Scenario of the event for the Day of Legal Knowledge at the ABC of Legal Culture school. Week of legal knowledge "The World of Children's Rights" (scenario for a thematic line, plan of events for the week) Day of legal knowledge methodological development

ABC of legal culture


    Introduce students to the basic rights of the child.


    Give students a general understanding of children's rights.

    Develop a respectful attitude towards each other and towards adults.

    Familiarize students with historical background.


A decorated legal corner near the classroom,

Progress of the event

Teacher : Today we will talk about your rights - the rights of children.

F. M. Dostoevsky spoke about love for children: “The happiness of the whole world is not worth one tear on the cheek of an innocent child.”

But they didn’t always think so. Cruel laws Ancient Greece and Rome was allowed to kill the child. In the Middle Ages, fishermen used nets to catch the bodies of drowned babies from rivers. In the 17th century in Paris, older children were sold to beggars, and children were given away for free at Notre Dame Cathedral.

In the 17th century English prisons were full of teenagers aged 10-12 years, and the famous “Carolina” - the Criminal Code of King Charles V (1532) - provided for the death penalty for teenagers who committed significant thefts and under aggravating circumstances.

And only at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. humanity has realized that a child has the same rights as an adult. Initially, the preventive measures that need to be taken to prevent slavery, child labor, child trafficking and child prostitution were considered. In this regard, in 1924 in Geneva, the League of Nations adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

In 1959, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted. On November 20, 1989, the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child in just two minutes, turning it into an international legal mechanism that provides legal protection for the most vulnerable part of the world community - children. (Slide 1, 2)

What rights do children have? ?

(Children learn about child rights)1. Children have the right to protection from discrimination.

2. All children have the right to life.3. All children have the right to a name and to acquire a nationality, and they also have the right to retain their name and nationality.4. All children have the right to protection from violence or exploitation, including sexual abuse, by parents or other caregivers of the child.

5. Children have the right to special protection and assistance if they are unable to live with their parents.6. All children have the right to freely express an opinion, a child has the right to have his opinion heard and taken into account.7. All children have the right to protection from violence, abduction or any other form of exploitation.8. If adopted, all children have the right to the best possible care.9. All children have the right to protection in time of war.10. Children with disabilities have the right to special care and education that will help them develop and lead full and dignified lives.11. All adults and children should be aware of this Convention.12. All children have the right to receive an education that provides an opportunity for the development of the child’s personality.13. All children belonging to ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities have the right to enjoy their own culture, practice their own religion and use their own language.14. All children have the right to play and relax in conditions that promote their creative and cultural development, engaging in art, music, and theatrical performances.15. All children have the right to be protected from performing any work that may pose a danger to the child’s health or interfere with the child’s education.16. All children have the right to protection from the illegal use and distribution of drugs.Teacher : Who is responsible for ensuring that these rights are respected?

The convention emphasizes that your parents are your first responsibility. They take care and protect you. Adults should not allow innocent children to be beaten or put under arrest. They must ensure that children study well, grow up literate, skillful, and well-mannered.

A modern poet wrote as a joke on behalf of children about what parents should be like.Mark Schwartz. If you are parents -Caresses,PraisersIf you are parents -ForgiveersLovers,If -Permitters,Buyers,Donors,Then youNot parentsBut justAMAZING!And if you are parents -Grumblers,Hearties,If you are parents -Scolders,ShamersPeople who don't let go for walksDog prohibitors,You know, parents,You justCROCODIERS!

