What documents are needed to register an apartment? Registration of ownership of an apartment under a shared participation agreement

Registration of an apartment in a new building with the issuance of a certificate is possible only if the developer:

  • a protocol was drawn up for the distribution of residential real estate;
  • received a registration certificate for the house at BTI;
  • a transfer deed issued by a state architectural and construction organization has been signed;
  • permission to put the house into operation has been received from the local administration;
  • the house is registered in Rosreestr;
  • a new postal address has been assigned to the house.

You can check the package of documents in the office. The company's address can be found in the agreement for the purchase of an apartment ─ investment agreement, co-investment agreement, equity participation agreement, etc.

If the registration of a house is delayed for two years, the buyer has the right to go to court. This option is most often offered by the developer himself.

Package of documents

The instructions consist of two parts. The first is preparation of documents, the second is registration itself.

Preparation of documents

Apartment acceptance certificate

To obtain such a certificate, you must contact the construction company. At the appointed time, the equity holder and a representative of the construction company inspect the apartment. If there are no comments, he signs a transfer and acceptance certificate with the developer.

Permission from guardianship authorities if there are minors among the future owners of the apartment

To obtain a document, parents contact the guardianship authority with an application indicating the reason for the application. Along with the application, you must prepare the parents' passports, birth certificates, acceptance certificate and share participation agreement. The procedure will take about 14 days.

Cadastral passport with explication (plan) of the apartment

Instructions for registering ownership of an apartment

A representative of the construction company must be present during the property rights registration procedure.

Potential apartment owners present the following documents for registration:

  1. Passports of all co-owners of the apartment and birth certificates (with copies).
  2. If the registration of ownership is carried out by the owner’s representative, then he presents a notarized power of attorney and a passport with copies.
  3. Agreement between the Buyer and the Developer with all additional agreements ─ equity participation agreement, investment agreement, co-investment agreement or other agreements. It is necessary to prepare copies of the contract and agreements in duplicate.
  4. The act of acceptance and transfer of the apartment plus two copies.
  5. Cadastral passport and copy, explication of the apartment.
  6. Loan agreement and mortgage (if you purchased).
  7. Permission from the guardianship authorities (if there are minors among the co-owners).

Registration - step by step

  1. Present all listed documents.
  2. Sign the application for registration of ownership. An employee of the Companies House prepares the document in electronic form. It contains the passport details of the owners, the address of the apartment and its technical data. Below is a complete list of documents accepted for state registration of rights. After checking all the data, each owner signs an application.
  3. Prepare a receipt for payment of the state duty (one thousand rubles). If there is more than one tenant, the amount is divided between all co-owners. The state duty can be paid at any bank branch. There should also be a ticket office in the Companies House building.
  4. A civil servant of the Registration Chamber identifies all owners, a representative of the construction company, using the documents provided. Original papers (except passports) and copies of all documents for apartment registration remain here; the employee is required to give a receipt for receipt of documents with the date of receipt of the certificate for the apartment. The maximum period for registration of rights is 30 days.
  5. On the appointed day (or after it), each owner (or trustee) must pick up his certificate, deed of transfer and share participation agreement. Take your passport and receipt with you. By following these instructions for registering ownership of an apartment in a new building, the buyer will go through the procedure on his own without any problems, if he takes into account some of the nuances.

What difficulties might arise?

To finalize their legal rights to the buyer, they wait not only for the date of completion of construction, but also for the developer to complete the legal documentation for the house. Unfortunately, in reality, a situation often arises when the house is completed, the apartments are occupied, and ownership is still being formalized.

Without official documents, the buyer of an apartment not only cannot sell or donate it, but also register at the place of new residence. Lack of registration in our country is a serious problem. Difficulties may arise with medical care, employment, registering children for school or kindergarten, not to mention obtaining a foreign passport or registering a car. The bank will not register an unregistered apartment as collateral for a loan.

