What miles are allowed? Permissible alcohol limit while driving in ppm

In Russia, administrative and even criminal liability is provided for driving a vehicle while drunk. Legislation in this area is constantly subject to change, as authorities strive to find the best option and protect participants as much as possible. traffic from the danger posed by the presence of a drunk driver on the road.

At the moment, administrative liability for persons driving a vehicle while intoxicated is provided only if alcohol is detected in the exhaled air using a special breathalyzer (when the driver needs to exhale air into a special tube). Acceptable rate alcohol in 2017 is no higher than 0.16 mg/l of air (0.16 ppm), which approximately corresponds to 0.35 ppm of alcohol in the blood. Exceeding these indicators is classified as a state of intoxication. But at the same time, when this fact is established by determining the amount of ethyl alcohol in the blood, administrative liability does not arise.

For 2018, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has prepared a bill to amend Article 12.8 of the Code on Administrative Offenses, according to which it is proposed to apply administrative liability when confirming the fact of intoxication through a blood test. At the same time, the permissible level of alcohol in the blood for 2018 in Russia will be set at a level of up to 0.3 g/l of blood.

The new rule will apply when it is impossible to establish alcohol intoxication through the use of devices to analyze exhaled air (for example, if the driver loses consciousness or is extremely intoxicated and is unable to use a breathalyzer). If the analysis shows that this indicator is exceeded, the citizen will be considered drunk and bear responsibility as provided by law. This provision will take effect on January 1, 2018.

Foods that increase alcohol levels

There are foods and other substances that are not related to alcoholic beverages, the consumption of which, when tested, will show the alcohol content in the body, which at first glance makes driving a car unacceptable. These include:

  • overripe bananas;
  • kefir, ayran, kumiss;
  • black bread;
  • kvass;
  • grape juice;
  • chocolate candies
  • breath fresheners;
  • individual medications (Aflubin, Pertussin, Bittner balm, Rhinital, Corvalol, etc.).

The main difference is that such alcohol “dissipates” from the body quite quickly. For example, a test immediately after consuming half a liter of kefir will show about 0.19 ppm, which exceeds the permissible values, but after 15-20 minutes nothing can be detected in the blood. These results will be individual for each person depending on age, gender, metabolic rate, so on the eve of the trip it is better not to consume such products so as not to add unnecessary problems to yourself.

Punishment for exceeding acceptable levels

Legislation Russian Federation The following punishment options are provided:

  • Imprisonment for driving while intoxicated driver's license for 1.5-2 years and a fine of 30 thousand rubles;
  • if you try to drive a vehicle while drunk again, a fine of 50 thousand rubles will be imposed, and the period of deprivation of your driver’s license will be increased to three years;
  • if you refuse a medical examination, a punishment similar to the first paragraph is provided.

Important! If the owner of a vehicle has transferred the right to drive it to a person who is intoxicated, then the car owner is subject to a penalty of 30 thousand rubles. fine and deprivation of a driver's license for up to two years.

For December 2018, the Ministry of Internal Affairs also plans to increase the maximum fines and terms of imprisonment for drunk drivers, and bills on these issues have already been submitted for public discussion.

Video advice from a lawyer: what to do if you are stopped for smelling of alcohol

In the context of current economic realities, the amount of monthly alcohol consumed in the Russian Federation is increasing in algebraic progression. Russians, who, due to objective economic reasons, are unable to make ends meet, are increasingly reaching for the bottle, trying to find answers to their most pressing questions at the bottom of the glass. It is no secret that car enthusiasts do the same, and after copious amounts of libation, they are often drawn to the wheel. What level of alcohol is acceptable this year will be discussed in this article.

Permissible alcohol limit in ppm in 2016.

The main legislative innovation of this year is that, unlike 2010–2013. Today in the Russian Federation it is allowed to have a certain amount of alcohol in the driver’s blood. The need to abolish zero ppm was dictated, first of all, by the fact that due to the consumption of certain food products that obviously do not contain alcohol levels, special equipment used by the traffic police authorities detects the presence of a small amount of alcohol in the driver’s blood. Among other things, we are talking about:

  • non-alcoholic beer;
  • warm juices;
  • overripe bananas;
  • chocolates;
  • oranges;
  • mouth fresheners;
  • kvass;
  • medicines;
  • kefir;
  • curdled milk, etc.

