My academic progress for portfolio templates. Portfolio Tips

The word “portfolio,” which is still unclear to many, is firmly entrenched in our lives. Now it accompanies a person from early childhood. We will try to tell you what it is and why a student needs it. The term “portfolio” itself comes to us from the Italian language: portfolio in translation means “folder with documents”, “specialist’s folder”.

When to start creating a portfolio?

In recent years, the practice of creating a student’s portfolio has become widespread. Today it is compulsory in many educational institutions. Even preschool institutions include in their work activities to collect the child’s successes. The first grader now needs to start organizing his achievements folder. Of course, it is very difficult for a child who is in elementary school to do this on his own, so parents often prepare this folder. Parents' questions and surprises are quite natural, because at one time they did not encounter such a requirement. In our article we will try to answer the question of how to make a portfolio for a schoolchild.

Why does a schoolchild need a “folder with documents”, and what should be in it?

Tracking all the successes and results of any child’s activity is a good practice, because it helps adults reveal the versatility of the child’s personality. And it is important for a little person to be aware of his first achievements in order to develop further. Information about the child, his family, environment, academic success at school, certificates and diplomas received for participation in various school and extracurricular activities, photographs, creative works showing the child’s knowledge, abilities, skills - all this is a kind of presentation of skills, interests, the child's hobbies and abilities. The collected information will be useful when moving to another school or when further choosing specialized classes and when entering a higher education institution. The main goal of a primary school student’s portfolio is to identify all the child’s strengths and reveal his inner potential through a structural collection of his work, grades and achievements. This helps to form a child’s motivation for activity, teach him to set goals and achieve success.

Portfolio is a creative product

Having decided to start creating a portfolio for a 1st grade student, you must first think through its components, decide which sections or chapters will be included in it, and what they will be called. Very often, primary school teachers prefer a uniform structure for all students, and therefore, when informing you that you need to prepare a portfolio, they will also offer a rough plan for it. In this case, parents will not have to rack their brains over the components themselves. By and large, a student’s portfolio is a creative document, and not a single regulatory act contains clear requirements for it prescribed by the state.

Every parent understands that first grade is an important period in a child’s life: getting to know teachers and classmates, gradually growing up and increasing independence. When moving from the conditions of kindergarten to school, where everything is new and unusual, the child experiences a little stress; the student’s portfolio helps him get used to the new place faster. The sample for compiling it may vary depending on the class and school, but it must contain information about the child and his parents (legal representatives), about his interests and hobbies. All this data will help children quickly find new friends and common interests with classmates, and it will be easier for the teacher to organize the learning process and conversations with children.

General form - individual filling

Each school or even each class can develop its own student portfolio, a sample of which will be offered by the teacher to children and parents, but still this folder is something like a “business card” of the child, and therefore it should reflect his individuality.

Select a template

Children will not be interested in simple sheets, notes, photographs; they will be much more attracted to a cheerful colorful design. Therefore, first, select templates for your student’s portfolio that can be easily found today. And then, together with your child, choose the appropriate one. If you couldn’t find anything you needed, then you can create a template yourself that will best suit what you had in mind. Not every parent can create a template on their own, and even if they cope with this task, they will have to spend a lot of time. This is why ready-made templates for student portfolios, which can be edited quickly and easily, are so popular.

Characters adored by children can be used in the design. Boys, for example, love cars. Portfolios with racing cars are perfect for those who love racing and speed. Girls prefer princesses or fairies as a design element. You need to remember that pictures with your favorite characters should not distract from the content; their role is to set you in a positive mood when opening a folder.

What to tell about yourself

The first section of a primary school student’s portfolio, as a rule, includes personal data. This is the title page, where the first and last name are indicated, and also a photograph of the child is placed, which he must choose himself. This section may also include an autobiography, a story about yourself, a list of long-term and short-term study plans. The child must be involved in filling it out, encouraging his initiative. Let him write about the character qualities that he has, about his favorite activities and hobbies, talk about the city in which he lives, about his family and friends, about those with whom he is friends, about his first or last name, about school and class . You can also write a dream about what the student wants to become when he grows up. The student can even post the daily routine he follows. He must describe everything that interests him and what he considers important.

