How are monthly maternity payments calculated? Maternity payments

According to Russian laws, every working woman has the right to maternity leave. In this case, a certain monetary compensation is paid. Who pays maternity benefits in Russia in 2019?

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The labor legislation of the Russian Federation takes into account the interests of all parties to legal relations. The law also protects the rights of workers who have temporarily lost their ability to work.

This way, when a woman goes on maternity leave, she can count on keeping her job. In addition, the period of forced leave is partially compensated. But who pays maternity benefits in 2019?

General points

Back in November 1917, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR adopted the Decree “On Maternity Benefits.”

From that moment to the present period, the period of time when a woman prepares for motherhood and cares for the newborn baby is called maternity leave or maternity leave.

Russian legislation has retained the provision regarding the provision of maternity leave to working women.

Moreover, from a legal point of view, the period of maternity leave is divided into:

Both types of leave are provided and paid in the case of official employment, when the employer makes mandatory contributions to the Social Insurance Fund.

But in order to receive the due compensation, you need to know how to properly file a maternity leave, where to apply for payments and how to pay during maternity leave?

What it is

Officially, maternity payments are referred to as maternity benefits. This is a one-time payment paid to the expectant mother as financial support for the period of temporary disability.

A woman receives this payment only once, at the very beginning. In everyday life, maternity leave means the entire time a woman is not working while caring for a child.

It should also be clarified that the employee has the right to postpone the start date of the vacation and continue to work almost until the birth.

This is due to the fact that a sick leave certificate for pregnancy gives the right to, but does not oblige you to use this right.

If the start of vacation is postponed, maternity benefits are not paid for the entire period of leave required by law. Continuing to work, the woman receives a salary.

Accordingly, she cannot claim compensation for disability. But you need to know that by postponing the start of the vacation, a woman will not be able to postpone its end. Vacation ends on the date indicated on the sick leave certificate.

What documents will you need?

To receive benefits, you must follow a certain procedure. A woman needs to prepare the necessary documents and apply for receipt, since compensation is provided on an application basis.

The main document is the one issued to the woman at the medical institution where she is registered.

This document is issued at the onset of the thirtieth week of pregnancy. If the pregnancy is multiple, then the sheet is provided at the onset of the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy.

When there has been a change of job over the past two years, maternity benefits are paid at the last place of employment. In this case, you will need a certificate that the benefit was not paid elsewhere.

Having received sick leave, the employee submits an application for maternity leave. As a rule, documents for benefits are submitted simultaneously with an application for maternity leave.

The head of the organization, based on the received application, issues an order to grant the employee maternity leave and pay maternity benefits.

For the order, the T-6 form approved is used.
If the birth turns out to be complicated, the woman will receive additional sick leave.

It is also provided to the employer along with the corresponding application for extending leave and paying for additional days.

Who exactly makes the payment?

In fact, the woman receives maternity benefits from the employer, but funds are paid from the Social Insurance Fund. And if the organization spends its own finances, these costs are subsequently compensated by the Foundation.

How do maternity leavers get paid from work? In practice, the payout looks like this:

  1. A woman applies for maternity benefits.
  2. The organization's accountant calculates the required amount.
  3. The calculation is transferred to the Social Insurance Fund.
  4. The money is transferred to the organization's account.
  5. The employer pays the employee maternity benefits.

Who pays maternity benefits? A woman can apply directly to the Social Insurance Fund to receive maternity benefits.

In this case, a certificate of income for the last two years and sick leave is submitted. Documents along with the application are submitted to any MFC.

But even in this case, the funds are first transferred to the employer’s account, and only then paid to the applicant.

That is, in any case, the payment of maternity benefits does not become a financial loss for the organization; the funds are paid at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund.

And if the employer for any reason refuses to issue maternity leave, then, most likely, there is misappropriation of funds.

Do individual entrepreneurs get paid?

Maternity payments are provided to working women. But the law also clarifies the need to pay contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. Payment is made by the employer.

