Sae 5 in 30 transcript. Expertise: “killing” imported synthetic oils with Russian gasoline

Among car owners, the most popular brands are considered to be 5w30 and 5w40 motor oils, but not many people know the difference between them and what the oil marking means. This is an important question, so it’s worth figuring out which oil is better.

What does the marking of 5w30 and 5w40 motor oil mean?

So, the first number from the oil marking indicates its viscosity at low temperatures, the second part indicates the fluidity of the substance in the warm season. This marking of engine oil characterizes it according to the common SAE classification.

The numbers in the marking indicate the type of oil - both types are all-season, which is why it is so popular among motorists. This class of lubricating fluids is universal (all-season) and can be used in engines with any type of fuel at any temperature.

Decoding oil 5w30 and 5w40

Viscosity at low temperatures. The viscosity parameter has a very great importance for the machine, since it determines the ability of the lubricant to remain on the surface of the motor for a long time. The most important property of motor oil is described by part 5 of the 5W index, and W means winter. In cold weather, engine oil thickens. The stronger its viscosity, the more force the oil pump works. In these types of oil, the marking has the same first index.

High temperature viscosity. This parameter characterizes the second part of the marking. According to the established SAE classification for grade 5w30 at t 100 °C, the viscosity of the substance will be from 9.3 to 12.6 mm kV/s. For brand type 5w40 from 12.6 to 16.3 mm kV/s. Also, the high-temperature viscosity of the lubricant is characterized by another important indicator: minimum viscosity at shear rate (106 s-1). For 5w30 oil this figure is lower (2.9) than for 5w40 oil, for which this figure is (3.50).

The decoding of 5w40 engine oil is quite simple:

1) 5W indicates the low-temperature viscosity of the substance and allows the car to be started at -35 °C.

2) Subtract 40 from the number in front of W. As a result, the resulting number (-35 ° C) will be the minimum oil temperature, which will allow the internal combustion engine pump to pump it through the system, maximizing the lubrication of the parts.

With such mathematical manipulations, you can easily determine the lowest cranking temperature of the engine. The interpretation of 5w30 oil indicates that this parameter is -30°C. This is not difficult to determine: subtract 35 from the engine starting temperature (5 °C) and it becomes obvious that lowering the oil temperature leads to an increase in its viscosity, and it becomes quite difficult for the starter to crank the engine.

Which engine oil is better 5w30 or 5w40

Motor oil in a car is used for the sole purpose of forming a rich oil film on interacting engine parts. There are very small gaps between such parts in the motor (only a few microns), which require constant high-quality lubrication. Only the manufacturer knows which brand of lubricant is most suitable for each car.

Manufacturing companies, when recommending the use of a certain type, first of all take into account design features himself power unit, and based on these indicators - the characteristics of the oil. Therefore, when choosing oil, it is recommended to follow the manufacturer's instructions.

It is important to consider that, in addition to the common SAE classification, all lubricants must also meet the requirements of the API and ACEA systems. The oil marking according to these classification systems is indicated on the packaging, but does not attract the attention of car owners.

As for popular brands of oil 5w40 or 5w30:

1) Grade 5w40 effectively holds the film, completely eliminating dry friction of parts. It is ideal for modern units with high thermal stress.

2) Oil marked 5w30 has a much lower viscosity and is indispensable in cold weather, because it makes it easier to start the engine, but in hot weather it becomes too fluid. Under conditions of t 120 – 140 °C in the engine, the viscosity of 5w40 oil is 50% higher than the viscosity of oil marked 5w30.

Engine oil 5w30 or 5w40 – how to choose

It is worth noting that cars with different years of manufacture have their own recommendations regarding the most optimal choice motor oil. Experts recommend using 5w30 oil if your car is more than seven years old and its mileage does not exceed 70,000 kilometers.

If the car's mileage exceeds this figure, 5w40 oil should be filled in, which is due to the fact that over time the gaps between the elements that make up the engine increase. Therefore, if you previously used oil with a low viscosity, you should switch to 5w40. In addition to viscosity, these motor oils differ in the number of additives.

