Lobelia - growing from seeds, when to plant seedlings. When and how to plant lobelia from seeds to seedlings: tricks for sowing and growing lobelia Lobelia seedlings

It is not for nothing that both landscape designers and ordinary gardeners love Lobelia. Properly planted lobelia can radically change appearance the entire garden plot. It is great for decorating ridges and flowerpots, and is used to create alpine slides. At the same time, growing this plant yourself from seeds is not at all difficult. For everything to work out, you need to know how and when to plant lobelia seedlings.

The term “Lobelia” unites a genus of semi-shrub, herbaceous and shrubby plants, among which there are both annuals and perennials - about 300 species in total. They belong to the Campanulaceae family, although now botanists classify them as a separate subfamily Lobeliaceae. Interestingly, only about 20 species are used in gardening and landscape design.

Homeland of lobelias - southern part African continent, but now they grow almost everywhere. In South Africa this plant is a perennial, but in Russia and other temperate countries it is usually grown as an annual.

Lobelia is a small spherical shrub, entirely covered with small and graceful bell flowers - no more than 2 cm in diameter. The flowers are axillary, located on short peduncles. They bloom so luxuriantly that they even cover the green leaves of the plant. The flowers are usually white, blue, blue, purple or pink. The flowering period lasts throughout the summer, starting in June. The capsule fruits produce seeds with very good germination rates, which last up to 3 years.

The stems are low - up to 20 cm, although selection has made it possible to obtain plants that grow up to 2 meters in height. They branch very luxuriantly, completely covered with small lanceolate leaves.

Lobelia is used in landscape design to decorate flower beds and ridges; it is often planted along the contour of flower beds and can set the background for an alpine hill. It looks very good in hanging pots or flowerpots, and is used to create flower carpets, as it has low stems. It has been used in floriculture and gardening for more than 100 years.

Note! Together with lobelia, verbena, pelargonium, salvia and many other plants look good in the flowerbed.

Despite the fact that lobelia in Russia is considered an annual, it can be transplanted into pots in the fall and taken into the house. And next summer plant it in the flowerbed again. This makes it easy to turn an annual into a perennial. Lobelia overwinters well, although in an apartment it usually stops developing in anticipation of warmer weather.

Lobelia is rightfully considered one of the most important crops in landscape design, because it can decorate any flower bed. In addition, it is not capricious, unpretentious and can be easily grown from seeds at home.

Prices for lobelia seeds

lobelia seeds

Sowing dates

Lobelia reproduces by seeds - which is why you will have to grow it for your summer cottage from them. Since it grows and develops extremely slowly, you need to sow it for seedlings while there is snow outside if you want to get flowering plants at the beginning of summer.

Lobelia blooms no earlier than 8-10 weeks after sowing - this figure will allow you to calculate the approximate timing of this procedure. As a rule, you need to ensure that the seeds have already begun to germinate no later than April. In general, the sowing period for lobelia seeds varies from February to April, depending on the region where these flowers are planned to be used.

On a note! Some sow lobelia even in January - this is done with the aim of obtaining a beautiful bush at the very beginning of summer, when the development of flower beds is just beginning. This will also allow you to immediately design borders along garden paths.

The difficulty in growing lobelia for seedlings is the following: since the crop is sown very early, the daylight hours are still too short. Therefore, it is important to illuminate the seedlings using lamps and lamps.

Attention! There is an opinion among gardeners that lobelia seeds sown in March germinate earlier and quickly catch up with seedlings obtained from sowing in February. You can check if this is actually true.

Soil and containers for lobelia

Before opening packages of lobelia seeds, you should carefully prepare the containers for planting and the soil in which the seeds will be sown. To please flowers, it must be airy, loose, and neutral in pH. Typically, those new to the world of gardening use potting soil purchased from gardening stores, but you can also make your own.

A soil mixture that includes coarse river sand (1 part), humus (2 parts), peat (2 parts) and turf (2 parts) is ideal as a substrate for cultivating lobelia. A little dolomite flour is added to the soil to reduce acidity. Lobelia also germinates well on soil created in the following way: mix vermiculite, humus and river sand or soil from the garden, sand and vermiculite. Lobelia seedlings will like both mixtures.

Note! Not all gardeners advocate that the soil for lobelia be mandatory organic matter was introduced. The fact is that with an abundance of humus in the mixture, the green part of the plants will grow, but flowering will be scanty.

They have become very popular recently. They will save you from the need to find containers for germinating seeds and picking seedlings, and you can plant young lobelias in the ground without removing them from the substrate. The most important thing is to remove the packaging film from the tablet before disembarking it for permanent residence.

Typically, wooden or plastic boxes are used for sowing lobelia seeds. You can also use food jars. Any containers should be washed thoroughly with soap and water or soda. It is very convenient to sow seeds and then there will be no need to pick small sprouts. Also, for example, it is good to use yogurt cups or small jars of sour cream.

The original method is lobelia seedlings in eggshells

Attention! Do not forget to make drainage holes in each container for seedlings, otherwise excess moisture will accumulate in the container and the ground will become waterlogged. In a plastic container, drainage is most conveniently done with a thick nail heated over a fire.

Any soil, whether from a summer cottage or from a store, should be disinfected before use. It can be calcined in the oven, heated by steam (steamed), poured with boiling water or a weak solution of a fungicide. You can also use a hot solution of potassium permanganate in a rich color. After the soil has been spilled, it is allowed to cool and dry.

Prices for peat tablets

peat tablets

We sow lobelia

Often the sowing of seeds depends on the packaging in which they are produced by the manufacturer.

  1. As a standard, lobelia seeds are produced in paper bags. In this case, sowing is carried out in the traditional and most in a simple way, that is, simply into the ground. It is convenient to first mix the seeds with sand and, pouring them onto a sheet of paper, gently sprinkle them on the surface of the earth.

  • Seeds can also be produced in a paper bag, the inside of which is covered with polyethylene. And here certain difficulties arise: the seeds become electrified and stick to the walls of the bag, which makes it not so easy to pour them out (taking into account the fact that lobelia seeds are extremely small). It is convenient to remove the seeds from the bag using a paper strip and place them on a sheet of paper.
  • Seeds can be sold in a plastic zip bag. Then they are taken out with your fingers and laid out on a sheet of paper.
  • Lobelia seeds are also sold packaged in ampoules. Be prepared that from one such capsule not one flower will appear, but a whole bush at once. They will be very convenient to dive. When sowing, the granules are simply distributed over the surface of the soil with a toothpick dipped in water.
  • Lobelia seeds are very small, 1 gram contains about 45 thousand. How to sow them in the traditional way?

    Table. We sow lobelia traditionally.

    Steps, photoDescription of actions

    First of all, the seedling boxes are filled with soil. The soil is compacted and sprayed with fungicides or potassium permanganate.

    Lobelia seeds are poured onto a piece of paper and mixed with fine sand. Then, gently tapping the tilted sheet with your finger, you need to scatter the mixture over the surface of the wet soil in an even layer. They should not be buried in the soil.

    Labels are glued or placed on each container with seedlings, on which the name of the crop and the date of sowing are written.

    The seeds are covered with a sheet of glass or polyethylene and sprayed with a spray bottle a couple of times daily. It would be good if immediately after sowing the seeds it would be possible to spray them with a growth stimulator. The container with seedlings is removed to a shaded, warm place (18-20 degrees), after the first shoots it is transferred to the light. The first shoots will appear in about 6 days.

