Doctor Bach's Flowers – development of a system of diagnostics and therapy. Bach Flower Therapy - Frequently Asked Questions How many drops can you take in combination with drinks

Flower essence therapy was developed in the early 20th century by the English physician Edward Bach. They are now widely used throughout the world to treat emotional and psychosomatic disorders. Their effectiveness has been proven by time and results. Medicines are officially registered by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation: homeopathic monocomponent preparations of plant origin, original Bach flower remedies 10 ml and 20 ml - No. LSR-002089/08 dated March 25, 2008

Bach flowers help increase the body's resistance to stress, harmonize emotional and physical imbalances, and neutralize habitual negative ways of reacting.

Dr. Bach developed 38 flower essences. A No. 39 is the famous “Rescuer”, a complex drug Rescue Remedy, used in acute situations when “ ambulance" Each essence is assigned its own number. Homeopathic doctors prescribe them in various combinations according to clinical picture, the patient’s constitution, testing using the Voll method. And the selection of the drug is carried out surprisingly accurately using kinesiology.

No. 1. Agrimony (Agrimony) – intolerance of conflicts, creates a mask of fun and joy, under which mental suffering is hidden. Such people try by any means to distract themselves from solving problems that are painful to them. It is recommended for people who are pathologically afraid of any external disagreements and conflicts; it helps to find inner balance.
No. 2. Aspen (Aspen) – anxiety states, attacks of inexplicable fears, premonitions. Like an aspen tree: when the wind blows lightly, all the foliage begins to tremble. Helps restore peace of mind and balance.

No. 3. Beech – for people who are intolerant, critical, condemning, irreconcilable. Helps develop compassion, acceptance, tolerance.

No. 4. Centaury - recommended for people who do not know how to refuse, who are weak-willed and indecisive, who are constantly taken advantage of, who easily fall under the influence of others. Gives strength to defend one’s interests, express one’s opinion, gives energy after a long, debilitating illness.

No. 5. Cerate - for those who constantly need authority, who do not have their own opinions, ask for advice from others, do not trust their judgments and intuition. Helps develop your position in relation to yourself and the world around you.

No. 6. Cherry plum, cherry plum - with constant tension, uncontrollable outbursts of rage, inability to relax. Provides an opportunity to relieve tension and learn to control feelings.

No. 7. Horse chestnut buds - for those who “constantly step on the same “rake”, repeat their own mistakes, and are not able to learn from experience. Helps in spiritual growth by using past mistakes as a resource to overcome new challenges.

No. 8. Chicory – persistent imposition of one’s help, one’s opinion, one’s worldview, manipulation and expectation of gratitude for it. At the physical level – venous congestion, chronic diseases. Helps you pay attention to your own life and empower others to make their own decisions and respect them.

No. 9. Clematis (Clematis) – life in illusions, absent-mindedness, daydreaming, isolation from reality. Helps you return to life and learn to accept it as it is.

No. 10. Wild apple tree (Crab apple) – a feeling of internal uncleanliness”, disgust at different levels. Helps “drain” negativity and toxins from the body.

No. 11. Elm (Elm) – Doubt about one’s capabilities and abilities, loss of self-confidence and in one’s choices. Gives you back confidence and strength to overcome obstacles.

No. 12. Gentian (Gentian) Flower of faith - for despondency, disappointment, skepticism, lack of inner core, lack of faith and trust.

No. 13. Gorse Flower of Hope - For those who have given up, stopped fighting under the influence of a long-term illness or a “hopeless” situation. Gives strength to overcome difficulties.

No. 14. Heather (Heather) Flower of identity - when, due to mental poverty, a person is busy only with himself, attracts attention only to his own person, trying to constantly be in the center of attention. Allows you to see the world, people, their needs, change the vector aimed at yourself, show attention and compassion to others.

No. 15. Holly (Holly) A flower that opens the heart - a manifestation of mistrust, hot temper, suspicion, gloating, jealousy, envy. Helps you gain generosity.

No. 16. Honeysuckle – attachment to the past, fear of change, fear of the future. Teaches to be grateful to the past for life in the present and future.

No. 17. Hornbeam – the desire to put off important things “for later”, laziness, mental fatigue. To gain mental strength.

No. 18. Balsam, impatiens - for impatience, fuss, haste, for those who always lack time. Relieves stress and excitement.

No. 19. Larch (Larch) Flower of self-confidence - with feelings of inferiority, low self-esteem.

No. 20. Mimosa (Mimulus), lipweed, Flower of courage - for various fears: driving in transport, loneliness, illness, society... Helps to become brave, decisive, and learn to trust the world.

No. 21. Mustard (Mustard) Flower of light - sadness, deep despondency for no reason. Helps you find joy and confidence in the future.

No. 22. Oak Flower of patience - for workaholics who have no sense of proportion and are very tired.

No. 23. Olive – lack of energy after prolonged stress and overwork.

No. 24. Pine - for people who are constantly dissatisfied with themselves. Helps get rid of constant self-reproach and feelings of guilt.

No. 25. Red chestnut - fear, anxiety for loved ones. Allows you to realistically assess the situation.

No. 26. Rock rose, Sunflower (Rock rose) - for those who easily panic, who are tormented by nightmares. Helps restore mental clarity.

No. 27. Mountain water (Rock water) – suppression of desires, one’s vital needs, self-denial, rigidity of thinking.

No. 28. Diwala (Scleranthus), Hedgehog annual Flower of balance - indecision, imbalance, mood swings, helps to find balance.

