How to choose a ripe watermelon? How to choose a ripe and sweet watermelon: tips for the buyer. It’s not at all difficult to distinguish a boy’s watermelon from a girl’s watermelon. How to choose a delicious watermelon for a girl

Roman Ponomarev, a melon grower with ten years of experience, explained to KP what is true and what is not in popular judgments about watermelons.

Myth: The redder, the tastier.

Watermelon sellers often insist that red watermelon is the coolest. The redder the flesh, the juicier and sweeter it is.

Is it true

The taste of watermelon does not depend on the color of the pulp, our expert explains. “But it’s still worth paying attention to it: if it’s slimy or uncharacteristically dark, then most likely the watermelon was hit or squeezed heavily during transportation. The core began to rot. And if large yellow or white veins are visible, this is a reason to be wary. Surely chemicals were used when growing the berry - it accumulates in the veins and gives an uncharacteristic color. Such watermelon has a “chemical” tint to its taste, and the cut often looks not porous and loose, but unnaturally smooth, as if it had been polished.

Myth: They are pumped with saltpeter through a syringe

The Internet is full of stories about watermelons impaled with saltpeter. They say they spray the berries with all sorts of chemical growth accelerators to make them ripen faster. Therefore, before choosing a watermelon, you need to look for holes from needles on it.

Is it true

When melon growers hear about this, they laugh: any pierced watermelon (as, indeed, any fruit or vegetable) will rot in a couple of days. And manually chopping thousands of fruits on a melon patch is an impossible task. People often mistake holes left by wireworm larvae for injection holes. But these holes do not affect the quality of the fruit.

Chemical fertilizing for watermelons is still used by unscrupulous melon growers, but it can be distinguished by appearance fruit grown on nitrates is very difficult.

And yet there are things that should be wary. If the fetus is huge, more than 12 kg, then it probably “ate” unhealthy food. To finally make sure that the watermelon is natural, it is better to use a nitrate tester. Good salespeople who have nothing to hide always have one on hand. Please note that the tester electrode should not be inserted into the peel, but into the pulp - in the area between the seeds and the center.

However, nitrate meters also have errors: it all depends on the cost of the device. Only laboratory analysis will give a 100% result on the contents of watermelon.

Myth: You can't eat until August

Now, of course, it’s already the season. But watermelons appear at the end of June every summer. And people turn up their noses: they say, it’s probably nitrate.

Is it true

It takes 90 days to grow a regular ground watermelon, but many varieties have now been developed that ripen in 70, 60 and even 52 days. Their peculiarity is that fruit set begins earlier than in ordinary ones. Therefore, in the south, watermelons are planted in late April - early May. In addition, experienced melon growers have their own recipes for growing early watermelons: lowering the seeds into the ground under a film to heat the ground, stretching agrofibre over the seedlings (something like a greenhouse - Ed.) or planting seedlings. Accordingly, the end of June is the normal time for the first watermelons to appear. Usually these are the varieties Victoria, Skorik, Ogonyok, Crimson. They are often distinguished by their small sizes.

Myth: Boys are less sweet

People often twirl a watermelon, trying to determine its “sex” by the structural features of the tail or the size of the flower mark, believing that watermelons are girls sweeter than watermelon boys. And they believe that if the tail is green, then the watermelon is unripe.

Is it true

When watermelons bloom, they have male and female flowers (twice as many of the latter). But the fruit is set only on the female. The male ones serve for pollination. So all watermelon berries are female! And the green stalk means that the watermelon is fresh. After lying for a week, the tail usually dries out. It is worth paying attention to the thickness of the stalk: if the watermelon is ripe, it is thin, and if it is plump and very thick, then most likely it is a green berry. It is recommended to eat watermelon within 4 - 5 days after picking: then the structure of its pulp changes.

