start with a brief background so you can understand what the secret is!

When I put my face on the exchange, personal messages were bursting with offers from customers. I’ll tell you for those who haven’t registered yet – this will happen to you too.

The payment was ridiculous - 5 rubles/1000 characters. And guess what? I took these orders and was happy at first.

Then it was decided to take on an assignment to improve my skills in rewriting. Fortunately, you don’t need to think about what to write about. The topic can be selected from the list provided on the exchange.

I wrote it, checked it, sent it. A day later, a letter arrived - the level of qualification was NOT increased. I think: “Okay. I’ll try again in two weeks.” When the time came, I took on another task. After being sent to the moderators' trial, I was shaking like a leaf. And again a failure, a fiasco, FATAL ERROR.

Do you think she has given up? NO. Why am I (or you) worse than other performers who have orange stars sparkling on their pages for every work? Nothing, perhaps even better.

Now the whole point

After the discovery, the thought flashed: “Oh, horror! Copywriters with experience are deteriorating!”, but then it became clear that they are real cunning people. Short sentences – minimum commas. It is these squiggles that moderators pay the closest attention to.

And now, the third attempt. Rewriting assignment, topic: “Properties of suspended ceilings.” I ask you to familiarize yourself with the screenshot and see in what form the tasks are sometimes given.

Well, isn't it lovely? Very cute sheet. And you need to make a beautiful article out of it. So, let's earn stars by rewriting! How? Let's look at my example.

Boring but necessary rules

  • high uniqueness (from 90% according to eTXT);
  • no errors – spelling/stylistic/grammatical;
  • length of the finished text (minimum – 1800 characters with spaces). But for each job it is indicated individually.

These requirements are basic and must be fulfilled! Now let's slowly and thoughtfully read the sample text above. This is for later drawing up a plan. Have you studied it? Great, let's move on.

Divide and collect

This sheet is 3500 bp characters long, and the minimum for a finished article for the assignment is 2500 with spaces. We will shorten the text, but first we will make a plan:

  1. Introduction – blue color.
  2. Installation and properties of suspended ceilings - yellow.
  3. Colors – green.
  4. Advantages – not highlighted.
  5. Foreign manufacturers – gray.
  6. Russian manufacturers - dark gray.
  7. Brief conclusion – pink.

The text is now divided according to meaning. It's time to start writing the article. What did you think? Let's shake things up a little.

Very useful practice

Are you ready for work and defense? Then we’ll come up with a title (you can do this after writing the article) and start processing the introduction. The sentences there are too complex and need to be simplified.

Is it clear how? Brief, simple and informative. Let's go to the next point, which is highlighted in yellow. The task is more difficult - the idea in the text is broken, but it doesn’t matter. Now let's put it together so as not to lose the meaning.

The “colors” item, highlighted in green, consists of one long sentence. Let's break it down into several short ones.

And here are ours, i.e. ceiling benefits. There are quite a few of them, but you need to highlight the most basic ones and arrange them in a list. And you will add the rest at the end of the block.

Attention! In the test work, there must be at least one sentence before and after the list. It is beautiful!

Manufacturers are also indicated by a list. One of the ceiling properties has been added at the end of this block. You see, due to the lack of many stop words that give the text life, the article looks boring. But we don't need it for entertainment.

And the very last block is domestic manufacturers and a brief conclusion.

If you made up your mind and took on an assignment to improve your qualifications, great! I advise you to read the written article out loud from the beginning to the very end. If you stumble at some point, re-read it again. Perhaps the sentence should be rephrased?

And we should talk a little about checking the finished article. In order not to spend your hard-earned money on the exchange to find out its uniqueness, it is better to download the eTXT anti-plagiarism program. Before checking, configure the basic parameters as follows:

  1. operations;
  2. settings/general;
  3. rewrite detection method and click OK.

Look at the screenshot - this is what should happen.

By the way, these are the parameters that are used to check articles on the exchange website when submitting an order/test work/publication for sale. Set everything up correctly and you won’t get into trouble due to low uniqueness.