Professionals also recommend monitoring the car’s reaction to different engine oils. The machine itself will tell you which oil is best suited. For example, on some models of power units, 5w30 oil often cannot withstand increased speeds (torque), which disrupts the stability of its operation. To avoid such situations, it is recommended to use the thickest lubricant in structure.

Compatibility of 5w30 and 5w40 oils

There are situations when, in the event of a malfunction, it is necessary to urgently add oil to the engine. As a rule, the lubricant of the exact manufacturer whose product was originally poured into the engine is not always nearby.

The same applies to the oil viscosity index, and therefore you should know whether oils labeled 5w40 and 5w30 can be mixed. It is worth noting that it is often not recommended to mix oil with a fully synthetic mineral oil base oil. It is also not recommended to mix synthetics and semi-synthetics, etc.

As for lubricants marked 5W30/5W40, theoretically these liquids can be mixed with minimal risks only if they are both products from the same manufacturer. Mixing products from different manufacturers is allowed only in an emergency situation, but taking into account that they must have the same basic basis.

From this we can conclude that semi-synthetics are mixed only with semi-synthetics, mineral oil mixed with a similar product, etc. However, it is impossible to answer unequivocally the question of whether it is possible to add a seemingly analogous 5w30 to an oil labeled 5w40, since for each type of lubricant, manufacturers use their own additive packages, which, after mixing, can enter into reaction.

Even if there were no consequences in case of emergency topping up of liquids, this is an emergency measure that cannot be used constantly. After eliminating the breakdown, it is necessary to immediately drain the mixed lubricant from the motor and be sure to change oil filter, and in some cases it may even be necessary to flush the engine before changing the oil.

Let's sum it up

When choosing motor oil, you have to choose a product of one brand or another, and not only the quality of the engine, but also other significant parts of the car often depends on it. Professionals recommend using oil with a higher viscosity, since its use better protects engine parts. Oils of the 5w30 and 5w40 brands are a reliable assistant to the car engine.

Their differences are insignificant; these types of oil are of sufficient quality and meet all European requirements. Using high-quality oil will protect the car’s power unit from breakdowns and allow you to save on repairs or replacement of the engine.

Oil (synthetic) 5W30 is widespread in our country. Why do many motorists prefer it and should they fill the engine? own car? For getting objective assessment appropriate tests have been carried out.

Testing lubricant on a Ford Focus

Independent tests will tell you best about the quality of a particular oil. To do this, specialists select several types of lubricating fluid, subject them to various tests, display and analyze the results, and then compare them with each other, determining best brand oils

It was decided to conduct such a test on cars. Ford Focus. All cars had a mileage of ten thousand kilometers, an engine capacity of 1.6 liters, having 100 Horse power. The engine belongs to inexpensive, modern gasoline units, without complex accompanying mechanisms. Its device includes a boiler manifold, a timing drive and four valves for each of the cylinders.

Oil brands

Among other things, the experimenters were interested in what better oil 5W30: Therefore the following brands with both bases were selected:

  • on semi-synthetic - Total Quartz 9000 Future and Mobil Super FE Special;
  • on synthetic - Motul 8100 Eco Energy, Castrol Magnetic A1, Zic XQLS, Extra, G Energy F Synth EC and THK Magnum Professional C3.

All specified lubricants were tested in the laboratory before testing.

The essence of the tests

A test was carried out at one hundred degrees on motor oil. Synthetic 5W30 and semi-synthetic showed different results, although the gap was small. The thickest grease was Shell, and the thinnest was G-Energy. The additives on some samples differed greatly. All oils contained 2000 mg/kg of calcium and 1000 mg/kg of zinc and phosphorus. At the same time, Shell found only 1350 mg/kg of calcium, and G-Energy had even less, only 750 mg/kg. Therefore, the first group had a high alkali content with a large proportion of detergent and antioxidant additives. The highest amount of alkali was observed in Castrol, and the lowest in Shell.

