Impeachment: what it is in simple words and examples. Impeachment: concept, history and features of the procedure What does impeachment mean?

Let us turn to the definition of the concept “impeachment”. According to an article on Wikipedia, the word impeachment in English means “mistrust,” and the term itself comes from the Latin word impedivi, which means “impeded, stopped.”

And today, impeachment is a special procedure for judicial prosecution, including criminal charges, of officials at various levels up to the head of state, with their subsequent removal from office. The institution of impeachment arose in England back in the 14th century. Thanks to the introduction of this procedure, the House of Commons gave itself the right to bring the king's ministers to trial in the House of Lords on the basis of criminal charges (previously, such a right belonged only to the king). Later, the concept of impeachment was borrowed from British acts by US legislation, in particular by enshrining this procedure in the Constitution of the United States. At the same time, charges requiring impeachment can be brought not only against the President, but against any federal official, including judges and the president. Each state has similar procedures for the governor and other state officials. In the United States, there are three known cases when the president of the country was presented for impeachment by the House of Representatives: Andrew Johnson in 1868 (in connection with the illegal resignation of the Secretary of War), Richard Nixon in 1974 (Watergate) and Bill Clinton in 1998-1999 (in connection with perjury and obstruction of justice). Johnson and Clinton were acquitted by the Senate, and Nixon resigned before the Senate could consider his case.

Impeachment in Ukrainian legislation

Let us now turn to the institution of impeachment in Ukraine. In our legislation, the impeachment procedure applies only to the office of the President of Ukraine and is described in Article 111 of the Constitution of Ukraine.

According to the provisions of this article, the President of Ukraine may be removed from this post by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine if he commits high treason or another crime.

The issue of removing the President of Ukraine from office through impeachment is initiated by a majority of the constitutional composition of the Parliament, that is, no less than 226 people's deputies of Ukraine.

To conduct the investigation, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine creates a special temporary investigative commission, which includes a special prosecutor and special investigators.

The conclusions and proposals of the temporary investigative commission are considered at a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

If there are grounds, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, with at least two thirds of its constitutional composition (which is 300 people's deputies of Ukraine), decides to accuse the President of Ukraine.

The Constitutional Court of Ukraine in its Decision No. 19-rp/2003 of December 10, 2003 in the case of the constitutional submission of 47 people's deputies of Ukraine on the official interpretation of the provisions of part one of Article 105, part one of Article 111 of the Constitution of Ukraine (the case of immunity and impeachment of the President of Ukraine) indicated the following: “the impeachment procedure established by the Constitution of Ukraine is the only way to bring the President of Ukraine to constitutional responsibility and, by its legal nature, is not similar to accusing a person in accordance with the norms of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine... Impeachment in the system of constitutional institutions, by its legal nature, is an extrajudicial constitutional process , according to the content of which, if the President of Ukraine commits a crime, the parliament can terminate his powers early by removing him from this post. Therefore, the provisions of the first part of Article 111 of the Constitution of Ukraine should be understood in such a way that the constitutional procedure for investigating and considering the case of removing the President of Ukraine from office through impeachment is carried out without excitement against him criminal affairs».

The decision to remove the President of Ukraine from office by impeachment is made by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by at least three-quarters of its constitutional composition (338 people's deputies of Ukraine) after examining the case by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and receiving its conclusions regarding compliance with the constitutional procedure for investigating and considering the case of impeachment and receiving the output Supreme Court Ukraine that the acts of which the President of Ukraine is accused contain signs of high treason or another crime.

So far, Ukrainian history does not know the practice of applying impeachment proceedings against the President of Ukraine. The Constitution of Ukraine contains only general norms regulating this procedure. Neither the procedure for forming a special investigative commission, nor the timing of the investigation, nor the procedure and timing of the review by the Constitutional and Supreme Courts of the case of impeachment of the President of Ukraine have been established. Accordingly, a special law is needed to regulate these and other issues related to such a complex procedure. Perhaps, when all legislative formalities are settled, we will witness the first impeachment process of the President of Ukraine in modern history our state, if there is the will of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Impeachment Act

On September 25, 2019, the Law of Ukraine “On the special procedure for removing the President of Ukraine from office (impeachment)” came into force. The law defines the legal and organizational basis for bringing the President of Ukraine to constitutional responsibility through removal from office through impeachment.

The basis for initiating impeachment of the President of Ukraine is a written submission signed by the majority of people's deputies of Ukraine from the constitutional composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, whose signatures are not revoked.