Watermelon carving is very beautiful. But that’s not why we value them! Photo: Evgenia GUSEVA

Myth: No seeds? GMO sign

It is believed that a watermelon should look typical - green, oval, with black stripes, red flesh and black seeds. And if it deviates from the norm, for example, it has an unusual shape, there are no seeds in it, then it is probably grown using genetic modification.

Is it true

Seedless watermelons are not GMOs, but just the fruit of the labor of breeders. Such watermelons contain 1 - 2 black seeds, and the rest are white and soft. But if you take such a seed and plant it, an ordinary watermelon with seeds will grow: to be seedless, complex pollination is necessary.

The Western market is 60% occupied by seedless watermelon, but this variety has just begun to take its place on our shelves.

By the way, there are round, triangular, and square watermelons. To obtain an unusual shape, they are placed in special glass flasks at a young age. At the same time, out of 50 flasks in which the fruits are placed, 1 - 2 watermelons of the desired shape are obtained, the rest are lost. And with a high degree of probability, such a watermelon will turn out to be tasteless. They buy them mainly for fun - as an exclusive souvenir.


Watermelon pulp contains carotene, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, nickel, iron and other components. Fiber and pectin have an excellent effect on the functioning of the intestines, helping to cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins. In addition, watermelon is useful for kidney diseases and edema, as well as for cystitis, nephritis and the presence of sand in the kidneys.


How to choose

A ripe watermelon has a dry or thin green tail. The fruit should not be wrinkled or crooked. Therefore, it must be carefully felt and lightly squeezed with your palms. The peel should not be easily pressed. Elasticity is the key to ripeness. It should seem that if you press just a little more, the watermelon will burst. Light brown or brown spots over the entire surface, with the exception of a large yellow spot from the ground, are a sign of disease. If there are no foreign marks or damage on the outside of the watermelon, its shape is not distorted, then it has grown healthy and can be safely taken.

Watermelon is one of the most common and inexpensive berries, which is widely available in late summer and early autumn throughout almost the entire territory of the post-Soviet space. However, not every person involved in the sale of these products sells a truly high-quality, safe product that corresponds to its price.

Rules for choosing watermelon

It's no secret that every watermelon fan has his own criteria for selecting the right and tasty berry for the whole family. It is also believed that only a man should be in charge of choosing an acceptable watermelon.

However, after reading the rules below, you will understand that each member of your family can personally participate in the selection of a huge berry.

Did you know? Despite the fact that in our culture it is customary to eat only the pulp of the watermelon, in fact, all its components are edible. For example, in the Far East and China it is customary to pickle, fry and stew the seeds and green skin of this fruit.

Ripening time

Despite the fact that these berries begin to appear on the open market almost with the onset of summer, it is best not to make such a purchase until August. This is due to the natural biorhythms of the ripening of most melons, which include the hero of our article.

The ripening period of traditional, non-hybrid varieties begins in the last third of July and continues until the end of August. Add to this period a few more days required for assembly, sorting and delivery to the point of sale and you will get the ideal period for purchase.

If it seems to you that you can purchase a watermelon earlier than the deadline indicated above, further events can develop in two ways. In the first case, you will most likely acquire a fruit that will be stuffed with a variety of chemicals that will accelerate its growth and onset of a mature state.
And in the second, you may come across a bred hybrid variety that will be relatively safe and useful. Despite the possibility of events developing according to the second scenario, we still believe that it is better not to expose yourself to unnecessary risk.

Sales points

It should immediately be noted that all melons, incl. and these berries are very active and quickly absorb from environment all gases, fertilizers and other potentially dangerous substances, which is why they try to grow them as far as possible from major highways and locations treatment facilities and cesspools.

You, in turn, in order not to expose your family to unnecessary risk, should try to find a point of sale for these fruits that would be located as far as possible from various industrial facilities and city highways.

Important! Do not rush to buy a watermelon, tempted by its low price; often the lower the price of the product, the greater the likelihood that you will ultimately be dissatisfied with such a purchase.

