The blank spots in Kuyvashev's biography interested not only us, but also the presidential administration. Documentation

Predecessor: Sergei Ivanovich Smetanyuk Successor: Alexander Viktorovich Moor (acting) November 30, 2005 - July 5, 2007 Predecessor: Evgeniy Mikhailovich Vorobiev Successor: Ivan Filippovich Olenberg Birth: March 16(1971-03-16 ) (48 years old)
Lugovskoy village, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen region, RSFSR, USSR The consignment: United Russia Education: Tobolsk Medical School
Moscow Military Institute of the Federal Border Service Profession: dentist
lawyer Website: Awards:

Evgeniy Vladimirovich Kuyvashev(born March 16, Lugovskoy village, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen Region, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian statesman, governor of the Sverdlovsk region (since 2012). Previously, he was the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District (2011-2012), head of the administration of Tyumen (2007-2011) and Tobolsk (2005-2007).


After serving in the army in 1991, he worked for a short time as a physical education methodologist in the Department technological transport in Surgut. In the same year he entered the Tobolsk Medical School named after Volodya Soldatov; Graduated from college in 1993 with a degree in dentist-orthodontist. After receiving his education, he worked in the village of Poikovsky, Nefteyugansk district, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, first as a dental technician, then as deputy head of the department of the Union of Afghanistan Veterans for commercial issues, a concrete mixer operator, a high-rise assembler, and a legal adviser.

In 1997, Kuyvashev went to work in the Administration of the village of Poikovsky, where he worked first as an assistant to the head of Eduard Khudainatov, then as his deputy, and after Khudainatov moved to work in the Presidential Administration in 2000, he took his place. In 1999, Kuyvashev graduated with a degree in law. Information appeared in the media about contradictions in Kuyvashev’s biographical data in the 1990s - early 2000s and questioned whether he received higher education at the specified institute. As a result of requests to the prosecutor's office, the fact of receiving higher education was confirmed - Kuyvashev received a bachelor's degree in the specialty "law" in absentia and in 1.5 years (in 1998-1999).

In parallel with his work in the administration, Kuyvashev taught the theory of state and law, municipal law at the Poikovsky branch of Tyumen State University.

Many media also report that in 2002 Kuyvashev graduated from Yale University with a degree in management. At the same time, Kuyvashev himself commented in the media about information about his studies at Yale University: “I did not study at Yale - I just listened to lectures there. I didn’t study, I don’t have a diploma.”

From 2004 to 2005, he was deputy head of the Moscow bailiff department.

On November 30, 2005, he was unanimously approved by deputies of the Tobolsk City Duma as the head of the administration of Tobolsk.

On June 14, 2007, Kuyvashev submitted documents to a competition to fill the position of head of the Tyumen administration after the resignation of the former mayor Sergei Smetanyuk. On July 5 of the same year, he was elected to the desired position by the Tyumen City Duma.

Since January 29, 2011, he served as Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District. On September 6, 2011, he was appointed plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District, replacing Nikolai Vinnichenko in this post.

Since May 14, 2012 - Acting Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region. On May 24, 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin introduced the candidacy of Evgeny Kuyvashev to the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region to be vested with the powers of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region. The candidacy was supported by a majority vote of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region, and on May 29, 2012, Evgeny Kuyvashev officially took office as governor of the region.

Legislative initiatives

In August 2012, E. Kuyvashev put forward a legislative initiative on mandatory licensing of the activities of all organizations involved in the rehabilitation of drug addicts. In his opinion, such licensing is a matter of citizen safety. At this time, on his instructions, a state rehabilitation center “Ural without drugs” was created in the region. The decree on its creation was signed on July 3, 2012. The media mentioned that the logo of the state center “Ural without Drugs” turned out to be very similar to the logo of a well-known public organization Foundation "City Without Drugs" headed by E. Roizman.


Information appeared in the press about Kuyvashev’s informal connection with energy businessmen Artyom Bikov and Alexei Bobrov, who were called his sponsors. However, Kuyvashev himself denies this connection: “It’s not my fault that they have assets in all the regions where I worked. Wherever you start working, Bikov and Bobrov are already there.”

Journalist Aksana Panova, former editor-in-chief of the Ural Internet agency, accused in a number of criminal cases, calls E.V. Kuyvashev the “customer” of her persecution.

On April 21, 2014 at 12.00, drivers of buses, trams and trolleybuses staged a “Signal” action. They buzzed for about 15 seconds all over Yekaterinburg, calling on E. Kuyvashev and the Government of the Sverdlovsk region to pay public transport enterprises a 1.5 billion debt for transporting passengers on benefits.


Married, has a son and daughter.

Class rank


In 2011, the income of E.V. Kuyvashev, who worked as Plenipotentiary Representative of the President, amounted to 3.7 million rubles, the income of his wife - 3.1 million. According to an expert interviewed by the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, E.V. Kuyvashev’s watch costs about 700 thousand rubles.

Having become the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Evgeny Kuyvashev bought an apartment in Yekaterinburg worth about 13.5-16.5 million rubles.

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Chairmen of the regional executive committee
(1934-1991) Chairmen of the regional council (1990-1993) Heads of Administration (1991-1995)
and governors (since 1995) Prime Ministers (since 1991) Chairmen of the Regional Duma (1994-2011) Chairmen of the PPZS (1996-2011) Chairmen of the Legislative Assembly (since 2011)