A written proposal to initiate impeachment submitted to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine must contain a legal justification for the need to form a special temporary investigative commission. The submission may be accompanied by documents and materials relating to this issue, or duly certified copies thereof.

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine urgently notifies the President of Ukraine and the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine about the adoption of such a decision.

If the issue of initiating impeachment is included in the agenda of a session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine shall create a special temporary investigative commission to conduct an investigation into the existence and circumstances of the commission of high treason or another crime by the President of Ukraine.

The special temporary investigative commission includes people's deputies of Ukraine, taking into account the principle of proportional representation of parliamentary factions (deputy groups), and also includes a special prosecutor and special investigators. In the case of election of a people's deputy of Ukraine as a special prosecutor and special investigator, the principle of proportional representation of the deputy faction (deputy group) in the special temporary investigative commission is taken into account.

The candidacy of a special prosecutor for the special temporary investigative commission is nominated by the initiators of consideration of the issue of impeachment.

Candidates of special investigators for the special temporary investigative commission are nominated by parliamentary factions (deputy groups).

Only a person who meets the following requirements can be selected for the positions of special prosecutor and special investigators:

  1. is a citizen of Ukraine who has resided on its territory for at least ten years;
  2. fluent in the state language;
  3. has a higher legal education;
  4. has at least ten years of work experience as a prosecutor and/or investigator;
  5. has no criminal record.

A special temporary investigative commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is created within thirty days from the date of initiation of impeachment. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, by a majority of its constitutional composition, adopts a resolution on the creation of a special temporary investigative commission.

Special temporary investigative commission:

  1. conducts an investigation into the existence of the fact and circumstances of the President of Ukraine committing high treason or another crime;
  2. checks the presence, completeness and validity of evidence of the commission of high treason or other crime by the President of Ukraine;
  3. is preparing proposals regarding a draft resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the accusation of the President of Ukraine.

The President of Ukraine may have a defender (no more than five defenders), who ensures the protection of his rights, freedoms and legitimate interests in the impeachment procedure.

The special temporary investigative commission prepares conclusions and proposals on the investigated circumstances of the commission of high treason or another crime by the President of Ukraine and considers them at its meeting and makes decisions on them.

Conclusions and proposals should contain:

  1. facts and circumstances that became the basis for the investigation;
  2. information and circumstances established by a special temporary investigative commission, as well as the evidence with which they are confirmed;
  3. information and circumstances that have not been confirmed;
  4. facts and circumstances that have not been verified, the reasons for this;
  5. facts and circumstances confirming or refuting the presence of signs of high treason or other crime in the actions of the President of Ukraine.

A special temporary investigative commission, if there are appropriate grounds, prepares a conclusion on the accusation of the President of Ukraine, taking into account the requirements for the indictment provided for by the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. The conclusion is signed by a special prosecutor, special investigators, the chairman and secretary of a special temporary investigative commission.

The plenary meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, at which the conclusions and proposals of the special temporary investigative commission are considered, is open. A closed plenary meeting is held by decision of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the event that the conclusions and proposals of a special temporary investigative commission or documents and materials attached to them contain information constituting a state or other secret protected by law.

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, by government courier, invites to the plenary meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine the President of Ukraine, the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, the Chairman of the Supreme Court, the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights, the Prosecutor General, the special prosecutor and special investigators. Such an invitation is sent no later than two days before the date of the plenary meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

If people's deputies of Ukraine - members of a special temporary investigative commission introduce a draft resolution on accusing the President of Ukraine, the chairman of the plenary meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine asks the President of Ukraine whether he agrees with the points of accusation contained in the draft resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

If the President of Ukraine agrees with all the charges, and the people's deputies of Ukraine, who submitted the motion to initiate impeachment, do not object to these charges and have no additions to them, no discussion is held on this issue, the chairman of the plenary session announces the transition to a secret voting on charges and carrying out further procedures.

If the President of Ukraine agrees only with individual points of accusation or does not agree with one of the points of accusation set out in the draft resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the accusation of the President of Ukraine introduced by people's deputies of Ukraine - members of a special temporary investigative commission, further discussion is held on those points of accusation with which the President of Ukraine did not agree with, as well as those that were not reflected in the proposed draft resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

If the President of Ukraine does not appear without good reason at a plenary meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine or refuses to personally give explanations or answer questions, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine shall consider the conclusions and proposals of a special temporary investigative commission on the accusation of the President of Ukraine, without his participation.