Each of the products listed contains a small amount of alcohol. For example, before the abolition of the zero ppm rule, a glass of cold kvass drunk by a driver on a hot, hot day could threaten him not only with a fine, but also with the loss of his driver’s license for driving while intoxicated.

According to the latest amendments to the current Code of Administrative Offenses and Traffic Regulations, the currently permissible level of alcohol in a driver’s blood is 0.35 ppm, and in the air he exhales - 0.16. It is important to understand that drinking two glasses of kvass increases the level of alcohol in the body to 0.19 ppm, although for a very short time. Therefore, in order to avoid excesses, drivers are not recommended to abuse this bread drink, and if the temptation still cannot be avoided, then they should not get behind the wheel immediately after quenching their thirst.

How is the level of alcohol in the body measured?

To measure the level of alcohol in a driver's body, it is traditional to use a special value - ppm. So, 0.1 ppm means that one liter of a motorist’s blood contains 0.045 mg of alcohol. It is important to understand that alcohol vapors disappear from the human body over quite a long time, which should always be remembered when participating in a feast on the eve of a car trip. The intensity of such weathering is directly dependent on the type of alcoholic drink drunk by the motorist, as well as the age and weight of the latter. For example, if a 100-kilogram driver loses 100 grams of vodka in approximately three and a half hours, then his 60-kilogram driver will have to wait at least 5 hours and 48 minutes before the alcohol is completely eliminated from the body.

What are the risks of drinking alcohol while driving?

New to use for the first time alcoholic drinks while driving, the driver will face a fine of 30 thousand Russian rubles and deprivation of his driver’s license for up to 2 years. A repeated offense, according to the current Code of Administrative Offences, is punishable by a fine of 50 thousand rubles and deprivation of rights for three years. At the same time, if the traffic police officers are caught driving while intoxicated, the driver who has already been fined may be imprisoned for up to 15 days.

Refusal to conduct a medical examination is fraught with a fine of 30 thousand Russian rubles, as well as deprivation of a driver’s license for up to 2 years.

The problem of alcohol abuse is acute in modern society, especially among drivers. According to statistics from the State Traffic Inspectorate of Russia, in the period from January to September 2018, more than 12 thousand accidents were recorded with drivers whose alcohol content in their exhaled air exceeded the prescribed limit.

The permissible level of alcohol in exhaled air is 0.16 mg/l. If the indicators exceed the established alcohol level, the traffic police inspector has the right to make an arrest. The penalties are quite strict even for the first offense, so you should not drink alcohol before driving.

Breathalyzer test, acceptable ppm values

The concentration of alcohol in the exhaled air is determined by a traffic police inspector on site using a breathalyzer.

If a traffic police inspector doubts the driver’s sobriety and asks him to undergo a test with a device, the latter should not argue and be rude. In order to correctly pass the test, the driver needs to take a deep breath, after which he exhales the air into the device tube.

The amount of alcohol in the air exhaled by a person is calculated in mg/l. Permissible value alcohol in the exhalation is 0.16 milligrams per 1 liter of air, which is equal to 0.352 g/l of alcohol in the blood. These indicators are called ppm because of the Latin name “pro mille”, which can be translated as one thousandth.

However, in Russia it is more common to take readings in mg/l and g/l, and the term ppm is popular among people.

Factors influencing breathalyzer performance

When alcohol enters a motorist’s body, it is carried by the blood throughout the body. From the blood, alcohol enters the lungs, so it is possible to determine the alcohol content in the blood when exhaled.

The following factors have a significant impact on blood alcohol levels:

  1. The strength of the drink and its dose;
  2. Gender and weight of a person;
  3. Body condition and genetic data;
  4. Consuming snacks with alcohol;
  5. Driver health and well-being indicators.

There are documented cases where a person’s health condition affected the breathalyzer reading and 0.2 ppm turned into values ​​exceeding the legal blood alcohol limit.

In addition, it is important for the driver to know that before testing with a breathalyzer, you have the right to make sure that the device meets the necessary requirements and is working correctly.

The performance of the measuring device is affected by:

  • Temperature and atmospheric pressure indicators;
  • Air condition (gas contamination, humidity, etc.);
  • Condition of the device (cleanliness of the nozzles and tube of the breathalyzer);
  • Compliance by the traffic police inspector with the rules for testing for alcohol.

