Communication of employees during working hours is necessary for. The mode of work and rest: how to properly regulate breaks in work for office employees? What to do to improve communication at work

After the contract is signed, all technical documents are drawn up and a team of workers starts construction or repair, in fact, the most stressful time comes for you. You find yourself in a turbulent ocean of industrial relations (more precisely, struggle) between employees and employers. And here it is very important to delve into the psychology of the enemy. We advise you to read this article especially carefully for those who plan to hire a team "from the street"

Relations "man - master" have deep centuries-old roots. The hero of the novel "Anna Karenina" Levin, a beautiful-hearted and intelligent person, a caring and active owner, at first "experienced the charm" of working and communicating with peasants, after a few years "... clearly saw that the household that he led," was only cruel and a stubborn struggle between him and the workers .... It was in his interests that each worker worked as hard as possible, while not forgetting, trying not to break the winnowing machines, horse rakes, threshers, so that he would think over what he was doing; the worker, however, wanted to work as pleasantly as possible, with rest, and, most importantly, carefree and, forgetting, without thinking ... (there follows a long list of the slovenly actions of the workers) .... All this was done not because anyone wished harm to Levin or his household; on the contrary, he knew that he was loved, considered a simple gentleman (which is the highest praise); but this was done only because they wanted to work cheerfully and carelessly, and their interests were not only alien and incomprehensible, but fatally opposed to their most just interests.

Many novice employers try in every possible way to appease employees, to please them, to get closer to them as a human being. They treat them with sandwiches and vodka, tell them jokes, make eyes, or, conversely, talk about their illnesses and failures, become shy, in general, put pressure on pity, naively hoping that if they love or pity them, they will work well. , "as for yourself." Employees, having extensive experience in industrial relations, initially have a huge advantage over you and will not hesitate to realize it (and materialize!) Immediately, as soon as they find some weakness in the owner - incompetence, carelessness, gullibility, mild character, excessive delicacy (well, uncomfortable somehow appear incredulous or petty!). First, “casts” are used - minor violations of discipline or technology. If you didn’t react to it properly (didn’t notice or were too shy to say), the processes begin to develop in a direction that is beneficial for the workers.

Is there really no honest, intelligent and conscientious worker in nature?-you ask. Of course, there are, but when they get into the brigade, they are forced to adapt to the general tasks of the team. And such a person will not be elected as a foreman, because his decency will slow down the work and interfere with the implementation of the main task - to work less, earn more. For this role, objectively, a sociable trickster and a psychologist are more suitable, who knows how to ingratiate himself with the owners, and bargain, and shout at the workers (in front of you, for appearances). This is a reality, it must be understood and taken into account. And why should workers try if the owners themselves have a poor idea of ​​what they want, or are little interested in repairs, are stupid, lazy, etc., and are generally unable to assess the quality of work?

Difficult but reliable way to create a positive working attitude and a desire to do something well - to achieve the respect of the team. Cheap tricks like drinking or unreasonable bonuses will not help here, rather, on the contrary, they will consider you a drunkard or a fool (well, would a smart person overspend?).

You need to be well prepared morally, theoretically and financially, monitor the main processes and constantly monitor work, behave benevolently, not make scandals over trifles, politely but firmly insist on eliminating defects, encourage Good work both morally and materially. Keep everything under control. Practice shows that problems can arise almost out of the blue.

We will try to formulate the basic rules that may be useful to you in this situation.

Rule one.

A detailed agreement is the key to success. This is especially true for those who negotiate directly with the team. Please note that before signing the contract, the team is forced to agree to any, even enslaving, according to their concepts, conditions in order not to miss the job. Therefore, the more information you can fix in the contract on the scope, timing and payment of work, the better. Any work that is not included in the text of the contract is likely to cause disputes and demands for additional (and considerable!) Payment. Preliminary verbal agreements are forgotten or remembered with great irritation. This is where the brigade will win back for all its concessions, which it made before signing the contract!

Rule Two

If possible, entrust negotiations and control over the execution of work to a man, even if he is not very versed in construction. But at the same time, you need to create the appearance of competence - talk less, listen more with a smart look. In 90% of cases, there will be fewer attempts to cheat the owners.

Rule Three

Try to visit the site as often as possible. The workers must feel your "watchful eye". Learn to use the level and plumb. Feel free to measure verticals, angles and dimensions, as well as material consumption.
This is not pettiness - this is elementary order.