Quiz.1. In “The Tale of the Dead Princess” by A. S. Pushkin there are the following lines:Take the Princess into the wilderness of the forest,And, having tied her up, alive,Leave it there under the pine treeTo be devoured by the wolves!What was the Princess guilty of, who and for what actions could punish a child so cruelly? Answer: No one ever dares to insult and torture a child.2. Let us remember the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.” There are words there:They put me in a barrel with my son,They tarred and drove awayAnd they let me into the okiyan -This is what Tsar Saltan ordered.What right was violated? Answer: The main right of every person is the right to life. And a small person, a child, also has the right to life.3. Who in G. H. Andersen’s fairy tale “The Naked King” was not afraid to tell the king the truth? Did he have the right to do this?Answer: Yes. The child has the right to his own opinion.4. “Unlock the door now,” the Wolf growled, “or I’ll break it down!” “A pig’s house is his fortress,” Naf-Naf said to his brothers, and they prepared to defend themselves.What right was violated by the Wolf? Answer: A child has the right to live peacefully in his own home and feel like a master, like dad and mom.5. Andersen wrote this fairy tale, remembering his childhood. So everyone considered this ugly duckling clumsy, ugly and generally a stranger, they pinched, beat, drove from everywhere...What right was violated? Answer: A child does not have to be “like everyone else.”6. “The newborn princess received many wonderful gifts, and suddenly an evil witch appeared in the palace.- You didn’t invite me to the christening! - she said to the king and queen. - So I came myself, and here is my gift: when the princess turns 16, she will prick herself with a spindle and die.An unscrupulous evil witch punished the baby for the transgression of his parents. What right did she violate? Answer: The child is not responsible for the misdeeds of the parents, no matter what they do.7. In which fairy tale is the right to entertainment and rest violated?Answer: Cinderella.8. What right did the talking cricket Pinocchio advise to use in A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key”?Answer: The right to free education.

Teacher :

Why is it so important to study? What can a good education give you?
(The guys express their opinions.)
Teacher : What sayings about knowledge do you know?
(The guys call.)
Proverbs of different nations are written on the board.
Every master takes on training, but not every master completes the training. (Russian proverb)
First az and beeches, and then science. (Russian proverb)
The stars will appear - they will decorate the sky, knowledge will appear - they will decorate the mind. (Mongolian proverb)
He has a diploma, but doesn’t understand business. (Russian proverb)
The student and the teacher are judged. (Russian proverb)
There are no shortcuts to science. (Japanese proverb)
Teach others and you will learn yourself. (Russian proverb)
It is not the one who knows how to read who is literate, but the one who listens and understands. (Russian proverb)
It is not the one who has lived a lot who knows, but the one who has comprehended a lot. (Kazakh proverb)
An unlearned person is like an unsharpened axe. (Russian proverb)
Repetition is the mother of learning. (Russian proverb)
School won't teach you, hunting will teach you. (Russian proverb)
With knowledge you will obtain thousands of swords, but with the sword of knowledge you cannot obtain. (Persian proverb)
He who wants to know a lot needs little sleep. (Russian proverb)
To ask is a momentary shame, not to ask is a shame for life. (Japanese proverb)

Teacher :

And now I suggest you divide into three teams and draw the emblem of the Day of Legal Knowledge.

(team work, presentation of work, selection of the best logo)

Teacher: our lesson has come to an end Classroom hour, children remember your rights, but do not forget about your responsibilities.

Class hour

for the Day of Legal Knowledge

"The ABC of Legal Culture"



DI. Gorlov

I affirm:

Director of General School of I-II levels No. 48

E.O. Sidorenko



Decor: map “Right” (areas: “Morality”, “Law”, “Child’s Rights”, “Violence”, “Crime”, “Trust”, “Punishment”), electronic presentation, slides of pictures, epigraph: “If you retreat from the right, you will lose your way!

All students are divided into 4 teams. Each team receives tokens for participation.

Progress of the event

Teacher:- Today, as part of the Day of Legal Knowledge, we invite you guys to go on an unusual journey - a trip around the country “Law”. And your guidelines on the journey should be erudition, knowledge, intuition, and ingenuity. All of you will participate in this journey, but the main tasks will fall on the shoulders of teams, which include representatives from all classes.

I would like to draw your attention to the epigraph of our event. This is a Latin saying: “If you turn from the right, you will lose your way!” Let this statement remain with you now, and we will return to it at the end of the journey.

(melody sounds)

Teacher: Let's look at our dictionary. What is law? (Slide – law is generally binding rules of behavior, the observance of which is ensured by the state.)

What rules of behavior are we talking about? (Children answer.)

Teacher:- The first destination on our journey is the “Morality” area. What is morality? ( Slide– morality is the idea of ​​good and bad, good and evil, right and wrong.)

Now let's try to define the concept of “good”. (Children’s answers.) Good is everything positive, good in a person’s life.