If an authorized official has doubts about the performance of the device, the driver may be detained and sent to a medical facility for a blood test. If the driver refuses such an offer, he will automatically be found guilty of “driving while intoxicated,” according to Article 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia.

When can you drive?

In order to pass a test for alcohol content in exhaled air and not exceed the ppm dose allowed by the traffic police, the driver must understand how much he can drink and after what time he can get behind the wheel.

The permissible dose of 0.16 mg/l is limited to 0.4 liters of beer for a healthy man weighing 75 kg.

This dose of alcohol content in exhaled air is allowed due to the way the body absorbs certain products:

  1. Nonalcoholic beer;
  2. Kvass;
  3. Baking with yeast dough;
  4. Fermented milk products;
  5. Juices;
  6. Ripe bananas;
  7. Chocolate products.

This list was compiled due to the fact that when these products are consumed, a certain amount of ethanol is released in the body, which was shown when tested with a breathalyzer.

People who take medicinal tinctures and drugs were fined for drunk driving.

But there are situations when we drink alcohol one way or another, so it is important to know when you can get behind the wheel so as not to be fined.

On average, a person weighing 80 kg should remember the basic numbers:

  • 0.5 liters of beer, depending on the strength, will be processed by the body within 2-3 hours;
  • 0.2 liters of wine will take more than 2 hours to evaporate;
  • For lovers of alcohol from 40-45 degrees, it is important to understand that 100 gr. will weather for up to 4 hours. When using 300 gr. Vodka cannot be driven behind the wheel for 11 hours, and a bottle of such alcohol will be detected by a breathalyzer for 17 hours.

In order to know for sure the rate at which alcohol is processed in your body, it is better to use a ppm calculator.

If you are stopped, behave calmly and do not try to prevent the traffic police inspector from carrying out the necessary procedures, otherwise you may be sent to medical Center for blood collection. Before the trip, in order to avoid misunderstandings, it is better not to drink alcohol or alcohol-containing medications.

Penalties for drunk driving

A drunk driver who gets behind the wheel is at great risk; in 2018, the following penalties are provided for such an offense:

  1. The first registered fact of driving while intoxicated entails deprivation of rights for 1.5-2 years and a fine of up to 30 thousand rubles;
  2. A driver caught a second time will be fined up to 50 thousand and deprived of his license for up to 3 years;
  3. If the violator already has a fine for a similar offense, the traffic police inspector can place the motorist under arrest for up to 15 days.

And despite fairly strict penalties, many continue to drink and drive, which leads to numerous accidents and casualties. Perhaps such situations arise due to inept control own desires, when 300 gr. beer turns into 500 gr. whiskey.

A 16% reduction in the number of accidents with drunk drivers is a good indicator, but the figure of 12.7 thousand such accidents over a period of 10 months is still too high. Of these, more than 3 thousand were fatal accidents. Perhaps the State Duma will pay attention to such indicators and significantly increase the punishment for drunk driving.

Alcohol intoxication is one of the most common causes of accidents in Russia, therefore, every driver should know what the permissible limit of alcohol in the exhaled air and in the blood of a person driving a vehicle is established in 2018-2019.

Why do we say that there is an acceptable minimum threshold if we know the “golden rule” - when planning to drive, do not drink even a gram of alcohol! It's simple - 0.16 mg/l is the standard error of the instruments used today by Russian traffic police officers. When recalculating the blood alcohol content, we get the figure of 0.35 ppm.

Car and alcohol

The concept of “permissible volume of alcohol consumed” does not exist!

Each body is individual and reacts to products that contain alcohol in its own way. For some, 50 grams or even less is enough to produce the well-known feeling of slight dizziness. But even the absence of obvious symptoms does not mean that the person is sober.

Inhibition of the reactions of the central nervous system and dulling of attention under the influence of small doses of alcohol occurs much earlier than obvious symptoms of intoxication appear.

That is why never rely on the correspondence tables posted online, which claim that the breathalyzer will not detect if you drink 40 grams of vodka or 300 grams of beer. Moreover, such a condition can occur not only when drinking alcohol, but also when a number of other substances used in pharmacology and medicine enter the body.

Therefore, it is important for every novice motorist to know in which case serious troubles await him, how to avoid them, and, most importantly, how to act when charges have already been filed.

