Sunny Governor of the Magadan Region Sergei Nosov. “The viewing party in the Kremlin was successful”

Editor of "KP" - Yekaterinburg Rinat Nizamov spent one working day with the candidate for mayor of Nizhny Tagil and - for now - the vice-governor Sverdlovsk region[photo gallery]

Photo: Alexey BULATOV

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So, is anyone here taking protocol?! - Nosov knocks on the table with his fist, not hiding his dissatisfaction with the organization of the first meeting on the agenda. - So, you - write down after me!

It seems that the vice-governor has been out of sorts since the morning, but those around him calm him down: it’s always like this - the boss simply doesn’t tolerate a mess...

For several months now, yesterday's capital resident Sergei Nosov has been living in Nizhny Tagil. He was sent here on behalf of Yevgeny Kuyvashev “to raise the second city in the region.” So he lifts it up. Almost with bare hands.


This working morning of the Vice-Governor begins in a sporty, cheerful manner. A short participation in a meeting of the political council of the Gornouralsk urban district, after 10 minutes - a visit to the unfinished ski jump complex on Mount Dolgaya. The Continental Ski Jumping Cup will be held here in March. Must pass. So far, even some of the project’s implementers are not sure of this. This infuriates Sergei Nosov, who arrived here with an inspection. He is sharp, straightforward, but still terribly charismatic.

If anyone here wants to disrupt the Cup, let them raise their hand! - he suggested at a meeting after inspecting the territory of the sports complex.

The audience, represented by sports officials, customers, designers and builders of ski jumps, lowered their eyes. Nosov continued, more calmly:

The government of the Sverdlovsk region allocated an additional 373 million rubles for the construction of this complex. None of you will receive a penny until I see that all your estimates are in order. Not a penny! Provide me with information about how the funds are spent within a week! It's clear? One week due! You can punch each other in the face, but in a week I’ll have it! And please don't joke.

Joking with the most likely new mayor of Nizhny Tagil (even today, two days before the elections, his ratings are off the charts) in this society is tantamount to suicide. The lieutenant governor slammed the table again - he, by the way, likes to “sum up” in this way - and went on. Sergei Nosov's schedule is scheduled, if not by the minute, but by the hour and until the evening. The next hour is devoted to the potential electorate - residents of the suburbs of Tagil.


He was going to Chernoistochinsk to tell the local residents the good news: the development of the diorite deposit in the Visimsky Nature Reserve, which the Chernoistochinsk residents so protested against, has been stopped! The people gathered in the village administration were, of course, happy about this. People fought for a long time for Yuriev's stone, and they were finally heard. But at the same time, the residents of the village realized that an official of such rank could not be allowed out of the hall. Not under any pretext. For the residents of the village this is unforgivable. Otherwise, local officials will continue to not care about their troubles...

The villagers burst through.

Sergei Konstantinovich, the water in our pond is not considered potable, and out of seven pumps for the entire village, only two are working. We have been sitting without water for so many months! We can't find the owner of these speakers! We write, we write... No one answers!

Regular buses pass by Chernoistochinsk because there is no road. And you can’t even get to the cemetery...

There is no gas in the village, and officials do not want to take on this!

Our only hospital was left without heating, the firebox was turned off, the pipes were cut off, people were fired... How are we going to survive the winter?

We are boiler room workers. We have a debt wages since May, Sergei Konstantinovich...

It seemed that the entire village howled in pain. No one needs him that much.

Salaries have not been paid since May - this is the prosecutor’s office, not Sergei Konstantinovich... - the vice-governor was frankly confused. - How many people are sitting without money?

About two hundred people.

Nosov whistled.

In general, call here tomorrow the prosecutor, housing and communal services, and employers - everyone. Let them explain themselves to the people. Who will be responsible for the fact that people are sitting without money?! We will resolve this issue. As for your journey. This is where your road paver lives. Make them make the road! Without any government order! Do you have any equipment in your village? Well, at least a cart? Dump him a mountain of gravel in front of the cottage - let him make the road. Clean up the mess immediately!

The honest officials nodded in unison. At this Nosov stood up:

We need to go...

Last question! - a local resident pleaded. - You see, what a thing... We don’t have a landfill, but a nightmare! Everything there is managed by a visitor from Tagil. The money is terrible. Where do you want the garbage to be taken out?

Break the contract with him, since he is so smart! - Nosov became completely angry with the local officials. - Drive with a stick! If your stick is not enough, I will get my club.

The vice-governor receives friendly popular applause.


Nosov travels between Tagil villages in a jeep, without flashing lights or escort. The roads here are even better than in Tagil itself. There we drove along Nosov Street (it was named even before Sergei Konstantinovich arrived here - in honor of the first chairman of the Nizhny Tagil City Council

Vasily Nosov). Because of the potholes, it didn't look much like a road. It feels like you can only drive a tank along it...

We arrive in the village of Uralets. To the local hospital. To the unfortunate local hospital... The doctors working here are heroic. Firstly, there are no working conditions - the hospital is falling apart before our eyes, the equipment is broken. Secondly, they pay little. Thirdly, it is unsafe!

Recently a bully came and beat up a nurse! - the doctor tells Nosov with eyes wet from tears. As if he is not complaining to an official, but to the Commissioner for Human Rights, a savior. - Yes, he just took it and beat him. And the nearest police officer is in Tagil, forty kilometers away. Our local police officer is there.

Do you want to say that there is not a single police station in the entire village? - Sergei Nosov frowns.

No! - the thin nurses shrug their shoulders. - We used to be here, but they were cut down. In general, while we were waiting, the bully ran away. And the local police officer arrived only an hour later. Imagine, you can die!

Before the important guest had time to answer anything, the doctors began to cry vying with each other:

We have a lot of free positions: we need both a pediatrician and a therapist... But they don’t want to come here from the city, because there is nowhere to live. No new housing is being built.

