Applications for spending funds in 1s. Applications for spending funds

You can configure the system so that all (or certain) payments will be processed only subject to the mandatory creation and approval of a request for funds. This is regulated by the functional option Applications for spending Money :

If the option is enabled, then the obligation to place orders is configured for each organization bank account:

When creating an application, its operation is indicated:

And also the form of payment:

Applications for spending DS can be created either manually or on the basis of orders, vocational training standards, and other documents. In turn, based on applications, you can create Write-off of non-cash DS, cash settlements, and other documents.

Question 1.14 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. Prohibition on writing off funds without an “Application for Payment” document:

  1. Defined in user settings
  2. Defined in additional user rights
  3. Determined by user role
  4. Determined for each account individually

Verified. The correct answer is the fourth, see above for analysis.

Question 8.5 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. The document “Application for the expenditure of funds” can be prepared by type of cash expenditure transactions:

  1. Transfer of funds to pay taxes
  2. Transfer of funds between the parent organization and separate divisions
  3. Registration of a currency conversion transaction
  4. Transfer of funds to pay customs expenses
  5. Options 1 or 4
  6. Options 1 or 2 or 3 or 4

Verified. The correct answer is number six, see the available operations above.

Question 8.8 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. The document “Application for the expenditure of funds” can be prepared by type of cash expenditure transactions:

  1. Transfer to supplier
  2. Payroll issuance
  3. Transferring funds to the bank
  4. Options 1 or 2
  5. Options 1 or 2 or 3

Verified. The correct answer is fourth. The delivery of funds to the bank is not formalized by an application, but Order to move the DS.

Question 8.10 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0.

  1. Cashless
  2. Cash or Non-cash
  3. Payment card
  4. Options 1 or 2
  5. Options 1 or 3
  6. Options 1 or 2 or 3

Question 8.12 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. When filling out the document “Application for spending funds”, you can specify the form of payment:
  1. Cash
  2. Payment card
  3. Money document
  4. Options 1 or 2
  5. Options 1 or 3
  6. Options 1 or 2 or 3

Verified. The correct answer is fourth.

Question 8.14 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. The document “Request for expenditure of funds” can be entered:

  1. Based on the document "Order to supplier"
  2. Based on the document "Receipt of goods and services"
  3. Options 1 and 2 depending on the status of the supporting documents
  4. From the "Payment calendar" report
  5. Options 1 and 2 and 4
  6. Options 3 and 4

Verified. The correct answer is fifth. Let's consider. Based on the Order to the supplier, the application is entered without problems, despite its status Not agreed and payment after delivery (which has not yet taken place):

here is the application:

Vocational schools have no status at all; The application can also be entered without problems:

From the Payment Calendar report, there is no direct option for creating applications, but you can open the basis document from the report and make an application from it:

Question 8.11 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. Based on the document “Application for spending funds”, you can enter a payment document if the application status is set to:
  1. To pay
  2. Agreed
  3. Regardless of status

1. Introduction

Cash planning is one of the main tasks of management accounting, as opposed to financial accounting.

Of course, there are other significant differences between management and accounting (different requirements for analytics, for the assessment and revaluation of assets/liabilities, the need to create reserves, etc.), but the need to solve planning problems is the most difficult of them.
The complexity of planning lies not only in preparing the plan (calculating it, forming it according to different scenarios), but it is also necessary:

  • Perform rescheduling;
  • Update plans, transfer adjustments to subsequent periods;
  • Carry out a plan - a factual analysis.
It should be recognized that in most enterprises (using 1C for automation) planning is not carried out in the program.
“We should set up accounting...” - this is how many people argue.

Accounting needs to be improved, yes, but not at the expense of planning.
Of course, they still do planning (but not in 1C, but in XLS). And the very first, main task (which they are trying to solve) is cash planning.

  • (1) Strategic (budgeting);
  • (2) Operational.
And if budgeting (of course, with a top-down approach to planning) can be done using XLS, then operational planning cannot be done.
The bottom line is that most often a minimum of users (1-2 people) work with budget tables. For most enterprises, the number of budgeting items and other analytics is not so many. That is, everything can be processed manually in XLS.