An excerpt characterizing Kuyvashev, Evgeniy Vladimirovich

Petya was now a handsome, ruddy fifteen-year-old boy with thick, red lips, similar to Natasha. He was preparing for university, but recently, with his comrade Obolensky, he secretly decided that he would join the hussars.
Petya ran out to his namesake to talk about the matter.
He asked him to find out if he would be accepted into the hussars.
Pierre walked through the living room, not listening to Petya.
Petya tugged at his hand to attract his attention.
- Well, what’s my business, Pyotr Kirilych. For God's sake! There is only hope for you,” said Petya.
- Oh yes, it's your business. To the hussars? I'll tell you, I'll tell you. I'll tell you everything today.
- Well, mon cher, did you get the manifesto? - asked the old count. - And the countess was at mass at the Razumovskys, she heard a new prayer. Very good, he says.
“Got it,” answered Pierre. - Tomorrow the sovereign will be... An extraordinary meeting of the nobility and, they say, a set of ten out of a thousand. Yes, congratulations.
- Yes, yes, thank God. Well, what about the army?
“Our people retreated again.” They say it’s already near Smolensk,” Pierre answered.
- My God, my God! - said the count. -Where is the manifesto?
- Appeal! Oh yes! - Pierre began to look in his pockets for papers and could not find them. Continuing to pat his pockets, he kissed the hand of the countess as she entered and looked around restlessly, apparently waiting for Natasha, who was no longer singing, but also did not come into the living room.
“By God, I don’t know where I put him,” he said.
“Well, he’ll always lose everything,” said the countess. Natasha came in with a softened, excited face and sat down, silently looking at Pierre. As soon as she entered the room, Pierre's face, previously gloomy, lit up, and he, continuing to look for papers, glanced at her several times.
- By God, I’ll move out, I forgot at home. Definitely...
- Well, you'll be late for lunch.
- Oh, and the coachman left.
But Sonya, who went into the hallway to look for the papers, found them in Pierre’s hat, where he carefully placed them in the lining. Pierre wanted to read.
“No, after dinner,” said the old count, apparently anticipating great pleasure in this reading.
At dinner, during which they drank champagne to the health of the new Knight of St. George, Shinshin told city news about the illness of the old Georgian princess, that Metivier had disappeared from Moscow, and that some German had been brought to Rastopchin and told him that it was champignon (as Count Rastopchin himself told), and how Count Rastopchin ordered the champignon to be released, telling the people that it was not a champignon, but just an old German mushroom.
“They’re grabbing, they’re grabbing,” said the count, “I tell the countess to speak less French.” Now is not the time.
-Have you heard? - said Shinshin. - Prince Golitsyn took a Russian teacher, he studies in Russian - il commence a devenir dangereux de parler francais dans les rues. [It becomes dangerous to speak French on the streets.]
- Well, Count Pyotr Kirilych, how will they gather the militia, and you will have to mount a horse? - said the old count, turning to Pierre.
Pierre was silent and thoughtful throughout this dinner. He looked at the count as if not understanding at this address.
“Yes, yes, to war,” he said, “no!” What a warrior I am! But everything is so strange, so strange! Yes, I don’t understand it myself. I don’t know, I’m so far from military tastes, but in modern times no one can answer for themselves.
After dinner, the count sat quietly in a chair and with a serious face asked Sonya, famous for her reading skills, to read.
– “To our mother-throne capital, Moscow.
The enemy entered Russia with great forces. He is coming to ruin our dear fatherland,” Sonya diligently read in her thin voice. The Count, closing his eyes, listened, sighing impulsively in some places.
Natasha sat stretched out, searchingly and directly looking first at her father, then at Pierre.
Pierre felt her gaze on him and tried not to look back. The Countess shook her head disapprovingly and angrily against every solemn expression of the manifesto. She saw in all these words only that the dangers threatening her son would not end soon. Shinshin, folding his mouth into a mocking smile, was obviously preparing to mock the first thing presented for ridicule: Sonya’s reading, what the count would say, even the appeal itself, if no better excuse presented itself.
Having read about the dangers threatening Russia, about the hopes placed by the sovereign on Moscow, and especially on the famous nobility, Sonya, with a trembling voice that came mainly from the attention with which they listened to her, read the last words: “We will not hesitate to stand among our people.” in this capital and in other places of our state for consultation and guidance of all our militias, both now blocking the paths of the enemy, and again organized to defeat him, wherever he appears. May the destruction into which he imagines throwing us fall upon his head, and may Europe, liberated from slavery, exalt the name of Russia!”
- That's it! - the count cried, opening his wet eyes and stopping several times from sniffling, as if a bottle of strong vinegar salt was being brought to his nose. “Just tell me, sir, we will sacrifice everything and regret nothing.”
Shinshin had not yet had time to tell the joke he had prepared for the count’s patriotism, when Natasha jumped up from her seat and ran up to her father.
- What a charm, this dad! - she said, kissing him, and she again looked at Pierre with that unconscious coquetry that returned to her along with her animation.
- So patriotic! - said Shinshin.
“Not a patriot at all, but just...” Natasha answered offendedly. - Everything is funny to you, but this is not a joke at all...
- What jokes! - repeated the count. - Just say the word, we’ll all go... We’re not some kind of Germans...
“Did you notice,” said Pierre, “that it said: “for a meeting.”
- Well, whatever it is for...
At this time, Petya, to whom no one was paying attention, approached his father and, all red, in a breaking, sometimes rough, sometimes thin voice, said:
“Well, now, papa, I will decisively say - and mummy too, as you wish - I will decisively say that you will let me in.” military service, because I can't... that's all...
The Countess raised her eyes to the sky in horror, clasped her hands and angrily turned to her husband.
- So I agreed! - she said.
But the count immediately recovered from his excitement.
“Well, well,” he said. - Here’s another warrior! Stop the nonsense: you need to study.
- This is not nonsense, daddy. Fedya Obolensky is younger than me and is also coming, and most importantly, I still can’t learn anything now that ... - Petya stopped, blushed until he sweated and said: - when the fatherland is in danger.
- Complete, complete, nonsense...
- But you yourself said that we would sacrifice everything.
“Petya, I’m telling you, shut up,” the count shouted, looking back at his wife, who, turning pale, looked with fixed eyes at her youngest son.
- And I’m telling you. So Pyotr Kirillovich will say...
“I’m telling you, it’s nonsense, the milk hasn’t dried yet, but he wants to go into military service!” Well, well, I’m telling you,” and the count, taking the papers with him, probably to read them again in the office before resting, left the room.
- Pyotr Kirillovich, well, let’s go have a smoke...
Pierre was confused and indecisive. Natasha's unusually bright and animated eyes, constantly looking at him more than affectionately, brought him into this state.
- No, I think I’ll go home...
- It’s like going home, but you wanted to spend the evening with us... And then you rarely came. And this one of mine...” the count said good-naturedly, pointing at Natasha, “she’s only cheerful when she’s with you...”
“Yes, I forgot... I definitely need to go home... Things to do...” Pierre said hastily.
“Well, goodbye,” said the count, completely leaving the room.
- Why are you leaving? Why are you upset? Why?..” Natasha asked Pierre, looking defiantly into his eyes.
“Because I love you! - he wanted to say, but he didn’t say it, he blushed until he cried and lowered his eyes.
- Because it’s better for me to visit you less often... Because... no, I just have business.
- From what? no, tell me,” Natasha began decisively and suddenly fell silent. They both looked at each other in fear and confusion. He tried to grin, but could not: his smile expressed suffering, and he silently kissed her hand and left.
Pierre decided not to visit the Rostovs with himself anymore.

