A beautiful toast for your best friend's birthday. Toasts for a beautiful friend's birthday

Girlfriend, let's clink glasses? Although you and I are crazy! Let everything be overflowing. Always hope for the best!

I raise my glass, filled to the brim, to that naughty girl whom I adore with all my heart! I wish you, best friend, all the incredible blessings you deserve! Great love, mutual and worthy. To be the most successful and slim!

I congratulate you, girlfriend! And I drink to your happiness from a mug! So that your eyes shine with light and never betray you!

You, my friend, have so many virtues that if I drank a toast for each of them, I would die of cirrhosis in a matter of days! Therefore, I will say a general wish and drink the contents of this glass so that you always have enough for life that turns everyday life into holidays!

My toast in your honor, girlfriend,
I drink to friendship for centuries
And I wish, my darling,
Love for sure!

I raise my glass
For you, my friend,
Let passions await,
Love will drive away the cold and blizzard!

I want your blood to boil,
Like sparkling wine
And the feelings carried me away again,
Like in a romantic movie!

I'm drinking to you, friend,
I adore and love
I wish you prosperity in your home
And lots of love to the family!

I raise my wine glass
For you, my dear,
Let friendship flourish
Never fades!

I drink, friend, for a smile
And for the sparkle of a radiant eye,
From now on, don’t know any annoyances or mistakes,
Have fun here and now!

I dedicate a toast to you,
I drink to the dregs the fragrant nectar
And I wish to live without tears,
Be, friend, pure in heart!

Short toasts for a friend's birthday

For you, my friend, I’m ready to drink for a day! And praise for all your merits and merits! You are a queen in life, a Hollywood star. No one will ever steer to your left!

I want to wish you to always sit on the strong neck of a loving man, but not to lose ground under your feet. Girlfriend, remember that feminine strength lies in wisdom, and friendship lies in reciprocity!

With this glass of alcohol, I wish you a lot of pleasures in life! The efforts are not in vain, there is a lot of drive and there is only a thrill from mutual love!

Today we don't just drink,
We don't do tastings.
And we congratulate you on your day,
Which you are very guilty of!
Don't shed a single drop of your tears,
Maybe out of laughter, not seriously!

I want to congratulate you
And have a little drink with you.
For your soul and goodness.
My toast will replace hundreds of words!

Congratulations, honey,
Happy birthday!
Be confident, beautiful,
Be loved and love.

Cool birthday toast for a friend

My dear, for you
I'm pouring today!
To wish under this toast
To be cooler than Hollywood stars.

My beloved friend,
You're even closer than your sister!
Therefore for your youth
It's time for us to raise a toast urgently.

And let it not fade away
There are still many years and winters.
Your gaze shines confidently
We'll see everyone again!

Girlfriend, this first toast
I'm lifting for you.
For the shine of your eyes and hair
And so that you value yourself!

I wish you to look appetizing at any time of the day and under any circumstances. But so that they don’t eat you, and if they tried, they would choke as soon as they tried it!

Let your birthday be a fun adventure that will not remind you of your age, but will give you the desire to always be mischievous, like in your youth!

On your birthday, I'm always afraid to drink myself to death, because I want to raise a glass for every one of your good quality. I wish you to multiply them as easily as you multiplied two and two in childhood! And the disadvantages should concern only weight and bad people around!

My dear dear friend! Today I only wish for you that you will always have an amazingly light heart and amazingly heavy pockets! Happy Birthday girlfriend!

I want to tell you this parable:
“When God molded a man, he had a small piece of clay left, and he asked: “What else do you want me to mold?” The man replied: “Make me happy!” Then God did not answer, but simply put the remaining piece of clay into the man’s hand.”
Girlfriend, I want to drink to you and your happiness! We create it ourselves, the main thing is the mood and a good attitude towards life. Happiness comes in different forms, you need to notice it even in small things, store it and protect it!

A friend is not just a close person who is ready to support you at any moment. It's something more:
P - will give you tights the right size;
O – he really wants to invite you to the sale;
D – does little stupid things, like any real woman;
R - glad every meeting with you;
U – you can always ask her for lipstick;
G – ready to get involved in any adventure;
And - and he just loves you.
So let's drink to the fact that in everyone's life there is such a person who could be considered a best friend!

In order for a person to see himself, he needs to look in the mirror, and to see himself from the inside, he needs to look into the eyes of a true friend! And I found such eyes in you, my dear friend, and it is to them that I want to drink, let them be just as honest and beautiful, and always tell me the truth about myself!