And what exists is emergency. Life is scary...

We have houses - no water, no bath!

These houses need to be demolished! - Mr. Nosov remarked menacingly.

When will you build new ones? Where do you want us to wash now?!

In the bath! - he suggested.

But there is no bathhouse!

How come there is no bathhouse? Even public? How many people suffer like this?

About three hundred people...

Hmmm, thought the vice-governor. - We will still demolish dilapidated housing at an accelerated pace and build a new one in a new place! But that will only happen next year. We just physically won't make it in time. And we will build you a bathhouse. Big, good.

From the old hospital, Nosov went to a meeting with a businessman, the owner of a local mechanical plant. First of all, I asked him to rebuild a bathhouse for the residents of the Urals. Big, good. He didn’t shrug it off and promised: “We’ll do it!”


The day ends in the village of Ust-Utka. I am talking with Sergei Nosov on a bench. During the day of communicating with people, he became seriously hoarse. Also, local geese, as owners, shout down the vice-governor.

Was the trip interesting? - Nosov asks me first.

Very! Do you have these every day?

Lately every day.

A logical question will arise from our readers from other cities and villages: “Why not come to us?” You are not running as a candidate for mayor of Nizhny Tagil, but as the vice-governor of the entire Sverdlovsk region.

It's not about the village. The most unique thing is that we are located in the city of Nizhny Tagil. And this is not a village - these are houses, housing of the Nizhny Tagil municipality. There was a specific order from the governor, and I now understand that it was not without reason. Nizhny Tagil today has a territory larger than Moscow. But in Moscow there are no such unique things: from Agriculture, geese, that means, to heavy industry, such leaders of Russian mechanical engineering as Uralvagonzavod, and such leaders of metallurgy as NTMK, and so on, so on, so on. There is no such contrast anywhere on such a vast territory. Tagil is unique. And the governor gave instructions specifically regarding Tagil in the first place. On assignment, I must reach everyone and take it seriously.

Today you yourself said that your task is to have these minor problems solved without you. But please tell me why they can’t install a water pump in the city without your help? Without your help, two hundred people cannot receive a salary. The road cannot be repaired. You yourself said that it would look like foppery: they say, you came and decided everything with one click. But so far from the outside it looks like this...

This is what it looks like. But if they contact me today, I need to help today. Help consists of only one thing - a good kick in the ass to those who were supposed to do this. This alone is not enough for some officials. But when I say that this should be decided without me, I mean that there should be a system of responsibility for the entire vertical of municipal government, there should be control over the actions of officials, over how they carry out their basic duties. Daily fulfillment of these responsibilities consists of specific small examples - to solve the problem.

So you want to say that they can’t put up a column without the vice-governor?

No, that's not what I want to say. I want to say that the system of work should be such that the official who is responsible for the district or region must have feedback. It must be addressed and it must respond. Often these questions are not a miracle, you need to call and say: “Do it!” But there are no decisions, no control influence from those who should do it, to the performers. And my task is to configure the operation of this system.

Sergei Konstantinovich, I won’t open America to you, do you agree that we saw a depressing situation today?

Yes… ( sad).

And this is the situation in all small towns and villages of the Sverdlovsk region. Some are even sadder. Will you go to each one and solve problems with gas, roads, hospitals and why officials don’t answer people’s letters?

Officials are always complaining that there is no money, this is not there, that is not there. Here you simply need to worry not only about yourself, but also about people, because this is part of your job responsibilities. It's no secret that I am a candidate for mayor of Nizhny Tagil. I also see my task as using the example of Nizhny Tagil to show that the work of the administrative apparatus can be effective. And you don’t need to blame everything on money, you need to start with organization.

So you want to say that there is no such system in the Sverdlovsk region yet? Are officials not working at all places?

I won’t tell you for the Sverdlovsk region, I can tell you what I see in Nizhny Tagil. There is a principle that I learned from industry: you need to take and stretch one section, and others will follow it. Here you saw huge territories, but this is, in principle, one area. If you pull it out, the rest will follow, including other districts of the Sverdlovsk region. This task is set by the governor.

The people we saw today will, of course, thank you. For the bathhouse, for the hospital, for the roads. But all these are just pre-election methods...

You heard: people need help today! What does this have to do with elections? What they started telling me at the hospital… if you can decide today, why put it off until tomorrow? Today you can simply call to solve some specific issues. But I clearly understand that this should become a habit, like brushing your teeth: find out in the morning what’s going on and make timely decisions, send the same master, for example, who is on vacation. Was it impossible to do this before? When proper organization of work becomes a habit, then you can go on vacation, hunt, or somewhere else.


Today we were driving along Nosov Street in Nizhny Tagil...

Not in my honor.

Yes, I know. You may not have noticed in the jeep, but we noticed in our car that this was not a road, but a series of potholes.

You have not yet driven along all the roads of Nizhny Tagil. This is excellent asphalt compared to some streets in Nizhny Tagil. Everything is relative.

Let's imagine for a moment that you are the mayor of Nizhny Tagil...

I can't even imagine it.

Do you have an idea how to improve the situation on the roads?

Eat. Firstly, I have an engineer's education. And engineers are taught to follow technology - that's it. The second is completely non-engineering: don’t steal!

We speak with some populist slogans. There is a specific technology for creating road surfaces...

There is, it is prescribed, but it is not followed. If you don’t follow technology in metallurgy, you will get a defect. You get the result in an hour and the effect in an hour and a half. And here... either you poured sand instead of gravel, or something else. It will be clear in a year and a half, but the company has already collapsed.

I can see straight away, Sergei Konstantinovich: a year passes, you are in the chair of the mayor of Nizhny Tagil, the roads in the city are ideal...

