Repair small chips and scratches on the car. Removing scratches from your car

Minor scratches are the most common car body damage. Small stones, branches of trees and bushes, as well as other unforeseen factors can spoil appearance iron horse, and at the same time the mood of its owner. Alternatively, you can contact a car service and return the car to a flawless surface for a certain cost. But with some knowledge and skill, self-elimination of defects using specialized tools will bring results no worse than those of professionals.

Scratches on car body

Before starting the restoration, you should pay attention to the depth of damage to the car - minor scratches on the paintwork, defects to the ground level or serious damage to the metal layer. In the latter case, you should start processing the machine immediately, otherwise the corrosion process may soon start.

Mild to moderate injuries do not require too much effort to repair. But to remove deep scratches from the car body, a thorough anti-corrosion treatment is required. If areas with defects occupy no more than a third of the surface of the machine, only local processing will be required.

Removing light scratches from the car body

Very small chips and scratches can be easily removed with regular polishing. Slightly more substantial - using restorative abrasive polishes. The agent is applied to the dried clean surface with vigorous movements in a circle, or with a special polishing machine.

Attention! In the process, you need to make sure that the composition does not dry out ahead of time, otherwise it itself can cause additional scratches. After polishing is completed, a protective polish or wax should be applied to the car body.

Among effective means, suitable to remove minor defects from the surface of a car, it is worth noting "Anti-risk". It not only brings the car to its proper form, but also fights stains that form when interacting with ultraviolet light, road salt and other reagents.

Anti-scratch tool for removing small and medium scratches

For budgetary repair of damage to the paintwork surface of a car, the Anti-Scratch tool is excellent. Despite the fact that car service professionals do not have the most flattering opinions about it, many motorists prefer it to deal with simple defects. The mechanism for using this tool is extremely simple:

  1. Thoroughly clean the car from dirt and allow it to dry completely.
  2. Squeeze the drug onto a damp cloth and gently wipe the areas with imperfections. You can't rub hard, otherwise it will get worse.
  3. Wait 1-1.5 minutes until the "Anti-scratch" is completely dry.
  4. Polish to a shine.

The drug "Antitsarapin" is presented in the form of a paste. Its amount when used depends on the depth and area of ​​the damaged surface.

Important! This tool does not remove, but only masks small scratches, making them practically invisible to the eye.

For best results, it is recommended to apply an additional liquid wax after applying the masking paste. All manipulations with wax are similar to those done with Anti-Scratch. It is recommended to carry out work on the elimination of minor scratches in warm weather, but not in direct sunlight.

Polishes to remove scratches

According to general reviews, Anti-Scratch is a fairly effective and very inexpensive tool for dealing with scratches on a car body. However, with serious damage, it is practically ineffective and is not even able to visually remove defects. In such situations, it is worth paying attention to more powerful and effective means.

Touch-up pencil for removing scratches from the car body

If the surface of the machine is damaged to the ground, then it is best to fix it with the help of special correctors and pencils. They can be gel and wax. The first variety is present on the car market in an extensive color spectrum. The differences between these pencils are as follows:

  • wax pencil- paints over a scratch, wax residues are removed with a microfiber cloth. It is low cost, easy to use, the whole procedure takes a few minutes. However, the result of the wax pencil is short-lived, and painting has to be repeated again and again;
  • gel pencil (corrector)- fills a chip or scratch with its contents, after which it hardens and becomes completely invisible. The result is stored for a long time. Such a corrector is a tube or felt-tip pen with acrylic filler of a wide variety of shades. Thus, any motorist can choose the color that best suits his car;

Note! Any set of auto pencils comes with a brush. But for a more accurate application of the masking agent, it is recommended to use a toothpick. With this simple method, you can remove a scratch with jewelry accuracy.

Painting a car while removing deep scratches

Deep damage to the paint surface of the machine is not possible to remove without using paint. If you let everything take its course, then the areas with defects will begin to rust, and this will already require a thorough anti-corrosion treatment with a considerable investment of funds and a waste of time resources.