There is such a characteristic of a person as “morally honorable.” Let's try to make associations to this concept.


Teacher: Is he mentally capable? pure man do something bad?( Children's answers, arguments.)

Give examples of crimes.

And we are very quickly moving to the area adjacent to “Crime” - “Punishment”. Any illegal action is subject to punishment.

At what age is criminal liability established? ( Slide – « Criminal Code". Children's answers)

Teacher: IN Lately We very often encounter cases of violence: in the family, at school, on the street. How to stop rapists? How to prevent violence?

But even more often we are faced with the fact that when we commit some, even the most insignificant, actions towards our loved ones, classmates, we do not realize that we are committing violence.

What is violence? (We were told about this when we found ourselves in the “Violence” area. ( Slide – violence is a deliberate physical, economic, psychological, sexual impact on a person.)

Give examples of violence. (Children's answers)

Do you think there is a punishment for violence? (Children's answers).

Teacher: Relationships between parents and children, between classmates, between teachers and students should be built on trust.

Guys, what does the expression “I trust you” mean? (Children's answers).

Kindness, trust, responsiveness, mercy must go hand in hand with each other, next to each of us. And then, what we give will definitely come back to us.

Training “Save the Chick”

- Imagine that you have a small helpless chick in your hands. Extend your arms with your palms facing up. Now warm him up. Slowly, one finger at a time, fold your palms, hide the chick in them, breathe on it, warming it with your even, calm breath, place your palms on your chest, give the chick the kindness of your heart and the warmth of your breath. Open your palm and you will see that the chick has joyfully taken off, smile at it and don’t be sad: it will fly to you again.

Teacher: And the last area we should definitely visit. This is the area of ​​“Children's Rights”.

Guys, at what age do children have rights? (from birth).

A child is a person under the age of 18.

Human and civil rights are enshrined in the Constitution of the state, in this case – in the Constitution of the DPR.

Where are the rights of the child secured? ( Slide “Convention on the Rights of the Child”).

These documents, I hope, are familiar to you. And now the “Child Rights” area invites you to an art gallery.

Teacher: On the screen you see an image of the painting “Troika” by artist Vasily Perov.

What child right is violated? (The right of the child to be protected from economic exploitation and from performing any work that may be hazardous to his health or interfere with his education, or be harmful to his health and physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development).

Pablo Picasso "Girl on a Ball". What right does this picture illustrate? (The right of the child to participate in games and recreational activities appropriate to his age, to freely participate in cultural and creative life and to engage in the arts).

Konstantin Makovsky “Game of Grandmas” (Child’s right to rest and leisure)

Teacher: And now I invite everyone present to take part in the literary and legal quiz.

1.​ In which fairy tales is the right to personal integrity, life and

freedom? (“Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”).

2.​ Which literary character could complain that his right to the inviolability of his home was violated? (“Ice Hut”).

3.​ In which fairy tale is a person’s right to own his own

property? (“The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio”).

4.​ What literary heroes exercised the right to freedom of peaceful

meetings? (“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “Quartet”).

5.​ In which fairy tale is the right that every person, no matter where he is, violated?

was, should be protected by law? (“Aibolit”).

6.​ In which fairy tale was the right to marry and start a family violated?

regardless of your race, nationality and religion? (“At the command of the pike, at my will”).

Teacher: And now, in order to consolidate everything we talked about today, the situation will be announced for each team. You will need to analyze it within 30 seconds and give an answer.

Team 1 - Skit

Teacher. Olya, you are on duty today, please wipe the board and water the flowers.

Olya. You have no right to force me to be on duty! The Children's Convention prohibits violence against children!

Explain to Olya why she is wrong.

Answer: in addition to her rights, Olya also has responsibilities - as a duty officer, like all the children in the class. In addition, there is a responsibility to respect the rights of others to a clean classroom. Her rights apply as long as they do not violate the rights of others.

Team 2 – Skit

Teacher. Ivanov, you painted the desk in the math room again! After all, the children just washed it!

Ivanov. What's wrong with that? I have the right to do my favorite thing - drawing!

Who will explain to Ivanov his rights and obligations?

Answer: And others have the right to sit at a clean desk. Ivanov must respect the rights of other students.