When you find a similar point, ask the seller about the availability of all necessary documents and a certificate from the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, which would confirm the quality and compliance of the product with all consumer standards.

After this, pay special attention to the conditions in which the watermelons themselves are kept; they must be placed on pallets at least 30 cm high, which is designed to prevent their contact with various rodents, as well as slow down the rotting process.

Signs of chemical intervention

According to the comments of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Tatyana Sannikova, there is absolutely no way to determine by appearance (before cutting it) how much a particular fruit was “overfed” with fertilizers or other chemicals when growing it.

Video: how to test a watermelon for nitrates with your own hands at home Signs by which one can judge an excessive concentration of nitrates in a watermelon are a large number of white or yellow veins in its pulp. The maximum permissible concentration of nitrates in these berries is about 55-65 mg/kg of live weight of watermelon.

However, determining their exact content in the pulp is possible only in a specialized laboratory, or using portable highly sensitive devices, which, alas, are beyond the means of most of our customers.

Important! You should not buy watermelons that are too large, as they are more likely to contain unacceptable amounts of various pesticides. The ideal weight of a watermelon to purchase is between 6 and 10 kg.


The integrity of the outer skin is a fairly important aspect of choosing any berry, since if the structure of the outer skin is damaged, the likelihood of contamination of the insides of the watermelon with particles of earth significantly increases, as well as the likelihood of infection of the sweet pulp (which, due to the high sugar content in it, is an excellent nutrient medium) with various pathogens .
If you purchased a watermelon and did not notice that it has a damaged rind, carefully inspect it when cutting, paying special attention to the pulp, which is located directly near the damage site.

If the pulp has an unchanged structure, a normal smell and a normal color, then you can start eating without fear, having first washed the pulp next to the damaged area under running water.

If you notice any change in the structure of the pulp, it is recommended to carefully separate it with a knife, while capturing several centimeters of normal-looking watermelon tissue.

Otherwise, you risk contracting a variety of infectious diseases, ranging from the completely harmless but unpleasant intestinal flu to cholera, dysentery and tetanus.

Boy or girl

Watermelon fruits differ in gender, which is necessary for them to be able to reproduce in wild conditions. The so-called “boys” are much larger than their “female” counterparts, more elongated in length and have a more pronounced granular structure of the pulp.

“Girls” are more round in shape, their weight often does not exceed 6-7 kg, and there are fewer seeds and they have a less dense structure.

There is a popular belief that “girls” are significantly superior to “boys” in their taste and aroma, but statistical studies show that if you offer a person the pulp of fruits of both types without first demonstrating the difference, he will not be able to find significant differences between them . Additionally, the taste and sweetness of different varieties of watermelon can vary significantly.

Video: watermelon boy and girl

Sound Features

Choosing a fruit based on the sounds it makes when exposed to it is quite a difficult task. Learning this skill will take some time and knowledge will come with practice.

First of all, you need to teach your ear to distinguish ringing sounds from the deaf. Ripe watermelons, when tapped, produce a sound with clearly distinguishable ringing notes. This is due to the special porous structure of the pulp of ripe watermelon. Another sure way to identify a ripe berry is to gently squeeze it from the sides.

A sufficiently ripe watermelon will produce a slight crackling sound. At this stage of the check, the main thing is not to overdo it with your efforts, since an overripe watermelon may well burst in your hands and then, with a high degree of probability, you will be forced to pay for it.

About the macula

The yellow spot is a specific term that characterizes the zone on the surface of any melon that is directly adjacent to the ground. Due to the inability to obtain photosynthesis in this place, the chromoplasts that form the basis of the cells in this zone do not transform into chloroplasts, which give the rest of the watermelon its green color.

Did you know? The water content in watermelon on average reaches 92%, and the presence of various mineral components in its composition allows it to saturate your body with moisture much better than a glass of water.