    If we talk about the middle zone, then it is preferable to grow watermelons here (as well as some other crops - for example, melon) through seedlings. In reality, there is nothing complicated in this process, the main thing is to know and how to do it correctly.

    Another way to sow

    You can sow lobelia seedlings in another way, which has been very popular lately. Growing “Moscow style” at first saves space in the house and allows you to germinate even capricious crops. This method is better known as. To do this you will need seeds, polyethylene, a glass, water and the paper itself.

    Table. Germination of lobelia seeds in rolls.

    Steps, photoDescription of actions

    Take a strip of polyethylene (or a plastic bag), from which a strip about 10 cm wide is made. 2-3 layers of toilet paper are laid out on top of the polyethylene.

    All paper is wetted with water from a syringe or spray bottle.

    Lobelia seeds are laid out on the surface of the paper at a distance of 2-4 cm. At the same time, they recede only 1.5 cm from the edge of the strip. When laying out the seeds, it is convenient to use tweezers from the manicure set.

    The seeds laid in a row are covered with a strip of paper.

    The resulting workpiece is rolled into a neat roll, which is secured with a thin elastic band. At this stage, a tag with the name of the variety and the date of sowing is glued to the film.

    3-4 cm of water is poured into a plastic glass, a roll of seeds is placed there, the entire container is covered with a bag to keep warm. After the first shoots appear, the plants can be fed by adding a little fertilizer to the water.

    Young lobelias grown in this way are easy to pick. As soon as the first leaves appear, the roll is rolled out and the plants, along with a piece of paper, are cut off from the entire strip. Those seeds that have not yet sprouted can be wrapped back in cellophane and left in a glass.

    The sprouts are picked 1 piece at a time along with paper into separate containers.

    Video - Planting lobelia for seedlings

    Seedling care

    In order for fragile and delicate lobelia seedlings to turn into strong plants, it is important to properly care for the seedlings. There are certain difficulties here, mainly associated with the small size of the sprouts.

    Watering is done as the soil dries. You should not overwater lobelia seedlings, as this may cause them to get sick. But from a lack of water, the leaves quickly curl and wither, which is why drought is much more dangerous for them than waterlogging. It is important to water lobelia with settled water at room temperature. The most convenient way to do this is with a spray bottle or syringe, carefully applying water right to the root.

    For lobelia seedlings, like other seedlings, ventilation is also important. The container where the seedlings are located should be opened slightly for a while every day. This will allow the plants to ventilate and at the same time get used to outdoor rather than greenhouse conditions.

    Note! The optimal temperature for lobelia seedlings is +13-17 degrees.

    Light is important for seedlings, which is why winter time(after the first shoots have appeared) the lobelia is illuminated with lamps. Otherwise, the plants will begin to stretch towards the light source and bend.

    At first, lobelia is in no hurry to grow - during the first 4 weeks, the sprouts increase in size slightly. But as soon as the seedlings reach 4 cm in height, they can already be planted in individual containers. Due to the tiny size of the seedlings, it is most convenient to plant them in bushes of 3-4 pieces. It is recommended to pick using a teaspoon or tweezers.

    After diving, as soon as the sprouts stretch up to 7 cm, the tops are pinched. This is necessary for the formation of a bush.

    Typically, lobelia begins to bloom while still sitting in “children’s” pots. IN open ground it is replanted when the danger of frost has passed (approximately the last two weeks of May). It is advisable to choose a well-lit place to form a lobelia flower bed. The culture prefers sandy loam and loam. The bushes are placed at a distance of at least 10-15 cm from each other.

    This is how simple and easy it is to grow a charming lobelia, which will certainly become a real decoration of your garden. Its role cannot be underestimated - it is thanks to these wonderful small but lush bushes that it is sometimes possible to create that very atmosphere of completeness and completeness of a flower bed.

    Lobelia is one of the beautiful garden plants that grows in the form of a lush cloud of tiny flowers. This flower looks amazing both in ground plantings in a flower bed and in hanging flowerpots and flower pots. When arranging a flower bed, you can plant and combine different shapes and colors of lobelia, as well as highlight the delicate beauty of the flower with other ornamental plants.

    To grow lobelia at home from seeds, you need to know about some of the nuances of sowing, the rules for growing seedlings and the features of caring for beautiful flowers in the summer.

    Lobelia belongs to the genus of perennial and annual herbaceous plants of the Bellflower family. There are more than 300 species in the world, which are common in temperate climates and subtropical zones.

    In our country, lobelia is grown as an annual plant, usually in seedlings.

    Lobelia blooms throughout the summer. Its delicate and beautiful flowers, no more than 2 cm in diameter, abundantly cover the bush, creating a lush and bright cloud. The flowers consist of 5 petals: the upper two are narrow and small, and the lower three are larger, arranged in a fan.

    The color range of lobelia is very diverse and is represented by the following shades: bright blue, purple, soft blue, white, pink, red.

    Based on their shape, lobelias are divided into compact, ampelous and erect.

    Lobelia ampelous

    This type of lobelia has delicate and thin stems on which small, oblong leaves grow.They are located quite densely. When the stems grow to 15-20 cm, they begin to bend, and in this form they continue to grow up to 35 cm, and can reach up to 50 cm in length.

    The flowers of this type of lobelia are quite small (up to 1.5-2 cm in diameter), have an irregular shape, and are located along the entire length of the stem.

    The palette of shades of ampelous lobelia is quite wide.Most often you can find blue and dark blue colors.But there are also white, pink and lilac.

    Popular varieties of ampelous lobelia:

    • with blue flowers: Sapphire, Blue Cascade, Regatta Marine Blue;
    • with white flowers: Regatta Lilac Splash, White Cascade;
    • with pink flowers: Regatta Rose, Fountain Raspberry.

    Lobelia erecta

    Lobelia erecta has tall, strong stems that grow upward all the time. Grows up to 25 cm. The leaves are small, dense, green. Flowers grow up to 3 cm in diameter.Differs in a variety of colors.

    There are two bush forms: compact and dwarf.

    Compact lobelias differs from other species in having straight rather than creeping stems, which grow no more than 15-20 cm in height.

    Dwarf species characterized by the shortest growing plants. The height of the bushes is no more than 8-12 centimeters. The short stature of the plant does not in any way affect the duration and abundance of flowering.

    Lobelia compact - the best varieties:

    • blue: Riviera Marine blue, Riviera Midnight Blue
    • pink: Riviera Rose

    When to plant lobelia seedlings in 2020

    In this matter, you should start from when you want to see the first flowers. The appearance of flowering in lobelia occurs 70-80 days after planting the seeds.

    • In order for lobelia to bloom in June, the seeds should be sown in February - March.
    • If you sow in April, expect the first flowers in July.
    • If you are the owner of a heated greenhouse, then you can start sowing seeds in January-February. In this case, already with the first rays of the warm sun, you can plant the seedlings in open ground.

    First of all, you need to focus on the climatic conditions of the region in which you live. The sooner you get spring weather, the sooner you can start planting.

    You can plant lobelia in a flowerbed or take pots of flowers outside only when the weather is warm and there is no threat of night frosts.

    For this reason, the time for sowing seeds for seedlings will depend on the climatic conditions of the region in which you live.