Is it possible. There are many masters in Tagil - golden hands. Now, if someone plans or forges a magic wand for me, I’ll definitely have it in a year. good roads, even earlier.

Today, even in Nizhny Tagil there is a catastrophic shortage of housing, and you have already promised to build it in the villages.

I did not promise to build, I said that emergency housing should be demolished according to the program. In order for it to be included in the program, it must at least be registered. It's not registered anywhere. That's the problem. But the fact that these people have the right to demand and be included in the program is certain. We need to start with basic things. These people live here, these houses exist. Here they are, the shacks. We need to dance from the stove.

Can you and I agree to meet, relatively speaking, in a year? You, as the mayor of Nizhny Tagil, will travel with us through these beautiful places...

You are thinking wrongly; the mayor comes for five years. In a year we will change everything here. There will only be one condition, you know, like in Harry Potter, where they have different wands. When you decide what kind of wood to cut the wand from, God grant that it becomes magical.

There are things that can be resolved - you promised to repair a monument in the village, a sports ground...

85 thousand to veterans... Call the administration on payday, say: “Well, they didn’t finish the inspection, there wasn’t enough money, let’s donate for the monument, we’ll chip in!” These people didn’t finish it somewhere, didn’t care and sent it around in a long circle. You can decide. And, maybe, if this happens, let’s say, you’ll see that other issues will begin to be resolved not at the expense of the call of the heart and at the request of the vice-governor, but through the competent organization of the work of the apparatus.

When you were appointed vice-governor of the Sverdlovsk region, you said that you were transporting your family from Moscow...

I was talking about my wife.

Have you moved?

Not yet. She'll come wherever she goes. He won’t leave me alone among the women of Nizhny Tagil.

So how about meeting in a year?



In 1983 he graduated from the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute. G.I. Nosova.

In 1995 he graduated from the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Since 1997 - Candidate of Technical Sciences, since 2003 - Doctor of Technical Sciences. After graduating from the institute, he worked at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK): steelmaker, furnace production foreman, deputy shop manager, and from 1989 - head of the oxygen converter shop at MMK. Since 1994 - head of department, then - deputy general director of MMK for production and investment. He was a member of the board of directors of MMK. From 1999 to 2005 he was the General Director of the Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant. Since 2006 - CEO CJSC "Russpetsstal" Since 2012 - Vice-Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region.

On May 28, Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed acting. Governor of the Magadan Region Sergei Nosov, who in recent years held the position of mayor of Nizhny Tagil. Who is he, what was his life path?

Representative of a dynasty of metallurgists

Sergey Nosov and Vladimir Putin, NTMK 2002 / Photo:

Sergei Nosov was born in Magnitogorsk (Chelyabinsk region), his grandfather Grigory Ivanovich was the director of the legendary Magnitogorsk during the Great Patriotic War.

Father of Sergei Nosov, Konstantin Grigorievich, continued the path of metallurgists - he headed a number of large factories in Ukraine (Dneprovsky, Krivoy Rog, and was deputy director of the Makeyevsky plant).

In the 90s, Konstantin Grigorievich participated in the creation of “ Evrazholding”, inheriting part of the company’s shares to his son.

Sergei Nosov himself worked for some time as deputy director of Magnitogorsk, but as they say, it didn’t work out Viktor Rashnikov, the owner of the enterprise and was forced to leave.

The famous top manager was invited in 1999 by the governor of the Sverdlovsk region Eduard Rossel.

At first, Nosov became deputy director of the Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant, then its general director. This was his “native” field of activity, and besides, NTMK by that time was already part of Evrazholding (which, as mentioned above, was created by Nosov’s father).

Nosov vs. Rossel. Governor's ambitions.

Sergey Nosov and Eduard Rossel / Photo: All News

Over the course of several years, Nosov literally “raised” the metallurgical plant “from its knees,” provided social packages to employees, and helped in the construction of housing. The factory workers simply adored him. And, since NTMK was the city-forming enterprise of Nizhny Tagil (the second Sverdlovsk city), all the townspeople saw the results of the new director’s activities.

At that time, Nosov was just over 40 years old and his ambitions clearly extended further than just the director’s chair at NTMK. At that time, in the extremely politicized Sverdlovsk region, opposition protests had already begun against the current head of the region, the charismatic and experienced Eduard Rossel. The gubernatorial elections were supposed to take place in 2003.

The leadership of the Sverdlovsk branch of the United Russia party noticed a young industrialist who had the support of the population of the city of 400,000. On the sidelines he was made an offer that he could not refuse - to go against the current governor in the elections

For this purpose, Nosov was instructed in 2002 to head the United Russia party list in the elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region.

Voters liked Nosov - young, representative of the real sector. Became the peak the arrival of President Vladimir Putin at the Nizhny Tagil plant, where he personally shook hands with the young director.

The then-young United Russia party got a good result in the elections to the ZSSO. However, Rossel did not forgive his former protégé for such an act - he publicly called him a traitor and, ultimately, did everything to ensure that Nosov’s career ended there.

In general, this is what happened. United Russia suddenly changed its mind about nominating Nosov for governor and supported Rossel. Nosov himself could not do anything. Then he did not have the slightest experience of political activity and he made many mistakes.

“So that he does not exist on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region!”


But the story didn't end there. Rossel, as an experienced politician, understood that it was impossible to leave a potential competitor on his territory, and got the owners of Evrazholding to transfer Nosov to Moscow. He was removed from his post as director of NTMK and appointed to a formal position in the capital office.

He did not last long in this position and was forced to leave Evraz, and even, as they say, sell shares of the enterprise.

The next place of work for Sergei Nosov was the newly created holding company " Russian Technologies» ( now - Rostec).

Here he headed the metallurgical division of the holding - “ Russpetsstal", which included four enterprises from different regions, mainly in the Volgograd region. However, the idea with Ruspetsstal turned out to be not very productive and the project was curtailed. Not through Nosov’s fault, however. Rumor has it that he was heavily scammed for money back then.