Standards and methods of control

Officially, in 2018-2019, the permissible level of alcohol in exhaled air or in the blood is checked.

Option 1 – the driver is tested for the presence of alcohol in the body using a breathalyzer (a special device that determines the percentage of alcohol vapor in the exhaled air).

Option 2 – the driver is offered to take a blood test (from a vein) at the nearest medical facility. As a rule, blood is taken for analysis in cases where the driver is physically unable to quickly pass the test described in the first option.

To date, the minimum threshold is set at:

Examination procedure

Important! Refusal to undergo the alcohol testing procedure in accordance with the law is equivalent to being drunk.

Now you know what the permissible blood alcohol limit is for drivers of all vehicles in 2018-2019 and what it depends on. Therefore, the first thing to do if traffic police officers require a test is:

  1. clarify the error of the device used;
  2. find out when he was officially certified;
  3. require the procedure to be recorded on video;
  4. require the presence of 2 witnesses (traffic police officers cannot act as witnesses).

Moreover, the driver has the right to see that the tip for the device is disposable and new. Ideally, the traffic police officer should not touch the unpacked tip of the breathalyzer.

A result of 0.16 ppm means that the driver is sober!

The Kolesa.ru website has an excellent reminder for the driver, following which you will not find yourself in a difficult situation.

If, despite your complete confidence in your sobriety, the device shows more than 0.16 ppm, the main thing is not to sign an agreement with the results obtained, state your disagreement in detail on paper and, as quickly as possible, go to the nearest medical facility where you can undergo an examination. The blood test will carry more weight in the trial.

Didn't drink, but drunk

There are a lot of different stories among drivers about how the breathalyzer showed more than 0.16 ppm, although the person did not touch alcohol at all that day. Is this possible?

Experts who have studied this issue unanimously state that a variety of products can produce excess of the norm:

  • any alcohol-containing medicines(most often cough medicines, sedatives and cardiac ones);
  • fermentation products, such as: kvass, kefir, kumiss, etc.;
  • mouth rinses;
  • coffee additives (before pouring them into a cup, you should make sure that the additive is non-alcoholic);
  • very ripe bananas and oranges;
  • black bread;
  • Some high-carbohydrate desserts may also have this effect in some people.

But this is all very individual. We invite you to watch one of the videos, which tests whether the permissible level of alcohol in exhaled air is exceeded after consuming a number of the products listed above, and also tells why in 2018-2019 more people will trust the ppm readings in the driver’s blood.


No matter what caused it increased indicators(especially if they are confirmed by a blood test), the driver, as well as the owner of the car, who transferred control to a person while intoxicated, are liable:

When discussing the topic of how many ppm are allowed in a driver’s blood in 2018 and 2019, few people think that this letter of the law is the result of numerous accidents that have claimed many lives.

Of course, it is unpleasant if, when stopped at a traffic police checkpoint, you are accused of drunkenness, but everything is much more serious if an accident occurs due to the fault of a drunk driver. Completely different articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation apply here and the punishment may turn out to be much more serious, namely:

The culprit will also be required to compensate material damage to everyone who suffered as a result of his actions.

Restoration of rights

It is still possible to regain your right to drive a vehicle after the court finds you guilty under this article.

Upon expiration of the period of deprivation of rights, the convicted person must:

  1. retake the theoretical part at the traffic police;
  2. eliminate debt on fines.

We also suggest listening to the advice of lawyers who will tell you how to behave if you are stopped at a traffic police checkpoint and what to do if the breathalyzer gives a positive result:

Driving while drunk is unacceptable. The majority of major accidents with human casualties, as statistics show, occur precisely through the fault of drivers who are heavily intoxicated. But in life anything happens. It happens that car owners are subject to fines who did not even suspect that at the time of the test they had alcohol in their body in an amount that was contrary to driving rules. Does it even exist for drivers?

Drunken driving

The permissible alcohol limit is the amount of ppm that may be present both in the driver’s exhaled air and in his blood. The numerical expression of this indicator is as follows: 0.35 ppm of ethyl alcohol in the blood and 0.16 in the exhaled air. These indicators are determined using special instruments. The permissible value is derived taking into account the possible error.

The permissible level of ethyl alcohol in the blood is 0.35 ppm. The concentration of pure alcohol in the air exhaled by the driver cannot exceed 0.16 mg/l.