The next serious drawback of the delayed registration of property rights is the increase in the period for paying income tax when selling an apartment. According to the Tax Code, the seller of an apartment is exempt from income tax after three years of ownership of the property. This period is calculated after registration of rights.

There may be additional mortgage payment costs. As a rule, the interest on a mortgage loan for properties under construction is 1-2% higher than for finished housing, since the bank compensates for the risks of selling unfinished real estate in a situation where the borrower does not repay the debt. After completing the documentation for the right to housing in a new building, the bank, as a rule, reduces the borrower’s initial interest rate. The faster the owner of a mortgaged apartment registers ownership of it, the lower the final overpayment amount. If the registration process is delayed, the owner of such housing incurs additional losses.

Until the owner's rights are registered, the potential owner will not be able to apply for subsidies and benefits for utility bills.

Let's sum it up

So, to successfully register ownership of housing in a new house, the following conditions must be met:

  • Completion of construction of a new building and commissioning of the house.
  • State registration of the object.
  • The potential owner has the necessary documents to register ownership of an apartment in a new building.

If these conditions are met, registration will proceed quickly and the owner of the property will receive all rights to the apartment. The main problem, as a rule, is related to the fact that the developer did not submit the necessary documentation for registration in a timely manner or did not register ownership. In this case, the homeowner can wait for the developer to complete the documentation or go to court.

Having bought a home on the primary market on credit and moved to a new house, new residents must go through a responsible procedure - registering ownership of an apartment in a new building with a mortgage.

Conditions for registering property rights

Registration of ownership of an apartment in a brand new apartment building largely depends on the construction company.

The procedure for obtaining a certificate of ownership will begin successfully if the developer:

  • passed the acceptance of the facility by the state architectural and construction commission;
  • arranged the commissioning of an apartment building;
  • made a registration certificate for an apartment building at the BTI;
  • put the new building on the cadastral register;
  • drew up a protocol on the distribution of real estate (not only residential, but also commercial);
  • registered the property in Rosreestr and assigned the house a postal address.

The procedure for registering ownership of an apartment in a new building with a mortgage starts step-by-step by contacting the construction company with which an equity participation agreement (PAA) or another agreement for the purchase of residential premises in a new building was concluded.

Step 1. The developer must provide the apartment owner with:

  • act of acceptance and transfer of the apartment;
  • act of implementation of an investment agreement for construction work;
  • copies of documents on the commissioning of the built house and its acceptance by the state commission.

Important: when receiving papers in your hands, you should check whether they contain corrections, additions, erasures or damage that affect the readability and interpretation of the content. Such documents according to Art. 18 of Law No. 122-FZ cannot be accepted by the registrar.

Often, residents are asked not to register ownership of their home, but to entrust this procedure to the developer. But this service will be very expensive - up to 2.5% of the cost of the apartment.

Step 2. The new resident contacts the BTI and orders documentation with a technical description of the residential property:

  • technical certificate;
  • cadastral passport;
  • floor plan with explication.

The cost of their registration will have to be clarified on the spot.

The next steps depend on what other documents you need to provide to the registration authority (see below).

With or without trial?

In practice, apartment owners in new buildings often have to go to court to register ownership of their home.

This is necessary in the following cases:

  • the developer refuses to provide the above papers;
  • the developer has not carried out the above actions for a long time.

Before going to court, you should send a claim to the developer on behalf of one shareholder or an entire group. It is recommended to send the document by registered mail. You can go to court after receiving a negative response to a claim or not receiving a response within a month.

How to register ownership of an apartment in a new building with a mortgage through the court? First of all, you need a well-drafted statement of claim with a clear indication of the reasons for the impossibility of registering the property as a property due to the fault of the developer.

Then you must provide all the documentation that will be required in court and pay the state fee in the required amount and according to the payment details provided to the plaintiff.

It is recommended not to do this yourself, but to use the services of specialized lawyers with relevant experience and practice. Their services, at least, will cost less than registering a home as the property of a shareholder by a developer.