Sergei Nosov and the widow of the first president of Russia Naina Yeltsin / Photo:

Nosov was helped by good connections in the family of the first president of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin.

Speaking of France, according to one version, Sergei Nosov was almost the initiator of the deal to purchase Mistrals for the Russian Navy (French universal helicopter carrier ships), and at that time he was still working at Russpetsstal. Insiders say that he already had some useful connections in France.

As we remember, the deal failed in 2014, after the crisis in Ukraine and subsequent anti-Russian sanctions.

People's Mayor


However, in 2012, Nosov’s political career unexpectedly continued. He was invited to the post of mayor of Nizhny Tagil, a city that remembered him very well. Despite the long absence.

Was already the head of the region Evgeniy Kuyvashev, a representative of the “Tyumen team”, a rather weak politician, in contrast to Nosov, who has become quite experienced after all the failures.

Sergei Nosov won the mayoral election with a “Chechen result” - more than 92%. Residents of the city greeted the former director with delight.

For four years in this post, Nosov achieved a lot - the city really transformed.

Governor of the Sverdlovsk region. Take 2.

Vladimir Putin’s visit to Nizhny Tagil, 2016 / Photo:

The support of the population gave Sergei Nosov a head start - he was not afraid to openly object to the governor and defend the interests of the city. Which, naturally, caused discontent in Kuyvashev’s team. Nosov began to regularly come under attack from regional media.

On the other hand, certain forces again saw in Nosov a potential candidate for governor. He himself did not openly show ambition, but it was clear that Nosov had long since “outgrown” the position of mayor.

In 2017, elections for the governor of the Sverdlovsk region were supposed to take place. In the Kremlin, Nosov was considered one of the contenders.

The next visit to Nizhny Tagil by President Putin was significant for Nosov. Then Nosov personally communicated with the president and, again, his connections helped him with this...

However, Nosov never managed to run for office - the behind-the-scenes struggle continued for six months, and in the end the Kremlin relied on the current governor... just like back in 2002, luck passed him by again. Under similar circumstances.

After this, Nosov again won the election for mayor of Nizhny Tagil, but in personal communications he said that this would not last long. He was preparing for new assignments - in spite of his ill-wishers.

Sergei Nosov: “I will take any position that the President offers me. I am a member of his team"

Working meeting with Sergei Nosov. The President signed a Decree appointing S. Nosov as acting governor of the Magadan Region / Photo: Kremlin Press Service

Sergei Konstantinovich always stood out among other systemic politicians and not only because of his heroic growth. His approaches have always been purely individual. Nosov, in principle, was never a politician, remaining a good business executive. Political intrigue is not his strong point.

Perhaps that is why he had to wait so long for appointment to a post corresponding to his competence. Therefore, perhaps, he did not receive an assignment to the “comfortable” regions where he was predicted - to the Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk or Kemerovo regions.

Nosov does not directly belong to any financial industrial group, which is why he was given one of the most difficult regions - the Magadan region, where serious work is required. And he, of course, knows how to do this. In short, Magadan is lucky: Sergei Nosov will be a good “acquisition” for the region.

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Kudrin called for freedom for the regions. While the treasury is “swelling” with money, they are sitting on meager state rations

29.05.2018 18:00

Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Tagil mayor Sergei Nosov acting governor of the Magadan region. The duties of the head of the city will be performed by the vice mayor, who is considered Nosov’s successor and because of this has a high chance of receiving the support of Tagil residents. However, the former minister of industry of the region may not become mayor if the regional authorities and financial industrial groups rely on another candidate or the elections for the head of the city are canceled altogether.

The fact that Sergei Konstantinovich will leave almost immediately after the presidential elections has been talked about for the last year. It is generally accepted that for all five and a half years Nosov worked for the benefit of Nizhny Tagil with only one goal - to fulfill his dream of becoming a governor. He never took the post of governor of the rich Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Kemerovo regions, but he definitely took a step into the major political league. Whether he will be able to “work a miracle” in Kolyma, whose budget is only twice that of Tagil, and whose population is 2.5 times smaller, is unknown. Only one thing can be said for sure: Nosov will try, tear and throw, in order to perhaps someday return as governor to the Middle Urals or to his native Chelyabinsk.

In the Urals, legends are formed about Nosov, he is adored and hated, some prayed for him, others prayed that he would leave Nizhny Tagil as soon as possible. The news agency “Between the Lines” recalls what the most charismatic mayor of Nizhny Tagil was like in the history of the city.

Impulsive factory director

“Metallurgy is not a balalaika!” - NTMK director Sergei Nosov shouted this phrase at a meeting of the Union of Metallurgists in 2003 to Sverdlovsk Governor Eduard Rossel in response to “a traitor to the interests of the Sverdlovsk region.” 15 years have passed since then, Rossel has long been an honorary senator, Nosov has already managed to leave the region, work for Chemezov, return and leave again, and the phrase about the balalaika is still included in the ratings of memorable quotes. At the same time, the ex-mayor of Tagil replenished the fund of quotes said in the heat of passion every year and will definitely continue to do this in Magadan.

S. Nosov and Sverdlovsk Governor E. Kuyvashev

It is believed that Sergei Nosov’s character was the main obstacle that hindered his career prospects. Even when he was working at NTMK, a hot-tempered boss could throw a chair at his subordinates; there is no need to talk about the use of profanity in business negotiations. Of course, when Sergei Nosov became a politician, his character began to interfere with him. Rumors about consultations in the Administration regarding the promotion of the Tagil mayor appeared regularly, but always ended with something like the following message from sources: “The decision was blocked by local financial and industrial groups, too unpredictable.” Nosov’s character became a problem for him from the point of view of forming a team. If in business the obstinate director was tolerated, then in the mayor's office many were shocked by the politically incorrect behavior of the boss. Nosov can insult or fire a person in front of everyone at a morning meeting, and the very next day pretend as if nothing happened. It is not surprising that because of such a boss, many of his subordinates held on to their jobs just to wait for retirement or to find a quieter job.

