Nice words for men. How to call a guy affectionately so that he likes it: examples

Agree - there are times when you want to call the man you love something unusual. Put all the tenderness and love into this name.

But how to affectionately call a guy so that he likes it and the chosen name does not make him look stupid? Here we need female wisdom and intuition.

Despite all the denials, men like kind and gentle words. Therefore, a correctly chosen nickname will not only cause a storm of positive emotions in him, but will also make you closer.

Below are several examples, divided by category, perhaps something will suit your loved one.

Heroes (films, cartoons)

When comparing your lover with movie characters, don’t get too carried away. The meaning of the comparison should be simple and clear.

It is not advisable to compare with negative heroes. Because men, on a subconscious level, begin to look for a catch.


  • Dear Bambi.
  • Vinnie.
  • Piglet.
  • Cheburashka.
  • Dragon.
  • Luntik.
  • Smurf.
  • Teletubby.
  • Gnome.
  • Chip or Dale.
  • Bobblehead.
  • Hercules.
  • Dear Hulk.
  • Crazy Max.
  • Tarzan.
  • Mowgli.
  • Rocky.
  • My Drogo.
  • Conan.
  • Terminator.

When choosing an affectionate nickname, try to explain the reason for the match. Perhaps a man will not immediately understand, so it is better to immediately put everything in its place.


The most common analogies are made with animals. Women, for the most part, adore four-legged creatures. This is where the parallels come from. There are so many comparisons!

To the male half, such a comparison does not seem vulgar. Young people like to be compared to wild or predatory animals.

Older men are more impressed by the comparison with large, noble animals.

You can voice not only the type of animal, but also make it more affectionate, so that it sounds gentle and pleases the ears of your loved one.


  • Tiger, tiger cub.
  • Lion, lion cub.
  • Cat, kitten.
  • Bunny, bunny.
  • Hamster, homa.
  • Bear, little bear.
  • Elephant, baby elephant.
  • Eagle.
  • Falcon.
  • Hippopotamus, hippopotamus.
  • Nightingale, nightingale.
  • Hedgehog.
  • Raccoon.
  • Foal.

Cute and affectionate names

For the most part, men love it when they are called by affectionate names. Perhaps they won’t show it outwardly, especially at the beginning of the relationship. But after some time, you will be able to see this for yourself.

Cute and affectionate names allow you to make relationships closer and more tender. Another undoubted plus is that with affectionate adjectives you can smooth out a difficult situation, lift your spirits, and forget grievances.


  • Affectionate.
  • Gentle.
  • The most wanted.
  • Dear, dear.
  • Gold.
  • Priceless.
  • Darling, darling.
  • The best.
  • Hot.
  • Handsome, beautiful.
  • Fire, fiery.
  • Iron.
  • Strong man, strong.
  • My perfection.
  • Cute.
  • Enchanting.

Cool and funny

Feel free to come up with unusual nicknames that will highlight the qualities of your partner and your warm attitude towards him.


  • My cowboy.
  • Macho.
  • Hurricane.
  • Imp.
  • Music.
  • Cucumber.
  • Baby.
  • Pussyk.
  • Kukus.
  • Sweet apricot.
  • Hot pepper.
  • Naughty girl.
  • Durash.
  • Dandelion.
  • Fluffy.
  • Donut.
  • Brownie Kuzya.
  • Piglet, piggy.
  • Diamond, brilliant.
  • Little engine.

By name

Diminutive derivatives of names are also in a good way express your attitude towards the guy.

By bowing the name of your chosen one, you highlight his personal qualities. At the same time, express your sympathy.

Despite this, many people do not like modified names. For example, Alexander may not like Shurik, and Vladimir may not like Vovochka. Therefore, pay attention to the guy’s reaction so as not to offend him.


  • Aleksashka, Sashik, Sanka, Sashulik.
  • Leshechka, Leshik.
  • Tolyasik, Tolik, Tolyanchik.
  • Antoshka, Tosha, Toshik, Antoshik.
  • Artemushka, Tema, Temchik, Artemych.
  • Arturchik, Arturik, Artik.
  • Bogdasha, Bonya, Bodya.
  • Vadik, Vadya, Vadimchik.
  • Valentinchik, Roller, Valentinushka.
  • Valerych, Valeron, Valet.
  • Vladik, Vlad, Vladyusha.
  • Vityunya, Vit, Vityuk.
  • Vovashka, Vovik, Volodenka.
  • Vitalyusya, Vitalyun, Vitas.
  • Zhora, Zhorik, George.
  • Davidushka, Davidik, Davidon.
  • Danya, Danchik, Danilka.
  • Dimulya, Dimasik, Dimasey.
  • Egorushka, Egorka, Egorych.
  • Evgesha, Zhenechka, Zhenek.
  • Igorechek, Igorushik, Igorka.
  • Vanyushka, Vanyushka, Ivanushka.
  • Kostik, Kostyusha, Kostyanchik.
  • Kiryusha, Kirillka, Kiryushik.
  • Matveyushka, Matyusha, Matveyka.
  • Mishanya, Mishutka, Mishusik.
  • Olezhik, Olezhka, Olezha.
  • Pashechka, Pashunka, Pavlusha.
  • Romych, Romulka, Romchik.
  • Rusik, Ruslanchik, Rus.
  • Radionchik, Radik, Radionushka.
  • Stasik, Stasyunya, Stanislavchik.
  • Serzhik, Serenka, Sergun.
  • Timoshka, Timka, Timofeyka.
  • Timurka, Timka, Tima.
  • Filya, Philippka, Philippushka.
  • Edik, Edya, Eduardushka.
  • Yurchik, Yurok, Yurashka.
  • Yashechka, Yasha, Yashunka.