How to register ownership of a new building purchased under a DDU with a mortgage: list of documents

Here are the documents you will need to independently register ownership of an apartment under a mortgage without going to court:

  • ID cards of all owners - passports of adult family members and birth certificates of young children;
  • title document - DDU or other agreement with the developer;
  • mortgage agreement;
  • written consent of the pledgee (creditor bank) to own and use the pledged property;
  • the above papers received from the developer;
  • the above papers from the BTI;
  • receipt of payment of state duty in the amount of 2000 rubles.

Additional documents may be required:

  • consent of the guardianship authority if there is at least one minor child among the owners of the home (providing shares to children is a mandatory condition for purchasing a home with a mortgage using maternity capital);
  • a notarized power of attorney, if registration of ownership is carried out only by one of two or more adult owners or the owner’s representative.

Even after mentioning additional documents, an exhaustive list was not obtained - Rosreestr may require some other documents.

There is no need to write an application for registration of property rights - as a rule, it is drawn up by Rosreestr specialists themselves to eliminate mistakes.

All documentation is submitted in the form of “original plus copy”, with the exception of identity cards, which are only presented.

Where to go and how long to wait

You can apply for a certificate of ownership of an apartment either to the territorial body of Rosreestr or to the MFC. In the latter case, you will be able to submit documents faster, but you will have to wait a little longer for the result.

Rosreestr or the MFC takes away all the papers, including the originals, and issues the applicant a receipt indicating their full list, as well as the approximate date for the completion of the certificate of ownership.

According to the law, the period for registering ownership of a residential property should not exceed three months. If all the papers are in order, the procedure lasts 10-18 days.

Rosreestr officials:

  • accept documentation from the applicant or receive it from the MFC;
  • check the authenticity and correctness of each document;
  • identify circumstances that impede registration;
  • if there are no obstacles to registration, make an appropriate entry in the state real estate register;
  • draw up and issue the appropriate certificate to the owner.

Employees of the registration authority have the right to suspend registration if they doubt the correctness or authenticity of the documents provided. In this case, the owner(s) of the apartment in the new building receives a corresponding notification. Usually it is possible to eliminate the reasons for the suspension, after which registration is resumed.

The owner of the property has the right to appeal the refusal to register in court.

An extract confirming ownership can be obtained both on Rosreestr form and in electronic form with an electronic signature.

The apartment is decorated - what next?

A citizen who has purchased a home with a mortgage receives a document of ownership with a note indicating that the property is encumbered with collateral. After full payment of the debt on the mortgage loan, it will be necessary to register the removal of the encumbrance with Rosreestr.

To do this you will need to:

  • sign a joint appeal / application to the registration authority with the creditor bank;
  • obtain documentary evidence from the bank that the borrower’s obligations have been fulfilled in full;
  • Apply with these papers, as well as your passport, to Rosreestr or MFC.

At the appointed time, all that remains is to pick up the document with a mark on the removal of the encumbrance.

Many people do not know how to register ownership of an apartment in a new building with a mortgage. Real estate transactions require compliance with a procedure defined by law. And buying an apartment with a mortgage secured by a bank complicates the registration procedure.

Conditions for registration of an apartment

There are two options for purchasing an apartment in a new building. The first option is to purchase during the construction stage, and the second is after the house is completed. One of the very first documents that the future owner of an apartment receives is an agreement for shared participation in the construction of an object (DDU) or any other type of contract for the acquisition of housing ownership.

Registration of ownership of residential space in a new building begins after the house is built and ready for inspection by government agencies. The process of registering rights to future real estate directly depends on the developer. Since it is he who must go through the following stages:

  1. Hand over the house for acceptance by the architectural and construction commission.
  2. Make a technical passport for the constructed facility; it is issued by the technical inventory bureau.
  3. Arrange for handing over of the constructed facility for commissioning.
  4. Register the house with the cadastral chamber.
  5. Draw up an act on the distribution of all constructed real estate, and even that which will be used for commercial and other purposes.
  6. Register an apartment building in the Russian registry and obtain a postal address for the constructed facility.

