Step into your future profession. "Start into medicine"

The open city annual Scientific and Practical Conference “Start into Medicine” - the third in a row, was held at Sechenov University on April 12-14, 2018. The guests were received by the Morphological and Physiological buildings of the university, the departments of medical and medical-prophylactic faculties.

The third annual scientific and practical conference in memory of Mikhail Kondratiev “Social psychology: issues of theory and practice” will be held at the Moscow Psychological and Pedagogical University on May 10 and 11.
Meshchansky district of Central Administrative District of Moscow
03.05.2018 High school students from school No. 2092 named after Kozhedub took part in the open city scientific and practical conference “Start into Medicine.”
Lyublino District Administration
03.05.2018 From April 24 to April 28, 2018, the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists #SCIENCE4HEALTH2018 was held at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov

On April 27–28, the All-Russian student scientific and practical conference with international participation “Medical Spring 2018” is being held at Sechenov University.
First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov



On approval of the Regulations on the open scientific and practical conference "Start in Medicine"

For the purpose of implementation State program of the city of Moscow ("Development of education in the city of Moscow" ("Capital education")" for 2012-2018, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of September 27, 2011 N 450-PP, as part of the activities of the city educational project "Medical class in a Moscow school" for formation of students’ motivation to choose professional activity in the medical industry and assisting students in professional self-determination

I order:

1. Approve the Regulations on holding an open scientific and practical conference “Start in Medicine” (appendix).

2. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the deputy head of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, T.V. Vasilyeva.

I.I. Kalina

Application. Regulations on the open scientific and practical conference "Start in Medicine"

to the order of the Department
education of the city of Moscow
dated December 31, 2015 N 3612

1. General Provisions

1.1. The open scientific and practical conference "Start into Medicine" (hereinafter referred to as the Conference) is held as part of the activities of the city educational project "Medical class in a Moscow school" (hereinafter referred to as the project) among students, teachers and managers educational organizations, subordinate to the Moscow Department of Education, participating in the project (hereinafter referred to as the Conference participants).

1.2. The conference is held to discuss problems of development of basic and secondary general education medical orientation, determining current effective models for the implementation of specialized training, taking into account the needs of the Moscow economy, using the scientific, cultural and educational space of Moscow, as well as presenting the educational achievements of students in medical classes.

1.3. The organizers of the Conference are the Moscow Department of Education and the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education vocational education First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov Ministry of Health Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of Russia).

2. Procedure for holding the Conference

2.1 The conference is carried out by the Organizing Committee of the open scientific and practical conference “Start in Medicine” (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee), the personnel of which is approved by order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow and agreed with the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

2.2. The Organizing Committee consists of two chairmen, three vice-chairmen, a secretary and members of the Organizing Committee with voting rights.

2.3. The meeting of the Organizing Committee is held by one of the chairmen of the Organizing Committee, and in their absence - by the deputy chairmen.

2.4. Meetings of the Organizing Committee are held as needed.

2.5. The Organizing Committee makes a decision if at least half of the members of the Organizing Committee are present at its meeting. Members of the Organizing Committee have equal rights when discussing issues considered at the meeting.

2.6. Decisions of the Organizing Committee are made by a simple majority of votes of the members present at the meeting.

In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chairpersons at the meeting of the Organizing Committee is decisive.

If one of the members disagrees with the adopted conclusion, he has the right to express his dissenting opinion in writing and attach it to the decision, about which a corresponding note is made in the text of the decision.

2.7. The decisions of the Organizing Committee are documented in a protocol, which is signed by the chairman of the meeting of the Organizing Committee and the secretary of the Organizing Committee.

2.8. Chairmen of the Organizing Committee (in their absence - deputy chairmen):

- carry out general management of the work of the Organizing Committee;

- chair the meeting of the Organizing Committee;

- form the agenda for the meeting of the Organizing Committee;

- sign extracts from protocols and other documents issued on behalf of the Organizing Committee.

2.9. The organization of the work of the Organizing Committee is carried out by the secretary of the Organizing Committee.

Secretary of the Organizing Committee:

a) provides:

- preparation of materials for meetings of the Organizing Committee;

- notification of members of the Organizing Committee and experts involved in the work of the Organizing Committee about the meeting;

b) keeps minutes of meetings of the Organizing Committee;

c) publishes decisions based on the results of meetings of the Organizing Committee on the project website (

d) carries out other actions on behalf of the chairmen of the Organizing Committee.