But as for operational planning of d/s, the situation here is different. That is, there are often a large number of invoices to pay, many regular payments, expected payments for customer orders, etc.

And besides, all this can be “tied up” to a large number of primary documents with which various users of the program work, documents are adjusted, the situation changes, etc.

More important difference operational planning differs from budgeting in that it often comes from the bottom up. That is, from “Requests for d/s expenses”, which are always filled out by department employees.

And these applications, accordingly, need to be processed on time, accepted/rejected, “scheduled” and paid for.

Total: operational planning for d/s is the very first planning task, which should be automated in 1C for any enterprise.

And as a result of planning, the financial department / treasury should “see” in the system:

  • When, to whom, from which bank account/cash, for what amount must be paid;
  • What will be the cash balance on “such and such” date, taking into account current balances, planned expenses and cash receipts. The so-called must be avoided. "cash gaps"

    That is, there is a need to work with the payment calendar.

  • What debt with counterparties will be on the specified dates, taking into account planned payments, receipts and the current balance of mutual settlements.

    That is, there is a need to work with the calculation calendar.

Purpose of this article – talk about the possibilities of automating operational planning for d/c. At the same time, it will be carried out comparative analysis 3 different circulation configurations (two are standard from 1C, one is specialized from the company wiseadvice).

Each of the configurations can be used to solve operational planning problems, but a balanced choice should be made based on the scope and scale of your project.

2. Features of soft starter 1.3

At the moment, 1C has not yet released the long-awaited, new edition of the UPP (revision 2). And for this reason, we will focus on what is available - the corresponding subsystems of SCP 1.3:

It must be noted that the subsystem “Requests for Expenditure of Cash” was updated in the configuration relatively recently (2011). And as a result, in the managed interface mode, the item “Requests for spending d/s/” appeared in the section panel.

If you try in a standard configuration, in file mode, to open the document form “Request for D/s Expenses” (aka, ZRDS), then an error immediately appears for the variable “Global Values” from the general module “Working with General Variables”.

Such errors can be corrected, however, as they say: “the sediment remains.” That is, there are enough “roughnesses” in the UPP ZRDS subsystem.
The ability to draw up a ZRDS document through a WEB browser is useful, but in practice you will have to think carefully about simplification and ergonomics standard form document. This will be especially important for mobile devices.

But as for the payment calendar, in thin client mode, remotely via a WEB browser, etc. you won't be able to use it. The reason is that the Cash Management subsystem has not been updated for a long time and, in particular, the Payment Calendar report is not built on a data composition system. Therefore, this report cannot be used in thin clients; there is no possibility to create custom settings for it.

When working with ZRDS, an important place is occupied by the regulations for the coordination and approval of applications. Depending on the organizational structure of the enterprise and other business features, the internal procedure for approving applications (approval regulations) can be quite complex (multi-stage, variable, etc.). So this is not an easy task for automation.

In UPP, the coordination and approval subsystem is implemented. It provides quite flexible settings.

  • Approval is confirmation of the need to pay for the application. Typically, approval must go through the heads of departments, managers and other responsible persons of the company.
  • Approval is the final confirmation (by the Treasurer) that the application will be paid. In this case, the payment date and the bank account/cash office from which the payment will be made must be determined. Thus, the payment falls into the operational plan (payment calendar).
It must be noted that a number of aspects of the standard functionality of the soft starter do not provide what is required for the actual implementation of the subsystem.
I will write about these “moments” later, but for now let’s look at what functionality a typical configuration provides.
  1. You can enable the use of the application approval mechanism separately for each organization.

  • It is possible to configure the sequence of the application through routes and the hierarchy of routes.
  1. It should be noted that the hierarchy in the department directory is not taken into account in the application routing mechanisms.
  2. It is also necessary to cancel that coordination and approval were technically constructed without the use of a business process mechanism.

  • At each point, you can specify one/several users for whom approval of the application will be available. That is, the application can be approved by any of them (whoever manages to do it first).