A child, while filling out a folder, can make small discoveries - for example, read for the first time about the origin of the first and last name.

It's not easy to describe your world

The first part may have its own subsections. Perhaps they will be included in the student’s finished portfolio, which you will create yourself, taking into account the child’s individuality. If your child is passionate about reading, create a “My Favorite Books” section. A passion for nature can be reflected in the “My Pets” section.

The portfolio is not filled forever; it will be replenished and changed over time. If a child writes answers to the question “What can I do and love to do,” then by the fourth grade the information entered by the first-grader will definitely lose its relevance. Therefore, regular filling work at least several times a year will bring more benefit.

Success and achievements section

If a child has already accumulated certificates and diplomas received for participating in various school competitions, then parents have no choice but to make a portfolio for the student. You can place them in chronological order or divide them into sections, for example, “Achievements in studies” and “Merits in sports,” although for a primary school student all his achievements are important. This part will contain information related mainly to studies and creative activities. This data will be gradually updated over the years of study at school.

You can add your first copybook, successful drawing or applique to your first-grader's achievements.

If the event in which the child took part was covered in the media, you can make newspaper clippings or print online pages with the message for the student’s portfolio.

Children choose their own activities and attend classes in clubs, sections and clubs. Information about them can also be included in a special section. There may be information about the institution the student attends.

How do I study?

Educational activities, as the main activity in the life of a child of primary school age, should be given a separate section. There can be not only a table like a school report card, but also successfully completed tests, first notebooks, a sheet with the first five. You can also include indicators of reading technique here.

Nowadays, children sometimes become familiar with the Italian word “portfolio” in kindergarten. Well, at school, almost every child is faced with the need to create a kind of diary of achievements.

It should be noted that the proposal to introduce mandatory portfolio production for schoolchildren is not without foundation. First, such work brings together the child and parents, who together create something designed to represent the student's personality. Secondly, you need to come up with a design, wording, and create a beautiful composition of text and images. Thirdly, a positive perception of oneself is formed, because various diplomas, certificates and other evidence of children's achievements are added to the album.

How to make a portfolio for a schoolchild in 1 hour

The easiest and fastest option is to use templates to create a student’s portfolio. These are ready-made pages into which you can paste or embed the necessary photos and text fragments. You can choose from a huge variety of themes and designs that will be close to your child - your favorite cartoon character, for example. Older students will appreciate the design in a club theme. To work, you will need about an hour of time, a color printer and photographs in electronic or printed form.

How to make a portfolio for a schoolchild from scratch

Before the student, it is necessary to discuss with him the type of future album, its general theme and specific details. It is also important to sketch out a rough plan. Below is a convenient algorithm that you can use when creating a portfolio for a primary school student. It will be displayed as a list of sheets that should be contained in the folder, and how exactly to organize them is a matter of your preferences and capabilities. Given that new pages will need to be added to the portfolio, it is best to choose a ring file folder with a thick cardboard cover.

  1. Its central part will be occupied by a photo of the student, and along the perimeter you can place images of his favorite cartoon characters, toys or other objects of interest cut out from magazines or postcards. The details of the child (full name, date of birth) and the educational institution in which he is receiving education are also indicated here.
  2. Pocket with postcards and congratulations received for Knowledge Day.
  3. My name. A section may include more than one sheet. The student deciphers the meaning and talks about the history of his name. It tells the story of who made the decision to name it that way, and what this person was guided by.
  4. Family. You can abundantly illustrate the section with photographs. A story about each of the relatives and about the family in general, some family traditions and other interesting things. An excellent option is a family tree, which allows the child to learn more about his ancestors.
  5. "It's me". Self-portrait.
  6. My hand is in 1st (2,3,4...) grade. It is suggested to trace the contour of your palm or smear it with paint and leave an imprint on the sheet (which is much more fun).
  7. My daily routine. Description with illustrations.
  8. Hobbies.
  9. Friends.
  10. My city. A local history excursion into the history of his hometown, photographs of sights and views, everything that a child wants to tell about his small homeland.
  11. How I go to school. A route map from home to school with mandatory markers in the most dangerous parts of the path, and also the home address of your student.
  12. My school.
  13. Favorite teachers. Photos, names and patronymics, as well as characteristics of teachers with whom the student regularly interacts.
  14. My class. A general picture of the class with a list of children. Friends can be given special mention.
  15. Schedule of lessons. The sheet is replaced every year or a new one is attached.
  16. Who will I be when I grow up? Description of the future profession and justification for its choice.

