Cards masculine feminine neuter. Gender and number of nouns

The main grammatical feature that is inherent in almost every part of speech is the category of gender. How many genders do nouns have and how to correctly determine this category for this part of speech? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article.

What is the gender of nouns?

Category of gender of nouns in Russian– a grammatical sign indicating the gender (gender) of the object (living creature, phenomenon) called by the noun or its absence. Gender is a permanent grammatical feature of nouns and is studied in the 6th grade.

Features of the category of gender of nouns

There are three types of nouns in the Russian language:

  • Male (he). Masculine nouns in the singular I. p. have the endings -a, -я, and zero.

    Examples of masculine nouns: dad, uncle, knife, table, hawk.

  • Female (she). Feminine nouns in the singular I. p. have the endings -a, -я, and zero.

    Examples of feminine nouns: wife, nanny, night, glory, desert.

  • Average (it). Neuter nouns in the singular I. p. have endings -о, -е.

    Examples of neuter nouns: swamp, gold, sun, lake, jam.

There is also a class of words, the so-called general gender, which, depending on the context, can be used in both masculine and feminine genders

(boring, sissy, crybaby, smart, greedy).

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How to determine the gender of a noun?

For animate nouns, the gender coincides with the gender of a living creature, a person (father, interlocutor - m.r., girlfriend, gossip - f.r.).

For all nouns, gender can be determined by the grammatical form of the adjective, which agrees with the noun:

  • Masculine whose? Which? (white snow, good advice);
  • Feminine. Nouns agree with adjectives that answer questions - whose? which? (fresh newspaper, cheerful friend);
  • Neuter gender. Nouns agree with adjectives that answer questions - whose? which? (green field, tall building).


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In Russian, one of the main characteristics of nouns is their gender. Let's try to figure it out, and also find out the essence of this term, learn to define, find this category in various texts, and also consider possible exceptions from the rules. Let's consolidate the material with tables.

Of course, many will object: why is this necessary? Now, in the age of information technology, absolutely everything can be found online on the Internet - you just need to type what you are looking for into the search bar.

And the answer is simple - knowledge of the grammar of the Russian language makes a person more educated: after all, everything that a person says or writes shows his culture.

What is the gender of nouns

What does a person need to know about such an element of this part of speech? In general, this category is widespread in almost all languages ​​of the world (with the exception of Armenian and some languages ​​of the Caucasian countries).

This term refers to the ability of a noun to be combined with in different forms agreed words depending on their gender.

There are 3 types:

  • male;
  • female;
  • average.

It is worth noting: In different languages, the same word can belong to completely different genders.

In addition, the Russian language has a separate variety of this part of speech - general gender, this will be discussed below.

Formally, this characteristic of a part of speech can be defined as follows:

Masculine nouns have the following characteristics:

Features of the feminine gender of nouns:

The neuter gender of nouns is characterized by the following characteristics:

How to determine the gender of a noun

The simplest thing is to ask a question. Then look at the case, compare with the signs presented above. If this does not help, then you need to remember a few rules.

Key Features

Firstly, professions are distributed according to this criterion depending on graduation - and it does not matter what gender the person belonging to it is ( surgeon- husband. R., nanny– female R.).

Secondly, the previous rule is also typical for animals (a cat is female, a woodpecker is male). Moreover, if at the end it is impossible to determine the gender, then grammatically it will correspond to the attribute of the concept defining it: wildebeest- difficult to determine, but antelope(denotes a type of ungulate) – female r., then the searched word will be of the same gender.

Thirdly, for words with a hyphen, the main part (according to lexical meaning or changeability) is decisive. For example: apartment-museum– female r.

Fourthly, for some words it is now difficult to find an explanation of this concept, so they are easier to remember:

  1. rail, shampoo– m.r.;
  2. vanilla, corn– f.r.

Fifthly, abbreviations are determined by gender depending on the keyword of their full decoding ( UN - organization– female r.).

More complex cases

The first thing you should pay attention to are general signs:

  • for men's:
  • for women:
  • for average:

Determination of the gender of geographical names:

  • the gender is determined by its concept: the Mississippi River (feminine), the city of Delhi (masculine), Lake Baikal (medium);
  • depends on vocabulary
  1. Chile – meaning “country” – feminine;
  2. Chile - meaning "state" - middle river.

Take into account: It is impossible to determine the gender of plural words (for example: scissors, gates).

Common gender of nouns

Table-memo “Declination of nouns”

Below is a reminder of the declension for each gender.