An interesting option is to create a rhyme for your loved one’s name:


  • Pasha is Cheburash.
  • Andrey is a sparrow.
  • Sasha is a kisser.
  • Kostya - tail.

In English

A non-standard but original way to call your boyfriend is to use foreign terms of endearment.

They sound unusual and carry a certain mystery, and this will have a positive effect on your relationship.


  • Best lover - the best lover.
  • Treasure – jewel, value.
  • Sweet – sweet, tender.
  • Risky is a guy who loves risk.
  • Clever is smart.
  • Merry fellow - merry fellow.
  • Strong - strong.
  • Powerful - powerful.
  • Inventor is a dreamer.
  • Wild - frantic
  • Desired - longed for, desired.
  • Golden my man - my golden man.
  • My hero is my hero.
  • San beam - a ray of sunshine.
  • Gentle boy - gentle boy.

Any relationship is built on mutual respect between partners. When coming up with or choosing a nickname for your man, highlight only best qualities. By emphasizing them, you show how tenderly you treat the guy. After all, it is important for men that the woman next to him is confident and calm in him.

What words do men like? Affectionate, warm words of gratitude to your beloved man. Prose.

Speak beautiful words to men! After all, you, dear women, like it when men tell you these things every day. Men are the stronger sex, but they all have hearts that thirst for the beauty of words, and there are souls that “fly” with happiness if you speak beautifully.

What kind of ridiculous “stereotype” is it that men can only love food, sex, sports and women? They are not as primitive as you think. Listen and take a closer look at your loved one. Perhaps you will be able to see something that will simply blow your mind. And you will fall in love with your man again.

Tender, pleasant, beautiful words to your beloved man. In prose.

What words do men like:
The only one.

If these words are “woven” into beautiful phrases and phrases, the man of your dreams will be delighted. Let's try to do “word weaving”.

What words do men like? – Gentle, pleasant, affectionate, warm, beautiful words to your beloved man. In prose.

Tenderness and beauty are hidden in the following lines:

My kitten, I feel very lonely without you. I want to always, always be next to you. I dream that we would purr words of love to each other, and never get tired of doing it.
Do you know why I love the morning? Because in the morning you wake me up with your kiss. Do you know why I love the day? Because at this time of day I’m looking forward to you coming home from work and receiving a sea of ​​“texts” from you. Why do I love evening? For long and frank conversations with you. And I love the night, because you and I float on the waves of romance and passion...
For me, you are warmer than the sun, softer than clouds, more fragrant than flowers. I am the happiest woman in the world, because my happiness is you.
I will write on the sand, on the asphalt, on the walls about how wonderful and good you are. If this inscription is washed away by the rain, I will ask him to write it all over again with a rainbow. I want you to remember, know and believe: my love for you is eternal.
You are my dream, which came true thanks to our meeting. I am glad that we are together, my beloved. Let's always be together, both in joy and in misfortune. We need each other.
My beloved angel! You gave me your wings, you gave me your heart. These are priceless gifts. What do you want instead? Take all…. Take all of me...
Your sexuality lights up my body with fires of desire and passion. Please extinguish it with hugs, kisses and touches. I'm really looking forward to everything related to you.
For your love, my affectionate hero, I am ready to die. But I will live to enjoy your feelings. Take mine. Let's switch. Changing feelings is a pleasant experience.
You are dearest to everyone. More dear than even my mother, although I love her very much. For me, you are the most precious person on the entire planet. Thank you so much for being with me.
You are so wonderful…. Why did I get such joy as you? What did I do to deserve this? Probably because I love you madly. Let my madness of love be and remain your amulet and talisman.
I remember all the gifts that I have been given throughout my life. Your gifts are the best, because you are the best. Each gift you give is a little “pleasure” of the soul, which, like the apple of your eye, is guarded by memories.
I will not deceive you for anything in the world. You deserve only the purest truth. Even if the truth tastes bitter, I will still give it to you, since you deserve truthfulness. And I will make her bitterness sweeter every day with the help of kisses.

What other words do men love? Men are romantics. But, for them, words that reflect their passions or involve hobbies will be very pleasant. They are pleased to hear something about sports, about fishing, about the attributes of “artificial” but sexual beauty. How is this reflected in words?

Affectionate, warm, beautiful, gentle and pleasant words of “gratitude” to your beloved man.

I remember that today your long-awaited World Football Championship begins. I promise that I will not interfere with your enjoyment of watching your favorite sport. On this occasion, which is very important to you, I will buy you a beer and chips, and I will not be angry when you make noise with a vuvuzella and applaud loudly.
Tomorrow, for dinner, I will prepare you the dishes that you adore so much. So, make a list of what you want to eat. It may not be compiled in alphabetical order, but “in a random order.” I promise to prepare everything as if dinner were the most important holiday of the year.
Do you know what I'll buy you? New fishing rod! Just. I really want to please you. I even looked at a store where I will definitely find something that will make you even happier.
If I could ever win at least one million dollars, I would have my breasts enlarged. I know: it's harmful. But I also know what size female breast you like. I want to bring into reality everything that you feel sympathy for.