There is an opinion that recently Nosov began to be seriously considered as a candidate for governor precisely because he became wiser, entered into conflicts less often and increasingly turned from an impulsive director into a pragmatic politician. The merits of the hardworking mayor and his connections allowed Nosov to wipe the nose of those who said that he would never become governor. Yes, he was entrusted with the small and poor Magadan region, but now he is in full view of the president and will be able to earn a promotion without intermediaries (as far as possible in modern Russia), finally turning from an impulsive plant director into a respectable governor.

"Nosov-the best mayor"

If Nosov’s subordinates fear and sometimes hate him, then ordinary townspeople adore him. After rumors appeared on the morning of May 28 about the early resignation of Sergei Nosov, the hashtag #nosovneugodi was launched on Tagil social networks. It’s a rare official who can boast of people’s kind words addressed to him, and Nosov’s departure is ready to be mourned by thousands of residents of Nizhny Tagil, who gave him 92.35% and 90.72% of the votes in 2012 and 2017, respectively. They regularly declare their love for Nosov, he is called the best mayor not only in the history of the city, but also the best mayor of Russia.

The adoration of Nosov by Tagil residents is largely due to the long period of stagnation that existed in Nizhny Tagil before him. Townspeople sadly remember ex-mayor Valentina Isaeva, who went against the official United Russia candidate and was left with a poor budget after her victory. In comparison, Sergei Nosov immediately received billions for development. There were rumors in the local political community that, having allocated gigantic sums to Tagil in the middle of summer, the “region” immediately wanted to put in place a mayor with gubernatorial ambitions, to show that he would not master them. Nosov urgently prepared projects, held competitions, dug up the entire city, but by the fall he put into operation dozens of new roads, Theater Square and other objects. Of course, quite a large part of the hastily laid asphalt “melted” in the spring along with the snow, and in Theater Square two years later the granite tiles began to fall off.

But Nosov also took into account the mistakes of his first year. After this, Sergei Konstantinovich began preparing project documentation and conducting government procurement in advance, so that if funding was confirmed, he could immediately begin his favorite business - construction. Nosov was criticized by many for spending too much time on construction sites without paying attention to other areas of city life. At the same time, the contractors understood: going to Nizhny Tagil to “master” millions of rubles carelessly would not work; their every step would be controlled by Doctor of Technical Sciences Nosov, who simply could not be fooled.

It would be interesting to see how Sergei Nosov, with his desire to control everything and everyone, would cope with a large region, and it would be all the better for him that he would start with the small Magadan region. Sergei Nosov called Nizhny Tagil “a city in working overalls,” winning the love of the townspeople as “the mayor in working overalls.” For residents of a depressed region, it will be too much at first, but you can be sure that by the September elections Nosov will have done something so that local residents will call him “the best governor”, ​​and maybe even confess to the “governor in work overalls” love.

Friend of the oligarchs and the ex-president of France

Sergei Nosov was not an ordinary Russian mayor. He stood at the origins of United Russia, and recently was the only (not counting Sobyanin) mayor in the Supreme Council of the party. Nosov led the two largest metallurgical plants in the Urals, he communicated on equal terms with dollar billionaires and heads of state corporations. No one knows the size of his fortune, and it is quite possible that it is small compared to the billions of the Russian elite, but nevertheless enough to keep him from working for the rest of his life.

S. Nosov and the owner of the Renova Group of Companies V. Vekselberg (right) at the opening of the Yeltsin Center

In recent years, Nosov has often been called a creature of EVRAZ because of his work at the Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant, although this is not true. He returned to Nizhny Tagil in 2012 at the invitation of the general director of another city-forming enterprise, Uralvagonzavod. At the same time, unlike Oleg Sienko, who was considered more influential, who recently became GR director of the Russian Copper Company, Nosov did not ultimately go down and waited governor's chair, albeit in Magadan.

S. Nosov and owner of TMK and the Sinara group D. Pumpyansky

We may learn from his memoirs who played a decisive role in the appointment of Sergei Nosov to the Magadan region. It is generally accepted that Nosov’s main patron is the head of the Rostec state corporation, Sergei Chemezov. After leaving NTMK, the Magnitogorsk resident worked as his adviser at Rosoboronexport (joined Rostekhnologii in 2007), and then headed Russpetsstal OJSC, created for the needs of the defense industry, which, however, did not last long and became bankrupt. Having become the mayor of Nizhny Tagil, Sergei Nosov remembered Rostec, concluding a concession for waste processing with it, which at the beginning of 2018 had to be terminated by the court. Another contract with a subsidiary of Rostec (Shvabe holding) to modernize the city lighting system for 9 billion rubles will be valid for another 24 years. For Nizhny Tagil, annual payments of 400 million rubles are significant, but Nosov entered into a long-term agreement, despite criticism and the lack of confirmation of funding.

S. Nosov, head of Rostec S. Chemezov, ex-general director of Shvabe S. Maksin

A joint mention of Rostec and Nosov also appeared in the French press regarding the “Sarkozy case.” Nosov’s daughter is married to the son of Alexander Dzhukhri, one of the main defendants in the case of financing the campaign of the ex-President of France by Libyans. In Dzhukhri’s house, the police found an agreement of intent between the Tagil mayor’s office and ex-Minister of the French Ministry of Internal Affairs Claude Gehan, as well as a letter from Gehan to the former boss of the mayor of Tagil, Sergei Chemezov, about awarding him the Order of the Legion of Honor. Against the backdrop of the published conversation between Dzhukhri and Sarkozy about a meeting with Putin, negotiations between the French and Chemezov about the Mistrals, the relationship between Dzhukhri and Nosov, the latter, in the minds of conspiracy theorists, turned from the mayor of a small Ural town into the “eminence grise” of international politics. It is known, however, that Sergei Nosov himself has repeatedly spoken about friendly relations with Nicolas Sarkozy.