  • For each department, you can assign a corresponding approval route point. The essence of this is this: when filling out an application (ZRDS), the Central Federal District (division) must be indicated. And depending on the specified division, the UPP “finds” the corresponding approval point and “sends” the application for approval to this point.

It is also possible not to specify a department when setting up the approval route. In this case, such a coordination point will be “applied” to all CFDs for which the corresponding route point is not specifically indicated.

  1. The approval itself is performed using a special processing “Application approval”

  1. Analysis of the planned availability of funds, payment schedule and tracking of cash gaps is performed in the “Payment Calendar” report.

In addition to the planned consumption of d/s (ZRDS), you can also take into account the planned receipt of d/s. For these purposes, it is envisaged to draw up a special document “Planned receipt of income”.

It should be noted that although the document “Planned receipt of d/c” has states (prepared, agreed upon, etc.), there is no opportunity to coordinate this document (as well as the ZRDS). That is, changing document statuses is only possible in “manual control” mode.

And in the UPP it is possible to take into account the planned receipt of cash from buyers without preparing documents “Planned receipt of cash”.

That is, if “Customer Orders” are issued for a buyer, then in a separate report “Payment calendar taking into account orders” this planned receipt can be seen.

  1. In addition to the Payment Calendar report, there is a Cash Availability Analysis report.

At the same time, it is possible to reserve d/s (based on applications for expenses) or place applications against planned revenues.

There is also functionality for closing ZRDS and planned income from d/c. For these purposes, in the “regular client” mode, documents “Closing applications for expenditures/receipts” are provided.

However, this functionality is also not supported in thin/web client mode.
Here you need to understand that the “hard reservation” technique is strongly tied to the chronology of document entry, and this makes adjustments and rescheduling difficult.

Therefore, the functionality is left in the UPP rather as a “legacy of the past”, and the payment calendar should be used to analyze the availability of d/s.

So, we have considered the functionality of the soft starter and now I will list those aspects of the standard configuration that in practice, on projects, have to be modified:

  1. According to the document “Application for d/s expenditure”:
    1. In the document, you can indicate “Division” (by the way, in the configuration it is designated as the Central Federal District - center of financial responsibility). But it is quite possible that an application is submitted from one division (CFD), and in this case the costs will need to be further attributed/distributed to another division(s) (CFD - financial management centers).

      Ability to specify digital functions, etc. - absent.

      There is no ability to change the route or redirect the application to other routes.

    1. There is no possibility to plan the transfer of cash between current accounts, from the account to the cash desk, etc.
  1. Agreement process:
    1. It is possible to coordinate the ZRDS, but there is no possibility to coordinate the planned receipt of d/s.
    2. In practice, it becomes necessary to carry out approvals for other employees. At the same time, the system also needs to record information about “who performed the approval and for whom.”

      The option of installing several possible executors at one coordination point is often not suitable, so this executor can be indicated at other stages of coordination. As a result, all this will lead to the fact that the employee will simultaneously have both main and indirect approval tasks in the list of requests for approval. Of course, this confuses the user and is not convenient.

      To summarize, the ability to coordinate for another performer, the ability to indicate who has the right to coordinate for whom is absent.

    3. In the process of approving applications, when an application is passed on for approval to the next one along the route, the functionality of automatically informing (by e-mail) the next executor, as well as the author of the application, is in demand.
    4. If the author of the application is already responsible for coordination/approval (at any stage of the route!), then it is quite logical for the program to automatically “shorten” the route, redirecting the application to the highest available level. However, this is not provided for in the UPP.
    • All of the above requirements, although not included in the standard configuration, are nevertheless .
  1. Reports, access rights.
    1. There is a demand for the possibility of limiting access to applications only by available authors/performers (co-ordinators); by departments available to the user.
    2. There is no reporting on monitoring (by days and intervals) of actual and planned debt. This is true for both buyers and suppliers.
    3. Reporting and some of the functionality are not suitable for working in thin/web client mode.
  2. Accounting for regular agreements and contracts.
    1. There are often situations when it is necessary to regularly pay suppliers. For example, rental payments, etc.