Let someone say that there is no such thing as female friendship, but I officially declare and ask that my words be entered into the protocol, this someone is wrong! I have an amazing and best friend in the world who will always support and help in difficult situations! And it is to her that I want to drink, to such an amazing and best friend in the world!

My dear friend, today is your birthday, and at this table there is a great company of people who are dear to you and who care about you! So let's drink to getting together as often as possible and only on joyful occasions! And, of course, let's drink to the birthday girl! Let your beauty bloom year by year, and your inner world only gets better too!

One man walked and caroused all night, and in the morning he lied to his wife that he had spent the night with a friend. His wife called ten of his friends to make sure of this. Seven confirmed that the friend had spent the night with them, two said that he had just left, and one replied that her husband was still sleeping in the next room. This is male friendship. If a husband starts calling ten of his wife’s friends for the same purpose, they will all be happy to say that they haven’t had a woman and they have no idea where she is or with whom. Therefore, on my best friend’s birthday, I want to toast her to having only sincere and faithful friends in her life (like me), who will help destroy the existing stereotypes about female friendship.

My dear, my dear, happy birthday, I wish you happiness, health, joy, fun, vigor, enthusiasm and fire! Keep kindness, youth, love and inspiration in your heart, and may all the best be for you!

Female friendship is like a fire: the hotter it burns, the faster it will end. So let's drink to those friends who know how to add fuel to the fire at the right time.

The one who said that there is no such thing as female friendship was clearly a man, and not much at that. loving women! I affirm, and let everyone present support me, that women’s friendship exists! And you and I are excellent proof of this, so let’s drink to you, my dear friend, and to our friendship with you, in spite of all the allegations!

There is one parable about female friendship: “once a snake was crawling, riding a turtle in the desert, and the turtle thought, I’ll throw you off, he’ll bite, and the snake thought, I’ll bite him, he’ll throw him off,” and, in my opinion, this parable was invented by a man who had never seen true female friendship! And therefore, I am now saying a toast in honor of a charming and intelligent woman, my beautiful friend, for you, my dear!

I want to tell this story:
“At a concert, the host asks those present: “Is there any married couples who have only been married for one day? If so, let them get up on stage." When such a couple was found, the host asked them in surprise: “If you got married a day ago, what are you doing here?”
Let's congratulate our bride and groom, who just a few hours ago became a family, and wish them fun and interesting in each other's company. And also, guests, do not forget that today they want to be alone!

I want to drink to a beautiful and smart girl, congratulate her on her birthday and thank fate that she once brought us together and for so many years we have been the closest and best friends. I appreciate you for your cheerful disposition, joyful outlook on life, and lack of excessive seriousness. And let some believe that when a person is not serious, this hinders him in many ways. In fact, this is true. I address these words of a famous person to you: “Only the mentally ill take each other completely seriously.”

You are the hero of the occasion today, my dear friend. I congratulate you with all my heart and wish you great happiness. Birthday - children's party, we all feel a little like children on this day, because we believe in miracles. I congratulate you, dear friend, on your personal holiday. Good luck in everything, beautiful love, cloudless peaceful sky overhead. Let the sun give you a ray of warmth. Let clean water give you vigor. Let the cornucopia be the symbol of your home.

Shakespeare's Hamlet believed that beauty and virtue are incompatible things. Our birthday girl is a living example of how wrong he was!

To my beloved friend, I would like to wish, first of all, to always be a real woman. Sweet, romantic, beautiful and a little capricious. Let no man resist your charm and beauty. Happiness and joy, fulfillment of desires and success, and don’t forget to smile - it prolongs your life and makes you even more beautiful! Happy birthday my friend!

“If the stars light up, does that mean someone needs it?” Of course you need it! What would we drink to if so many years ago that beautiful star for which we gathered had not lit up in our sky! Health of the birthday girl!

Today, as always, I want to sincerely wish you career growth, happiness in your family and good health. Always think about and provide for the little things, because they can add up to major success. Always remain as smart, beautiful and understanding. Happy Birthday, dear friend!

