Basic PC malfunctions. Primary diagnosis of computer malfunction

Many of us have encountered problems with our computers more than once. There is nothing surprising in the fact that people begin to get very irritated when their favorite equipment begins to act up. Unfortunately, far from computer users understand that it is not computers that are primarily to blame for these problems, but rather the users themselves. No antivirus or firewall, or not updating it in a timely manner, installing potentially unsafe programs that are embedded in system processes, surfing on suspicious sites, and simply careless attitude towards the computer, all these actions lead to deterioration of the computer. Of course, a computer does not have a soul or inner world, unlike a person, but, nevertheless, this does not mean that it cannot “get sick.” So, let's look at the most common errors and failures in computers, as well as methods for solving them.

Very slow computer. One of the most common computer problems. The main causes of this problem may be: too many simultaneously running programs, lack of RAM or too weak processor, presence of viruses on the computer, registry errors operating system, the hard drive is full to capacity. The solution to this problem may be the following: Increasing computer performance by installing more modern components. A complete scan of your computer for viruses, deleting unnecessary files, optimizing the system using special programs, or as a last resort, reinstalling the OS.

Computer freezes completely. Reasons: absence of some performers Windows files, numerous computer viruses, overloaded registry, damaged RAM. Solutions: a complete scan of the computer for viruses with a modern antivirus, optimization of the system with special programs, restoration or reinstallation of the entire system, replacement of RAM.

The computer reboots spontaneously. Reasons: the presence of a large number of spyware and virus programs or a malfunction in the computer’s cooling or power system. Solutions: scan your computer for viruses. Complete analysis of all elements of the system unit. Perhaps the cooling of the processor or video card is faulty, or a full analysis, and possibly replacement, of the power supply is necessary. A possible option is that the power supply is working properly, but it does not have much high power for computer.

The computer won't turn on at all. Causes: damaged power cable, faulty power supply. Solutions: replacing the old cable with a new one. Check the power supply on another computer, if it is not working, replace it with a new power supply.

Regular computer time failure. Cause: CMOS battery is dead, located on motherboard. Solution: newer.

The browser constantly changes start pages, bookmarks, and passwords.. Reasons: obvious presence of spyware or virus programs on the computer. Solutions: scan your computer for viruses, possibly complete reinstalling the operating system.

With an Internet connection using dual-up technology, they regularly receive huge phone bills, with outgoing calls to countries to which calls were not made. Reasons: presence of spyware on the computer ( dialer program). Solution: urgent reinstallation of the operating system with complete formatting the entire hard drive(antivirus programs in this case are ineffective).

Poor gaming performance, on a fairly powerful computer. Reason: the configured amount of virtual memory is too small. Solution: increasing the amount of virtual memory to any required size, but to the detriment of free space on the system partition of the hard drive.

No sound on the computer, poor image quality. Reason: The operating system may have been previously reinstalled. Solution: installation of all necessary drivers.

Internet does not work. Solution: check all network cables, check if the IP address is blocked, check your computer for viruses, check personal account status. Try to connect to the Internet later; it is possible that the problem is not with the computer, but on the side of the provider.

The computer speaker makes sounds regularly. Problem: the video card, processor, RAM, hard drive, sound card, or other components of the system unit are faulty or incorrectly connected; the monitor may not be connected to the video adapter. Solution: checking all computer components check for correct connections; if the problem is not solved, look for the faulty component and then replace it.

So, we have looked at the most common problems that ordinary users may encounter when working on their home computer. Of course, basic computer knowledge, as well as the help of the Internet, can help solve most of these problems, but there are some problems that it may not be entirely correct to solve on your own, since it is easy to cause the opposite effect and, as a result, only aggravate the situation. In such cases, it is best call a specialist who can perform a thorough diagnosis of the computer and solve the current problem.


If you don't find the solution you need here, ask a question at VKontakte group, I will try to help.

General issues

The computer slows down and freezes. What to do?

There are many reasons for a computer to slow down. To begin with, we should exclude the most obvious ones - we check for viruses using.