The diameter of the yellow spot may vary depending on the variety of berry. Usually it is up to 5-6 centimeters for medium-sized varieties and within 10-12 centimeters for large ones. A larger spot is a direct indicator that the watermelon in question will not be sweet enough, since it did not have enough light at the time of its ripening.
If the color of the yellow spot is white or orange, this is a sign that the fruit ripened in unfavorable climatic and environmental conditions and it is also best to refuse to purchase such a specimen. In addition, watermelons with a white spot are often more watery, have a less intense flavor and less elastic flesh structure.

What's with the ponytail?

By the tail, which is also called the stalk, you can directly judge how long ago your fruit was picked from the garden. For a berry that has not yet lost its freshness, the stalk should be green or yellowish in color, moderately dry, but in no case completely dry or excessively wet.

A wet tail is a sign that fermentation processes are occurring inside the watermelon, that is, most likely, it was picked quite a long time ago. An overdried stalk tells us that the watermelon has already lost too much moisture, and most likely its pulp will be loose and not tasty.
In addition, unscrupulous sellers may deliberately remove the stem from their watermelons in order to deceive knowledgeable buyers. If the color of the stalk is black, be on your guard, most likely the fruit has been infected with some putrefactive bacterium or fungus and eating it can be hazardous to health.

It's better to see once than to hear 7 times

The surest way to check the quality of a berry is to personally test it taste qualities and the opportunity to look inside. Ask the seller to make a square cut in the fruit near its stalk and pull the resulting pyramid out.

Video: how to choose a watermelon Carefully inspect the pulp for white or yellow streaks, which, as we already mentioned, indicate excessive saturation with nitrates. Then smell the pulp. And only if you are completely satisfied with the previous two parameters, proceed to the final stage of verification - ask the seller to cut off a small piece of pulp for you.

Undoubtedly, not every seller will want to give even a small part of his goods to a stranger for testing, but if he is confident in the quality of his goods, then most likely he will be happy to meet you. With this knowledge, you will be able to more consciously choose a quality product for yourself and your family.

Remember that the best watermelon is the fruit grown without the use of various chemicals. Only in relation to such a watermelon can you not experience any worries and fears, so try to grow them yourself in your dacha, or buy them from trusted sellers or your familiar gardeners.

Watermelon fruits can be divided according to gender. There are so-called “boy” watermelons and “girl” watermelons. Some kind of fundamental difference there is no difference between them, although many argue that “girls” are sweeter and have fewer seeds. In my own experience, I have tried sweet juicy “girls” and “boys”, so I don’t notice a significant difference.

But in order to have an idea about this and be a knowledgeable person in the watermelon business, I will tell you how to correctly determine the gender of a watermelon.

This can be determined by the watermelon's butt. The “girl” watermelon has a flatter butt and a larger spot. But “boy” watermelons have a raised butt, the tip is recessed inward, and the spot is pulled together into a small point. You can see this more clearly in the photographs below:

Watermelon "boy"

Watermelon "girl"

I would like to note that almost only “boys” are sold on the shelves. Watermelon "girl" can be found quite rarely, because... Statistics say that for every 20 watermelons there are “boys,” there is only one “girl.” Such is the watermelon demographic. Tatik Kravchinsky, 10.25.2009
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Watermelon fruits are divided by gender. Often, when purchasing, we ask the seller “Is the watermelon a boy or a girl?” Some are sure that the juicy and sweet berry is undoubtedly a girl, while others believe that only a boy has a honeyed and unique juicy taste.

How to determine gender

It is worth noting that there is no particular difference between a boy and a girl. The latter are determined by the smaller presence of seeds, although this property is mainly associated with the specific variety and growing conditions. It is because of this that there is no need to think deeply about the fundamental differences.

The difference in gender originated due to differences in the development of the peduncle. It is pollinated using a different technology. The peduncle may contain a stamen and pistil or only stamens. The boy is formed from a peduncle that contained only a stamen. A similar stamen forms a finger that pollinates the peduncle and forms the male ovary.

