What do they do for xenon a year? What is the fine for xenon? What is written in the law about xenon headlights

Xenon is a colorless and odorless monatomic gas with atomic number 54, designated Xe. In fact, for most motorists, the mention of xenon will evoke completely different associations, namely the presence of extremely bright headlights in the front of the car.
Well, it’s quite natural that xenon has received such an associative niche. After all, it is xenon that is widely used in gas-discharge lamps, which are installed in the headlight and PTF units, providing a bright glow and good visibility on the road. Although in Lately LEDs put an end to this light source!
However, we will touch on the topic of installing xenon lamps. Because it's still relevant!

Marking on the headlamp for installing xenon (xenon lamps) into it

If a car headlight is designed for use with xenon lamps, it will be marked accordingly. Information on the use of lamps may also be indicated in the instruction manual for your machine. By default, we will only provide a breakdown of the markings on the headlight in which you can install xenon lamps.

By default, the letter D is assumed to be xenon and H is halogen. However, there are small exceptions.

So, if there is a marking on the car headlight:

DCR (xenon for low beam and high beam);
- DC (xenon low beam);
- DR (xenon high beam);

some of Japanese cars are marked

HCHR (xenon for low beam, halogen for high beam).

This is the hardest option. Since some inspectors will have to prove that everything is fine with you!

Actually, the main criterion for the possibility of installing lamps will not be the marking at all, this is a consequence. It is important to look at the factory instructions stated in the instruction manual! If according to the manual it is possible to install the lamp, then there is no problem; if not, then the operating mode of the lamp is broken. The mode of operation of the lamp as a light source is the main stumbling block in this matter. Read more about the operating mode of lamps in the article “Lamp operating mode in a car.”
If there is no corresponding marking, and the manual does not say anything about the possibility of installing xenon, then installing xenon is a violation. An indirect sign that xenon lamps are acceptable or not acceptable for use will be the mount for the ignition unit on the headlights. Usually these are ebb-mounts to which standard ignition units are attached. They either exist or they don't. But this is an argument, not a fact!

It is important to note that failure to install xenon lamps in lighting devices The vehicle is not regulated for any specific group, be it a block headlight or a fog light. If it is not possible, then it is not possible for any lighting device; there are no exceptions here. The liability will be absolutely the same in each of these cases.

Now once again about administrative liability for the unauthorized installation of xenon lamps in lighting devices not intended for them.

Fine and deprivation of rights (Administrative Code of the Russian Federation) for xenon

Since there is no specific article specifically about xenon lamps. Indicating a discrepancy between the operating standards for lighting devices on cars, only a “general” article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation can be applied to violators. Our universal article is Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. It in particular describes those cases when the operation of a vehicle due to certain malfunctions or deviations is prohibited. This is exactly what we can sum up in the case when xenon is installed on a car, and when it is not provided. Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Part 3 states the following:

Driving a vehicle on the front of which are installed lighting devices with red lights or red reflective devices, as well as lighting devices, the color of the lights and the OPERATING MODE of which do not comply with the requirements of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of safety officials traffic, - entails deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of 6 months to 1 year with confiscation of the specified devices and accessories.

As we can see from paragraph 3 there is a reference to the norm “Basic provisions for the approval of vehicles ...”. Open this document and find “List of malfunctions and conditions under which operation of the vehicle is prohibited.” 3 “External lighting devices” clause 3.1 reads:

The number, type, color, location and operating mode of external lighting devices do not meet the design requirements vehicle.

It may also be possible to apply clause 3.4

Light fixtures do not have lenses or use lenses and lamps that do not match the type of light fixture.

