Modern means of transportation around the city. Neither car nor bus

What is the name of an electric board on two wheels? Indeed: not everyone remembers - and knows - the name of the hoverboard. However, it is not surprising: this type of two-wheeled transport appeared on Russian streets relatively recently. We’d just gotten used to the Segways when you got a new misfortune.

So, what is it, and what do you eat it with?

Segway without a steering wheel - what is it called?

This is exactly what a Segway without a steering wheel is called a hoverboard. The author's idea was simple: the Segway, in general, is good for everyone, but it is very cumbersome. If we could make the transport fit into at least a backpack, it would be an order of magnitude better. How to achieve this? Obviously, first you need to remove all the massive parts.

No sooner said than done: the platform for the feet has become much smaller, the large wheels have given way, and the steering wheel... but the steering wheel is no longer there. The result is a very elegant two-wheeled design that easily fits into a regular sports bag. Goal achieved!

It’s true to say that it’s worth buying hoverboards only from proven and reliable brands (,). Manufacturers have very strong quality control, so there will be no problems with them, unlike no-name devices. By the way, I would also recommend reading the article about! After it, you will become savvy in the world of electric vehicles (hoverboards) and become a good expert.

However, one question remains: we have figured out what a Segway without a steering wheel (or “mini-Segway”) is called. How can you control it if there is no steering wheel?

How to operate an electric board on wheels?

The control principle used in the design of the hoverboard is called “intuitive”. Lean forward - go forward. Lean back - brake. Turning is a little more difficult, but only a little: transfer your weight to your right foot and turn to the left. To the left - to the right. The principle of movement is not entirely familiar, but literally 10-15 minutes of practice and you will get the hang of it.

IMPORTANT: We strongly do not recommend accelerating faster than 8-10 km/h during training. And in general, when in crowded places, it is better to move at this speed. Hoverboards accelerate to 18-20 km/h, but the speed needs to be controlled, and in a crowd this is not always realistic. Take this fact into account.

Without additional recharging, the hoverboard can travel 20-40 kilometers (depending on the model), then the battery runs out. However, such a power reserve is quite enough for “rides” on weekends and for business trips.

We talk about this so confidently, because it is not called “the most modern urban transport” for nothing - it is exactly that – transport. Transport that allows you to quickly and comfortably travel through areas where we usually travel on foot. Considering that a two-wheeled baby fits into the trunk without any problems, this is almost priceless in a metropolis clogged with traffic jams.

How much does a hoverboard cost?

It’s not for nothing that the Mini Segway is called not only one of the most convenient, but also one of the most economical motorized vehicles. Firstly, it runs on electric energy, which means that one kilometer of travel will cost you about one penny. Secondly, the hoverboard itself can be bought for a quite humane amount of money:

    An economy class mini-Segway will cost you between 12-13 thousand rubles. Yes, a minimum of options, no bells and whistles, but it will be a convenient and reliable transport for every day;

    The “middle option” costs 20-25 thousand, it simply differs in slightly better characteristics: a larger power reserve, a smoother road microprofile, etc.;

    Top models, high-speed, with built-in speakers and other options, cost about 30-35 thousand. For this money you get the best that is on the market.

We hope that after reading the article you have no questions about what an electric board on two wheels is called and what it is needed for. Happy riding!

What else can you use to get around the city, besides a personal car and public transport? Bicycle, motorcycle, roller skates, of course, come to mind first. But it turns out that even without them, there are many vehicles that can (at least to some extent) replace a personal car and bus.

The so-called “alternative vehicles” are mostly two-wheeled, roofless, easy to use and completely environmentally friendly. Find out what kind of replacement the car is growing up in in our review.


A simple vehicle with two wheels, which is traditionally considered very childish, may well be suitable for adults who want to find their own original way of moving around the city. In fact, at first glance, a scooter has only one benefit: it will increase the speed of movement, provide physical exercise, and avoid the ubiquitous traffic jams. In addition, folding scooters with a belt that you can carry with you have long been invented, especially for adults.