The steps for treating deep scratches with paint are as follows:

  1. Surface preparation, removal of dirt and rusted areas using P1500 and P2000 sandpaper. The procedure should be carried out carefully, since the more material is erased, the more intensively it will have to be painted over. If a dent is found under a scratch, it must be puttied.
  2. Apply primer with a brush or spray.
  3. Sanding with water.
  4. Applying a degreaser.
  5. Painting the desired areas. The paint must be applied in 2 layers, between the first and second - a gap of at least 30 minutes. At the end of the procedure, varnish should be applied to the updated car.

General rules for scratch removal work

Any work on the restoration of the car body must be carried out in a dry and cleaned room. If this is not possible, then there should be clear and calm weather without precipitation. Do not allow dust to enter the treated surfaces of the machine - this will nullify all efforts.

Defective areas with scratches and chips should be ideally prepared for further procedures - be clean, dry and completely free of grease. For these purposes, it is good to use white alcohol or gasoline.

Before using any chemical agent, it is strongly recommended that you carefully read the instructions and strictly follow all the rules set out in it.

Following these effective tips and rules, you will no longer wonder how to quickly and efficiently remove scratches from the car body. In practice, they are not at all difficult to perform and, moreover, save finances.

Scratches on a car are inevitable. Through your fault or not, sooner or later they will appear. And although such damage, as they say, does not affect speed, every car owner wants to get rid of them at any cost. Especially if the car is new or recently purchased.

Here are the main types of scratches and proven ways to deal with them.

1. How to remove minor scratches on varnish

We are talking about small thin scratches, visible only at a certain angle and not visible at all on a wet car. Such scratches affect only the top layer of the paintwork. And it's easy to remove them.

Wax polish

You will need a wax polish that is applied after washing. Thin layer wax will create a protective coating and fill in scratches. The method is good because it does not require special equipment and skills. But, as you might guess, such protection does not last long. After some time, the coating will have to be applied again.

Polishing machine + abrasive paste

A more effective method of eliminating scratches is considered to be polishing with a special machine and fine abrasive paste. So you can deal with almost any scratch that touched the varnish, but did not reach the paint.

Usually polishing is done by specialists. If you decide to act independently, you will need:

  • fine abrasive paste;
  • sandpaper P2000;
  • sprayer with water;
  • napkins.

Immediately before the procedure, wash the car well and dry it. Put the car in the shade or garage so that the body does not heat up in the sun, and the scratches and the result of the work are clearly visible.

Treat the damaged area with a sandpaper moistened with water and wipe dry.

Put a little paste on the wheel and polish the scratch, gradually increasing the speed. Try not to stay in one place for a long time, so as not to overheat the varnish.

Continue polishing, alternating movements left-right and up-down. Treat not only the scratch, but also the area around it. Rinse the polishing area with water frequently and clean the wheel from plaque.

Polish until the scratch is completely gone.

2. How to remove scratches on paint

If not only the varnish has suffered, ordinary polishing is indispensable. In this case, the damage can be painted over with a restoration pencilmatched to the color of the car.

In appearance and number of shades, these pencils resemble nail polishes. But they are made from quick-curing acrylic resins that perfectly fill scratches.

Before painting over a scratch, thoroughly clean and degrease the damaged area. Then carefully paint over it with a brush on a pencil bottle.

Let the paint dry for 15-20 minutes. Full polymerization occurs after about a week, so at this time the car is better.

3. How to remove deep scratches and chips

Paint will help here too. But, unlike the previous method, you first have to prime the surface, and after applying the paint, varnish and polish it.

As a rule, the means necessary for the restoration of scratches and chips that have reached the metal are sold as a set. This is all the same acrylic paint, anti-corrosion and conventional primers, as well as a degreaser and clear varnish.

Wash and dry the car. If there is rust on a chip or scratch, clean it with a fine sandpaper. Degrease the metal surface and seal the damage edges with masking tape.

Treat the surface with anti-corrosion primer and let it dry.

Then apply a layer of regular soil to level the surface and prepare the base for.

Apply the first coat of paint. Then, after waiting for complete drying, apply a second.

After the paint has dried, cover the surface with a clear varnish.

4. How to remove scratches on plastic

No less suffers from scratches and the interior of the car. Sills, door cards and other plastic interior parts are covered with abrasions.

Plastic restorers

You can make the skin neat again with the help of plastic restorers.

Such funds are sold in the form of aerosols, sprays and milk. They have good penetrating power and are designed to fill scratches. In addition, the composition of the restorers includes a polish that returns the surface to its former freshness.