Rule Four

Keep your distance! Try to communicate mainly with the foreman, the workers usually suffice with a general greeting and handshake. Keep it simple, cheerful, initially benevolent. Excessive arrogance, as well as flattery, can complicate relationships. Do not allow familiarity either in relations with the workers or with the foreman. In no case do not take part in smoke breaks or tea parties with the team that works for you, do not accept any treats or favors. No need to talk about extraneous topics. This is very relaxing for both them and you.

Rule Five

Under no circumstances should workers be allowed to drink on site, much less treat them yourself. They are not visiting. They work in your apartment, and this is only a place of work, and they should rest and relax elsewhere. If you want to show your kindness and spiritual generosity, arrange a banquet at the end of the work.

Rule six

Hurry up and make people laugh. Do not rely on the quality of the result to concern anyone but you! Don't be lazy! Delve into instructions and technologies, insist on their exact implementation. This is especially true of the terms established for the hardening or drying of materials. Even if the concrete seems to have hardened and the soil has dried up, and the workers are in a hurry to start the next operation (painting, for example), do not follow their lead.

In such a situation, three obvious circumstances must be taken into account:
1. Instructions are not written by fools.
2. Your apartment is not a testing ground for experiments on developing high-speed technologies.
3. Workers are always in a hurry. Time is money!

Rule Seven

If you don't like something, you don't need to make a scandal right away. Do not give in to provocations. Cool down, think, weigh the validity of your claims, and only after that talk to the foreman. "Running" from time to time is useful, but only on business. Extra conflicts will not lead to anything good. If you want to show your dissatisfaction with the work of the brigade, at a meeting, politely greet them, do not shake hands with them, as usual. It usually makes an impression. Can be applied individually.

Rule eight

Do not rush to agree to any changes in the project. First you need to think, weigh everything, consult with someone. The fact is that very often he wants to make changes, since at the moment he does not have specialists of the appropriate qualification, or, if he wants to reduce labor intensity, but get the same money, etc. In a word, in most cases he acts in his own interests , not in yours.

It is known that the number of people with whom we are connected by fate includes our comrades in the service, employees, colleagues in joint work. The team where we decided to work is our second home, family and school. The team brings together people - colleagues of different ages, genders, levels of education and culture, intelligence. Decency begins with the fact that a person keeps his word, honestly, professionally, competently fulfills his duties, official duty to other people.

At the same time, it is very important not to forget that each colleague has his own character, habits, beliefs, tastes and needs. Almost all human qualities, both good and bad, fit into the concept of decency and dishonesty. A work colleague must first of all be a decent person

An honest, modest and attentive employee of the institution, first of all, respects those who are nearby and helps the less experienced to perform difficult official duties. He will not allow himself to interfere with others with empty talk, being late for work, taking walks, drinking, smoking in the office, shifting his responsibility to others, but he will not allow others to loiter either.

An intelligent, decent person will never allow, will not allow himself to spread gossip about colleagues, will not indulge conflicts in the team, he is ready to replace a sick comrade, to stand up for a colleague who was treated unfairly. He will not slavishly hover around the boss, “poke” the elders, deliberately arrogantly look at his subordinates or his equals. A fair employee of an institution can tactfully point out his mistakes to a colleague, and if he criticizes him, he does it benevolently and objectively, without exaggerating, without exaggerating the mistakes and mistakes he made.

And in fact, because other people's mistakes are always in front of our eyes. And it's good that we criticize them. But it would be even better if we treated our own imprudence and carelessness with the same intolerance, so that everyone would know how to cherish their professional honor. So that everyone remembers that he does not work on his own, but for people. And his work is judged not only about him, but also about the entire staff of an institution, enterprise, etc. That is why it is appropriate in such cases to recall the advice of L.N. Tolstoy: “If you do something, then do it well. If you either can't or don't want to do well, don't do it at all."

We spend the best part of our lives at work, at work. It is good and pleasant to work in a team where mutual respect reigns among colleagues and workmates and this is a guarantee of a good mood.

That is why it is very important that fellow workers be discreet, considerate and delicate in disputes, conflict situations that arise at work. These situations arise because, out of our kindness, we often forgive people who are rude, tactless, naively thinking that their unwillingness to restrain themselves comes from their ardent nature, upset nervous system. In fact, nature has nothing to do with it, such a colleague is simply poorly educated or not educated at all, selfish, or even consciously does not want to control his emotions.