      UPP does not automatically reflect it in the payment calendar, etc. these upcoming expenses. That is, it is necessary to manually track such payments and fill out payment requests, which is inconvenient and labor-intensive.

    2. Agreements with buyers and suppliers may stipulate conditions for the percentage of advance payment, payment terms, etc.

      The UPP does not automatically record all this information and (as a result) automatically reflect it in the payment calendar.

3. Features of UT 11.1

With the release of the new configuration “Trade Management Rev.11”, many new, useful features have appeared for the tasks of operational planning and financial control.
Perhaps the most significant thing in this part in UT11 (compared to UPP 1.3) is the mechanism for accounting for the payment schedule. This mechanism “closes” what was sorely lacking – automation of planning/accounting under regular agreements and contracts.

Thus, in UT11 you don’t have to draw up documents at all (if there is no need, of course) for planning expenses and receipts, and at the same time, the payment calendar will be formed normally.

You can cancel that the “standard settings” of the “Payment calendar” report do not really meet expectations (as such, the calendar is not displayed), but in the user mode you can add a grouping by “payment date” and the report will be generated in the usual form.

The functionality of the report has greatly expanded (compared to SCP 1.3) due to the use of a data composition system. Now, the report can be generated in a thin/web client, saved in the database and assigned to different users the settings they need.

In addition to planning the consumption and receipt of household goods, UT11 now has the functionality of planning the movement of household goods. For these purposes, you can draw up documents “Order for the relocation of households.”

Compared to UPP 1.3 for the document “Application for expenditure of cash”, the number of considered types of business transactions has increased:

It is now possible to approve both the documents “Application for the expenditure of funds” and other orders:

To analyze debt by intervals/terms, a report is provided “ Accounts receivable" If necessary, you can also create a debt calendar. To do this, in custom mode you should add a grouping by payment dates.

Unfortunately, UT11 (as before) does not provide the ability to analyze the debt calendar by suppliers. However, UT11 needs to be finalized for this task.

To summarize: new methodological solutions "1C", together with the capabilities of the 8.2 platform, provide a good basis for automating the tasks of operational planning and control of d/s.

But at the same time, you need to understand that the UT11 configuration is not complete, ready-made solution for automation of treasury and financial planning.

  • Firstly, UT11 implements in a very simplified form a mechanism for coordinating/approving requests for expenses and other d/s planning documents. That is, there are no routing mechanisms, the process of approving applications is reduced to simply setting statuses.
  • Secondly, UT11 does not have a budgeting subsystem and (as a result) there is no functionality for monitoring applications for planned budgets.
4. WA Features: Financier

Historically, the WA:Financier configuration was developed based on the Treasury Management product.

And at the same time, the new “Financier” solution from WiseAdvice also includes:

  • Budget planning subsystem;
  • Contract management subsystem;
  • Subsystem for the formation and accounting of actual payments;
  • Flexible, customizable mechanism for generating/filling out documents based on templates;
  • Flexible, customizable client-bank integration subsystem.
Let's look at the main functionality"WA: Financier" in terms of treasury - from taking into account the terms of contracts to the formation of a payment calendar.

  1. During the application approval process, you can not only approve/reject the document (as is done in UPP), but other functions are also available: for example, send a document for revision, or request additional information. information.

    This entire process is automated; accordingly, reporting is provided on the status of document approval processing.

5. Results


  1. To automate the work of financial departments, treasuries, organizations with complex organizational structures. structure the most suitable solution is "WA: Financier".

    This solution has been developing and evolving for a long time, accordingly accumulating the specifics and requirements of different financial institutions. departments and treasuries. The total labor costs for developing the solution amounted to more than 5,000 person/hours.

    The advantage of the WA: Financier solution is its advanced functionality and a large number of program settings mechanisms. Thus, the implementation of this solution is possible in a short time (the so-called “out-of-the-box implementation”), without additional. development, programming, etc.