The tests were carried out in a cyclic manner, each lasting an hour. The weather conditions were the same for all cars. The cars moved at a speed of 130 kilometers per hour at six thousand revolutions. This regime was followed for half a week.

A separate test consisted of parking on Idling for three hours, after which we drove a couple of kilometers and again stood for an hour with the engine running.

As a result of the nine-week test, it turned out that the cars traveled 10,000 kilometers, the engine was started 45 times when cold and 72 times when hot. The motors worked for one hundred hours at a load of 6000 rpm and 54 hours idle.

Thus, it turned out to be a very difficult regime. Therefore, instead of twenty thousand kilometers, according to the manual Maintenance, the travel time was reduced to 10,000 kilometers.

Individual test results

Darkening of all lubricating fluids was observed after two and a half thousand kilometers. This indicates the good cleaning properties of all samples - cleanliness remained under the valve covers. The difference was significant when working in low temperatures. In cold temperatures of twenty degrees, liquid dripped from the dipstick easily for all brands except Castrol. Not a single sample had any problems with starting, even at temperatures that dropped below 27 degrees.

In terms of waste, the costs were as follows. The semi-synthetic Mobil required the first top-up after 4.8 thousand kilometers, and again after 8 thousand kilometers. Another semi-synthetic “Total” was also not far behind it. It took about two liters for each oil to top up. Synthetic 5W30 showed much lower emissions. The Castrol and Zeke brands took 1.4 liters, while Shell took 1.23 liters, and Total took 1.9 liters. This result suggests that mileage on synthetics may be higher than on semi-synthetics.

All cars were refueled at one station and only with high-quality gasoline. Fuel consumption was almost the same. But the most economical results were shown by G-Energy 5W30 oil (synthetic), and Shell showed the most wasteful results. The difference, however, was quite minimal, up to 3%.

The main thing is that all oils had a good wear-resistant effect. Even after riding the most high speed chrome plated piston rings(which undergo the most wear) did not release chromium into the oil at all. The content of other metals did not exceed the permissible threshold.

Which oil is better?

Summarizing the results obtained, we find that the best was 5W30 synthetic automobile oil of the TNK, Castrol and Motul brands. The outsiders here were Shell, G-Energy and Zeke.

But it is worth noting that all lubricating fluids continued to exhibit cleaning properties, even approaching the final threshold. High-temperature viscosity indicators also remained within normal limits.

Semi-synthetics, in turn, were enviably stable: the viscosity decreased by only 3 square mm/s, that is, the same as with synthetic-based lubricants.


For all important characteristics, all samples have proven their performance over a period of 20 thousand kilometers. normal conditions and 10 thousand kilometers - with heavy ones. Which 5W30 oil to choose? Synthetics (reviews and objective test results confirm this) with a high alkaline number, which includes the Castrol, TNK and Motul samples, are especially suitable for inhabitants of the outback, where the quality of the fuel leaves much to be desired. Among semi-synthetics, these include “Mobil”.

But, on the other hand, semi-synthetics have the greatest waste, which is why low cost will not be advantageous in the end.

But Shell and Zeke, traditionally considered elite 5W30 (synthetic), turned out to not have the highest performance. Therefore, you need to seriously think about whether it is worth purchasing them, after weighing all the parameters that they showed. On the one hand, they had the lowest waste, excellent additives and oil base, but on the other hand, constant refueling with high-sulfur fuel may not lead to the best results.

In addition to the fact that gasoline should only be filled at proven gas stations, after the end of the factory warranty it is better to use lubricants called Low SAPS, which have a reduced alkaline content. Their load on the neutralizer will be tens of times lower than the effect exerted by the increased sulfur content in gasoline.

The best option is to purchase inexpensive synthetics, which should be changed more often, that is, once every 15 thousand kilometers.

The main criterion when choosing engine oil is the recommendations of the engine manufacturer. For markings like 5w30, deciphering the parameter values ​​will help you decide on the most suitable engine oil option for specific operating conditions. You have to choose from a number of designations allowed by the manufacturer for each engine.