Whether Sergei Chemezov was a lobbyist for Nosov’s appointment to Magadan is also unknown. In recent years, many high-ranking officials have been involved in the career of the mayor of Nizhny Tagil. Nosov himself spoke more than once about good relations with former first Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, Speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, with ex-Secretary of the General Council of United Russia Sergei Neverov. Both the Ural embassy and the leadership of the Sverdlovsk region lobbied for Nosov’s promotion. At the same time, the mayor of Nizhny Tagil fits well with the request of the new leadership of the UVP AP for technocrats.

S. Nosov and presidential press secretary D. Peskov

Claims and negativity

If ordinary townspeople fell in love with Sergei Nosov for the new roads, squares and parks, the renovated drama theater, the circus, the built kindergartens, the embankment and the Presidential sports complex, then representatives of the former city establishment immediately disliked him. Nosov did not begin to establish relations with the clan of the family of ex-mayor Nikolai Didenko and the businessmen who appeared during the tenure of Valentina Isaeva, but began to attract out-of-town entrepreneurs. The largest plots for housing construction on the GGM went to the Chelyabinsk Magnitostroy and the Azerbaijani AS Group Investment. UVZ began to develop non-core business through its subsidiaries. Instead of supporting local manufacturers and chains, Nosov brought Lenta and Metro C&C hypermarkets to the city, which even City Duma deputy and owner of Tagilkhleb Stanislav Boyko, who is on friendly terms with Nosov, complained about. Almost all small and medium-sized businesses complained that the mayor had become an unattainable figure, it was impossible to get an appointment with him and discuss their small problems, and Nosov was only interested in billion-dollar projects and construction projects.

Urban planning policy new administration, on the one hand, rid the city of kiosks, markets, abandoned construction sites, spontaneous parking lots and other archaics of the 1990-2000s. On the other hand, hundreds of entrepreneurs who previously provided the demand for residents of a poor city lost their business and jobs. Both semi-criminal business and successful entrepreneurs who, after Nosov’s arrival, closed their businesses and left the city were put under the same brush.

In 2016, the Academy of Sciences “Between the Lines” about the Moscow company Metko Industries Rus, which Nosov got rid of before the 2012 elections. However, by mid-2015, the company with an authorized capital of 11 thousand rubles received shares in the largest development projects, mining industry and road construction in Nizhny Tagil with a total turnover of several billion rubles. Sergei Nosov never commented on whether he is a beneficiary of this company.

The main complaint of Sergei Nosov's political opponents was his budget policy. Under him, the debt of Nizhny Tagil increased several times, reaching its maximum levels. Contractors who performed city contracts were often forced to seek payment through the courts, and the mayor's office, in turn, filed often frivolous counterclaims over the quality of the work. Nosov convinced critics that it was better to do it now, and then pay for it for several years. His opponents believed that the mayor, by transforming the city on credit, thus earned the love of the townspeople and political capital, and his successors would have to tighten their belts for several years to pay for his projects. Nosov sometimes managed to avoid default on treasury obligations by miracle. He sold off city property, including that which had been lying in Tagilbank since the 90s, washed up during the cleaning of the Tagil River and left to the city for environmental rehabilitation. Nosov tried to sell the city's electrical grid, met resistance from the current tenant, but then agreed with him to extend the lease for 50 years, receiving a saving billion to close holes in the budget.

In the coming year, Sergei Nosov has planned a number of expensive projects in Nizhny Tagil, which may now not take place. If concession agreement to save the city water supply system was supported by President Vladimir Putin and the governor’s administration, so it must be concluded after the completion of competitive procedures, then the bridge across the Nizhny Tagil pond, which Tagil residents have been talking about for almost half a century, now again may never be built. And, most likely, even the most ardent critics of Sergei Nosov regret this.

“Tagil worker”, “Pravda UrFO”,,

EKATERINBURG, May 28 - RIA Novosti, Olga Erachina. A native of Magnitogorsk, Sergei Nosov, who has led the administration of Nizhny Tagil for the last six years, has been appointed acting governor of the Magadan region.

Russian President Vladimir Putin accepted his resignation on Monday. at will Governor of the Magadan Region Vladimir Pecheny, after which he held a working meeting with Nosov and informed him of the decision.

I didn’t go to Kuzbass

Nosov's career developed rapidly. Recently, the politician has reached the federal level. He was predicted to be a State Duma deputy, and a governor of the Sverdlovsk region, and even to the post of governor of the Kemerovo region instead of Aman Tuleyev. Political scientists talked about the ambitions of Nosov, who allegedly wanted to grow further and become governor or the State Duma. However, unexpectedly for everyone, the rumors about Nosov’s change of job were not confirmed, and he began to run for mayor of Nizhny Tagil from the United Russia party for a second term.

Nosov's competitors in the elections were the director of NTI UrFU, candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Vladislav Potanin; Commercial Director Aktiv LLC, LDPR candidate Ildar Rainbakov; the head of the "Tagil without pits" movement, candidate from the Patriots of Russia party Nikita Chapurin and businessman Evgeny Rokhlin from the Growth Party.

However, hardly any of them could pose a real competition to the popular and charismatic Nosov, who is no longer known only in Tagil and the Sverdlovsk region, but also in Moscow and throughout Russia.

From industrialist to politician

Nosov is a native of the Urals. Born in the city of Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region, he began his career in the industrial sector. The mayor of Nizhny Tagil is a representative of the Nosov metallurgical dynasty. The politician's grandfather and father headed a number of large metallurgical enterprises. Today Magnitogorsk State Technical University bears the name of Sergei Nosov's grandfather - Grigory Nosov, who was called the "steel king of Russia".