There are so many of her beautiful and tender words, from which a man will love his beloved even more. You want love and all reverent feelings to become even stronger - say pleasant, affectionate and gentle words.

If you want to say something original, first write down your “fantasy” on a piece of paper. Well, learn by heart what you wrote, if you don’t remember it.

A man is a person worthy of pleasant speeches. And you don’t need to think that he is only obliged to say pleasant things. Give your loved one the opportunity to enjoy the words that you, of course, will say with all your heart and soul.

The words “I love you” are magical. But they can be diversified, “diluted” with others to make it “more fun”.

What other beautiful, gentle, warm, affectionate words do men love? Prose.

Here are the phrases that contain all the completeness the right words, which will always be found:
Good morning, darling! How did you sleep, my sunshine? I thought about you even in my dreams...
How are you doing at work? Darling, I really want your every success to multiply a thousand times, and multiply every day.
I spent all the money you gave me on new clothes. But I promise that for every penny you spend, you will receive a passionate and unforgettable kiss.

How to be the first to confess your love to a man? How to tell a man about love?

Love is beautiful and easy. Do you want your beloved man to feel all the lightness and beauty of the touches of love?

Do you dream big, but don't know how to express it in words? Looking for some inspiration?

How to beautifully confess your love for a man?

Beautiful words of love to your beloved man.

Confess your feelings beautifully:

“I will always remember the day we met. You know, this day turned my whole life upside down. He made it brighter and richer. Thank you for the bright colors of my new life. I very love you".
"I miss you…. I miss you even when you are a millimeter away from me. I so need your gentle touches, the warmth of your hands is so important to me... Touch and warm. And in return, receive my endless love for you. I love you".
“I want to become a raindrop to quench the thirst of your expectations. I want to become a snowflake so that I can melt on your tender cheek. I want to become the moon to illuminate your path home in the evenings. Every morning I want to be a sunbeam to wake you up for work... But, most of all, I want to always be and remain your beloved. I love you, my most affectionate and most tender.”
“Your kisses are priceless. I dream that there will be as many of them as there are stars in the heights of the romantic night sky. Give me your kisses. I will die without them. And with them I will find unearthly happiness and the belief that I can be the happiest woman on earth. I love you"
“I don’t need a star from heaven: it is useless on earth. I don’t need gold: I myself am an ornament. I don't need expensive cars: I prefer to walk with you. Give me love! May its flame never fade, may the power of your love not be destroyed by quarrels, scandals, or disagreements. Love, take care, remember."
“Your eyes are the lights by which I live. I want to fall into their abyss and not return. Will you take me into your eyes? I would like to live in them, and in their reflection. I love your eyes. Don’t be jealous: I love you more.”
“How much has been said about the love of words. Even if I repeat myself, even if I am banal, I will say: for me you are everything. If it weren’t for you, my life would be empty, bitter and a river of tears. Thank fate for you! Thank you for being with me. Thank you…. I love you like no one has ever loved.”
“If I had a seven-flowered flower, I would make seven wishes. First: I want to always be with you. Second: I want to always be yours. Third: I want us to never quarrel. Seventh: I dream that all these wishes will come true tenfold. I love you, my flower."

We can talk about love endlessly. There is so much of it that you can even get confused in it. I wish you never get confused in feelings, but always know exactly and clearly to whom your heart is given.

Where is it beautiful to confess your love for a man? In what setting should you say words of love to your beloved man? Where to tell a man about love?

How to confess your love to a man? If there is a question “how”, it means that somewhere nearby, there is also a question “where”. This can be done anywhere:
In the cinema (the last row is a great place for confessions).
On the street (for example, standing at a bus stop).
By phone (at any time).
In the store (so that waiting in line won’t be so dreary).
At a party (at any second of all this “cheerful fussiness”).
At the disco (inviting him to the “white dance”).
In the theater (during intermission, for example, when you are nicely eating ice cream).
In the gym (to the sound of the equipment).
In bed (during kissing).
In nature (to the aroma of a fire and the sound of a guitar).
In a romantic setting (you will create it yourself, the way your soul desires).
In transport (when you stand or sit next to you).
At a concert (to melodious music).
In a letter or in a note (which you can, for the sake of humor, leave in the refrigerator, right under the sausage).
In the park (on a nice bench, under the crowns of equally nice trees).
In a cafe (when you drink your favorite cocktail).
In a restaurant (when you get tired of scrolling through the menu).
Away (during the break “between the first and second”, in your ear).
At the Registry Office (and it is not necessary to do this strictly during registration).
At home (comfortable and warm, and love makes it even warmer).

There will always be words for declarations of love. Especially for women. They know how to speak beautifully and emotionally. Men like it. Declarations of love are much better than women talking about cosmetics, shopping, problems and other topics not related to love.

You can simply say “I love you very much,” but put your whole soul and all your feelings into these seemingly ordinary words. Then these words will become something unearthly for any man. If a man is a little confused during a confession, do not think that he is indifferent to what you say. Men do not react as quickly to “verbal language” as women do.