Unfortunately, the “masters” of spoiling the mood have not yet died out. There are also people among colleagues who are evil, selfish, envious and unfriendly. And often with this anger they mask their incompetence at work, which, as a rule, poisons the psychological climate in the team.

There are a lot of things that cause concern in the relations between employees. They do not always keep their word, they forget their duties, they do not cope with tasks, they are late for work. Employees who respect their own work respect others.

In every profession, sooner or later, there comes a period when an employee must make every effort to assert himself as a master of his craft. This stage is overcome only by those who have the will, interest in achieving the goal. The rest remain amateurs, able only occasionally to show their abilities.

Mutual respect between colleagues is the key to the normal operation of any institution. That's why they say that simplest way to understand the motives of human behavior is to put oneself in his place.

In institutions, different people work with you: educated and ill-bred, tactful and tactless, modest and rude, shy and domineering, as they say with character. Some may seek advice and help and ask you for it. Others, on the contrary, look at you as a subordinate, and in a tone that does not allow objections, requires an immediate solution to their issue. And not all, of course, cause us sympathy. But, we are at work and must be equally polite, tactful with everyone, cares about the good reputation of our institution.

Especially fellow workers should be correct during the hours of receiving visitors. Unfortunately, employees who pretend to listen to the visitor have not yet been transferred, while at that moment they themselves are feverishly considering which of their comrades in the service to push him or send him to another institution.

The etiquette of official relations obliges the employee to be equally respectful to all visitors, ready to take part in their affairs and requests. It is absolutely unacceptable to show emphatic courtesy to one, and to behave proudly and arrogantly with another.

The cultural officer will kindly settle the visitor's case, kindly explain what needs to be done and how, explain the current legislation on his issue, help to formalize Required documents whether familiar in front of him or not.

Business etiquette imposes the same serious requirements on the culture of behavior of visitors. The one who came to the institution usually behaves like a guest in the house of an unfamiliar owner: without the permission of the employees, do not enter the office, do not knock on doors, politely greet those whom he addresses, patiently wait if they are busy with urgent business, do not make scenes in case of refusal.

The courtesy of comrades in the service is expressed in the fact that, having appointed the time for someone to come, he promised to do something - keep your word. These are elementary principles of office etiquette that are mandatory for everyone.

Women and girls at work always deserve special respect from male employees. It goes without saying that respect must be mutual. Women employees at work have the same responsibilities as men. But the girl, the woman at work continues to be a vulnerable creature. A cultured man - a colleague will hold the door in front of her, skip ahead, get up if she entered and stands in front of him and will definitely help if she needs his help. However, all forms of etiquette should not interfere with the main thing - work.

In the relationship between comrades in the service, it would be nice for everyone to remember: say what you know, do what you can.

The rules of office etiquette state that:

  • 1 It is better not to touch on personal problems, not to talk about yourself when solving business issues;
  • 2 Debate is an art. You need to defend your position, using only objective facts. The raised ironic tone is not an argument. Generalizations must be avoided in any discussion;
  • 3 Sometimes the question arises of how to respond to the impoliteness or tactlessness of a fellow worker. Nothing works like a pause in a conversation after a tactless statement.

Listening to the interlocutor does not mean just being silent. It is not permissible to look at the one who speaks with "empty" eyes, which reflect their own problems. When someone says it is unacceptable to rummage in a bag, search your own pockets, look at your watch ... When participating in a conversation, you need to look at the interlocutor with interest and from time to time insert words or phrases as evidence that you understand what is being said . If you have already heard the information in question, then it is better to tell the interlocutor about it right away, and not to interrupt him in mid-sentence. A grateful listener rarely interrupts the interlocutor, even if he has already listened to it several times

Lunch is one of the controversial moments of the working day. It would seem that everything is clear: the employer must provide a lunch break within the established duration, and the employee must use it for its intended purpose. However, even such a simple question in practice causes difficulties. They are connected with the fact that many workers use numerous tricks to increase the time allotted for eating. Some people linger at lunch, others go to it earlier, and others, on the contrary, continue their work during the break. How to record, record and control the use of lunch time by employees? Do I need to pay extra for an employee who works at lunchtime? When can floating lunch times be set? Should I include breaks during working hours?

What can an employee do during lunch?