Sergey Nosov followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfather: he graduated from the Mining and Metallurgical Institute and came to work at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK), where in 10-15 years he worked his way up from an assistant steelmaker to deputy general director. However, in 1998, Nosov had a conflict with the head of the enterprise. As a result, Nosov moved to Nizhny Tagil, where he became deputy general director and then head of the Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant (NTMK).

When Nosov came to NTMK, it was not the easiest time for the company. The factory did not pay wages for months. The company was on the verge of bankruptcy. Nosov managed to solve these problems and bring NTMK to a new level, which provided him with strong support from the factory workers. People who worked with him at that time characterize him as a tough, wise, economic leader.

Nosov’s track record also includes work as vice president of Evraz holding, president of RusSpetsStal CJSC and advisor to the state corporation Russian Technologies.

In the 2000s, Nosov began his political career. He is one of the founders of the Sverdlovsk branch of the United Russia party. He was twice elected as a deputy of the House of Representatives of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region.

As mayor

In the 2000s, Nosov’s popularity in the Sverdlovsk region was gaining momentum. The media is increasingly calling him a possible contender for the post of governor of the region. In 2012, Nosov won a brilliant victory in the elections for the head of Nizhny Tagil, gaining 92% of the votes.

“I am confident that Sergei Konstantinovich Nosov - a hereditary metallurgist, a man with a strong Ural character, a true leader - will be able to provide for Tagil and Tagil residents the standard of living, comfort, convenience, prosperity that the largest industrial city of the Urals and the people who provide the country’s wealth with their labor, certainly worthy,” said the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Evgeny Kuyvashev, about him after his election to the post of mayor.

Under Nosov, the city was transformed: a new embankment and a fountain were built, the Drama Theater was restored, and roads were repaired. At the same time, the mayor was criticized for failing to preserve the Russian Arms Expo (RAE) exhibition in Tagil, which was the face of the city and the entire Sverdlovsk region. Since 2017, by decision of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the exhibition has been moved from Nizhny Tagil to the Patriot Park near Moscow.

In the fall of 2017, Nosov took the post of mayor of Nizhny Tagil for the second time, with 90.72% of voters voting for him.

Nosov is considered a politician from the team of the current Sverdlovsk governor Kuyvasheva.

Now the acting governor of the Magadan region is 57 years old, he is married and has three daughters. He already has grandchildren. In his free time, the politician is not averse to going hunting or fishing. In one of his interviews, Nosov admitted that he somehow managed to catch salmon weighing 11.5 kilograms and hunt a bear.

The acting governor always looks fit and athletic. He respects sports: he regularly plays tennis, and in his youth he was interested in boxing and athletics.

Among the regions where the governor's early resignation may occur in the spring, after the presidential elections in the Russian Federation, is the Chelyabinsk region. According to information from several sources at, the presidential administration, which has been looking for a replacement for the current governor of the Southern Urals Boris Dubrovsky for the last couple of years, is close to choosing a candidate for his post. This is Sergei Nosov, the mayor of Nizhny Tagil, one of the most charismatic and ambitious politicians in the Urals.

A replacement for the current head of the Southern Urals, Boris Dubrovsky, whose powers expire in the fall of 2019, has been sought for a long time: information that the Kremlin is considering one or another candidate for the post of Chelyabinsk governor has appeared in the public from time to time for the last two years. Among the candidates who were considered for the post of head of the region, at different times were named Senator Irina Gekht, State Duma deputies Vladimir Burmatov and Vladimir Gutenev (ONF activist, ex-adviser to the general director of the Rostec state corporation), vice-governors of the Chelyabinsk region Evgeny Redin and Ruslan Gattarov.

“Interviews in the administration of the President of the Russian Federation take place constantly. We considered different options,” says one of the sources close to the AP. The Kremlin was not satisfied with any of the above politicians.

Today, the Kremlin calls the mayor of Nizhny Tagil Sergei Nosov the most promising candidate for the post of governor of the Chelyabinsk region. “The show was successful,” said one of the political strategists working with the presidential administration.

“Nosov was interviewed by the AP’s internal policy department and met with the first deputy head of the presidential administration, Sergei Kiriyenko,” says another source. And he even names the time frame for when Dubrovsky could be replaced by Nosov - immediately after the presidential elections in the Russian Federation.

Why are they unhappy with Dubrovsky?

The list of claims that have accumulated against the current governor of the Chelyabinsk region, Boris Dubrovsky, has long been known: conflicts with federal authorities (for example, the Central Election Commission and the Ministry of Natural Resources) and the elites of the region; growth of protest activity in Chelyabinsk; ecological problems; lack of a unique positioning of oneself in office (Dubrovsky has long been called a governor-functionary) and so on.

“It’s no secret that Dubrovsky has had certain difficulties over the last year and a half. He initially relied on the metallurgical industry and the Magnitogorsk team, which never became his own for Chelyabinsk. In search of a compromise with the Chelyabinsk elites, he chose the tactics of forceful suppression, which also did not play into his hands. Plus miscalculations in PR, environmental problems that are not being solved. As a result, Boris Dubrovsky found himself in the red zone in the rating of the stability of governors,” notes political scientist Evgeniy Minchenko.

Political strategist Abbas Gallyamov also notes that Boris Dubrovsky’s position today is not very strong. At the same time, he allows for several options for the development of events in the Chelyabinsk region.

“It is generally accepted in the Kremlin that Dubrovsky is a good factory manager, but not a very effective political one,” notes Abbas Gallyamov. - He was unable to “resolve” a single systemic conflict created under Yurevich (ex-governor Mikhail Yurevich - Ed.), failed to build communications with the population, which is why protest sentiments grew in the region. His rating is low and it will be difficult for him to win the elections. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that they will want to change it this spring. However, one cannot say that this will happen.”