Do not be offended by a man if, out of excitement, he responds briefly to your long confession, “I love you too.” He doesn’t want to compete with you, because he knows that you have no equal in verbal language. And he is ashamed that, at his age, he cannot speak as beautifully and smoothly as you.

Mistakes in declarations of love for a man:

Love, fall in love and do not be afraid of your own love!

Usually, girls at the beginning of a relationship think about how to affectionately call their boyfriend. Despite their impulses to come up with a non-standard nickname for their chosen one, the vast majority of representatives of the fair half of humanity limit themselves to the standard “bunny” and “sunshine”, thinking that only this can please him.

The simplest option is to transform the real name using diminutive suffixes. For example, Artyom can be called Temochka, Artyomushka, Artyomchik. Nikita should like the address Niki, Nik, Nikitosik, Nikitushka, and Alexander should like Sashulik, Sashenka, Sanechka, Sashulechka.

An alternative to simply transforming a name is to come up with a rhyme for it. It should be something short, simple, sonorous and pleasant to the ear.

Ideally, the rhymed word or phrase will be meaningful for two members of the couple or arise from a situation that lovers will remember in the future for a long time.

For example, on one of the dates, a young man named Andrey spilled juice on himself, after which it would be logical and funny for the girl to call him “Andryushka - my favorite pig.” By the same principle, Sasha can be called “Sasha the Charm”; “Sashulya - imagining”; Matvey - “Matvey is the main man of my life”; “Matveyka is a canary” and so on.

Affectionate and unusual

Affectionate and unusual addresses are suitable for people for a long time in a relationship. Only by knowing about your partner’s character traits, his hobbies and characteristics, can you choose the right non-standard nickname for him, which not only will not offend, but will also evoke pleasant emotions.

An example of unusual treatment Who is it suitable for?
My athleteThis can be called a person who constantly keeps fit and considers his body one of his main advantages.
VesuviusThe name of the volcano can be used to refer to a man with an explosive character and restless temperament
StylishkaThis should be the name of a young man who follows fashion trends and enjoys when others note his style.
PlayfulThis appeal can be used in relation to an impudent man who constantly shows sexual interest in his other half.
My captainSuitable for a guy who is used to leading his partner, solving all problems, and protecting him from negative external circumstances.
NutThis can be called a young man with an athletic build, strong in spirit and stubborn in his intentions.

Affectionate and original

In order for a guy to like the way a girl calls him, when coming up with a nickname, you should focus on the young man’s attitude towards fictitious addresses.

If he is negative, your significant other should not insist on his own and call him what she wants. If a man is loyal or takes the initiative in coming up with “middle names,” the girl should also think about how affectionately and originally she can name her chosen one.

Option to address a man Who is it suitable for?
DumplingsThis can be called a plump young man who does not consider excess weight to be a disadvantage. An affectionate original nickname will emphasize the fact that the chosen one accepts him for who he is.
WhiteAn abbreviated version on behalf of the main character of the acclaimed film Sasha Bely. This appeal applies to men who are constantly in search of adventure, who do not avoid conflicts and are not afraid of fights and physical confrontations.
PushkinThis is how you can address a person who likes to talk about “high things,” often using clever words and rhymes in his speech. In addition, it would also be appropriate to call Pushkin a man who is used to telling his life stories “in colors.”

In English

To give a special intimacy to a man, you can use foreign words for this purpose. The only thing you need to remember before introducing such nicknames into a relationship is the young man’s level of knowledge of the language in which he is addressed.

In addition, it is important for a girl to adequately evaluate her pronunciation, avoiding using English words sounds that she cannot reproduce correctly.

Example of addressing a man Who is it suitable for?
My biggest loveTranslated it sounds like “my greatest love.” Ideal as a hint to a guy that the girl is ready to move to a new stage of the relationship.
My dear (English)The phrase translates as “my treasure” or “my dear.” This is how a girl can call her chosen one at any stage of the relationship, thereby emphasizing the seriousness of her intentions towards him.
Sparky (English)This way you can contact a radiant person who approaches any life situation with a positive attitude. He not only lifts your spirits with his very appearance, but is also ready to always be there and help his loved ones in difficulties.

Sweet words of endearment

What to call a guy so that he likes it should be decided taking into account the established principles of the relationship between the two members of the couple. If a man has been used to being addressed by his first name for several months, he will most likely feel uncomfortable hearing an unusual nickname addressed to him.

Psychologists say that affectionate nicknames should be changed periodically to maintain warm relationships between partners.

As a form of endearment, a girl can use cute words derived from the names of animals.

The nickname should characterize the man as accurately as possible, emphasizing the positive aspects of his character:

  • Cat, Kitty, Kitten, Purr, Kitty, Kitten;
  • Fish, Rybonka, Rybka, Rybulka;
  • Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Modvezhonok;
  • Tiger, Little Tiger, Tigger, Tigger, Tigger;
  • Leo, Lyova, Lion Cub, Little Lion, Little Lion;
  • Hamster, Homka, Hamster;
  • Hedgehog, Ezhulkin, Yozhichek.

Appeals to guys with a sense of humor

If a young man has a good sense of humor and periodically allows himself to make fun of his chosen one, you can also use a nickname for him, emphasizing the girl’s favorable attitude towards the humor of her other half.