Lunch break is the employee's personal time during which he rests and eats. During this period, the employee is free from the performance of labor duties and can use it at his own discretion (Article 106 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The list of activities depends on the imagination of the employee. He can deal with personal matters: go to the canteen, to the doctor, to the store, walk in the park, meet friends, read, etc. At the same time, he has the right not only to be absent from the workplace, but also to be outside the organization itself.

Exceptions are cases when an employee is forced to have lunch at the workplace. This is allowed where, according to the conditions of production, it is impossible to provide a break for meals.

In this case, the employer must provide the employee with the opportunity to eat during working hours. The list of such works is established by the internal labor regulations (part three of article 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

If during the lunch break the employee is on the territory of the employer, he must comply with the requirements of the organization's local acts, comply with labor protection rules (part two of article 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). So, if an employee works on the assembly line and has lunch at the workplace, he does not have the right to jog around the equipment, because this is prohibited by safety regulations.

The lunch break period in the employment contract is not required. It is enough to make a reference to the text of the internal labor regulations

During lunch, an employee has the right to work for another organization. Moreover, the main employer cannot prevent this, except in cases where the combination with other activities is expressly prohibited by an employment contract or law. In many companies, the employee is required to coordinate such activities with management in order to avoid conflicts of interest and the risk of disclosing legally protected secrets.

How to schedule breaks

The lunch break is established by the internal labor regulations, with which all employees must be familiarized against signature (part two of article 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The local act must precisely set the start and end times of lunch.

At the same time, if the employee’s work schedule and breaks differ from those established in the organization, this condition must be specified in his employment contract (sample below). As a rule, such liberties are granted to sales representatives and other employees with a traveling nature of work, whose duties include frequent meetings with customers and partners.

A lunch break of at least 30 minutes must be provided to an employee, regardless of his working hours (part one, article 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

This is due to the fact that neither the employee nor the employer is able to determine in advance for a long time when the next negotiations will take place, how long they will last and how long it will take to get to the meeting place and back.

floating lunch time

Some organizations set floating lunch times. This assumes that each employee determines the start time of the break himself or coordinates it with the immediate supervisor. To introduce such a regime at the enterprise, the employer must fulfill the following conditions:

Establish a lunch break of no more than two hours and no less than 30 minutes (part one, article 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
- provide a break for rest and meals during the working day, and not at the end (part one, article 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
- fix the time of lunch in the local act of the organization, as well as the employment contract with the employee (part two of article 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

To introduce a floating lunch time in an organization, it is necessary to issue an order to amend the internal labor regulations. The text of the changes must first be agreed with the trade union, if any.

Floating lunch time can be set for an individual employee on an individual basis. To do this, he must write a statement requesting this. If the employer agrees, he must conclude an additional agreement with the employee. In its text, you can indicate the following wording: "During the working day, the employee is provided with a break for rest and meals lasting 1 hour from 12.00 to 15.00. The specific time for using the break is determined in agreement with the head of the department."

If there are disputes over the use of working time, a work schedule can be developed. It is important that the working hours and breaks for rest and meals, established in the internal labor regulations and schedule, correspond to the time sheet. Otherwise, the court may conclude that the employee's rights have been violated.

Is it possible not to include smoking breaks in working hours?

The employer is not obliged to include in working hours and pay for the periods that the employee spends on smoking, drinking tea, talking on the phone on non-work topics, visiting entertainment sites, etc.

At the same time, breaks are legally established, which are included in working hours and are subject to payment. These include:
- break for heating;
- a break for feeding a child (Article 258 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
- a break to relieve fatigue when working at a computer

For example, if an employee works outdoors in winter or in closed unheated premises, then he can use the break for heating at his own discretion. If he wants to smoke at this time, he will be paid for it.

The same applies to computer users, who can do special exercises to relieve fatigue, leaving the workplace.

At the request of a woman who has a child (children) under one and a half years old, the employer is obliged to add breaks for feeding the child to the lunch break (part three of article 258 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

How to control how much time employees spend on lunch

To monitor compliance with the established labor regime, each employer maintains a time sheet (part four of article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It reflects the number of hours worked by employees, information about attendance and absence from work, etc. Maintenance of the time sheet can be entrusted to department heads or personnel department specialists.

In addition, it is possible to record the time that employees spend on lunch using an electronic entry-exit system (electronic keys), video surveillance or general "upper" control over computer users (using special software).

If, following the results of the control, it turns out that the employee uses working time for other purposes, the employer has the right not to pay for it.