Petya, after receiving a decisive refusal, went to his room and there, locking himself away from everyone, wept bitterly. They did everything as if they had not noticed anything, when he came to tea, silent and gloomy, with tear-stained eyes.
The next day the sovereign arrived. Several of the Rostov courtyards asked to go and see the Tsar. That morning Petya took a long time to get dressed, comb his hair and arrange his collars like the big ones. He frowned in front of the mirror, made gestures, shrugged his shoulders and, finally, without telling anyone, put on his cap and left the house from the back porch, trying not to be noticed. Petya decided to go straight to the place where the sovereign was and directly explain to some chamberlain (it seemed to Petya that the sovereign was always surrounded by chamberlains) that he, Count Rostov, despite his youth, wanted to serve the fatherland, that youth could not be an obstacle for devotion and that he is ready... Petya, while he was getting ready, prepared many wonderful words that he would say to the chamberlain.
Petya counted on the success of his presentation to the sovereign precisely because he was a child (Petya even thought how everyone would be surprised at his youth), and at the same time, in the design of his collars, in his hairstyle and in his sedate, slow gait, he wanted to present himself as an old man. But the further he went, the more he was amused by the people coming and going at the Kremlin, the more he forgot to observe the sedateness and slowness characteristic of adult people. Approaching the Kremlin, he already began to take care that he would not be pushed in, and resolutely, with a threatening look, put his elbows out to his sides. But at the Trinity Gate, despite all his determination, people who probably did not know for what patriotic purpose he was going to the Kremlin, pressed him so hard against the wall that he had to submit and stop until the gate with a buzzing sound under the arches the sound of carriages passing by. Near Petya stood a woman with a footman, two merchants and a retired soldier. After standing at the gate for some time, Petya, without waiting for all the carriages to pass, wanted to move on ahead of the others and began to decisively work with his elbows; but the woman standing opposite him, at whom he first pointed his elbows, angrily shouted at him:
- What, barchuk, you are pushing, you see - everyone is standing. Why climb then!
“So everyone will climb in,” said the footman and, also starting to work with his elbows, he squeezed Petya into the stinking corner of the gate.
Petya wiped the sweat that covered his face with his hands and straightened his sweat-soaked collars, which he had arranged so well at home, like the big ones.
Petya felt that he had an unpresentable appearance, and was afraid that if he presented himself like that to the chamberlains, he would not be allowed to see the sovereign. But there was no way to recover and move to another place due to the cramped conditions. One of the passing generals was an acquaintance of the Rostovs. Petya wanted to ask for his help, but thought that it would be contrary to courage. When all the carriages had passed, the crowd surged and carried Petya out to the square, which was completely occupied by people. Not only in the area, but on the slopes, on the roofs, there were people everywhere. As soon as Petya found himself in the square, he clearly heard the sounds of bells and joyful folk talk filling the entire Kremlin.
At one time the square was more spacious, but suddenly all their heads opened, everything rushed forward somewhere else. Petya was squeezed so that he could not breathe, and everyone shouted: “Hurray! Hurray! hurray! Petya stood on tiptoes, pushed, pinched, but could not see anything except the people around him.
There was one common expression of tenderness and delight on all faces. One merchant's wife, standing next to Petya, was sobbing, and tears flowed from her eyes.
- Father, angel, father! – she said, wiping away tears with her finger.
- Hooray! - they shouted from all sides. For a minute the crowd stood in one place; but then she rushed forward again.
Petya, not remembering himself, clenched his teeth and brutally rolled his eyes, rushed forward, working with his elbows and shouting “Hurray!”, as if he was ready to kill himself and everyone at that moment, but exactly the same brutal faces climbed from his sides with the same shouts of “Hurray!”
“So this is what a sovereign is! - thought Petya. “No, I can’t submit a petition to him myself, it’s too bold!” Despite this, he still desperately made his way forward, and from behind the backs of those in front he glimpsed an empty space with a passage covered with red cloth; but at that time the crowd wavered back (in front the police were pushing away those who were advancing too close to the procession; the sovereign was passing from the palace to the Assumption Cathedral), and Petya unexpectedly received such a blow to the side in the ribs and was so crushed that suddenly everything in his eyes became blurred and he lost consciousness. When he came to his senses, some kind of clergyman, with a bun of graying hair back, in a worn blue cassock, probably a sexton, held him under his arm with one hand, and with the other protected him from the pressing crowd.
- The youngster was run over! - said the sexton. - Well, that’s it!.. it’s easier... crushed, crushed!
The Emperor went to the Assumption Cathedral. The crowd smoothed out again, and the sexton led Petya, pale and not breathing, to the Tsar’s cannon. Several people took pity on Petya, and suddenly the whole crowd turned to him, and a stampede began around him. Those who stood closer served him, unbuttoned his frock coat, placed a gun on the dais and reproached someone - those who crushed him.
“You can crush him to death this way.” What is this! To do murder! “Look, cordial, he’s become white as a tablecloth,” said the voices.
Petya soon came to his senses, the color returned to his face, the pain went away, and for this temporary trouble he received a place on the cannon, from which he hoped to see the sovereign who was about to return. Petya no longer thought about filing a petition. If only he could see him, he would consider himself happy!
During the service in the Assumption Cathedral - a combined prayer service on the occasion of the arrival of the sovereign and a prayer of thanks for the conclusion of peace with the Turks - the crowd spread out; Shouting sellers of kvass, gingerbread, and poppy seeds appeared, which Petya was especially fond of, and ordinary conversations were heard. One merchant's wife showed her torn shawl and said how expensive it was bought; another said that nowadays all silk fabrics have become expensive. The sexton, Petya's savior, was talking with the official about who and who was serving with the Reverend today. The sexton repeated the word soborne several times, which Petya did not understand. Two young tradesmen joked with the courtyard girls gnawing nuts. All these conversations, especially jokes with girls, which had a special attraction for Petya at his age, all these conversations did not interest Petya now; ou sat on his gun dais, still worried at the thought of the sovereign and his love for him. The coincidence of the feeling of pain and fear when he was squeezed with a feeling of delight further strengthened in him the awareness of the importance of this moment.