    Since the solution contains mechanisms for two-way exchange with all the main standard configurations, integration into the existing structure (data exchange with UT, UPP, Kompleksnaya, Bukh databases) will not be difficult.

  2. To automate the financial department / treasury within the framework of a comprehensive automation project the best solution is based on UPP.

    At the same time, you need to understand that the functionality of the soft starter will require improvements.

    Specifics, financial requirements. departments and treasuries are not embedded in the UPP as deeply as is done in separate, specialized solutions.

    Thus, the implementation of SCP for these tasks should only be carried out as part of an automation project.

  3. For large organizations, to automate the treasury department UT11 doesn't fit.

    In this decision, firstly, there are no mechanisms for coordination/approval of planning documents.

    Secondly, there is no budgeting subsystem and control over the implementation of budgets during operational planning.

    However, UT11 perfect for automation (including operational planning d/c) small financial company departments.

The company can pay the supplier in cash or by transferring funds to the supplier's bank account (non-cash payment). Payment in cash is made using the document Expenditure cash order.

Non-cash payment (transfer of funds to the supplier's current account) is recorded in the document Write-off of non-cash funds.

Documents can be drawn up on the basis of previously drawn up documents Receipt of goods and services. The transfer of funds to the supplier's current account is completed in two stages: execution and printing of a payment document (outgoing payment order) and execution of the actual transfer of funds from the enterprise's current account to the supplier's current account (after receiving bank statement).

This procedure for entering documents may occur if the enterprise does not plan revenues and does not control the expenditure of funds. If the enterprise needs to control the expenditure of funds, then the expenditure of funds is carried out in accordance with the approved application for the expenditure of funds. To implement this payment option in the program, in the Administration - Organizations and funds section, the Applications for spending funds checkbox must be checked.

Cash control can only be carried out at certain cash desks or current accounts. It is possible to define a list of those cash registers and current accounts, the flow of funds from which will be controlled. This is determined in the card of a specific cash register or current account.

To control the expenditure of funds, the document Applications for expenditure of funds is used.

How to plan and coordinate with management the expenditure of funds.

In order to use the mechanisms for planning and controlling the expenditure of funds, it is necessary that in the Administration - Organizations and funds section the Requests for the expenditure of funds checkbox is selected.

It is also possible to control the expenditure of funds in accordance with established limits on the expenditure of funds. To implement such control, you should select additional checkboxes to control the limit in the Administration - Organizations and funds section.

The cash expenditure limit is set for a month and is detailed down to cash flow items (payment to suppliers, payment of salaries, business expenses, etc.). The list of cash flow items can be optionally supplemented by the user (section Finance – Settings and reference books – Cash flow items).

It is possible to set limits on the expenditure of funds for each division and for each organization.

It should be noted that if there is no need to control the expense for any cash flow item, then it still needs to be included in the tabular part of the DS Expense Limits document, and the control option “unlimited” should be set for it. It is possible to automatically fill out the tabular part of the document with all cash flow items or those cash flow limits that were set in the previous month.

The process of approval and approval of the application consists of the following stages.

  • Preparation of an application by the payment initiator.
  • Coordination of applications.
  • Approval of applications (preparing applications for payment).

Preparation of an application by the payment initiator.

An application for spending funds is completed by the manager based on the delivery document. An application for spending funds can be created from a list or from a document form.

It is also possible to submit one application using several delivery documents or without specifying a payment document.

In a new application for the expenditure of funds, all data from the document on the basis of which the application is drawn up is filled in. The manager monitors the correctness of filling out the data in the application, sets the expected date of payment and carries it out. The application is submitted in the status Not approved.

The manager can attach to the application printed copies of invoices issued by the supplier, delivery documents or any other documents that confirm the need to spend funds. To do this, use the Attached files mechanism (command on the form navigation panel). If an application must be paid, the manager can set it to high priority.

Coordination of applications.

The list of unapproved applications is submitted for approval to the head of the department (treasurer, financial director). To coordinate applications, a separate workplace is provided for Applications for approval (Finance section). Only those users who have the right (role) Approval of requests for spending funds will be able to approve requests.