When the developer goes through all these procedures, he can provide the future owner of the living space with the documents he needs to register ownership of the apartment under a mortgage:

  • act of implementation of the contract for investments made and work performed for the construction of this facility;
  • an act confirming the acceptance of the apartment by the new tenant and its transfer by the developer;
  • copies of documents on acceptance of the construction project by the architectural commission,
  • papers confirming commissioning and registration in Rosreestr.

When receiving all documents from a construction company, it is very important to check that they are filled out correctly and that there are no typos in the text. If an error or typo is subsequently discovered, the registrar has the right to refuse registration of rights.

After receiving the entire package of papers from the construction company, the future new resident must request the following from the Technical Inventory Bureau (BTI):

  1. Floor plan of the construction site with explication.
  2. Cadastral passport.
  3. Technical certificate.

When ordering these services, BTI has the right to charge a fee for their provision. The cost of such services is determined individually in each region.

If the developer does not issue documents

Unfortunately, there are cases when registering ownership of an apartment in a new building with a mortgage is made difficult by the inaction or opposition of the developer. This may occur due to the negligence of the construction company or difficulties encountered in registering the construction project with the developer himself. In this case, there are 2 options to solve the problem:

  • in a pre-trial manner;
  • judicially.

Before going to court, you need to try to solve the problem pre-trial. It is necessary to formalize a legally competent claim against the construction company. If several shareholders are faced with this situation, then you can write a collective claim.

If a refusal is received or when the claim remains unanswered within 30 days, a court application is drawn up with a requirement to oblige the developer to issue all the necessary documents, without which it is impossible to register ownership of the apartment under a mortgage. To successfully resolve a case in court, it is important to correctly draw up a statement of claim, so it is recommended to hire competent lawyers. The lawyer will be able to draw up a claim in a short time, and the monetary remuneration paid to him for representing the interests of the shareholder in court will be recovered from the unscrupulous developer. The court will make a ruling, and as practice shows, in such cases justice is always on the side of the shareholders. With this decree, you can easily register property rights.

Documents required for obtaining a mortgage for an apartment

How to register ownership of an apartment in a new building with a mortgage, having in hand the necessary documents from the developer? If the construction company has faithfully provided everything necessary, the next step will be to collect the remaining important papers:

  1. DDU or other title document for future living space.
  2. Identity cards for all family members (passports for adult citizens of Russia and children over 14 years old, birth certificates for children under 14 years old).
  3. A mortgage agreement with a bank or other credit institution.
  4. The formal consent of the lender who granted the mortgage to the right to use and own the real estate pledged under the mortgage.
  5. A set of papers previously ordered from a construction company.
  6. A set of papers received from the technical inventory bureau.
  7. The original receipt indicating payment of a fee of 2,000 rubles for the service provided by the state body for registration of property rights.
  8. When using maternity capital funds, the consent of the social service authority (guardianship and trusteeship) is required if among the homeowners there is at least one child under 18 years of age.
  9. A power of attorney certified by a notary for permission to register ownership through a representative.
  10. Rosreestr has the right to demand other documents it needs.

An equity participation agreement or other title document is issued by a construction company at the time of entering into an agreement to purchase a home. This is the very first paper that the future owner will receive after signing a contract with the developer.

Each family member who will be the owner of this property, as well as when using maternity capital funds, must have passports and certificates.

When a future owner applies to a bank for funds to purchase a home, he signs a loan agreement, the purpose of which is to purchase real estate. After the lender signs the agreement, the apartment is pledged to the bank. The borrower signs a mortgage document indicating that the property is pledged to the bank. And if the lender fails to fulfill loan obligations, the bank has the right to take the apartment to pay off the remaining debt.