Also make sure you have the latest drivers installed. For example, if games slow down, then perhaps the reason is in the video driver. I talked in detail about the drivers

The reason for the brakes may also be running programs. I advise you to clean your startup. Also pay attention to the lower right corner of the screen - near the clock there are icons of some running programs, close them.

Another good advice speeding up your computer - .

The program throws an error. How to fix it?

Very frequently asked question. Unfortunately, users do not understand that the question is not addressed to a telepath. When asked Necessarily you must indicate the verbatim text of the error, actions that led to the error, version installed operating system.

Typically, searching for the text of the error on Google will yield several solutions to the problem.

How to speed up your computer?

The tips are the same as when slowing down a computer. There are several articles on my website dedicated to.

Are there programs to speed up your computer?

Answer - No. There is only a set that allows the full potential of the computer's computing power to be revealed. All kinds of accelerators are, if not a lie, then obvious deceit. There are no miracles. To make your computer run faster, install faster components.

The computer restarts while playing games. What to do?

There are many reasons. The most common:

  1. Overheating -
  2. Incorrectly working driver (about reinstalling the driver).
  3. Hardware problem. It can be detected by inserting the video card into another computer - if there is a reboot, the reason is that the video card is broken. Or, again, it's overheating, so check for overheating first.

The computer restarts on its own. How to solve this problem?

The most likely reason is BSOD. What is it and how to solve it, read

It could also be overheating (see question above).

Less common reasons for a computer to shut down spontaneously:

  1. short circuit any connectors;
  2. a loose cord running from the outlet to the system unit;
  3. lack of grounding (yes, in addition to the phase and neutral available in the sockets, it is highly advisable to connect a normal ground to the computer);
  4. power surges (a stabilizer is needed);
  5. faulty power supply or motherboard.

The latter is difficult to diagnose at home. If you have ruled out all other causes, take it to a service center for diagnostics.

The computer shows a blue screen with white text. What is this?

The computer is overheating. What to do?

What to do if there is no sound?

Most likely, the driver for the sound card is not installed. My installation advice is

Administrator rights are required to copy files to a flash drive. What to do?

The easiest way is to format the flash drive in FAT32 and the problem will disappear. When you need to transfer files larger than 4 GB each to a flash drive - .

Windows-related issues

How to install Windows 8?

Where to download Windows 8?

How to install Windows 7?

Where to download Windows 7?

How much RAM does Windows 7 need?

Minimum - 512 MB. Of course, the more, the better. More information about system Windows requirements 7

How to create a USB flash drive with Windows installation?

To install Windows from a flash drive, you need to prepare it. The instructions apply to both Windows 7 and Windows 8.

How to boot from a boot disk or flash drive?

How to install two or more Windows on one computer?

You need to install Windows on different hard drive partitions or different hard drives. Read more about this There are a lot of instructions on this topic on the Internet.

What to do if Windows updates won't download?

Usually an error code is reported. Type it into Google - most likely there is already a solution.

Virus protection, security

Where can I download a free antivirus?


Where can I download interesting programs?

A list of convenient program directories is located

Which programs can be removed and which cannot?

It all depends on the needs - both yours and the laptops. Come to Control Panel - Programs and Features, see the list. If any of the installed programs is unknown to you, type its name into Google or Yandex. Knowing its purpose, you can decide whether to delete it or not.

How to clean your computer from unnecessary files?

There is a good program for this.

The program requires administrator rights. What to do?

Right-click on the program shortcut/file - Run as administrator. Why is this necessary and how to simplify it, it is written

The virus deleted files from the flash drive. How to recover?

The easiest way is with free program. However, it is quite possible that the files were not deleted, but were simply hidden. How to “return” them and how to simplify this process, I told in.

How to format a flash drive?


Websites in Google Chrome require you to update Flash Player, although the latest one is already installed. What to do?

Open the page chrome://plugins/, click on the right More details, then disable all Flash Players except the one new version(you will see by the numbers which version is the latest).

Linux Questions

Should I try installing Linux?

