Nikolai Patrushev, biography, news, photos. Lucky with parents - well-being of children of higher ranks

Dmitry Patrushev - Russian banker and financier, Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhozbank, since May 2018 - Minister Agriculture Russia.

Childhood and family

Dmitry Patrushev was born on October 13, 1977 in Leningrad. Dmitry’s father, Nikolai Platonovich Patrushev (b. 1951), at the time of his son’s birth, worked in the counterintelligence department of the KGB department for the Leningrad region, and is now secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

In 2007, the head of the Russian Imperial House of Romanov, Princess Maria Vladimirovna, granted Nikolai Platonovich a noble title, which applies to all family members.

Dmitry's mother Elena Nikolaevna Ignashchenkova (born 1955) is a doctor, and then an employee of Vnesheconombank. In 1993, the banker’s mother, together with Boris Gryzlov and other close friends of her husband, became the founder of Borg LLP, which specializes in the export of scrap metal.

Dmitry's paternal grandfather was a military sailor, participant in the Great Patriotic War, my grandmother worked as a nurse during the Soviet-Finnish war and during the siege of Leningrad, and after that she worked in a construction company. Dmitry has a younger brother Andrey (born 1981), who since 2006 has been an adviser to Rosneft director Igor Sechin and is a member of the Management Board of Gazprom Neft PJSC.


Dmitry has several higher educations. After graduating from school, he entered the State University of Management at the Faculty of Management, and in the early 2000s he studied at the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the “World Economy”.

Patrushev has a Doctor of Economics degree: Dmitry defended his dissertation on the topic of cash flows in the oil business in the Northern capital, at St. Petersburg State Economic University.

Banking business

After graduating from university in 1999, Patrushev worked for three years at the Russian Ministry of Transport.

In the mid-2000s, Dmitry became an employee of Vneshtorgbank OJSC (today it is called VTB Bank), soon taking the post of senior vice president. Since mid-2010, Patrushev has been Chairman of the Board and member of the Supervisory Board of the third largest state bank, Rosselkhozbank.

At the end of 2015, the Association of Russian Banks named Patrushev banker of the year, although the institution under his leadership suffered from reporting period heavy losses in the amount of 47.9 billion rubles. According to the jury, the bank, despite the impact of sanctions, made a significant contribution to the development of the country's agro-industrial complex. From 2009 to 2015, more than 250 billion rubles were invested in the capital of Rosselkhozbank. from the budget.

Dmitry Patrushev: Rosselkhozbank occupies a leading position

In 2016, Dmitry was awarded the Order of Honor for his contribution to organizing credit support for the agro-industrial complex. Also at one time, the financier was awarded Certificate of honor Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and a diploma from the Association of Russian Banks.

In 2016, Dmitry joined the board of directors of Gazprom.

Personal life of Dmitry Patrushev

Details of Dmitry Patrushev’s personal life are unknown. There is only scant information on the network confirming the fact that Patrushev is married and has heirs - two children. In his free time, the banker enjoys tennis and conquers the slopes on alpine skis.

“Can earn up to 30 thousand rubles per hour”

“Interlocutor” calculated the income of the son of the head of the Security Council Dmitry Patrushev

Kremlin press service

In January, information appeared that the head of Rosselkhozbank, the son of the Secretary of the Security Council, Dmitry Patrushev, could join the board of directors of Russian Railways. The “Interlocutor” tried to find out the details of his biography and discovered a number of “dark” spots in it. At the same time, the publication was able to calculate the approximate income of Patrushev Jr.

Patrushev’s possible departure from Rosselkhozbank has been discussed for a long time due to the difficult situation in the bank. “Interlocutor” indicates that in 2016 the loss of the credit institution amounted to 58.9 billion rubles. Holes in the capital of the Russian Agricultural Bank are being patched up at the expense of the budget: in the summer of 2017, it was additionally capitalized by 25 billion rubles. This amount was simply contributed to the authorized capital.

The Accounts Chamber found that the bank created to support the agricultural sector, to the detriment of agricultural work, issued loans for the purchase of luxury housing and cars, including to its own employees. Criminal cases of embezzlement and fraud have been initiated against the heads of a number of branches of the Russian Agricultural Bank in the regions of Russia.

At the same time, the bank's top management receives substantial salaries. According to the latest annual report studied by Sobesednik, 197 key managers of the bank, on average, taking into account salaries and bonuses, receive 572 thousand rubles. per month.

“The incomes of bank board members are naturally even higher. For 11 people - 256 million per year. Or 2 million per month for one. Patrushev probably gets more. Another line of his income is remuneration from Gazprom. He was also appointed to the board of directors of the monopolist by the state and last year received 25.5 million rubles for this. In total, according to our calculations, Dmitry Patrushev can earn approximately 30 thousand rubles per hour while serving the state. Even more than federal ministers,” the publication writes.