The lender is also obliged to draw up in writing his consent to the borrower’s right of possession of the pledged property. After which the bank has no right to interfere with the exercise of these rights if the borrower faithfully complies with the terms of the mortgage agreement.

State duty is collected from all citizens for the provision of various types of services by municipal authorities. The cost of such a duty is regulated by the legislation of our country. To register rights to property in a new building, you need to pay 2,000 rubles.

If the owner of a share of real estate is a child who has not reached the age of majority, it is necessary to obtain permission from the social services authorities. To do this, you need to write an application to the social protection authority located at the child’s place of residence. The application must indicate why this permission is needed. Social service authorities will require the following to be attached to the application:

  • parents’ passports proving their identity;
  • certificate for the child;
  • DDU or other title agreement with a construction company;
  • act on acceptance and transfer of new housing.

If the registration of an apartment for a mortgage in a new building occurs through proxies, then it is necessary to make a notarized power of attorney. To do this, you need to come to the notary with an identity document and ask to have this document drawn up in the office. To draw up a power of attorney, you will need to know the personal information of the future representative. This service is also paid. Its cost averages 1000-3000 rubles, depending on the region.

This is a basic list of required papers, but not complete. Depending on the region, the future owner, developer, lender and Rosreestr itself, other documents may be requested.

Rosreestr employees do not require you to independently fill out an application for registration of property rights, since they themselves fill it out on the computer in order to eliminate errors and typos. The future owner checks that this document is filled out correctly and then signs.

Photocopies must be made of all documents, as they are submitted along with the originals. The only thing that is not taken away in the original is the children’s passports and certificates. But photocopies must be verified with the original. At many registration offices, employees make photocopies themselves. This service may be subject to payment. This information must be clarified at the institution where the documents will be submitted.

Step-by-step registration of housing ownership

There is a procedure defined by law for registering ownership of an apartment in a new building. A mortgage creates a property encumbrance on the purchased property. After preparing all the papers required to become an owner, you must adhere to the following procedure:

  1. It is necessary to submit documents to the registration chamber. This can be done by direct visit to this institution. Or you can contact the multifunctional center. Through such a center, the period for obtaining results will be longer by a week or two. This is due to the fact that the center needs time to transfer everything to Rosreestr and deliver the finished result from there.
  2. When submitting an application through both of these institutions, employees will tell you how to register ownership of an apartment in a new building with a mortgage, what other papers need to be completed if necessary, and how long the certificate will be issued.
  3. Also, an employee of the registration chamber or multifunctional center will draw up a statement based on the submitted papers, which must be carefully checked and signed.
  4. After receiving the application, both originals and photocopies of the necessary papers are taken to Rosreestr itself for verification and registration. The owners are given a receipt indicating the list of documents received. It also indicates the approximate date of receipt of the finished result. On average, it takes 18 days to check and register a mortgage for an apartment. New building or secondary housing does not matter in this case. But the presence of factors such as several owners, a mortgage, or filing an application through the MFC can increase this period.
  5. The receipt usually indicates a contact phone number so that you can find out when the result is ready.
  6. And the most pleasant stage after all the work done is receiving a certificate of ownership of housing. It is issued upon presentation to the employee of the passports of each owner and a receipt indicating the list of accepted papers.

An interesting point is shown by practice, when the very first shareholder of a new construction project draws up documents, the procedure for drawing up documents is delayed for technical reasons. But after receiving the certificate, the remaining owners receive their papers within the usual time frame.

Registration of ownership of an apartment after paying off the mortgage

When all the documents are submitted, the new resident receives the cherished and long-awaited certificate of ownership. In the received document, a note is made in the certificate of encumbrance as collateral in favor of the bank when purchasing housing with a mortgage.

This mark indicates the legal impossibility of carrying out transactions such as purchase and sale, donation without the consent of the creditor. Sometimes even the bank provides for the obligation to coordinate with it the registration of relatives in the collateral housing.