Viscosity indices

Label characteristics lubricants a combination of letters and numbers like 5w50, 10w 40 was proposed by specialists from the Society of Automotive Engineers, or SAE for short. The separator between digital indices in the form of the Latin letter “w” refers to the first of them and comes from English word winter (winter). The numbers are viscosity indices. These values ​​are determined according to the SAE J300 APR97 standard.

The first index indicates the starting properties of the oil under conditions of extreme temperature drops. It can take values ​​from 0 to 25 in increments of 5 units. Oils 20w and 25w are not relevant for domestic conditions. Each low-temperature viscosity index corresponds to standard values temperatures for which it is possible to pump oil through the system and crank it with a starter crankshaft engine.

The second indicator depends on the viscosity of the oil at operating temperature engine.

It can take values ​​from 20 to 60 with an interval of 10 units. Each of them has a viscosity range at 100 °C. For these values, the viscosity value at 150 °C and the shear rate of 10 6 s −1 are also normalized.

The dependence of oil properties on temperature conditions according to the SAE classification is presented in the form of a table:

Viscosity index Low temperature characteristics Characteristics at operating temperatures
Cranking condition Pumping condition Viscosity, mm²/s, for temperature 100 °C minimum viscosity, mPa*s, at 150 °C and shear rate 10 6 s −1
Limiting viscosity, mPa*s (at temperature, °C) minimum maximum
0W 6200 (−35) 60000 (−40)
5W 6600 (−30) 60000 (−35)
10W 7000 (−25) 60000 (−30)
15W 7000 (−20) 60000 (−25)
20 from 5.6 up to 9.3 2,6
30 from 9.3 up to 12.6 2,9
40 from 12.6 up to 16.3 2.9 (0W-40; 5W-40; 10W-40)
40 from 12.6 up to 16.3 3.7 (15W-40)
50 from 16.3 up to 21.9 3,7
60 from 21.9 up to 26.1 3,6

It is clear from the standard that 5w30 oils must ensure a stable start of a serviceable engine with a fully charged battery when the temperature drops to -30 °C after a long period of parking. For the second parameter 30, the decoding gives that on a warm engine in a zone where the oil temperature is about 100 °C, its viscosity should be in the range of 9.3-12.6 mm²/s. Similarly, you can determine the parameters that oils 5w50, 10w 40 and others must meet.

Criterias of choice

With the 1st parameter everything is simple. The lower it is, the better. Cost becomes the limiting factor. All other things being equal, 0w oil turns out to be more expensive than 5w and even more so 10w. For regions with a temperate climate, overpaying for a reserve for starting properties does not seem justified.

The values ​​0w and 5w are typical for the highest quality synthetic oils. With indices 5w and 10w, floors that are optimal in terms of price and quality are produced synthetic oils. Budget mineral oils are available with low temperature viscosities of 10w and 15w.

The second parameter is more difficult. There is no general optimum value for high temperature viscosity for any engine. Designers link gap sizes, types of surface treatments, cross-section of oil channels, pump performance, operating temperature conditions with the oil viscosity required for a given combination of conditions.

Until recently, the most popular type of oil in our country was semi-synthetic, with a viscosity of 10w 40. It was perfect for domestic front-wheel drive cars and budget foreign cars with aging engines. Sufficiently large gaps, the absence of turbines and variable valve timing systems made this possible.

Motorists who prefer to drive aggressively tend to fill up with “sports” brands, as marketers presented them, 5w50 or 10w60. For conventional engines, this led to a change in the thickness of the lubricant film, an increase in hydraulic losses, a decrease in efficiency and an increase in operating temperatures with adjustments for service life.

In recent years, automakers have begun to prioritize fuel economy. As a result, priorities began to shift towards more liquid oil in operating modes, 5w30 or 0w30. Reducing clearances and increasing fluidity had a positive effect on engine performance and fuel consumption.