All this leads to some dilemma in the case of individual entrepreneurs. A woman who is an individual entrepreneur is essentially part of the working population, but she does not have an employer.

Who should I contact for payments and are maternity benefits paid to individual entrepreneurs? The situation depends on how much the woman herself has taken care of the possibility of receiving such payments.

When registering as an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the Social Insurance Fund on voluntary social insurance.

By deducting the required amount of contributions, a woman entrepreneur will be able to apply for maternity benefits.

At the same time, during maternity leave, the obligation to pay voluntary contributions to the Social Insurance Fund is temporarily suspended.

To do this, it is enough for a woman to suspend her activities until she returns to work.

In 2019, those female individual entrepreneurs who registered with the Social Insurance Fund in 2016, submitted the necessary documents and paid the required contribution will be able to receive maternity benefits.

Since the fixed contribution should have been paid before December 31, 2016, then from January 1, 2017, the right to.

For your information! If a woman registers with a medical institution in the early stages of pregnancy, she will receive additional compensation in the amount of 581.73 rubles.

If we talk about the amount of maternity payments for individual entrepreneurs, the amount depends on the minimum wage established in the region. From this value the required amount of contributions is calculated. In 2019, an individual entrepreneur pays 2,610 rubles when registering with the Social Insurance Fund.

What can the unemployed count on?

When maternity pay concerns the unemployed, it makes sense to clarify the existing status. If a woman is fired due to the liquidation of the organization or as a result of staff reduction, then the benefit is paid by the social security authorities.

The main requirement is registration with the Employment Center and provision of the corresponding certificate to the Social Insurance Fund. The benefit amount will be 613.14 rubles per month.

Video: maternity payments and benefits

A student of a general education institution of any level is also entitled to receive maternity benefits.

The main requirement is full-time study, since maternity benefits are paid in the form of a scholarship.

An unemployed woman applies to the territorial social security office to apply for benefits; a student should contact her educational institution.

You can apply until six months have passed from the date of receipt of sick leave. The decision to assign payment is made within ten days from the date of filing the application.

Where to go if they don't pay

Sometimes it happens that the procedure for applying for maternity benefits has been followed, all the necessary documents have been submitted, but the employer does not want to pay.

In this case, the woman needs to go to court if the employer does not want to negotiate.

But before filing a claim, it is advisable to send copies of the necessary documents by registered mail with notification to the management of your organization.

In addition, it is advisable to send the package of documents necessary for calculating payments to the Social Insurance Fund, in case the employer has not contacted the Fund.

Questions regarding the processing of maternity payments arise frequently.

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This is due to constant changes in the legislative framework, as well as little practical experience. This primarily applies to human resources workers and accountants. Therefore, to minimize frequent errors, both the maternity leaver and those responsible for the calculation and issuance of funds need to know the registration procedure.

What needs to be done for the accrual?

The first thing a worker should consider during pregnancy is that her right to receive benefits is protected by law. The basis for this is Law No. 81-F3, Part 4, which defines the calculation procedure. The fact of work, or more precisely, wages, is the “measure” of the size of the benefit, but not its receipt. Those. even a non-working citizen of the Russian Federation (or someone equal in status) can count on this.

As for the amount of financial assistance, the procedure for calculating it was changed in 2019. The procedure for calculation and payments is described in the new law No. 216-F3.

The main differences from the previous edition are as follows:

  1. The age of the child after which the payment of benefits stops – 1.5 years.
  2. If your work experience is less than 6 months, the amount of financial assistance will be minimal. Currently it should not exceed 5965 RUR. (minimum wage standards in force since 2019).
  3. If there is no earnings for the last two years, the minimum daily salary is taken for calculation - 182,6 . In this case, the total amount of maternity leave will be 25,256 rubles.
  4. During the calculation, the latest 2 years length of service If desired, you can take a longer interval if in the previous period the salary was higher than the current one.

These changes must be taken into account when calculating the actual amount of maternity benefits. But first, you need to correctly complete the entire package of documents for the future accrual of assistance.