In my opinion, this is more than necessary. Even if not a single distribution from the Linux family suits you (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Mint, Mandriva, Debian, Fedora, ALT Linux, etc.), you will gain experience and your own opinion.

There are many distributions (assemblies, in other words) of Linux. Most often, novice users choose a distribution that is not suitable for their tasks, end up with a negative opinion and forget about Linux as if it were a bad dream. In fact, there are a great many distributions for a wide range of tasks. Distributions differ in literally everything - from the kernel version to the set of installed programs. Externally, the interface also varies greatly due to different “desktop environments”: some like Gnome, others KDE, others XFCE or Openbox, IceWM...

OpenSUSE is a very good Linux distribution. First of all, I would like to note a very flexible installation program, thanks to which you can install only those programs that you need and discard unnecessary ones. Of course, nothing interferes with any Linux versions After installation, install (or uninstall) programs, but this is essentially a waste of time. The OpenSUSE installer thus saves time. You can download OpenSUSE from the download page.

How to install Linux with Windows?

On the one hand, there is nothing complicated there - just create free space on your hard drive, as I described here, then specify this location for installation to the Linux installer. On the other hand, there are plenty of pitfalls - either the installation program will come across with errors, or it will be too incomprehensible, or something else... Therefore, I recommend reading - using Ubuntu as an example, you can install any Linux distributions.

PC does not respond when you press the power button:

  • Check the power supply at the outlet
  • Replace the cord that is connected to the computer's power supply or check this cable on another device.

If we discard the above options, then the problem is in the motherboard or power supply. You will need to open the system unit and disconnect all devices except the processor and the Power button (on the front panel) from the motherboard. Now try to turn on the computer. After applying voltage, the cooler on the power supply and processor should turn on. If the coolers jerk briefly and stop, disconnect the connector powering the processor, 4 or 8 pin, the coolers work properly - it means the motherboard is faulty. Still nothing happens - disconnect the power supply from the motherboard and measure the +5V SB signal voltage with a voltmeter - it should be 5 volts.

A lower value will indicate a faulty power supply and will have to be replaced.

The power supply is ok - remove the motherboard from the PC case, clean it ( compressed air, blowing vacuum cleaner, brush) try turning on the PC again. Pay attention to the capacitors, whether they are swollen or leaking. If the computer was overclocked or something was changed in the BIOS, remove the BIOS battery, or switch the CMOS_CLR jumper (Clear CMOS, CCMOS, CL_CMOS, Clear RTC, CRTC, CLRTC, CL_RTC, etc.)

If your computer starts working when you press a button, but immediately turns off, then the problem most likely lies in CPU overheating.

BIOS beeps

If your computer, or rather the motherboard speaker, emits a set of short and/or long sounds, then the BIOS sound signal tables below will help you. The most common BIOS from companies: AMI, AWARD and Phoenix. If there is no speaker or it is not connected, you can purchase it; the device costs no more than 100 rubles.
One short beep AMI and AWARD means the computer is working properly. For clarity, in the tables the long signal is indicated by the letter “d”, and the short signal by “k”.


— * — Malfunction of the power supply (lack of sound signal)
2k - RAM parity error
3k - Error in the first 64 kB of RAM
4k - System timer malfunction
5k - CPU malfunction
6k - Keyboard controller malfunction
7k - System board malfunction
8k - Video card memory failure
9k - BIOS checksum error
10k - Cannot write to CMOS
11k - Faulty cache located on the system board

1d+3k - Video card malfunction
1d+8k - Monitor not connected


Signals - Possible malfunction
2k - Minor errors (in most cases these are problems in CMOS Setup or with the motherboard)
3d - Keyboard controller error
1d+1k - Errors in RAM
1d+2k - Video card malfunction
1d+3k - Keyboard initialization error
1d+9k - Error when reading from ROM
k (repeated) - The power supply is covered
d (repeated) - RAM problems
Continuous beep - Power supply failure

Phoenix BIOS

Consecutive codes are represented by the number of beeps. For example, 1-1-2 - 1 beep, pause, 1 beep, pause, 2 beeps.