It would be funny to call a young man the names of famous cartoon characters:

  • Masyanechkin;
  • Luntik;
  • Puzyaka;
  • Telepuzechkin;
  • Smurf;
  • You can also surprise a guy with a sense of humor by applying common nicknames to him, for example:

    • Pusyaka;
    • Manyunechkin;
    • Lapatusik;
    • Kisik;
    • Purr;
    • Stupid;
    • Dunce.

    When using one of the above nicknames for the first time, it is important to assess the young person’s reaction to an innovation of this kind. If the address offends a man or causes indignation (even in a humorous form), the girl should apologize and refuse to use it in the future, while explaining to her beloved the motives for such actions.

    What not to call a guy

    Nicknames that are prohibited for use in relationships between a man and a woman are usually associated with flaws in the person’s appearance or character.

    A young man's feelings will most likely be hurt if he is called:

    • Shorty (if the person is short);
    • Giraffe (if the person is tall and shy about it);
    • Pie (if a man is overweight and is trying in every possible way to get rid of it);
    • Sovik or Four-Eyed (if a person wears glasses) and so on.

    A girl needs to choose her words carefully and use nicknames that evoke only pleasant associations so that the guy likes her addressing him. Otherwise, you can unintentionally offend a person, create a reason for a quarrel or the formation of a persistent misunderstanding between two lovers.

    Video about women's phrases that have a reliable effect on men

    What kind of compliments do men like:

Affectionate and pleasant nicknames invented for the beloved’s boyfriends reflect the woman’s feelings. Even the most brutal man loves it when they address him in a conversation or SMS not only by name, but also come up with other ways. Every attentive girl should think about how to affectionately call a guy. There are a lot of options.

Affectionate addresses

When thinking about an affectionate nickname for a guy, remember his character traits, behavioral characteristics, food preferences, and hobbies. You can rely on the following unusual options:

Cartoon characters, movies:

  1. Mufasa, Leo, The Lion King - for brutal, self-confident guys.
  2. Murzik, Leopold - for kind, affectionate boys.
  3. Frodo, Pinocchio, Pinocchio - for guys looking for adventure.
  4. Smurf, Grumpy - for specimens who are always unhappy.
  5. SpongeBob, Kolobok - for plump cute boys.
  6. Spider-Man, Hulk - for strong guys.
  7. Who is Matroskin, Sharik - for caring and homely husbands.

Nicknames for a guy at the beginning of a relationship:

  • Humorist.
  • Reveler.
  • Lucky.
  • Magician.
  • Macho.
  • Smart girl.
  • Lovelace.
  • Handsome.
  • Strongman.
  • Dreamer.
  • Romeo.
  • Cossack.
  • Amigo.

Names with special meanings that only you know about. The decoding of the nickname can be associated with a funny incident, a place of acquaintance, and so on:

  • Imp.
  • Scuba diver.
  • Cricket.
  • Butcher.
  • Dentist.
  • Skillful hands.
  • Button.
  • Auto master.
  • Dumplings.
  • Dumpling.
  • Country boy.
  • Schumacher.
  • Russian.
  • Best friend.
  • Teenager.
  • Cool mobile phone.

Zodiac sign:

  1. Fish, herring, trout (fish).
  2. Calf (taurus).
  3. Poisonous reptile (scorpion).
  4. Aquatic (Aquarius).
  5. King of beasts (lion).
  6. Lamb (Aries).
  7. Princess, prince, maiden (maiden).
  8. Lobster (cancer).
  9. Double (twin).
  10. Balanced (Libra).
  11. Shooter (sagittarius).
  12. Goat (Capricorn).

Common phrases and nicknames suitable for all men:

  • Nice guy.
  • Rodnulka.
  • Cheshire Cat.
  • Little guy.
  • Treasure.
  • Miracle.
  • Reward.
  • Hero.
  • Happiness.
  • Cloud.
  • Chipmunk.
  • Sweetie.

Tender nicknames for young guys:

  • Sun.
  • Sweetie.
  • Murchik.
  • Chick.
  • Pusya.
  • Sweeties.
  • Beech.
  • Sparrow.
  • Bambi.
  • Elf.
  • Perseus.
  • Zeus.
  • Orpheus.
  • Apollo.
  • Bogatyr.
  • Nikitich.
  • Ivanushka.
  • Ilya Muromets.
  • Loki.

Be sure to call your man or guy affectionately in correspondence if you are at a distance from each other. A sweet, intimate nickname brings people together and heats up passions. But this is so necessary when partners are separated.

A funny nickname for a loved one should not cause laughter, laughter, or enrage the guy. A funny name is essential to lift the spirits of you and your partner. Therefore, you should not make fun of a man’s shortcomings using a humorous nickname.


On initial stage relationship, so as not to scare the guy off with decisive pressure, choose simple and cute nicknames. These are popular options for names that can be given to any man, regardless of character, appearance, habits, age:

Cute Zoo:

  • Zayushka.
  • Kitty.
  • Elephant.
  • Hippo.
  • Lion cub.
  • Tiger cub.
  • Crocodile.
  • Monkey.
  • Mishutka, Mishka.
  • Medved.
  • Badger.
  • Kisa.

Sweet culinary nicknames:

  • Gingerbread.
  • Bagel.
  • Pie.
  • Ice cream.
  • Pirozhenko.
  • Cupcake.
  • Cake.