Maternity leave

First of all, you need to confirm the fact of pregnancy. To do this, you must issue a certificate of incapacity for work. This is done by your local obstetrician (gynecologist) or general practitioner. It is important that his competence (education and permission to practice medicine in the relevant field) can be confirmed.

The second document for registration of maternity leave is an application from the employee. It is written in any form addressed to the immediate supervisor. To avoid misunderstandings, the text should indicate the same period as in the certificate of incapacity for work.

The following factors need to be taken into account:

  • The employer must prepare all the necessary documents for the Social Insurance Fund on his own. What is the deadline for calculating and transferring money? It amounts to 10 days. Funds are disbursed along with the next salary.
  • During self-registration with the Social Insurance Fund, you may be required to provide a certificate of income. If there is none, accruals are made from the minimum daily salary. Payment is made to the Social Insurance Fund no later than 26th next month. In the latter case, you will need to open an account for payments in any bank in Russia.

To control the correct calculation of maternity benefits, you need to know the regulated duration of leave, it is 140 days(70 before and 70 after childbirth). This period is set at 30 weeks of pregnancy. If it is up to 28 weeks or less, the vacation period increases to 194 (84 before and 110 after childbirth).

Can I count on an increase in benefits if I officially work several jobs? Yes, to do this you need to take income certificates and submit them either to one of the organizations or directly to the Social Insurance Fund. Payment of monetary assistance will be made at one of the enterprises where the employee is registered.

To the employer

Responsible persons of the organization where a pregnant woman performs her work duties must correctly complete all documentation. The basis for initiating the process is the same certificate from the supervising doctor. After submitting an application, the employee must register it and then make an order for the organization. It states that the immediate supervisor gives instructions on the provision of leave with appropriate payments.

A list of reasons for its formation must be attached - the established form of sick leave and an application.

Upon completion of the order, the accounting department calculates the amount of maternity benefits, taking into account the following points:

  1. The amount of funds is determined based on average daily earnings - sample for 2 years.
  2. The amount due must be 100%. At the same time, the duration of maternity leave is not affected by weekends and holidays.
  3. Form 4-FSS is filled out, and in particular lines 3, 5 and 15, displaying the dates of rest and the estimated amount of payments.
  4. When submitting reports, you need to remember that the calculated amount of money is not subject to taxes, in particular personal income tax, contributions to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund.

The insurer, which is the Social Insurance Fund, may have questions about the relevance of the amount. In accordance with Law No. 165-F3, he has the right to make a recalculation if part of the social contributions from the employee’s salary was indicated incorrectly. This especially applies to so-called “gray” salaries. Difficulties may arise when providing certificates of income from other employers. In fact, only FSS services can check the reporting.

Maternity payments: timing and procedure

After submitting all the necessary documents, the FSS is obliged to confirm their compliance with the law and previous reporting within ten days. Then, within ten days, she makes transfers of funds to the settlement light opened by the organization or the pregnant woman. Even before this stage, the accounting department and partly the employee must once again double-check the correctness of the registration.

The fact of granting leave and accrual of payments received must be reflected in the following reports:

  • In the Social Insurance Fund for the provision of leave for military training. It is formed once a quarter.
  • To the Pension Fund, where information about required social contributions is displayed. It states that the employee will be on maternity leave. Rented once a month.
  • In the Federal Tax Service. It specifies the agreed upon payment amounts and the dates of their actual receipt.

Proper preparation of this documentation will allow you to avoid possible problems and disagreements in the future. This happens if the amount of financial assistance has been changed without the employee’s knowledge. In this case, if the employer is unwilling to make a correct calculation, she has the right to go to court.

In law

The primary document is a sick leave certificate from a doctor. Then, according to his recommendations, an application for the provision of the required leave is written. After registering it and receiving consent from the manager, an order for the organization is formed. Subsequently, the accounting department calculates the payment amounts and submits them to the Social Insurance Fund. She must make transfers to a specially opened account within 10 days.