No. 29. Star of Bethlehem (StarofBethlehem) Birdman Flower of consolation - a state after shock, anesthesia. Gives mental strength and a state of comfort.

No. 30. Sweet chestnut, Noble chestnut, European sweet chestnut flower of liberation. A remedy for deep disappointment, mental anguish, for those who have reached the limits of endurance. To find spiritual renewal.

No. 31. Verbena (Vervain) – excessive zeal, hyperactivity, tendency to exaggerate, fanaticism. Helps you redistribute your energy more rationally.

No. 33. Walnut – fear of any changes in life, fear of the future. Helps you not to lose your way, preventing external circumstances and other people from leading you astray.

No. 34. Water Violet - for people striving for loneliness, alienation, restraint. Helps you understand the joy of communication and gives you a more open attitude towards others.

No. 35. Horse chestnut (White chesnut) – constant “chewing”, experiencing negative information, obsessive thoughts and emotions. Helps restore adequate attitude and calm.

No. 36. Oats (Wild oat), flower of vocation - with dissatisfaction with the choice of life purpose. Helps you gain confidence in determining your life path.

No. 37. Wild rose, dog rose - for disappointment, apathy, for those who have resigned themselves to illness, adversity, unloved work, life without joy. This can often occur in older people. Helps restore interest, joy in life, and gives positive motivation.

No. 38. Willow (Willow), the flower of fate - under unfavorable circumstances in which nothing can be changed yet, with a feeling of protest, resentment, injustice, self-pity. At the same time, a person engages in self-destruction and searches for those to blame. Helps restore optimism and understanding that our reality largely depends on our thoughts.

No. 39. Rescue Remedy, a rescue remedy, is Dr. Bach’s famous complex drug that allows you to prevent or relieve the effects of severe stress.

What are Bach Flowers? This is a whole technique that allows people to improve their own health by influencing their psycho-emotional state. The technique has been known for more than a century, and during this time it has managed to gain both devoted fans and followers, and ardent opponents.

In fact, the use of “Bach Flowers” ​​is a combination in practice of the methods of herbal medicine, homeopathy and psychology. From the moment of its appearance to the present day, this unique and, of course, unconventional method of healing the body has been considered one of the most effective in alternative medicine.

Who came up with this method?

Dr. Bach first began developing homeopathic remedies in 1919, during his work at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital. This hospital is still in operation today. It is now the London Comprehensive Medicine Hospital.

However, what is now known as Bach Flower drops appeared much later. While working in the hospital, the doctor developed seven nosodes, which are still used by British homeopaths to this day.

What is the basis of the technique?

Every person is familiar with the saying that “all diseases come from nerves.” A similar postulate underlies the flower method of self-healing. During his work at the hospital, Dr. Bach came to the conclusion that most diseases have roots in a person’s state of mind. Accordingly, by restoring mental balance and inner harmony, you can avoid many ailments and get rid of existing ones.

The “Bach Flowers” ​​drops themselves are based on homeopathy, namely a theory that states that each of the emotional and physiological states of a person corresponds to a specific plant. The British doctor’s method involves 38 flower essences, each of which has its own specific indication for use. In addition to them, the collection of flower elixirs also includes one compound, complex remedy intended for a general reduction in emotional and nervous tension.

List of drugs and explanations

When asking at a pharmacy about Bach Flowers elixirs, a description of the drugs and how they are used, people are often shocked by the number of drops available. There are really a lot of them, and such an assortment allows you to cope with almost any painful condition.

The list of elixirs included in “Bach Flowers” ​​and a description of the preparations (brief) are given below:

  • Agrimony is an elixir made from agrimony, this essence is recommended to be taken when you are overcome by vanity, anxiety, and doubt.
  • Aspen - an essence prepared from aspen sap extract, recommended for anxiety, obsessive states, and worries.
  • Beech - this potion is made from beech and will help cope with criticism, pickiness and intolerance.
  • Centaury - a remedy from centaury, helps overcome weakness of will, indecision, and servility.
  • Cerato - drops made from lead will give you confidence in your own knowledge and strength, and relieve shyness.
  • Cherry plum - cherry plum, this composition will provide self-control, endurance, restraint.
  • Chestnut bud - buds collected at the moment of dissolution from a horse chestnut tree guarantee the ability to learn from mistakes and absorb life experience.
  • Chicory - an extract from chicory, will prevent the desire, even unconscious, to manipulate loved ones and demand constant attention to oneself.
  • Clematis - elixir from clematis, helps cope with drowsiness and lethargy.
  • Grab apple is a wild apple tree, recommended for those suffering from excessive disgust.
  • Elm - elm essence, will eliminate depressive mood and depression.
  • Gentian is a long-known remedy for despondency, made from gentian.
  • Gorse - an extract from the leak, invigorates even in the most hopeless circumstances.
  • Heather - since ancient times, heather has helped people avoid excessive self-confidence.
  • Ppub - papub, a rare plant that extinguishes experienced anger, hatred, aggression.
  • Honeysuckle - for torment caused by memories and regrets, you need to take honeysuckle.
  • Honeysuckle - drops of hornbeam, increase productivity, fight laziness.
  • Impatiens - the “Impatiens” elixir is formulated for those who fuss for no reason, out of habit.
  • Larch - larch will help cope with low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence.
  • Mimulus - to avoid excessive modesty, a pouty and unapproachable appearance, a lipstick will help you find friends.
  • Mustard - mustard, perfectly copes with attacks of melancholy.
  • Oak - oak extract, relieves the sudden feeling of fatigue, fatigue, gives masculinity and stamina.
  • Olive - olive fights against the fatigue that constantly oppresses a person, loss of vital interests and strength.
  • Pine - pine relieves guilt.
  • Red chestnut - those who constantly feel fear for their family and friends need a red chestnut.
  • Rock rose - an increasing number of people, with the development of civilization and the acceleration of the pace of life, feel panic attacks; this can be avoided by taking sunflower.
  • Rock water - the name translates as “Hard water”, the elixir is needed by those who demand too much from themselves.
  • Scleranthus is an essence intended for people who are worried about their own indecision.
  • Star of Bethlehem - those who have experienced severe emotional turmoil, grief, and loss need drops from the poultry plant.
  • Sweet chestnut - disappointment both in people and in life, can be easily overcome with the elixir of noble chestnut.
  • Vervain - willow, is intended to reduce enthusiasm, which does not allow one to evaluate the life situation as a whole.
  • Vine - grapes, pacifies the tendency to tyranny.
  • Walnut - walnuts, will not allow you to mindlessly follow others, obey without comprehension.
  • Water violet - irrepressible pride often interferes with life; water violet extract can correct this.
  • White chestnut - obsessive thoughts constantly spinning in the mind will eliminate white chestnut.
  • Wild oat - fear of the future, fears for children, lack of faith in stability - those conditions in which wild oat is taken.
  • Wild rose - “wild rose”, or rose hips, are required for apathy.
  • Willow - willow essence will help you forgive grievances and not accumulate them.