    When to plant lobelia seedlings in 2020 according to the Lunar calendar

    Favorable days:

    • in February – 1-8, 10-20, 25-29;
    • in March – 2-8, 10-14, 29-31;
    • in April – 1, 2, 5-7, 9, 18-20, 24, 25;
    • in May - 2-6, 15-17, 20, 21, 25, 26, 30, 31;

    Unfavorable days:

    • in February - 9, 21-22, 23;
    • in March - 9, 19-21, 24;
    • in April - 8, 15-17, 23;
    • in May - 7, 13-14, 22.

    Growing lobelia from seeds at home

    To grow annual lobelia, the seedling planting method is used. When propagating a crop, planting and care will be successful only if you properly prepare the nutrient soil and choose the right method of sowing seeds.

    You need to know that lobelia seeds are planted on moist and slightly compacted soil.

    You can sow lobelia seeds in a ready-made store-bought soil mixture, or you can prepare it yourself. For this you will need:

    • two parts of garden soil;
    • two parts of well-rotted peat;
    • two parts of humus;
    • one part dry sand;

    Lobelia loves alkaline, loose soil, as the thin stems of the seedlings are prone to lodging. Before sowing seeds, it is necessary to treat the soil with a fungicide to prevent the development of various fungal diseases.

    Sowing methods

    Knowing the little tricks of sowing lobelia seeds for seedlings, you can grow beautiful and healthy plants.

    Sowing lobelia seeds with sand

    In order for small lobelia seeds to be evenly distributed on the ground, they are first mixed with dry river sand. Then this mixture is scattered over the surface of the soil.

    Sowing lobelia seeds with sand - video

    Using a toothpick

    For this method, take a toothpick, wet the tip in water and dip it into the seeds. Small seeds will stick to the toothpick, and then they can be easily distributed over the entire surface of the soil.

    A thin layer of snow is placed on top of a container with soil, and lobelia seeds are scattered on it. On white snow, dark seeds will be clearly visible, and this will help to distribute them correctly over the entire surface.

    Using hydrogen peroxide

    For this method, take the seeds, pour them into an empty glass and fill them with a small amount of peroxide. Leave for 5-10 minutes. Next, add a little water to the soaked seeds and, using a teaspoon, distribute the entire mixture evenly over the surface of the earth.

    The ideal way to plant seeds. Peat tablets must be filled with hot water (for 10 minutes), and when they swell, you can plant the seeds. In the future, when the seedlings grow up, they don’t need to be thinned out, but can be transplanted into a flowerbed or pot.

    For tea bags, cut off the thread and the gluing area, and straighten the bag itself well. You should not throw away the tea leaves; it will serve as fertilizer and drainage. A little earth is poured on top of the tea leaves, and all filled bags are placed in a plastic container. Water the soil in bags and lay out one seed at a time.

    Caring for lobelia seedlings after germination

    Caring for lobelia seedlings has its own nuances that affect the development of the plant and further flowering. The first lobelia shoots begin to appear 5-10 days after sowing the seeds, and they need careful care.


    Lobelia seedlings do not tolerate drought or flooding equally well.

    • The top layer of soil should not be allowed to dry out too much (we are talking about 1-2 month old seedlings, adult plants are more hardy).
    • Also, you should not overwater the plant, otherwise it will get sick and die. You need to make sure that there is no excess water in the pan.


    In order for seedlings to grow well, they need to be provided with long daylight hours (at least 12-14 hours). It should be borne in mind that direct sunlight can harm the plant.

    Therefore, provide the seedlings only with diffused light or oblique sunlight, combined with good watering.

    Seedlings can be covered from the bright daytime sun with paper or a light cloth.

    If there is a shortage sunlight use fluorescent or other fluorescent lamps.

    Top dressing

    At one month of age, seedlings are fed with universal fertilizers. It must be taken into account that the concentration of such fertilizers should be 2-3 times weaker than recommended for an adult plant.

    They start picking seedlings when two or three true leaves appear on them. It is necessary to do the picking in bunches of 5-10 sprouts, without destroying the soil, but replanting it together with a lump of earth. It is very convenient to use a teaspoon or a small spatula as a tool.


    When the seedlings grow to 5-7 cm in height, and they already have 5-6 true leaves, you can pinch the tops of the plants. This manipulation will help the plants grow more luxuriant and also ensure abundant flowering.


    1-2 weeks before planting seedlings in open ground, the plants are hardened. As soon as the air temperature outside rises to 10-15°C, you can take the seedlings out onto the balcony for 5-10 minutes. Gradually, the time spent in the fresh air is increased, and then left for the whole day and all night (provided that the frost has already ended).

    When to transplant lobelia into open ground

    When warm weather arrives and the night frosts end, lobelia seedlings are planted in a permanent place of growth.As a rule, lobelia seedlings are transplanted to the site from the end of May to mid-June.

    Lobelias are planted in small bushes of 5-10 stems pera distance of approximately 15-25 cm.

    Since lobelia loves bright but diffused light, it must be planted in partial shade. A small amount of direct morning or evening sunlight is acceptable; the plant must be shaded from the hot midday sun.

    What colors can you combine lobelia with in a flowerpot and in a flowerbed?

    Since lobelia with its shoots forms small clumps that resemble pillows decorated with blue and blue flowers, the following plants will be a wonderful company:

    • , verbena, bellflower, cloves, .
    • To create compositions in hanging flower pots, elegant white or purple lobelia is often used.
    • It is also a good idea to plant begonias, pelargoniums and impatiens next to the lobelia, with red or pink flowers.

    Low-growing varieties of lemon or yellow marigolds look great next to lobelia.

    Types of lobelia with creeping stems can be used as a ground cover, and if the shoots are long and drooping, the flower can be planted in a pot as an hanging plant. In this case, it is better to plant chlorophytum or asparagus nearby.

    Lobelia care in summer

    Lobelia requires proper and constant care; knowledge of all the nuances will protect you from many problems and failures associated with growing this beautiful flower.

    Since lobelia is considered a moisture-loving flower, it must be watered at least twice a day in hot weather. The top of the soil should be constantly moist.

    Drought for lobelia means certain death of the plant. In hot weather, the leaves of the flower dry out very quickly in the sun, the stems turn yellow and wither.

    Lobelia also does not like stagnant water near the roots. Therefore, when you plant it in a pot, be sure to make sure there is drainage at the bottom and drainage holes.

    If there is a lot of organic or mineral fertilizers in the soil, lobelia stops blooming well. Therefore, during the flowering period, the plant needs fertilizing with a minimum amount of nitrogen. It is better to fertilize the plant with potassium sulfate, then there will be so many flowers that the greenery will not be visible.

    Fertilizer for lobelia is applied 2 times per season:

    • before flowering. Dry potassium fertilizers are applied during loosening, then the soil is watered abundantly;
    • during the flowering period. Complex mineral fertilizer is applied in dry form, also during loosening, or in liquid form directly under the root.

    During the summer heat, yellowed and dry leaves appear on the plants, which need to be plucked or trimmed.

    Directly in mid-summer, a period of weakening flowering of the plant begins. Lobelia stems become very elongated and turn yellow, and flowers appear very rarely. The problem can be solved by completely trimming the bushes.

    After such drastic pruning, the second wave of flowering will begin. When pruning the plant, you need to leave about 5-10 cm above the ground, and soon the bushes will be overgrown with lush greenery, and in about 14 days they will bloom again.