After the owner has fully repaid the financial debt to the bank, the encumbrance is removed. This fact must be registered in the registration chamber. There is a certain procedure for removing the encumbrance after which the owner becomes the full owner of the property. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Write an application to Rosreestr with a request to register the removed encumbrance. The following documents are attached to the application:
  • applicant's passport;
  • a mortgage note, which is evidence of a cleared encumbrance;
  • credit agreement with the creditor bank;
  • previously obtained certificate of ownership.
  • a court decision to remove the encumbrance if the bank that issued the loan is liquidated.
  • After accepting the documents, the owner will receive a receipt confirming receipt of the list of papers from him. The date of receipt of the certificate will also be indicated on the receipt. This procedure takes 3 business days from the moment the documents are received by Rosreestr.
  • Next, you must appear on the specified day to receive the certificate. It will have a mark on the back indicating that the encumbrance has been removed. But if you wish, you can order a completely new certificate, which will not contain marks on the presence and removal of the encumbrance. In this case, you will need to pay a fee of 200 rubles and provide a receipt along with the application.
  • When the encumbrance is removed, re-payment of the fee for the provision of public services for registering the right to an apartment is not required.

    1. Information and construction company. Here it is necessary to pay attention to the number of houses built and put into operation, the quality of construction of these structures and reviews of the people living there. If possible, you can try to find out whether this developer has overdue obligations to third parties.
    2. When choosing a construction project, it is important to pay attention to the time spent on the construction of the building. When buying a home in an unfinished house, it is important to pay attention to how long it took to build what is already there and, on this basis, to assume how much more time is required for the property to be fully ready.
    3. When choosing a construction company and planning to purchase a home with a mortgage, it is better to immediately determine the circle of developers with whom the bank cooperates. And choose from this list. Because if a construction company does not have the necessary bank accreditation, you will not be able to get a loan to purchase a home from this developer.
    4. The most profitable contract concluded between a construction company and the future owner of an apartment is a share participation agreement. This form of transaction eliminates the following problems: the sale of the same apartment to two or more buyers and problems associated with registering land for the construction of an apartment building.
    5. When choosing an apartment in a building, always evaluate the location of the area itself, transport links, proximity to shops, educational institutions, pharmacies and other important institutions. Be guided by your needs and preferences.
    6. In cases where the bank that issued the mortgage loan ceases to exist, it is necessary to repay the loan through the organization that will be indicated in the bank’s notice. And to remove the encumbrance after full repayment of the financial debt, you need to take an extract from the register of registration of legal entities and contact Rosreestr with this document. It is also possible to remove the encumbrance in this case through the court.
    7. Be sure to register your property on time. And if it is impossible to register the property due to inaction or resistance to the construction company, it is necessary to resolve the issue through the court. Timely filing of a claim will help keep the purchased apartment in your property and stop the developer’s fraudulent actions towards other shareholders.

    When purchasing residential space in a building that has only a foundation and several floors, the future owner is at great risk of investing in long-term construction.

    Consequences of late registration of property

    There is a special category of people who delay the registration of property rights because they do not know how to obtain ownership of an apartment with a mortgage. In a new building or in secondary housing, regardless of where the living space was purchased, it is important to register your rights in a timely manner. While the property is not registered, the new resident does not have the right to:

    • make any real estate transactions;
    • cannot apply for the payments and subsidies due to him related to the condition of purchasing a home;
    • cannot register in the purchased housing;
    • will not be able to issue a tax refund on taxes paid.

    These are not the only problems that await the unregistered new settler. The worst option may be a secondary sale by the developer of this residential area and registration of ownership by the second buyer. Such situations, unfortunately, are not uncommon in the modern world.

    Therefore, you should not skip such a difficult stage as registering ownership of an apartment. New construction and mortgages are closely related in the modern world. The legislation of our country encourages developers to build new buildings by creating favorable conditions for the purchase of primary housing. This stimulation occurs through the banking system. Reduced interest rates on mortgages for the purchase of a primary home are attracting the attention of many people.