But this is not the whole list. In addition to the above remedies, the homeopathic pharmacy “Bach Flowers” ​​is supplemented with a universal elixir. It's called Rescue Remedy and is intended for those who are unable to cope with many problems or survive a string of losses.

How to use these tools?

How to take Bach drops? When? Are there any contraindications? Can allergies develop? These and other questions often arise for people who decide to try flower therapy methods on themselves and their loved ones for the first time.

The instructions for “Bach Flowers” ​​included with the preparations recommend taking these homeopathic remedies in two ways:

  • with drinks;
  • under the tongue.

It is difficult to say which option is more effective. Some people find it convenient to drink drops, while others use them in the same way as validol. The description of the “Bach Flowers” ​​preparations usually contains lines recommending that in case of severe emotional upheavals, protracted problematic conditions, or the presence of obvious mental disorders, the use of essences is done “under the tongue.” When negative emotions are not clearly expressed, but torment a person, it is recommended to use elixirs, adding them to drinks.

There were no cases of allergies reported by homeopaths. But of course it is possible. In situations where a person is intolerant to a particular plant, it makes sense to initially use an essence made from other components.

How to use the drug correctly using the “under the tongue” method?

This method is quite simple and does not cause difficulties. The essence should be shaken, then draw a small amount of liquid into a pipette.

The person will need to open their mouth slightly and raise their tongue to the roof of their mouth. It is in the space underneath that the essence is buried.

How to use essence with drinks?

The composition of Bach drops is simple and easy to combine with any drink. However, it makes sense to take them with plain drinking water at room temperature. This will also allow you to enjoy a clean, subtle floral aroma.

Are there daily restrictions?

Although flower essences are not a pharmaceutical drug in the generally accepted sense, they should not be used uncontrollably. As the famous saying goes, “there is medicine in a drop, and poison in a spoon”, this expression is quite applicable to all homeopathic remedies.

“Flowers of Bach” is no exception. The description of the drugs and the proportions used in the instructions, of course, also contains recommendations regarding the scheme of their use. Although there is an opinion that the drugs are completely safe, you should not exceed the prescribed limits. However, you should not reduce the dosage recommended in the instructions.

Restrictions on intake do not depend on the person’s weight or age, as in pharmacy products, but on the method of using the essences.

How many drops can you take with the “under the tongue” method?

With this method of using elixirs, the daily limit is four doses. Equal time intervals should be observed between them and not deviate from the designated scheme.

For each application, from one to three drops are buried under the tongue, no more. An increase in the amount will not affect the human condition in any way. All herbal remedies have a cumulative effect on the body. Therefore, when using essences, regularity is important, not large volumes.

How many drops can I take in combination with drinks?

Of course, when using elixirs in diluted form, the number of drops needed per day is slightly greater than with the “under the tongue” method.

The maximum daily amount is 24 drops. It is allowed to dilute no more than six drops at a time. It is important to divide the total amount into equal doses and take them at regular intervals.

Do children need these funds?

Flower drops will not be superfluous for children. Everyone knows how vividly children are able to experience failures, fears, guilt and other negative emotions. Often, childhood sorrows become serious psychological traumas that ruin the lives of adults.

This can be avoided by using flower elixirs. Drops can not only cope with emotional difficulties, but also help withstand stress while studying. And in relationships with peers, along with all the misunderstandings and conflicts, you can easily reduce the degree of disorder that has arisen against their background through the use of essences.

Composition and manufacturing method

The composition of flower drops is extremely simple. The contents of each bottle correspond to its name. Of course, with the exception of the complex action elixir. The founder of the method, its author, Dr. Bach, used only plant buds and flowers, water from springs and the power of sunlight to make elixirs.

To this day, all plant components are combined only by hand, located only in places with clean ecology. Plants are usually harvested in the hour before dawn, in the month when they reach their peak of saturation.