Koshevaya O. N., teacher primary classes Municipal educational institution “School No. 97 of the city of Donetsk”

Russian language

Subject Gender of nouns: man-male, female, average.

Target: introduce the grammatical feature of nouns - gender; create conditions for mastering the method of determining the gender of a noun through the algorithmization of students’ activities.



. develop the ability to see spelling patterns in words, develop spelling literacy, justify the condition of choice;

. to form analytical-synthetic thinking, the ability to group, the ability to generalize, and draw conclusions;

. develop the ability to work in pairs, develop control and self-control skills;

. develop children's speech, lexicon, thinking.


. teach to determine the gender of nouns;

. continue to work on developing the skill of competent writing and spelling vigilance.


. cultivate a love for the Russian language, the need to take advantage of linguistic wealth.

Personal UUD: students establishing a connection between the goal educational activities and its motive, self-determination.

Cognitive UUD: independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal, conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance in oral form, selection of the most effective ways to solve problems, structuring knowledge.

Regulatory UUD: goal setting, planning, evaluation of work results, making necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the actual action and its result.

Communication UUD: planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, observing the rules of speech behavior, the ability to express and justify one’s point of view.

Planned results

Knowledge of constant features of a noun;

Ability to apply knowledge in life situations;

Ability to determine the gender of nouns.

Equipment: Power Point presentation, signal cards (m.r., zh.r., s.r.); textbook: Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G. Russian language. 3rd grade. Textbook for general education organizations. At 2 o'clock - M.: Education, 2016.

During the classes

I . Organizing time

I hope for you, friends,

You are a good friendly class.

Everything will work out for us.

2. Training - ear massage.

Let's wake up our brain and start working:

pull yourself by the earlobes from top to bottom (2 - 3 times);

pull the auricle up (2 - 3 times);

circular movements auricle clockwise and counterclockwise (2 - 3 times).

II . Updating students' knowledge (Slide 1)

1. Exercise for memory development.

A year is winter, water is a river, a blizzard is snow, frost is cold.

Sort out the words according to their composition.

2. Frontal survey(Slide 2)

What part of speech are the words naming the depicted objects?



What is a noun called?

What does it mean?

What questions does it answer?

Which nouns are answered by the question who, and which ones are asked what?

What two groups can nouns be divided into?

3. Calligraphy minute(Slide 3)

Uncle Fyodor, the dog Sharik and the cat Matroskin lived in the village.

Name spellings (proper names)

Parse the sentence.

III . Statement of educational problem. Work in pairs (Slide 4)

In order to determine the topic of our lesson, we need to distribute these nouns into groups according to a certain criterion. Words will help you"HE SHE IT".

Icicle, snow, frost, cloud, frost, winter, coat, blizzard, lake.

Try to determine the topic of the lesson based on these 3 columns of words.

IV . Discovery of new knowledge

1. Work according to the textbook.

WITH.25 exercises 39 (oral)

2. Teacher's story.

Gender of nouns.

You understand that the rooster is he, the hen is she, the wolf is he, and the she-wolf is she, the cat is he, and the cat is she. What to do with a rhinoceros, a squirrel, a cuckoo, a mouse, a hawk? Don't they have members of the opposite sex?

You cannot confuse different things: gender and gender. Yes, these words are presented in this way: there is a hippopotamus - and all individuals are so named. There is a cuckoo - and that’s it, there is a hawk - and there is no hawk in the language. In the language!

What if it’s not clear, if the word is foreign? Chimpanzee, flamingo? These are usually masculine words unless the text indicates otherwise. The little kangaroo galloped into the forest.

And so - a bright flamingo, an agile chimpanzee, a cute kangaroo.

Memo (Slide 5)

3. Relaxation exercise

Massage of the wings of the nose.

Tapping the bridge of the nose with your knuckles.

Breathing exercise.

V . Primary consolidation

1. Independent work.

Ex. 40 page 26

Assignment: write down the feminine nouns first, and then the masculine and neuter.

Choose 2 nouns each: masculine, feminine and neuter.

Peer review.

2. Familiarization with the gender discrepancy of nouns.(Slide 6)

The old ladies were having lunch. Suddenly a spoon fell from the table with a clang.

Yeah! - said the Russian woman, remembering a funny old sign. — Some lady came to visit us. The spoon fell!

Why lady? - the German woman was surprised. - A spoon is masculine. So a man must come.

The Russian was indignant:

Well, here's more! If the knife fell, then it would mean a man. The knife is masculine...

