Will they pay 13. Features and calculation of the “thirteenth salary”

To begin with, is the 13th salary required in modern legal realities? No, it's not allowed. As noted above, any bonus is the good will of the authorities. However, the Labor Code provides for its manifestation in the form of:

  • awarding a cash prize;
  • incentives with a gift or other valuables;
  • announcements of gratitude with the presentation of a certificate or diploma.

But this is from the point of view. accounting and law. Those. the company's expenses for such incentives for employees to increase their productivity can be attributed to the wage fund, which, of course, will increase the unified social tax, but will reduce the income tax base. However, the rate of this tax is lower than the unified social tax (in combination with income tax), so it is more profitable for the employer to “congratulate” with a conditional envelope (i.e. with no registered value) than to conduct everything through the company’s current account.

In addition, the motivating value of such a congratulation is extremely doubtful: hired personnel will take the 13th salary exclusively for granted. Therefore, most likely, he will not draw conclusions from his possible mistakes and efforts for production growth.

All this suggests that the 13th salary in 2017 should be reduced to nothing. But it is precisely the craving for long-gone confidence in the future and the desire for, albeit sometimes illusory, stability in the economic situation in society that revives interrupted traditions, even through the introduction of a relatively useless bonus.

The pioneers here are precisely government agencies (or enterprises with significant state participation in capital). Who else can start it better than them? Only those who have money.

13 salary in Russian Railways

The Russian Trade Union of Railway Workers and JSC Russian Railways discussed the implementation of the Collective Agreement in 2017. Based on the results, the high responsibility with which representatives of the administration approached the fulfillment of their social obligations was noted. As a result, the situation with real staff income changed over the year as follows:

  • the earnings of workers “on the ground” (i.e. those directly involved in the transportation of goods and passengers) increased by 9.5% compared to the same period in 2016;
  • The administration of JSC Russian Railways agreed with the proposal of the trade union committee to pay all employees a bonus in the amount of 100% of their salary. 13, salaries at JSC Russian Railways, according to the terms of the agreement, should be accrued at the end of February 2018.

Regarding this initiative of JSC Russian Railways, salary 13 2017 will become a truly pilot significant (expensive) social project not only in the industry, but also in the economic space of the entire country.

13 salary for military personnel

Everything is more complicated here... More precisely, more fun. This situation is best described by an anecdote: “Comrade Major, will you allow me to watch TV in the Lenin room? “I allow it, just don’t turn it on!” The budget process provides for 13 salaries for military personnel in 2017. However:

  • firstly, as a percentage of the standard monthly salary (what kind of salary is this?);
  • secondly, it is generally planned to implement this in the form of an allowance (exactly, not a salary);
  • thirdly, no specifics regarding the size and time of implementation (probably due to secrecy).

But it is known for sure that the bonus will definitely not go to specialists who do not know well and perform their duties in the service profile... I wonder if the rocket’s propulsion engine does not turn on after being fired from the container, what will happen to the crew of the launcher? Most likely, it is not the “launchers” who are to blame, but the plant that created the rocket. But just in case, operators will still be left without a bonus. (So ​​that next time we cross our fingers harder for luck, or something). In general, despite the end of the year, the 13th salary for military personnel in 2017 is a completely unclear question and does not seem to have been resolved (in the sense of whether it will actually be or not).

13 salary in the Russian Guard

The 2017 budget process implies the availability of annual bonuses for employees of the Russian Guard. However, there are some “buts”:

  • salaries in the Russian Guard in 2017 will not be paid to contract soldiers;
  • my salary does not apply to civil servants of this department;
  • in order to receive the coveted bonus at the end of the year, an employee of the Russian Guard must not have penalties, reprimands or a criminal record;
  • the soldier must be in good physical condition and demonstrate professionalism in his field.

The patterns are clear, but their presence signals that the Russian treasury does not have enough “gold reserves” to reward the security forces of the current administration. According to insiders of the department’s financial unit, it would be more correct for all employees of the Russian Guard to hope for a New Year’s bonus in an amount not exceeding the rate of the stipulated salary indexation in 2018 (i.e. 4%!). It’s easier to say that wage indexation for them will begin in December 2017.

13 FSIN salary

This department is closed and there are very few useful financial leaks here. Theoretically, of course, it can be assumed that a government department, when the difficulties of the financial crisis in the country have not yet been fully resolved, cannot count on a significant bonus, which is the 13th salary.