After collection, the plant material is placed in a glass container, filled with water from springs and infused under the warming effect of sunlight. The time required to saturate the water with floral substances is on average three hours.

If long-term storage of the essence is intended, then a few milliliters of brandy can be added to it.


Having studied useful information about homeopathic remedies, the reader may decide to try their effect on his own example. Still, we recommend consulting with your doctor first.

Bach drops are an excellent remedy for combating stress, created on the basis of natural ingredients. Drops can be used not only for people, but also for pets. By influencing the body, they relieve anxiety, fear, uncertainty, tension, and also normalize the psychological state.

In total, Bach has 38 homeopathic tinctures, the basis of which is flowers. Drops can help you and your pets in any stressful situation.

Indications for the use of Bach drops for people

Dr. Bach's tincture not only calms the nervous system, but also strengthens it, without suppressing it like conventional antidepressants.

One can imagine many situations in which Bach drops would be indispensable. Here are the main ones:

  • In case of an accident, family discord, loss of a loved one.
  • Before an interview, performing on stage, taking an exam.
  • After a fright or a trip to the dentist.
  • Under stressful work conditions, for example in slaughterhouses, ambulances, auctions.

Don't be afraid to use drops, they are natural. In the event of a catastrophe, stress, accident, or emotional outburst, the victim may experience severe fear, reaching the point of horror, shock, turning into panic. In such a situation, it is especially important to restore emotional balance to the person. In the listed cases, the instructions for use recommend using Bach drops.

The product will not cause harm, but may help save lives. After taking the drops, make the victim as comfortable as possible. But it is worth remembering that in a serious situation this is not treatment, but only necessary assistance until the ambulance arrives.

It is very convenient to carry the drops with you, they will always be at hand. The packaging does not take up much space, so it is practical to carry it in a bag, briefcase or put it in a car first aid kit. The main thing is to always be prepared.

Dosage for humans

In an acute stressful situation, you need to dilute 4 drops in one glass of water. You need to drink in small sips until the shock passes. First at small intervals, then increase them to 15 minutes, then up to 30, depending on the condition in which the patient is. If there is no water or other liquid, you need to drip from the bottle or pipette directly under the tongue.

Dr. Bach's drops can also be used on a patient who has lost consciousness. Make a solution and rub it on your lips, temples, gums, cerebellar area, wrists and behind the ears. If water is not available, apply the concentrate to your lips and gums.

If the drops are used by the patient for a long period of time, they should be taken 4 times a day, the concentration is 4 drops per 1 tsp. water.

This flower based concentrate can be used as a warm and cold compress. In this case, the dosage is 6 drops per half liter of water.

Indications for the use of Bach drops for animals

For animals this remedy also very effective. But you should remember that you need to use Bach drops carefully. The instructions are a document that must be read before using the drug. In order not to harm your four-legged friend, you must respect the proportions.

When can you use the concentrate for animals:

  • After suffering a trauma, under severe stress.
  • When moving or before an exhibition, in the presence of a nervous state.
  • During a trip to the veterinarian, if the animal is afraid to be alone.

Bach drops: how to take to animals

If the concentrate is used during or immediately after a stressful event, dissolve 1 or 2 drops of concentrate in a small amount of water. You can also use it in its pure form by dripping it under the tongue or onto the skin behind the ears.

When the drops are used for a long time, the concentration is the same, but it must be used for 1-2 months, daily.

Composition of the drug

Bach drops are a very popular and no less effective remedy for relieving stress and tension. It is completely natural. These drops for emotional relief include a mixture of five flower essences developed by Dr. Bach.

1. Umbrella poultry plant - relieves mental pain and brings comfort.

2. Clematis vine-leaved - relieves the symptoms of numbness, absence, loss of consciousness, splitting, after which fainting usually occurs.

3. Plum splayed - for confusion and despair, useful when a person is on the verge of a nervous breakdown or in fear of losing control.

4. Impatiens vulgaris - relieves irritability and mental tension.

5. Sunflower coin-leaved - from horror and panic.

These five components create an excellent, and most importantly - natural - remedy for combating stress.

Dogs and cats They enjoy life most when they are calm and predictable. Unexpected changes in their routine, such as moving to a new home or an approaching thunderstorm, can upset them and make them feel anxious. Any emotional disorder sometimes subsequently causes problems related to health and behavior. Dr. Falp believes that one of the the best ways Bringing a nervous animal into a calm state is the use of flower essences. Made from the essential (and highly diluted) oils of wild plants, trees and shrubs, flower essences help animals find emotional balance, she explains.

Veterinarians Alternative therapy practitioners typically use one flower essence to treat specific types of stress. Gubastik essence is good for combating phobias - various fears. “Verbena calms the nervous system, grapevine helps stop aggression, and cistus wards off fear,” says Dr. Falp. Sometimes several flower essences are combined into one medicine. The drug, called Bach Rescue Remedy, against increased excitability, irritability, contains the essences of impatiens, hustonia, mirabelle, cistus and clematis. “Rescue Remedy is beneficial for any type of stress because it helps make animals calmer,” she says.

Flower essences are harmless, and if you take the wrong essence by mistake, it won't cause problems, Dr. Fulp adds. They usually act quickly and your pet should recover within a few days. You can use flower essences alone or in combination with other treatments. However, in most cases it is better to keep treatment simple, she says. Using three or fewer agents at the same time usually produces optimal results.

