What can you make from leftover boiled rice? Thrifty housewife: five dishes of boiled rice

Make rice glue out of it. Rice glue is obtained by boiling a small amount of rice in a large amount of water for a long time. In short, let your rice cook until there is no water left in the pan. You will have good glue, rice glue. What to do with it is another question. Ask - you love it...

You can make very easy and quick pancakes. You can add minced meat, an egg, a little flour, salt, spices to the overcooked rice, prepare a dough with the consistency of not very liquid sour cream, you can add a little fried finely chopped onion, spoon small portions of the dough into a heated frying pan with sunflower oil, fry on both sides.

You can also make a casserole. Add fried champignons with onions to the rice, stir, place in a greased high frying pan, and pour in the mixture. eggs and milk (the proportions can be taken from any casserole recipe, sprinkle finely grated cheese on top and bake in the oven until cooked (about 20-25 minutes).
Bon appetit!

With 1 tablespoon of rice, mix 2 eggs, 1 pack of cottage cheese (200-250g), 2-2.5 tablespoons of granulated sugar, a little salt, a little soda. You can add vanillin. Mix everything in an ungreased frying pan or mold. for medium-sized baked goods.

Versailles salad:
500g fresh shredded cabbage,
250g lean ham (carbonade),
2 hard-boiled eggs,
100g canned corn,
mayonnaise, dill, parsley to taste.

It cooks very quickly. Instead of cabbage, you can add slightly overcooked rice. Instead of greens (if there are none), add herb sauce. You can also add sour cream to taste...

Pour cold boiled water over the overcooked rice at the rate of water 3, rice 1. Stir thoroughly with a spoon and drain the water through a colander.

Salt and pepper the resulting rice to taste and can be added to the broth or ready-made soup.

You can also make a very simple and tasty canned mackerel salad from this rice:
for 1 can of mackerel, mashed with a fork along with the liquid, 200-300g of “our” rice and finely chopped 2-3 hard-boiled eggs and 1 medium onion. Mix everything thoroughly until a mass of homogeneous color and consistency is formed, season with mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste.

Well, you can also prepare a very tasty Guryev porridge with fruit from overcooked rice by pouring it with milk or cream, adding fresh or dried fruit and putting it in the oven to evaporate.


Overcooked rice successfully turns into a tender vanilla soufflé. And it is done very simply.

First, add a little milk and sugar to the overcooked rice.

Then, stirring continuously, heat the rice over low heat until it becomes a thick, milky porridge. Make sure the rice doesn't burn.

Add a little vanilla sugar.

Dissolve starch in cold milk and slowly pour into rice porridge. Continue stirring for 5 minutes.

Cool the porridge, add the egg yolks and mix very thoroughly.

Using a blender, turn the rice mixture into a homogeneous mixture.

Separately, beat the chilled egg whites until a thick foam forms, then combine the foam with the rice.

Line a baking dish with baking paper, grease it a little with oil and lightly sprinkle with flour.

Add the rice mixture and smooth it out with a spoon.

Place the mixture in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Rice soufflé tastes better warm. You can lightly sprinkle it with powdered sugar. I didn't write the proportions on purpose. It all depends on how much rice you have digested...

So - the creative space is yours...)))


I would recommend making cutlets from overcooked rice.

Boil a couple of potatoes, mash them into a puree, add your overcooked rice, a jar of canned fish (to your taste), add an egg, salt, pepper to taste. form cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil.

Can be served with sour cream

You can prepare a lot of different main dishes from overcooked rice: puddings, casseroles, rice lasagna.

1. Rice casserole (lasagna) with meat.

Mix boiled rice with one or two beaten eggs.
Place half in a baking dish and add the filling:
fried minced meat (pork + beef), fried onion, basil,
finely chopped tomatoes - 2 pcs.

Cover with the second part of boiled rice.
Brush the top with melted butter.
Bake in the oven at a temperature of 150 - 170 degrees, 40 minutes.

2. For sweet pudding you will need:

Two glasses of boiled rice; two green apples (cut into cubes);
raisins (washed); 100 grams of cottage cheese, 100 grams of sugar.
Mix everything with beaten egg.

Place in a mold or in portioned molds (pre-greased with melted butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs).

A large form can be in the oven for 30 - 40 minutes; small molds or ceramic pots for 15 - 20 minutes.
5 minutes before readiness, brush with honey (1 tablespoon of honey per 100 grams of water).
Serve with condensed milk or honey, jam, or dried fruit jelly.