There are now a great many types of scooters - some are only suitable for walking through parks and alleys, others are equipped with fairly thick wheels that can cope with city potholes. There are also so-called “kickbikes” - something like an “under-bicycle” and very reminiscent of those very colorful bicycles of the past with two wheels: a very large and a very small one. And this, by the way, is an absolutely “adult” type of two-wheeled transport.

It’s easier to control a scooter: just push off and go, just watch your balance. But you can’t really travel around the city center with it: the sidewalks are teeming with pedestrians, and it’s scary to even think about leaving the roadway. But if your route to work runs along quiet streets or shady alleys and you are not burdened with worries about what others think, then a scooter as a means of transportation is quite suitable for you. True, only in dry weather.


A scooter is one of the most popular types of transport among both children and adults of all ages. The two-wheeled iron “pony,” the prototype of which was created back in the early 20th century, has long been a favorite of residents of European countries and Southeast Asian countries (in the latter, according to experienced tourists, the streets are simply teeming with people on scooters).

Russia recognized the advantages of this type of transport not so long ago, although they are obvious: a scooter makes it possible to move around the city quite quickly, moreover, in a comfortable sitting position, allows you to avoid city traffic jams and, at the same time, is easy to operate, having an automatic transmission. In addition, a small scooter (with an engine up to 50 cc) does not need to be registered with the traffic police. Actually, this is why the scooter is so popular among teenagers. However, Russian legislation is still silent about the rights and responsibilities of scooter drivers, and therefore a lot of controversial issues will inevitably arise if you decide to acquire such a two-wheeled “friend.”

A “balanced two-wheel scooter” or “scooter for adults” is the name given to an increasingly popular vehicle called the Segway. The creator of the miracle machine on two wheels was the American Dean Kaman, who was previously distinguished by his special ingenuity.

The name comes from English. the words segway - “follow, move.” Operating a Segway is simple: the driver is provided with balance by two wheels on the sides of the platform, on which you need to stand with both feet. To start moving, you need to lean forward a little, to stop, accordingly, lean back. When tilted left or right, the Segway turns in the desired direction. This way you can reach speeds of up to 20 km/h.

In some states of the USA (and in a number of other countries), this type of transport has found its use - police officers and postmen travel on it, but in Europe the Segway was at one time banned, explaining its high unsafety. By the way, the owner of the Segway company, Jimi Haselden, died while riding a Segway: he lost control and fell off a cliff into the river.

In any case, a Segway is quite an expensive pleasure: from 90 thousand for one such cart and more. But today Segways can be found in large cities of our country - enterprising “private owners” offer rides to leisurely revelers.


A new type of transport, very similar to the American Segway, was invented not just anywhere, but in our glorious Tomsk. The invention of Tomsk resident Vladimir Kovalev glorified the city and himself throughout Russia. The cart, called a delta skate, is a hybrid between a skateboard and an electric scooter; weighs only 25 kg and runs on batteries. The principle of movement is the same as that of a Segway: the driver stands on the footrests and, balancing like on a skateboard, sets the direction of movement. The speed is controlled using the gas lever and can reach 25 km/h.

According to the creator himself, the invention was based on the notorious desire to somehow avoid city traffic jams. The Tomsk resident made the first copy from what he had: parts of curtains, an electric motor, metal corners, large and small wheels.

In the summer of 2011, the Tomsk project was among the winners of the “Start” competition of the Bortnik Foundation and could count on funding to complete the stage of research and development work. In fact, this work is currently underway.


There are more and more environmentally friendly modes of transport that do not pollute the atmosphere. One of these new inventions is the bicycle cab or bicycle taxi. It was invented in Germany back in the 90s. The direct author of the idea is Stefan Buerkle.

The cab cab's cabin is open on the sides and shaped very much like an egg. The driver fits in the narrow part of this egg, the passengers, respectively, in the wide one. The bicycle cab is equipped with an electric motor, which allows it to move. In addition, each velomobile is equipped with an on-board computer and a sound signal, headlights, rear-view mirrors, rear turn indicator lights, brake lights, a disc brake system... In general, everything that a decent taxi should have.