Once three women were walking along a mountain road. Suddenly a stone wall blocked their path. One woman says to the eldest: “Tell me how many admirers you had, and let the same number of stones fall from this wall.” The woman answered, and the wall in front of them collapsed. They set off again and again came across a stone wall. It was the second woman's turn to talk about how many men she had affairs with. She said this, and exactly half of the bricks fell out of the wall. The women, with difficulty, overcame this obstacle. And again they set off, and again they came across a wall. “Well, now it’s your turn,” the women turned to their younger friend. She admitted how many men loved her, and the wall did not budge.
So let's drink to the fact that all barriers fall before our birthday girl!

My dear, (friend's name)!
I want to congratulate you on your anniversary and make a toast to your friend’s birthday!
In the north they say: 900 km is not a distance, 90 sheep is not a herd, -50 degrees is not cold, 40 years is not an age!
So let’s drink to you, dear friend, so that from this moment your life continues to be even more fun, interesting and unforgettable. Happy birthday!

Thomas Mann wrote: “How painfully beauty hurts, into what abysses of shame and passionate despair it plunges a person, completely devouring his courage, his suitability for everyday life.” I want to raise a glass to the beauty of the hostess of today’s holiday, because only she has the power to both make a person happy and make him unhappy!

Happy Birthday, my beloved friend! Today, on my way to your holiday, I admired the sunny bright day, light wind and simply wonderful life; people around are smiling and enjoying the weather. Let such days dominate your life, because it gives you a good mood, joy, love... And I would be sincerely happy to see a smile on your face and know that you have achieved your goals. So I wish you a cloudless life, a sea of ​​positive emotions and a loving man nearby. Let's drink to happiness and good luck!

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin once wrote a poem:
There is no grace for you,
With happiness you have a discord:
And you are beautiful inappropriately,
And you are smart beyond reason.
Let's drink to ensure that our beautiful birthday girl never finds herself in situations where her beauty and intelligence will be a hindrance to her!

Today you have already heard a lot nice words and congratulations, and I want to join them, and also combine all these wishes into a strong, unbreakable chain that will be present throughout your long life. On my own behalf, I wish you simple female happiness and a tidbit of love. Happy birthday my friend!

One mayor once said a wonderful phrase: “Spring has come and women have blossomed.” Let's drink to the hope that only flowers will bloom at this festive table and that the birthday girl will be simply charming.

My dear, every year you become more beautiful and attractive. And when you smile, you immediately remind me of our childhood. I appreciate and respect you, we have been through a lot together, the memories will last a long time. Today you are already a self-sufficient woman, with a good job and a prosperous family. May understanding and love reign in the family, comfort in the home, and success at work. All that remains is to wish you wisdom, patience and perseverance for a future happy life. More optimism and joy on the path of life. Happy birthday my friend!

What is the difference between a blonde and a brick? A brick doesn't call you every day after you lay it once. Let's drink to the fact that our birthday girl, thank God, is a brunette!

On your birthday, you have already heard many pleasant words and congratulations. I also join them, but on my own behalf I want to wish you one thing - youth. May she always live in your soul, inspire and help you be happy. Happy Birthday, my dear!

You've become a year older
Dear friend,
I hasten to wish well,
Take care of your figure!
Of course, I'm joking
You look good,
I want to wish you happiness
In your personal life!
Let not the soul suffer,
Everything will be fine
I drink to you today
I wish you clear days!
Don't cry and don't be sad
Smile more often,
Make your dreams come true
Enjoy life!

Always be beautiful
Always be loved
Always be fashionable
Be always happy!
Always be successful
Dear friend,
Let him not see tears,
Pillow at night!
Be great
And don't doubt it
You are always wonderful
You are always beautiful!
For you today
I'll drink to the bottom
Always be bright
My darling!

I drink to you darling,
I can't live without you
You are the best friend in the world,
Be the happiest, please!
I wish you to smile
And find the path of life,
And never give up
I wish you didn’t know your troubles!

My beautiful, magnificent,
My dear, my priceless,
I'll drink to you today
A glass of wonderful wine!
My dear friend, dear,
I wish you no troubles in life,
I wish you joy, fun,
And never suffer with your soul!

You've gotten older today
Congratulations on this
And to you, my friend,
I wish you happiness!
Live without troubles and tears for you,
And don't get better
And don’t know the storms of life,
Don't fall in love often!
I'll drink to the bottom now,
Always be beautiful
Forget the bad!

Today, my friend was born,
I'll drink to the bottom for this,
My dear, I wish
May you be happy!
So that you smile all the time,
And so that flowers for no reason,
So that all your dreams come true,
Dear, you always bloom!