3. Rice casserole (vegetarian):

The first row is exactly the same as in the 1st recipe.

For filling:
400 grams of any mushrooms, 1 large onion, 1 carrot, 2 tomatoes, 1 eggplant, 2 pcs. bell pepper.

Mushrooms and onions, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers - finely chopped, carrots grated. Fry everything, salt and pepper. Add 100 grams of 20% cream, simmer for 10 minutes.

Place all the filling on the rice in the form, cover with the second part of the boiled rice, and grate the cheese (Poshekhonsky) on top.
Place in the oven, bake for 15 - 20 minutes.
at a temperature of 100 - 120 degrees.

Bon appetit!

You can use the overcooked rice to make risotto with fish or whatever you want.

The recipe for risotto with red fish is here: gotovim-doma ru You can also prepare milk rice porridge, it tastes better with boiled rice. Although, whoever likes it.

You can add this rice to hedgehog meatballs, recipe here: gotovim-doma ru, cabbage rolls, recipe here: gotovim-doma ru
Just put your rice instead of what it says. I've done this many times. It turns out tastier! And now I always do this =)

Digested rice can be used to prepare liver pancakes - you will get a complete second course.

For a kilogram of liver you will need 200 g of rice, 2 onions, 3 chicken eggs, a tablespoon of flour, salt and pepper to taste and vegetable oil for frying. The liver, cleared of films, must be passed through a meat grinder, along with the onion, then add boiled rice (not necessarily overcooked, but overcooked is fine), eggs, a spoonful of flour, salt and pepper to taste. Mix the whole mass thoroughly. Fry the pancakes as usual - in vegetable oil on both sides until cooked, spooning the mixture into the pan using a tablespoon.

Once, when making pancakes, I used a blender rather than a meat grinder. I whipped all the ingredients together (including the rice itself - in this case I didn’t even add flour, since the resulting liver mass was quite thick enough) - the child liked these pancakes even more.

Just a bowl of rice? No matter how it is!

In our family, rice rightfully takes an honorable first place. For his livable character. It is able to create a harmonious pair with almost any other component, while becoming salty, sweet, spicy, and fresh.

And how nutritionists and weight loss consultants love rice! A week on rice boiled in four waters without salt - and a few centimeters are gone (however, it turns out to be a rare nasty thing, after two days it simply doesn’t work anymore, and it’s harmful to lose weight so suddenly).

Conventionally, rice can be divided into water rice (cooked in water) and milk rice (cooked in milk).

If you have leftover milk rice porridge, then the best recipe is to pour jam on top and feed it to the children, naming it for added importance. rice pudding.

Although, it might be better not to name it, so that it doesn’t turn out like Alice in Wonderland, who couldn’t eat the pudding after they were introduced to each other.

"Water" rice can also be:

White viscous

White crumbly

Colored viscous

Colored crumbly

By the way, “milk” rice can also be colored if you throw in a couple of spoons of cocoa. My eldest daughter proudly called this porridge “chocolate”.

Any "water" rice has two uses: it can be reheated, or it can be used as a base for another dish.

Warming up.

A couple of years ago I discovered an extremely simple way to reheat all side dishes cooked in water. It is enough to add a little water to the pan with cereal or pasta and wait for it to evaporate over medium heat. Heating in a frying pan always leaves the feeling of reheated food, and with such express cooking the side dish turns out “piping hot.”

The basis for another dish.

Depending on your taste preferences and accompanying ingredients, you can get a huge variety of dishes.

White sticky rice

This rice can be used to make wonderful homemade rolls and kutya - sweet rice with raisins and honey.

For homemade rolls you need layers of seaweed (sold in any supermarket). Rice is applied in a thin layer to the layer, while a couple of centimeters at the end of the layer should be free to seal the roll. You can put it on top of the rice...

Yes, you can put anything! The main thing is to cut into thin strips. You can have any vegetables (cucumbers and sweet peppers are very good), mushrooms (fried), fish (salted). To some extent, Japanese rolls are very reminiscent of pizza: they seem to be made from leftovers, but they turn out extremely tasty.

Grease everything placed on the rice with mayonnaise, roll it into a tube (using a bamboo napkin), moisten the free edge with water and seal the roll, cut it into 6 pieces with a sharp knife. Ready! Pour in soy sauce, add wasabi (Japanese mustard, also sold in any supermarket), arm yourself with chopsticks (or, if you’re lucky, you can use a fork or just your hands), dip the roll into the sauce and enjoy the taste.