Team 3 - Skit

Mother. Turn the music down immediately! It's already midnight, you'll wake up the whole house!

Son. And I have the right to rest and leisure! I'm used to relaxing with loud music!

Please help me figure out who is wrong here.

Answer: the son violates the neighbors’ right to rest in silence. He doesn't respect other people's rights.

Team 4 – Skit

Mother. Son, why didn’t you take out the trash can and go get some bread?

Son. Because the UN prohibits the use of child labor!

What a fighter for children's rights! Maybe he's right?

Answer: no, he is wrong, because he must buy bread for himself and take out the trash with him. And this is not forced labor, but help with housework. It’s difficult for a mother to run the house alone; she also has the right to rest. The son must respect her right and help her.

Teacher: So our journey to the country of “Pravo” has ended. Let's remember where we have been? What new did you learn? What conclusions did you draw for yourself? (Children's answers)

(Slide with epigraph)

Teacher: At the beginning of our event, I drew your attention to the epigraph “If you deviate from the right, you will lose your way.” What is the meaning of this saying? (Children's answers)

Teacher: Thank you everyone for participating. The most active participants today were...... Well done, guys! And never get lost on life’s paths and roads, do good deeds, trust your loved ones and yourself!

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Details Published: 11/22/2016 08:24 Views: 1398

Law is a set of norms and rules established and protected by state authorities that regulate the relations of people in society.

We are all equal in our rights:
Both adults and children.
All races, creeds, languages ​​-
All people on the planet.

They have the right to love
All the guys on Earth
For care and affection,
The right to live in one's own family.

The purpose of the Single Day of Legal Knowledge: formation in students of appropriate knowledge about law, legal norms, legal culture, free and responsible self-determination in the field of legal relations with society, and fostering a respectful attitude towards laws.

The Day of Legal Knowledge expanded students' understanding of rights and responsibilities and drew attention to the problem of human rights. The events involved all students of the school.

Events of the day.

1. “Our school” - primary school

Event on the rights of the child on the right to education. Getting to know the school and its internal routine. The school charter is the fundamental law of its life. Students' rights at school. Student responsibility. Meeting with managers educational institution Kuznetsova Elena Viktorovna.

2. “I am a citizen of Russia” - grades 5 - 6

Event on children's rights and the right to citizenship. What does it mean to be a citizen? Our Motherland is the Russian Federation. The rules of life in the country are laws. The Constitution is the fundamental law Russian Federation. Rights and obligations of a Russian citizen. Law lessons taught by teacher Nina Nikolaevna Petrova

3. “Protecting the rights of the child” - 7th grade

Documents protecting the rights of the child. Protecting children's rights at school. Drawing up a memo “Who can protect me?”

Responsible - Petrova Maria Mikhailovna, inspector for the protection of children's rights.

4. "Labor Relations. Vocational guidance for teenagers." - 8th -9th grade. Responsible - Petrova T.V.

5. "Acquaintance with legal literature" - an exhibition of books in school library. ABOUTresponsible - Petrova Nina Vasilievna.

6. Game “The case is being heard...” - grades 5 - 7.

GKOU RO Kolushkinskaya boarding school of VIII type

"Day of Legal Knowledge"

Teacher Sukhomlina E.V.

Date: 11/20/2015

Teacher: . Today we will talk about your rights - the rights of children.

One early spring morning, when everyone on earth was still sleeping, a ray of sunlight saw a tiny transparent girl on the windowsill.

Why are you so pale? - asked the beam.

Because I’m not a real girl, but a dream,” the little girl answered.

Whose dream? - Ray was surprised.

“Mom and dad dream about me in their sleep,” the girl explained.

Why are you sad? – the sunbeam was upset.

“I will disappear when mom and dad wake up, but I want to be a real girl and live with them,” the girl cried.

“Don’t cry,” the beam asked. - I will give you life. If I give you light and warmth, you will become a real girl.

The sunbeam sparkled and disappeared, and a tiny pink baby lay on the windowsill and cried loudly: “Mom! Mother!"

The parents woke up and jumped up. Mom took the girl in her arms, hugged her tightly and exclaimed:

I can hear her heart beating!