However, according to rumors, an order for such a salary has already been placed on the table of the Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service G.A. Kornienko. It is also known from the details that fines and financial penalties (if any) will be deducted from the bonus amount on a personal basis.

13 teachers' salaries

For teachers (as well as for doctors), the 13th salary is not included in the federal budget. However, the topic is not closed. It was simply farmed out to the regional level. Now regional heads were urged to think about New Year's incentives for employees of educational institutions.

The question of who is entitled to the 13th salary worries many categories of workers. In essence, it acts as an incentive for effective labor performance.

In this article, we will analyze whether the 13th salary is due, and which categories of workers can apply for it.

13 salary - what is it?

In 2017, such a concept is still not regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

As a rule, such a payment is made on the basis of Article 191 of the Labor Code “On the encouragement by the employer of persons who conscientiously performed their own labor duties.”

In addition, this incentive is based on the company’s final profit for the current year.

Based on Art. 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for accounting, material allowances will take place as follows:

  • Prize.
  • Material reward for the title “Best Employee of the Year”.
  • Financial assistance.
  • A reward in the form of cash upon receipt of a certificate of merit or.

The issue related to whether the company's employees are entitled to 13 salaries will be decided by the employer independently.

The main document for issuing such types of incentives will be disciplinary provisions and collective agreements providing for cash bonuses for employees of the enterprise.

It is also worth considering that in Russia this concept is used as a metaphor among workers.

That is, the official name sounds nothing more than “a bonus based on the results of the current year.”

The second name of this bonus arose due to the fact that it is usually issued at the end of the year, and its amount usually reaches up to a month’s salary.

The low level of legal literacy of workers means that many of them do not know about the provided monetary benefits.

In this regard, many employers, in pursuit of savings, ignore the legal rights of employees, which gives rise to a number of serious problems.

Who is it intended for?

Payment will be made in accordance with Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Moreover, each enterprise or institution has its own regulations for calculating and accruing bonus funds, according to which it is determined whether 13 salaries are due.

This is due to the fact that for each enterprise it conducts and pays taxes.

That is, the nuances can be determined by a collective agreement. But it is the employer who decides whether to issue funds or not.

In addition, in Russia it can be awarded to all workers at an enterprise or only to individuals for conscientiousness and work success.

Accordingly, this motivates all staff to further work.

A collective agreement may provide for cases in which an employee may not receive bonus money.

Important:the list of situations in which payment will not occur is compiled at the discretion of the employer.

The main cases include:

  • Failure to comply with hospital regulations.
  • Violation of labor regulations.
  • Registration of sick leave at your own expense more than 2 times during the current year.
  • Failure to comply with the established norm.

Also, according to regulations, the enterprise can identify a list of those to whom the payment is intended:

  • For all working personnel.
  • For workers who exceed the norm.
  • Only for highly qualified workers.

What influences the amount of money allowance?

The amount of the bonus in 2017 may be affected by the length of time a person has worked for the company. That is, if a person works at an enterprise:

  • Up to 3 years – 50% of the salary (for clarity, it’s worth reading).
  • From 3 to 7 years – 80% of the salary.
  • More than 7 years – 100% salary.

Important:payment of these funds will be carried out in accordance with the decree of the T-11 or T-11A format (if the payment is only for a certain category of employees).

As for public sector workers, things are a little different here.

All issues of payment of bonuses for employees of institutions belonging to this category in Russia are regulated at the legislative level.

For example, the answer to the question whether teachers are entitled to 13 salaries is yes. The size of the bonus is determined based on the law.

Thus, teachers are entitled to 13 salaries, the amount of which is equal to the so-called net rate of their salary (different from).

Also, the enterprise can set a fixed amount of the required 13th salary.

As a rule, when determining the bonus due to an employee, the time worked by him in 2017 is taken as a basis and compared with the standards, on the basis of which the coefficient is calculated.

Once calculated, the resulting data is multiplied by the basis used to determine the premium amount.

Is there a bonus for women on maternity leave?

Quite often among young mothers the question arises about whether the 13th salary is due on maternity leave.

In Russia, the issue of such payments is not directly provided for. That is, in 2017, bonuses are provided for employees performing their job functions, so the 13th salary is not due on maternity leave.

This is explained by the fact that the woman does not fulfill her duties, but receives payments on the basis of Art. 183 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

But, as a rule, such payments are accrued at the end of the year for which they are provided.

Therefore, whether the 13th salary is due on maternity leave will depend on whether the woman fulfilled her work duties at least partially during this period.

If labor functions were performed, then the bonus to the maternity worker should be accrued in proportion to the time worked.