One more point: in Chelyabinsk there is a widespread opinion that Boris Dubrovsky himself would like to leave the post of governor because he feels out of place. Even those surrounded by the head of the region say that after the presidential elections in the Russian Federation, Dubrovsky expects to take the post of deputy minister in the Ministry of Industry and Trade and has been conducting relevant negotiations for a long time.

Nosov: from top manager to mayor

The Chelyabinsk region is Sergei Nosov’s native region. He was born in Magnitogorsk, graduated from the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute and after studying began working at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK). From the position of an assistant steelworker, he rose to become Deputy General Director of MMK for production and investment, and also joined the board of directors of the enterprise. In 1998, he left MMK due to a conflict with the management of the enterprise and moved to Nizhny Tagil, where he became deputy general director and then general director of NTMK.

In addition, Sergei Nosov retains certain business interests in the Chelyabinsk region. In the past, Nosov was the chairman of the board of directors of the Cypriot offshore company Cymoon Limited, which, in turn, owned the company Lex Electa LLC, which has a license to develop the Suroyamskoye deposit of titanomagnetite ores in the Chelyabinsk region since 2007. However, in 2014, Nosov told that this is “already history” and he is “completely immersed in the affairs of Nizhny Tagil.”

In 2012, Sergei Nosov became the mayor of Nizhny Tagil, winning the elections with a result of 92%, and successfully worked as the head of the city for 5 years. During this time, Nizhny Tagil acquired the status of “Putingrad” - the “favorite city” of President Vladimir Putin. Over the past couple of years, the head of state has visited Nizhny Tagil twice. In 2015, he held a meeting of the State Council in the city, to which he brought all the major federal officials. Last week, Putin again came to Nizhny Tagil, to Uralvagonzavod - this was his first pre-election trip to the regions in the last month. Sergei Nosov attended the event and sat next to the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov.

Sergei Nosov’s gubernatorial ambitions have been known for many years. Political scientist Sergei Moshkin said in a comment to the publication that Nosov had them since the early 2000s. Then, precisely because of this, he had a conflict with the former head of the region, Eduard Rossel, who called Nosov “a traitor to the interests of the Sverdlovsk region,” and as a result, Nosov left the region for several years.

Since the end of 2016, he has been appointed head of the Kemerovo region instead of Aman Tuleyev, who has headed Kuzbass for 20 years and who began to have serious health problems. Rumors circulated throughout 2017, while Nosov himself repeatedly denied in comments to the media that he was being considered for the position of governor. Last fall, in an interview with, he stated that he “didn’t jump off a cliff” (we are talking about a test for potential candidates for regional heads - during a RANEPA training in Sochi, they were forced to jump from a cliff), and the question of appointing him governor of what -region “not worth it at all.”

In addition to the post of governor, Nosov was for some time destined for the post of senator of the Federation Council instead of Eduard Rossel, but these rumors were not confirmed.

Last September, Sergei Nosov was re-elected mayor for a new term with a “Chechen” result of 91%. Nizhny Tagil currently remains the only city in the Sverdlovsk region where direct elections of the so-called single strong mayor who heads the city administration have been preserved. Even in the capital of the Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, there is a two-headed system “the head of the city, the chairman of the Duma and the city manager.” Now the head of Nizhny Tagil is actively opposing the initiative to abolish direct elections of the city mayor, which is being worked on by the regional authorities. In fact, Nosov is the only Sverdlovsk head of the municipality who can criticize the regional administration.

No connections with financial industrial groups?

It is curious that the information that Sergei Nosov could become governor of the Chelyabinsk region literally the next day after Vladimir Putin’s current visit to Nizhny Tagil. However, a source claims that Nosov’s candidacy was considered earlier and during the president’s visit to Tagil, the possible appointment was not the subject of discussion. Moreover, Nosov was not left alone with the president.

Interviewed representatives of large companies and politicians say that Sergei Nosov is not connected with Russian financial and industrial groups. In Nizhny Tagil, he periodically came into conflict with both Evraz (NTMK) and Uralvagonzavod. At one time, Nosov had a good relationship with the general director of the Rostec state corporation, Sergei Chemezov: in 2007, he invited Nosov to head a new state holding for the production of special steels, Russpetsstal. However, three years after its creation, Russpetsstal filed for bankruptcy, and its assets were transferred to a subsidiary of Rostec. Whether Sergei Chemezov maintains relations with Sergei Nosov now is unknown.

“The owners of Ural, including Chelyabinsk, metallurgical companies are cautious about Sergei Nosov. For example, it is known that the owners of UMMC Iskandar Makhmudov and Andrey Bokarev (they have coal assets there) opposed Nosov’s appointment to the Kemerovo region,” says the publication’s interlocutor in Sverdlovsk political circles. “Nosov is characterized as an ambitious person, to some extent uncontrollable (it is difficult to come to an agreement with him), he does not fit well into the vertical.”

But in the case of Chelyabinsk region, whose economy is based on metallurgy, such characteristics, on the contrary, can play to the benefit of Sergei Nosov.

“Nosov has gained weight, including due to the fact that he was considered for Kemerovo. But (Aman) Tuleyev’s successor there will most likely be Tsivilev (General Director of the Kolmar coal company Sergei Tsivilev, who was recently appointed vice-governor. - Ed.) On the other hand, I can’t say that Nosov is very different from Dubrovsky. Fundamental difference The fact is that Dubrovsky does not like and does not know how to work with public opinion, and Nosov is a more sophisticated politician, he managed to overcome himself. As a result, he has quite high support from the population, despite the fact that the situation in Nizhny Tagil is also far from ideal,” says Evgeniy Minchenko.

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