Employees must be notified of upcoming changes in the working hours and rest time at least two months in advance (part two of article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Example The internal labor regulations of the organization set the working day from 9.00 to 18.00, the lunch break is one hour from 12.00 to 13.00. Employees are also given two breaks of 10 minutes each from 10.00 to 10.10 and from 16.00 to 16.10. Peter V. is heavy smoker and smokes one cigarette every hour, which takes 7 minutes. During the day, he takes nine breaks, six of which are during work hours. The total time for smoking breaks, which the employer has the right not to pay for such an employee, is: 7 min. × 6 times = 42 min.

Should an employer pay extra to an employee who works during lunch

In Russian companies, it often happens that employees do not fully use their lunch break, preferring to finish the work they have started in the remaining time.

The answer to the question of whether an employee needs to be paid for such time depends on whose initiative he works during lunch. If in your own way, then you don’t need to pay for work during the lunch break. If the employee was attracted to work by the employer and this is documented, then the overtime must be paid as overtime work (Articles 99, 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

If an employee is constantly late for lunch, he can be held disciplinary liable for violating the rules of internal labor regulations (Articles 192, 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

You can be involved in such work only with the written consent of the employee or in cases where it is necessary to prevent industrial accidents, disasters, eliminate the consequences of a natural disaster, etc. (part three of article 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is impossible to involve pregnant women, underage employees in overtime work at lunch under any circumstances (part five of article 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Five DON'Ts about lunch break

It is IMPOSSIBLE to agree with the employee on the exclusion of the lunch break from the working day or on its transfer to the beginning or end of the day.
DO NOT break the break into periods of less than half an hour. 30 minutes is the minimum time set by the legislator for rest and meals.
DO NOT force employees to be on employer premises during lunch break. At the specified time, the employee is free and can use it at his own discretion (Article 106 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
DO NOT take a break for more than two hours in a row. In this case, it will already be necessary to talk about dividing the working day into parts (Article 105 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
It is IMPOSSIBLE to include a break for rest and meals during the period of unlawful absence of the employee from the workplace in cases of absenteeism.

Remember the main thing
The experts who took part in the preparation of the material note:


Head of the legal department of LLC "DELAN Group" (Balashikha):

The lunch break is the time when the employee is free from the performance of labor duties and which he can use at his own discretion. The employer may oblige the employee to be at the workplace and in the building of the organization only if it is necessary for the conditions of production.

legal adviser of MORGAN AND STOUT LLC (Moscow):

An organization can introduce floating lunch times, provided that its provision and duration comply with labor laws. Such a lunch can be established for an individual employee at his request and fixed in an employment contract with him.

Head of the Human Resources Department of LLC "Chelyabinsk Plant of Auto Service Equipment" (Chelyabinsk):

Breaks for smoking and drinking tea are not included in working hours and are not subject to payment. You can record the time spent for other purposes with the help of video surveillance and an electronic access system.

In accordance with the second part of Art. 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the duties of the employee include, in particular, compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations and labor discipline.

Labor discipline is understood as the obligatory obedience for all employees to the rules of conduct determined in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws, collective agreement, agreements, local regulations, an employment contract (part one of article 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Internal labor regulations - a local regulatory act that regulates, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws, the procedure for hiring and dismissing employees, the basic rights, duties and responsibilities of the parties to an employment contract, working hours, rest time, incentives and penalties applied to employees, and as well as other regulatory issues labor relations from this employer (part four of article 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

For the commission of a disciplinary offense, that is, non-performance or improper performance by the employee through his fault of the labor duties assigned to him, the employer has the right to apply disciplinary sanctions, defined in Art. 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the employer has the right to regulate the rules of behavior of employees in the workplace by a local regulatory act and bring to disciplinary responsibility for their failure to comply.

In some cases, the courts recognized it as lawful to bring an employee to disciplinary liability in connection with a violation of the prohibition established by the employer to carry mobile phone to the territory of the employer (cassation ruling of the IC in civil cases of the Kirov Regional Court dated September 29, 2011 in case No. 33-3446).

However, the following must be taken into account. Local regulations, including internal labor regulations, regulate labor relations and other relations directly related to them (part two of article 5 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Employment relations are recognized as relations based on an agreement between an employee and an employer on the personal performance by an employee of a labor function for a fee (work on a position in accordance with the staff list, profession, specialty, indicating qualifications; specific type work entrusted to the employee), subordination of the employee to the rules of internal labor regulations while providing the employer with working conditions provided for by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, a collective agreement, agreements, local regulations, an employment contract (Article 15 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Of course, during working hours, the employee must perform labor duties that make up the content of the labor function. This follows directly from the first part of Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. However, it also follows from the foregoing that the employer, by approving the internal labor regulations, has the right to regulate the employee's behavior insofar as it is directly related to the employee's performance of his labor function.