But it is worth considering that in Russia, at the local level, an enterprise can establish that people on maternity leave are entitled to 13 salaries.

This is possible, since the Labor Code does not prohibit improving the financial situation of employees who are on parental leave.

This provision must be reflected in the documents of the enterprise. To summarize, we can say that it is quite possible that a 13th salary is due on maternity leave.

But in order to find out for sure, you need to look at the wage regulations in force at the enterprise.

Important:Whether the 13th salary is due on maternity leave is determined individually at each enterprise.

Awards for education workers

The issue of bonuses for public sector employees is regulated in a special way.

Let's look at the payment procedure in 2017 for education workers.

When determining whether a teacher is entitled to a salary, certain criteria established by the Ministry of Education are taken into account.

For accounting purposes, each teacher has a score sheet in which the results of their work are recorded.

The cost of points is determined by the size of the educational institution's budget.

Whether teachers are entitled to a salary is determined by the directorate of the institution at the end of the year based on the results of evaluation sheets and other criteria provided for in the collective agreement.

Based on a different method, incentive payments for preschool institutions are calculated in 2017.

Thus, for elementary school employees, namely teachers, the required salary is calculated as follows: 60% of bonus funds are distributed among teachers, and the remaining 40% among other employees.

According to the requirements of the Labor Code, in each individual educational institution this issue is regulated at the local level.

The management draws up a special document, the main provisions of which are agreed upon with the trade union.

Important:13 salaries are due to teachers of any category upon fulfillment of the basic bonus conditions.

Payment of annual bonus upon dismissal

Many workers who want to leave enterprises for one reason or another are interested in who is entitled to 13 salaries upon dismissal.

Anyone who is entitled to 13 salaries upon dismissal must first fulfill all the conditions provided by the enterprise.

But it is worth considering that the funds will not be provided immediately upon dismissal, because the amount of monetary allowance can be determined only after the end of the period for which payments are provided.

The law stipulates that the employer must settle the settlement with the former employee as soon as possible.

But for those who are entitled to 13 salaries upon dismissal, it can also be paid at the end of the period.

If at the time of calculation the employer cannot determine the amount of remuneration, then he has the right to pay it at the end of the year.

A specific procedure can be prescribed in the bonus regulations in accordance with Art. 8 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the employer does not have the right to reduce the salary of those who are entitled to it upon dismissal.

If these provisions are violated, the employee may go to court to protect his rights.

How is the bonus awarded?

13 the salary is formalized by the bonus regulations. Payments can also be made based on:

  • Regulations on bonuses.
  • Order.
  • Employment contract (for example)
  • Collective agreement.

The same documents reflect who is entitled to 13 salaries upon dismissal.

The order reflects the reasons for paying the premium and the funds from which the payments will be made.

Remuneration based on the results is paid from funds intended for remuneration or from another source provided in Russia.

It also reflects the procedure for determining the amount of salary in 2017 and the names of the employees to whom they will be paid.

As a rule, bonuses are awarded to those employees who have worked for the company for more than 1 year.

In addition, the regulations also reflect information about who makes the decision on the calculation of payments and the mechanism for calculating them upon dismissal.

Payments are made through. Such a concept as a bonus for the 13th month among employees appeared relatively recently.

Previously, these payments were known as year-end bonuses.

All issues of payment of motivational remuneration are regulated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and are established by local acts of enterprises and institutions.

Legal consultation (Khabarovsk). Who is entitled to the 13th salary?

Legislation of the Russian Federation encourages working citizens by paying wages. According to the rules, wage refers to mandatory payments that must be made regularly. Among employers and employees there is such a term as the 13th salary. When is the 13th salary paid? In what order and who can count on this type of payment?

13 salary - what is it?

If we turn to the concept 13 salaries, then it becomes clear that not a single legislative act contains it not secured, as it is more of a colloquial term than a legal one. Then, when is it paid and how does the accounting department handle it?

Everything is quite simple, on accounting papers, this type of payment is designated as bonus or material aid.

Payments are calculated only upon employer's discretion, and the financial capabilities of the enterprise also matter.

An employee can count on any type of bonus based on the results of work, so the 13th salary is issued, as a rule, at the end of the current working year.

Payments are made from unspent wage fund, which accumulated at the end of the year.

If such a salary is a type of bonus, then it is subject to labor legislation.

Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Incentives for work

Employer encourages employees who conscientiously perform their job duties (declares gratitude, gives a bonus, awards a valuable gift, a certificate of honor, nominates for the title of the best in the profession).