    Diseases and pests


    If light spots appear on the leaves of the flowers, then the plant is affected by thrips pests. And the spots themselves are the place where they feed. The leaves gradually change their shape, and the flowers fade much earlier than on healthy plants. You can defeat thrips with the help of insecticides.

    Gray rot

    When plants become infected with this disease, the stems and leaves turn brown. And in conditions of high humidity, dust-like deposits are also added. To protect lobelia from gray rot, it is necessary to normalize watering and remove all affected plants. In case of severe development of the disease, it is necessary to apply a fungicide.


    Most often, growing seedlings are affected by this disease. The basal neck of the sprouts acquires a dark shade and becomes thinner. This in turn leads to lodging of plants and very rapid death.

    If you notice such a problem in time, you can save the plants by treating them with special preparations. Some time after processing the seedlings, in the container where they grow, it is necessary to add a little peat or sand to provoke the germination of new roots.

    Tracheomycosis wilt

    This disease can affect both seedlings and mature plants. Yellowness appears on the lower leaves and they begin to wither. If you carefully examine the cut of the stems, you can notice the darkening of the blood vessels of the flower. Not getting what you need nutrients, the lobelia bush is gradually drying up.

    Treatment methods for tracheomycosis wilt are the same as for treating blackleg. Well, diseased plants must be removed along with a lump of earth, and the holes that form should be sprinkled with chalk or lime.

    How to grow lobelia from sowing to flowering - video

    Lobelia is a rather whimsical flower that loves constant care. If you follow all the rules of planting and care when growing it, the plant will thank you with its repeated and lush flowering throughout the gardening season.

    A guest from the Cape Flower Kingdom, located in South Africa. Due to the increased love for warmth in harsh climatic conditions, the flower is grown exclusively by seedlings. From the materials of the article you will learn about the lobelia plant, growing from seeds, when to plant according to the lunar calendar in 2018, caring for seedlings and seedlings, timing and technology of planting in the garden. Advice from experienced gardeners will help you get healthy seedlings and go through the difficult path from a tiny seed to a lush flowering mat.

    The genus Lobelia is included in the bellflower family and has over 300 species of perennials. Among such diversity, only 20 species of the genus are used in ornamental gardening. In the wild, lobelias grow near bodies of water and prefer proximity to shrubs.

    The culture is a low spherical bush, reaching a height of 10-40 cm. Thin shoots do not form a basal rosette, but branch very strongly. Thanks to this, up to three orders of branches, densely strewn with flowers, develop on the bush. The internodes are located close to each other; upon contact with the soil, roots appear at the nodes. When the shoots break, a poisonous milky sap containing plant alkaloids is released.

    You know! The alkaloid lobeline is a derivative of methylpyridine, which stimulates the respiratory center. On its basis, a medicine is made to treat cough, bronchial asthma, and whooping cough. This substance is poisonous, so care should be taken when working with the plant.

    The root system of a garden plant lies in the upper soil layers and is compact. The branches are densely dotted with small elongated lanceolate leaves, reaching a length of 3-4 cm and half the width. The leaf arrangement is spiral. The natural color of most corollas is blue. It is not easy to eradicate it, so breeders managed to diversify the palette only with shades of purple, blue, and white. To date, no varieties with red, orange and yellow flowers have been obtained.

    The corolla of the flower reaches a diameter of 1.5-2 cm and has a very interesting structure. It consists of five petals forming two lips. The upper sponge is represented by two short narrow petals, and the lower one consists of three wide petals fused at the base.

    During flowering, the spherical bush is completely covered with bright buds, which turns it into a lush flower cloud. The foliage is not visible under the thick head of flowers. After pollination, small bivalve capsules are formed, filled with tiny seeds. One gram can hold up to 5 thousand oval grains.

    Know! The main advantage of the culture is its long period of decorativeness. From the beginning of summer until the first frost, your garden will be decorated with the bright clouds of the African guest.

    Although all lobelias are perennials, annual and perennial species are still distinguished in culture. This is due to the fact that less cold-resistant varieties are grown by seedlings, while more cold-resistant varieties can overwinter in the presence of snow cover.

    Gardeners include the lobelia erinus species (pictured below), also called hedgehog, garden or blue, among the most valuable annuals. The flower comes in five different forms - erect, compact, cascading, dwarf and. They all differ in structure and type of bush growth. Gardeners have simplified the botanical classification by dividing crop varieties into bush and hanging varieties.

    Bush cultivars have erect shoots up to 30 cm long. Depending on the variety, the shape of the bush can be columnar or spherical. There are hybrids of the short type, distinguished by their compact dimensions and low stature - only 8-12 cm. Among the popular varieties, it is worth noting the ampelous varietal series Cascade and Riviera, the cascade cultivar Shalunya with snow-white petals. The bush hybrids Crystal Palace, Cambridge, White Lady, and Emperor Willie will be pleased with their unpretentiousness.

    Advice! Select varieties depending on your own preferences and ideas for decorating your garden. Bush forms look great in flower beds, lying in fluffy clouds on the lawn, and ampelous varieties are ideal for decorating small flowerpots, stone walls, and balcony boxes.

    Perennial species of lobelia have a semi-shrub habit and reach a height of 70-150 cm. These representatives of the flora have erect shoots and peduncles. The spikelet-type inflorescences are red, purple or blue in color; flowering occurs in the second year. For the winter they require shelter or excavation and transfer to the basement. In ornamental gardening, summer flowers are used less frequently, but they also deserve attention. Summer residents recommend planting the cardinal variety, Swallow's Nest, and Cozy Corner varieties.

    Growing lobelia from seeds

    Adult specimens of the African guest are very unpretentious, which cannot be said about the tiny and tender seedlings. Not every beginner can grow lobelia from seeds. To get strong seedlings, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort.

    Sowing dates

    The starting point for determining the timing of sowing is the time of possible planting in the flower bed. African seedlings develop very slowly; at least 8-10 weeks will pass before the first flowers appear.

    If you want to plant already flowering bushes, you need to start sowing at the end of winter. You can sow seeds from January to April, it all depends on the availability of lighting and the desired result. The optimal sowing time is the first half of March, when the length of daylight hours is already sufficient to ensure adequate nutrition of the seedling through photosynthesis. In Siberia, sowing work begins 2-3 weeks later, since planting in open ground is carried out later.

    When to sow seeds for seedlings according to the lunar calendar in 2018

    The influence of the Moon on living organisms is especially clearly seen in the example of plants. Inside the seed and plant organism phenomena similar to the phases of ebb and flow of the world's oceans occur. The cyclicity of these phases coincides with the lunar cycle. While the disk of the small star increases, a “tide” occurs; intercellular fluids rush upward, giving an impetus for growth. As the lunar disk decreases, a similar process occurs in the underground organs of the plant.

    On a note! It is believed that when sowing dates are coordinated with the data of the lunar calendar, germination improves, immunity and crop yields increase.

    Gardeners recommend sowing species with above-ground fruiting during the growing phase, and crops with underground fruiting organs (bulbs, root crops) during the waning of the night luminary. Since the fruits of the African guest are formed in above-ground boxes, sowing is done on the growing moon.

    When to plant lobelia according to the lunar calendar in 2018:

    • January – the period from the 18th to the 30th, with the exception of January 2, 17 and 31;
    • February – period from 16th to 28th, except February 16th;
    • March – the period from the 18th to the 30th, the dates that are prohibited are March 2, 17, 31;
    • April – the period from the 18th to the 28th, except April 16th and 30th.