Unlike civil servants, Patrushev is in more advantageous position, since many restrictions and obligations are not imposed on the head of the state bank. For example, he does not publish the declaration publicly. “Otherwise, it could have contained an apartment registered in the American state of Illinois in the name of Dmitry Patrushev,” notes Sobesednik. However, it is not known for certain whether the son of the Security Council Secretary actually has property in the United States.

As for education, according to open data, Patrushev Jr. received a diploma State University management majoring in management. However, dozens of interviewed graduates of this university could not remember such a student.

Questions also arose about Dmitry Patrushev’s doctoral title. He became a Doctor of Economic Sciences at the age of 31, although average age applicants for this degree in Russia are 49 years old.

Dmitry Patrushev is a well-known politician, whose biography and personal life has attracted the attention of Russian citizens and the world community. Chairman of the Agricultural State Bank, considered one of the 30 most significant in the Russian Federation, is involved in organizing financial activities in various structures since the late 1990s. Dmitry Nikolaevich received a new position in May 2010.

But general attention to the financier began on May 18, 2018, when he was appointed to the post of Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Now Dmitry Nikolaevich’s responsibilities include pursuing a unified agro-industrial policy throughout the country.

The biography of Dmitry Patrushev, who occupied not the last place in the country's leadership, began in the city of Leningrad on October 13, 1977. Father Nikolai Platonovich served as head of the FSB for a long time and quickly arranged his personal life. In 2008, he moved to the branch of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, taking the position of Secretary. The mother of officials is far from politics and has worked all her life in a medical institution, helping to save people’s lives.

In addition to Dima, the youngest son Andrei was growing up in the Patrushev family. Currently, the man is a member of the Management Board of Gazprom Neft PJSC, holding the post of deputy general director on the development of shelf projects.

Higher education

Having received a high school diploma secondary school Dmitry decided to follow in his father's footsteps. Having successfully passed the entrance exams at the Moscow State University of Management, he entered the Faculty of Management.

But the ambitious man did not limit himself to one higher education. From 2002 to 2004, he studied at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MFA), mastering the specialty “World Economy”. As a student, Dmitry Nikolaevich Patrushev made a great contribution to the development of education, defending the title of Doctor of Economic Sciences. The biography of the outstanding financier during the years of study, when he was not bound by family ties and focused on his career rather than his personal life, developed successfully.

Dmitry's father - Nikolai Platonovich with Vladimir Putin

His work was regularly published in scientific journals and newspapers, and was actively discussed in the financial world.

One of the works of the future official was a dissertation on the topic “Study of cash flows associated with the development of the oil business.” It was for this that he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Science, and on its foundation lectures were built at St. Petersburg State University of Economics.

The path to the position of head of Rosselkhozbank

Since 1999, Dmitry Nikolaevich entered the service of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. Over the 3 years of work at the federal ministry, which carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of civil aviation, Patrushev quickly moved up the career ladder.

In 2003, on the basis of the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance (SPbSEU), Dmitry Nikolaevich continues to engage in scientific economic activities. He is awarded an academic degree of the first category when defending a dissertation on the topic “Organizational and economic foundations for the development of a process approach in quality management of research organizations.”

Taking a work book as a portfolio and last job, receives a position in the commercial bank VTB, which was originally called OJSC Vneshtorgbank in 2004. After three years, he is promoted to senior vice president.

Occupying the position of a bank employee, Dmitry Nikolaevich continues to realize his potential in order to receive a promotion. That's why he enters the Academy Federal service Security (FSB), the completion of which he received in 2006.

In 2010, there was a sharp rise in the biography of Dmitry Patrushev. The young man not only arranges his personal life, but also gets the opportunity to show his talents as an economist. The director of Rosselkhozbank offers the gifted economist a transfer to a government agency.

Dmitry Nikolaevich agrees and takes the position of observer on the council. After some time, he is asked to head the Russian Agricultural Bank as a director.

Thanks to the skillful management of Dmitry Patrushin, the bank quickly rises to 30th place in the ranking of banks. The distribution of finances is aimed at timely lending and support for the country's agricultural industry and rural areas. Village residents, large and small entrepreneurs are actively registering with Rosselkhozbank as clients, receiving high-quality service and a wide range of services.

Patrushev is on the board of directors of Gazprom

In May 2016, Dmitry Nikolaevich was awarded the Order of Honor for his work aimed at organizing credit flows to finance the agricultural sector and received the “Banker of the Year” award. And he is invited to work as a member of the board of the Russian transnational energy company PJSC Gazprom.

As of 2018, Universal Bank is a leader in financing the Russian agricultural sector. Loan packages have a number of favorable conditions for workers in the agricultural sector, and the shares belong to the Russian Federation.