Other types of employee incentives for work are determined collective agreement or rules internal labor regulations, as well as charters and regulations on discipline. For special labor services to society and the state, employees can be nominated for state awards.”

Fixation of payment

In order for the thirteenth salary to stimulate workers, and the accounting department to be able to take into account the costs of its payment, all the rules and procedures for its issuance must have documentary confirmation.

Such documents may include:

  • Employment agreement or additional agreements thereto;
  • Collective agreement;
  • Regulations on remuneration and bonuses.

If wage payments are reflected in these local acts, then they must be confirmed by order of the head.

When describing the payment, the following points should be specified in detail:

  • Periods of issuance and accrual;
  • Bases of labor indicators: the entire enterprise, the team as a whole, each individual employee, etc.;
  • What document will serve as a signal for accounting to accrue payments (order, instruction);
  • What is the frequency of payments, etc.

Since the employer independently regulates the procedure for paying bonuses, which means he has the right to choose who exactly to reward and who not. For example, an order is issued to assign payments to employees who have shown greater conscientiousness during the working period.

A local act may provide for cases when an employee loses his bonus or he will only be credited with her Part. Such cases include:

  • Violation of labor discipline conditions;
  • Collections during the working year;
  • Poor performance of work duties, etc.

Of course, many working women are concerned about the question of whether the employer is obliged to pay 13 salaries during maternity leave? It is immediately worth noting that this type of payment is not an obligation, but employer's right, therefore, it depends only on his decision whether the woman will receive it while on maternity leave or not.

The more detailed the payment procedure is described, the easier it will be for the employer to control and motivate their employees.

Payment calculation

How the 13th salary will be carried out depends on the manager, who sets the budget of his enterprise, and the accounting department will look for a suitable option for its distribution.

  • Most often, the following methods are taken into account when calculating payments:
  • Payment in the amount of salary. The employee receives a payment in the amount of another salary, which will be treated not as wages, but, for example, as a bonus. This option is the simplest and most understandable for every employee, since everyone knows the size of their salary;
  • The amount of the bonus in the form of a fixed payment. For example, a local act reflects that leading positions will be paid according to 20,000 rubles, A employees By 10,000 rubles;
  • Employee characteristics. For example, the 13th payment will be accrued to those who did not take time off and sick leave this year, or the accrual will be based on the number of days worked in the year. This method can be called stimulating;
  • Work experience. For example, the payment amount is determined in the amount 20,000 rubles. Those workers who have seniority more than 5 years, will receive it in full; with an experience of 3 to 5 years, only half of the payment will be due.

Thus, we found out when the 13th salary is paid and whether the 13th salary is paid on maternity leave. If, based on the results of your work, you did not receive the type of payment in question and, in your opinion, such deprivation is illegal, you can appeal the management’s decision. Our lawyers can help with this. Contact our company today, and your problem will be resolved in the near future.


The thirteenth salary is an additional payment to the employee, which is accrued annually. It consists of the company’s total profit for the year.

This is a great incentive for employees during the New Year holidays.

How is the 13th salary calculated for the year in accordance with labor legislation? Who is entitled to this payment and who is not?

Who is entitled to the thirteenth salary in Russia?

Usually 13 salaries are received military, government officials and employees of large enterprises. In these situations, the administration can delight people with such surprises, since this allows the circulation of funds.

But who exactly will receive the 13th salary? depends only on the boss and department head. They are the ones who propose candidates for awards.

In some cases, management may impose penalties on a person. In this case, he will lose his thirteenth salary, since it will not be paid.

What do they give for under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?

13 salary is a special type of remuneration that is awarded to employees in many companies. To receive such a payment, the manager must draw up an appropriate order.

The order states the main reasons why a person should receive finance:

  • increase labor productivity;
  • improvement the quality of the products produced by the company employee;
  • overfulfillment the established plan in excess of the norm that was indicated;
  • saving resource organization employee;
  • introduction of proposals that can positively influence people’s working conditions.

Only in such cases is the person accrued the 13th salary. This is a good incentive for further achievements in the workplace.

How is it calculated - calculation rules

Calculation and payment of the thirteenth bonus can be carried out in various ways. This can be a fixed amount, which is equal to the salary that the employee receives per month.

But sometimes the 13th salary represents an amount that proportional to the number of days which the employee worked.

In this situation, sick days and vacations at your own expense are not taken into account. An important role is played by the employee’s vacation paid by the organization.