Instructions for use are on the packaging with the product. As a rule, restorative compounds are applied to dry and cleaned parts and left for several minutes to dry. After that, using a clean microfiber cloth, the surface is well polished by hand.

Hair dryer or lighter

An easier and more cost-effective way to deal with scratches on plastic is heating. building hair dryer, in extreme cases - a lighter. Under the influence of temperature, damage is literally tightened. This life hack will help to completely remove small scratches and make deep ones less noticeable.

To eliminate scratches in this way, you need to heat the damaged surface very carefully, without staying in one place for a long time. If there are a lot of scratches, take breaks so as not to melt the part and not burn the upholstery parts adjacent to the plastic.

5. How to remove scratches on glass

One of the most annoying types of scratches. Scuffs and cobwebs on the glass not only spoil the appearance, but also worsen the view, creating light and glare. You can eliminate them by polishing in a specialized service.

However, you can do it on your own.

In this way, small scratches and scuffs from wiper blades are perfectly removed. Deep scratches that cling to the nail will not completely go away, but will smooth out, become smaller. For polishing, you will need a special set, which usually includes a nozzle, circles and paste with cerium oxide.

Wash the glass and wipe dry. Use a marker to mark the scratches from the inside to control the treatment area.

Attach the nozzle to the drill and apply some paste on the circle. At medium speed and without much pressure, polish the scratches in small areas.

Take frequent breaks to avoid overheating the glass. Moisten it with water and wipe dry again.

Continue polishing from 30 minutes to 1 hour until the result is acceptable.

6. How to remove scratches on headlights

Optics scratches are eliminated according to the same principle as on glasses. You can try to remove ordinary opacities, but it’s better to use special polishing kits, which include everything you need for the procedure.

The sequence of actions is usually indicated in the instructions. You usually need to do the following:

Wash the headlights and wipe dry. Tape the adjacent areas of the hood, bumper and fender with masking tape.

Treat the glass with sandpaper soaked in water. Then apply coarse polish to the wheel and polish at medium speed.

Rinse off the abrasive and polish the surface already with a fine-grained paste.

Clean the glass and wipe dry, then carefully apply one coat of UV varnish.

Leave the car in the sun for a couple of hours to cure the varnish. Complete polymerization occurs within a day - at this time the car cannot be washed.

An article on how to remove scratches from a car body with your own hands. Causes of scratches, ways to solve the problem. At the end of the article - a video on how to polish the car to remove scratches.

The content of the article:

Scratches on a car body are an inevitable phenomenon, unless, of course, you actively exploit your car, and do not keep it in the garage for the sake of contemplation.

Possible causes of scratches

Causes of scratches on the paintwork ( paintwork) may be different. First of all, secret intruders come to mind who are trying to perpetuate their "feat" with all sorts of inscriptions on the body of someone else's car. But, nevertheless, the main causes of scratches have nothing to do with ill-wishers.

"Injuries" on the paintwork often occur as a result of the impact of tree branches or shrubs that you meet on your way, as well as from the careless attitude of the car wash attendants to their duties, when grains of sand remain on the contaminated rags, scratching the surface of the body. In the end, even a cat on the hood can scratch the paintwork - this is quite possible, despite the absurdity of what is happening.

In general, there are plenty of ways leading to such troubles as scratches on the surface of the car body, but there are not very many ways to remove scratches, and we will talk about this now.

Types of paintwork damage

So, to your displeasure, you found damage in the form of scratches on the car body. However, no matter how strong the stress from what you see, do not rush to immediately solve the problem - first of all, it is necessary to examine the damaged surface to the depth of penetration of the defect into the paintwork, which consists of four layers:
  1. The outer layer is in the form of a high-strength varnish, which performs the main protective function.
  2. Enamel. It is she who creates the color shade of your car.
  3. Primer. Carries out the adhesion strength of the paintwork with the metal surface of the body.
  4. phosphate layer. Protects against corrosion, but not available on all vehicles.
Please note that damage to the upper layers of the paintwork and the splitting of the entire coating to the metal itself are two completely different, dissimilar damages that require a different approach and perform different repair operations.

We eliminate scratches with our own hands

It is possible that the cost of car service services may not seem quite fair to you. Why not solve this problem on your own?