Speaking about sticky white rice, I would like to remind you of its wonderful property of retaining its shape. From such rice you can sculpt various animals, make balls, cubes, figures, which small and big children love very much. A simple snowman made from three rice balls or a mouse with large ears made from thin slices of an apple - any rice fantasy will be enjoyed, especially if the child himself takes part in the preparation.

And zealous housewives will certainly bake a couple of dozen delicious pies with rice and eggs or kulebyaku with meat, mushrooms or salmon.

In short, rice can easily find its rightful place and decorate any table.

Sometimes there is so much cooked rice that it is impossible to eat it in one evening. Then the balance goes to the next day. The remaining rice can be sticky or crumbly, white or colored, depending on the cooking method. Although most often they try to cook rice crumbly, but it turns out viscous either due to an oversight or on purpose, for example, for rolls.

White fluffy rice

This rice can be used for salad or made into colored fluffy rice.

Salad It can be anything, rice goes well with shrimp and crab sticks, fresh cabbage or lettuce, and canned fish. This salad turns out to be very fresh: rice, fresh cabbage, canned corn, crab sticks, mayonnaise.

To make white rice colored, You need to fry the grated carrots and finely diced onions in a separate frying pan. You need to fry until cooked, and then add rice to the vegetables and fry for about five minutes so that the rice absorbs the color.

The beauty of this method, in addition to the good idea of ​​​​using leftover rice, is that its final volume becomes almost twice as large due to vegetables, which means that there will be enough side dish for everyone, even if there is not much rice left (by the way, according to Initially, colored rice is prepared using the same method).

As additives Garlic (added at the very end), turmeric (seasoning), and curry (seasoning) have worked well with colored rice. Seasonings make the color of the rice even more yellow, and the dish looks very elegant and festive, and garlic fills it with a pleasant aroma.

Rice also loves to be heated in a frying pan where the chicken was previously fried. Of course, it turns out terribly harmful, but the taste of the rice becomes very deep.

Next option- combine the remaining rice with vegetables that are sold in frozen bags (beans, cauliflower, peas, corn, champignons). This method is good if there is an acute lack of time. It's ready in about 10 minutes, but it looks like you've been busy at the stove all evening.

Particularly patient housewives can use rice for hedgehogs(a kind of cutlet with meat, onions and rice) or cabbage rolls(meat with rice, stewed in cabbage leaves).

Colored sticky rice

The remaining colored sticky rice is perhaps the most difficult substance to sell. Most often it happens in the course of an unsuccessful attempt to cook fluffy rice (one of my friends always does this, although I wrote down the technology for preparing fluffy rice to her a hundred times in the form of step-by-step instructions).

Heating sticky rice leads to even more disastrous results, so this rice should be mask other products. It is very good to combine it with corn, then you get a less viscous consistency due to the grains. If you're interested, you can also add green peas, although not everyone accepts them warm.

Colored fluffy rice

Colored, fluffy rice is much easier to sell than sticky rice. It can be reheated by adding water, or it can be used in a salad.

I recently discovered one more recipe sales of colored rice, quite exotic, I must say.

A regular salad is made from tomatoes, cucumbers, and red peppers. Colored rice (rice, carrots, onions) is added to this mixture, and then - attention! - a layer of seaweed for rolls is also added here. Just use your hands to tear off and place the pieces. The salad is poured with soy sauce, a little vegetable or olive oil and salt are added. It mixes and it turns out something like large crumbly roll. Due to seaweed and soy sauce, this salad tastes exactly like a vegetable roll, and pieces of seaweed in the salad look like olives. Here's a little optical illusion.

Extremely good rice with mushrooms, while rice can be either colored or white. You need to fry the champignons with onions, then simmer for about five minutes along with the remaining rice - and the new side dish is ready.

And these are only the simplest and most accessible Re-use recipes, which can always be complicated, supplemented and simply changed beyond recognition.
“The retinue makes the king” - the saying is exactly about rice. No matter how inexpressive and insipid single rice is, it becomes so rich and tasty in the presence of other fellow products. Experiment, and let your culinary fantasies always cause only delight!\

Svetlana Zuu

It is unlikely that any of us would want to taste over-salted soup or burnt porridge, boiled milk with a burnt aftertaste. But even venerable chefs and pastry chefs do not always turn out flawless ready-made dishes. And what can we say about us, simple housewives, trying to feed our family a delicious lunch, breakfast or dinner.