Everything is clear here. You installed the wrong diffuser or the wrong lamp, changed the operating mode, and this is a violation of the “Basic provisions for the approval of vehicles...”. All this means that the driver is liable under the above-mentioned Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Deprivation of rights for installing xenon in headlights (Administrative Code 12.5 of the Russian Federation)

We have already talked about the punishment itself, but if someone missed it, we will repeat it. This is deprivation of rights for up to 1 year with confiscation of xenon bulbs. The driver's light bulbs will most likely be taken away as a dock item in administrative cases (Article 243 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Especially if the case goes to court. Yes and deprivation driver's license, special law, this is a very real measure that can be applied to the violator. There is no talk of any fine here, that is, it is not even provided for. Deprivation and all!
So the driver may not even count on an alternative solution to the problem if it comes to registering a violation. The only thing that remains to be said is about the practice of depriving special rights. Deprivation of rights, that is, confiscation of a driver’s license, can only be legal by a court decision. (Article 3.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). No one will take away the driver’s license on the spot.

Confiscation of xenon lamps in case of violation

So, if it turns out that xenon is placed where it should not be, then such light sources may be confiscated. Confiscation of lamps and ignition units will have to be carried out in accordance with the law, on video camera or in front of two witnesses. The protocol will be sent to court, where the judge will decide the driver’s fate. After all, deprivation of a special right is possible only by a court decision. This has already been discussed.
There will be another depressing circumstance: after the end of the period of deprivation of a special right, you will have to take an exam on your knowledge of traffic rules, which can also partly be attributed to some kind of additional punishment.

Detention of a vehicle due to the illegal use of xenon in headlights

It should also be noted that, along with the deprivation of rights, the operation of a vehicle cannot be limited under Article 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Detention of a Vehicle,” since such a restriction applies only to Part 2 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. That is, a vehicle can be detained only if it is faulty brake system, all other malfunctions under Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation do not fall under Article 27.13. That is, a car cannot be detained just because xenon was used on it. They can confiscate lamps, but they can’t detain a car!
Here it should also be said that confiscation occurs in the presence of two witnesses, or under video recording.

Question and answer on the topic “Fine for xenon in 2020. Deprivation of rights for xenon"

Question: What will be the fine for xenon if its installation is not provided for in the standard headlight unit?
Answer: There is no fine, only deprivation of rights for up to 1 year. The lamps themselves will also be confiscated.

Question: Is detention applicable for the illegal use of xenon?
Answer: No, they do not have the right to detain a vehicle.

Video about deprivation of rights for xenon

Many car owners equip their vehicles with xenon headlights without even realizing that they are breaking the law. In addition, recently publications began to appear in online publications reporting that the installation of xenon in 2019 was allowed by the Supreme Court. Let's dispel any misconceptions right away. Xenon headlights are prohibited, with a few exceptions. Bloggers misinterpreted the ruling Supreme Court. The Supreme Court only noted that the punishment for xenon does not correspond to the nature of the offense, and more lenient penalties may be applied to motorists.

To eliminate misunderstandings, we will consider the responsibility for installing xenon headlights in more detail.

The misunderstanding of this point is due to the fact that the law does not contain a clearly formulated statement banning xenon. Therefore, when punishing drivers for xenon, traffic rules inspectors and courts operate on the fact that traffic rules oblige drivers to install lighting devices that correspond to the design of the car. In addition, punishment is provided for driving a car in the front of which there are lighting devices installed that create a red light or their operation and light output do not meet the established requirements.

Despite the vagueness of the wording, xenon headlights fall under the definitions listed above, therefore, you cannot install them yourself.

To better understand the chain of application of punishment, we can give the following chain:

  1. Inconsistency of lighting devices with the vehicle design.
  2. Non-compliance of lighting sources with technical regulations.

In addition to the second point, we give the following classification of lighting sources:

  1. Halogen lamps - H.
  2. Xenon - D.
  3. LED - LED.

The permissibility of installing a particular lamp is indicated in the headlight marking. For example, if the manufacturer specified the HCR marking, this means that the low and high beam headlights are designed for halogen lamps only. If a car owner installs a xenon bulb, this constitutes an administrative offense.

Why is xenon banned?

The concept of xenon lamps hides gas-discharge lamps with a bright luminous flux. Thanks to this solution, the headlight provides high-quality illumination of the road surface and increases road safety in extreme conditions. In addition, such headlights are durable, and on average can last about 3-5 years.

However, in this barrel of honey there is also a fly in the ointment, which became the reason for the ban on xenon lamps. There are two negative points here:

Note that the listed nuances are relevant for artisanal installed lamps. If xenon is installed at the manufacturer, gas-discharge lamps have no disadvantages.