But this is a standard situation, the conditions for which can be changed to varying degrees:

  • If the period of actual work is less than 2 years and there are no supporting documents about “white” earnings for the previous period, the actual working time is taken into account. However, at this stage it is necessary to take into account the changes in legislation mentioned above.
  • Taking leave during the first day of work. This may happen during distribution from the Employment Center or due to other circumstances. In this case, the calculation is based on the current salary according to the staffing table.
  • Taking leave while caring for a child (within 1.5 years after birth). Then the calculation takes into account past data, which can be adjusted if legislation changes.
  • If the expectant mother does not work anywhere yet, registration is carried out at the local FSS branch. If she is studying, then the accounting department of the educational institution must take on this function. The daily amount of earnings taken into account for calculations should be 182.6 rubles.

The employer has no right to delay payment to the employee. He bears administrative responsibility for this. Exceptions are situations where the reason for the delay lies in other factors beyond the control of the organization.

In real

Responsibility for paying maternity benefits falls on two organizations - the employer and the Social Insurance Fund. In fact, problems may arise with obtaining funds. This may be due to the employer’s desire to temporarily use the money received or an error in the work of the public service.

The employee must receive the due payments no later than the next salary after the documentation is completed.

If a delay occurs, she has the right to go to court. In this case, the organizations and persons responsible for the payment bear some responsibility. To begin the investigation procedure, the employee should contact the prosecutor's office, the State Labor Inspectorate (Occupational Safety Inspectorate) or file a lawsuit.

The result of this may be:

  1. Bringing to administrative liability in accordance with Article No. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
  2. Accrual of additional monetary compensation. Its size is determined in court, but cannot exceed 1/300 of the current refinancing rate.

Another problem may be late submission of documents to the Social Insurance Fund. Those. in fact, the public service is not properly notified. Then the delay in payments can be challenged either in the State Tax Inspectorate or by filing a claim in court. In practice, the latter method is recommended, since the processing time of an application to the inspectorate can take up to 2 months.

Can maternity payments be delayed due to the fault of Social Insurance Fund employees? This situation can occur with a fictitious “zero” balance of the organization. Those. in fact, she did not make the required social payments. Then the Social Insurance Fund calculates the amount of maternity benefits based on the minimum coefficients. Proving such a violation of rights in court is problematic. In addition, the time frame for consideration of cases is delayed from several months to a year.

A woman can calculate the amount of payments on her own. The article will help you do it.

The dismissal of a disabled person of group 3 at the initiative of the employer must comply with the requirements of the law. More information .

To pay for sick leave after dismissal, the employee must confirm the fact of lack of employment. See how it is.

Do I need to wait for a transfer from the Social Insurance Fund?

Can an employer pay maternity benefits without waiting for funds to arrive from the Social Insurance Fund? This is entirely at the discretion of management and depends on the current state of financial affairs. But if we turn to the “letter of the law,” and in particular No. 255-F3, it turns out that the employer is obliged to pay the due amount on the next payday.

In fact, this can be done in the following ways:

  • In the form of an advance for the coming month.
  • According to the salary issuance schedule, i.e. month to month.

It must be remembered that the Social Insurance Fund compensates all expenses of the organization by transferring funds. But in practice, management does not always pay maternity benefits before transfers from the Social Insurance Fund. This can only be achieved by appealing to the courts, which makes no sense - the period for consideration of the case can be very delayed.

What else needs to be taken into account when generating and receiving maternity benefits? In the case of a difficult birth, their amount increases, as evidenced by a certificate from the hospital. Also, 14 days are added to the calculated vacation period.


  • Due to frequent changes in legislation, information sometimes becomes outdated faster than we can update it on the website.
  • All cases are very individual and depend on many factors. Basic information does not guarantee a solution to your specific problems.

Many expectant mothers are especially worried about leaving work for maternity leave. What is expected of pregnant women going on maternity leave, and what laws protect them?