For the most modern Japanese and Korean engines, manufacturers began to specify oils with a viscosity of 5w20 and 0w20 as the main ones. Such products provide excellent efficiency indicators, but due to operation with a minimum oil film thickness, they require the highest quality parameters. Economical liquid oils are relatively expensive. Resource depletion occurs faster, so replacement must be made more often. European designers still prefer 30s.

Transmission standard

Transmission lubricants have their own SAE specification. Analogies with engine products are inappropriate in this case. Decoding 10w 40, 5w30 or any other engine oil to determine starting properties is very simple. It is enough to subtract the number 30 from the low-temperature index. This will be the approximate temperature in °C at which a stable engine start is possible.

The 75w90 marking on the “transmission” does not mean that it loses fluidity even at positive temperatures. The temperature flow parameters of such products are described by the SAE J306 standard. The values ​​of the low-temperature and high-temperature indices for transmission products were chosen so that they do not overlap with the series of values ​​for motor grades. The values ​​used are 70W, 75W, 80W, 85W for the “winter” series and 80, 85, 90, 140, 250 for the “summer” series.

The value taken as the maximum permissible viscosity at low temperatures is 150,000 cP. With a greater decrease in fluidity, there is a possibility of destruction of bearings and other elements of gearboxes and drive axles. The upper yield strength should provide sufficient oil film thickness at 100 °C, based on possible point loads in a particular unit.

Thus, for a product marked 75w90, the permissible operating temperature is -40 °C, and the viscosity when heated to 100 °C should be within 13.5.24 mm²/s. The 75w90 marking is typical for synthetic products poured into the transmissions of modern passenger cars.

A car engine needs constant lubrication and protection of components from friction forces. For normal operation The power plant requires lubricants to protect engine parts from unnecessary contact. If the technical fluid is selected correctly, the service life of the unit increases significantly. In the market of branded lubricants, 5w30 motor oil occupies a leading place in demand among products of synthetic origin.

Any lubricating motor fluid has its own classification and specifications, this must be considered before purchasing the product. There are lubricants intended for gasoline engines, diesels. In addition, there are universal formulations that can be combined with any type of power system, including diesel units. Motor lubricants by their nature are divided into mineral composition, semi-synthetic oil and synthetics.

Today, drivers, when choosing consumables, do not know how the engine mixture marking is deciphered. Let's take a closer look at what the SAE 5w30 decoding is, what each of the numbers means, and what the meaning of these values ​​is.

Temperature range of use motor oils

Motor lubricants have special requirements. Among the main physical parameters distinguish the viscosity of a substance and its temperature regime. In developed countries, the SAE classification is used, which takes into account viscosity-temperature characteristics. 5w30 synthetic oil is marked according to the SAE system. The designation for this classification establishes the operating temperature range of the material.

According to SAE, all motor lubricating fluids are divided according to seasonal use:

  • Winter mixtures. The low viscosity of the oil ensures guaranteed engine starting at low temperatures.
  • Summer trains. Due to its high viscosity, the solution reliably lubricates the vehicle’s engine system at high temperatures.
  • Universal (all-season) materials. Automotive oils are used in winter time, and in the summer period of the year.

What do the numbers mean? According to this classification, all motor mixtures are divided into 12 groups, including 6 winter categories (0w, 5w, 10w, 15w, 20w, 25w) and 6 summer viscosity groups (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60). For all-season automobile oils The designation contains two numbers. The first characterizes the properties of the composition in a low-temperature environment, and the second shows the viscosity of the component in the summer. 5w30 oil description:

  • The first number 5 in the product labeling indicates the minimum temperature regime at which the parameters of the substance do not change. In our case, the lower temperature limit is not lower than 30 degrees below zero
  • The letter "W" indicates that lubricating fluid It is advisable to use during the cold season. It turns out that SAE 5w engine oil belongs to the winter category of lubricating components.
  • The last number corresponds to the maximum temperature at which the lubricant functions normally. SAE 5w 30 motor oil indicates that it is used only up to 30 degrees Celsius.