You and I have known each other for a long time,
Dear friend,
We solved axioms
We drank wine by the glass!
We drink to your birthday!
And for our friendship!
So that there won't be anything between us
Deception and falsehood!

You and I are inseparable
You are the best friend!
On your birthday I wish
Don't frown!
To put a smile on your face
Shined like a bright star
I drink so that you can cope
With any trouble!

For my friend no
Unrealistic tasks!
On your birthday we drink
For originality!
Be as you are
Bright, atypical,
And to meet the prince
In your personal life!

I wish my friend pleasant moments,
Immense, big love,
From a life of gifts, surprises, presents,
Beloved with a kind soul!
Everything comes true on your birthday, I know
Let's pour some glasses!
Friend, I wish you coziness, comfort,
And great happiness to your home!

I'm my friend
I wish you to live many days!
And three sleepyheads for many years
Happy sunrise!
Congratulations on your birthday!
Let life be filled with luck,
I drink to you today, friend!
So that you get stuck in life what you need!

My dearest friend!
She has a house full of guests!
Celebrating a birthday!
Expensive! Mood!
And even more goodness,
In passion so that there are nights,
So that there are hands in diamonds,
At work - promotions!
You need to drink without a doubt!

The toast today is not simple -
Don't let your feet hurt!
So that, friend, you find
Prince on his way!
Maybe even a king -
Became a queen!
Let's drink to never
He didn't go left!

Happy Birthday to you, dear friend!
I wish you a wonderful leisure time!
Sunsets of pleasant and tender dates,
So that the soul does not suffer from distances!
So that I no longer cry into my pillow at night,
Met love, dear friend!
So we’ll drink a full glass with you
For making a good boy fall in love with you!

I wish you the best friend:
Lilac blossoms in warm May,
Shine like a star in the sky at night,
And meet the prince in person!
Take a ride with him in a foreign car,
Then for hot sex to happen,
To bring him to ecstasy,
And not just once, but three times.
We bought a yacht so that you will soon
On it you conquered the sea,
May success await you everywhere!
I invite everyone to drink to this!

I wish my friend pleasant moments!
So that you get rid of all doubts!
From the pile of worries and troublesome affairs,
And so that your destiny becomes happier!
Your family surrounded you with care,
The Lord provided wonderful work,
So that you go through life inspired,
And you brought positivity to your family and friends.
It's definitely time for us to drink to this!
You look bright and so awesome!
Come on, pour the wine with inspiration,
And I congratulate you on your bright birthday!

Beautiful toasts for a friend's birthday

My dear, you are my best friend,
And I hasten to thank fate!
Because life gave you to me,
After all, I can’t live in the world without you!
Today is your birthday,
I heartily congratulate you on this!
And I raise this toast for you,
And I hug you, lovingly!

Let your health splash in champagne
Let all sorrows drown in wine
In this absurd world, the ladies' world
You and I met each other
Problems surround us
They tied us with a strong thread
Let's drink to this, my friend,
So that our friends don't separate us.

Come on, friend, let's have a little drink
So that we can be happy like women.
And let the sorrows and sorrows pass
And from adversity we became strong.
Come on, friend, let's drink to our friends.
For those who share pain and joy.
And sharing your generosity,
They won’t ask for even a little in return.
And the third, as it should be - for love!
Let this feeling not fade away in our hearts.
And let the blood play in our veins
And we will always be beautiful, like spring!
And finally, let's drink to our enemies.
So that we have enough strength
To fight back with the dignity of a queen
And accepting defeat is beautiful!

Glass of dry white wine
I raise it in your honor, friends.
For the heart, for the weary hands
I'll drink every drop, to the bottom!
And I'll drink red to love
For friendship that has not cooled down over the years.
Even if it was often difficult for us in life,
Devotion saved us again and again.
We'll pour some sweet Champagne
For our feminine, simple happiness,
Until old age, so that we don’t know peace,
And let life be in full swing!

I'll tell you a toast about female friendship,
About loyalty, which only women can have,
About how to understand without words,
And about the ability to be there in difficult times!
Let no shadows of litter fall between us,
And our friendship will not crack.
And little things, we forgive each other,
And God will reward you with joy for this!

Happy birthday once a year
Just congratulations.
How long have I been living?
This always happens.
Holiday, table, flowers, wine,
Congratulations, toasts.
We've been waiting for a long time
With cake candles.
And today for you
I, my friend, will have a drink.
Let it shine as always
There is a smile on your face.
May the years carry with them
Only happiness, joy,
So that not a single tear
Never happened in life!