Which lamps shine better?

This question worries many car owners. In fact, xenon lamps are actually better: they produce brighter light. However, the quality of road lighting depends not only on the light source, but also on the design of the headlight. Factory elements intended for the installation of gas-discharge lamps are equipped with filters, reflectors and washers. Only such completeness provides advantages when installing xenon.

Comparison of xenon and halogen headlights

In auto repair shops that install xenon lamps in halogen headlights, they don’t bother with such subtleties, so the effect is the opposite. Xenon blinds drivers and impairs visibility on the road. That is why bans on the use of such lighting devices were introduced.


Interestingly, the penalties applied for installing xenon headlights vary greatly. The minimum punishment that a violator can expect is a fine of 500 rubles. This is possible in cases where the offense is classified under Part 1 of Art. Code of Administrative Offenses, which provides for punishment for driving a vehicle with technical malfunctions prohibiting use. However, you can count on such luck only if you have a good lawyer, and even then, not always.

In most cases, car owners are fined under Art. Part 1, which provides penalties for installing lighting devices in the front part of the car with inappropriate operating mode or color of lights. In accordance with this document, drivers face a fine in the amount of:

  1. Civilians - 3,000 rubles.
  2. For officials - 15,000-20,000 rubles.
  3. Legal - 400,000-500,000 rubles.

In addition, the legislator provides for the confiscation of devices that caused an offense.

On a note! If the car owner only recently purchased a car and did not know about the installed xenon or did not have time to eliminate the violation, this does not relieve him of responsibility.

Deprivation of rights for xenon headlights

This is perhaps the greatest injustice for violators. If the offense is classified under Part 3 of Art. : installation in the front of the car of lighting devices with a red luminous flux or operating in violation of established requirements.

In this case, the penalty is deprivation of rights for a period of 6-12 months. Lighting devices installed in violation are also subject to confiscation.

Are there exceptions to the rules?

Such a possibility is indeed envisaged. Exceptions from general rule are done in two cases:

  1. Gas discharge lamps are installed in the fog lamps.
  2. The car initially comes with standard xenon, and the PTS indicates the possibility of installing class D lighting fixtures.

In these cases, the application of penalties to drivers is considered unlawful.

What to do if you are fined for xenon

The first thing to understand is that arguing with the inspector on the spot is useless. The decision on punishment is made by the court, the traffic police officer only records the fact of the offense and draws up a protocol on this matter.

  1. Write down the number of the inspector's service ID, including the number of the badge.
  2. Ensure that the vehicle inspection is carried out in accordance with the established rules: video recording, the presence of two witnesses.
  3. Indicate in the protocol the fact of your disagreement with the claims put forward, indicating the reasons.

Here it is necessary to clarify that you should not refuse to sign the protocol. This does not provide any advantage in subsequent proceedings. It is better to immediately indicate your civic position. In our case, this is disagreement with the actions of the traffic police inspector.

Important! The fine for xenon can only be challenged in court. It is important to take into account that the judge will not personally inspect the car, but will be guided only by the data specified in the protocol. Therefore, initially you need to ensure that the document is filled out correctly and correctly.

Compliance with the legality of the inspection procedure plays an important role. For example, it is possible to determine that xenon lamps are installed in the headlights only at a specially equipped traffic police post. If the car was simply inspected on the road, this will be a significant argument in favor of the driver. The main thing is to note this nuance in the protocol being drawn up.

In addition, many courts note a violation of the operating mode of the headlight when replacing a halogen or gas-discharge lamp. It is this wording that is indicated in the article of the Code of Administrative Offenses. However, there is a legal issue here. In particular, the operating mode of an external light device is divided into two types: flashing and constant. Halogen, xenon and LED bulbs belong to the classification of lighting devices, and their interchangeability does not affect the operating mode of the device. For example, if a driver installs a gas discharge lamp instead of a halogen lamp, the headlight will not operate in flashing beacon mode, but will continue to shine with constant light.