Code. Possible malfunction
1-1-3. CMOS data write/read error.
1-1-4. BIOS chip contents checksum error.
1-2-1. The motherboard is faulty.
1-2-2. DMA controller initialization error.
1-2-3. Error when trying to read/write to one of the DMA channels.
1-3-1. RAM regeneration error.
1-3-3. Error when testing the first 64 KB of RAM.
1-3-4. Similar to the previous code.
1-4-1. The motherboard is faulty.
1-4-2. RAM testing error.
1-4-3. System timer error.
1-4-4. Error accessing I/O port.
3-1-1. Error initializing the second DMA channel.
3-1-2. Error initializing the first DMA channel.
3-1-4. The motherboard is faulty.
3-2-4. Keyboard controller error.
3-3-4. Video memory testing error.
4-2-1. System timer error.
4-2-3. Line error A20. The keyboard controller is faulty.
4-2-4. Error when working in protected mode. The CPU may be faulty.
4-3-1. Error when testing RAM.
4-3-4. Real time clock error.
4-4-1. Serial port test failed. May be caused by a device using this port.
4-4-2. Error while testing parallel port. See above.
4-4-3. Error when testing math coprocessor

Start the computer with the Speaker connected to the motherboard. Sound signals should be heard (deciphering is presented above), which means notifying the computer about the absence of memory modules (if other signals occur, then see the table and look for their rationale). The absence of beeps means the processor or motherboard has failed. To confirm this, diagnostics at a service center or replacement of components is necessary. If the signal confirms the absence of RAM modules, insert them into the slots after complete shutdown power supply and turn on the PC again. When the computer detects and initializes the memory, it will signal that the video adapter is missing (if your video card is not built into the motherboard or is located in the video core of the processor), which will be expressed by one long and two short beeps. At this step, we ruled out a RAM malfunction. Also, do not forget to insert RAM modules one at a time to eliminate the failure of one by changing the slots of their location. If the computer does not boot and does not emit signals from the speaker, the reason is a faulty memory module that must be replaced. The same outcome will occur even with two short beeps. After we have verified that the main components are working properly, install the video card into the slot.

When you turn on the PC, the monitor should display the results of the POST test and show where the freeze occurred (or the result of an unsuccessful OS boot). Often at this stage problems arise with the fact that the POST test does not detect the video adapter. In this case, try resetting the BIOS by removing the CMOS battery for a few minutes. Otherwise, you should try testing the video card on another computer.

Diagnostics of a PC with a connected video card

Connect your keyboard. If during the POST test the speaker starts to beep, this indicates a “stuck” or jammed button on the keyboard. Liquid ingress is also possible (drying or exposure to (not hot) air will help).

After solving a possible problem with the keyboard, you can try connecting HDD. If you use hard drives on the IDE bus, then the jumper on the interface side should be in position “master” (boot disk), the main thing in our business is to pass the POST test.

Now go to the BIOS (when booting - Del or F2, sometimes Ctrl+F2) and try to identify your HDD. During initialization, the PC may freeze after passing the POST test, when the OS starts loading. The reason is probably hidden in the damage to the MBR; to restore it, you need to boot from a CD with your version of Windows. Then you need to enter the recovery menu installed system and try to restore the OS using Windows. After booting the system (from CD, HDD or USB), you need to test the surface of the entire hard drive. You can also use the disk. The result of this operation will show whether the hard drive is to blame for the system failure. This is a very lengthy process, but after this it will be possible to talk about the health of the hard drive, and in case of failure, replace the HDD. Hidden defects in the first 10 MB of the hard drive are especially dangerous; they can be determined by full test disk, and identification is necessary due to constant boot failures for no apparent reason.

Connecting peripheral devices

Now connect your mouse. The optical LED will light up. If there is no response when connecting to a computer, you must first test the mouse on another machine, and then replace the device and connect it to the required port. Quite often, PS/2 devices fail when they are connected/disconnected while the PC is running (fraught with failure of the motherboard).