Leaving work for a well-deserved maternity leave scares many mothers. Still would! Official work and a stable income warmed the soul and pocket for so many years, but here there is complete uncertainty. Fortunately, the law in our country takes the side of women, and the state supports the young mother in all respects.

Registration procedure

What people call maternity leave is actually two different vacations. The first - for pregnancy and childbirth - is issued on the basis of a sick leave certificate, which is issued to the expectant mother a certain time before the expected date of birth. The minimum period of such sick leave in Russia is 140 calendar days, namely 70 days before the PDR and 70 days after. In case of multiple pregnancy, you can go on maternity leave two weeks earlier - 84 days before the baby's birth date. In case of complicated childbirth, the leave after the baby is born is extended to 86 days, and in case of the birth of two or more babies at the same time - up to 110 days.

A sick leave certificate is issued by a gynecologist who is observing a pregnant woman, and it must be taken to the main place of work, attaching an application for maternity leave.

If desired, a woman may not go on vacation from the date indicated on the sick leave, but do so later.

The second leave that a woman is entitled to after giving birth is maternity leave. Its maximum duration is 3 years from the moment the baby is born.


According to the law (Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the expectant mother has the right to annual paid leave before or after sick leave, even if she works in this organization for less than 6 months. Moreover, the duration of vacation can be maximum - 28 days.

Maternity leave is included in the length of service, but leave to care for a child up to 1.5 or 3 years is not (Article 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Leave to care for a child up to 1.5 years old can be taken out not by the mother, but by the father, grandmother or any other employed relative who will actually look after the baby and receive a monthly allowance for him.

During maternity leave, a woman has the right to go to work part-time or less than a week. At the same time, she will receive both a salary (based on actual working hours or volume of work) and child care benefits.

In addition, part-time working mothers are entitled to annual paid leave and breaks during working hours (for women with children under 1.5 years old, in addition to lunch breaks, 30-minute breaks to feed the child at least once every 3 hours ). By the way, breaks to feed the baby are included in working hours, that is, these hours are also paid.

A woman who is on maternity leave or leave to care for a child up to 1.5 and up to 3 years cannot be fired. Exceptions are made in the following cases: liquidation of an organization, branch or representative office (clause 1, part 1, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); expiration of the employment contract (clause 2, part 1, article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is possible to fire a woman only after the end of pregnancy); dismissal at will (Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The employer is obliged to keep the young mother's job until the child reaches 3 years of age. If the vacancy is eliminated during this time, the woman must still be provided with a job with no less salary.

Payments and benefits

When going on maternity leave, the expectant mother immediately receives maternity benefits for her sick leave. Who is entitled to these payments and how much will they be?

  • Officially employed women receive maternity benefits in the amount of 100% of average earnings for the previous 2 calendar years, but not more than the maximum allowable amount of payments (in 2016 it will be 248,164 rubles). If the expectant mother has been working for less than 6 months, she will receive maternity benefits based on the amount of the minimum wage (28,556 rubles for 140 days). Well, if a woman decided to go on maternity leave later than expected (that is, she did not write a leave application), she will receive a salary for the days actually worked, but the maternity benefit will be reduced. Despite the abundance of online calculators for calculating maternity benefits, it is almost impossible to find out the exact amount without the help of an accountant, because the calculation is made taking into account all weekends, vacations, holidays and sick leave for 2 years.
  • Pregnant women dismissed due to the liquidation of an organization are paid maternity benefits by the social security authority, and the amount is indexed annually (in 2015 it was 544 rubles per month).
  • Individual entrepreneurs and lawyers who regularly pay insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation also receive maternity benefits based on the amount of the minimum wage.
  • Women serving under contract receive payments in the amount of salary at the place of duty.
  • Full-time students can count on payments in the amount of a scholarship.

In addition, an expectant mother who registers for pregnancy before 12 weeks is entitled to an increase in maternity benefits. In 2016, this will be an amount of about 577 rubles.

At the birth of a child, one of the parents is awarded a lump sum benefit. In 2016, it is expected to be 15,382 rubles.