The legal limit of alcohol in the blood of a person (in ppm) while driving assumes a minimum amount of alcohol that does not cause any abnormalities in the mental and physiological state. Concentration, redistribution of attention, reaction speed, overall stable emotional state and well-being are necessary aspects when driving a vehicle. A drunk driver is always a serious danger on the road. The indicator 0.35 is exactly the ppm norm, the presence of which will not harm physiology or disrupt mental processes.

How can

Ethyl alcohol causes alcohol intoxication and disrupts the natural processes of the human body. But from one dose of alcohol, intoxication lasts for a certain time, then the alcohol begins to leave the body. A person is again able to think soberly. And even if the blood still contains some percentage of alcohol, the person’s condition is acceptable for driving a car.

The fact is that ethanol is neutralized by the liver; this process lasts at a rate of 0.1 ppm per hour in men, and 0.085 in women. By simple arithmetic, you can calculate the time required for complete neutralization of alcohol. Thus, with the help of simple calculations, the driver can determine on his own how much he can drink before getting behind the wheel in order to protect himself from punishment.

Consider the option of drinking beer. Most varieties of this intoxicating drink contain 3–6% alcohol. So, when drinking 100 ml of beer, a man weighing 75 kg will have an alcohol content of 0.08 ppm (that is, 0.08 g of alcohol per 1 kg of weight). This amount is 4 times less than what is allowed. It turns out that the average man can drink no more than 0.4 ml of beer before driving. It is impossible to deceive your body: by drinking just 100 ml more (that is, a whole bottle of beer), the driver is breaking the law, since the presence of alcohol in his blood is already off scale.

Deprivation of rights

So, the figure 0.35 is defined by law as the permitted dose of alcohol. It was developed taking into account the error of the breathalyzer and the fact that some drivers take alcohol-containing medications. If we translate everything into specific alcoholic drinks, then an hour before driving a man weighing 80 kg can drink one of the following:

  • 400 ml beer;
  • 150 ml dry red wine;
  • 40 ml vodka;

Traffic police officers consider a driver to be sober if the breathalyzer shows a reading of 0.2. Primary detention and detection of an excessive dose of alcohol threatens with an administrative penalty (financial fine) and a ban on driving a vehicle for 2 years. Repeated detection of such violations leads to deprivation of rights for a period of 3 years and a fine of 50,000 rubles. It turns out that a drunk driver is not only dangerous, but also costly.

At the time of arrest, the offender is tested for alcohol content in the body. This technique is carried out using a breathalyzer, a special device with a tube into which the suspected driver must exhale. The inspector draws up a protocol and records the established fact. If necessary, a medical examination is carried out, based on the results of which the driver may be confiscated vehicle, temporarily confiscate it and deprive the car owner of his rights.

During the period when only the “zero option” existed in Russian legislation, that is, there was no permissible alcohol limit, the existence of certain problems was revealed. The difficulty was that people who did not drink alcohol were subject to penalties for driving while intoxicated. How is this possible, many will be surprised? It's simple. The human diet, as it turns out, contains a number of food products that can treacherously bring a driver under administrative charges. These products are:

  • nonalcoholic beer;
  • warm juices;
  • overripe fruits;
  • chocolates with alcohol-containing fillings;
  • oranges;
  • kvass;

When using the above products in the driver’s body, although in insignificant quantities, it is present for a short time ethanol.

And since no one particularly cared about driver education, and such information was not brought to the attention of motorists, unpleasant situations often occurred. A traffic police inspector's test for the presence of alcohol could give a positive result because the driver drank a glass of kvass before getting behind the wheel.

Permissible blood alcohol limit

  • Until now, in Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, a driver is considered sober only if the indicator is zero.
  • In Albania, 0.1 ppm is allowed.
  • Ukraine, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Poland are countries in which the permissible minimum is 0.2 ppm.
  • In Russia and Moldova this figure is 0.3.
  • In Lithuania – 0.4.
  • Belarus, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Greece - these countries allow a mark of 0.5.
  • In Luxembourg, Great Britain, Malta, and Ireland this figure reaches 0.8.

Every driver should know what to cheat modern devices, by exhaling too little or inhaling into yourself, it will not work. It’s better to give up alcohol before your trip than to lose your license and pay a fine later. Do not endanger yourself and the people around you!

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