“Let me listen too,” dad asked.

He bent his head towards his daughter and said joyfully:

It’s so good that our daughter has a small but strong heart!

Let me hold my daughter,” dad asked.

Just be careful,” my mother said affectionately.

“Don’t be afraid,” Dad grinned, “I have strong hands.”

This is the most beautiful girl in the world,” the mother rejoiced, looking at her daughter’s blue eyes and golden hair.

Suddenly an alarming thought came to her.

Whose is this wonderful baby? How did she get here?

Maybe the stork brought it? – Dad said thoughtfully.

Don't be stupid, we live in a big city, all the storks here disappeared a long time ago.

It doesn't matter where this baby came from, the main thing is that new life. “Every child has the right to life,” dad said solemnly, and mom agreed with him.

Teacher: Your parents also dreamed of the birth of their child. And your birth for them is the most important and happiest event in their life. F. M. Dostoevsky spoke about love for children: “The happiness of the whole world is not worth one tear on the cheek of an innocent child.”

But they didn’t always think so. The cruel laws of Ancient Greece and Rome made it possible to kill a child. In the Middle Ages, fishermen used nets to catch the bodies of drowned babies from rivers. In the 17th century in Paris, older children were sold to beggars, and children were given away for free at Notre Dame Cathedral. This is still very recent!

In the 17th century English prisons were full of teenagers aged 10-12 years, and the famous “Carolina” - the Criminal Code of King Charles V (1532) - provided for the death penalty for teenagers who committed significant thefts and under aggravating circumstances.

And only at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. humanity has realized that a child has the same rights as an adult. Initially, the preventive measures that need to be taken to prevent slavery, child labor, child trafficking and child prostitution were considered. In this regard, in 1924 in Geneva, the League of Nations adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

In 1959, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted. November 20, 1989 UN General Assembly unanimouslyin just two minutes, it adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child, turning it into an international legal mechanism that provides legal protection for the most vulnerable part of the world community - children. (Slide 1, 2)

What rights do children have? (Children learn about child rights through a presentation.)

Children have the right to protection from discrimination. (Slide 3)

All children have the right to life. (Slide 4)

All children have the right to a name and to acquire a nationality, and they also have the right to retain their name and nationality. (Slide 4)

All children have the right to protection from violence or exploitation, including sexual abuse, by parents or other caregivers of the child. (Slide 5)

Children have the right to special protection and assistance if they are unable to live with their parents. (Slide 6)

All children have the right to freely express their opinions, and the child has the right to have his opinion heard and taken into account. (Slide 7)

All children have the right to protection from violence, abduction or any other form of exploitation. (Slide 8)

When adopted, all children have the right to the best possible care. (Slide 9)

All children have the right to protection in time of war. Military service or participation in hostilities is not permitted for children under 18 years of age. (Slide 10)

Children with disabilities have the right to special care and education that will help them develop and lead full and dignified lives. (Slide 11)

All adults and children should be aware of this Convention. (Slide 12)

All children have the right to receive an education that provides the opportunity for the development of the child’s personality. (Slide 13)

All children belonging to ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities have the right to enjoy their own culture, practice their own religion and use their own language. (Slide 13)

All children have the right to play and relax in conditions that promote their creative and cultural development, engaging in art, music, and theatrical performances. (Slide 14)

All children have the right to be protected from performing any work that may endanger the child's health or interfere with the child's education. (Slide 15)

All children have the right to protection from the illegal use and distribution of drugs. (Slide 16)

Teacher: Who is responsible for ensuring that these rights are respected?

The convention emphasizes that your parents are your first responsibility. They take care and protect you. Adults should not allow innocent children to be beaten or put under arrest. They must ensure that children study well, grow up literate, skillful, and well-mannered. (Slide 17)

To this day, a child is abandoned when he is a nuisance. The number of illegitimate, abandoned, homeless, exploited, corrupted and tortured children is growing. By the way, the well-being of a child largely depends on the parents. The modern poet Mark Schwartz wrote jokingly on behalf of children about what parents should be like.