One wise man said that people
Were born from the stars of heaven,
Words don't mean anything until
They won't meet you on the way.
But looking at you, my friend,
It's not hard to believe the word of a sage,
You are clearly from the endless circle of heaven,
Your eyes say so.
I drink to the sky, to the eternal stars,
Your soul would always strive.
It's never too late to believe in it,
Let your star call you up!

Girlfriend! On your birthday
Congratulations please
Listen. Although the praise cannot be counted,
Please don't take them for flattery.
You are truly the best of us!
We will drink to you more than once
Wine, so that you get it
An armful of happiness according to fate!

My faithful friend,
The culprit of fun,
I want to congratulate you
Today is my birthday.
I will raise my glass with feeling,
Let others support.
I drink to your success in business,
May you live happily!

For my birthday I wanted
Prepare a super speech.
Unfortunately, I didn’t have time
And now there’s no time to do it.
I'll tell you very simply -
I'll drink to my friend.
I'm not an entertainer when it comes to toast,
But I know how to love.
I love my girl friend,
We are two kindred souls.
I won't say much
Just accept my congratulations.

Happy holiday to my friend
I wanted to congratulate
I know very well
She walks boldly
And she achieves
Success through your hard work.
I wish happiness for her,
Warmth, peace, light.
May your birthday bring
She is happy and happy.
I drink to her today.
Friend, happy birthday!

We have known you since childhood, friend,
In adversity we always helped each other,
Both joy and sorrow were shared all the time,
And they maintained a strong friendship for years!
So we'll drink today, on your birthday,
For the best girl, without a doubt!
For joy, success, for good luck in business,
May you hold happiness tightly in your hands!
Let's drink to make your wishes come true,
And everything worked out without any problems!

For my birthday I wanted
Prepare a super speech.
Unfortunately, I didn’t have time
And now there’s no time to do it.
I'll tell you very simply -
I'll drink to my friend.
I'm not an entertainer when it comes to toast,
But I know how to love.
I love my girl friend,
We are two kindred souls.
I won't say much
Just accept my congratulations.

Today you are so exquisitely refined,
Like the most beautiful and delicate flower!
On your birthday I want to sincerely tell you:
Your beauty is amazing!
Friend, may all your endeavors come true,
Moments of happiness will last like days
Fans will unanimously give attention,
Keep your feelings for your loved one in your heart!

I wish you to always be loved,
For husband, grandchildren and children!
And be truly happy
Don't get lost among people!
And always be visible everywhere
Beautiful in appearance and soul,
That sincere one that everyone really needs
Heartfelt soft beauty!

Girlfriend, dear, don’t be afraid of the “round” date
She is just a reason to throw a party.
I know for sure, I believe - you will never
You can't be too old as a soul.
I wish you joy, health,
And let your heart tremble with love.
And every day will be painted with tenderness,
And your eyes glow with happiness.

Sweet, funny, simple,
Tender, naive at times.
For me you have become my best friend,
I share everything in the world with you.
I wish for everything to happen
They would have passed you by
So that happiness comes to the house for a long time,
I drink to this, drink with me too!

Toasts for a friend's birthday in prose

Beloved, dear, faithful friend! On this day - your birthday, I want to raise a glass of wine and wish you success in business, success in love and that you live a long and happy life. Happy Birthday, my dear!

In order for a person to see himself, he needs to look in the mirror, and to see himself from the inside, he needs to look into the eyes of a true friend! And I found such eyes in you, my dear friend, and it is to them that I want to drink, let them be just as honest and beautiful, and always tell me the truth about myself!

I raise my glass, filled to the brim, to that naughty girl whom I adore with all my heart! I wish you, best friend, all the incredible blessings you deserve! Great love, mutual and worthy. To be the most successful and slim!

Girlfriend, let's clink glasses? Although you and I are crazy! Let everything be overflowing. Always hope for the best!

My dear friend, today is your birthday, and at this table there is a great company of people who are dear to you and who care about you! So let's drink to getting together as often as possible and only on joyful occasions! And, of course, let's drink to the birthday girl! Let your beauty bloom year by year, and your inner world only gets better too!