PCI devices and USB, LAN ports

Their functionality is determined after a POST test on the screen, a list of all initialized PCI bus devices is displayed. This test only makes it clear that the PCI controllers on the motherboard work without problems and that they can detect installed devices, but the functionality of the devices themselves is not guaranteed. You can only check their operation directly in the system. Comprehensive tests will help you find faults in PCI components. If up to this point the diagnostic process has been successful, then you can connect optional components: additional hard drives, Blu-Ray or DVD drives. Sometimes installing these devices causes the system to freeze. There should be 1 Master and 1 Slave on one loop. If you use SATA drives and hard drives, such problems do not arise; each device of this type is connected with a separate cable (cable) to a separate port on the motherboard. If this does not help, look carefully at the POST test process: if it lasts about 8-10 seconds, the power supply may not have enough power. To verify this, disconnect any of the HDDs and restart the PC. Also, if there is a lack of power when loading, you can hear the hard drive trying to spin up, which happens 3-4 times. The problem can be solved by installing a more powerful power supply.

Typically, this problem is associated with the absence or insufficient power supply. Check the power source and the computer's connection to the network. If you cannot start, make sure there is no problem when connecting the computer to another outlet and another device (if you are using a stabilizer or filter). A voltage indicator is mounted on motherboards. Remove the left cover of the system unit and check if the indicator lights up. If it does not light, then first replace the power supply.

Screen is blank

One of the main reasons for this problem is a broken connection between the system unit and the monitor. Make sure the connection is good and the monitor is plugged in. If you have a laptop, you should contact a specialist, since the cause of the malfunction is usually worn out wires laid inside the case.

Another reason may be incorrect functioning of the operating system or software. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del, in the task manager select “New task/Run”. Type explorer.exe and click OK. If the contents of the desktop are displayed, then check the computer for viruses and the registry keys for . If Windows does not boot, use the recovery disc.

Computer freezes

In this case, the only way out is a reboot, which risks losing unsaved data. The cause of the freeze may be a lack of RAM, overheating of the processor or hard drive, as well as the video card, damaged or missing files, or the activity of viruses. Clean the insides of the system unit, fans, radiators from dust. Go to the “Properties” menu of the “My Computer” section. Next, click “Advanced” - “Boot and Recovery” - “Options” and uncheck the option to reboot automatically. If a blue screen appears, rewrite the error codes. Check your computer for viruses.

Computer is slow

Clear your hard drive of unnecessary files. Use external hard drives to store files. This will free up additional disk space for the needs of the computer's operating system. Enable regular registry scanning. Make sure that an antivirus program and a firewall are installed and functioning on your computer.

Extraneous sounds

Check the cooling fan for serviceability. If the fan is working normally, then extraneous sounds most likely indicate a hardware failure. Noise often accompanies failure hard drives, so carry out the backup procedure.

Primary diagnostics can be done using signals that are played when the computer starts. To do this, you need to know the breakdown coding tables. Each BIOS developer (AMI, AWARD, PHOENICS) uses its own coding for the type of fault. One short signal means for everyone that the primary test (POST) has been passed and no errors were detected. Next, it’s different for everyone. The absence of any signals means that the system does not start when power is applied and the turn-on signal is applied.
Determining computer malfunction using BIOS signals

Sometimes you can distinguish a hardware problem from a software problem by a change in the computer's behavior after a power outage (as opposed to a software reset).
Many computer problems can be identified (or at least know in which direction to look) using fatal BSOD errors in Windows, but for this you need Windows itself to be working.

Processor failure

The computer reboots cyclically, does not start, does not boot from the hard drive; does not install, Windows does not load, the processor or processor power parts on the motherboard get very hot. Sometimes programs work with errors. New processors have a built-in memory controller; sometimes memory malfunction occurs due to a faulty processor. A malfunction of an Intel processor is an extremely rare occurrence; burned-out AMD processors are much more common. The processor can burn out due to improper assembly if the contacts of the board or processor socket are bent, causing a short circuit. In this case, the processor is replaced with a new one. A burnt processor can “burn” the motherboard; moving it into a new computer is dangerous. Determining a processor malfunction yourself at home is difficult and risky.

Troubleshooting: replacement only.