    The unfavorable days listed are full moons and new moons, when sowing work cannot be carried out due to a change in the direction of movement of plant juices and a decrease in the viability of the embryo.

    Selection and preparation of seeds for sowing

    When selecting seed, remember that lobelia seeds are very small. Most manufacturers use the granulation method for this material. This allows you to get a small nest consisting of 4-5 copies. After disinfection, several grains are enclosed in a shell of growth stimulants that promote the harmonious development of individuals.

    When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the collection date; the fresher it is, the higher the germination rate will be. You should not choose bags with a mixture of colors, as the result may not please you. Instead of the desired multi-colored carpet, seedlings will grow with petals of one color range. It is better to select several varieties with different palettes.

    Remember! Before purchasing, read reviews about manufacturers on gardening forums. This will protect you from low-quality goods.

    If you are going to plant lobelia seeds collected from your site, be sure to disinfect them. Due to its small size, the standard method of soaking in a solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide is not suitable. Choose a powder fungicide. Pour a small amount of powder into a bag of grains and shake thoroughly so that each seed is enveloped in small crystals of the substance.

    Containers and soil for growing seedlings

    Any container is suitable for growing lobelia from seeds. In addition to a seedling box and a mini-greenhouse, you can use peat tablets or even sow seeds on a moistened cotton pad. To avoid picking, which the tropical guest does not really like due to its small size, use individual containers for planting - peat cups or tablets. Do not forget about the holes in the bottom, which are necessary for moisture regulation and proper root respiration.

    The African guest is unpretentious to soil; universal soil for flower seedlings is suitable for cultivation. You can make your own soil mixture from equal parts of peat, humus and garden soil. Be sure to add a small amount of sand or vermiculite. Before sowing, purchased and home soil should be sifted through a sieve.

    Attention! Remember the need for heat treatment (steaming) of garden soil. Watering with a fungicide will only get rid of fungal spores, but for the delicate growth of lobelia you need to destroy weeds and pest larvae.

    Sowing technology

    The sowing technology depends on the choice of container for growing and the type of seed. The following tips will help you organize your event correctly:

    1. If cultivation is planned in a common box or mini-greenhouse, it needs to be filled with prepared soil, compacted a little and watered. The seed material is mixed with dry sand, and the resulting mixture is “salted” the soil surface. This trick will help distribute the tiny grains evenly.
    2. The second trick is sowing in the snow. Unsown areas are better visible against a snow-white background. Place a layer of snow 2-3 cm high on top of the soil in a container and compact it. Sow the prepared material onto the snow. During the melting process, the grains will be evenly distributed across the soil surface.
    3. The grains are clearly visible on the cotton pad. Moisten it with a spray bottle with a solution of a growth stimulator and place 5-8 seeds in the center. After growing, such a bunch is buried in a pot along with cotton wool, through which the roots can easily penetrate into the ground.
    4. It is convenient to sow granular material in peat tablets and seedling boxes. It is placed in increments of 2-3 cm. For a peat tablet, it is enough to place one granule in the center of the prepared cylinder.
    5. Remember that there is no need to embed the grains; press them slightly to the surface.
    6. To avoid erosion, water only with a spray bottle.

    Regardless of the planting method, the container should be covered with glass or film to obtain a greenhouse effect. Place the container on the windowsill, keep it at a temperature of 18-20⁰C. After 5-7 days, thin shoots will appear.

    Important! Ventilate the greenhouse daily, removing drops of condensation from the shelter, otherwise the sprouts may get sick.

    Seedling care, picking

    The delicate shoots of the African guest require special care. It is based on the correct irrigation regime. Due to the shallow location of the root system, it is necessary to ensure that the earthen ball does not dry out, while avoiding waterlogging. Water the soil in the pot twice a day with settled water at room temperature. Use a syringe for watering, releasing a stream of water along the edges of the container. Bottom watering through a tray is also acceptable.

    If sowing was carried out in January-February, provide the seedlings with additional lighting using a phytolamp or diode lighting device. Young shoots need 13-15 hours of sunlight or artificial light every day. The cover from the box is gradually removed. First, the greenhouse is ventilated for 15 minutes, and then the time is increased. During the formation phase of the second sheet, the film or glass can be removed.

    When the seedlings reach a height of 2-3 cm, it is time to start picking. Fill a larger pot with the same soil mixture that was used when planting. After abundant watering, remove a group of plants (4-7 pieces) using a teaspoon and transfer them to a new pot along with a lump of earth.

    Attention! When growing seedlings at home, fertilizing is applied only once - 7-10 days after transplantation. A liquid mineral complex is used for flowering plants.

    Seedling care

    Caring for grown seedlings is not burdensome. Continue watering the seedlings as described above, adjusting the amount of liquid required depending on the growth of the bush. When the seedlings grow to a height of 5 cm, pinch the crown to stimulate the development of second-order shoots.

    Before planting in open ground, harden the seedlings. Take the containers to the balcony, protecting them from drafts and scorching sun. If the temperature allows, allow them to spend the night outdoors in the last few days before planting.

    Planting in the garden

    Grown seedlings need to be planted in open ground or flowerpots; to do this, think in advance about the placement of the bushes in the flowerbed, taking into account the requirements set out below.

    Timing of planting in open ground

    Adults of the African guest tolerate light frosts, but in the spring they can destroy seedlings pampered by the home climate. Replanting is carried out after the last night frosts have subsided. For the Middle Zone, the optimal time is mid-May, for regions with a more severe climate – early June.

    On a note! Residents of southern Russia can sow seeds directly into open ground as early as the third ten days of April. If necessary, cover the flowerbed with film or agrofibre.

    Site preparation, transplantation technology

    When choosing a site and transplanting, follow the following instructions:

    1. Select an area with openwork partial shade. In the sun, the soil dries out faster, and bright flowers are prone to fading.
    2. Increased soil fertility will certainly affect flowering, and not for the better. Excess nitrogen will cause an increase in green mass; there will be few flowers on such a specimen.
    3. The optimal soil for growing is sandy loam or loam. If the soil is too dense, sand is added and the soil is dug up. Additional enrichment with minerals and organic matter is not required.
    4. All crop varieties are prone to cross-pollination. When cultivating a population to produce offspring, a distance of at least 200 m should be maintained between different varieties.
    5. When growing hanging varieties in pots, take into account the specific features of this container. A closed space contributes to rapid soil depletion and increased humidity. Select the right substrate, use a high drainage layer, apply fertilizers in a timely manner (once a month).
    6. Seedlings are transplanted in groups of 4-7 copies. If you keep a step of 15 cm between them, you will get a continuous carpet. To obtain spherical curtains, plant at a distance of 25 cm.
    7. After abundant watering, the seedlings are removed from the container with a scoop and placed in small holes. Around each bunch the soil is carefully compacted and abundant irrigation is carried out.

    Advice! To protect the surface roots from drying out, choose a light-colored flower pot.

    Lobelia care

    Caring for grown lobelia is very simple. When the seedlings take root, pinch the tops of the shoots again. Drying out the soil is unacceptable; the crop is a moisture-loving plant. In hot weather, irrigation is carried out twice a day; the rest of the time, they are guided by the level of precipitation. Don't forget to remove weeds.