This is followed by the subsections “My Achievements” (certificates and diplomas for participation and victories in various competitions and competitions, letters of gratitude) and “Creativity Box” (a collection of creative works during training: drawings, poems, essays, photographs of crafts).

Knowing how to make a portfolio for a schoolchild, you will feel confident in completing this task, you will be able to show more imagination, and your work will become something that the child will now proudly display at school and flip through at home with pleasure.

How to properly and beautifully design a student’s portfolio, what sections to include in it and how useful is the information that parents, the student himself and teachers collect for the portfolio? The student’s portfolio should highlight the child’s individuality, his various abilities and successes: prizes in competitions and olympiads, diplomas for graduating from primary school and individual classes, creative and sporting achievements.

Such a beautifully designed folder with materials and information raises the student’s self-esteem and promotes personal growth and development. Below you can download free page templates for a student’s portfolio, which can be printed by placing information about the student on them using, for example, a graphic editor.

In addition to certificates and awards, the portfolio contains the child’s work (or photos of work) made during school lessons and in his free time. A student can bring a beautifully designed “dossier” to a school meeting, showing his desire to develop in many directions, his ability to independently achieve his goals and evaluate his actions. Demonstrating the collected and structured information about himself, the student comments on significant works, tells how he managed to achieve something, how the knowledge gained in class helped him in this.

  • To everyone a short description is given to the school portfolio section (printed in a text editor).
  • Prepare your child’s photo cards in electronic format, scan certificates, drawings, excerpts from essays, take photographs of awards and cups.
  • Upload the received information about the student into a graphic editor, then select a ready-made page template. Place photos and texts on the pages in the areas designated for them.
  • First student portfolio page must be designed in a special way. It indicates the student's first and last name, age, and school number.
  • We recommend making the title page bright; to do this, use paints and pencils, or various programs for creating graphic drawings.
  • Before as start developing a portfolio, think about what each section will be devoted to . Successes deserve a separate section where certificates and diplomas, photographs of cups, medals are posted; under the photo, be sure to indicate when and for what merit the prize was received.
  • If a student has a hobby to which he devotes all his free time, do not spare a section for this topic.
  • You should also choose a photo where the child participates in competitions, competitions, and concerts that took place outside of class. Feedback from classmates and favorite teachers (school or from clubs) will perfectly complement the contents of the portfolio for school.
  • Academic success and aptitude for certain sciences should be given a special section. He loves literature and writes stories - take photographs of his works. If you like chemistry, select images where he does scientific experiments.

Recently, many educational institutions and kindergartens have asked parents of primary school students to create a portfolio and regularly update it with new information about the child. It is useful to share information in extracurricular activities - the teacher reads information about each student to the whole class, shows photographs of work, students learn more about their friends, which contributes to their closer rapprochement within the school community.

Now you know how to create a portfolio for a diligent student, how to make a title page, create and fill out sections with photos of his works, awards, and other achievements. If you download a student’s portfolio for free with template options, you can easily design the sections beautifully by loading each template into a graphic editor.


Any templates are pictures on which you can easily place text and fill out already created fields on blanks.

Today I want to show you a sample of filling out a student’s portfolio. I will describe what photographs and texts to place on the pages. In the article I will use .

The portfolio template consists of 42 pages. Of course, you can fill out all the pages that are included in the portfolio, but this is a lot. We create universal templates from a variety of pages. We strive to meet all the requirements of schools and kindergartens. Also, do not forget that the pages must be printed, and the price of each A4 sheet varies from 30 to 50 rubles.