If you are parents -



If you are parents -



If -




Then you

Not parents

But just


And if you are parents -



If you are parents -



People who don't let go for walks

Dog prohibitors,

You know, parents,

You just


M. Schwartz.

Responsibility for protecting the rights of the child rests with the state. (Slide 18)

In our country, the problem of child protection has almost always been particularly acute. Russian children, according to statistics, are in a difficult situation. About 2 million children under the age of 14 are subjected to domestic violence every year. Every year 50 thousand children run away from home. 60% of orphans who have reached three years of age end up in special boarding schools. 348 thousand families are registered with the PDN.

Therefore, it is clear that it is necessary for both children and parents to gain knowledge in the field of child rights. It is very important to be able to defend your rights.


  1. In “The Tale of the Dead Princess” by A. S. Pushkin there are the following lines:

Take the Princess into the wilderness of the forest,

And, having tied her up, alive,

Leave it there under the pine tree

To be devoured by the wolves!

What was the Princess guilty of, who and for what actions could punish a child so cruelly?

Answer: No one ever dares to insult and torture a child.

  1. Let us remember the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.” There are words there:

They put me in a barrel with my son,

They tarred and drove away

And they let me into the okiyan -

This is what Tsar Saltan ordered.

What right was violated?

Answer: The main right of every person is the right to life. And a small person, a child, also has the right to life.

  1. Who in G. H. Andersen's fairy tale “The Naked King” was not afraid to tell the king the truth? Did he have the right to do this?

Answer: A child has the right to his own opinion.

  1. “Unlock the door now,” the Wolf growled, “or I’ll break it down!” “A pig’s house is his fortress,” Naf-Naf said to his brothers, and they prepared to defend themselves.

What right was violated by the Wolf?

Answer: A child has the right to live peacefully in his own home and feel like a master, like dad and mom.

  1. Andersen wrote this fairy tale, remembering his childhood. So everyone considered this ugly duckling clumsy, ugly and generally a stranger, they pinched him, beat him, drove him away from everywhere... What right was violated?

Answer: A child does not have to be “like everyone else.”

  1. “The newborn princess received many wonderful gifts, and suddenly an evil witch appeared in the palace.

You didn't invite me to the christening! - she said to the king and queen. - So I came myself, and here is my gift: when the princess turns 16, she will prick herself with a spindle and die.

An unscrupulous evil witch punished the baby for the transgression of his parents. What right did she violate?

Answer: The child is not responsible for the misdeeds of the parents, no matter what they do.

  1. In which fairy tale is the right to entertainment and rest violated?

Answer: Cinderella.

  1. What right did the talking cricket Pinocchio advise to take advantage of in A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key”?

Answer: The right to free education.

Teacher: Why is it so important to study? What can a good education give you?

(The guys express their opinions.)

Teacher: What sayings about knowledge do you know?

(The guys call.)

The teacher offers to listen to wise proverbs of different nations.

First az and beeches, and then science.(Russian proverb)

He has a diploma, but doesn’t understand business.(Russian proverb)

The student and the teacher are judged.(Russian proverb)

There are no shortcuts to science.(Japanese proverb)

It is not the one who has lived a lot who knows, but the one who has comprehended a lot. (Kazakh proverb)

An unlearned person is like an unsharpened axe.(Russian proverb)

Repetition is the mother of learning. (Russian proverb)

School won't teach you, hunting will teach you.(Russian proverb)

With knowledge you will obtain thousands of swords, but with the sword of knowledge you cannot obtain.(Persian proverb)

He who wants to know a lot needs little sleep.(Russian proverb)

: All children in our country can get an education. That's why we came to school today.

Summer rang out with a cheerful song,
And the golden autumn began.
Hurry, friends, you have a lot to do,
A sunny school classroom awaits you.
Have you been to a camp, on hikes,
Strengthened, matured, developed -
Let me congratulate you on the New Year,
Happy academic year - a new step in life!
May every school day be a good one,
You need to know a lot, a lot,
To become like the hero Gagarin,
To conquer the depths of the Earth and Space!

Information sources:

Slide captions:

"Day of Legal Knowledge"

Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989

Article 2. Children have the right to protection from discrimination. This means that all children have the same rights, regardless of skin color, gender, age or religion.

Article 6. All children have the right to life. Article 7 and Article 8. All children have the right to a name and to acquire a nationality, and they also have the right to retain their name and nationality.