Memory failures

The computer does not boot, periodic crashes occur, accompanied by a blue “screen of death” in Windows and its applications. RAM problems are reliably diagnosed with special reliable tests. Programs with low validity work quickly, but often do not detect a problem. Tests should be carried out on a motherboard whose memory controller is working (the controller may be in the processor, then you need to be sure that the processor is working). A memory test with a program of low reliability (validity) can only confuse you and take up additional time. A faulty memory should be replaced; repairing is pointless. Since in modern systems The memory controller is usually located in the processor, then in case of memory errors, the processor is the first to be suspected.

Motherboard failure

If the motherboard has failed, then the signs of this event are as follows: the computer does not turn on at all, or turns on but does not boot; USB, sound card, mouse, keyboard do not work; the processor is cold; Windows does not load or install, the processor overheats. An example of a computer motherboard malfunction where Windows would not boot due to memory errors.

If the motherboard BIOS is damaged (the chip is burned out or the program is corrupted), the computer will turn on, but there will be no boot or image. We can restore a faulty BIOS either by re-flashing the programmer or by replacing the flashed chip.

Motherboards are rarely repaired, usually when capacitors need to be resoldered. Changing a chip on a motherboard is expensive, about 6,000 rubles.

For more information about diagnosing a motherboard malfunction, see here.

Troubleshooting: replacement, repair.

Hard drive problems

The disk does not spin up and is not detected in the motherboard BIOS; Windows does not load, the computer reboots cyclically, freezes, and slows down; errors and program crashes. It is advisable to repair hard drives if the damage is minor or they contain valuable information. A damaged SATA cable and poor contact may also be the cause of a bad or unstable work hard drive. You can diagnose poor cable quality using the UltraDMA CRC Errors parameter in.
Read more about hard drive failures here.
Troubleshooting: replacement, repair.

Another frequently asked question related to the fact that Windows does not see external hard drive that connects via USB. First you need to check whether the disk itself spins up. If there is complete silence or you can hear the disk trying to spin up (does not gain speed), then the disk will not start. Therefore, Windows does not see the HDD. The reasons may be the following: the drive does not have enough power to operate (insert the second end of the splitter into USB), a bad cable (the performance of external hard drives greatly depends on the quality of the cable); disk controller in box Low quality; you are connecting it incorrectly (for example, through the front USB connectors of the computer, but it should be connected to the motherboard at the back). Here are the main reasons why an external drive does not work.

Video card malfunction

Manifestations of a video card malfunction: debris or artifacts on the monitor screen, often before Windows loads; The computer does not boot (there is no characteristic boot sound signal); 3D games crash; The video card driver crashes and is not installed, games do not work, the 3DMARK test crashes. A typical cause of video adapter failure is overheating. The critical temperature for a video card crystal is about 105º C. To avoid overheating, do not bring the card to this temperature, clean it in a timely manner. The problem is checked on another computer.

See the maximum temperatures of video cards here.

Power supply failure

The computer does not turn on with the button (power is not supplied to the board and fans), there is no boot from the hard drive, it reboots cyclically, the boot stops. Repairing power supplies has practically stopped. A standard power supply costs the same as a repair.

Read more about power supply malfunctions.
Troubleshooting: replacing the power supply.

Network problem

If the network card is faulty, the computer may freeze when loading Windows and may not boot. The problem may appear at night when you are away, the card may burn out even when the computer is turned off and standby voltage is supplied to the card. For diagnostics, you can disable the network card in the BIOS, or remove an additional one.

Read about repairing the motherboard, power supply, and video card of your computer here.

Obviously, some signs of a malfunction occur in several computer components at once, and a lot of uncertainty arises during diagnosis. Therefore, when diagnosing, it is more correct to talk about the likelihood of a given breakdown. To make a correct diagnosis, experience, equipment and replacement parts are required. Diagnosing and repairing a computer at home without the ability to supply serviceable parts is problematic, but in professional centers it is easy and inexpensive. See prices for computer repairs.

Computer overheating.