The draft resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the accusation of the President of Ukraine, introduced by people's deputies of Ukraine - members of the special temporary investigative commission, should be based only on the information contained in the conclusions and proposals of the special temporary investigative commission. The charges against the President of Ukraine are set out in the draft resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine point by point, separately for each act containing signs of a crime. The decision of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to accuse the President of Ukraine is made by secret ballot by submitting ballots in the manner determined by the Rules of Procedure of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

A secret vote on the draft resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the accusation of the President of Ukraine, included in the ballot for secret voting, is held separately for each point of accusation. The resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the accusation of the President of Ukraine is considered adopted as a whole with those counts of accusation for which, in accordance with part five of Article 111 of the Constitution of Ukraine, at least two-thirds of the people's deputies of Ukraine from the constitutional composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine voted.

If the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopts a resolution on accusing the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, by a majority vote of the people's deputies of Ukraine from its constitutional composition, also adopts a resolution to appeal to:

  1. the Constitutional Court of Ukraine to verify the case and obtain its conclusion on compliance with the constitutional procedure for the investigation and consideration of the impeachment case;
  2. The Supreme Court to obtain its conclusion that the acts of which the President of Ukraine is accused contain signs of high treason or another crime.

If the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine does not make a decision to accuse the President of Ukraine, the presiding officer at the plenary meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine announces the termination of the impeachment procedure.

After receiving the relevant conclusions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and the Supreme Court, these conclusions are immediately announced by the presiding officer at the next plenary meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and provided to the people's deputies of Ukraine.

If, in accordance with the conclusion of the Supreme Court, the acts of which the President of Ukraine is accused contain signs of high treason or another crime, and in accordance with the conclusion of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, the constitutional procedures for the investigation and consideration of the impeachment case have been observed, the people's deputies of Ukraine - members of a special temporary investigative commission shall immediately prepare and submit for consideration to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine a draft resolution of the Verkhovna Rada on the removal of the President of Ukraine from office through impeachment.

The resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the removal of the President of Ukraine from office by impeachment is considered adopted if at least three quarters of the people's deputies of Ukraine from the constitutional composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine vote for it.

The resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the removal of the President of Ukraine from office by impeachment comes into force from the moment the presiding officer at the plenary meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine announces its acceptance.

From the moment the presiding officer at a plenary meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine announces the early termination of the powers of the President of Ukraine in connection with his removal from office by impeachment for the period until the election and assumption of the post of a new President of Ukraine, the duties of the President of Ukraine are performed by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in accordance with the provisions of Article 112 Constitution of Ukraine.

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine officially notifies the President of Ukraine, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, the Chairman of the Supreme Court about the removal of the President of Ukraine by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by impeachment and immediately publishes the corresponding act of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine through the media.

If the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine fails to adopt a resolution on the removal of the President of Ukraine from office through impeachment, the presiding officer at the plenary meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine:

  1. announces the termination of the impeachment procedure and instructs the publication of this in the newspaper "Voice of Ukraine";
  2. announces the termination of the powers of the special temporary investigative commission;
  3. on behalf of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine apologizes in writing to the President of Ukraine.

Resignation by at will The President of Ukraine, against whom impeachment has been initiated, is the basis for terminating the impeachment procedure at any stage, as well as for closing the relevant proceedings in the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and the Supreme Court.

After the President of Ukraine announces his resignation, materials on the initiation of impeachment, conclusions and proposals of a special temporary investigative commission, documents, materials, examination results and other information related to the investigation are sent by the chairman or deputy chairman of the special temporary investigative commission to the preliminary investigation authorities to carry out a pre-trial investigation .

Impeachment translated from English means “mistrust, doubt.” The president is the first person in the state. If he fails to fulfill his responsibilities, parliament or another government body has the right to put forward a “vote of no confidence” in him.

What is presidential impeachment?

This term “migrated” to the Constitutional legislation of Russia from the USA. What does impeachment of a president mean? different countries? This is a procedure for bringing to legal responsibility and subsequent removal from office a senior government official. Actions are performed according to the following scheme:

  1. The “culprit” is charged with criminal offenses.
  2. The formation of the conclusion takes place in the lower house of the Legislative Body.
  3. The court verdict is made by the upper chamber.