    Only potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are used as top dressing. Nitrogen should be excluded from the African flower menu. Fertilizing is applied twice, after the end of the first wave of flowering. At the same time, the bush is subjected to a radical pruning, cutting off all the branches at a height of 5 cm.

    Among the pests that pose a danger to Africans, spider mites, aphids and land mollusks pose a danger. A solution of laundry soap will get rid of aphids, and an infusion of garlic will repel ticks. When developing a large colony, it is advisable to use insecticides. Shellfish are collected by hand or various baits are used, and prickly mulch is poured.

    Since the crop loves moisture, the risk of fungal diseases increases. If you do not allow the soil to become waterlogged, they will bypass the flower. Affected individuals are treated with fungicides.

    Remember! Representatives of the genus Lobelia are susceptible to mosaic virus. If angular spots appear, remove the diseased specimen from the flowerbed and burn it.

    Experienced gardeners consider lobelia one of the most decorative flowers for decorating a flower bed, garden bed, or mixborder. They go perfectly with petunias, and perennial varieties will fit harmoniously on the shore of an artificial pond.

    Some people practice cultivating seedlings in chicken egg shells. To do this, you need to blow it out, and thoroughly rinse and dry the shell. A quarter of the shell is carefully removed to form a small pot. Experienced summer residents claim that such a container will make the seedlings stronger by enriching the soil with calcium.

    In order not to grow seedlings every year, summer residents dig up the most beautiful bush in the fall and provide it with a cool winter. In the spring, pruning is carried out to stimulate tillering, and the branches are rooted in perlite to obtain a new population. The beauty of this method is the complete preservation of varietal characteristics.


    Growing lobelia from seeds is a labor-intensive process. When the seedlings turn into flowering bushes, you will realize that the time and effort spent was worth it. Knowing when and how to plant seedlings and what care to provide them, hardworking beginners can grow this whimsical African flower. Watch a video about sowing lobelia seeds for seedlings.

    Airy, delicate and colorful lobelias are ideal plants for the garden. They are distinguished by abundant and bright flowering throughout almost the entire warm season until frost, combine well with other vegetation and do not require constant maintenance. Many gardeners are concerned about the issue of seed propagation of these wonderful flowers, since not everyone can obtain high-quality seedlings.

    Knowing all the subtleties and nuances of agricultural technology for growing lobelias from seed will help you avoid unnecessary hassle and allow you to enjoy their beauty all summer and autumn.

    Short description

    Lobelia is a flowering herbaceous perennial from the genus of the same name Lobelia, which is part of the large bellflower family. Natural range - the southern part of the African continent and subtropical climatic zones in the southern hemisphere. In nature, wild relatives of lobelia prefer moist or rocky soils. In climates of temperate latitudes and areas of the northeastern part of Eurasia, this perennial crop is grown as an annual crop. The species diversity of the genus Lobelia includes more than 350 names, but only about two dozen of the most decorative species are grown in culture.

    All lobelias are characterized by thin, flexible, highly branched shoots with abundant leaf mass. They grow in the form of compact spherical or columnar-shaped bushes up to 15 and 40 cm high, respectively. There are also many creeping groundcover forms; the length of their stems, depending on the variety, can vary from 10 to 40 cm. Generally speaking, representatives of the genus Lobelia are plants with a spiral arrangement of small sessile lanceolate leaves with jagged edges and single axillary flowers.

    The leaf blades are whole and colored light or intense green. The shoots and leaves have noticeable silvery and dark gray pubescence with a bluish tint.

    When flowering, the tops of the stems are covered with miniature, interpetaled, two-lipped flowers with a maximum diameter of 2 cm. The color of the petals of the main and most common variety of lobelia urchin includes various shades of blue - from pastel to the most saturated. Garden and varietal specimens impress with a variety of colors - from snow-white, soft blue and purple to pink, crimson and blue of varying degrees of intensity. There are several multi-colored forms and varieties in which the eye contrasts in color with the color of the petals. The flowering period of the crop is long and begins in the summer in June, and ends in September or late autumn, in October, when the first frosts hit.

    Lobelias are favorites of landscape designers, who actively use their wide decorative capabilities to solve a variety of problems in landscaping their garden plots. From these colorful plants they create all kinds of compositions in flower beds and flower beds in a regular and landscape style, form various variations of edgings that serve as decoration for hedges, a living border of garden paths or an element of functional zoning of the local area and garden.

    Since lobelias are among those flowers that look ideal against the background of stones, the design of artificial reservoirs and alpine slides is rarely complete without their participation.

    They are good not only for carpet planting, but also as ampels for hanging or floor planters. This is a win-win solution for decorating balconies and loggias, terraces, verandas, pergolas and garden swings.

    Sowing dates

    It is recommended to sow seeds from February to April, which is considered the optimal time for growing lobelia seedlings. For those who want this crop to bloom early, flower growers advise planning sowing in January-February. True, in such cases winter seedlings will need to be ensured additional lighting, organizing illumination with phytolights. If this is not done, then the development of the seedlings will be too slow and, due to a lack of light, they will stretch upward, which is why the lobelia bushes will not grow luxuriantly in the future, which means they will immediately lose the lion’s share of their charm.

    When growing seedlings in open ground, sowing is carried out from March to April, however, the flowering of such plants occurs later than those sown in winter. In general, flowers planted during March or April and grown only with natural light are highly resilient and disease-resistant, especially against dangerous fungal diseases such as blackleg. In addition, they are more decorative, as they form compact bushes.

    The timing of lobelia sowing largely depends on the climatic characteristics of a particular area.

    • In regions with short, cool summers, such as the Urals or Siberia, it is recommended to start sowing from late January to mid-February.
    • For Moscow, Moscow region and other areas of Central federal district and the European part of Russia, the optimal sowing time is in early spring. You can sow on any day of March.
    • In the south of the European part of our country, sowing is practiced in a little more early dates, starting from the last week of winter.

    When calculating the sowing time, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of the biology of certain varieties of lobelia. Thus, ampelous (curly) forms are characterized by slower development compared to other varieties. Plants of the same species, but with different flower colors, grow at different rates.

    Those with blue flowers tend to develop much more intensively than specimens with a snow-white or light purple color.

    Secrets of planting at home

    Lobelia is propagated vegetatively in two ways - by cuttings and seeds. As a rule, highly decorative varieties are bred in the first way in order to transfer and preserve varietal characteristics. There is nothing difficult in growing lobelias from seeds, but it is important to keep one thing in mind. Using self-collected seed material increases the likelihood of obtaining flowers with a color different from the previous color. It should be noted that The shelf life of such seeds is limited to 3 years, after which they lose viability.

    Lobelia needs light, well-aerated soil of average fertility with a neutral alkaline reaction. For growing seedlings, you can use ready-made flower soil or a homemade soil mixture: garden soil + sand + vermiculite. The resulting substrate is poured into a planting container, at the bottom of which a drainage layer is preliminarily formed. Then the ground is leveled, slightly compacted and moistened.

    The main difficulty in sowing this flower crop is that the seed is too small, resembling dust particles. The gardener is faced with the task of achieving uniform planting. There are several sowing methods that ensure uniform distribution of seed throughout the soil and a high percentage of germination.

    • Sowing with snow. This method is used to sow those crops that have “inconvenient” small dusty seeds. To do this, lay out a thin layer of snow on the prepared soil, and then sprinkle seeds on it. As the snow melts, they will gradually move deeper into the moist soil. Another advantage of this method is the natural stratification of the seeds during the time that the “snowdrift” melts.