Karamzin Kantemir Feliksovich Artur Kokoev

compromising- ural@ protonmail. com

At this point there was an article entitled “The Golden Sum dissuaded, or Why the forecast of the editors of Kompromat-Ural regarding Ziya(v)udin Magomedov is coming true.” The text of the article dated April 4, 2018 consisted of five paragraphs. Only one of them mentioned Mikhail Kiyko. Mikhail Yuryevich is now former CEO JSC United Grain Company (UGC). Kiiko stayed in this position for barely a year and a half and was fired in November 2018. JSC "OZK" is half owned by a businessman Ziyavudin Magomedov.

The mention in the above-mentioned article about the “relationship of financial dependence” between Magomedov and Kiiko caused the latter’s displeasure. Mr. Kiyko’s application demanding the removal of the disputed article (all five paragraphs, and not just about Kiyko) was considered by a judge of the Arbitration Court of the Sverdlovsk Region Elena Seliverstova. She fully satisfied the claim, which was far-fetched, in our opinion.

On 01/09/2019 the decision came into force. Following the letter of the law, the editors of Kompromat-Ural deleted the text within the established period. Nevertheless, we will continue to appeal the illegal and absurd, in our opinion, judicial act and thank all readers who assist in this.

We remind you of the feedback address:compromising- ural@ protonmail. com

The May holidays turned out to be hot for the correspondents of the Kompromat-Ural portal. We have new information at our disposal to continue the anti-corruption investigation against the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Nikolai Brykin. This is a former general of the tax police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and now a representative of the lower house of parliament in Supreme Court(Brykin was delegated to the State Duma in 2016 on the list of “United Russia” from the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Tyumen Region).

The scandals surrounding Brykin are caused by the fact that the Ugra entrepreneur is from the “list Titova» Konstantin Dyulgerov, forced to flee Russia due to pressure from the security forces, openly accused the retired general of organizing a custom-made criminal prosecution. Dyulgerov revealed the details of his misadventures in detail in an actual interview “ Novaya Gazeta" The victim in the dubious case of Dyulgerov is Brykin’s son-in-law Sergey Kiryanov, and the hero of the scandal himself, as the editors of Kompromat-Ural found out, before being nominated to the State Duma, transferred multimillion-dollar development assets on the Black Sea coast to his daughter Valentin Kiryanov(in 2016, Breeze LLC, which was transferred to her, had assets worth almost half a billion rubles on its balance sheet!). Brykin ran for deputy as a modest representative of the “patriotic fund” (legally this was a fiction).

The other day, the editorial office of Kompromat-Ural received a response from the Assistant Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Valeria Volkova(Valery Georgievich came from the leadership of the Prosecutor General’s Office for supervision over the implementation of anti-corruption legislation). We contacted Yuri Chaika on the issue of verifying the accuracy of the declaration information about the personal welfare of Mr. Brykin. Is the people's servant living within his means, who in the shortest possible time after leaving the Ministry of Internal Affairs turned into a dollar millionaire, and then just as quickly got rid of his “deserved” wealth before the elections to the State Duma?

In a recent publication by our colleagues from the Tyumen publication, it was noted that according to formal declarations, Nikolai Brykin hangs out at the bottom of the deputy rating: “for 2017, his income amounted to “only” 4.8 million rubles. Less than others, but don’t rush to conclusions. He owns two huge plots of land, a couple of spacious country houses and a modest apartment of 76 square meters. His wife has a larger apartment: 116 square meters. Also recorded on it are four residential country houses and two plots of land. And all their family vehicles are registered to Brykin’s wife - Toyota Land Cruiser, Shore Land SRV31B trailer and Sea Ray 185S boat. How the lady managed to buy all this “herself”, earning 2.9 million a year, one can only guess.”

An assistant to Yuri Chaika reported to the editors of Kompromat-Ural that “the powers to conduct appropriate checks in relation to deputies State Duma» a Duma commission has been assigned to monitor the reliability of income information, headed by Natalia Poklonskaya(she is also deputy chairman of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption). Therefore, according to Valery Volkov’s response, the appeal about Brykin was sent to the lower house. The editors of Kompromat-Ural will monitor the responses of the State Duma Speaker’s office Vyacheslav Volodin and the profile commission. In mid-April, Mrs. Poklonskaya confirmed to reporters that Brykin is indeed one of the five persons involved in anti-corruption checks carried out by the commission she heads. By the way, in this list Brykin is adjacent to the “pubic” deputy from the LDPR, the hero of immoral sex scandals Leonid Slutsky.

Current publications

11 thousand defrauded shareholders of a bankrupt investment fund"Yamal" can join the company of depositors of the bank "Yugra", whose claims are directed to the banker who was arrested the other day Alexey Khotin. As follows from published documents studied by the editors of Kompromat-Ural, more than a billion rubles from Yamal’s assets were used to purchase obviously illiquid bills of the Krasny Bogatyr company, controlled by Khotin. It is obvious that the banker could have pulled off such a large-scale scam only in collusion with the former managers of Yamal and the fund’s property management company.

Last November, the arbitration court’s ruling on the liquidation of the enterprise ended the inglorious history of the Yamal Fund OJSC, which was dubbed the “Yamal MMM” in the press. Almost 11 thousand residents of the Autonomous Okrug were defrauded by the fund's investors, including representatives of the small peoples of the North, whose small incomes were skillfully taken advantage of by swindlers.

In a letter to the governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Dmitry Kobylkin from 2010, minority shareholders told how in the early 90s the former general director of the Fund Eugene Sklyarov actively traveled around the cities and towns of the district, not ignoring even the temporary camps of reindeer herders, met with people and persistently invited them to exchange recently received privatization checks for shares of the Fund.

At first, investors who responded to this offer felt confident: the fund converted the collected vouchers into shares of OAO Gazprom, which until 2008 made up 90% of its investment portfolio. And then events began that can only be explained by the selfish interests of the people authorized to make decisions...

Perm security forces hope to detain sooner or later the former chairman of the board of Ekoprombank JSCB Andrey Tueva(TIN 590301312244), who has been in Cyprus for several years, dodging in every possible way from extradition to Russia. According to investigators, Tuev’s machinations to withdraw assets brought the bank to financial collapse, sources of the Kompromat-Ural editorial office note. Today this is perceived satirically, but the accused New Cypriot himself was a member of the organization “Public Commission to Combat Corruption in the Perm Region” several years ago.