Alas, each of us does not always succeed in everything as we would like or as intended. Especially if you have to be torn between cooking, cleaning or doing laundry. And if there is also a small child in the house who requires constant supervision... In general, no one is immune from unpleasant moments. It's a shame, annoying, but not fatal.

If desired, some things can be corrected and supplemented. The main thing is not to despair and not be hysterical. So arm yourself with a pen and notepad, or a mouse and keyboard, and write down or copy. And when trouble does happen, stop, take a deep breath, remember that somewhere in your notebook or computer folder there were recommendations for such cases. And then, having used these recommendations in time, your failures in the kitchen will seem like just a trifle to you.

So, delve into how to save a failed dish:

What to do if you oversalt a dish?

The most common problem many housewives have is over-salting. So if you didn’t calculate the amount of salt and over-salted...


Do not rush to dilute it with water - this is not the best option in this case. You have more effective measures:

  • wrap some rice in cheesecloth and dip it into the soup - during the cooking process, the cereal will absorb excess salt;
  • add an additional portion of noodles or cereal - the soup will be thicker, but will not be too salty;
  • pour the egg white into the pan, and after a while, catch it with a slotted spoon;
  • dilute the soup with unsalted broth, if, of course, you have one;
  • dip a potato tuber into the soup - it will absorb the salt;
  • Alternatively, add a little sugar to the soup to cut out the excess salt.

Minced meat or fish

If you oversalt the minced meat, then add grated raw potatoes, or carrots, or zucchini, or boiled rice.

If you have over-salted your meat or fish

If you have oversalted the meat or fish, then add sweet and sour (made from tomato paste, onions and prunes) or flour sauce (made from water and flour) and simmer, covering with a lid.

Or you can use this product as a filling for pies by mixing it with some other ingredient. As a last resort, complement over-salted meat or fish with an unsalted side dish of rice, vegetables or potatoes.

If you oversalt the mushrooms

The best way to save a mushroom dish is with sour cream, which will “happily” absorb the salt. If you don’t have this fermented milk product on hand, you can replace it with a small amount of water and add a little lemon juice.

In the end, just mix the mushrooms with boiled unsalted rice or mashed potatoes.

Stewed vegetables that are too salty

Puree them, add unsalted broth and prepare a puree soup, adding sour cream or cream. Or boil an additional portion of vegetables, but without salt, and mix, thereby obtaining vegetable puree.

Over-salted fresh vegetable salad

Simply rinse the chopped vegetables under cold water and place in a colander to remove excess moisture. Or add more vegetables to the salad.

The most effective way to eliminate excess salt in any dish is to prepare an additional portion of it and mix it with the over-salted one. True, as a result, the volume of the dish will increase significantly.

How to fix a burnt dish?

If you're distracted and get burned...


Take another clean container, rinse it with cold water and pour the milk into it. Bring the milk to a boil.

If it has already become saturated with the smell and taste of burning, take a thick cloth, fold it in at least two layers and strain the milk through it several times. Remember to rinse the fabric under hot water after each straining. Now all that remains is to boil the milk one more time and you can use it for its intended purpose.

How to fix a burnt pasta, grain or vegetable dish

Transfer the product to be prepared into a clean bowl without touching the burnt layer, and continue the cooking process by adding fresh butter, milk or water. If the pasta or cereal has a burnt smell, rinse it with cold water and then place it in a clean bowl to finish cooking.

If dough dishes are burnt - baked goods

If baked goods are burnt, remove the thin burnt layer from buns, pies or cookies using a grater. A thick layer of burnt dough will help you remove it with a sharp knife. If part of the sponge cake is damaged during baking, cut off the burnt areas and cover them with cream, jam, glaze, powder or jam.

If fish or meat dishes are burnt

If a meat or fish dish is burnt, cut off the burnt crust with a knife and, transferring the salvaged product into a clean container, simmer by adding water, broth or sauce.

How to save dry meat?

If the meat becomes dry and tough during cooking, do not rush to throw it in the trash. All is not lost yet.

It can be saved in several ways:

1) grind it with a blender or cut it into very small thin pieces, and, after frying with spices, use it to make sauce or gravy, filling for pancakes or casseroles;

2) cut very thinly and soak for at least half an hour in a marinade of soy sauce and vegetable oil with the addition of chopped garlic, herbs and some seasonings. Such meat can be used to prepare salads or snacks;

3) pour the sauce of sour cream and onion or sour cream and tomato over the meat and simmer for 20 minutes. It will become soft again.

What to do with excess fat?