It is unlikely that there will be anyone who wants to acquire such a machine for their own use, but as a recreational vehicle, a bicycle cab is much nicer than, say, the same cart with a horse.


Essentially, a rastabike is the same bicycle, the only difference being that it has a more fancy appearance. The main thing that a rastabike has in common with a regular bicycle is the principle of movement. Here, too, you need to pedal with your feet to move forward.

Rastabiks are the name given to all those original designs that come out of the light hands of native Russian craftsmen. The soldered bicycle may end up with a completely unprecedented shape, but it will definitely work. In Moscow, there is even a community of lovers of converted bicycles - RASTABIKE (Russian Association of Homemade Transport Bicycles), which periodically delights the capital's residents and guests with enchanting rides on rastabikes of all colors and designs. There are big doubts how convenient this type of vehicle is, but it is spectacular, at least.


Another bike, already with the prefix “electro”, is again the same bike, but with an electric drive. However, you can also move the electric bike using pedals. Not much different from a classic bicycle, an electric bike is very suitable for all lovers of environmentally friendly transport. Electric bikes are usually equipped with 180W, 250W and 350W electric motors; from one fourth to one second horsepower.

This type of transport is very popular in China - there are almost five times more electric bikes than cars.

On September 22, all civilized countries celebrate World Car Free Day: motorists are encouraged to stop using fuel-consuming vehicles for at least a day. "Let World Day carfree will be a clear example of how our cities could look, feel and sound without cars... 365 days a year!" - this is the slogan

Gone are the days of big cars with big engines that burn huge amounts of fuel. Compact and economical modes of transport are now in fashion, some of which can even be carried with you in a backpack. And today we will talk about 7 of the most memorable miniature vehicles.

The Impossible is the ideal personal vehicle for city dwellers. This electric scooter allows you to combine different types of private and public transport within one day. Unlike a bicycle or other mopeds, the Impossible can be carried onto a subway, bus or tram without fear of encountering rebuff from controllers or reproaches from passengers.

The fact is that the Impossible electric scooter easily fits in a regular backpack. It can be folded and unfolded within a few seconds. And this vehicle weighs only 5 kilograms. But despite its small size, the Impossible can carry people weighing up to 85 kg.

Impossible has a lithium-ion battery that allows you to drive approximately 25 km on one full battery charge. In this case, the scooter can accelerate to a speed of 20 kilometers per hour.

- This is another compact electric scooter for traveling within a big city, when a person needs to repeatedly change from one type of public transport to another during the day, as well as walk.

Trikelet allows you to get rid of walking long distances; it will easily take the owner to the nearest metro station or bus stop, after which the owner of this scooter can quickly fold up his personal vehicle and take it with him to the cabin.

After all, when folded, Trikelet is so compact that it can fit on a luggage rack in a train car or in the owner’s backpack. True, this electric scooter weighs noticeably more than the Impossible mentioned above - twelve kilograms.

Chinese farmer He Liangcai, who is involved in engineering as a hobby, has created a compact one that doesn’t even need a backpack to carry, because this vehicle is itself a suitcase.

This electric scooter is an integrated part of a travel bag. It can be used both for moving around the city and for traveling inside large premises - shopping centers, terminals of large airports and other spacious buildings. But at the same time, the suitcase can still be used for its intended purpose - it has enough space to store and transport clothes and other personal items.

The scooter suitcase without things inside weighs 7 kilograms. It can travel up to 50 km, while reaching a maximum speed of 20 kilometers per hour. This is an excellent vehicle for people who travel a lot and are therefore tired of endlessly walking with a suitcase in hand or on their shoulders.

- This is perhaps the most famous example in the world of integrating a bag and a vehicle, but we will never get tired of talking about it. We are talking about a regular travel backpack with a built-in scooter.