Well, then the young family will receive monthly benefits for caring for a child under 1.5 years of age. Its amount is calculated as 40% of average earnings for the 2 previous calendar years, but not less than 2,884 rubles for the first child and 5,768 for the second and subsequent ones, and also not more than 21,555 rubles per month.

The legislation of the Russian Federation guarantees every woman maternity leave or maternity leave to restore her ability to work after pregnancy and childbirth, as well as to raise a young child. Officially, maternity leave is issued as a sick leave during a period of incapacity and is paid by the employer in one hundred percent amount or by the social insurance fund as a benefit for state social insurance of citizens of the Russian Federation.

Maternity leave is issued for the prenatal period for 70 or 84 calendar days and 70,86 or 110 calendar days postpartum. In total, on average, maternity leave ranges from 140 to 19 calendar days. Duration of maternity payments by law According to Article 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 255 213-FZ of December 29, 2006, the period for assigning maternity benefits is made within ten calendar days from the date of filing the application, which is supported by a package of necessary documents.

One-time maternity payments are given to women who:

  • Those working with official employment.
  • Students in higher, vocational and secondary educational institutions.
  • Those who were subject to staff reduction or subsequent liquidation of the enterprise were left without a job.

The benefit is paid depending on the social status of the recipient. Payments are made from the budget of the educational institution, by enterprises from the Social Insurance Fund (SIF) or by the Department of Social Protection of the Population.

In order to be able to submit documents for the appointment and payment of benefits as early as possible, a woman must contact her gynecologist in advance to register her for pregnancy. It is also worth considering that if registered before the 12th week of pregnancy, the woman will receive additional payments from the state. In this case, the timing of payments will not depend on the timing of the provision of medical documents that will be needed to obtain benefits.

The gynecologist determines the approximate date of birth, on the basis of which maternity leave will then be issued upon reaching the 13th week of pregnancy. Then the procedure for issuing a sick leave certificate is carried out, which records the start and end date of the vacation. On the basis of which the appointment and then payment of benefits will be made.

The woman submits a certificate of incapacity for work to the human resources department of the employer. Based on the sick leave received from the employee, the management of the enterprise issues an appropriate order, which affects the immediate timing of calculation and issuance of benefits. The employee is obliged to provide the employer, in addition to the certificate of incapacity for work, with a statement written by her.

Although not all employers require such a statement, it is worth playing it safe and submitting it along with other documents to avoid problems.

Deadline for paying maternity benefits by law

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, the deadline for assigning benefit payments in connection with going on maternity leave occurs within ten days from the date of application and submission of a package of all necessary documents.

At the enterprise, after submitting an application and providing a certificate of incapacity for work, indicating the start and end dates of maternity leave, the amount of a one-time maternity payment is calculated. The calculation is made taking into account the employee’s daily salary during the last 6 or 12 months of work. The total amount of payment depends on the billing period at the company from which she goes on maternity leave.

Billing period- this is the total time that the employee worked at the enterprise, during which payments were made to the Social Insurance Fund, various taxes and contributions. Accordingly, the longer the period of work of this employee at one enterprise, or the continuous length of service, the greater the amount of maternity pay.

Documents required for registration of maternity and child care leave

Package of documents required for a woman (maternity leave):

  • Of course, the first and most important thing is the certificate of incapacity for work issued by the gynecologist from the antenatal clinic where you are registered. It must indicate the date of the expected birth; it is from this that the beginning and end of maternity leave is calculated.
  • A statement drawn up by a maternity leaver addressed to the employer stating that you will be absent from the workplace, for what reason and for how long. The time and reason are indicated on the basis of the certificate of incapacity for work.
  • Certificate of income that was accrued to the maternity leaver over the last 6 or 12 months.
  • Identification documents of the maternity leaver and their copies.
  • Bank details of the card or account to which maternity payments will be credited.
  • After the birth of the child, you will need to continue the registration procedure to receive child care benefits, for this you will need the following documents:
    • Another application addressed to the employer, this time the reason is child care.
    • Bank details are provided again.
    • Documents that certify the identity of the person applying for the benefit.
    • Copies and originals of the child’s birth certificate/certificates.