Tender words:

  • My good.
  • My native.
  • Handsome.
  • Cute.
  • Wonderful.
  • Courageous.
  • Smart girl.
  • My joy.
  • My love.
  • The cleverest

Affectionate derivatives from the names of fruits and berries:

  • Watermelon.
  • Melon.
  • Malinka.
  • Strawberry.
  • Cherry.
  • Berry.

Nicknames that emphasize his external characteristics:

  • Gulliver.
  • Giant.
  • Ushastik.
  • Little Longnose.
  • Nice.
  • Superman.
  • Fatty.
  • Athlete.

It's especially cute to call a guy during a quarrel. The man relaxes, cools down and quickly forgives the offender. Use this trick in a real verbal showdown or in apologies in correspondence.

On a note! Many couples use funny nicknames not in public, but only at home when they are alone. From a psychological point of view, this is the right decision. For society, a guy must remain a real man: adult and serious.


Not every man can treat the nickname his beloved calls with humor. Therefore, think carefully about how you can call your boyfriend affectionately and at the same time funny so that he does not get offended. There are top names for men that will only make you smile:

  1. Old.
  2. Boy.
  3. Man (real man).
  4. Comrade Bender.
  5. Funya, Nafanya.
  6. Hedgehog in the fog.
  7. Rastegaychik.
  8. Pykhtun.
  9. Teletubby.
  10. Goosey.
  11. Muzzle.
  12. Mudik.
  13. Khmurik.
  14. Umka.
  15. Sorcerer.
  16. Sneaky, Sneaky.
  17. Besyash.
  18. Stuck.
  19. Glutton.
  20. Pancake.
  21. Brawler.
  22. Winnie the Pooh.
  23. Marshmallow.
  24. Ryzhik.
  25. Sloth.
  26. Krosh.
  27. Rafaelka.
  28. Smiley.
  29. Cheburashka.
  30. Barmaley.
  31. Fidget.
  32. Kukusik.
  33. Daddy.
  34. Owl.

It is impossible to call a man funny and affectionately in front of everyone, especially if the nickname makes fun of his appearance or character. If you choose a nickname with a joke, be sure to ask your loved one if he approves of such a name.


Coming up with a non-standard nickname for your beloved man is quite difficult. Most girls stop at “Rodnulki”, “Bunny”. But if originality is your second nature, take advantage of these unusual name options:

An original approach would be to address a guy with gentle words in Spanish, Turkish, Italian, even Tatar and Kazakh:

  • Soeklem is my gold (Tatar).
  • Byagyrkaem - dear (Tatar).
  • Kalkam Shyragym - dear (Kazakh).
  • Kogershinim - dove (Kazakh).
  • Mi alma - my soul (sp.).
  • Heres mi sol - you are my sun (sp.).
  • Aslanim is my lion (Turkish).
  • Yakisiklim is a handsome man (Turkish).

Affectionate and pleasant adjectives that emphasize a man’s virtues:

  • Appetizing.
  • Amazing.
  • Beloved.
  • Sultry.
  • Gold.
  • Magic.
  • Best.
  • Most…
  • The only one.
  • Darling.
  • Sexual.
  • Beautiful.

Nicknames are pleasant nicknames, invented taking into account the guy’s place of work or his place in your life:

  • Predator.
  • Champion.
  • Heartbreaker.
  • ATM.
  • Banker.
  • Dad.
  • Movie star.
  • Artist.
  • Actor.
  • Prince.
  • Heir to the throne.
  • Macho.
  • Ray.
  • Sun.
  • Star.
  • Sky.
  • Native.
  • Warrior.
  • Soldier.
  • General
  • Dr. Aibolit.
  • Spark.
  • Fisherman.
  • Driver, taxi driver.
  • Admin.
  • Stallion.
  • Captain.
  • Hercules.
  • Jock.
  • Holmes.
  • Caesar.
  • Picasso.
  • Mozart.
  • Cowboy.
  • Sheikh.
  • Flame.
  • Hussar.
  • Einstein.

When choosing a funny and original nickname for your husband or young man, consider the age of your loved one. Using youth slang is not appropriate for older men; it is correct to call them affectionate derivatives of their names or other neutral words. But a young boy would be quite happy with Boy, Superman or Hussar.

Nobody wants their significant other to call them corny names. Intimate and loving relationships should be filled with passion, tenderness and originality. Therefore, when choosing a nickname for a man, you should not rush.

By name

Some people think that calling a guy only by his first name is boring. In fact, from the ordinary word Vanya, Dima it’s easy to make a chic nickname that your loved one will definitely like. By the way, you can use it to record a guy on your phone.

Change the name into a foreign style, for example, in English, Ukrainian, German, French:

  • Zhenya - Genka (Ukr),
  • Gin (English);
  • Peter - Pedro (Italian), Peter (English);
  • Anton - Antonio;
  • Andrey - Andrew;
  • Ivan - Van, Vano, John (American);
  • Nikita - Nick;
  • Nikolai - Nicolas
  • Sergey - Serge
  • Pavel - Paulo, Paul.
  • Denis - Dan.
  • Roman - Romeo.