Using flower essences is very simple. When treating your cat, place a couple of drops in a water bowl and let them drink throughout the day. “When treating dogs, drop the essence directly into their mouth or place it on their nose for them to lick off. Veterinarians usually recommend one to three drops per day until the animal recovers. When you drop the essence into your mouth or nose, do not touch the dropper to your skin or mouth. Otherwise, the bottle will become contaminated,” explains Dr. Falp.

You can purchase flower essences in pharmacies using pet supply catalogs. They are usually sold next to a table or list explaining which essences are recommended for various ailments. Like most natural remedies, flower essences should be stored in glass bottles, out of direct sunlight, and away from microwave ovens or heat sources.

Alternative veterinarians often recommend flower essences to improve emotional well-being. Essences can be quite expensive, so you shouldn't buy more than you need. Here are 12 flower essences veterinarians recommend:

  • Essence
  • Aspen Beech
  • cornflower
  • Larch
  • Lipstick
  • Rescue Remedy (mixture of cistus, clematis, hustonia, wild plum, impatiens parviflora)
  • Cistus
  • Hustonia blue
  • Verbena
  • Grape
  • Turcha swamp

Apply in the following cases:

  • Neophobia
  • Irritability
  • Increased excitability
  • Cowardice
  • Fear, depression
  • Various phobias
  • Stress
  • A pronounced phobic reaction
  • Increased excitability
  • Dominance of aggression
  • Lack of human contact
  • Depressed state

Alternative medicine veterinarians recommend flower essences for a variety of emotional and physical problems. Using essences is very simple. You can either drop the required amount of essence into a bowl of water, or you can place a few drops on the back of the animal's nose or paw pads, where they will quickly be absorbed into the body by licking.

“Illness is neither cruelty nor punishment; in everything and for everything it is a corrective that our soul uses to show us our defects, to avoid mistakes that are even more important, significant, to prevent us from provoking even greater damage, and to lead us onto the path of truth and light that we have never shouldn't have left."
Dr. Edward Bach.

Edward Bach was a physician, renowned immunologist, bacteriologist and pathologist. His discoveries in the field of medicine can be considered the era of the formation of immunology and bacteriology. Dr. Bach, along with Hippocrates, Paracelsus, Hahnemann, Pasteur and Lister, is one of the few figures in the history of medicine who revolutionized the very view of health. He was an eminent physician, respected throughout the world for his many contributions to both orthodox and homeopathic medicine. The main merit of Dr. Bach's flower elixirs, which some medical professionals recommend using today, is that they harmonize our emotions. Attacks of melancholy, sleep disturbances, lack of self-confidence... Bach's elixirs help with many problems. They were created in the thirties by the English physician Edward Bach, and have served our emotional well-being ever since.
About eighty years ago, the English homeopathic doctor and therapist Edward Bach (1887–1936), using improved methods of distillation and solarization, created 38 monocomponent flower elixirs, which he first of all tested on himself.
The scope of their application lies in a different plane: they affect negative emotions associated with the disease: fear, rage, sadness... and at the same time have no side effects and do not give addiction - which improves the patient’s condition. It improves so much that in England these drugs are prescribed in cancer centers. In Germany, Belgium and Switzerland, they are even paid Insurance companies. Realizing that a person’s lifestyle and emotional state are the main causes of disease, Dr. Bach dreamed of finding a treatment method that was accessible to everyone and came from a bright, life-giving principle, and not from a pathogenic product, which is typical for homeopathy. “Problems with our vital energy can become pathogens. But if we go against the grain—that is, act when our negative emotions are expressed—it can have a direct impact on our health and well-being.”

Dr. Bach's flower therapy is a full-fledged therapeutic method, it is a true holistic medicine that acts on all levels of the body: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.

Dr. Bach divided elixirs into seven types of emotions:
Fear, increased anxiety
Uncertainty, loss of courage
Lack of interest in the present, lack of initiative
Longing for loneliness
Strong susceptibility to influences and ideas, susceptibility to outside influences (hypersensitivity)
Despair, despondency, hopelessness
Excessive concern for the well-being of others (excessive attention to others).
Flower elixirs do not cure physical illnesses, but, by correcting mental and emotional disorders, they also alleviate physical conditions. This is a suitable remedy for people with increased weather sensitivity, as well as for those suffering from depression, nervousness, headaches and other similar disorders.