5w30 oil decoding makes it clear that the mixture can be used at temperatures from -30 to +30 degrees Celsius. To obtain a substance with specified viscosity-temperature properties, a special package of additives is required. Additives are capable of thinning the technical solution at low temperatures and thickening at higher temperatures.


Engine oil in the engine

Motor oil 5w30 has a lot of advantages. The excellent technical characteristics of this component help to cope with unfavorable operating environments. The following are considered to have an adverse effect on engine parts:

  • long-term operation vehicle idling;
  • constant stops and traffic jams;
  • increased gas and dust levels in the area.

Thanks to the synthesis reaction of a set of additives and a universal structure, 5w30 motor oil:

  • protects engine mechanisms and elements from mechanical and chemical influences;
  • forms a stable oil film on parts;
  • slows down oxidation and corrosion processes;
  • removes soot and other deposits from working surfaces;
  • cools system components properly.

Motor oil 5w30 impresses with its characteristics. When choosing a lubricant for a car’s power unit, you need to pay special attention to its technical documentation. These acts contain the manufacturer's recommendations for operating the engine. The same document establishes the tolerances of automobile oils, but one must remember that the manufacturer’s recommendations are aimed only at the “heart” of the car.

Chemical basis

7TOTAL Quartz INEO 5W30

The complex of additives included in SAE 30 lubricants is strictly specified functions V specific types propulsion systems. The additives used comply with all regulations and regulatory standards. Choosing consumables for your car is an individual decision for the driver. He takes into account some of its technical characteristics and chooses a lubricant according to his taste and natural origin. There is a widespread belief that 5w30 mineral oil in used cars leads to reduced consumption of consumables and increased engine life. Synthetics or semi-synthetics are used for more modern cars, but it all depends on the owner. If the owner’s power plant has not yet been run-in, then it is recommended to use synthetic compounds. Synthetic is also in this category. motor lubricant SAE 5w30.

It is worth noting that before receiving a quality certificate, 5w30 oils are tested and chemically analyzed. As a result of testing SAE 5w30 motor oils, it is possible to extremely accurately simulate real operating conditions and record the results obtained. The product packaging contains all the necessary information about the compliance of the properties of the lubricant mixture with the stated requirements. Synthetic motor oil tests reveal to buyers technical specifications purchased mixtures from different manufacturers. No one is safe from purchasing a low-quality product, which means it is easy to fall for the bait of an unscrupulous seller, so you should not purchase motor oils from unverified outlets. It is more rational to visit official sales points, where the possibility of purchasing counterfeit engine oil is reduced to zero. Before purchasing a product, you should carefully examine the packaging for scuffs and scratches, deformations of the lid and information label. Let's consider the description of some popular motor mixtures, which have the optimal ratio in terms of motor oil quality and price:

  • ZIC XQ 5w-30. The lubricant is all-season and is intended for engines with or without turbocharging (turbocharged units). The oil combines two main functions - reliable engine operation and economical consumption fuel.
  • General Motors Dexos2 Longlife 5W30. A feature of this substance is considered to be high lubricity of power unit parts, which allows the vehicle to be operated in difficult conditions.
  • TOTAL Quartz INEO 5W30. The mixture is characterized by sulfate low ash content. Thanks to this characteristic, fuel is saved and emissions of harmful substances are reduced. The component is intended for both gasoline and diesel systems

Let's sum it up

Synthetic SAE 5w 30 is a demi-season lubricant mixture. Thanks to this property, 5w30 motor oil is applicable all year round, even in unexpected conditions. temperature changes in the off-season, while maintaining all its “useful” functional characteristics in any type of engine.

Motor oils are oils that are used to lubricate pistons and rotors in internal combustion engines. Today they represent a base fluid with additives that increase parameters. The basis is taken from distillates and residual elements with different viscosity index (hydrocarbon components), their mixtures, synthetic substances (ethers, olefins). The main part of all-season lubricants is produced by thickening a low-viscosity base with macropolymers.