2.10. A copy of the protocol is sent by the secretary to the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

2.11. The powers of the Organizing Committee are:

- determination of the place and time of the Conference;

- determination of possible forms of organizing the work of Conference participants: plenary and sectional sessions, Internet conference, round table, discussion platform, exhibition of design and research works and other forms as decided by the Organizing Committee.

- determination of the powers of expert commissions for thematic sections to conduct an examination of applications and works presented by participants in the Conference;

- approval of the composition of expert commissions for thematic sections from among specialists of the State Budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow of additional professional education (advanced training) of the City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of Russia, pedagogical and managerial employees of educational organizations located on the territory of the city of Moscow.

- determination of requirements for the acceptance and form of applications, submitted materials of Conference participants;

- organization of publication of materials of speeches and resolutions based on the results of the thematic sections of the Conference;

- determining the results of the Conference and awarding the winners and prize-winners of each thematic section: 1 winner and no more than 3 prize-winners among students in grades 8-9; 1 winner and no more than 2 prize-winners among students in grades 10-11; 1 winner and no more than 3 prize-winners among teaching and management employees of educational organizations.

2.12. The Conference events are held annually in April.

2.13. Thematic sections of the Conference:

2.13.1. For students in grades 8-11:

- Pharmacy and medicinal plants.

- Zoology.

- Biology and genetics.

- Human anatomy and physiology.

- Medicine.

- Microbiology.

- Biotechnology and bioengineering.

- Preventive medicine and hygiene.

- Man in modern world.

- Ecology and evolution.

- Chemistry and biochemistry.

- Biophysics.

- Psychology and sociology.

- History of medicine.

2.13.2. For teaching staff:

- Organization of specialized education based on modern natural science technology complexes.

- Innovative approaches to theoretical and practical classes.

- Elective courses for students in medical and natural science specialized classes.

- Volunteer programs within the project.

3. Procedure for participation in the Conference

3.1. The following are accepted to participate in the Conference:

3.1.1. Individual or group work(no more than 3 authors) students of 8-9 medical classes;

3.1.2. Individual works completed by one author from among students of 10-11 medical classes;

3.1.3. Individual or group works (no more than 3 authors) of teaching and management personnel participating in the project.

3.2. To participate in the Conference annually, before February 15 of the current year, the participant submits an application and a brief description of the content of the work. Applications submitted later will not be accepted for consideration.

Forms summary works and applications are approved by the Organizing Committee before February 1 of the current year and are posted on the project website (

3.3. Participants who submitted an application and received confirmation in their personal account on the project website ( that the application was accepted by expert commissions for thematic sections, post on the project website until March 15: the completed work, speech abstracts and presentations materials (multimedia presentation, video, photographs, electronic layout, etc.).

3.4. Notification of acceptance or rejection of an application by expert commissions is posted in the participant’s personal account on the project website ( within 10 days from the date the participant posted the application on the project website.

3.5. Requirements for materials submitted by Conference participants and contact details of the Organizing Committee are posted on the project website ( until February 1 of the current year.

3.6. Materials from the reports of the Conference participants are posted on the project website (http://profil.mos.ru4), on the portal ( and can be published in other sources by decision of the Organizing Committee and in agreement with the participant (list of sources posted on the project website).

5. Criteria for evaluating the submitted works and speeches of the Conference participants


*Numbering corresponds to the original. - Database manufacturer's note.

5.1. Criteria for evaluating the work of Conference participants:

- relevance of the work;

- accuracy of formulation of the goals and objectives of the work;

- completeness of implementation of the tasks set in the work;

- feasibility of selected research methods and equipment:

- degree of disclosure of the topic;

- theoretical and practical significance of the work;

- implementation of work results;

- the presence of independently completed research (or the presence of a practical part);

- compliance of the topic and content of the work with the level of general education indicated by the author.

5.2. Criteria for evaluating the performance of a Conference participant:

- validity of the chosen topic of speech;

- relevance of the chosen topic of speech;

- consistency and completeness of the presented materials;

- fluency in the material;

- justification of the methods used and training equipment for the tasks of the performance;

- ability to argue your conclusions and conclusions;

- aesthetic presentation of the performance;

- ability to answer questions;

- level of complexity and independence in performing the work;

- culture of public speaking.

6. Requirements for materials submitted by Conference participants

6.1. Requirements to brief description The content of the work is approved annually by the Organizing Committee, posted on the project website ( and contains:

- goal, objectives, work hypothesis;

- description of the stages of the study;

- research methods and equipment used;

- results;

- prospects for further development of the topic.