    • Adding Sand. This is the simplest and most common method of sowing fine dusty seed. In this case, mix it thoroughly with sand, take thick textured paper and pour the resulting mixture onto it. Then they bend the sheet in half like a boat and, lightly tapping the edge of the paper with a finger, sow the prepared substrate, trying to distribute the mixture as evenly as possible.

    • Using toothpicks (matches). This sowing method is especially convenient when working with granular seed. Plastic ampoules are picked up using a wet toothpick and laid out on the prepared substrate in a planting container. Although it is also suitable for ordinary bagged seeds.

    • Hydrogen peroxide. The seed material is poured from the packaging into a saucer, a little hydrogen peroxide is poured in and left to soak for a maximum of 10 minutes. Next it remains to add ordinary water, take a teaspoon and distribute the seeds along with an aqueous peroxide solution over the surface of the soil.

    • The use of peat tablets. The seeds are picked up with a wet toothpick, successively moving them into the recesses on the swollen lumps of peat. The main advantages of peat “circles” are the most useful composition with growth and immunity stimulants, rooting agents, antiseptic substances against pathogenic fungi and bacteria, which greatly increases the chances of obtaining friendly and healthy shoots.

    It is important that in this case there is no need to pick up the seedlings, since the seeds sprout in bunches. Disadvantages - high cost and the need to constantly monitor the moisture content of the peat due to its rapid drying.

    Separately, it is necessary to say about sowing seeds in hydrogel. This environmentally friendly polymer in the form of granules has the unique property of retaining large volumes of moisture: 1 g of the substance can absorb up to 400 g of liquid.

    This material is used in two ways:

    • mix the granules with ready-made or homemade soil in a ratio of 1: 4;
    • The capsules are placed at the bottom of the planting container as a drainage layer 1-1.5 cm thick, and then filled to the brim with substrate.

    The main advantages of growing seedlings in hydrogel capsules:

    • maintaining optimal soil water balance throughout the entire period of growing seedlings;
    • no problems with excess or lack of moisture in the soil, since the plants themselves will take it from the granules in the right quantity;
    • seeds in “jelly” germinate much more actively than when sown in the ground, thanks to the adequate nutrition of the roots of the seedlings;
    • picking without damaging the root system of the sprouts - since the seedlings are easily removed from the jelly-like mass, in this case it is possible to avoid injury or breakage of small roots, in the future this guarantees the receipt of developed and powerful roots;
    • early flowering, since seedlings grown on hydrogel are better able to tolerate transplantation to a permanent place.

    To make it easier for small seeds to germinate on the hydrogel, they are sown using additional devices. The hydrogel layer in the planting container is covered with a piece of gauze, a sheet of filtered paper, or covered with a light coconut substrate, after which the seeds are poured out. Thanks to this, the seed will not get stuck between the hydrogel granules. Seedlings are picked when they have cotyledons or their first true leaves, as you prefer.

    When using any of these methods, covering surface crops with soil is strictly prohibited. The planting container is placed under film/glass and left in a warm place. While the seeds are sprouting, it is important to regularly ventilate the greenhouse and, if necessary, moisten the soil, equally avoiding drying out and overwatering.

    At a temperature of 17-21°C, the appearance of the first shoots can be expected 1-2 weeks after sowing. During this entire period, it is necessary to promptly get rid of condensate accumulating under the greenhouse. Otherwise, under the pressure of large drops of moisture falling from above, the seeds will be buried in the soil.

    Seedling care

    In order to grow healthy seedlings that can delight you with abundant flowering in the future, it is important to create conditions for the seedlings to fully grow and develop.


    The appearance of the first shoots is a signal to place the seedling container in a well-lit place. To avoid strong pulling of hatched sprouts During the daytime, seedling containers can be placed on a glassed-in loggia (balcony).

    Such “walks” have a double benefit, since sufficient natural light on the balcony, combined with a low temperature, not only ensures optimal development of seedlings, but also promotes their hardening. With the onset of evening, it is advisable to bring the senets into the apartment, where, if necessary, organize artificial lighting, as well as in rainy or cloudy weather.

    Water mode

    It is necessary to moisten lobelia crops with extreme caution, since excessive humidity provokes the development of mold and rotting of the sprouts. In order not to harm thin and fragile seedlings, watering should be carried out in moderate doses in the most gentle and safe manner. Therefore, it is advisable to resort to bottom watering, leaving the water in the pan for half an hour and not forgetting to drain it. You can also use a disposable syringe, a fine spray, or pour water from a spoon to moisten the soil.

    If mold is detected from the surface of the soil, it is necessary to remove all traces of the fungus, and then spill it with a solution of manganese or sprinkle it with crushed activated carbon or sand. The sand must be washed and properly calcined before use. To prevent fungal diseases, it is necessary to control the condition of the soil - it should be loose and moderately moist.

    Drying out the earthen clod is unacceptable, as this leads to curling of the sprouts.


    Grown-up lobelia seedlings need to be transplanted from a common seedling container into individual cups. Picking is done a month after the seeds are pecked, when the small sprouts have managed to acquire real leaves in the amount of 2-4 pieces.

    Procedure for transfer work:

    • prepare nutritious soil and fill it with separate containers for seedlings;
    • lightly compact the soil mixture, form miniature holes for planting and water;
    • moisten the soil in a common container to simplify the separation of densely grown seedlings into bunches;
    • using a tea (coffee) spoon, fork or a narrow construction spatula, remove the sprouts in bunches of 3-5 pieces and, preserving the earthen lump, place them sequentially in the planting holes;
    • Gently sprinkle the seedlings with soil, compacting it slightly with your hand, and finally spray with a spray bottle.

    If the required number of individual pots is not available, the seedlings are planted in common containers. In this case, the bundles are placed at intervals of 3-4 cm, and only then transplanted into separate cups.

    How to root in the ground?

    It is permissible to plant seedlings from temporary containers into open ground only if there is firm confidence that spring frosts will definitely not return. The approximate planting dates are in the second ten days of May and, as a rule, by this time the seedlings often bloom.

    Correct placement of lobelia in a permanent place involves the same method of planting as when picking, that is, several plants in one hole with a step between adjacent holes of 10 cm. After planting this crop in bunches, its bushes will have a particularly decorative and lush appearance.

    Light-loving lobelias grow best in open areas with good lighting. But being also shade-tolerant plants, they also do well in semi-shade places where the soil is moist and contains rich reserves of humus.

    Staying in soil oversaturated with organic matter provokes intense vegetation. The plant begins to actively grow green mass, forming flowers at half strength. In the summer in July, it is recommended to trim the bushes to a height of 5-6 cm in order to stimulate flowering. At the same time, lobelias are given foliar feeding using water-soluble mineral complexes.

    Possible problems

    Although lobelia is a disease-resistant crop, non-compliance with care rules reduces the immunity of seedlings, which become vulnerable to pathogenic microflora and harmful insects. The most common reason the development of infections of fungal etiology is a violation of the irrigation regime.

    When the soil is excessively waterlogged, moisture begins to stagnate in it, which creates favorable conditions for the appearance and proliferation of fungi. Their presence is evidenced by characteristic dark spots covering the shoots and leaves of the saplings. Treatment consists of removing the affected parts of the seedlings and then treating all sprouts with biofungicides.