In the list, you can select those unapproved applications for which the payment deadline is approaching. To do this, you need to select in the list by the status Not agreed and by the date of payment.

You can also separately consider applications that have the highest priority and applications for each organization.

When viewing applications, the head of the department (treasurer, financial director) sees in the list all the necessary information about the application: the amount of the application, the recipient, etc. Without opening the list, he can see the justification for the need to spend funds on the application (attached files). To do this, click the icon.

To approve (reject) several requests for payment, you can select the required requests in the list and select the appropriate commands:

  • Coordinate requests – if it is necessary to coordinate requests for spending funds;
  • Reject applications – if applications for spending funds should be rejected.

The application is submitted in the status Agreed. When an application is approved, the established limit on cash expenditures is monitored. The ability to approve requests over the limit is available to all those users who have the right to approval.

You can organize approval of the application by several persons. In this case, the process of approving the application can be organized in the 1C: Document Flow program, using the capabilities of joint use of the Trade Management and 1C: Document Flow programs.

Approval of applications (preparing applications for payment).

To approve applications, the user must have an additional role defined - Approval for payment of applications for spending funds. In the program, this role is set for the Treasurer access profile.

Information about approved applications is included in the payment calendar (Finance section).

The amount of agreed payments for applications is displayed in the All Expected column.

The financier analyzes the possibility of paying for applications on the specified day in cash or by transferring funds from a current account. The application can be opened directly from the calendar and the date and method of payment can be specified for it. That is, in accordance with the available cash balance in various cash registers and current accounts, the financier determines how best to pay for this application.

Directly from the calendar, you can issue an order to move funds (from another cash desk, another current account) or register the expected receipt of funds (receipt of additional loans, credits, etc.).

After specifying the date and method of payment, the financier approves the applications (sets the status For payment for them).

After final approval of applications, he checks the possibility of payment of applications. The amount for approved applications is displayed in the Payable column.

After approving the application (setting the status For payment), you can issue a payment document for spending funds.

After approval of the application, it is advisable to issue payment documents indicating the type of payment that was registered in the application. However, other types of payment are also allowed. For example, part of the application can be paid in cash, and part by transferring funds from the current account.

In case of cash payments, the document Cash receipt order is drawn up. The application for spending funds will be shown as a payment order in the list of cash outgoing orders. To fix the payment, just click on the Pay button. The information in the cash receipt order will be formatted in accordance with the data of the approved application.

Transfer of funds from the current account is processed in two stages:

  1. The payment order is drawn up and printed. The payment order is sent to the bank.
  2. The actual debiting of funds from the current account is recorded upon receipt of a bank statement on the movement of funds in the current account.

How to issue and print a payment document.

In the program, you can issue any type of payment document: outgoing payment order, transferred Letter of Credit, transferred collection order, etc. To register all these types of documents in the program, one document is used - Write-off of non-cash funds.

What type of payment document is drawn up for transfer to the bank is determined by setting the appropriate type in the document Write-off of non-cash funds.

The list of documents for which payment must be registered is displayed on the For payment list of documents Non-cash payments page.

If cash planning is not used (the Requests for cash expenditure checkbox is unchecked in the settings), then this list will display all those documents for which it is necessary to process cash expenditure: an order to a supplier, receipt of goods and services, etc.

If mutual settlements with the supplier are carried out as a whole under the contract (without detailing orders or invoices), then the list will display the amount owed to the supplier under the contract.

If the enterprise uses cash planning, then this list will display only approved applications for spending funds (applications with the status For payment).

To issue a payment document for debiting non-cash funds, you need to click the Pay button. The document Write-off of non-cash DS will be generated. The information in the document will be filled out in accordance with the approved application for spending funds. In the tabular part of the document, the settlement object (Agreement with supplier, Order to supplier, Receipt of goods and services) that was specified in the application for spending funds will be filled in.