It should also be noted that part 1 of Art. 23 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, among the inalienable rights and freedoms that belong to every person from birth, he calls the right to inviolability of private life, which implies, in our opinion, the inadmissibility of arbitrary interference in the private life of a citizen.

Note that the private life of a citizen also includes family life (see Article 152.2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, family law, imposing a number of obligations on citizens (see, for example, paragraph 1 of article 63, paragraph 1 of article 87 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation), does not make their implementation unconditionally dependent on the nature of the time during which they must be carried out (working time or rest time, which the employee has the right to use at his own discretion).

Since the rights and obligations of a citizen are inseparable from his personality, in our opinion, any restriction of a citizen's rights to private life within the framework of labor relations should be recognized as lawful insofar as such a restriction is directly related to the performance of the employee's labor function and is aimed at achieving the goals of the employer's activities that determine it. content.

In this regard, we believe that an unconditional ban on the use of a personal telephone during working hours, regardless of the specifics of the implementation of the labor function, goes beyond the regulation of labor and other relations directly related to them and is an unacceptable interference in the private life of a citizen. On the contrary, the introduction of such a ban is lawful in cases where the use of a mobile phone by an employee creates or obviously can create obstacles in the performance of the labor function by this employee or other employees of this employer.

Therefore, the legitimacy of a ban on the use by employees during working hours of a personal phone that is not related to their work duties, from our point of view, should be assessed differentially, taking into account the specific circumstances and the nature of the performance of the labor function.

Indirect confirmation of this conclusion can be found in judicial practice. Thus, the Investigative Committee for Civil Cases of the Volgograd Regional Court, in an appeal ruling dated 03/15/2013 in case No. and means of appearing at the employer (place of work) to perform labor functions are not included in the concept of labor relations, do not relate to the internal labor regulations or working conditions, and can only be settled by mutual agreement of the parties.

Prepared answer:
Legal Consulting Service Expert GARANT
Erin Pavel

Response quality control:
Reviewer of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT
Voronova Elena

The material was prepared on the basis of an individual written consultation provided as part of the Legal Consulting service.

The rules of conduct in a team are one of the most important components in any institution. A person who wants to achieve mutual understanding with colleagues and move up the career ladder must strictly observe such rules. Many companies already prescribe requirements for the behavior and appearance of their subordinates. Therefore, when applying for a job, it is worth knowing about them in advance.

What it is?

Etiquette in Russia began to be more strictly regulated and introduced everywhere under Peter I. At the beginning of the 18th century, the rules of behavior from the West began to be adopted in our country. For a long time there was a search for a compromise and the introduction of rules suitable for the mentality of our fellow citizens. Over time, etiquette began to be divided into secular, military, religious and official.

Service etiquette is the rules of conduct in a team, which are expressed in the fulfillment of certain requirements of professional communication in a particular organization. This is the most common definition or concept of business etiquette.


There are several types of business etiquette.

  • The rules of conduct with customers must be carefully observed. Do not stare at your interlocutor or keep looking into his eyes - this can confuse a person. You can not talk on the phone during negotiations or an important meeting. Shoes and general appearance should be neat and accommodating.
  • In the age of information technology it is important to follow the rules of electronic communication. This may be communication by e-mail, the use of various electronic services or chat on various apps on your phone. It is important to fill in all the columns in the email. It is especially important to correctly fill in the field with the heading "Subject". Your letters must always be signed. You need to address people politely and do not forget about the words of greeting. When writing an email, the use of emoticons is allowed.

When writing an email, the use of emoticons is allowed.

  • office phone call etiquette represents another important aspect of the rules of conduct at work. During the conversation, it is important to monitor your tone and intonations in your voice. It is important to greet the interlocutor and do not forget to introduce yourself. You need to specify not only your name and position, but also the company on behalf of which this call is made. Before starting a conversation, it is worth finding out whether the interlocutor is currently in a dialogue. It is better to immediately go to the point and voice the topic of the conversation. It is unacceptable to eat or drink during the conversation. Using the speakerphone is allowed only with the permission of the interlocutor. At the end of the conversation, be sure to say goodbye.
  • Leader's work etiquette equally important for both men and women. Competent management is impossible without determining the type of management, the mood of the team and its attitude towards subordinates. You need to try to have a conflict-free space in the office.
  • Senior management visit or significant guests is carried out according to a special protocol. Such protocol behavior is clearly regulated. It specifies all acceptable ethical standards, times and meetings with guests.