Reasons for impeaching a president

If in Russian Federation the main reason for the process is treason against the state, then in America and others Western countries this list is much longer. A high position requires compliance with legal and constitutional norms, utmost honesty, and the publication of information of national importance. Impeachment is the removal from power of a president who violates the established order and fails to cope with his official duties. The main reasons for starting the trial:

  1. High treason (for example, in the USA this concept means military actions against America, supporting enemies, joining their ranks).
  2. Other serious criminal acts: bribery; violation of civil rights specified in the Constitution, perjury, obstruction of justice; concealment of information of national importance.
  3. Inability to perform direct duties due to health reasons.

Who can announce impeachment?

In Russia the process is being initiated State Duma, in the USA – by the House of Representatives. The application goes to the Judiciary Committee, which formulates the “provisions of impeachment.” If the majority of members of the House of Representatives (USA) or 2/3 of the State Duma deputies (Russia) vote for them, then further progress is given to the matter. Who impeaches a president at the end of trials? The Senate (USA) or the Federation Council (Russia) considers the testimony of witnesses. The Chief Justice presides over the impeachment trial. He will also publish the adopted conclusion.

How to impeach a president?

The Federation Council (Russia) or the Senate (USA) makes the final verdict. In those countries where the Constitution does not provide for a procedure for removing the president from office, a popular referendum is held. At the 1st stage of voting, at least 1% of the votes of voters who previously voted for the approval of the candidate for the position of senior management must be collected. At stage 2, the number of votes must be at least 20%. At the last stage, the number of voters in favor of impeaching the president must be more than 50%.

The main stages of the impeachment procedure

In Russia, the impeachment procedure was carried out 3 times: twice in 1993 and in 1999. The procedure for conducting it was borrowed by the United States from Great Britain, and by Russia from America. Came under judicial pressure 3 times Russian President Boris Yeltsin, Americans - Richard M. Nicholson, Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, Brazilian Dilma Rousseff (the trial was completed on August 31, 2016).

Impeachment - what is it from a legal point of view? In the Russian Federation, the process is regulated by Art. 93:

  1. The State Duma issues an indictment for treason or other serious crimes.
  2. The Supreme Court makes a decision on the presence of signs and motives of a crime.
  3. The Constitutional Court of Russia regulates compliance with the procedure established when a guilty verdict is issued.
  4. The conclusion on the removal of the president from his position is announced - it is made by the Federation Council.

Impeachment - what is it in the USA, and according to what scheme does it occur? The process is carried out in 2 stages:

  • Stage 1 - a guilty verdict is brought forward by representatives of the Chamber;
  • Stage 2 – the conclusion is made by the Senate.

Last week turned out to be quite generous with political events and statements from both government politicians and opposition figures. As if from a cornucopia, accusations from both sides are pouring out, supported, if not by facts, then by strong expressions and insults. Of course, the main newsmaker was the traditionally permanent leader of the Ata Meken party, Omurbek Tekebayev, who proposed starting the presidential impeachment procedure against President Almazbek Atambayev.

website I decided to find out whether this is the first time Kyrgyzstan is preparing for the procedure for the resignation of the president and in which countries the resignation of the head of state was carried out and for what reasons.

The first country to first establish such an institution as impeachment in its Constitution was the United States of America. However, it is worth noting that the United States at the time of its inclusion understood this term as the responsibility of not only the head of state, but also all senior officials. Three American presidents had to experience the fate and hardships of “impeachment.”


In the entire history of the United States, two presidents were impeached by the House of Representatives, but they were later acquitted by the Senate, where the prosecution did not receive the required 2/3 votes. The first unfortunate person was the president Andrew Johnson, when in 1868 he was accused of illegally resigning the Minister of War.

In 1998-1999, due to a high-profile sex scandal with Monica Lewinsky, they wanted to resign Bill Clinton. The reason for the investigation into the Clinton story was not the fact of the president’s sexual relationship with the intern Lewinsky, but the trial of Paula Jones on charges of an amorous politician. This lady claimed that, while governor of Arkansas, Clinton allowed himself to sexually harass her. And here Clinton, answering the question whether he had a sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky, answered “no,” while under oath. Adultery is not punishable, but perjury is a criminal offense and grounds for impeachment. According to the US Constitution, more than two-thirds of the votes of senators (67 out of 100) are required to approve the resignation of the head of state. However, at that time in the Senate there were 55 Republicans and 45 Democrats - Clinton's party members. So in February 1999 the procedure was stopped.