After posting the document, the amount and currency of mutual settlements are automatically filled in. The currency of mutual settlements is determined by the currency of mutual settlements that was defined in the settlement object specified in the payment document. In our case, the object of settlements is the receipt document; it indicates the currency of mutual settlements, rubles, so the amount of mutual settlements will also be recorded in rubles.

The payment document is printed and sent to the bank. To correctly execute a payment order, you need to carefully check and, if necessary, correct all the details that are presented in the Payment purpose field. To automatically fill in the payment purpose, use the Insert command. Using this command, you can fill out a list of those documents for which payment must be registered (indicated in the tabular part of the document as a settlement object).

How to register the fact of transferring funds from the company's current account to the supplier's current account.

After receiving a bank statement with a note indicating the transfer of funds from the merchant’s current account to the supplier’s current account in payment order the Posted by bank checkbox is selected.

It is possible to set a group mark for the bank to carry out the selected list of payments.

Upon receipt of the bank statement, the accountant must perform the following actions.

  • In the Non-cash payments list, set the bank account and period that are indicated for payments in the bank statement.
  • Click the Unaccounted for Bank button. Only those payments that are not marked as carried out by the bank will remain in the list.
  • Using the Receipt and Write-off buttons, register those payments that need to be reflected in the bank statement.
  • Select the list of all payments and click on the button Posted by Bank.
  • In the dialog box that appears, set the date for payments by the bank and click OK.

For all marked payments, the Posted by bank checkbox will be selected. To reconcile payments with the received bank statement, use the Statement by Day report, which is called by a hyperlink from the list.

It should be noted that the program provides the ability to automatically register payments using the Bank Client program. The program is launched by clicking the Exchange with bank button in the Non-cash payments list.

Mixed payment is also available. That is, part of the amount can be paid in cash, and part by transferring funds to the supplier’s bank account. In this case, on the basis of an application for the expenditure of funds (or a receipt document), two documents are drawn up: Expenditure cash order and Write-off of non-cash funds.

Information about payments to suppliers can be obtained in the Card of settlements with suppliers report. The report is called from the supplier card.

How to process a payment to a supplier in foreign currency by transferring funds to a foreign currency settlement account.

Registration of such a transaction makes sense only if settlements are made with a foreign supplier. The currency in which settlements with the supplier are made is determined in the agreement with the supplier. If contracts are not used, then the currency of mutual settlements is determined in the supplier's order or in the receipt document if the order is not placed with the supplier.

Funds must be transferred from the enterprise's foreign currency account to the supplier's foreign currency account.

This operation is executed using the document Write-off of non-cash DS with subsequent registration of payment (checking the Posted by bank checkbox) after registering the bank statement. A current account is selected in the document. It must indicate the currency in which funds need to be transferred to the supplier’s bank account. The currency of the current account may not coincide with the currency in which documents with the supplier are drawn up (supplier agreement, supplier order, delivery document). For example, mutual settlements with a supplier are carried out in euros, and funds are transferred in dollars. After completing such transactions, it is necessary to formalize the revaluation of currency funds. A revaluation document is created automatically when you perform Month Closing processing (Financial section). The program itself determines whether revaluation needs to be performed, automatically revaluates payments to suppliers, calculates exchange rate differences and assigns them to other income (or expenses).

Business process “Coordination and approval of applications for spending funds”

In conditions of a stable financial condition, an enterprise is able to fully and on time fulfill its obligations - in this case, the enterprise does not need to optimize the expenditure of funds. At the current time, in conditions financial crisis, the mechanism for distributing scarce funds against the enterprise’s obligations is especially relevant.

The process consists of six sequential stages:

1. A representative of the unit (managers, engineers, etc.) fills out an application to spend funds on obligations - advances under contracts and repayment of debt on settlement documents.

2. The head of the department, using convenient tools, checks applications for correctness and, if necessary, corrects them.

3. The responsible representative of the financial service (financial director, deputy financial director or head of the organization) determines from which current accounts, to whom and in what amount funds should be transferred.

4. The head of the department distributes the amounts allowed for payment according to specific applications (actually according to obligations - orders, invoices, settlement documents).