This is what makes Gig Pack so valuable. After all, this vehicle significantly speeds up the average travel speed of a tourist, but at the same time it is completely independent of the battery charge level - a person can travel exactly as far as he has enough physical strength.

The Gig Pack scooter backpack can support a person weighing up to 90 kilograms. It has a secure compartment for your laptop, and the wheels on this vehicle are made of durable rubber, which greatly improves its maneuverability.

Onewheel is an unusual electric vehicle that gives a person the feeling of real flight. Unlike other skateboards, it has not two or four wheels, but only one.

But the electric motor and intelligent Onewheel balancing system allows a person to literally float in space without taking his feet off the board. He does not need to push off the asphalt with his foot - the board itself carries him forward, he just needs to choose the direction of movement, and doing this on Onewheel is as intuitive as on the popular Segway electric scooter.

Onewheel can travel at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour, traveling up to 10 km on one full battery charge. Battery charging speed ranges from 20 minutes (80 percent capacity) to two hours (full charge).

Solowheel is another one-wheeled electric vehicle. But, unlike the Onewheel mentioned above, we are not talking about an analogue of a skateboard, but about a scooter. True, all that remains of the Solowheel moped is a wheel, and even then only one.

But this Solowheel has everything a person needs to move around the city built into it. These include two platforms for legs, an electric motor, a battery, and an intelligent control system. Balancing on the Solowheel is just as easy as on a Segway. But this scooter has a much smaller scale and cost.

The single-wheeled electric moped Solowheel has 43 centimeters in diameter and 13 cm in width. It weighs only 9 kilograms, and for ease of carrying from place to place, this vehicle has a convenient handle built into the top.

Solowheel can travel up to 19 kilometers on a single battery charge. Its batteries can be fully charged in just forty-five minutes. The cost of this vehicle starts from 1495 US dollars.
Boosted Boards are a skateboard that looks like a real skateboard. But unlike its original predecessor, this vehicle does not need to be powered by human feet, as Boosted Boards have a built-in electric motor.

Thanks to the electric motor, the Boosted Boards can travel independently not only on horizontal surfaces, but even on a slight upward slope. This is an excellent means of transportation not only for lazy skateboarders, but also for those whose professional activities involve constant travel around the city, for example, couriers, postmen or pizza delivery people.

Boosted Boards can accelerate using the power of an electric motor to a speed of 30 kilometers per hour and travel up to 10 km on a single battery charge. But even after the batteries are completely discharged, the Boosted Boards can continue to be driven in the old fashioned way using the strength of the legs of the person on it.

If your own car scares you because of the price and the prospect of sitting in traffic jams for half a day, and traveling in the classic way given to us by evolution seems archaic to you, then you should choose alternative options for traveling around the city. In some cases, this is not only faster, but also much more useful, practical and gives a lot of positive impressions.

1. Hoverboard

The ancestor of all hoverboards was the Segway. One day it became clear that it was possible to do without steering, leaving only two wheels and a platform for the feet. So, at the beginning of the second decade, the first hoverboards appeared, which almost immediately became the most popular mode of transport throughout the world.

And there is nothing to be surprised here, because the hoverboard looked (and still looks) very futuristic, attracting glances and attention. But his goal, of course, is not only this. The most important thing is that it is a great way to get around the city. We advise you to pay attention to the model, which can be found in the specialized store eKoleso.SU. The SUV in the name means all-terrain. This is ensured by inflatable 10-inch wheels - they will be quite capable of bumpy roads and rural roads. In city driving you will find an excellent smooth ride and reduced vibrations. The maximum speed is about 15-20 km/h and the power reserve is the same. All this is complemented by built-in Bluetooth speakers, a remote control or an application for monitoring and fine-tuning the hoverboard. This model is also self-balancing, so you can ride it with any weight.

2. Bicycle

It’s hard to call a bicycle an alternative transport, but that’s exactly what it is in relation to cars and your two, we’re just too used to it. You've probably heard the history of this vehicle more than once, so we'd better recommend ones that fit any budget.