1. Agrimony (Agrimony). Hidden mental anguish. For people who hide their anxieties and fears under the guise of a cheerful person, give in to avoid arguments, and avoid thinking about problems in any way, including with the help of alcohol. The agrimony comes in handy when a person pretends that nothing is happening to him, but at the same time suffers deeply inside.
The positive effect of this remedy is to ease internal torment and restore a sense of inner harmony.
2. Aspen (Aspen). Inexplicable fear, anxiety. For people who experience inexplicable fears, misgivings and anxieties without specific reasons, as well as for people who are suspicious and superstitious.
The positive effect of this remedy is to remove the state of fear, enable a person to consciously perceive his condition and realize that there is no reason for such a state.
3. Beech (Beech). Intolerance. For intolerant people, they are irritated by the habits, shortcomings, mistakes, and weaknesses of other people. They cannot refrain from criticizing and condemning the behavior, speech and actions of others.
The positive effect of this remedy is to promote the development in a person of such qualities as understanding and forbearance.
4. Centaury. Weakness, servility. Weakness or excessive softness; desire to please; exposure to other people's influence; inability to refuse. They take advantage of this - “they sit on the neck.” This often leads to overexertion, excessive fatigue, and irritation.
Centaury is useful in cases where a weak-willed person feels that he is being used as a slave, when a person is exhausted, worn out and feels irritated with himself for not being able to show strength of character, as well as for those who cannot find have the strength and courage to get rid of bad habits and attachments.
The positive effect of this remedy is to eliminate the excessive helpfulness inherent in this type of people, without affecting their calmness, friendliness and desire to help others. It will also give them the strength to stand up for themselves.
5. Cerato (Pig). The need for advice and encouragement from other people. For people who do not rely on their opinions, who question their own judgment, for those who, having made a decision, doubt its correctness. Such people constantly need advice, support, evaluation and encouragement from others.
The positive impact of this remedy is to promote the development of self-confidence and faith in one’s own intuition.
6. Cherry plum (Cherry plum). Losing control of yourself. For hot-tempered people prone to irrational actions. A running wild imagination leads to the emergence of thoughts and ideas that cause fear and horror. For people who experience fear of losing control of themselves, fear of going crazy or doing something out of the ordinary.
The positive effect of this remedy is to return a person to sanity, to help him realize that his behavior and actions can be controlled.
7. Chestnut bud (Horse chestnut buds). Failure to learn from past mistakes. For those people who are unable to learn from the mistakes of the past, and therefore repeat them again and again.
The positive effect of the horse chestnut bud remedy is to promote the formation of experience, because then the mistakes of the past will have a positive impact on a person’s behavior in the future.
8. Chicory (Chicory). Selfish possession. For people who have a hypertrophied sense of maternal care, they enjoy the company of their relatives and friends, especially when they feel that others need them and their advice. Chicory is useful when the motive of natural concern for the welfare of others becomes the desire to subjugate them, control and organize their lives.
The positive effect of Chicory flowers is that a person stops suppressing and irritating others and he develops more harmonious relationships with loved ones.
9. Clematis (Clematis). Drowsiness, lack of interest in the present. For people who are sleepy and lack interest in the present, they often escape reality. Clematis can be useful for people of this type in cases where their dreams about the future interfere with enjoying the present, when they experience constant boredom, suffer from lack of attention, are absent-minded and seem to sleep all the time. Such people definitely need to have a goal to which they will strive.
Positive impact. Clematis flowers help such people to concentrate on what is ahead of them, but at the same time it gives them the opportunity to appreciate what is happening to them now.
10. Grab apple (Wild apple tree). Obsession, disgust. This is a cleansing remedy. Recommended for overly pedantic people, those who have a morbid passion for cleanliness and order, and disgust. The remedy from the flowers of the Wild Apple tree will be needed by those who are oppressed by minor flaws in their appearance, who consider themselves unattractive. Having cleansing properties, the flowers of the Wild Apple tree can help those who feel the need to cleanse the body after an illness, as well as those who believe that poison or some kind of toxic substance has entered their body and needs to get rid of it. In this case, it does not matter at all whether a person is the type of person to whom the flowers of the Wild Apple Tree are shown. This remedy will always help when there is a feeling of self-condemnation and excessive preoccupation with some trifles.
The positive effect of Wild Apple is to help a person develop a sense of self-esteem and self-acceptance.
11. Elm (Elm). Suppression is a condition caused by responsibility. For those people who are naturally able to cope with serious personal and work tasks, but tend to experience overwork when additional tasks arise. Elm flowers may be needed by people of this type when they experience despondency and a short-term loss of confidence due to pressure placed on them. The remedy will also help those who are overwhelmed with emotions in connection with the upcoming task, and as a result they feel that they may not be able to cope.
The positive effect of Elm is to increase self-confidence. The tool also gives you confidence that you can cope with an unusual range of responsibilities. Such a person can be helped by realizing the limits of his own capabilities, and then, in certain situations, he will not suffer.
12. Gentian (Gentian). Disappointment, despondency. Gentian is indicated for those people who quickly lose heart, those who experience despair due to well-defined reasons, those who feel disappointment and despondency when something goes wrong.
The positive effect of Gentian is that it helps to gain faith in a positive outcome of a case and eliminate doubts.
13. Gorse (Leaker). Hopelessness and despair. For those people who experience severe depression, loss of interest in life, who have lost all hope and faith in the possibility of some positive changes.
Positive impact. Gorse helps to restore hope to a person and gain faith in a positive outcome, awakens in a person the desire to try new ways to achieve the goal that he has set for himself.