Add diminutive suffixes to the name:

  • Ivan - Vanyushka, Vanek, Vanechka.
  • Andrey - Andryukha, Andryushka.
  • Pavel - Pavlik, Pavlusha.
  • Sasha - Sanek, Sanechka, Sashulka.
  • Oleg - Olezhek.
  • Slava - Slavik, Slavochka.
  • Damir - Damirchik, Damirka.

Shorten a long name:

  • Denis-Dan.
  • Vladislav - Vlad, Slava.
  • Andrey-Dryunya.
  • Alexander - Sanya, Alex.
  • Fedor - Fed.
  • Damir - Peace.
  • Bogdan - God.
  • Evgeniy - Zheka.
  • Sergey - Sergo.
  • Mikhail - Mikha, Misha.
  • Pavel-Pasha, Pa.

On a note! It is a mistake to think that affectionate names for men should be sweet and cloying to the ear. For brutalists who cannot tolerate the tenderness of a calf, choose names that are saturated with strength and power. For example, Mikha, Sanek, Dan.


When left alone with her partner, a woman simply needs to affectionately call her beloved man not by name, but by a special nickname that only they understand. Such a vulgar “secret” nickname turns on guys, arouses desire and gives pleasant emotions. Before you decide what you can name your boyfriend affectionately and sexyly, study the list of approximate names:

For depraved men:

  • Stallion.
  • Libertine.
  • Delicious.
  • Mister.
  • Unique.
  • Passionate.
  • I want it.

For young lovers:

  • Pepper.
  • Cucumber.
  • Green.
  • Student.
  • Loser.
  • Excellent student.
  • Sexy.
  • Superman.
  • Gingerbread.
  • Naughty.
  • Chupa Chups.
  • Sugar.
  • Kisik.
  • Slime.
  • Sofa.
  • Mohnatik.
  • Moor.
  • Banana.
  • Club.
  • Kernel.
  • Mace.
  • Bell pepper.
  • Man.

For the modest and shy:

  • Naughty.
  • Newbie.
  • Milok.
  • Baby.
  • Sun.
  • Lieutenant.
  • Worm.
  • Mustang.
  • Boy.
  • Elephant.
  • Sturdy.
  • Sweeties.

How not to speak

There are several nicknames that you cannot use to call your beloved man. They are offensive and inappropriate. A sample list of bad names is below:

  1. Dwarf.
  2. Freak.
  3. Grandfather.
  4. 10 centimeters.
  5. Karapuz.
  6. Stinky.
  7. Dirty.
  8. Redneck
  9. Khmyr.
  10. Barash.
  11. Losyash.
  12. Pokemon.
  13. Lysik.
  14. Zhadoba.
  15. Money wallet.
  16. Male.
  17. Drunk.
  18. Asshole.

An offensive nickname is a challenge. He wants to resist or submit. With the help of an unpleasant name, a woman unconsciously regulates her partner’s behavior and self-esteem. If a guy agrees to be a Redneck, then he will behave accordingly. If he resists and protests, he will distance himself and hate the girl. In general, giving a loved one a negative name, purposefully offending him, is a big mistake that will certainly affect the relationship between partners.

There are several rules that you should definitely follow when choosing a nickname for the guy of your dreams. Please note the following points:

  1. Don't tell strangers about the nicknames you have for each other. This must remain a secret.
  2. Do not call your boyfriend Bunny or Kitty in public, in the company of friends or colleagues.
  3. Avoid offensive nicknames.
  4. Don't make fun of him weak sides, especially if the boy has no sense of humor.
  5. Use the nickname you used to call your ex with your new guy.

There is an opinion that men cannot stand such nicknames as Sweetheart, Zainka, Sunny. But they respond with pleasure to Knight, Tiger, My Lion. In fact, even the most brutal men melt from a kind word, attention from their beloved girl and will accept any beautiful nickname if it is said appropriately, on time and does not reek of banality or hackneyedness.

Now you know how to affectionately call a guy to please him and improve the spiritual connection between you. When your relationship is just starting, watch the guy’s reaction to his nickname. If he is offended, change the unpleasant nickname to a more affectionate one or do without them altogether.

  • What nicknames for a guy do you think are funny?
  • What nicknames do guys get offended by most often?
  • What do you call your boyfriend in bed?

Men, contrary to popular belief, love to hear pleasant remarks addressed to them and receive loving messages from their other halves. In this way, male representatives feel their importance. It is important for them to know that they are valued and loved. Compliments are not just for women! By using them towards a boyfriend or husband, a woman strengthens the relationship and brings positivity and positive emotions to it.

Phrases for expressing love for a guy

Expressing your feelings is very important for any couple, this is how the status of your union is determined, you let them know what you mean to each other. Expressing your love strengthens your marriage and helps avoid conflict.

Here are some versions of such sayings:

  • Beloved, you are my dearest treasure, my dearest person;
  • Darling, I couldn’t live without you, I’ve never loved anyone like that before;
  • You a real man who knows how to stand up for his own, reliable and courageous;
  • The greatest happiness for me is to see your courageous face, listen to your gentle velvet voice, feel your touch;
  • I dream of waking up next to you for an eternity;
  • It doesn’t matter in what conditions we live, in wealth or poverty, the most important thing is that you are nearby, then I will be happy;
  • Our love cannot be measured in words, we are two halves of one whole, we understand each other perfectly;
  • I have never met such wonderful people, you are the sweetest, kindest and most charming;
  • You know how to make me laugh, thank you for your great sense of humor;
  • I dream that our children together would be like you, smart and beautiful like you;
  • You are my knight in shining armor, you don’t care about any obstacles.