In 1974, President Richard Nixon The House of Representatives also wanted to deprive him of office in connection with the Watergate affair. But he resigned before the Senate could hear the matter (with a likely conviction), allowing his successor Gerald Ford to pardon Nixon. This is the only time in US history when a president left office early during his lifetime.


As for violation of the country's Constitution, history knows such an example. Four years ago, an incident occurred in the Republic of China of Taiwan with the president of this country, Ma Ying-jeou. The scandal reached the top not only in local media, but also in the world. In January 2012, Ma Ying-jeou was fined NT$500,000 (or $17,000) by a local court simply for live-announcing the results of a national poll in advance, which was not allowed under Taiwan's election laws. Then he resigned, but ran again and... won the election.

South America

A real parade of impeachments occurred in the countries of South America in the last decade of the twentieth century. Brazil made a start by opposing its president Fernando Colora di Melu. The leader did not wait for the end of the trial on charges of corruption and resigned in December 1992. But the Senate still brought the matter to an end and impeached Color.

The head of Venezuela was also accused of corruption Carlos Andres Perez. On August 31, 1993, the National Congress of Venezuela found the president guilty of embezzling 250 million bolivars from government funds. He was impeached, and in 1996 the court found Perez guilty and sentenced him to house arrest for a period of two years and four months.

In February 1997, the National Congress of Ecuador announced that President Abdala Bukaram incapable of leading the state due to “mental incapacity.” Bucaram was accused of discrediting the office of the head of state, illegal “use of the armed forces for personal purposes,” corruption and inappropriate behavior. During public appearances on television, the president loved to sing and dance for his beloved people. The people did not appreciate his talents; Bucaram had to emigrate to Panama. In general, sometimes singing or dancing live from the first person of the state does not lead to any good...


In 2000, the President of Peru Alberto Fujimori fled the country due to mass protests caused by revelations of corruption schemes in his circle. He asked for political asylum in Japan and from there announced his resignation from his post. The Peruvian Congress did not accept the president’s voluntary resignation and declared impeachment, removing him from office with the original wording “for persistent moral failure.” Fujimori was later accused of embezzling government funds and leading operations that led to massacres in 1991-1992.

Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo went through impeachment proceedings in 2012. Parliament accused him of improper performance of official duties, which led to the death of 17 people.

And just recently, thanks to impeachment, the former head of Brazil resigned Dilma Rousseff. The Brazilian Senate has voted to impeach President Dilma Rousseff. Rousseff's impeachment process began in December 2015. The key accusation was budgetary fraud: allegedly the government, at the initiative of the president in 2014–2015, used the so-called fiscal pedaling. Its essence is that the authorities moved planned spending on social programs to the next financial period to improve performance in the current period.


Impeachment is also close to Lithuania, when, due to this procedure, the President of Lithuania Paxas Rolandas lasted only one year in office. In 2004, the Diet impeached him. The reason was the granting of Lithuanian citizenship to Russian businessman Yuri Borisov. He allegedly donated $400 thousand to the presidential election campaign. The Lithuanian leader himself stated that he did not intend to serve either the Americans or Russia, but only the Lithuanian people.


In November 1996, events occurred in the political life of Belarus that predetermined the development of the country for decades. Thanks to the referendum held on November 24 and the new version of the Constitution approved there, Alexander Lukashenko concentrated all power in his hands. The presidential impeachment process launched by parliament was terminated as a result of pressure on deputies and negotiations with the participation of the Russian leadership. And the whole point is that Lukashenko issued 15 decrees, which the country’s Constitutional Court declared unconstitutional. And they shouldn't have acted. But Lukashenko in response issued an order, which was not provided for by the Constitution, in which he obliged all officials to carry out his decrees.


On March 5, 2013, the Czech Senate passed the President Vaclav Klaus impeachment 3 days before the end of his term, accusing him of violating the Constitution. The reason was the amnesty proclaimed by Klaus on January 2, 2013, as a result of which thousands of convicts were released. In addition, investigations into a number of major economic crimes were discontinued. Because of this decision, many criminal cases involving high-ranking Czech officials were closed. On March 27, 2013, the Constitutional Court acquitted Vaclav Klaus due to the fact that he had already left his post.


The Russian Federation is also included in the list of countries where the procedure for the resignation of the head of state was carried out. All three attempts were directed against the first President of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin.

For the first time, the question of impeachment arose in March 1993 at the initiative of the Supreme Council and the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation. Although the 1978 Constitution of the RSFSR, in force at that time (with amendments), allowed the Congress of People's Deputies to independently resolve “any issue within the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation,” as a result of negotiations between the Supreme Council and the President, the issue of powers was submitted to a national referendum, and both branches the authorities retained their powers.