By August 1, 2012, Ecoprombank’s obligations to creditors exceeded the financial capabilities of the institution by 847 million rubles! And by the time the license was revoked on August 18, 2014, this amount had increased to 3.1 billion rubles. Ecoprombank was created in 1992 and took 252nd place in the TOP 300 banks ranking. It is believed that 53% of the bank’s shares belonged to the structures of the ex-CEO of Silvinit Petra Kondrasheva, the rest - to the deputy Vladimir Nelyubin(also in the dock, his criminal case is being considered in the Leninsky District Court of Perm) and his companions.

Former chairman of the board of OJSC JSCB Ekoprombank Andrei Tuev fled Russia shortly after the bankruptcy of the bank - on December 8, 2015. According to Interpol, Tuev, his wife Tatiana Mazuka, their son has been registered in Germany since 2011. The German identification cards issued to them, which were valid until the end of 2016, gave the defendants the right to permanent residence in Germany and to free movement in 26 member countries of the Schengen agreement, as well as in the Republic of Cyprus and more than ten other states not included in this agreement.

On June 2, 2016, Tuev’s wife flew from Moscow Sheremetyevo to Munich airport and never returned to Russia. In the bankrupt Ecoprombank, she worked as a member of the board, head of the treasury, and deputy chief accountant - and became suspected of complicity in committing fraud imputed to Tuev.

Are you aware of financial abuse? Write to the editors of Kompromat-Ural:compromising- ural@ protonmail. com

After sending numerous appeals to the Presidential Administration, the Prosecutor General's Office, the FSB, the Investigative Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the editorial office of Kompromat-Ural became aware of the arrest of a scandalous lawyer involved in numerous frauds with large property assets. Prisoner - 48 year old Karamzin Kantemir Feliksovich(TIN 773373042820, before changing my passport it was Artur Kokoev). In the registers of the Federal Tax Service he is listed as the director of Nobel Technologies LLC, co-owner of Lie Detector CJSC and Kamchatsky Bear LLC (a legal entity of one employee) and the former co-founder of International Lottery Company LLC (liquidated by tax authorities as inactive). Judging by the abundance of the same type of sugary and laudatory links given by Internet search engines in the first positions, Karamzin tried to hide from the public unpleasant, with a criminal odor, facts of his biography.

Readers and correspondents of the Kompromat-Ural publication are interested in Mr. Karamzin (Kokaev) due to information about his corrupt relationships with government officials and involvement in raider attacks. Now Karamzin is in a pre-trial detention center on suspicion of particularly large-scale fraud. He was detained upon returning to Moscow from the United States, where he ignored requests from Russian law enforcement officers for a long time. As Pravo.Ru reports, the arrest took place at the entrance to the Moscow Arbitration Court. At the same time, Karamzin “became ill,” but the emergency doctors who arrived found no reason for his hospitalization. Did your artistic abilities not help this time?

The circumstances of the arrest indirectly confirm the rumored version about the suspect’s close acquaintances with “werewolves in robes.” According to media reports, Karamzin’s preventive measure was specifically chosen not in the capital, but in the Moscow region - in the Balashikha city court, “due to his connections in the Moscow judicial system.”

In the comments of readers of the Rosbalt news agency it is reported (literally): “the corrupt judges with whom he dealt have long since been reassigned and promoted...” Sources from the Kompromat-Ural editorial team believe that FSB operatives will be interested in the arrestee’s revelations about his connections in the justice system and the actions of the “judicial mafia” (if, of course, there is one in our impeccable rule of law state). In the future, the recorded readings may be useful for Investigative Committee Russia and the High Qualification Board of Judges. Our correspondents, in turn, are also ready to accept interesting information and make it available to the competent authorities. Write:compromising- ural@ protonmail. com

The editors of Kompromat-Ural keep under control information about schemes and scandals surrounding the Naftagaz company. Recent reports from corporate and law enforcement sources suggest that Tokay Kerimov, the beneficiary of Naftagaz, which includes Naftagaz-Burenie, plans to introduce enterprises into the so-called “controlled bankruptcy.” “The scheme may be as follows,” says a law enforcement officer, “not without the knowledge of Tokay Kerimov and general director"Naftagaz-Burenia" Islam Nazaralieva LLCs are registered in the name of third parties, where machinery and equipment are purchased with creditors’ money. Then all this is leased to NG-Burenie at prices with all the signs that they are obviously higher than market prices. Thus, Kerimov has two birds with one stone killed at once. Firstly, cash flows in, and secondly, the creditor’s debt to these same friendly companies is increasing.”

The editors of Kompromat-Ural are collecting new information from knowledgeable specialists to evaluate the presented version. According to the economist Andrey Weber, “such a scheme is used, as a rule, when deliberate bankruptcy is planned. In the situation with Naftagaz-Burenie, the owner Tokay Kerimov and the company’s management are acting according to a well-known scenario - they are doing everything to ensure that debts to friendly companies are higher than to other creditors. Then friendly firms will file for bankruptcy at NG-Burenia, Kerimov will appoint his own person as bankruptcy manager and bankrupt the company as he pleases, most likely transferring all the property to newly created legal entities with dummy owners. In this way, Tokai Kerimov will be able to introduce NG-Burenie into controlled bankruptcy,” the expert sums up his opinion.

It is worth noting that today Naftagaz-Burenie owes over 3 billion rubles to real creditors, and the debt to “front” creditors is likely to be approximately the same size.

The largest operator of waste reform, Municipal Unitary Enterprise of Yekaterinburg "Spetsavtobaza", for whose work the mayor is responsible Alexander Vysokinsky, under the pressure of public protest and the actions of inspection bodies, was forced to admit the exorbitance of his financial appetites. The day before, correspondents of the Kompromat-Ural project learned that Spetsavtobaza had changed its mind about seeking an increase in its tariffs through the courts. Let us recall that the consideration of the claim in the Sverdlovsk Regional Court ended in failure for the scandalous enterprise: Themis sided with the prosecutor’s office.