    We continue our unsinkable series of articles about buying an apartment in a new building. Last time you showed the developer that he has now the shortcomings have been eliminated, you have signed the deeds and received the keys. All? No, not everything.

    Nika Troitskaya

    real estate marketer

    Formally, the apartment is not yours yet. You cannot remodel or sell it, even partially. If you have a mortgage, you pay a higher interest rate to the bank. This is because you have not yet registered ownership. Today's article is about how to do this.

    The state maintains a register in which it stores records about apartments, houses and plots and their owners. Your task as a future owner is to ensure that the state enters information about your new apartment into this register. Part of the work will be done by the mayor's office and the developer. All you have to do is collect a package of documents and give it to the state. The result is a document that confirms your ownership:

    Previously, the certificate was issued on beautiful paper with a coat of arms, now it is an extract from the electronic state register

    1. We are waiting for the developer and the mayor’s office

    While you are furnishing your apartment, the mayor's office and the developer are preparing the final documents for the new building. This usually takes six months after the house is delivered. You don't have to do anything, but it's good to know.

    Mailing address. It is assigned by the mayor's office. They may make it in time before the acts are signed, or they may delay it for two months. In this case, in the act you have a missing line in place of the address. It is not prohibited by law: in 95% of cases, the developer transfers apartments before assigning an address.

    Cadastral and technical passport. Making them is the responsibility of the developer. The house is assigned a cadastral passport with a number and registered in the cadastral register. This means that the house is included in the state housing database and that it has documents. In the technical passport they write what the house is built from, how the pipes and wires are located, which walls are load-bearing and which are not.

    The developer orders passports for the entire house. This takes three to four months. If the developer receives passports for several houses at once, the process will take longer.

    Cadastral and technical passports for the apartment in 2014

    Passports will come in handy if you want to remodel or sell an apartment to a paranoid buyer or a buyer with a mortgage. Some developers think that passports are necessary to register ownership. This is not true, so if you are not planning to redevelop or sell, then do not waste your time and money. When you want, then you can order: at BTI or MFC.

    2. We collect documents on ownership

    If you registered a child care home for one person, then register the ownership of the apartment in his name: it will be faster and easier with documents. If you want to re-register part of the apartment to your spouse and children, it is better to first register the ownership in your own name, and then allocate the shares.

    If you have issued a pre-employment holiday for several people, then everyone collects the same package of documents.

    Receipt and copy

    Certificate of payment (two originals)

    Download a receipt for payment of state duty from the Rosreestr website. The state duty in September 2016 is 2000 rubles. Pay using your online banking details. If it is more convenient for you to pay the state fee at the bank’s cash desk, print out the receipt.

    The amount of the state duty will not change if you register ownership of the apartment for several people. Divide 2,000 rubles by the number of future owners and each pay their part.

    Receipt for payment of state duty

    When you pay the state fee, make a copy of the receipt or payment from the Internet bank. The department will look at the original payment slip and take copies for registration.

    If you have a mortgage, you will need three more documents:

    Loan agreement


    If you have a mortgage, then take the loan agreement, appraisal report and mortgage note. The company that will do the appraisal report for you will most often be recommended by your bank. When the appraisers make a report, take it and go to the bank to get a mortgage. A mortgage is a document that states that the mortgage is in your name and that the apartment is pledged to the bank in case you don’t pay. If the bank did not issue you a mortgage immediately when registering a DDU, apply for it now. Some banks issue a certificate of change of collateral along with the mortgage. If you are given such a certificate, take it with you just in case.

    They will give you an application for ownership and help you fill it out on the spot - at the MFC or the cadastral chamber.

    3. We submit documents to the MFC or cadastral chamber

    There are five ways to submit ownership documents: send by mail, send scans through the Rosreestr website, call a cadastral courier, bring to the cadastral chamber or bring to the MFC. They're all good. Choose which method is more convenient for you.