It follows that the use of xenon is not an offense under Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses, Part 3, because the operating mode of the headlight and the color of the luminous flux have not changed. Knowing these subtleties, you can avoid deprivation of your driver's license.

What happens if you don't pay the fine on time?

Here you need to remember two important nuances.

  1. Firstly, it is better to pay the fine within 20 days from the date of the relevant decision. This will help you save and get a 50% discount. This practice has been in effect in Russia for a long time, and encourages drivers to pay the fines imposed on them on time.
  2. Secondly, the fine must be paid within 60 days, this period also includes the time limit for appealing the decision.

If this requirement is not met, penalties will be tightened. To begin with, the size of the fine increases, and you will have to pay it double. If this measure does not work, the culprit may face:

  1. Administrative arrest for up to 15 days.
  2. Up to 50 hours of mandatory work.

The application of such sanctions does not relieve the need to repay existing debt. In addition, the law provides for forced collection, including at the expense of property owned by the debtor. An additional reason to pay fines on time is the fact that such debtors are not allowed to go abroad, which can ruin a long-planned vacation.

Despite the ban, many motorists enjoy using headlights with xenon lamps. What are the consequences of ignoring the rules? Violators will have to pay fines, and which xenon lamps the traffic police inspectors have no complaints about, read the article.

Is it allowed to install xenon

A number of drivers choose xenon lamps for their bright light. It is believed that they better illuminate the road and reduce number of accidents. The statement is only partly true. Such headlights, indeed, can shine much brighter, but the road is not visible better. Wherein the use of xenon leads to the following problems:

  1. Blindness. The phenomenon occurs because the reflectors direct the light higher, rather than onto the road. The risk of an accident increases exponentially.
  2. Road lighting is not correct. Experts have proven that xenon does not illuminate the path well enough. The light appears bright, but, due to the nature of the lamps, it spreads over a shorter distance.
  3. Visibility deteriorates. Bright xenon lamps create dark shadows on the road. They can be mistaken for a hole or other obstacle. By turning sharply to the side to avoid it, the driver creates a danger for other road users.

Some cars have xenon headlights provided by factory assembly. Typically, lamps are installed in lighting fixtures used during fog. The traffic police officers have no complaints against them.. Other types of xenon are prohibited. You can find out the type of lighting fixture by examining it. The designation for halogen lamps begins with H, and for xenon lamps with D.

What is written in the law about xenon headlights

The imposition of fines for offenses is regulated by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. It does not contain an official ban on xenon. However, in Article 12.5 Part 3 said:

Driving a vehicle on the front of which are installed lighting devices with red lights or red reflective devices, as well as lighting devices, the color of the lights and the mode of operation of which do not comply with the requirements of the Basic Regulations for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of safety officials road traffic, entails deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of six months to one year with confiscation of the specified devices and accessories.

IN Government Decree No. 127 of 02/01/2002. a list of faults is provided, according to which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited. The regulatory legal act also touches on the issue of transport lighting devices. In accordance with the Resolution, Operation of the machine is prohibited in the following situations:

  • lamps and lenses do not match the type of lighting fixture;
  • the headlights were adjusted without taking into account the requirements of GOST;
  • the type of headlights does not match the design of the car;
  • The operating mode of lighting devices is not provided by the vehicle manufacturer.

Xenon lamps in headlights are not certified. If the driver does not want to encounter problems when interacting with traffic police officers, he should give preference to halogen lighting fixtures. The use of low beam with bi-xenon is subject to Article 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation And considered an offense. It is noticeable visually. A traffic police officer will definitely stop the car to check and clarify further circumstances.

What is the fine for xenon in 2020

In 2020, there is no official fine for xenon. According to the provisions Article 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the owner of a vehicle who has violated the requirements of the law will be immediately.

An additional monetary penalty is provided if the car owner not only used xenon, but also used lighting fixtures of a prohibited color. IN Part 1 Article 12.4 it says:

Installation on the front of a vehicle of lighting devices with red lights or red reflective devices, as well as lighting devices, the color of the lights and the operating mode of which do not comply with the requirements of the Basic Regulations for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, entails imposition administrative fine on citizens in the amount of three thousand rubles with confiscation of the specified instruments and devices.