The appropriate paintwork for your vehicle can be found in specialist shops using a computer. And if at the same time you know the code of your car, then the task will be even more simplified: the computer will find exactly the paint that was used for your car by the manufacturer.

In this case, it is necessary to know that the metallic sheen of the body is achieved by a double layer of coating: a quick-drying base, which is applied first. After it is fixed, a second layer of paint is applied, due to which the surface will acquire a color shade of metal or mother-of-pearl.

Before starting repairs, it is necessary to determine the degree of damage to the paintwork. If only the upper layers of the paintwork were scratched, then this small problem is solved by ordinary polishing.

You can only see a surface scratch on a dry surface - it is not visible on a wet body. But once the coating dries, the scratch appears as a white line.

To "treat" such scratches, you can use a non-abrasive polish that does not damage the paint when it is used. We apply the preparation with a napkin, and then we use a polishing machine. To achieve maximum results, this procedure should be repeated at least 14-15 times. At the same time, do not forget to take breaks after each procedure to cool the treated area.

Note: to remove small scratches, you can use the drug "Anti-risk". In addition, this tool is good at removing stains that may occur after driving on roads treated with anti-icing agents.

Deep scratches on the car body can be removed without global painting. Just cover the damaged area with colored wax or a special pencil, and then proceed with the same polishing that was described above.

The main advantage of this method is the absence of the need to select a color tone. Depending on the shade of the car, a dark or light pencil is selected - that's all.

The disadvantage of this method can be called its fragility. A few washes and the scratches will show up again. And then you have to do it all over again.

For wide and deep damage to the paintwork, it is necessary to use a special paint, which is available in small containers. This paint comes with a brush.

Wet a soft, lint-free cloth with a degreasing agent and clean the damaged surface. After that, we apply paint with a brush and then, when the paint dries, varnish it. In this case, the main difficulty is finding the right shade.

In what cases it is necessary to contact specialists

If the tips we have given on self-removal of scratches on the car body did not help you, then willy-nilly you will have to contact service center. However, at the same time, it does not hurt you to know how professionals will repair damage to the paintwork. The algorithm of these actions is as follows:
  1. At the beginning, preparation is carried out, during which the damaged area is washed, dried and then degreased, for example, with gasoline. After that, the surface is wiped first with a damp and then with a dry cloth.
  2. The next step is to cover the damaged area with an anti-corrosion primer. This must be done without fail, otherwise the rust will begin to spread under the paint, and these will end with the corrosion breaking through.
  3. Next, a conventional primer is applied, which provides adhesion between the paint and the metal surface of the body. If this is not done, the paint may bulge or sink into the depression. A large amount of paint will not help here either, so a primer is necessary.
  4. As a final step, proceed to the final painting in the color that you have chosen. And here you will need a spray gun, without which car service employees cannot do. Spraying is carried out in several stages. After three layers of painting, your car will look like new.
For those motorists who are not familiar with the specifics of the work of car service employees, a false stereotype may arise that it is impossible for a “mere mortal” to return the car to a normal appearance. Actually it is not.

Important advice: if you doubt your own capabilities or see that you really cannot solve the problem with your own hands, then it is most reasonable to turn to the services of specialists so as not to make things worse and subsequently pay twice.

How to remove scratches from the body without painting? Click on the photo to enlarge.

The reason for the appearance on the car of various kinds of scratches, cracks and chips can be not only traffic accidents, but also its daily operation. Impacts of small pebbles, friction on the body of tree branches, sand and reagents, which in winter period sprinkle roads, as well as aggressive driving style and sloppy parking - all this inevitably leads to gradual wear of the factory paintwork.

Removing minor and more serious scratches on a car without painting is a process that should not be shelved, because these defects not only make the car look unattractive, but can also result in more serious damage over time, requiring a more laborious and costly repair. repair. If you have at least basic skills and a minimum set of tools, it is possible to eliminate local defects in the paintwork with your own hands in a garage.

The main types of damage to the paintwork of the car

The technology by which it is carried out without painting, first of all, takes into account the nature of the damage.

So, if small defects appeared on the car that affected only the upper layers of varnish, do-it-yourself repairs will be limited to thorough polishing using abrasive and protective polishing pastes.

If the scratch has a short length, but has violated the integrity of both the varnish and the base pigment so that the primer or even metal is visible, then not only polishing will be required, but also pre-laying of the filler (putty) with.