Remember, your lover needs praise, this is a mandatory male need; praise warms up boys to new achievements. The following expressions work well for this:

  1. You are very strong, this is how a real man should be;
  2. You cope with overwhelming tasks with ease, your abilities are amazing;
  3. I can’t imagine how you manage to do such difficult work, you’re great;
  4. You are the best in your business, you do your job brilliantly;
  5. Your intellectual abilities are simply amazing.

In this video, Violetta Morozova will say 10 phrases that can reliably have an effect on any man:

Nice words for my husband

No matter how many years you have been married, kind words and expressions of love for your partner are always an important attribute of a happy couple. You can express your love for your husband using the following lines:

  • The moment when I married you was the most fateful, then I decided to link my fate with the most the best man in the world, and during the entire time we lived together, I did not doubt this choice for a moment;
  • You and I went through many difficulties and obstacles, but this did not stop us from maintaining intimacy, you are the best husband;
  • You and I will live a long, happy life and enjoy each other every moment;
  • Meeting you turned the world around me, meaning appeared in my existence;
  • You brought an ocean of happiness and unforgettable impressions into my life, thank you for existing;
  • The moments of our first meeting, first kiss, declaration of love will forever remain in my memory.

Affectionate nicknames for your loved one

There is a stereotypical opinion in society that men cannot stand it when girls or wives address them with diminutive nicknames. This opinion is erroneous; psychologists have proven that representatives of the stronger sex do not worse than women, perceive such words positively.

Just, as a rule, boys don't like to admit it, so as not to question the image of a strong brutal male. But at home, alone, from strong, brutal tigers, they turn into cute, purring kittens, demanding attention and affection.

Women love to come up with various affectionate nicknames for their chosen ones. Especially calling your lovers all sorts of little animals. It is important to consult with your boyfriend whether he is okay with such a nickname.

Here is a list of the most favorite words:

  1. Bunny;
  2. Kitty;
  3. Teddy bear;
  4. Mouse;
  5. Diminutive declension of a name, for example, Kolenka, Sanechka, Valerik, etc.;
  6. Sun;
  7. My love;
  8. Expensive;
  9. My happiness.

This list can be continued for a long time; women's fantasy is limitless. Every girl tries to come up with an interesting and original nickname.

Nice words to a guy from a distance

If it happens that your lover is far from you, on a business trip, or for some other reason you are separated by distance, remember that it is important for a man to feel your love and support, which simply needs to be expressed in SMS or telephone conversations.

In such cases, the following phrases are suitable:

  • I miss you madly, counting the days until we meet;
  • I eagerly await your return;
  • Distance is no obstacle to our love;
  • I feel bad without you, come back soon;
  • I would rather take your hand and hear your voice;
  • You took a piece of my soul with you, without it I cannot fully enjoy life;
  • I want to cuddle up to you and hear your heartbeat, feel the warmth of your hands;
  • You are with me in my dreams, so I look forward to the night;
  • I would give a million dollars now just to see you for a moment;
  • I want to hug you so much that I think I’m ready to walk to you at night in the rain.

Warm words of support to your beloved

If your significant other is in a bad mood, there is trouble at work or something similar. Or if your chosen one is in a bad mood, “hanging his nose,” it is you who can help him get rid of this mood. At such moments, he needs you, support is important to him.

In such situations, you can use the following phrases:

  1. Don’t be sad, we will get through this, together we will overcome all difficulties;
  2. The main thing is that we love each other, and everything else will work out;
  3. Whatever happens, remember, I believe in you, you can fix it;
  4. Failures happen to everyone, I am sure that we will survive this;
  5. You have overcome many difficulties on your way, which means you can cope with this too;
  6. You are the strongest person I have ever met, you will definitely find a way out;
  7. You have golden hands, I know what you are capable of, you will succeed.

In this case, your words will help the stronger sex gain faith in themselves and become an impetus for getting out of difficult situations.

Wishes for loved ones

Pleasant wishes improve your life together and add romance to your relationship. This is how couples show that they are worried and worried about each other.

Wishes for the night:

  • Sweet dreams beloved, I wish you the most pleasant dreams;
  • Good night, may you dream of your happiest memories, so you can relive them;
  • I will come to you in my dreams today because I want to spend every moment with you;
  • Rather, tomorrow, there will be an opportunity to spend another day with you.

Morning warm words:

  • It’s a great happiness to wake up next to you;
  • Thank you for giving me the opportunity to meet the dawn with you;
  • I wish you a successful day, may it be joyful for you;
  • This morning you look especially good, every day I fall in love with you more and more;
  • May you not encounter any troubles today, and may the sun shine in your soul throughout the day.

Men value such words from their beloved women; please your chosen ones with gentle words and family well-being is guaranteed to you. A man who hears such words from his woman is imbued with love and respect for her. Your tenderness and support gives representatives of the stronger sex an incentive to grow and develop. And he will thank you, first of all, for every accomplishment.

Video: kind words for a man (4 examples)

In this video, psychologist Anastasia Denisenko will tell you what words you can use to hit the heart of any man:

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