6.2. Requirements for the design of texts are approved annually by the Organizing Committee before February 1, posted on the project website ( and contain:

- page settings;

- the font and spacing used;

- requirements for tables;

- format of drawings;

- requirements for the list of references;

6.3. Requirements for an educational project or educational and research work are approved annually by February 1 by the Organizing Committee, posted on the project website ( and contain:

6.3.1. Structure requirements:

- title page;

- table of contents;

- introduction (relevance of the work, rationale for choosing the topic);

- purpose and objectives of the work, hypothesis (for research work);

- main part;

- conclusion.

6.3.2. Requirements for work results.

6.3.3. Requirements for a multimedia presentation.

6.3.4. Requirements for video materials.

6.6.5. Requirements for a participant's presentation at the Conference.

6.6.6. Requirements for presenting a poster presentation.

7. Summing up the Conference and awarding

7.1. Summing up the results of the Conference falls within the powers of the Conference Organizing Committee;

7.2. Expert commissions for thematic sections evaluate submitted applications, works, materials and presentations in accordance with the evaluation criteria and send information about the results of the thematic sections to the Organizing Committee in the form of a formalized protocol signed by all members of the expert commission.

7.3. Based on information about the results of thematic sections received from expert commissions, the Organizing Committee determines the winners and prize-winners of the Conference.

7.4. The Organizing Committee determines the venue for awarding the participants who presented the best works and performances in thematic sections.

7.5. Each participant of the Conference is awarded a certificate. The winners and runners-up of the Conference are awarded diplomas.

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The open city annual Scientific and Practical Conference “Start into Medicine” - the third in a row, was held at Sechenov University on April 12-14, 2018. The guests were received by the Morphological and Physiological buildings of the university, the departments of medical and medical-prophylactic faculties.

“Start into Medicine” is one of the significant events of the city project “Medical class in a Moscow school.” The purpose of the conference is to exchange experience, determine the vector of development, introduce best practices into the scientific and educational space of Moscow, and present the achievements of students in medical classes of Moscow schools.

The organizers of the conference “Start into Medicine” are the Moscow Department of Education and the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov Ministry of Health of Russia. Participants are students in grades 8–11, teachers and managers of educational organizations - schools and universities, the resource center "Medical Sechenov Pre-University", healthcare institutions, heads of practices.

On April 12, at the opening of the conference, Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Education Tatyana Vasilyeva addressed the participants and guests with a welcoming speech: “Today is a special day for you - the start and first steps in the medical profession and scientific career, which you are taking thanks to the great work of your teachers. I wish you success!". The head of the educational department of Sechenov University, Lyudmila Yudina, noted that there were twice as many participants as at the previous conference, and wished everyone success, and the dean of the faculty of pre-university education, Marina Kozar, spoke about the rules of the conference.

On April 13, the vice-rector for academic affairs of the First Moscow State Medical University took part in the scientific-practical conference. I. M. Sechenova Tatyana Litvinova.

Thematic sections of the scientific and practical conference for students in grades 8-11 were distributed in the following areas: pharmacy and medicinal plants, zoology, biology and genetics, human anatomy and physiology, medicine, microbiology, biotechnology and bioengineering, preventive medicine and hygiene, human modern world, ecology and evolution, chemistry and biochemistry, biophysics, psychology and sociology, history of medicine.

The conference participants presented their work at specialized sections in the form of poster and oral presentations, attended master classes by teachers of Sechenov University, and took part in excursions to museums of the Department of Human Anatomy. The participants were offered a lecture “Professions of the Future”. The university trains specialists who are able to work effectively in a rapidly changing environment. environment, to be leaders and respond to the challenges of the time. This year, Sechenov University is offering applicants a set of new specialties opening at the International School “Medicine of the Future” of the Scientific and Technological Park of Biomedicine. Among the new specialties:

– IT physician - a specialist with good knowledge of IT, creating physiological databases and software for medical and diagnostic equipment;

– specialist in tissue engineering - professional developing technological process and selecting materials and conditions for the formation of a specific tissue or organ to assist the transplant surgeon;

– a network doctor is a highly qualified diagnostician who is proficient in information and communication technologies and is able to make diagnoses online;

– nanopharmacologist - a specialist who studies the mechanisms of action, biological effects and pharmacokinetics of nanomedicines, their therapeutic potential and possible risks to human health.