Ha ha ha! - the German woman laughed.

Is the knife masculine? No, if the knife falls, it doesn’t mean anything. He is neuter.

The Armenian woman sat silently and looked in bewilderment at one or the other of those arguing. Finally she leaned towards me: “Forgive me,” she whispered, “but I don’t understand anything... I see there’s some kind of funny sign here.” What is it based on? Why can a knife somehow resemble a man or a spoon resemble a woman? I don't understand this.

And in fact, it was impossible to explain to her what this superstition was based on: in the Armenian language (as in English) there are no genders at all: neither feminine nor neuter! Neither in Armenia, nor in England, nor in Turkey could such a sign even be formed.

3. Game task "The sixth odd one".(Slide 7)

Rain, island, horse, shadow, bush, day.

Rye, oven, carrots, fire, laziness, night.

Land, taiga, time, family, relatives, station.

Window, village, sea, field, towel, apple, table.

VI . Application of knowledge and methods of action

1. Creative work. Compiling text using key words.(Slide 8)

Compose and write down the text, determine the gender of nouns.

Winter, frost, snow, powder, snowdrift, bullfinch, field, glass, blanket, fur coat, Snow Maiden, snowman, gift, tree, icicle, ice, skating rink, hockey, firecracker, hat, scarf, feeder, grain, cold, hunger .

On the desk:

Cold _______ has arrived. Snow-white ________ covered the earth.

Lights up everything around. _________ ________ glitters and shimmers. How ________ _________!

Cold winter has arrived. A snow-white blanket covered the ground. The winter sun illuminates everything around. Silver frost ( White snow) glitters and shimmers. How beautiful in winter!

2. Work on riddles.(Slide 9)

Guess riddles, determine the gender of nouns (using signal cards).

She just knocks

There's snow in our window,

We take the sled

And run up the hill!


He comes first in the count,

The new year will begin with it.

Open your calendar soon

Read! Written -...


Fluffy horse,

Or maybe a hippopotamus

Or maybe just cotton wool

Floats above us into the distance.


Blanket white

Not made by hand.

It wasn’t woven or cut—

It fell from the sky to the ground.


Her house is on a white cloud,

But she is afraid of the sun's ray.

Silver fluff,



After working all day,

A blizzard swept the mountain.

What kind of slide? What's the name?

You will have to answer me.


Anybody here can be a bird

In the winter cold, treat yourself.

There's a hut hanging on a branch,

It's called...


The sieve is large, the sieve is blue.

White fluff sows and blows

to forests, houses, meadows.


Wanders alone

Fiery eye.

Everywhere it happens

Warms with a glance


VII . Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition

1. Work according to the textbook.

Ex. 40, p. 26.

(Independent execution. Mutual verification.)

Read what endings nouns of different kinds have.

2. Creative work. Work in groups.(Slide 10)

From the letters of each given word, form a new one that retains all the letters of the original word. Determine the gender of the nouns. Underline the pairs that have the same gender.

pine - ... (pump)

fist - ... (doll)

whim - ... (order)

reed - ... (mouse)

kite - ... (lace)

VIII . Homework

Ex. 44, p. 27

IX . Summarizing. Reflection

How to determine the gender of a noun?

Continue the sentences:

In the lesson I learned….. I found it difficult…..

It was interesting to me…. I want…

Thank you for your cooperation.

The sign of a masculine, feminine or neuter gender of a noun is expressed primarily syntactically - one or another form of the adjective (black cat, black mark, black coat), participle (broken nose, broken arm, broken tree), numeral (third lesson, third shift, third place), pronouns (every man, every woman, every Sunday), a verb in the form of the past tense and the subjunctive mood (the son would come/would come; the daughter would come/would come; the sun would set/would set), combined with the given noun.

But along with this, the belonging of a noun to one gender or another is in the overwhelming majority of cases determined morphologically - by the nature of the stem and endings in one or another type of declension.

1. The masculine gender includes:

  • nouns with a base on solid consonants and a zero ending in the nominative singular case, changing according to the second substantive declension: table, oak, bull, ruff, knife;
  • most nouns with a base on soft consonants, including [j], changing according to the second substantive declension: horse, beast, bumblebee, rook, hero;
  • indeclinable noun path;
  • By meaning, the masculine gender also includes nouns denoting male persons with the ending -a (-я) (first substantive declension): servant, Misha, Borya; nouns with the magnifying suffixes -ina, -ishche, as well as with the suffixes -ishka, -ishko, formed from the stems of masculine nouns: house - domina, domische, domishko; naughty - naughty.