If the scratch is deep, putty and local painting is indispensable. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Removing deep scratches

Eliminating deeper damage from the body that has affected all layers of the paintwork and the metal itself will require even more effort, because in this case it is necessary to first restore the geometry of the part, and then putty, primer, local painting and varnishing.

If a scratch, abrasion or chip occupies more than 50% of the part area or, for example, stretches through the entire door or fender, is located in the center of the hood, etc., a complete painting and varnishing of the entire body element will be required.

If the defect appeared on the car a long time ago, and traces of rust and corrosion appeared around it, then cleaning to the metal is carried out: mechanically using abrasives and hard brushes or chemical compounds for pickling rust.

When can a local body repair be carried out without painting?

Protective polishes are necessary to protect the bodywork from minor damage. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Removing scratches without painting in a garage with your own hands is possible in cases where the damaged part has completely retained its geometry, and the integrity of the paint layer has not been violated. In other words, there is no need to repaint the part if only the top layer of varnish is damaged. Such flaws are masked by abrasive polishing and further application of protective polymer-based pastes.

It should be noted that protective polishes are automotive cosmetics, which should always be at hand for the car owner. Provided that the polish is applied to the car body regularly, it is able to protect the paintwork from damage by small grains of sand and pebbles flying out from under the wheels, as well as the hard pile of brushes used to clean the car from snow in winter. Thus, the body will look attractive for a longer time.

How to get rid of scratches on the car with your own hands?

Let's start with how scratch removal is carried out without painting, if only it is affected. In this case, wax-based restorative products, such as masking pencils or polishes, will be indispensable. However, be prepared for the fact that these compounds

Minor scratches that affect only the varnish can be removed with a wax pencil. Click on the photo to enlarge.

it is necessary to apply to defective areas not once, but constantly, after a certain period of time.

Before using the wax pencil, the scratch itself and a small area around it are degreased with gasoline or thinner.

A more difficult case is the removal of deep scratches, cracks and chips. Unfortunately, it is impossible to do without painting here. If the scratch touched the varnish and paint so that the ground or even metal was exposed, then this area is first sanded and degreased, and then puttying, priming, local painting, varnishing and polishing are carried out.

Briefly about each stage of local scratch repair

To sand the damaged area, use fine-grained sandpaper. Sanding must be done carefully to minimize damage to the factory paintwork around the scratch.
After grinding, the surface is degreased to remove process dust. A layer of filler (putty) is placed on the scratch and the part is left until the treated area is completely dry (about 20 minutes).

Next, the defective area is re-sanded to fit the putty to the same level with the surface of the part. When this place becomes completely smooth, proceed to staining.
When carrying out local painting, it is necessary to be extremely attentive to the choice of paint color. The number of the factory shade of the paint coating of the car can be found in the data sheet or in specialized stores and workshops, providing a small part of the body to identify the pigment.

If the paintwork on the car body is damaged to the ground or metal, then there are only two ways to get rid of a deep scratch: repainting or burying. In this article, we will consider the second method in more detail.

It should be noted right away that in this case you should not expect an ideal result, but hide and disguise deep scratch still it will work. This information will be especially useful for car enthusiasts who do not want to overpay for car service services.

For this procedure, you will need a hair dryer (it is better to use not a household hair dryer, but a construction one), masking tape, paint according to the code to match the body shade, cotton swabs for cleaning ears (hygienic), primer.

Main stages of work

First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly degrease the surface (in the place where the scratch itself is located), after which we wipe it dry with a clean rag. Then we heat the area with a hairdryer - no more than 4–5 seconds.

At the next stage, we glue the scratch along the contour with masking tape. You need to glue exactly along the edges of the scratch in order to localize the paint application area as much as possible. If you have a scratch to the metal itself, it must be covered with a layer of primer.

We take a can of primer, shake it thoroughly, put a small amount into the lid and use a cotton swab to apply it to the surface of the “bare” metal (scratches). Please note: if the primer is one-component, it is desirable to apply it in several layers. Then you need to dry the scratch with a hairdryer.

At the last stage, we mix the paint (it is desirable that it be of a thick consistency), and then we take cotton swab and carefully bury the defect. We apply the paint in several layers, then dry it with a hairdryer and apply another layer.

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