The court will decide on the punishment. If the violation occurred for the first time, and the color of the car’s lighting fixtures is included in the permitted list, a penalty may be imposed on the basis Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

IN legal act it is said that:

Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, operation of the vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 - 7 of this article , - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

If xenon is installed in fog lights

All rules regarding xenon also apply to fog lights. If basic configuration such lighting devices are not provided, the owner of the vehicle will be deprived of his rights.

The penalty for xenon in fog lights is similar to the penalty for using a type of lighting in classic headlights. His size can vary from 500 to 3,000 rubles. The amount of the penalty depends on the degree of the offense. Lighting devices that create increased danger on the road will be confiscated.

Deprivation of rights for xenon in 2020

Fines are not all that threatens violators. In 2020, they may lose their license for xenon. According to Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the driver who violated the rules is suspended from driving.

The punishment period is determined individually. Minimum period, for which rights are deprived for LED lamps, is 6 months, and maximum - 1 year. This happens confiscation of lighting fixtures that created a danger for other road users.

The punishment may be reduced. If the driver has violated the rules for the first time and the headlights on the car correspond to the permitted color scheme, a penalty will apply. The type of punishment depends on the individual nuances of the situation and the decision of the court in which the case will be heard.

How to avoid punishment

The best advice for all such cases is not to break anything and strictly follow the letter of the law in terms of compliance with traffic rules. This is guaranteed to protect you from deprivation of rights for LED lamps. However, the spirit of adventurism is alive in many of us, so the rules have been, are being, and will be broken.

If a person who has flouted the rules is stopped by traffic police, experts recommend using the following tips:

  1. Ask to see your ID in expanded form. It is recommended to record his data. They will help in case of a conflict situation.
  2. Make sure that the machine is stopped in accordance with the rules. According to Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 185, traffic police officers can slow down a car only if there are compelling reasons.
  3. Ask for the presence of witnesses. To verify the presence of xenon, the inspector will ask you to open the hood. Manipulation refers to actions included in the category of “inspection”. If the driver wants to slow down the procedure, he can request the invitation of witnesses. Such a right is enshrined in Article 27.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The legal act says:

    The inspection of the vehicle is carried out by the persons specified in Articles 27.2, 27.3 of this Code, in the presence of two witnesses or using video recording.

The use of vehicles today involves the use of various lighting devices in conditions of poor visibility.

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Every year, old car models are modernized. New equipment is being installed. Including LED and other high-brightness devices.

At the same time, many citizens equip their cars with xenon, the kits of which were assembled independently.

Moreover, such equipment must be configured accordingly. Otherwise, other road users will be blinded by oncoming light.

In case of incorrect installation and configuration lighting equipment a fairly large fine may be imposed. Today there are legislative norms within which this issue is regulated.

Basic information

Various types of lamps and all kinds of other lighting devices are installed on the car.

With their help, movement is carried out in the dark and in other situations when there is limited, insufficient visibility.

But it is important to note that there are special standards in accordance with which lighting devices must be installed.

In case of violation of rules and regulations, traffic police inspectors may impose a fairly significant fine.

That is why, before you start operating the vehicle, you need to make sure that the installed xenon complies with all standard rules and regulations.

Otherwise, a fine will be imposed in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offences. It is also important to note that in case of an accident under compulsory motor liability insurance it will not be possible to receive payment if the accident was caused by blinding the oncoming car with xenon. It is worth familiarizing yourself in advance with how to avoid a fine.


The issue regarding lighting equipment is addressed quite seriously in regulatory documents.

But for a correct understanding of all the reflected information, you need to familiarize yourself with a number of terms and concepts.