The resonance from the antics of the new leadership of “Spetsatobaza”, which appeared in the municipal unitary enterprise after Vysokinsky’s “reign” at the mayor’s office, has already reached Moscow. For now, it’s up to the federal government, but soon Vysokinsky may “arrive” from the Presidential Administration, which, as any official knows, is not to be trifled with. Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service Igor Artemiev took personal control of the financial “wishlist” of the EMUP “Spetsavtobaza”. The head of the Regional Energy Commission (REC) of the Sverdlovsk Region may get it from Artemyev Andrey Grishanov. This governor's appointee Evgeniya Kuyvasheva together with his subordinates, he agreed on tariffs for the garbage operator.

The chief Russian antimonopoly official officially confirmed the fact of an inspection in relation to the regional regional energy commission “in order to determine the reliability and economic justification of tariffs” EMUP “Spetsavtobaza”. According to the editorial office of Kompromat-Ural, the FAS Russia inspection has already pointed out signs of violations of the law committed by the REK members. Now Andrei Grishanov’s department has the right to submit objections to central office FAS, but has not yet done this, Artemyev clarified. In any case, he promises to hold a special meeting of the commission in Moscow on the problem of inflated tariffs of the Yekaterinburg “Spetsavtobaza”. Our correspondents will monitor developments.

Meanwhile, the forecast made by analysts of the Kompromat-Ural portal in one of the previous publications is confirmed. We reported that this is a real Klondike for law enforcement (not only the prosecutor’s office, but, for example, the FSB and the Investigative Committee) and control and supervisory authorities (primarily the regional OFAS under the leadership Dmitry Shalabodova) may become the procurement activity of EMUP "Spetsavtobaza". In other words, where are the billions collected from citizens and businesses under the enslaving “garbage reform” flowing from the municipal enterprise? Particularly interesting are the facts of ignoring transparency requirements and manipulating procurement procedures...

Observers of the Kompromat-Ural publication are working to develop a public investigation into the activities of the EMUP Spetsavtobaza. We are grateful to readers for interesting messages on a topical topic:compromising- ural@ protonmail. com

Acting Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region since May 2012. Before that, from September 2011 to May 2012, he was the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District; earlier, from January 2011, he was deputy plenipotentiary representative in the same district. Former head of the administration of Tyumen (2007-2011), Tobolsk (2005-2007), the village of Poikovsky, Nefteyugansk district, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen region (2000-2005). In 2005, he worked as deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Federal Bailiff Service for the city of Moscow. He holds the rank of Actual State Advisor of the Russian Federation, Class II (2011). Member of the United Russia party.

Evgeniy Vladimirovich Kuyvashev was born on March 16, 1971 in the Tyumen region, in the village of Lugovskoy in the Khanty-Mansiysk region of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous (until 1977 - national) okrug (KhMAO).

After graduating from school, Kuyvashev began his career at the Surgutremstroy trust, then served in the ranks of the Soviet army. In 1993, he graduated from the Volodya Soldatov Tobolsk Medical School (college since 2001) with a degree in dentist-orthodontist.

Later, Kuyvashev moved to the Nefteyugansk district of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, to the urban-type settlement of Poikovsky, where since 1997 he worked in the local administration - he was an assistant to the head of Poikovsky, first deputy head of the administration of the Nefteyugansk district, Eduard Khudainatov. Subsequently, it was noted that it was Khudainatov who “brought Kuyvashev into big life... and later patronized him.”

In 1999, Kuyvashev graduated from the Moscow Military Institute of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation (since 2003 - the Moscow Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation) with a degree in law and in 2000 became the head of the administration of the village of Poikovsky. His predecessor Khudainatov, according to media reports, actively invested in the construction and improvement of the village, thanks to which Poikovsky, as the local press put it, became “the second capital of the district, like, say, Leningrad for Russia.” The governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Alexander Filipenko, also highly appreciated the successes of the village. Kuyvashev continued to engage in improvement: it was reported that since 2000, Poikovsky was recognized three times as “the most comfortable city in the district with a population of more than 25 thousand people,” and in 2004 received the honorary title of “the most comfortable village in Russia.” At the same time, Kuyvashev taught the theory of state and law, as well as municipal law at the Poikovsky branch of Tyumen State University.

In 2002, Kuyvashev received a diploma from Yale University in the USA with a degree in management. In 2003, he was mentioned in the press as an “activist of the United Russia party.”

In January 2005 (according to other sources - back in 2004), Kuyvashev left his post in the Poikovsky administration in connection with his transfer to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. Press reports on this matter noted that the official “will head one of the departments of the Federal Bailiff Service and will receive the rank of State Counselor of Justice III class, corresponding to the rank of major general.” Indeed, in the same year Kuyvashev moved to the capital - he was appointed to the position of deputy head of the Main Directorate of the FSPP for the city of Moscow - deputy chief bailiff of Moscow. The department at that time was headed by Alexander Komarov, who in the early 2000s held the post of deputy chief bailiff of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug; The head of the Federal Bailiff Service since 2004 has been Nikolai Vinnichenko.

In the same year, Kuyvashev left the capital. It was reported that according to the new method of urban government introduced in the city of Tobolsk in early November 2005, the mayor of Tobolsk Evgeny Vorobyov became the chairman of the city duma and the head of the municipality, while administrative powers and “the functions of the main city “businessman”” were to pass to a new person - the city -a manager hired under a five-year contract. United Russia recommended Kuyvashev for this post. The press noted that he “received an invitation” to head Tobolsk at a time when Sergei Sobyanin was the governor of the Tyumen region (on November 14, 2005, he was appointed head of the administration of Russian President Vladimir Putin).

On November 30, 2005, deputies of the Tobolsk City Duma unanimously voted for Kuyvashev’s candidacy for the post of head of the city administration. It was later reported that in Tobolsk Kuyvashev was also involved in landscaping, solving housing and communal services problems, and also “initiated and began to implement targeted programs,” trying to make the city “attractive to investors as a tourist center.” The press noted that the official managed to “create a good team around himself,” which continued to work successfully even after he left office.

On July 5, 2007, deputies of the Tyumen City Duma elected Kuyvashev as head of the administration of the city of Tyumen. In this post, he replaced Sergei Smetanyuk, who became deputy governor of the Tyumen region Vladimir Yakushev. The media subsequently noted that this appointment also happened, most likely, “not without the participation” of Sobyanin.