    By courier. Two years ago, submitting documents to the MFC or cadastral chamber was an all-day quest. People had been lining up at the receptionist window since night or early morning. Then Rosreestr organized its own courier service. On the Rosreestr website this is called field service.

    A courier from Rosreestr costs 1,500-2,000 rubles, depending on the region. He will come to your home with a laptop and printer, give you a receipt with the application number and tell you where and when to pick up the completed documents. The receipt means that you really gave him a package of documents to register ownership. If you want to submit documents this way, call Rosreestr: 8 800 100 34 34.

    Personally. If you decide to save money, submit the documents in person - at the MFC or the cadastral chamber. Make an appointment for a specific time through the Rosreestr website or pick up an electronic queue coupon immediately at the branch. The first method is more convenient if you have limited time: for example, you can only take an hour and a half off from work. The second is if you have a flexible work schedule and are ready to come to the cadastral chamber twice a day: for a coupon and at the appointed time.

    When you submit your documents, they will tell you where to pick up the completed ones and give you a receipt with the application number. This number is used to track whether documents are ready on the Rosreestr website:

    The application number will be issued by a courier or a specialist from the cadastral chamber or MFC

    By mail. It makes sense to send by mail if you are a shift worker, work for six months among oil rigs, and bought an apartment in another city. (By the way, congratulations!) In this case, gather your paperwork, print it out, and fill out the title application. Go to a notary and have the signature certified on the application.

    Now go to the post office and ask for an envelope and an inventory form. On the form, you list the documents you are sending, show the inventory and documents to the postal employee, and only then seal the envelope with the documents. Send documents by letter with acknowledgment of receipt, a description of the contents and declared value. Send a letter

    Now you have ownership of the apartment: register shares for your spouse and children, reduce the mortgage rate at the bank, and do redevelopment. We'll tell you how to get a tax deduction for an apartment.


    1. With registered ownership rights, you can register a share of the apartment in the name of your spouse and children, reduce the mortgage rate at the bank, and do a legal redevelopment.
    2. Before collecting documents for ownership, you must wait until the mayor's office assigns a postal address to the house, and the developer registers the house with the cadastral register.
    3. To register ownership, you do not need cadastral and technical passports.
    4. For the first time, ownership must be registered in the name of the person indicated in the DDU, and then shares must be allocated to children and other relatives. If there are several future owners, the amount of the state duty is divided equally between them and everyone pays their part. Everyone collects the remaining documents separately.
    5. If you want to save time, collect the documents and call a courier from Rosreestr, who will accept them from you.
    6. If you want to save money, submit documents to Rosreestr or MFC in person. All future owners submit documents at the same time.

    Currently, due to imperfect legislation, there are often cases when a house is rented out without cadastral registration of apartments and premises in it. In such a situation, shareholders are faced with the impossibility of registering ownership of the apartment until it is registered in the cadastral register.

    Meanwhile, without property rights it is impossible:

    1. Obtain permanent registration in the apartment;
    2. Order BTI measurements in case of disagreement with the Developer’s measurements;
    3. Participate in the creation of a HOA;
    4. Get a tax deduction;
    5. Use maternity capital (if the deadline for transferring the apartment is missed, housing cooperatives require a certificate of ownership, in other cases this is not necessary);
    6. Receive absolute protection of your right to an apartment in the event of bankruptcy of the developer. (With unregistered ownership, you can protect your interests, but you will need to timely submit your claims during the bankruptcy case, which will be considered by the Arbitration Court).

    So it turns out that in order to register his rights to an apartment, the shareholder is forced to either wait until the developer registers the house and all the premises in it (this takes from 6 months to 3 years), or he can try to register his apartment with the cadastral register separately from home (this does not entail any negative consequences). Let's look at the last procedure in more detail:

    1. First, let’s check how things are going with cadastral registration.

    How to find out whether a property is registered in the cadastral register?

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