The main concepts are:

Xenon lamps Special lighting devices, which are light sources with a spectrum very close to daylight. It is important to note that the use of such devices is allowed only in special headlights. It is not allowed to install such devices simply in a regular headlight - which is designed for installing halogen lamps or incandescent lamps
It is very important to understand the difference between the concepts of “limited visibility” and “insufficient visibility”. Under the first term Limited visibility refers to certain weather conditions in which there are restrictions due to fog, haze, heavy rain and other weather conditions
The term "lack of visibility" Conditions in which visibility is limited to only 300 meters
External lighting devices Under this definition All lighting devices installed on the vehicle, without exception, are covered. And this applies not only to headlights, but also turn signals, sidelights, and foglights. Understanding the above terms is strictly necessary to understand the legislation regarding xenon

Why is it prohibited

Xenon as such is used in car headlights for quite a long time - since distant 1992.

It is important to note that it has many different advantages over conventional incandescent lamps and other types of discharge lamps.

First of all, it makes objects clearer and improves visibility on the road. But it is important to note that the use of such lamps implies the presence of a special headlight design.

If you put it in a headlight designed for halogen headlights or incandescent lamps, the light beam will be distributed incorrectly along the road surface.

Incorrect installation of xenon leads to blinding of those driving in the oncoming lane. The consequences of this may be the following:

  • traffic accidents;
  • creation of emergency situations.

It often happens that accidents occur precisely due to the fault of drivers using incorrectly installed lighting devices.

That is why special amendments were made to the Administrative Code regarding the use of lighting equipment.

At the same time, if the xenon is installed correctly and does not blind oncoming cars, no problems usually arise. You will need to familiarize yourself with all the standards on a special website.

Regulatory regulation

Today there are special clarifications regarding the use of xenon headlights.

At the moment the main normative document on this subject is the document “On the use of xenon headlights”, which is provided by the Department of Road Safety.

The document is valid from February 20, 2010. For 2017, vehicles can be equipped with the following types of lighting devices:

There are special markings on lamps of various types. It is important to note that the official confirmation of compliance of a lamp with standards is the letter (E) surrounded by a circle.

It is important to note that xenon that is installed illegally will be classified as a vehicle malfunction for which the use of the vehicle is completely prohibited.

The standard list of such faults is reflected directly in clause 3.4 of Chapter No. 3 of the List of Faults.

The issue of improper use of xenon headlights is also addressed in other regulatory documents:

It is worth noting that xenon headlights on a car that is intended for their installation do not raise any questions from the traffic police.

Therefore, no difficulties arise. But again, it would be best to understand all the subtleties of this issue in advance. This is the only way to avoid many difficult and problematic issues.

How much is the fine for xenon from January 1

The fine for non-standard xenon in 2017 is quite significant. Moreover, in some cases, it is provided not only for the imposition of a fine, but also for the deprivation of a driver’s license.

That is why it will be necessary to work out all questions about this in advance. And to prevent the creation of situations where imposing a fine on traffic police officers is generally possible.

Why do they put them?

Xenon headlights themselves have a large number of advantages. The main ones include:

The light spectrum is as close as possible to daylight Therefore, there is no difficulty in distinguishing the details of objects on the road surface even at a great distance
Makes it possible to distinguish objects without any difficulty even in heavy rain Light from xenon is not refracted in raindrops and snow flakes
The consumption of such lamps is relatively small Which reduces the load on the generator
Such lighting devices are quite reliable. Have a long service life
Slight heating of the lamp itself Usually there are no problems with them

In addition to the indicated advantages, there are some additional ones. For example, this concerns the aesthetic component. Xenon headlights look quite impressive.

Problems that arise from them

It is worth noting that the only problem that can occur with xenon headlights is the blinding of drivers of oncoming cars.

Improper installation of such lighting devices can result in a fine and even confiscation of your driver's license.

Video: how to avoid deprivation of rights for xenon

That is why, before proceeding with the installation of such a device, it is important to familiarize yourself with all standards and approvals.

How much is the amount

Violating the xenon installation rules is a serious problem in the car. Moreover, it is important to note that the use of such devices does not imply a fine at all.

Immediately, the deprivation of the vehicle takes place with the confiscation of the devices themselves that violate the design of the car. That is why you will need to work out all the main points in advance.

Can my rights be revoked?

The main feature is that incorrect use of xenon immediately results in deprivation of your driver’s license for up to 6 months with confiscation of the devices. This issue is regulated by Part 3 of Article No. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Can it be used in fog lights (PTF)

Many cars are equipped with special lighting devices - fog lights. They also often have xenon installed.