The girl contains a hermaphrodite flower that contains character traits men and women. The pistil and stamen do not need outside intervention, as they often grow together. The number of sweet berries that have male or female characteristics, depends on the variety chosen for planting.

Researchable chemical composition showed that there is no difference between a boy and a watermelon with a female gene. It should be said that the taste and juiciness of the pulp is also no different. The only difference is the shape.

How to choose a delicious watermelon girl

How to choose a watermelon girl? It is necessary to understand in more detail the determination of sexual characteristics of the selected berry, because it is very simple to distinguish them. Berry ass – main indicator to determine gender. Female berries have a small spot of white or cream color, and the butt itself is not distinguished by a pronounced depression and convexity. Fruits with the male gene contain a butt with a noticeable relief and a “sunken” end into the watermelon. The stain forms a small circle. Recognizing a boy and a girl using visualization is not particularly difficult.

Industrial cultivation is characterized by the fact that a larger number of ripe fruits contain the male gene.

When purchasing a sweet dessert in a supermarket, you need to remember that ninety percent of the products presented are boys. Statistics say that the ratio is: one girl to twenty boys. Growing male plants is typical for the southern climate.

Choose a healthy and ripe watermelon. There are several recommendations:

  1. The peel should be carefully inspected. A small or too large fruit is a reason for doubt. Best option– a small watermelon weighing 3–5 kilograms.
  2. Visible damage should not cover the selected fruit. It is also worth paying attention to the color color - a smooth watermelon, with no yellow spots, is considered normal.

Watermelon is a valuable product that contains a huge amount of useful substances. In addition, watermelon attracts not only its taste, it is an excellent dietary product, widely used in folk medicine. However, we should not forget that only a ripe watermelon, properly grown and delivered to the counter in accordance with all the rules, can bring maximum benefit and not harm our health.

How to choose a ripe and safe watermelon?

1. The first thing you shouldn’t forget is that the watermelon season in our country falls in August-September. You should not buy watermelons in July; as a rule, such watermelons contain a huge amount of nitrates.

2. Watermelons should only be purchased in retail outlets having all the conditions for such trade and complying with sanitary standards. Make sure that the fruits are not exposed to dust or dirt.

Refrain from buying watermelon at retail outlets along highways, the watermelon is completely saturated with heavy metals, which occur in the exhaust gases for several hours.

3. When you start choosing a watermelon, carefully inspect it from all sides - you must make sure that it is intact and clean. The watermelon should not have visible cracks, dents, cuts, or rotten areas. A damaged watermelon is quickly penetrated by pathogenic bacteria; eating such watermelon can end up in a hospital bed. Please note that it is for this reason that the sale of cut and scored watermelons is prohibited.

4. A ripe watermelon has a dense, shiny surface. It is impossible to pierce it with a fingernail, but if the nail easily penetrates the flesh of the watermelon, you have an unripe fruit.

5. A sure sign of a ripe watermelon is the presence of a dry tail and light “barrels”. In addition, pay attention to the fact that when tapped, a ripe watermelon should have a ringing sound.

How to determine whether the watermelon in front of you is a “boy” or a “girl”?

In order to determine the “gender” of a watermelon, you should pay attention to the bottom of the berry; if it is concave, you have a “girl” watermelon, but if it is flat or convex, it is a “boy”. As a rule, “girls” have a richer and sweeter taste.

How can you tell if a watermelon contains a lot of nitrates?

Nitrates are salts of nitric acid, used to accelerate fetal growth; it is believed that in moderate amounts, nitric acid salts are harmless to the body and are painlessly eliminated naturally. However, there are several indications that large amounts of nitrates were used in watermelon production.

1. Extremely bright red flesh with a purple tint.

2. Yellow, not white, fibers coming from the core of the watermelon.

3. A smooth, glossy film forms on the cut of the watermelon.

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