Dishes prepared in large amounts of oil or fat (deep-fried) - pies, chips, meat or vegetables in batter - become oily and harmful to health. Remove excess fat by blotting the finished product with paper towels.

To remove the resulting layer of fat on the surface of a liquid dish (soup), wait until it cools, then carefully scoop off the excess fat with a spoon.

How to fix overcooked rice?

If you are lazy and overcook the rice for a side dish, drain the excess water from it, transfer it to a colander and rinse thoroughly under water. Add the resulting mass with mushrooms or onions and fry in oil - you get a completely edible dish.

Or make zrazy or cutlets from it - that’s also a good option.

Well, that's probably all. Remember and record for yourself everything described above. But it’s better to be careful when preparing food, try not to leave the kitchen for a long period. Let your dishes always turn out successful and tasty!

All the best!

Irina Kalinina shared her secrets for correcting culinary mistakes.

Read more:

Fluffy rice can be cooked in several ways. It would be nice to try different ones, choose your favorite and use it, as they say, “with your eyes closed.” For example, it always works.

Rice with spinach and raisins - both a side dish and a dish for vegetarians

It is enough to heat boiled rice with any leafy greens - spinach, beet tops, collard greens that are becoming fashionable, or even with the remains of green salads accumulated in the refrigerator, season with spices and raisins to get a wonderful side dish for fish or tender meatballs. - also simply delicious food for vegetarians and fasting people.

Rice with spinach and raisins

Rice, crispy vegetables and dressing - prepare a hearty salad at work

Neutral rice will serve as the basis for a hearty salad that is convenient to take to the office. Simply mix rice with crunchy vegetables - cucumber, fennel, celery, add plenty of chopped herbs and dress with a bright, hot, sweet and sour dressing. The finishing touch is seeds or nuts, whatever you have on hand.

Chicken with rice Iranian style

Rice pudding - breakfast, afternoon snack and dessert

Well, and of course, no one canceled sweet rice puddings for dessert! Although, in terms of richness, they are, of course, more suitable for an afternoon snack or breakfast than for finishing a meal. - a great dish for a lazy breakfast or a hearty afternoon snack.

Creamy rice with caramelized winter fruits

Before you learn how to cook rice, you need to understand what dish you need it for. Rice for rice porridge is easy to prepare, rice for pilaf or rice for a side dish is more difficult to prepare. Cooks are often interested in how to cook rice as a side dish. We'll tell you how to cook rice so that it is crumbly. First, you need to rinse the rice well; the recipes recommend rinsing the rice in cold water seven times. Secondly, you need to choose the right variety of rice; different varieties make different rice dishes. Recipes for risotto, paella, and pilaf usually contain information about which rice is best to cook them from. Steamed rice is easier and faster to cook, and most importantly, such rice turns out more crumbly. Thirdly, a recipe for cooking rice may contain advice to pre-fry the rice a little so that it does not stick together later. Finally, one more important note on the question of how to cook rice correctly: pour 1 glass of rice with 1.5 glasses of water and cook over low heat. When the water has completely evaporated and the rice is ready, you can start preparing the rice dish. You can cook rice with stew, rice with gravy, rice with minced meat, rice with champignons or other mushrooms. There are many options for what you can cook with rice. Rice- this is a filler, a base. Rice dishes can be meat, fish, vegetarian, or sweet. Side dishes, sweet dishes, and casseroles are prepared from rice. Rice can be made into a delicious side dish by combining it with other grains. These are, for example, rice with corn, rice with beans, rice with peas and corn. Rice goes well with fish and seafood, so rice dishes with seafood are often prepared, such as rice with squid, rice with mussels, boiled rice with shrimp.

There is another important nuance to the question of how to cook rice deliciously: you need to know what to season it with and what spices to use. Whether you cook rice in the oven for a side dish, or rice in pots, add a little grated ginger to it, it will give the rice an interesting flavor and spiciness. Rice You can cook without spices, but there are rice dishes and recipes where spices play a key role. They especially love spices in Indian cuisine; they prepare rice with saffron and rice with curry. Vegetarian rice dishes are often prepared with various dried fruits: rice with prunes, rice with raisins, rice with dried apricots. In addition, meat dishes with rice often contain dried fruits, which are added to rice dishes for a special flavor. For the same purpose, rice with fruits is prepared, for example, rice with apples, rice with quince. Rice is usually seasoned with butter and cream. Rice with soy sauce is traditional for Asian countries.

We hope now you know what to cook with rice. If you are interested in some rice dishes that you have not prepared before, choose the rice dishes with photos.

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