If it does not exceed 20 thousand, then look at the popular Stels. In this price segment, these are the best and inexpensive options for city bikes that will do their job well. If you need a higher class, and your budget allows you to spend 20-40 thousand, then the Merida brand would be the best option. Mountain models from the Big.Seven series are perfectly suited for urban conditions, with 27 speeds, hydraulic brakes and amateur-level components. In a budget of 40K and above, the leader among high-end bicycles will be Cube - the German company has its own research laboratories, a lot of interesting technological solutions and produces some of the most popular bikes in its class. Look at the Aim models - you will be pleased not only with the cool designs of these bikes, but also with reliable components and high-quality materials.

3. Electric scooter

Scooters have not been left behind by technology. Since the early 2000s, they have regained their status as full-fledged transport, which is suitable not only for children, but also for adults. Once they were electrified, they fell in line with all other alternative transport.

In terms of practicality, scooters are similar to many means of transportation, including electric ones. Take, for example, all models have a really interesting modern design, well-thought-out folding mechanisms, and high-quality slim batteries. The E-tow has several modifications, differing in battery capacity, speed from 27 to 30 km/h and maximum range on a single charge from 27 to 35 kilometers. All models have a battery hidden in the deck, shock absorbers and a small display on the steering wheel for monitoring operating modes and sensor readings. This scooter is easy to fold and put in a backpack or carry into transport - the weight does not exceed 12 kilograms.

A more budget option is the FitRider T1S electric scooter. The battery is mounted on the steering column, and the trick is that it can be replaced in a few seconds with another one (if you buy another one). Then you will be able to travel about 50-60 km a day - more than enough for urban conditions.

4. Longboard

In recent years, longboards have been gaining popularity at breakneck speed, because they are light and compact, and the rider feels like a surfer on a wave on a longboard. But what is a longboard? It's like a skateboard, only a little longer and much more comfortable: a wide wheelbase gives stability, and large and soft wheels make moving from point A to point B incredibly comfortable. A huge plus is the choice of disciplines: dancing or boardwalking (dancing and intricate steps on the board), freestyle (stunts that amaze the imagination of passers-by), freeride and downhill (mind-blowing descents from the slopes for adrenaline lovers).

If you are a beginner, then don’t be afraid - in a week you will feel confident on the board, and we will help you make your choice: the coolest dance, freestyle and just cruise boards are created in a Russian workshop

Oddly enough, the idea of ​​​​using only one wheel in moving carriages originated about a century and a half ago and has already undergone several stages of development, including its own renaissance. But the fact that we can now buy everything does not mean that such projects have stopped developing. On the contrary, even global brands have joined their development, which already hints at future prospects. In the meantime, I propose to get acquainted with the most amazing devices that enthusiasts have collected in their garages during this time. Let's check our vertical stability and let's go!

March of the Lonely

The strange inventors who fell in love with only one wheel in “mobiles” can be called lonely not only for the nature of their projects, but also for the general misunderstanding that they encountered. In total, from 1867 to the present day, the total number of patented vehicles with a unicycle has exceeded 40. However, many of these designs turned out to be so tricky from a technical point of view that they are doomed to remain on paper even now. And those that did see the light of day can be counted on one hand.

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The first clear design for a “unicycle,” or a bicycle with one wheel, appeared in 1884. The author of it did not make it into history, because... It was not possible to identify him. But the concept of transport he proposed became the starting point for further research into unicycle transport. And the next similar project was registered 20 years later, in 1904, already with a gasoline engine on board. In addition to the equipment, the name of the unicycle has also changed - unicycle. Really, it started to sound more thorough? In 1910, one of the first such devices embodied in metal was the Edison-Pouton monocycle, built in France. It has not survived to this day, but the German F. Schlenker presented a fully working copy of this machine. Its single wheel is driven by an authentic De Dion single-cylinder petrol engine with a capacity of 150 cm³ and a power of 3.5 liters. With.