On the title page you must write: The name of the educational institution in full. (For example: " Municipal budgeteducational institution"Secondary school No. 35"); Last name First name Middle name of the child; Date of birth; city, the beginning of maintaining a portfolio and its completion. The child’s photo can be placed in a frame, or you can completely cut it out from the background and place a full-length photo of the child (depending on the template).


  • My portrait

On the “My Portrait” or “Meet Me!” page, we post the most beautiful photo that reflects the child’s character. We write an interesting story about the child, his autobiography, character, hobbies, habits.

  • My name

On the “My Name” page, write the meaning of the child’s name (can be downloaded on the Internet) or the story - Why did you name your baby that way? A photo of your child.

On the “My Family” page, write a story about your family, traditions, travel, hobbies, everything that you like to do together. Or simply describe each member of your family, grandparents, brothers, sisters. Place a general photo of the family here as well.

  • My parents

On this page we talk about dad and mom. What they do, what they are interested in and who they work for. We talk about common activities with children.
For example: “Mom and I do yoga,” “Dad and I go to football,” “Mom taught me to cook,” etc.
It will also be interesting to write a short story about your family, about family traditions and customs.
Photos of parents with a child, and general photos of the whole family are suitable here.

  • My city; My village

Page “My city”, “My village”, “My little homeland”. It can be called differently, depending on where you live.

What do we write on this page? Of course, all the most interesting things about your city, town, region. Historical facts, interesting stories that happened in your city, everything that your favorite city or town is famous for. If you don’t know how to write, then don’t be shy, you can always find a lot of information on the Internet!
It is possible that you yourself will learn a lot of new things about your city!
And of course, on this page you need to place photographs of all or only the most beautiful places in your city.

This page should make your child proud of his city!

  • My friends

"My Friends" page. One of the most interesting portfolio pages. Place photos of cheerful children playing on this page. if there are a lot of friends, then you can simply limit yourself to writing the First and Last Names of the children. Well, if there is space on the page, then be sure to write interesting stories about how children met or some joint adventures. Children quickly forget such events, and after reading this story in a couple of years, the child will seem to live it again.

  • My hobbies

On the “My Hobbies” page, write a short story about what your child is interested in. Here you can write about classes in the sports section, studying at a music school or other educational institutions of additional education. And photographs, the more the better.

Read the next article on how to fill out the remaining pages.

Currently, registration is mandatory in almost all educational institutions. As a rule, the need to produce this document arises in the first grade, when the child first enters school.

A first-grader's portfolio should include a lot of information - information about the child himself, his interests and hobbies, a summary report of his progress, as well as information about the participation of a boy or girl in various events held at school or outside its walls.

Although it is not at all difficult to complete this document with your own hands, many parents have serious difficulties when preparing it. In this article, we will tell you how to prepare a first-grader’s portfolio and provide a sample of how to fill it out.

How to make a portfolio for a first-grader with your own hands?

The following visual instructions will help you make this document for a new school student:

  1. On the title page, place a photo of the baby and indicate his full name, date of birth, school number and class. If you are using a ready-made template, enter this information by hand and carefully glue the photo.
  2. Next, place a short biography of the child, explain what his name means, tell about his hometown, family, interests and hobbies. All material can be combined into the section “My portrait” or “This is me!”, and also divided into several separate subtopics.
  3. In the next section, you need to reflect various information about your child’s school and class, his academic performance, as well as his favorite teachers and classmates.
  4. At the end of the document, add a “My Achievements” section. Of course, in the first grade it will contain very little information, but in the future the portfolio will be constantly updated, and it is in this chapter that you will describe what your child has achieved and confirm this with the necessary documents.

Each section, if desired and necessary, can be supplemented with photographs on the relevant topic.

To make a first-grade student’s portfolio beautiful and neat, you will have to independently choose the style of design of this document and decide how exactly you will fill it out - in special computer programs or by hand.

If you intend to enter information using the traditional method, you should print several suitable templates on thick paper. You can also buy ready-made forms at any stationery store, but in this case you will not be able to make any changes to them. In particular, you can use the following templates that will help you make a portfolio for a first-grader and are suitable for both girls and girls:

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