What is required from motor oils

Automotive lubricant is an important part of the internal combustion engine. It is capable of performing its task for a long time and reliably, providing a certain engine life only if its indicators are fully consistent with the temperature, chemical and mechanical influences that it endures in the car’s lubrication complex. Description of the basic requirements for motor oils:

  • Good cleaning characteristics against various contaminants, which ensures the cleanliness of engine elements;
  • Wear resistance, which is achieved by a durable oil film and optimal viscosity;
  • No corrosive effects on internal combustion engine components;
  • Resistance to aging, the ability to cope with external influences, minimally deteriorating your performance;
  • Compatibility with seals and catalysts;
  • Low foaming;
  • Low volatility, low waste consumption.

Certain lubricants have special requirements. For example, lubricants that are thickened with macropolymer additives must have the required stability to thermal destruction. For energy-saving lubricants, antifriction and good rheological characteristics are important.

How oils are classified by origin

IN depending on chemical composition, as well as the method of manufacturing the base, lubricants are divided into a couple of broad subgroups - mineral and synthetic. Mineral oil liquid is made from petroleum through distillation. Synthetic is produced through organic synthesis, also petroleum-based, but with more complete processing of the base substance.

There are also semi-synthetic lubricants. Semi-synthetics are made by adding synthetic elements to mineral oil. Semi-synthetics is not an entirely correct name; it would be more correct to say “mineral with added synthetic elements.”

Decoding 5w30

Often, when purchasing motor oils, car owners do not understand what the meaning of 5w30 is. What does this data about oil indicate? For which cars is it advisable to use it? In order to completely decipher the markings of the oil liquid, a special database has been created.

The lubricant is divided according to its scope of use according to the API (Petroleum Institute). On the back of the canister, the API designation does not indicate quality, but the operating characteristics. For example, the letters S or C indicate that the lubricant should be used in a gasoline/gas engine. That is, if semi-synthetics or synthetics of the A3/B3 category resemble API SL/CF in properties, then its use exclusively in turbocharged engines is irrational.

For such power units, semi-synthetic oil with low viscosity and excellent environmental characteristics is optimal. In view of this, a lubricant such as ACEA A5/B5 is common among many motor manufacturers today. This oil can outperform API SM/CI-4 in many respects. It is no secret that with the right choice of ACEA oil fluid, the likelihood of the need for a complete overhaul of the power unit is reduced.

There is also motor oil marked ISLAC. It indicates that the product was manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the US-Japan Committee. Therefore, the data set is the same as the API. For example, ISLAC GL-2 is almost identical in performance to API SL.

What if you need to buy energy-saving lubricant for your own car? This oil makes it possible to significantly reduce fuel costs. According to the parameters “High temperature/high shear viscosity”, this oil is used for operation in conditions high temperature. In other words, if the engine temperature becomes more than one hundred degrees Celsius, the following increases:

  • Oil viscosity index;
  • Oil film thickness;
  • Fuel costs.

When using an energy-saving lubricant, the viscosity under similar operating conditions is lower than that of ordinary oil, but the oil film is thinner. In addition, the car owner should be aware of the possibilities of using lubricant at different temperatures.

Value 5w30

The Russian Federation is a large state, in some parts of which extreme cold, in others - unbearable heat. In view of this, any car owner needs to know the technical characteristics of the motor oil.

5w30 oil is marked according to a special SAE system. Based on the marking, it is possible to determine the temperature at which it must be used. Accordingly, SAE 5w 30 is intended for use in winter, but it can also be used in summer. The definition of 5w30 engine oil is as follows:

  • The first number tells you what the lower temperature limit is at which the properties of the oil (for example, viscosity) do not change. “5” means that this lubricant can be filled if the air temperature is not lower than minus thirty degrees. It also shows how smoothly and at what speed the lubricant will flow through the oil complex to the working surfaces, and how much energy will be spent;
  • The letter indicates what time of year it is recommended to use the lubricant. “w” – preferably used in winter conditions;
  • The last number shows the maximum temperature at which the oil can be used normally (if the temperature of the power unit is not more than one hundred degrees). “30” means that the oil can only be used at temperatures up to plus twenty-five degrees.

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