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In 1911, a patent was issued for a unicycle with an installed pusher propeller from the American Tom Coates Clinton. This time, the “progressive” transport was a huge, human-sized wheel with an internal frame to which the motor was attached, as well as a platform with a seat and stabilizing wheels. The premiere of the device was organized at the Milan exhibition, which was documented in detail by the newspaper “La Vie de l’Automobile”. And although the monocycle plunged the respectable public into shock and awe, the invention was not allowed to proceed.


At the beginning of the twentieth century, humanity was skeptical even about four-wheeled cars, considering them a newfangled curiosity. What can we say about monocycles, in which people almost saw alien ships. And although their images inspired many illustrators, the future for such transport in those years was predetermined.


This project arose in 1932 and turned out to be so large, no, simply gigantic, that it more than once forced its creator to change his underwear. Indeed, in the fight against the low stability of one-wheeled vehicles, Dr. John Archibald Purves did not come up with anything better than using a wide load-bearing frame in the Dynasphere design. The result was a three-meter steel wheel weighing about 450 kg, with which Dr. Purves tried to replace the entire automotive industry on the planet.

Fortunately, according to the doctor, the industrial revolution did not happen. When tested, the Dynasphere megawheel turned out to be even more stable than its creator expected. There was no steering control at all, and in order to set the trajectory of this device at a speed of 40 km/h, the driver had to deviate to the right or left, thereby shifting the Dynasphere’s center of gravity. Is it necessary to talk about all the dangers of such movement?

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However, Purves was not only a fan of spherical travel - there was also a practical streak in his character. Watching the onlookers scatter away from his huge unicycle, the doctor decided to simplify the process of driving it. The second version of the Dynasphere turned out to be a two-seater crew, powered by a 6-horsepower gasoline engine. The driver's platform, which also housed the passenger and the power unit, was equipped with a suspension with an adjustable angle of inclination relative to the wheel. This made it possible to control the movement of the Dynasphere as in a regular car, i.e. turning the steering wheel. Proud of his discovery, D. A. Purves modernized the Dynasphere, developing a platform for transporting five or even eight people! Such capacity was impressive, but the doctor was unable to fully staff the crew for new tests.

Biker and his laziness

In fact, 47-year-old Kerry McLean is a die-hard fan of motorcycles, speed and extreme riding. But still, building a custom bike with two hooves turned out to be a much more difficult task for him than making a one-wheeled vehicle from scrap materials. The American liked the idea so much that he soon switched from a homemade homemade product to a legal production that was in demand by the eccentric public!

The first unicycle assembled by McLean was a modified tractor wheel with a diameter of about 90 cm. The enthusiast equipped it with a water-cooled gasoline engine with a capacity of 40 “horses”. This was quite enough to accelerate to 100 km/h in an outlandish device and get into the Guinness Book of Records. The biker never left the pages of the local tabloids for another reason: his invention became the first unicycle officially registered by the Michigan State Highway Patrol.

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The design solutions applied by McLean far surpassed the experience of previous unicyclists. According to the inventor, his car does not have the biggest drawback of single-wheeled vehicles: even with sharp braking, the driver does not roll over his head, but only leans forward a little. The device turned out to be so successful that Carrie even founded his own company, McLean Wheel, and designed a low-power (5 hp) and completely safe commercial model based on the record-breaking prototype. By paying $8.5 thousand, any extreme sports fan can literally find himself in the center of the action! At the same time, McLean saved the “heavy artillery” for his own needs: several exhibits equipped with a V-shaped “eight” from Buick Wildcat, McLean V8 and McLean V8 Rocket Roadster cars settled in his garage. Their power is wisely not indicated by the author, but we know that such cars were equipped with engines with a potential ranging from 325 hp. With. up to 370 l. With.!


Kerry McLean's achievements turned out to be as successful as they were impressive: not only did the inventor move the evolution of unicycles off the ground with his McLean Wheel for the first time in 60 years, he also managed to make good money on it! And constant experiments with engine volume clearly lead him to a new speed record in this area. One can only rejoice at Mr. McLean’s lack of emotional health, because a normal person, being inside a madly rotating wheel, at a planned future speed of 160 km/h, clearly will not survive...