Following the results of the conference, on April 14, a solemn award ceremony was held for students of Moscow medical classes - winners and prize-winners:

10-11 grades - 27 winners, 55 runners-up, 82 participants.

8-9 grades - 18 winners, 34 runners-up, 52 participants.

Resource center "Medical Sechenovsky Pre-University" - 1 winner, 12 prize-winners.

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On April 13–14, 2017, the second open scientific and practical conference “Start into Medicine” will be held for students and teachers of educational organizations as part of the events of the city project “Medical class in a Moscow school”, the purpose of which is to discuss the results of pre-professional education in medicine and present students’ projects medical classes.

The conference is held on the basis of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov. More than 450 applications from 106 educational organizations in Moscow and other Russian cities were submitted to participate in the Conference.

Students of grades 8–11 and teachers of educational organizations will present the best design and research papers in the form of poster and oral presentations, they will demonstrate the results obtained in 18 sections.

The works presented at the Conference cover a wide range of topics, in particular the use of 3D technologies and innovative materials in medicine; are distinguished by their diversity, practical significance, and non-standard nature and consider the following topics: “Biological effects of ionizing radiation”, “Prediction of the secondary structure of WBSCR27 methyltransferase”, “Study of the properties of hair and the influence of various factors on their structure”, “How do metamaterials help to see single biomolecules?”, “Quantitative determination of glycine in various dosage forms”, “Bioprinting”, “Historical experience and prospects for the use of leaves of Laurus nobilis L. in medicine”, “Determination of the quantitative and qualitative composition of pigments in the yolks of chicken eggs from various manufacturers”, “Chemical analysis soils of the Lianozovo region", "Ferrates: obtaining in laboratory conditions and the possibility of using in the process of water purification", "Research of phyto chemical composition walnut. Possibility of its use in medicine”, “Use of X-ray fluorescence analysis to determine the elemental composition of apple fruits”, “Use of terahertz sensors to identify hidden antibiotics in honey”, “Study of the inheritance of coat color in Devon Rex cats”, “Creation of an identical implant head and upper part of the femur using CT, 3D technology.”

The works were evaluated by more than 60 experts - representatives of the teaching staff of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of Russia, heads and teachers of educational organizations included in the TOP-300.

The results of the Conference will be taken into account as the individual achievements of those entering the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov (according to the Rules for admission to the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of Russia, posted on the website: The University awards 5 additional points to the winners and prize-winners of the Conference among students in grades 10–11.

The Conference will include plenary and sectional sessions, a round table, a discussion platform, master classes, excursions to university museums, an exhibition of poster presentations (exhibition of design and research works).

Event start time: from 10:00 to 17:00.

Event location: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Event addresses: Moscow, st. Mokhovaya, 11, bldg. 10 (anatomical body); st. Mokhovaya, house 11, bldg. 4 (Research Institute of Normal Physiology).