That's all, dear readers. The text was finished, and I received stars - not 3, but only 2.

Do you know what mistakes I made? Find and write a comment. And if it doesn’t work out, send it to your friends on social networks and check the screenshots of the article together.

I wish you good luck and orange stars!

The cost of work and the number of orders on many exchanges are seriously related to the copywriter’s rating. It is formed over a long period of time based on the cost of accepted orders, and each author tries to protect this indicator. Significantly lowering your rating is easy.

It is enough to refuse or not to delay the order. And failure to complete an expensive task can immediately push the rating into the negative, from which it will be extremely difficult to get out, creating 5-ruble masterpieces.

However, don't despair. By adhering to the rules developed by the practice of many performers, you can quickly return to the cohort of the best and start making real money. True, they will not help those who have a frankly large minus (from -500 and below).

Here you need to be patient and not delude yourself about a quick return, even just to zero. Perhaps the right step would be to change the exchange, fortunately today there is a choice, and start all over again, remembering that a lost reputation is expensive. But changing an account can result in severe punishment in the form of a ban from the exchange administration with blocking of all earned funds.

1. Look for a regular customer. It will provide you with a constant amount of work for a long time, which will contribute to the steady growth of your rating. In the process of cooperation, as a rule, normal human relationships and a certain loyalty of the customer arise. This doesn't mean you need to use it. There are simply different circumstances and force majeure. And if an unfamiliar customer can cancel the order for delay and lower the rating, then your client will probably forgive when he sees reasonable explanations. This way you can reduce your own risks.

Objectively speaking, at first it’s impossible to avoid cheap customers. A bunch of benefactors will knock on your door (in DM), enticing you with a white list, an increase in rating (how?), positive feedback and a large amount of work. This situation is especially relevant on ETXT. By working with them, we waste time without actually improving our ratings. Therefore, you need to try to leave this bottom as quickly as possible.

For example, on ETXT, successful work in each category is awarded from 1 to 3 stars. Receiving stars will make many expensive orders available to you.

Don't forget to update your portfolio, including only the best samples there. For many customers, this selection criterion is considered the main one. And if they read an article that impresses them, they are unlikely to look at the rating when placing an order with you.

Feel free to apply for expensive orders. And even if 95% of your applications are rejected, one of them may be approved. Moreover, some customers like to give negative ones a chance.

Having received an expensive order, surpass yourself in writing it, give your best, convince “Zack” that your low rating means nothing and you can write well. If everything goes well, you will be guaranteed new orders.

2. Reselling texts. On many exchanges, points are awarded for purchasing texts. But simply purchasing articles for the sake of ranking is expensive. A more intelligent step - resale of texts.

To do this, register on exchanges and purchase the text you like. We sell it on another site, adding 5-10 rubles to the price. As a result, we increase the rating on two exchanges simultaneously. Concerning ETXT, then it’s not worth buying work cheaper than 15 rubles, since here the rating is added according to the principle of 1 point for 10 rubles.

3. Writing and selling articles. If good customers pass you by, looking at a dull rating, this is not a reason for despair. No one will forbid you to write. If you work on ETXT, collect 100 points and you can safely sell your work in a local store, setting a starting price of 20-25 rubles. Don’t be lazy to write, because the more articles you post for sale, the higher the likelihood of them being purchased. Many highly rated authors have made a name for themselves on this, practically without fulfilling other people’s orders.

Try to choose most popular topics. You can find them out by clicking on the link for top requests for content stores that exist on almost any resource. Looking at the rating of categories, you will find out the most popular topics, and the rating of search queries will help you understand which keywords customers most often focus on.

And finally. Treat your rating on with care. Always read the terms of reference carefully. Before submitting your application, think about whether you can complete the order and whether you have enough time. Go to the customer profile, as there may be stated Additional requirements. If everything is clear to you and you are confident in yourself, go for it! And then a high rating and positive reviews will not take long to arrive.

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