5. The accounting department of the enterprise, on the basis of applications approved and allocated for obligations, creates outgoing payment orders.

6. Payment orders are automatically uploaded to the client bank.

Submitting applications for spending funds

Registration of transactions for spending funds from current accounts always begins with planning the expenditure of funds - that is, processing applications for spending by all departments of the enterprise involved in the process.

Each service of the enterprise fills out an application for the expenditure of funds depending on the purpose of the expense (each purpose of the expense corresponds to a certain type of operation in the document “Application for the expenditure of funds”). The purpose of the expense, in the case of advance payments, may be an order to the supplier, and in the case of debt repayment, a settlement document.

Thus, the entire planned expenditure of funds for all services must be reflected in the system in the form of requests for expenditure of funds.

Formation of an application for the expenditure of funds is carried out using the document “Application for the expenditure of funds”.


Checking prepared applications

The head of the department checks the list of requests for spending funds submitted by subordinates, corrects them and sends them to the financial service for approval. To approve an application for the expenditure of funds, a document “Approval of Applications” is drawn up, in which the outstanding documents “Application for the expenditure of funds” are selected.


As a result, after checking and adjusting, the head of the department confirms that the completed applications have been approved and are ready for consideration by the financial service.


Approval of applications by the financial service

After each service has prepared - filled out in the system - an application for spending funds, the financial director or the person appointed by him makes a decision on their payment (full or partial) on that day. In this case, a decision can be made on each individual application, as well as on a combination of them according to a certain criterion - for example, on payment to a certain counterparty (or under a certain counterparty agreement), or the budget for service requests as a whole is agreed upon.


When making a decision on spending money, you must indicate from which current account it should be sent. When reviewing applications, the financial director sees cash balances on current accounts (taking into account planned receipts and previously approved payments) on the “Account Balances” tab. By conducting the document, the financial director approves the amount of funds that can be distributed to applications for spending money on the service.


Distribution of approved payments according to applications for spending funds.

The head of the department, using the document “Distribution of Applications,” distributes the amounts approved generally for the service or specifically for counterparties to the applications he has selected for the expenditure of funds.


If the approved volume of the application is less than planned, then an application for the expenditure of funds is automatically created for the remaining amount, which can be submitted by the head of the department for approval by the financial service on another day.

Using a set of analytical reports, department employees can analyze the planned, approved and executed volume of payments and the remaining obligations of the department to contractors.

Registration of transactions based on the actual expenditure of funds.

After applications for the expenditure of funds have gone through the approval process with the financial director, the financial department of the accounting department, based on the approved applications, enters the document “Outgoing payment order”. In this case, in the document “Outgoing Payment Order” all the necessary fields are filled in automatically, the accountant indicates the purpose of the payment (for printed form payment orders) and posts the document “Outgoing Payment Order” without the “Paid” mark.

Created and posted payment orders from 1C are imported into the Client-Bank system.

The next day, as statements from the bank about completed transactions are received, the accountant indicates “Paid” in each payment order, and also enters into the system transactions for the expenditure of funds that the bank wrote off from the current account without acceptance - draws up the documents “Payment order: debiting funds" and "Payment request received". If funds are written off without acceptance in favor of counterparties, the relevant services need to select the counterparty’s settlement document for which the payment was made and close the application for spending, if it was previously completed.

You can reconcile completed transactions on the expenditure of funds for the day with the statement using the standard “Bank Statement” processing. In the standard “Bank Statement” processing, a specialist can control the balance at the beginning, receipts, expenses, and the balance at the end of the day for each bank account of the organization in the context of documents. If the printout shows that the document was partially paid, then the user can make a partial payment directly from processing.

Only after documents on the expenditure of funds with the sign “Paid” are posted in the system, funds are written off from accounts and the status of settlements with counterparties changes.

Configuration options

The solution is designed for software products"1C: Management manufacturing enterprise 8" and "1C: Trade Management 8".

Cost of work

Determined individually based on the specific configuration of the Customer.

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