Often computer breakdowns occur due to overheating associated with excessive dust inside the system unit. Dust is a good heat insulator and prevents... Here is an example of what happens if your computer is not cleaned of dust. For this reason, the video card became unusable.


Incompatibility of components is common cause inoperability of known good devices. Most often, incompatibility occurs in a combination of Intel-AMD devices. For example, we replaced the video card with a new card from AMD, and the computer stopped starting.

Software problems

Half of computer problems are caused by software problems. This includes errors in the file system (which often occur during power failures while writing to a disk), OS (operating system) and its applications, drivers, as well as the consequences of malware (viruses, Trojans, spyware, etc.). Causes of infection: consequences of visiting phishing sites, opening infected emails, downloading infected programs, poor anti-virus protection.
Software malfunctions also include errors after replacing the motherboard due to a change in the hard drive controller.

The printer does not print from the computer

If the printer periodically stops printing from the computer, then the following reasons are likely:

  • most often the problem is with the print manager (you can check this by restarting the print manager or restarting the computer);
  • malfunction of the motherboard chipset, in particular the South Bridge;
  • bad USB cable, incorrect or damaged driver, problems with the printer (paper is stuck, the cartridge is out, the cover is open, etc.)

If you need professional diagnostics or want to repair your computer with us, if you have a question about prices, terms, feasibility, please contact us via the contact form. In the vast majority of cases, the cause of a breakdown cannot be determined without diagnostics.


Question. A blue screen constantly pops up with the inscription IRQ_NOT_ and something else.
Answer. Most likely there are problems with RAM or driver.

Question. What to do if a blue screen of death appears?
Answer. There is always a message written on the death screen, which can be used to determine the type of malfunction.

Question. The computer does not turn on when you press the power button, the fan jerks and stops.
Answer. Possibly faulty: motherboard; power supply (replace); short circuit protection is triggered (disconnect everything from the motherboard, even external USB, connect one by one).

Question. The video card periodically disappears from the system.
Answer. There is probably a bad contact in the card slot - it needs to be cleaned, or the card itself is faulty.

Question. Can the video card get warm due to the power supply?
Answer. Never met.

Question. The mouse on my computer is slow. When the hand moves smoothly, it twitches and jumps. I changed the mouse - it doesn't help, everything is the same.
Answer. The mouse never slows down and cannot slow down. Only the computer itself is slowing down, you need to figure out why: the hard drive, programs, a weak video card, the processor...

Question. The fan on the processor has become very noisy, buzzing almost continuously. I almost never heard of it before.
Answer. It's time to clean your computer from dust. Open the system unit and remove dust from all coolers. Read about cleaning your laptop.

Question. The computer does not see the TV via HDMI, but before it saw and showed movies. I checked the contacts.
Answer. The HDMI port on either the TV or computer has burned out. Do not connect the HDMI cable while the devices are turned on.

Question. Small horizontal stripes are visible on the monitor. Is this a matrix?
Answer. Most likely these are leads. Select a different frame rate, such as 75Hz. Sometimes there is a horizontal flickering of the lines and a slight jitter. It is eliminated the same way.

Question. The computer reports that the USB device is not recognized, but it worked before.
Answer. The electronics have probably failed, usually in the USB interface.

Question. The required resolution is not set on the monitor.
Answer. First turn on the monitor, then restart Windows. A working system will determine the necessary monitor parameters on its own.

Question. The processor is constantly loaded at 100%.
Answer. Possible: weak processor, viruses, 2 antiviruses, extra resident programs, overheating. Launch the task manager and see which process is using up the processor. If it is svhost and there are no viruses, then it is easier to reinstall Windows.

Question. The hard drive disappears periodically.
Answer. The problem is either in the controller on the motherboard, or on the hard drive, or in the cable (often poor contact).

Question. The new computer started to slow down a lot.
Answer. You need to look at what processes are causing processor load. And check the hard drive for damage. And sometimes the computer slows down a lot when - if the cable is faulty, a large number of errors occur during data transfer, and until the disk transfers the required portion of data to the computer without errors, the transfer process is repeated. The cable needs to be replaced.

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