    Among the pests, the greatest threat to lobelias is phytophagous spider mites. To get to the cell sap, these small sucking insects damage the green parts of the plants, as a result of which they begin to wither and shed their leaves. Dry conditions favor the emergence of phytophages. If the seedlings are slightly damaged, it is necessary to increase the frequency of watering and spray them using a solution of soap shavings.

    In the event of a massive tick attack, the help of chemical or biological insecticides will be required.

    Experienced gardeners know many tricks and secrets that help them obtain high-quality lobelia seedlings.

    • It is important to disinfect the soil before sowing seeds to prevent diseases and attacks by harmful insects. To do this, the soil mixture is spilled with hot water at a temperature of 90-100°C, and after drying it is compacted and leveled with a block.
    • The use of growth stimulants - “Heteroauxin” (indoleacetic acid), “Epin”, “Etamon”, “Kornevin” significantly increases the germination of seed. A solution of any of them is used to spill soil for seedlings, and if peat tablets are used to grow them, then first dig all the depressions in them with a stimulant, and then place the seeds. These drugs also stimulate root formation, increase stress resistance and immune defense of seedlings.
    • When the seedlings reach a height of 3.5-4 cm, it is advisable to pinch or trim them for better tillering in the future. Formative pruning becomes especially important in cases of stretching seedlings.
    • When transplanting seedlings, it is important to act extremely carefully to avoid damage to their thin stems, while minor injuries to the roots go away for lobelias without negative consequences. Cutting the soil in a common seedling container using a knife makes it convenient to separate the entire root mass of seedlings and significantly simplifies the task of separating uniform bunches of young plants from it for the gardener.
    • Although lobelias are light-loving, their seedlings should not be exposed to direct sunlight. For this reason, in sunny weather, the seedling container is shaded by curtaining the windows or constructing protection from newspapers.

    Lobelia is a luxurious, abundantly flowering plant, capable of making the landscape of a site bright, unique, and joyful with its presence. Self-grown lobelia, planting and caring for which is not such a simple matter, will give flower lovers such aesthetic pleasure that will fully compensate for the efforts expended.

    Lobelia is loved by flower growers for a reason: this perennial pleases the eye with its generous flowering from May almost until the first frost. There are bush and hanging varieties. The best varieties of lobelia:

    1. With white flowers:"White Palace"; "White Lady"
    2. With purple flowers:"Crystal Palace".
    3. With flowers of blue and light blue tones:"Cambridge Blue"; "Sapphire"; lobelia syphilitica.
    4. With flowers in red, lilac and purple shades:"Red Cascade"; lobelia cardinalis; fiery lobelia.

    Growing lobelia has its challenges. This heat-loving plant, developing in subtropical conditions, is a perennial. Alas, most types of lobelia do not tolerate harsh wintering and die. Therefore, in higher latitudes in open ground, lobelia is grown as an annual. Lobelia is planted both directly in the soil in flower beds and as hanging plants in baskets, garden flowerpots, and containers. From delicate lobelia lace, with proper planting and care, you can create interesting compositions or colorful carpets in flower beds.

    Let's try to explain how to grow lobelia from seeds, when and where it is better to plant the seeds. The plant blooms 60-75 days after sowing the seeds. The open ground for planting seeds will warm up to the required degree no earlier than May. Obviously, with such a late planting, we lose a significant part of the warm season and will get flowering plants closer to the end of summer. In this regard, lobelia seeds are usually planted from mid-February and March in heated greenhouses or in containers on apartment windows.

    It's a kind of imitation, a re-creation natural conditions, which contain seeds during wintering in the soil. Do I need to stratify lobelia seeds before planting? The question is controversial. Many varieties of lobelia belong to the world of the subtropics with their mild, warm winters. Their seeds are not exposed to cold in natural conditions. Some gardeners claim to have successful experience in growing lobelia without stratification. However, there are varieties of frost-resistant lobelias, for which it is nevertheless better to carry out stratification.

    The responsible manufacturer indicates information about the need for seed stratification on the packaging. Before planting, lobelia seeds are stratified at a temperature of about 2-3°C for three to four weeks. You can apply the stratification method on snow:

    1. Prepare the soil in the container as follows.
    2. Pour snow onto the surface of the ground thin layer and compact it.
    3. Scatter lobelia seeds evenly over the snow.
    4. Place the container in a cool place (but not in frost!). The snow will gradually melt, the seeds will be slightly drawn into the soil.

    Within the specified time frame, it will be possible to use the first sunny days of spring so that young shoots do not stretch in height from lack of lighting, but grow strong and stocky. This will greatly facilitate picking up plants and replanting them in open ground. It is very important that the seeds are not sown too thickly, otherwise the plants will develop poorly, interfere with each other, and they will have weak, non-viable stems.

    Lobelia seeds are absolutely tiny, dust-like. To distribute the seeds more evenly in the container, they are mixed with sand. To make your task easier, you can purchase granular planting material, which is convenient to plant in the cells of special containers for growing seedlings. If you cannot find seeds in granules, then use the nesting method of planting seeds:

    1. Place (vermiculite, expanded clay, etc.) at the bottom of the container and fill it with soil.
    2. Prepare the soil in the container: crush the lumps, level it and carefully water the soil. Don't over-water it, there shouldn't be a swamp.
    3. Take a sheet of paper and sprinkle seeds on it.
    4. Moisten the tip of a wooden stick or pencil with water.
    5. Touch the wet tip of the stick to the seeds (try to capture a small amount)
    6. Lightly touch the stick with the stuck seeds to the surface of the soil and turn it, as if rubbing the seeds on the ground. Do not bury the stick in the soil! Seeds must not be covered with soil!
    7. Carry out this operation by planting groups of seeds in a square-cluster manner at a distance of about 4 cm from each other.
    8. Very carefully, trying not to wash off the seeds, spray the surface with water.
    9. Cover the container with film or glass and put it in a well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight.
    10. Water the first shoots under the root using a teaspoon or pipette until they become stronger.

    Lobelia pick

    The period when to pick lobelia after germination is one month. The signal for picking is the appearance of the first two (or three) true leaves. Picking options:

    1. Plants are planted in separate pots or special containers for seedlings, from which they are then planted into a flowerbed along with a lump of earth.
    2. Plants are planted into the container in groups in a square-cluster manner at a distance of 4 cm.

    There is another way to propagate lobelia. Since planting seeds directly in open ground is rather impractical, propagation by cuttings or dividing the bush is sometimes used. Cuttings are cut from a mature, strong bush from last year. Root under film in light, loose soil. To prevent the plant from freezing in winter, it is dug up in the fall and preserved by planting it in a pot. In late spring, the bush is planted in a permanent place in the garden. This plant blooms more abundantly and retains all varietal characteristics.

    Lobelia care

    A planted lobelia flower does not require complex care. Basic Rules:

    1. The location is sunny.
    2. The soil must be moist.
    3. After the first flowering, prune.
    4. Feed moderately with mineral fertilizers (3 times per season) and do not feed with organic matter.

    Flowers are the most charming creatures of nature. There can't be too many of them. I would like to believe that you liked the beautiful lobelia, planting and caring for this capricious beauty will not cause you any difficulties, the result of your efforts will please you, and the enthusiastic glances of passers-by and neighbors will give you strength and inspiration for future achievements. It's worth it. After all, as people say, a moth flies to a good flower.

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