What does it include?

The rules of conduct in a team should be the same for everyone. Each employee must respect his boss and not be hostile to him. The employee must contribute to a positive atmosphere in the team. In the process of relationships between colleagues, controversial situations may arise - you should avoid them or try to smooth out sharp corners.

Every team has its own rules. They can be fixed in the corporate code, or they can be unspoken. Some institutions prohibit taking documents home or using portable storage devices. The unspoken rules may include mandatory attendance at corporate events and symbolic gifts to colleagues for the holidays. It is important to watch your speech and not discuss others. It is worth carefully choosing topics for conversation and not talking too much about yourself - this is already an aesthetic side in the upbringing and behavior of each individual person.

The rules for the relationship between the leader and the subordinate are acutely regulated. It is impossible to communicate with the manager and all higher-ranking persons in an overly familiar way or switch to “you”.

In a new team, you need to learn about the basic rules of behavior - there may be features of the relationship between employees and the manager. Tact must be observed in dealing with colleagues. It is important to know about the presence of a dress code in the company. If it is necessary to leave the workplace, it is worth finding out how this is formalized: is it enough to speak verbally with the manager or is it necessary to write a written statement.

Office clothing plays an important role in business etiquette. When choosing clothes for work, you need to follow a few rules:

  • do not wear homemade knitwear;
  • women must wear tights or stockings even on hot summer days;
  • girls need to follow the length of the skirts and the color of the clothes;
  • dresses in the office are allowed to wear only the most strict styles.

It is necessary to have a change of shoes in the office. Hands must always be covered. You need to change clothes daily. If a man or woman wears a suit, then a daily shirt change is important.

Women should avoid wearing too much jewelry. Preference should be given to one thing, but from precious metals. You can not wear jewelry over knitted and woolen items. Religious symbols are unacceptable to be worn for show. And one of the highlights is perfume. Its complete absence during the day is desirable, especially if there are several people in the office: the smell of eau de toilette can be unpleasant for others, and for some even cause attacks of an allergic reaction.

Strict adherence to the dress code is carried out mainly in large companies. In some institutions, the ban exists only on jeans. There are institutions where there is no dress code as such. But this does not mean that you should not follow the elementary rules in the selection of your clothes.

The functions of an employee are clearly defined in job description each individual employee. It specifies the mode of operation, the rights and duties of the staff. Organization of work in the workplace is essential.

Important Aspects

Entering the office, you need to say hello first. This applies to communication with higher-ranking people. Each employee must know the basics of working time planning and be able to allocate their working time and tasks competently. It is important to follow the dress code rules. The workplace is the personification of the employee of the enterprise, which itself will tell everything about its owner, so it must always be kept clean and tidy.

It is important to comply with all requirements for documents: correctly fill out the official letterhead of the organization, adhere to the corporate font and intervals. A structured and competent speech of an employee is the basis of his further career growth. With the ability to speak beautifully in the future, it will be easy to transfer your thoughts to paper in the form of business letters.

It is important to be able to accept other people's opinions. Work information should not be discussed outside the office. This can be facilitated by a special order of management on non-disclosure of information.

In the workplace, you need to work, and not indulge in idleness. A person who performs well and brings income to his institution rises very quickly in his career.

It is a great success for a person to be able to hear other people. In business, this is a very important quality. In short, this skill helps to make a profitable offer at the right time and save a lot of money.

When working with a delegation of partners from another country, it is worth remembering the etiquette of this nationality. It is important to learn the art of negotiation. First you need to attract the attention of the interlocutor, and then bring it to a specific result.

Remarks to a subordinate should be made in private. But public remarks should be left for that moment, if the employee did not understand the first time. The subordinate is obliged to follow the orders of the immediate supervisor, but has the right to express his point of view.

Personal relations of employees, novels and hatred greatly interfere with the work process - you must try to maintain a harmonious atmosphere in the team. It is important to pay great attention to your gestures and words. It is worth noting that the handshake is the only acceptable tactile contact.

It is important to learn to control your gestures and facial expressions, because they will say more about you than any words.

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