Person's work experience is also reflected in the size of the 13th premium. For example, if he worked for a year, he will receive 50% of his monthly salary. In case of work for more than a year – 70%.

It all depends on what documents the employer has drawn up to pay it:

  • bonus to all company employees;
  • a bonus to a limited number of employees for their contribution to increasing the organization’s income;
  • bonus to employees whose qualifications are above the established level.

That is, 13 salaries are calculated differently u.

Everything depends only on the conditions that are established in a particular organization and the accrual rules that are prescribed in the company.

Payment procedure

This premium is calculated and paid three main ways. Each employer can choose the appropriate option for themselves, focusing on the specifics of the company’s development.

How is an employee's monthly salary calculated?

This is the most common option for paying 13 salaries. At the end of the year, company employees are accrued and paid one additional salary.

This payment has one important feature. She will be carried out as an additional bonus at the end of the working period.

There is no need to carry out complex calculations or use accounting calculations. That is why employers often opt for this option of paying the thirteenth salary.

Accrual in the form of a bonus with a fixed amount

Such payments are expressed in the amount that recorded by the employer. To establish certain gradations in bonuses for employees occupying different positions, several established values ​​are taken as a basis.

Premiums with calculated coefficient

These are 13 bonuses, which are considered analogous to payments in the amount of monthly salary. The employer can choose either a fixed amount or pay the regular salary.

Premiums are paid depending on basic information about the employee. For example, an employer may decide whether to pay 13 a salary.

The peculiarity of the bonus is that it is awarded to a person in proportion to number of days he worked.

These are the main points that relate to the rules for paying 13 salaries. Each company owner chooses the method that suits him independently.

Do you get paid if you are laid off?

Downsizing is a very stressful experience for a company's employees. Searching for a new job takes a considerable amount of time, and you need to support your family.

Every person has the right to financial support from the organization that has carried out staff reduction:

If the reduction did not occur at the end of the year and when the organization is able to pay the bonus, the employee has the right to claim the thirteenth salary.

But this is only real if he worked for the company for a year.

13 wages are subject to taxes in accordance with Part 9 of Article 255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Do they give you maternity leave?

Remuneration in the form of a certain amount of finance is also paid to the employee who needs to take maternity leave.

But here too there is a basic condition for receiving the bonus.

Main, to a woman fulfilled every point of the internal act, which makes it possible to receive the thirteenth salary at the end of the year.

If this fact is not stated in the documentation, The employer must make the final decision on financial payments.

Every employee of the company it is necessary to carefully study the documents, which contains information about the procedure for calculating bonuses. Otherwise, it is impossible to get finance, because you need to navigate this issue.

Why can they be deprived?

Let's assume that the company has performed well, so the profit makes it possible to assign a bonus for the year in the form of the thirteenth salary to each employee.

However, there are exceptions to the rules. Management may deprive some employees of the organization of bonuses.

13 salaries can be deprived for:

These are the moments that lead to the deprivation of 13 salaries.

In all other situations, the employer will not be able to refuse person in payment of a bonus.

Useful video

Who is entitled to pay the thirteenth salary?, described in detail in this video:


It is quite possible to receive a bonus at the end of the year. The main thing is that there are no gross violations during the year.

Each employer sets the salary amount independently. Each employee should familiarize themselves with the compiled documentation in order to know what exactly the boss has provided for his employees.

Thanks to bonuses in the form of the thirteenth salary, you can improve your financial situation at the end of the year.

Who is paid the 13th salary, what is it and where does it come from? This concept appeared during the Soviet labor past, when the thirteenth salary was paid at the end of the year to all employees of an enterprise or institution. Today, although the concept has been preserved, fewer and fewer employers practice such payments. But in some places this tradition, pleasant for an employee, still remains.

What is this reward?

Today, calculating 13 salaries is not something mandatory on the part of the employer. Now it's really more like paying a bonus for good work. According to labor law, an employer has the right to reward its employees in various ways:

  • declaration of gratitude;
  • presenting the employee with a diploma or certificate;
  • reward in the form of a valuable gift, or payment of a cash bonus;

But the Labor Code does not mention the 13th salary; it does not even contain its definition. For this reason, it is not worth hoping in advance and claiming this reward. The only way to find out whether you are entitled to a 13th salary is to carefully study the collective agreement or bonus regulations that are kept at the enterprise.

Obviously, the accounting department will not be able to formalize this payment in the same way as a monthly salary, since there are only twelve months in a year. Therefore, most often 13 wages are formalized in all documents of the enterprise as an annual cash bonus that employees receive as a result of the successful activities of the company.