Article 19 All children have the right to protection from all forms of violence or exploitation, including sexual abuse, by parents or other persons caring for the child.

Article 20. Children have the right to special protection and assistance if they are unable to live with their parents.

Article 12. All children have the right to freely express opinions, the child has the right to have his opinion heard and taken into account.

Article 34, Article 35 and Article 36. All children have the right to protection from violence, abduction or any other form of exploitation.

Article 20. Children have the right to special protection and assistance if they are unable to live with their parents. Article 21. In case of adoption, all children have the right to the best possible care.

Article 38 All children have the right to protection in time of war. Military service or participation in hostilities is not permitted for children under 18 years of age.

Article 23. Children with disabilities have the right to special care and education that will help them develop and lead a full and dignified life.

Article 42 All adults and children should be aware of this Convention. All children have the right to know their rights, and adults should know them too.

Article 28 and Article 29. All children have the right to receive an education that provides the opportunity for the development of the child’s personality. Article 30 All children belonging to ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities have the right to enjoy their own culture, practice their own religion and use their own language.

Article 31. All children have the right to play and relax in conditions that promote their creative and cultural development, engaging in art, music, and theatrical performances.

Article 32 All children have the right to be protected from performing any work that may pose a danger to the child's health or interfere with the child's education.

Article 33. All children have the right to protection from the illegal use and distribution of drugs.

Article 5 and Article 18. Parents bear the primary responsibility for the upbringing of their children. The best interests of the child are their primary concern.

Article 3. All adults shall act in a manner consistent with the best interests of children at all times. Article 4. The state is responsible for respecting the rights of all children.