Talking about Kuyvashev's achievements as city manager of Tyumen, the press, in particular, pointed out that it was thanks to his efforts that the city was included in the federal program "Energy Saving Quarter" to stimulate energy conservation. The media also noted that under Kuyvashev, “the construction of the Tyumen embankment entered its final stage.” Under Kuyvashev, a unified Transport Card for all municipal transport - despite the fact that this measure was perceived by the population “ambiguously” due to difficulties both with paying for trips by the “beneficiaries” themselves, and with reimbursing money to carriers for travel of this category of citizens. At the same time, information was published in the media according to which the transport card was developed and implemented by the Tyumen Transport System OJSC company, which since January 2008 was managed by Alexey Rakov, the younger brother of Anastasia Rakova (from 2001 to 2005 she was Sobyanin’s assistant as the governor of the Tyumen region, and Since 2006, she held the post of his deputy as head of the secretariat of the head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation). Another initiative of Kuyvashev that was widely covered in the media was the installation of glass walls and doors in the offices of city administration officials, which was supposed to limit bureaucracy and help reduce the level of corruption. However, sources of the publication "URA.Ru" noted that the city manager's step was "populist": only the rooms of ordinary employees became glass, and not the deputy heads of the mayor's office or department directors.

In 2010, Kuyvashev underwent professional retraining under the program “State and Municipal Administration” in Tyumen state university. On January 29, 2011, by order of the head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation Sergei Naryshkin, he was appointed deputy of Nikolai Vinnichenko, who in December 2008 took the post of presidential plenipotentiary representative in the Ural Federal District (in this post Kuyvashev replaced Alexander Beletsky).

At that time, the regional press wrote that the new deputy Vinnichenko would oversee economic issues, which were once dealt with by Sergei Sobyanin, being the first deputy of Plenipotentiary Representative Pyotr Latyshev. It was noted that Sobyanin developed an “impressive in scope program” for the development of the district, which provided for the “involvement of all six “Ural” subjects” in unified system economic relations. However, he did not have time to implement it, because he held his post for only six months, and only the Ural Industrial - Ural Polar corporation was created. The press assumed that Kuyvashev would continue to implement the program. Indeed, in April 2011 he was elected chairman of the corporation's supervisory board. However, in the same month, reports appeared in the press about problems with financing the project and attracting investors, and it soon became known that the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation refused to allocate money for the expensive construction projects of the Industrial Urals - the Polar Urals from the country's budget for 2012.

In June 2011, “a certain initiative group from Tyumen” filed an application with the local Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation alleging that Kuyvashev, while still a city manager, exceeded his official powers when making a decision to move the construction of an underground pedestrian crossing. However, the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia refused to initiate a criminal case.

In August 2011, Kuyvashev was appointed investment commissioner of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in the Ural Federal District. His responsibilities included “comprehensive assistance to entrepreneurs in the implementation of private investment projects” on his territory. And on September 6, 2011, by presidential decree, Kuyvashev was appointed presidential plenipotentiary representative in the Ural Federal District. At the same time, Vinnichenko was transferred as plenipotentiary representative to the Northwestern federal district. Commenting on Kuyvashev’s appointment, the media again reported that the official was “close to a native of the region” Sobyanin (since October 2010, the mayor of Moscow). It was also noted that the success of the official’s career could have been influenced by Khudainatov, since September 2010 - the head of the Rosneft company. The new plenipotentiary representative was also called “Vinnichenko’s man” in the press of the Ural District. Noting that the latter was Medvedev’s classmate (they studied together at Leningrad State University), some political scientists, assessing the personnel changes made, concluded that the head of state wanted to strengthen his influence in the regions.

On May 14, 2012, by decree of Putin, who had shortly before returned to the post of President of Russia, Kuyvashev was relieved of the post of presidential plenipotentiary representative in the Urals Federal District and appointed acting governor of the Sverdlovsk region instead of Alexander Misharin, who was dismissed on the same day.

By presidential decree in May 2011, Kuyvashev was awarded the rank of Actual State Advisor of the Russian Federation, II class. According to media reports, the official loves “old domestic films“, in particular, “Officers” and “Love and Doves,” “reads a lot of the press,” including on the Internet. It was also noted that he himself does not like to use the word “official,” preferring to call government employees “specialists.”

Kuyvashev is married to Natalya Kuyvasheva. It was reported that she studied at the Moscow sommelier school “Enotria” and in 2009 opened a boutique of elite wines “Three Glasses” in the historical center of Tyumen.

Evgeniy Vladimirovich Kuyvashev
3rd Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region from May 29, 2012
Alexander Sergeevich Misharin
3rd Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District
September 6, 2011 - May 14, 2012
President: Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev,
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Predecessor: Nikolai Alexandrovich Vinnichenko
Successor: Igor Rurikovich Kholmanskikh
head of Tyumen administration
July 5, 2007 - February 3, 2011
Predecessor: Sergei Ivanovich Smetanyuk
Successor: Alexander Moor (acting)
head of the administration of Tobolsk
November 30, 2005 - July 5, 2007
Birth: March 16, 1971
Lugovskoy village, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen region, RSFSR, USSR
Party: United Russia
Education: Tobolsk Medical School
Moscow Military Institute of the Federal Border Service

Evgeniy Vladimirovich Kuyvashev(March 16, 1971, Lugovskoy village, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen Region, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian statesman, governor of the Sverdlovsk Region. Previously - Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District (2011-2012).

Born on March 16, 1971 in the village of Lugovskoy, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.
In 1993 he graduated from the Tobolsk Medical School, in 1999 from the Moscow Military Institute of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation (now the Moscow Border Institute of the FSB of Russia) with a degree in law. The media also note that in fact, training at this institute could only be carried out in the last year.

Many media also report that in 2002 Kuyvashev graduated from Yale University with a degree in management. At the same time, Kuyvashev himself commented in the media about information about his studies at Yale University: “I did not study at Yale - I just listened to lectures there. I didn’t study, I don’t have a diploma.”

From 2000 to 2005, he was the head of the administration of the urban-type settlement of Poikovsky, Nefteyugansk district, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.
From 2004 to 2005, he was deputy head of the Moscow bailiff department.

On November 30, 2005, he was unanimously approved by deputies of the Tobolsk City Duma as the head of the administration of Tobolsk.

On June 14, 2007, Kuyvashev submitted documents to a competition to fill the position of head of the Tyumen administration after the resignation of the former mayor Sergei Smetanyuk. On July 5 of the same year, the Tyumen City Duma was elected to the desired position.