The procedure for its provision

After the manager decides that this type of bonus will be awarded to an employee, he will need to indicate for what achievements and when it will be issued. This bonus is issued in the accounting department on the basis of: an order from the manager, an employment contract concluded with an employee, a collective agreement, as well as regulations on bonuses for employees.
Despite this ambiguous status, after accrual of the bonus, all fees and taxes are paid, and it is included in wage costs, including income tax in the form of 13% of the salary.

In the text of the order, the manager must indicate the reasons for paying the bonus: increasing productivity or quality of work, exceeding work plans, introducing proposals for savings or others that help improve working conditions at the enterprise.

Sometimes the order contains the reasons why wages are not paid this year, or those due to which its amount will be lower than usual. Such reasons may be violations of the work schedule, failure to comply with safety regulations, or failure to comply with subordination. In other cases, if the company or enterprise is successful enough and turnover allows, then the thirteenth salary will most likely be paid. Funds for its payment are taken from a source specified in the charter of the enterprise. Most often, this is a material fund for employee incentives created by management.

Once upon a time, the amount of the thirteenth salary was actually equal to the average monthly salary, but today everything is not so simple. The employer is free to set the bonus percentage at its discretion. For example, according to a management decree, the calculated annual bonus may be equal to the salary or salary with a bonus, and even be established in the form of an allowance for special successes. In addition, the percentage of 13 salaries does not have to be equal for all employees of the enterprise. It may differ depending on length of service or annual earnings. And sometimes the amount of the thirteenth salary is set as a fixed amount that does not depend on any factors.

What does such a premium depend on?

As a rule, when the accounting department develops the amount of the bonus that is due to each employee, the number of calendar days worked by him during this year is taken as the basis for the accrual. The amount of time worked is compared with the norms and a coefficient is derived. The resulting coefficient figure remains to be multiplied by the base indicator adopted as the basis for calculating the premium.

It happens that the base indicator is not the salary amount, but another value. The main thing is that it will be necessary to determine the entire list of payments for which bonuses are awarded and for which they are not.

In some cases, the employer may limit the payment of the annual bonus by additional conditions. It happens that vacation days are not taken into account when calculating the annual bonus. In addition, the list of employees entitled to a bonus may include full-time employees, and sometimes it also includes external part-time workers.
In cases where an employee quit before the end of the year, especially if this did not happen at his own request or for some offense, it is possible to accrue 13 salaries for the period worked. This category includes retired workers, transferred to another job, or recalled to military service.

An important nuance is that when hired, each employee must be familiarized with a document against signature that regulates various types of additional payments to employees of the enterprise. If you are not lazy and take the time to familiarize yourself with it, you can find a lot of useful things. However, if the employer is in no hurry to provide it to you for consideration, then there is always the opportunity to ask whether the company has a reward system. The answer will at least show the extent of your management's generosity.
In addition to the thirteenth salary, some enterprises also pay the fourteenth. They differ from each other in that if the thirteenth salary according to annual results is paid to all employees of the enterprise without exception, then the fourteenth is awarded only for the high qualifications of the employee and his role in the success of the company.

To whom is it paid?

Statistics show that almost all financial directors and senior managers receive an additional bonus. In a smaller percentage, financial analysts are thus encouraged, and then in descending order: branch managers, middle-level managers and sometimes only qualified ordinary specialists.
It is already a proven fact that in an enterprise where annual bonuses are practiced (13th salary), staff turnover is much less likely to occur. At the same time, even if an employee has the opportunity to change his job to a more attractive one, most often he still prefers to wait until the end of the year so as not to lose his bonus.

In addition to bonuses, there are other non-monetary means of motivating employees. For example, this could be health insurance paid for by the enterprise, or assistance in paying for the education of the employee or his family members, providing vouchers to sanatoriums or for his children to children's health camps. Some companies can even provide an interest-free loan to their employees to purchase home appliances. In any case, the employee must see that his contribution is valued by management.

If the company did not have the practice of paying annual bonuses, then the manager can introduce innovation into the remuneration system. Typically, the development of such a plan is carried out by a personnel manager, but if there is no such person on staff or he is not well versed in this area, you can always turn to a personnel agency or a specialized center for such a service.

And yet, the payment of the thirteenth salary has a very specific purpose - it is intended to serve as an incentive for the company’s employees to work conscientiously throughout the year and try to achieve all the goals set by management. It is the result of overall work that becomes an indicator of how much each employee invested his efforts, abilities and time to achieve such indicators.

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