A friend is not just a close person who is ready to support you at any moment. It's something more:
P – will give you tights of the right size;
O – he really wants to invite you to the sale;
D – does little stupid things, like any real woman;
R - glad every meeting with you;
U – you can always ask her for lipstick;
G – ready to get involved in any adventure;
And - and he just loves you.
So let's drink to the fact that in everyone's life there is such a person who could be considered a best friend!

My dear friend, accept this wonderful bouquet of daisies from me on your birthday. They are as gentle and simple as my feelings for you. Friends cannot grow cold towards each other or change. And let our “brotherly” relationship not turn into love, but it will never end. With you it’s easy and free for me and I don’t have to try to be better than I really am. You saw me drunk, cheerful, sad, but you didn’t try to change my character, you just gave me a cup of tea and everything immediately became easier. Thank you for beeing.

Everyone says that there is no real female friendship. Not true! So they are just jealous of us! Only you let me put on your new jacket first and at two o’clock in the morning you answer the phone in a sleepy voice that you haven’t slept at all and chat with me until the morning. You and I are not rivals and never will be, because no man is worth destroying our true female friendship! And no matter what remote corner of the earth separation may take you, I drink to the hope that on this day we will be together every year.

One ancient Persian treatise says: “The four traits of a person lead to four consequences: stubbornness - to shame; hot temper - to repentance; slander - to enmity; laziness leads to humiliation." My dear friend! These traits were not typical of your nature until now. So let's drink to the fact that they never appear.

I raise a full glass to the beautiful lady whose birthday we are celebrating today. Everything will work out for you like in a fairy tale. Let the prince on a white horse quickly take you to the sea, where you will swim only in money. Happy birthday my friend!

Girlfriend, you will always be young, beautiful and the most beautiful. And today you have become a little more mature, smarter, wiser. But this is not a reason to be discouraged. Look around - all your best friends are around and they will drink to you now! For you, friend!

I want to say that I have never had such a wonderful friend as you and it is unlikely that I will ever have one. You are a bright person with whom we went through fire and water. And on your birthday, I want to wish you everything! Whatever you want, because you deserve to have stars falling at your feet!

I want to raise a glass to my real friend! You and I have known each other since early childhood. Fate periodically brought you and me together and separated you, but throughout all these years we never abandoned each other. I know for sure that I can call you or come at any time of the day and you are always happy to see me and will help me with advice. How many late-night gatherings over a glass of wine or a cup of tea we spent together which, as a rule, began with tears and ended with fun. Because you can always find the right words to set the mood. Thank you my dear beloved friend! Happy birthday!

You and I are most likely a dying breed of girlfriends. After all, we don’t call each other stupid names, as is now fashionable, we don’t fight off guys from one another. I can tell you a lot, even too much. I never even thought that you would spill any of my secrets. I'm sure you! I wish you, friend, to always get out of the most confusing situations with ease.

Happy birthday, dear friend! I wish you such a life that you don’t even have anything to dream about. May you have everything: a “prince on a white horse”, a palace, a dizzying career, and a Swiss bank account... In general, may your life itself be like a dream.

I want to tell you this parable:
“When God molded a man, he had a small piece of clay left, and he asked: “What else do you want me to mold?” The man replied: “Make me happy!” Then God did not answer, but simply put the remaining piece of clay into the man’s hand.”
Girlfriend, I want to drink to you and your happiness! We create it ourselves, the main thing is the mood and a good attitude towards life. Happiness comes in different forms, you need to notice it even in small things, store it and protect it!

My dear friend! When you were born, this earth became lighter and brighter, an angel appeared on this earth. And today with this glass I want to celebrate your next birthday and say Once again: Happy birthday my friend.

Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the collapse of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and the article banning the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - preparing alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ “On Administrative Responsibility legal entities(organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the field of production and turnover ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products" (Collection of legislation Russian Federation, 1999, N 28, art. 3476).

Excerpt from Federal Law RF:

“The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) producing products containing ethyl alcohol for purposes other than sale.”

Moonshining in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan On administrative offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. Thus, according to Article 335 “Manufacture and sale alcoholic drinks home-made” illegal production of moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages for the purpose of sale, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages, apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their production, and also money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal use.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the production and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage of devices* for its production without the purpose of sale.

Article 12.43 repeats this information almost word for word. “Production or acquisition of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of apparatus for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Point No. 1 states: “Manufacturing individuals strong alcoholic drinks (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), as well as storage of devices* used for their production - entail a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with confiscation of these drinks, semi-finished products and devices.”

*Purchase moonshine stills It is still possible for home use, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumes.

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