ABC of legal culture
Introduce students to the basic rights of the child.
Give students a general understanding of children's rights.
Develop a respectful attitude towards each other and towards adults.
Familiarize students with historical background.
A decorated legal corner near the classroom,
Progress of the event
Teacher: Today we will talk about your rights - the rights of children.
F. M. Dostoevsky spoke about love for children: “The happiness of the whole world is not worth one tear on the cheek of an innocent child.”
But they didn’t always think so. The cruel laws of Ancient Greece and Rome made it possible to kill a child. In the Middle Ages, fishermen used nets to catch the bodies of drowned babies from rivers. In the 17th century in Paris, older children were sold to beggars, and children were given away for free at Notre Dame Cathedral.
In the 17th century English prisons were full of teenagers aged 10-12 years, and the famous “Carolina” - the Criminal Code of King Charles V (1532) - provided for the death penalty for teenagers who committed significant thefts and under aggravating circumstances.
And only at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. humanity has realized that a child has the same rights as an adult. Initially, the preventive measures that need to be taken to prevent slavery, child labor, child trafficking and child prostitution were considered. In this regard, in 1924 in Geneva, the League of Nations adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child.
In 1959, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted. On November 20, 1989, the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child in just two minutes, turning it into an international legal mechanism that provides legal protection for the most vulnerable part of the world community - children. (Slide 1, 2)
What rights do children have?
(Children learn about children's rights) 1. Children have the right to protection from discrimination.
2. All children have the right to life. 3. All children have the right to a name and to acquire a nationality, and they also have the right to retain their name and nationality. 4. All children have the right to protection from violence or exploitation, including sexual abuse, by parents or other caregivers of the child.
5. Children have the right to special protection and assistance if they are unable to live with their parents. 6. All children have the right to freely express an opinion, a child has the right to have his opinion heard and taken into account. 7. All children have the right to protection from violence, abduction or any other form of exploitation. 8. If adopted, all children have the right to the best possible care. 9. All children have the right to protection in time of war. 10. Children with disabilities have the right to special care and education that will help them develop and lead full and dignified lives. 11. All adults and children should be aware of this Convention. 12. All children have the right to receive an education that provides an opportunity for the development of the child’s personality. 13. All children belonging to ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities have the right to enjoy their own culture, practice their own religion and use their own language. 14. All children have the right to play and relax in conditions that promote their creative and cultural development, engaging in art, music, and theatrical performances.15. All children have the right to be protected from performing any work that may endanger the child's health or interfere with the child's education. 16. All children have the right to protection from the illegal use and distribution of drugs. Teacher: Who is responsible for ensuring that these rights are respected?
The convention emphasizes that your parents are your first responsibility. They take care and protect you. Adults should not allow innocent children to be beaten or put under arrest. They must ensure that children study well, grow up literate, skillful, and well-mannered.
The modern poet Mark Schwartz wrote jokingly on behalf of children about what parents should be like. If you are parents - Caresses, Praisers, If you are parents - Forgivers, Lovers, If you are Permits, Buyers, Givers, Then you are not parents, but simply ADMIRS! And if you are parents - Grumblers, Angry, If you are parents - Scolders, Shames, Don't let go, Dog-forbidden, Then - you know, parents, You are just CROCODERS!
Quiz. 1. In “The Tale of the Dead Princess” by A.S. Pushkin there are the following lines: Take the Princess into the wilderness of the forest, And, tying her up alive, Leave her there under a pine tree To be devoured by the wolves! What was the Princess guilty of, who and for what actions could punish a child so cruelly? Answer: No one ever dares to insult and torture a child. 2. Let us remember the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.” There are the words: They put him in a barrel with his son, tarred him, rolled him and let him into the okiyan - So Tsar Saltan ordered. What right was violated? Answer: The main right of every person is the right to life. And a small person, a child, also has the right to life. 3. Who in G. H. Andersen’s fairy tale “The Naked King” was not afraid to tell the king the truth? Did he have the right to do this? Answer: Yes. The child has the right to his own opinion. 4. “Unlock the door now,” the Wolf growled, “or I’ll break it down!” “A pig’s house is his fortress,” Naf-Naf said to his brothers, and they prepared to defend themselves. What right was violated by the Wolf? Answer: A child has the right to live peacefully in his own home and feel like a master, like dad and mom. 5. Andersen wrote this fairy tale, remembering his childhood. So everyone considered this ugly duckling clumsy, ugly and generally a stranger, they pinched him, beat him, drove him away from everywhere... What right was violated? Answer: A child does not have to be “like everyone else.” 6. “The newborn princess received many wonderful gifts, and suddenly an evil witch appeared in the palace. - You didn’t invite me to the christening! - she said to the king and queen. - So I came myself, and here is my gift: when the princess turns 16, she will prick herself with a spindle and die. An unscrupulous evil witch punished the baby for the transgression of his parents. What right did she violate? Answer: The child is not responsible for the misdeeds of the parents, no matter what they do. 7. In which fairy tale is the right to entertainment and rest violated? Answer: Cinderella. 8. What right did the talking cricket Pinocchio advise to use in A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key”? Answer: The right to free education.
Why is it so important to study? What can a good education give you? (The guys express their opinions.) Teacher: What sayings about knowledge do you know? (The guys call them.) Proverbs of different nations are written on the board. Every master takes on training, but not every master completes the training. (Russian proverb) First az and beeches, and then science. (Russian proverb) The stars will appear - they will decorate the sky, knowledge will appear - they will decorate the mind. (Mongolian proverb) He has a diploma, but does not understand business. (Russian proverb) The student and the teacher are judged. (Russian proverb) There are no shortcuts to science. (Japanese proverb) Teach others and you yourself will learn. (Russian proverb) He is not literate who knows how to read, but he who listens understands. (Russian proverb) It is not the one who has lived a lot who knows, but the one who has comprehended a lot. (Kazakh proverb) An unlearned person is like an unsharpened axe. (Russian proverb) Repetition is the mother of learning. (Russian proverb) School won’t teach you, but hunting will teach you. (Russian proverb) You can get thousands of swords with knowledge, but you cannot get knowledge with a sword. (Persian proverb) He who wants to know a lot needs to sleep little. (Russian proverb) To ask is a momentary shame, not to ask is a shame for a lifetime. (Japanese proverb)
And now I suggest you divide into three teams and draw the emblem of the Day of Legal Knowledge.
(team work, presentation of work, selection of the best logo)
Teacher: our class hour has come to an end, children remember their rights, but do not forget about their responsibilities.
Class hour
for the Day of Legal Knowledge
"The ABC of Legal Culture"
DI. Gorlov

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