The next attempt at impeachment took place in September 1993, after the presidential decree to terminate the Congress and the Supreme Council. The decision on impeachment was made by deputies who gathered at the so-called X Congress, the legality of which, however, was not recognized by the executive branch. The conflict was resolved by armed means during the events of October 3-4.

The issue of impeachment was considered for the third time in 1998-1999. Yeltsin was accused by the State Duma on the following counts:

  1. collapse of the USSR;
  2. the outbreak of war in Chechnya;
  3. weakening of Russia's defense capability and security;
  4. dissolution of the Supreme Council in 1993.

Additionally, the issue of “genocide of the Russian people” was considered. As a result of the voting, none of the charges received the support of a qualified majority of deputies (17 votes were not enough to bring charges on the issue of the war in Chechnya), and the procedure was terminated.


In our republic, no one has officially impeached a president. Conversations, of course, took place on the podium in parliament, at rallies and round tables. According to the same Tekebaev, a legal precedent will be created in Kyrgyz legislation in March and it needs serious documentary support.

“That is why a solid basis is now being prepared. I think that in five years there will be enough facts for the resignation of the head of state,” said the leader of Ata Mekena.

By the way, in 2013, Almazbek Atambayev was impeached, albeit publicly. This was done by a representative of the people's patriotic revolutionary movement pure opposition forces of Kyrgyzstan "For neo-socialism and true democracy" Nazarbek Nyshanov. He even began collecting signatures for the resignation of the president. True, then the initiative did not end in anything.

Impeachment - what is it? Definition, meaning, translation

Impeachment(emphasis on the second “i”) This is a procedure for removing from power the first person in the state by issuing a “vote of no confidence” by parliament or another government body. English word impeachment means “doubt, mistrust.”

Reason for impeachment may be, for example, a corruption scandal, problems with immoral behavior or inadequate steps in governing the country. In the history of the USSR there was, perhaps, only one impeachment: in 1964, Nikita Khrushchev was dismissed on charges of voluntarism. Attempts were made to impeach Boris Yeltsin in connection with the dispersal of the Supreme Council in 1993, but the matter never came to resignation. Another high-profile attempt at impeachment took place in 1999 in the United States, when President Bill Clinton was almost dismissed due to lies under oath and the Monica Lewinsky scandal. In August 2016, the Brazilian parliament voted to impeach President Dilma Rousseff on charges of financial fraud. In December 2016, the South Korean parliament began the impeachment process of President Park Geun-hye. She is accused of sharing government-important information with her sectarian friend.

Impeachment is in the list:

Did you find out where the word came from? Impeachment, his explanation in simple words, translation, origin and meaning.

One of the political terms is the word "impeachment".

What is impeachment? “Impeachment” - (from the Latin impedivi - to prevent) - a judicial procedure, including criminal prosecution of persons holding both municipal and senior official positions (officials, heads of state), if an act was committed that is incompatible with job responsibilities. The impeachment procedure is dictated by the legislation of the Russian Federation; the consequence of this process is the removal of government officials from office.

The process and decision-making is carried out by parliament, in the Russian Federation - by the Federal Assembly, which, in turn, is represented by the upper (Federation Council) and lower (Duma) chambers.

Impeachment process in the Russian Federation

The impeachment procedure in Russia took place three times, and all three were taken against President B.N. Yeltsin. The removal of the president from official duties is activated by the Federation Council if two-thirds of the votes of the assessors are “in favor of the removal.” The most serious was the initiation of impeachment in 1998-1999. The President was accused by the Duma on four counts:

  • the collapse of the USSR in 1991;
  • the beginning of the war in Chechnya;
  • dispersal of the Congress of People's Deputies in 1993;
  • weakening of Russia's security.

However, the procedure was stopped due to the fact that none of the charges received a sufficient number of votes from deputies. Two other cases brought against Russian President B.N. Yeltsin were also unsuccessful.

From the history of a political term

The concept of “impeachment” arose in the 14th century in England, where the prosecution procedure was invented as a punishment for the willfulness of royal favorites. However, in British history, the last time impeachment was used was in 1806.

From British legislation, the word smoothly passed into the US Constitution, where it acquired the meaning of an accusation by the lower house of parliament of an official at the federal level. Throughout the history of the United States, two presidents have been impeached but ultimately acquitted by the Senate.

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