237 best works schoolchildren and 13 teachers' works were determined by expert commissions, which included representatives of a variety of organizations who are not indifferent to the future of domestic medicine. Among them are teachers of the First Moscow Medical University, and methodologists of the City Methodological Center, and managers and teachers of educational organizations in Moscow.
The geography of the conference is extensive: more than 450 applications for participation in the conference were submitted by 104 schools in Moscow, the Moscow region (Lyubertsy), the Volga region (Volgodonsk) and the Urals (Novouralsk). In total there are about one and a half thousand participants!
The conference participants had a place to show themselves: in 14 thematic sections, design and research work in medical, biological-chemical, physical-biological and bioengineering areas were presented. And there was a reason: according to the rules of admission to the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, the results of the scientific and practical conference are taken into account as the individual achievements of those entering the university. The winners and prize-winners of the conference among schoolchildren in grades 10-11 are awarded 5 additional points! And this is a very serious bonus! But the main thing is the chance to try to make the world a better place as a result of your work.
Did you know that in Poland, a drug against influenza is produced based on grapefruit? A Moscow eleventh-grader presented his research on the pharmacological activity and chemical composition of grapefruit in the “Chemistry and Biochemistry” section. And he not only presented, but developed a comprehensive technology for its processing in order to create a new domestic, cheaper drug based on grapefruit pulp, and even created a model for processing the fruit with the production of extraction preparations based on it. Who knows, maybe we will be less afraid of the flu?
We all know what ascorbic acid is. But the ninth-graders from the boarding school for pupils of the Russian Defense Ministry were puzzled by the problem of obtaining it from unusual sources. For example, they ate from pine needles. In addition to its great environmental significance, the work is very relevant in light of increasing demand (and prices) for pharmaceutical products.
It is not surprising that both of these works were among the winners and prize-winners of the conference. In total, based on its results, 39 winners and 53 runners-up were identified among students. The jury also identified 3 winners and 2 runners-up among teachers who, in 4 teacher sections, generously shared their experience in preparing their students, methods of organizing and conducting classes, elective courses and workshops, as well as the development of volunteer programs within the framework of the “Medical Class in a Moscow School” project. The winner of the section “Innovative approaches to theoretical and practical exercises,” for example, developed step by step instructions on creating a template for a reporting presentation page with microphotographs, signatures, accompanying text and output. Such instructions will help in organizing practical activities in biology lessons using sophisticated modern technology. And the work “Organization of volunteer activities for medical class students as one of the areas of work of the school’s governing council” became the winner in the section “Volunteer programs within the framework of the project.” The work presented a model and technology for organizing volunteer activities among schoolchildren through the work of the school’s governing council.
It is obvious that all the works, both adults and children, were distinguished by their practical orientation. And not only with an eye to the future, but quite applicable right here and now. A prize-winning place in the “Biology and Genetics” section was taken by an eleventh-grader with a study devoted to the study of the inheritance of coat color in Devon Rex cats. The results were used to create a textbook for biology lessons on the topic “Genetics” for specialized medical classes.
The project “Development of a technique for restoring vision using computer fonts” won in the “Preventive Medicine and Hygiene” section. The product of this mature, proven work will probably help many people preserve their vision.
The winning entry in the Medicine section showed that collaboration high school from higher education can bring amazing results: students of the 11th grade of school No. 2005, together with the Department of Biomedical Systems of the National Research University MIET, investigated methods for joining dissected biological tissues and proposed a laser welding method, and also created a model of an apparatus for laser welding of biological tissues and proposed a biosolder formulation for basis carbon nanotubes. It sounds a little scientific, but this method can make life a lot easier for doctors and surgical patients. Equally, the project of an eleventh-grader from the Boarding School for students of the RF Ministry of Defense presented in the section “Pharmacy and Medicinal Plants” - a study of promising amaranth raw materials - can help. Thanks to the squalene included in its composition, preparations containing amaranth oil reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, protect the body from the effects of radiation exposure, and promote the resorption of malignant tumors.
A wide variety of works were presented in the “Zoology” section: keeping tarantulas, the importance of earthworms for soil fertility, the influence of various types of food on the growth and development of puppies, changes in the species composition of nesting birds due to changes in anthropogenic factors, the influence of environmental factors on the development of representatives order of lepidoptera (Lepidoptera)...
Internet addiction, cyberbullying, anxiety and academic performance in adolescents, differences in the perception of character traits by a person himself and his environment - these are just some of the topics discussed in the “Psychology and Sociology” section. In the prize-winning work on determining the strengths of nervous processes using a tapping test, connections between the strengths of nervous processes and the performance of students were identified, and a mode of operation was selected to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of learning. More than relevant research for high school students!
Student interest in the interdisciplinary section “Biophysics” has increased noticeably this year. Works were presented on the study of the biological effects of ionizing radiation, the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the growth and development of living organisms using the example of fly larvae, the comparison of multispiral and cone-beam computed tomography, the study of the influence of nutrients and electromagnetic radiation on the human body, the use of terahertz sensors for the purpose of identification hidden antibiotics in honey...
Each of these works (perhaps sometimes imperfect - after all, their authors are still studying, even in medical classes!), at least shows how interesting and multifaceted the world of science is, which today has penetrated into all aspects of our lives - from insoles to shoes (one of the projects was devoted to their 3D modeling, taking into account orthopedic features) to spacecraft.
“Medical class at a Moscow school” is a living, developing project. And the “Start into Medicine” conference is a unique opportunity for medical students and their teachers to show themselves, the city, and the country how quickly and efficiently this development is happening.

Svetlana MOROZOVA,
City Methodological Center

The most popular sections among children this year were:

1. Medicine (17 percent of all applied for jobs)
2. Preventive medicine and hygiene (about 15 percent)
3. Chemistry and biochemistry (about 12 percent)
4. Ecology and evolution (about 11 percent)
5. Pharmacy and medicinal plants (10 percent)

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