2. The feminine gender includes:

  • the vast majority of nouns with the ending -а (-я) in the nominative singular case, changing according to the first substantive declension: sister, wall, earth (a small part of nouns with stems ending in -а (-я) belongs to the masculine and general gender: young man , slob);
  • some of the nouns with a base on soft consonants, except for “th”, changing according to the third substantive declension: shadow, doe, network, night.

3. The neuter gender includes:

  • nouns ending in -o (-e), changing according to the second substantive declension: window, field.
  • ten indeclinable nouns in -name: name, time, tribe, seed, crown, udder, burden, flame, stirrup, banner.

There are a large number of indeclinable nouns of various genders, which express their gender only syntactically. When determining the gender of such nouns, it is necessary to take into account that for animate nouns, the grammatical gender correlates with the gender of the being called: attache, missus. Inanimate nouns are usually neuter (depot, coat, stew, taxi, metro), exceptions: coffee, Hindi, Swahili and other names of languages ​​(these are masculine nouns). The gender of indeclinable geographical names correlates with the gender of the corresponding common noun: Tbilisi (city) is masculine, Ontario (lake) is neuter, Mississippi (river) is feminine.

→Nouns: gender and number

Gender and number of nouns

Genus: There are three genders in the Russian language: masculine, feminine and neuter. Each noun belongs to one of these genders: father, boy, pee A body, wolf, oak, house- masculine nouns; mother, girl, pee A calf, fox, pine, school O la- feminine nouns; animal, tree, wing, field, building, feeling- neuter nouns.

For animate nouns, gender has a real meaning, indicating that they belong to the male or female gender. For inanimate nouns, there is no connection between the meaning of the noun and its gender (even nouns belonging to the same thematic group can have different genders: for example, in the names of the days of the week, the nouns Monday, Tuesday, Thursday- male, Wednesday A, Friday, Saturday O that- female, Sunday- neuter). Thus, for most nouns, gender is grammatical in nature and is determined by a formal feature - by endings in the nominative singular. Nouns used only in the plural have no gender (for example: spirit And, holidays, day).

Masculine gender includes nouns ending:
a) to a hard consonant - house, table, world, city, view;

b) to a soft consonant (including And) - nail, fire, January, stream, hero;
c) on w, w, h, sch(without a soft sign) - knife, pencil, key, cloak.

Some masculine nouns, denoting male persons, as well as proper names for men (usually diminutives), have the ending - and I (man, young man, uncle, Borya, Vanya, Sasha, Nikita).

The feminine gender includes nouns ending:

a) on -a, -i, -iyacountry, land, party;
b) for a soft consonant - spruce, bed, area;
c) on w, w, h, sch(with a soft sign) - rye, mouse, night, speech, help.

The neuter gender includes nouns ending:

a) on -o, -e, -e, -ie - window, sea, towel, gun, skill;
b) on -mevr e me,And me, banner, flame.

In this way, neuter nouns are most easily distinguished. Masculine and feminine nouns have partially overlapping forms of the nominative case (for a soft consonant, for w, w, h, sch); It is best to memorize their gender in accordance with the instructions in the dictionary.

We can name only a few auxiliary methods of determining the genus:

  • masculine and feminine nouns w, w, h, sch, identical in pronunciation, differ in writing by the presence of a soft sign after the final consonant in feminine nouns and in its absence in masculine nouns ( rye is a knife, night is a ball);
  • all animate nouns with a suffix -tel- male ( writer, reader);
  • all inanimate nouns with a suffix -ness- female ( youth,
    nationality, independence

Morphologically, the gender of nouns is manifested in case endings, syntactically - in the form of agreement with adjectives, pronouns, participles, as well as verbs in the past tense, cf.: after e daysthe day, the day has passed(m.), last autumn, autumn has passed(and.), after e It's summer, summer has passed(cf.).

Number: Nouns have two numbers: singular and plural ( book - books, table - tables, teacher - teachers).

Only in the singular some nouns are used to denote substances, materials ( milk, salt, gold), abstract concepts (studying, walking,presence, courage), names of some plants ( potatoes, carrots, onions, strawberries), names of countries of the world, as well as proper names (south, from e ver, Moscow, Volga, Caucasus, France,Warsaw).

Only in plural nouns are used that denote so-called paired or composite objects (trousers, gate, scissors, glasses), names of some substances ( perfume, cream, ink).

  • ← Gender and number of nouns→
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