One Wheel Riot

In the twentieth century, the entire history of the unicycle was built around the fact that the driver of this vehicle sits inside the wheel. But in 2003, inventor Jack Lyall made a real revolution by installing a pilot's seat on the outside of a unicycle. All the technical stuff remained in its original place, which turned the already strange vehicle into a hero of post-apocalyptic films. D. Lyall called his creation RIOT Wheel, which means “ReInvention Of The Wheel”.

This device is designed very cleverly. To give it stability, Lyall placed a movable counterweight weighing 204 kg inside the wheel. Regardless of whether the unicycle is idle or riding, it always takes a position to balance the seated rider. Honda engine with a volume of 800 cm³ and a power of 6 hp. With. installed on the same principle and is capable of changing its position inside the wheel regardless of the first counterweight. When accelerating, it itself deflects forward (or backward when braking) in proportion to the developed torque (braking) torque.

The width of the wheel itself also plays a significant role in giving stability to the RIOT Wheel. The unicycle is also equipped with a 30-kilogram gyroscope, which, reacting to the force of the steering handles, is capable of deflecting horizontally and changing the trajectory of its movement. As a safety control element, the driver's seat has a play of 15º in both directions, which can also set the RIOT Wheel in the required direction. According to the inventor, the deviation of the center of gravity of the unicycle is sufficient to realize the full torque of the engine and intensive braking up to the point of skidding. With a total weight of half a ton, the device reaches a speed of 46 km/h.

Jack Lyall decided to build this unicycle just for the sake of the Burning Man festival, which is held annually in the Black Rock Desert, Nevada. All lovers of technological and aesthetic mischief come to the event. And of course, the invention of the RIOT Wheel was liked by the local public. Lyall was not ready for the public success of his prototype - instead of resting on the laurels of the first tester of the “reinvented wheel”, he sat down in the garage with new developments.


Captivated by a random idea, Jack Lyall announced online that he was going to improve the RIOT Wheel, making it lighter and faster. Instead of a simple internal combustion engine, the inventor plans to use powerful electric motors that would make this unicycle the fastest existing in the world. Lyall even collected donations for this project. It’s just that he apparently used the funds from them “to the side”, because the “reinvented wheel” never set any records.

Electric scooters

To say that the fate of the unicycle did not work out from the very beginning means to say nothing. If you depict it on a diagram, it will be a smooth straight line with rare “flashes” from enthusiastic inventors. No one was seriously involved in this type of transport, but in 2010 the company Ryno Motors set out to correct this.

Then engineer Chris Hoffmann announced the serial production of a one-wheel electric scooter of his own design. According to estimates, the cost of one unit of such equipment did not exceed $3,500, but the launch of Ryno into mass production was postponed over and over again. In the fall of 2011, there was talk of releasing a limited edition of 50 copies. These unicycles, costing $25,000 each, were to be hand-built and serve as an advertisement for the upcoming mass production.

In addition, the new unicycle showed good maneuverability. Journalists who tested the first models claimed that you could learn to drive the Ryno in just a few minutes. Thanks to sensors hidden inside the carbon body, the unicycle itself maintains its stability while driving. They are also responsible for the acceleration/deceleration that occurs with the device when the driver leans forward or backward. You can turn to the sides using the most ordinary motorcycle steering wheel, which also has a brake lever and an accelerator button.


Ryno Motors - the creators of the unicycle of the same name - are serious. They are confident that they have created another niche product that will appeal to all fans of compact transport. This one-wheel electric scooter makes commuting easy and comfortable, and the ability to slow down to a leisurely pace allows you to use the Ryno even indoors. At the same time, the unicycle is not afraid of traffic jams, does not pose problems with parking and does not need to be refueled with expensive fuel. Perhaps, reader, you are now looking at the true transport of the future?

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