But it is worth noting that the installation of such equipment must again be carried out in compliance with all rules and regulations. There is simply no penalty for xenon in fog lights in 2017.

Legal ways to solve the problem

Reading time: 7 min.

Is there a fine from the traffic police for installing xenon lamps in a car, or are they deprived of their license for xenon?

What is the penalty for xenon headlights in 2020? Fine or deprivation of rights for xenon 2020?

The traffic police fine for installing xenon lamps in halogen headlights in 2020 is

3000 rub. with confiscation of the specified instruments and devices

Article 12.4.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

The traffic police fine for driving a car with xenon lamps in halogen headlights in 2020 is

Deprivation of rights for a period of six months to one year with confiscation of the specified devices and devices

Article 12.5.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

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Is xenon allowed?

Xenon headlights were invented by German manufacturers as a replacement for obsolete ones. halogen lamps incandescent This significant event took place in the late 80s of the 20th century, but to this day the technology of gas-discharge lamps has not moved into mass automotive industry. Is xenon allowed? No, but for unauthorized installation of xenon, Russian motorists face a traffic police fine, and often deprivation of their license for 6-12 months under Part 3 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for “non-compliance of the color and mode of operation of the lights with the requirements of the Basic Regulations for the admission of vehicles to operation.”

Punishment for xenon headlights

For xenon, that is, the installation of xenon lamps in halogen headlights or, as traffic police officers say, “for the installation of xenon lamps in headlights intended for their manufacturer,” the law provides for a very severe punishment. Installing xenon leads to a fine of 3,000 rubles, driving a car with non-standard xenon headlights leads to deprivation of rights for up to one year.

Most often, traffic police officers, during raids to identify cars with abnormal xenon, apply Part 3 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation to violators:

“Driving a vehicle on the front of which there are installed lighting devices with red lights or red reflective devices, as well as lighting devices, the color of the lights and the mode of operation of which do not comply with the requirements of the Basic Regulations for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, (as amended) Federal Law dated July 24, 2007 N 210-FZ) entails deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of six months to one year with confiscation of the specified devices and accessories. (Part 3 introduced by Federal Law No. 120-FZ of July 22, 2005).”

However, since Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation does not specifically refer to xenon lamps, in a number of situations both traffic police officers and motorists caught using “collective farm xenon” correlate their actions with the elements of the crime provided for in Part 1 of Article 12.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

“Installation on the front of the vehicle of lighting devices with red lights or red reflective devices, as well as lighting devices, the color of the lights and the mode of operation of which do not comply with the requirements of the Basic Regulations for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety , (as amended by Federal Law No. 210-FZ of July 24, 2007) entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of three thousand rubles with confiscation of the specified instruments and devices.”

Punishment for xenon in foglights

There is a common myth that the fine for xenon does not apply to fog lights (sidelights, PTF). Indeed, in some situations, when inspecting a car, a traffic police officer may not notice xenon lamps in the foglights and thus not react in any way to their installation.

However, if during a detailed inspection of the car the unauthorized installation of xenon lamps in the fog lamps of a car whose design does not imply the use of this type of headlights is revealed, the penalty from the traffic police will be the same 3000 rubles. for installation and deprivation of rights for up to a year for driving with xenon in the PTF.

The fact is that the law regulating the installation of lamps in a car does not separate the concepts of “headlights” and “fog lights” in Articles of the Administrative Code 12.4 and 12.5 talk about installation “on the front of the car,” and as you know, “fog lights” are located in the front.

Deprivation (cancellation) of vehicle registration for xenon

An observant motorist will notice that in paragraphs 12.4.1 and 12.5.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation there is no direct “ban on xenon”. These are not xenon articles! And one can only be held accountable for them by subtly interpreting them.

This state of affairs, however, gives reasons for traffic police officers to invent new and unusual ways of punishing drivers who have allowed the installation of non-standard lamps in their headlights.

A relatively new method was invented by Moscow traffic police.