Since January 29, 2011, he served as Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District. On September 6, 2011, he was appointed plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District, replacing Nikolai Vinnichenko in this post.
Since September 14, 2011 - member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.
Since May 14, 2012 - Acting Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region. On May 24, 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin introduced the candidacy of Evgeny Kuyvashev to the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region to be vested with the powers of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region. The candidacy was supported by a majority of votes of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk region, and on May 29, 2012 Evgeniy Kuyvashev officially took office as regional governor.

Information appeared in the press about Kuyvashev’s informal connection with energy businessmen Artyom Bikov and Alexey Bobrov, who were called his sponsors. However, Kuyvashev himself denies this connection: “It’s not my fault that they have assets in all the regions where I worked. Wherever you start working, Bikov and Bobrov are already there.”

Legislative initiatives of Evgeny Kuyvashev

In August 2012 E. Kuyvashev put forward a legislative initiative on mandatory licensing of the activities of all organizations involved in the rehabilitation of drug addicts. In his opinion, such licensing is a matter of citizen safety. At this time, on his instructions, a state rehabilitation center “Ural without drugs” was created in the region. The decree on its creation was signed on July 3, 2012. The media mentioned that the logo of the state center “Ural Without Drugs” turned out to be very similar to the logo of the well-known public organization in the city, the “City Without Drugs” Foundation, headed by E. Roizman.

Criticism of Evgeny Kuyvashev

"Apartment for a macho"

Where did the governor of the Sverdlovsk region Evgeny Kuyvashev live? PHOTO

A popular topic of conversation among the Sverdlovsk establishment: Governor Kuyvashev will not be in the region for long, he will soon leave for Moscow. We’ll have to disappoint the gossipers: Evgeny Vladimirovich is seriously settling down in the capital of the Urals. Since the summer of this year, he has been the owner of spacious apartments in a house on Nikolai Nikonov Street. The online newspaper site managed not only to find photographs of the interior of this apartment, but also to find out its cost, and also find out who turned out to be Evgeniy Kuyvashev’s happy neighbors.

The Sverdlovsk governor started talking about buying an apartment in Yekaterinburg within a matter of days after his appointment. The original version was found in the De Gennin residential complex on the shore of the city pond (Nikolai Nikonova St., 6, 8, 10). However, the deal fell through, according to unofficial information, due to the incorrect behavior of the apartment sellers, who began to disseminate information about the upcoming sale and hint that after it the development company (Atomstroykompleks) would strengthen its position in the construction market.

But Evgeny Kuyvashev liked the chosen area, and soon another apartment was found for him, next door. It is located in a residential building at Nikolay Nikonov, 4. This is a 16-story residential building built in 2006 by the construction company SMU-3. The building has a total of 29 apartments, three apartments on one site. The house belongs to the elite category, although in terms of comfort it is far from prestigious residential complexes like Tikhvin or Admiralsky. The children's playground in the courtyard is very small, and a concierge, security and the ability to take an elevator down to the parking lot are options for almost any residential building in the center of Yekaterinburg.

Perhaps the most valuable thing about a house is its geography. The windows overlook the Church on the Blood; you can walk to the governor’s residence (as you know, Evgeny Kuyvashev sometimes walks on his own two feet in the warm season, which captivates many townspeople).

Its total area is 144 meters, living area - 99. The apartment has three rooms, renovated in high-tech style. The apartments were furnished, the plumbing and furniture were from the author's collections of Italian and German designers (as stated in the sale announcement, a copy of which can be found on the Internet to this day). All was installed kitchen appliances. Before Evgeny Kuyvashev, no one lived in the apartment. In advertising the property, realtors used the flirty slogan “Apartment for a macho” with an image of a red pepper.

I wonder who became the governor's neighbors. According to the website, the bard Alexander Novikov lives on the same landing as Kuyvashev (the apartment number differs by one digit). It is known that Kuyvashev and Novikov are friends. There is a rumor circulating in the cultural community that the musician may become the Minister of Culture of the Sverdlovsk Region. Also living in the house are the chief federal inspector for the Sverdlovsk region Boris Kirillov, businessmen Sergei Maizel, Evgeniy Tiunov and Evgeniy Ustyuzhaninov.

The cost of Evgeniy Kuyvashev’s apartment, taking into account market value square meter, - 13.5 - 16.5 million rubles. It is possible that a discount was made during the sale, given the special nature of the transaction and the fact that the apartment was on sale for quite a long time.

It is known that the governor took at least part of the amount as a mortgage. Previously, sources in his administration spoke about this possibility. And Evgeny Kuyvashev himself not so long ago stated that he was paying about 80 thousand rubles a month on his loans.

The governor’s administration confirmed to the website that Evgeny Kuyvashev acquired ownership of the apartment by taking out a mortgage. “Now Evgeny Vladimirovich is processing registration and at the end of this month he will become a full-fledged resident of Yekaterinburg,” Deputy Head of the Governor’s Administration Ilya Ananyev told our correspondent. According to him, the apartment was chosen based on its proximity to the center and place of work: “The governor would not want to waste time traveling. In addition, he likes to walk to work, noticing the details of city life and the city’s communal problems,” Ananyev explained. He noted that he was not ready to give the exact address of Kuyvashev’s home due to the fact that he “must have personal space.” The administration also does not name the bank where the transaction was executed. According to unverified information, this may be VTB-24.

Help: where did the Sverdlovsk governors live?

Evgeniy Kuyvashev – the first of Sverdlovsk governors who prefer to live in a city apartment rather than outside the city. Eduard Rossel lived in his own cottage in the prestigious village of Maly Istok, and on weekends he went to his house in the village of Kharenki. However, Rossel also has an apartment in Yekaterinburg, in a house on Krasnoarmeyskaya Street. The governor himself did not live there; his grandson Alexander used the apartments.

Alexander Misharin never got his own apartment in Yekaterinburg. He lived at a state dacha in Maly Istok. During Misharin's governorship, large sums of budget funds were spent on the renovation of the government complex in Maly Istok, which gave journalists reason to speculate about the fabulous expensive repairs in Misharin's house.

Evgeny Kuyvashev refused to move to Maly Istok. For a long time he used the same housing as during his work as plenipotentiary representative - a modest service apartment in a house on Gurzufskaya Street. Now Kuyvashev has more spacious apartments.

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