Registration of maternity leave for an employee by the employer

According to the law of the Russian Federation, an employer does not have the right to refuse a woman to provide her with maternity leave and child care leave, otherwise he will break the law.
The employer is also obliged to provide maternity leave to women who have adopted a child under the age of one and a half years.

Documents required for an employer to register maternity leave for his employee:

  • Application from an employee for maternity leave and child care leave.
  • Sick leave from Deretnitsa, which indicates the beginning and end of the vacation.
  • Certificate 182n from an employee from her previous place of work, if she worked at your company for less than six months before going on maternity leave.
  • Certificate confirming that the maternity leaver has not received other maternity benefits. To avoid double payment of benefits to a maternity leaver from the Social Insurance Fund.
  • For the Social Insurance Fund, you will need to fill out form 4-FSS, special attention must be paid to filling out lines 3.5 and 15, which indicate the start date of the maternity leave you are providing and the amount of payment calculated by your accountant.

The amount of a one-time maternity benefit, which is calculated by an accountant, is not subject to taxes such as personal income tax, contributions to the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund.

Which reports should mention the fact of issuing maternity benefits to an employee:

  • A quarterly report to the Social Insurance Fund, which records the provision of leave for temporary disability.
  • A report submitted to the Federal Tax Service, which indicates the dates of the actual receipt by the maternity leaver of the agreed upon amount of a one-time payment from the enterprise.
  • Monthly report to the pension fund. It must indicate information about social contributions; the report indicates that your employee is currently on leave due to temporary disability or child care.

All maternity payments to the employer are compensated from the social insurance fund of citizens of the Russian Federation, so correct calculation and execution of all documents protects you from loss of finances.
Based on all of the above documents, the employer is obliged to issue an order granting the employee maternity leave and the right to receive maternity benefits from the company. Based on this order, the accountant at the enterprise calculates the amount of maternity benefits for the employee.

How quickly are maternity benefits paid?

Maternity benefits are assigned and begin to be calculated within ten days after the woman submits all the required documents to the human resources department of the employer.

After calculating the benefit, its payment is made on the next day, which is established at the enterprise for paying wages to employees. In other words, the payment of maternity benefits will be made on the day the salary or advance is paid to other employees; usually, enterprises have special days or dates for this.

Let us remind you that the payment is made in a lump sum, so you will receive the entire amount credited to you in full.

Also, in the case of complicated childbirth, after it, having issued the appropriate certificate at the antenatal clinic, you can submit it to the HR department of the employer company to credit you with additional funds and extend maternity leave for the appropriate number of days.

Can maternity payments be delayed due to the fault of Social Insurance Fund employees?

Delays in payments from the Social Insurance Fund may occur if your employer makes unscrupulous contributions to the fund. If your employer has a zero balance or is declared bankrupt, then difficulties on the part of the Social Insurance Fund are inevitable. In this case, payments will be calculated and made by the social insurance fund based on the minimum coefficients.

You can go to court and try to defend your rights in court, but such a solution to the problem takes a long time and does not provide any guarantees of the final resolution of the case in your favor.

If the employer violates the terms of payment of maternity leave

As mentioned above, all payments of maternity benefits are transferred to the woman on maternity leave from the social insurance fund, the funds are transferred to the account of enterprises on whose staff the woman is on maternity leave, and from the employer’s accounts are transferred to the account of the woman who received maternity benefits.

There are situations when the Social Insurance Fund delays transferring the required amount to the company’s accounts; in this case, the employer is obliged to pay benefits from his own funds or funds prescribed in the enterprise’s budget for force majeure situations; all funds will subsequently be compensated by the social insurance fund.
In case of untimely payment of funds by the employer, the employee has the right to file a complaint against him with the labor commission.

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