For the first time, a driver with xenon was stopped by traffic police and employees Gostekhnadzor checks for the presence of oddities in the design, devices not provided for by the manufacturer from the factory. It could be anything, from xenon to kangaroo. There are cases when even a tow bar (trailer hook) is a non-standard device.

Then the traffic police officer checks whether the registration certificate for the car contains marks indicating specific changes to the design. Since in 99% of cases there are none, the traffic police officer issues a fine for the same xenon at 500 rub. under Article 12.5.1 - “Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, the operation of the vehicle is prohibited.”

And it seems like they got off easy, but no, along with the fine, the traffic police officer gives the driver of the “non-standard” car “an order to bring the car to standard condition within a certain period of time.” The information goes into the traffic police database and if, during the next inspection, non-standard modifications are again detected on the car, the car will be deregistered - the vehicle’s registration will be cancelled. After this procedure, the car turns from a means of transportation into scrap metal, on wheels which cannot be sold or re-registered. Increasingly, this scheme is used in the case of xenon.

Fine for xenon on foreign cars 2020

Most often, when it comes to traffic police fines for xenon or deprivation of rights for xenon bulbs, it is understood that the object of the proceedings will be the owner of the car domestic production. The fact is that standard factory xenon was never installed on UAZs, Ladas, Moskvichs and GAZelles. Traffic police officers know this very well and automatically catch overly bright Russian cars near the road.

It is important to understand that xenon, as such, is not prohibited and, if it is installed from the factory or installed on a car that is technically suitable for such modification, the owner will not have problems with the law, traffic police fines or deprivations. As a rule, on cars suitable for the installation of xenon lamps, a large Latin letter “D” should appear on the headlight socket; if the symbol “H” is shown on the headlight, then the device is suitable exclusively for installing conventional halogen headlights. Traffic police officers know this rule and can use it to determine the type of lamps used in your car.

However, foreign cars above a certain price level in Russia, in 2020, as a rule, are not stopped for xenon. This is due to the unnecessary hassle of determining the types and types of headlights on rare foreign-made cars. By the way, a completely legal xenon on a foreign car must be surrounded by three attributes - a lens, a light beam corrector and a washer.

Why do car owners install xenon?

Several circumstances actively contributed to the spread of xenon lamps. Firstly, the xenon lamp installed in the headlight shines noticeably brighter than a conventional lamp. The spectrum of the gas-discharge lamp is close to natural, solar - xenon headlights work great in rain and fog, on snowy and wet roads. Secondly, the price of Chinese sets of lamps together with ignition units rarely exceeds 4-5 thousand rubles. Thirdly, the resource of a xenon lamp is many times greater than that of a halogen lamp.

How to avoid deprivation of rights for xenon?

There are three main ways by which a motorist will not lose his license and will not be subject to any other penalties for installing xenon lamps in the headlights of his car.

Path No. 1 Do not install xenon lamps in the headlights of cars whose design does not provide xenon light headlights

Path number 2 Purchase a car whose design initially provides for the installation of xenon headlights. Now xenon has entered the mass segment and finding, for example, an affordable car with xenon on the secondary market is no longer difficult.

Path number 3 Officially register the modification of the car for xenon headlights with the traffic police. The option is expensive, difficult, requiring patience and determination, but anything is possible.

How to register xenon installation according to the law:

  • Step 1. Obtain a certificate from an expert organization about the hypothetical possibility of converting a car to use xenon headlights.
  • Step 2. Obtain permission from technical supervision at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate based on a preliminary assessment of experts
  • Step 3. Buy full list licensed spare parts, including xenon lamps, lenses, headlight washers high pressure and proofreaders.
  • Step 4. Install the equipment at a licensed technical center
  • Step 4. Re-examination of the work performed in the expert center
  • Step 5. Getting a new one diagnostic card(technical inspection)
  • Step 6. Final examination at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and receipt of a PTS for which special marks Xenon headlights will be specified.

Legal conversion of ordinary headlights, for example Lada, to xenon will cost a five-digit figure in rubles and will require a month spent in offices even in Moscow. This is difficult, but as we see, it is still possible to legalize xenon in 2020.

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