14. Heather (Heather). Self-centeredness, self-confidence. For those people who enjoy company and conversations, for those who love to talk. A remedy from Heather flowers may be needed by a person whose need for company is associated with loneliness and the desire to hook up with someone who is ready to listen to boring outpourings. In this case, the conversation focuses on the speaker himself - on his health, family, events in his personal life, etc., and the speaker does not listen at all to what the interlocutor is trying to tell him.
The positive effect of Heather is that people of this type begin to listen to others and appreciate their needs. Because of this, communication becomes reciprocal and becomes more complete.
15. Holly (Holly). Hatred, envy, jealousy. For those people who from time to time experience feelings of jealousy, envy, suspicion, thirst for revenge, hostility, anger and hatred. Holly is used when these feelings are clearly expressed.
The positive effect of Holly is that it awakens love and indulgence in a person.
16. Honeysuckle (Honeysuckle). Living in a past memory. For those people who often remember the past, experience nostalgia, melancholy, suffer from excursions into the past, are not satisfied with what has been achieved and think that it could have been different. Honeysuckle is needed when memories take over a person’s thoughts so much that he seems to become fixated on the events of the past to the detriment of the interests of the present.
The positive effect of this remedy allows a person to enjoy memories, but at the same time makes him concentrate on the present, on what lies ahead. Thus, Honeysuckle returns pleasure and fullness of life to a person.
17. Hornbeam (hornbeam). Laziness. For those people who are lazy, they start the day feeling tired, they procrastinate, and they put things off until later. They are bored with everything, they are indecisive in their actions. Hornbeam will be useful for those who experience apathy, suffer from a lack of enthusiasm, and those who despair of the upcoming working day; for those for whom the reluctance to work after the weekend causes a loss of mental strength, turning duties that are otherwise pleasant into hard labor.
The positive effect of Hornbeam is that a person awakens enthusiasm and interest in life in general. Therefore, every day is perceived by a person as a wonderful experience, and not a duty, the fulfillment of which requires enormous effort.
18. Impatiens (touch-me-not). Impatience, fuss. For those who work and think quickly. Slow people infuriate them; whatever they do is the most important thing, they rush into everything “headlong”. Touch-me-not will be needed when the desire to do everything quickly leads to irritation towards slow people or slow-moving events. It is also useful when such people try to speed up the conversation, fuss, show impatience and a desire to quickly get on with the next thing on their plan. Touch-me-not will help anyone in a similar condition.
The positive effect of Impatiens is that it forms a fast, active person, he is able to be patient and allows others to catch up with him.
19. Larch (Larch). Uncertainty, low self-esteem. For those people who will soon take the back seat and let others go ahead, giving them the opportunity to push themselves into the background. The reason for this is insufficient faith in yourself, in your achievements and good luck. Larch is useful when the negative thinking of these people literally blocks their energy, they feel embarrassed and always doubt that they will be able to successfully complete some task.
The positive impact of Larch is that it makes a person more confident in himself and his abilities, and also helps to realize that any attempt to undertake something has a good chance of successful completion.
20. Mimulus (Gubastik). Fear of clear origin. For those people who are naturally shy and fearful, as well as for those who blush easily and are embarrassed in the company of others. Lipstick is recommended for this type of person when they need to calm the nervous system. It is also indicated for anyone who experiences fears and concerns caused by very specific reasons.
The positive effect of Gubastik is that a person gains courage and communicates more freely with others.
21. Mustard (Mustard). Deep despondency for no reason. For those people whose mood fluctuates, deteriorates without any reason, who becomes depressed without visible reasons. This type of depression comes and goes like a cold, dark cloud.
The positive effect of Mustard flowers is to return happiness and joy to life to a person.
22. Oak (Oak). Exhausted, but still fighting. For people with a heightened sense of duty, who are naturally courageous and have a certain strength of character to always move forward, despite various difficulties. These types of people may need Oak flowers when they feel that their strength and courage are suddenly starting to fade. Perhaps this is due to fatigue or illness - and this causes a state of despair and despondency.
The positive effect of Oak flowers is to restore a person’s inherent courage and courage, but at the same time a person begins to understand that both the mind and body need periodic rest, so you need to listen to all the signals from your body.
23. Olive (Olive). Lack of energy. For people experiencing severe fatigue and exhaustion caused by overly strenuous physical or mental activity.
The positive effect of Olive flowers is to restore physical and mental energy.
Fatigue is always a symptom of some kind of illness. Therefore, it is always very important to determine the true cause of fatigue and treat it.
24. Pine (Pine). Self-reproach, feelings of guilt. For those people who always feel guilty about something, they constantly apologize for everything that goes wrong, even if it is not directly their fault. Pine will also help those who suffer from constant and unreasonable feelings of guilt.
The positive effect of Scots Pine flowers is that it allows a person to understand that other people also make mistakes, so it is not at all necessary to blame only yourself for everything and suffer.
25. Red chestnut (Red chestnut). Fear for loved ones. For those who are unduly concerned with the welfare and safety of others (especially other family members and loved ones) more than their own. Red Chestnut flowers help when completely natural concern for other people goes beyond certain limits, thus causing fear and constant anxiety.
The positive effect of this remedy is that it returns to the person natural state concerns.
26. Rock rose (Sunlight). Nightmares, panic. For those who experience a state of horror, panic and suffer from nightmares.
The positive effect of Sunflower is that it helps to calm down and restore mental clarity.
27. Rock water (Mountain water). Suppression of desires, self-denial. For those who lead a strict, measured life according to the rules, while denying themselves a lot. Rock water will be useful for such people if their outlook on life causes a loss of the sense of joy of being, or becomes the cause of tension and excessive rationality of the mind.
The positive effect of Rock Water is that a person, while maintaining high moral principles, becomes softer and more compliant.
28. Scleranthus (Diwala). Indecisiveness. For those who have difficulty choosing a solution, they constantly go through many options when making a decision. This causes nervousness and mood swings. Hedgehog flowers are indicated in cases where indecision becomes the cause of mental anguish. Hedgehog flowers can also be used when a person is in a state of imbalance.
The positive impact of this tool is that it helps a person to determine with greater confidence that he wants to complete the tasks assigned to him and make a choice without experiencing much difficulty.
29. Star of Bethlehem (Poultry Farmer). State after shock. For those who are in a state of shock (after receiving an unpleasant message, after some sudden and sad event); cannot recover from grief or loss; who experienced the shock. Remembering what happened, he falls into a daze.
The positive effect of the Birdman is that a person comes out of a state of shock and peace of mind and harmony return to him. Timely recovery from shock helps prevent a possible delayed reaction. Even if difficulties and difficulties began from the moment of the shock itself, then even then this remedy will have a positive effect (despite the fact that the initial shock has already passed).
30. Sweet chestnut (Noble chestnut). Mental anguish, deep disappointment. In order to relieve heartache, relieve mental anguish, which often leads to deep despair.
The positive effect of Noble Chestnut is to bring a person back to the light at the end of the tunnel and reassure the sufferer that everything will change for the better.
31. Vervain (Verbena). Excessive enthusiasm. For those who enjoy completing challenging tasks, they are enthusiastic and have strong beliefs and principles. Verbena will come in handy for these people when their ideas and concern for the common good lead them to become enraged at the slightest manifestation of injustice. Verbena will also be useful for those who experience quite a lot of stress associated with their work, with their desire to improve everyone and everything. They are constantly in an emotional struggle over a certain idea or project.
The positive effect of Verbena is to relieve stress and tension and enable a person to approach problems more rationally. This will allow these types of people to feel some relaxation and attend to their own needs.
32. Vine (Grapevine). The desire to dominate, inflexibility. For those who have a strong will and self-confidence. For those who know what they need from life and believe that only their actions are correct. Such people are leaders by nature; they quickly take responsibility in difficult situations and do not take the role of a follower. The vine is useful to people of this type in cases where they become rude, begin to suppress others and dominate them.
The positive effect of the Grapevine is that a person's strength becomes not a weapon, but a virtue.
33. Walnut. Protection from changes and outside influences. For those who experience psychological problems associated with changes in life or want to protect themselves from outside influences. These people need a walnut when sometimes they are tempted to deviate from their chosen path under the influence of others. Walnut will also help those who have already left the period of change behind, but it is still difficult for them to adapt to new living conditions.
The positive effect of this remedy is to help a person not to lose his way in life, and if suddenly he steps aside a little, he is not completely lost and adapts to changes.
34. Water violet. Pride, alienation. For those who prefer loneliness, solitude; It’s difficult to make contact; he carries all his problems within himself. They prefer loneliness to any company, but at one point they may feel as if cut off from others, from the whole world due to the constantly widening gap between themselves and those around them. That’s when the Water Violet flowers will come in handy for them.
The positive effect of Water Violet is that the person regains his natural balance of feelings, and although he continues to enjoy his solitude, he feels closer to others.
35. White chestnut (Horse chestnut). Unwanted thoughts, depressed state. For those who are haunted by intrusive, unwanted thoughts or unpleasant memories. They put pressure on the psyche, prevent you from concentrating on business, and prevent you from falling asleep.
The positive effect of Horse Chestnut is that clarity of thoughts and peace of mind are restored to a person.
36. Wild oat (Oat). Uncertainty about choosing a life path. For those who are at a crossroads in life and can’t choose where to go. Oats will be needed in cases where a person is dissatisfied with what he has already achieved, when he is dissatisfied with himself, his life or work.
The positive impact of Ovsyug is to help a person determine the right path, not rush from one thing to another and satisfy his own ambitions.
37. Wild rose (Dog rose). Humility, apathy. For those who are apathetic, humble, resigned. They perceive everything that happens as inevitable; these people have no motive to change anything in life. Rosehip is useful in cases where a person feels that life is passing by, when he experiences apathy and indifference towards everything that happens.
The positive effect of Rosehip is that a person awakens love and desire for life.
38. Willow (Willow). Resentment. For those who feel that they do not deserve the trials that befell them. They constantly experience feelings of bitterness and resentment, filled with self-pity. Willow will help you get rid of a bad mood and unnecessary “digging” in yourself.
The positive effect of Willow is that a person begins to feel optimistic and has a positive outlook on life. A person begins to feel a warmth that allows him to forgive and forget.
39. Rescue Remedi (Rescue remedy, anti-stress). Bereavement, upheaval in life.
Bach's "Rescue remedy" drops are a "rescue remedy" that will help you cope with any emergency situation and overcome any stressful event. Annoying news? Affective shock? Take Rescue remedy (4 drops in mouth, take as many times as needed).
Bach Drops is one of the world's most famous stress relievers that contains no artificial additives. Bach Drops are a blend of five different original Dr. Bach flower essences.

1. Star of Bethlehem or scientifically Ornitholagum umbellatum: brings comfort to the soul and soothes pain.
2. Clematis (Clematis) or Clematis vitalba: from a feeling of stupor (numbness), absence, splitting, which usually precedes fainting, loss of consciousness.
3. Cherry Plum (Cherry Plum) or Spreading Plum (Prunus cerasifera): for despair and confusion, when you are on the verge of a breakdown, for fear of losing control of the situation.
4. Balsam (Impatiens) or Impatiens noli-tangere for irritability and mental tension
5. Rock Rose or Helianthemum nummularium: for horror and panic.


Nelson and Co Limited, London
Monocomponent (10 ml drops) - 730 rub.
Rescue Remedy (10 ml drops) - 925 rub.
Rescue Remedi (spray 20ml) - 1500 rub.
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Production: Di Leo Laboratory, Italy
Monocomponent (drops 12 ml) - 500 rub.
Universal balm, analogue of Rescue Remedy (12 ml drops) - 650 rub.
A complete set of drops of 38 essences of Dr. Bach (12 ml drops) - RUB 18,000.


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