Patrushin’s son currently holds the position of Chairman of the Board at the bank and is a member of the management team. And Dmitry Nikolaevich himself took the position of Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation on May 18, 2018.

Family and relatives of the official

The country's main financier does not seek to advertise information about the family, diligently protecting loved ones from public attention. It is known that he has two children. Nothing is known about the wife and relatives of Dmitry Patrushev and that part of the biography that concerns his personal life.

All information is hidden in a personal file, to which only government officials of the Russian government have access.

Dmitry Nikolaevich tries not to attract media attention to his hobbies. But it is known that he likes to spend his free time on the tennis court and often goes on vacation to ski resorts.

How the son of Security Council Secretary Dmitry Patrushev conquers strategic state assets

The head of Rosselkhozbank, Dmitry Patrushev, may join the board of directors of Russian Railways. The candidacy of the hereditary “neo-nobleman” was recommended by the government.

If this appointment happens, it will become the fourth high appointment in the work biography of Nikolai Patrushev’s son.

The former head of the FSB has repeatedly mentioned that he considers himself and his colleagues “new nobles.” And these are not just bare words: he also has a piece of paper to prove it. In 2007, the head of the Russian Imperial House of Romanov, Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna, granted him the title of nobility.

The privileged status also applies to Dmitry Patrushev. Sobesednik figured out what helps him more in moving up the career ladder—outstanding talents or an honorable pedigree.

Invisible Prodigy

In 1994, Nikolai Patrushev was transferred from Karelia to Moscow to the post of head of the FSB's own security. That same year, his eldest son Dmitry graduated from school. Five years later, he apparently received a diploma from the State University of Management with a degree in management.

– I don’t remember anyone with that name. He definitely wasn’t in our group,” club art director Konstantin Mironov, who graduated from the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration of the State University of Management in the same year, told Interlocutor.

The meager biography of Patrushev Jr. does not indicate which faculty he studied at. I contacted dozens of '99 graduates from all departments. Both with full-time and part-time students.

- Unfortunately, I can’t help you with anything. I didn’t study with him and I don’t know anything about him,” said Natalia Kruzhkova, a graduate of the Faculty of Financial Management.

In total, I received 36 similar responses through the social network. There was no person who even just remembered him. Although he should have been famous at the university: by the time he received his diploma, his father was already the first deputy director of the FSB.

In addition, Dmitry had to be a talented student. Indeed, in 2003, when his father was already the head of the FSB, he became a candidate of economic sciences. According to statistics, the distance between candidate and doctoral defenses is on average 13 years. Patrushev Jr. completed it in just five. He became a Doctor of Economic Sciences at the age of 31, although the average age of applicants for this degree in Russia is 49 years.

When it comes to quality scientific works, then the Dissernet project had claims against them. Experts have identified multiple borrowings. But plagiarism did not prevent Patrushev from defending himself, and his scientific consultant Vladimir Korelin was immediately appointed head of the Federal Property Management Agency for the Leningrad Region. Not long ago, there was a corruption scandal in his department, but Korelin simply changed his job - now he heads the Rosreestr department for St. Petersburg.

Banker with a hole

The young scientist himself, Dmitry Patrushev, before joining Rosselkhozbank, which he has headed for 8 years, managed to work in the Ministry of Transport and the state bank VTB. The sole shareholder of Rosselkhozbank is also the state.

Under the leadership of an economic “prodigy,” the bank, however, turned out to be extremely ineffective. According to reports, in 2016 its loss amounted to 58.9 billion rubles. Holes in the capital of the Russian Agricultural Bank are being patched up at the expense of the budget: in the summer of 2017, it was additionally capitalized by 25 billion rubles. This amount was simply contributed to the authorized capital.

Family clan

Andrey Patrushev, the youngest son in the family, worked as an adviser to the head of Rosneft, and was recently appointed chairman of the board of directors of TsentrKaspneftegaz, a joint venture between Gazprom and LUKOIL.

The name of Alexei Patrushev, the son of Nikolai Patrushev’s brother, appeared in the Panama Papers. He was a shareholder in the offshore company Misam Investments Ltd.

Former head of an agricultural enterprise, and now a member of the State Duma Committee on economic policy Sergei Kazankov believes that the state is wasting its finances:

“It would be understandable if we gave this money to those villagers who found themselves in difficult life situations.” Or farmers who can't pay their loan rates.

According to an audit by the Accounting Chamber, the bank created to support the agro-industrial complex, to the detriment of agricultural work, issued loans for the purchase of luxury housing and cars, incl. own employees.

Criminal cases against bank managers in the regions are also common. Thus, 13.5 billion rubles were stolen from the Russian Agricultural Bank in the Krasnodar Territory. In the Rostov region last year, a theft scheme was uncovered, which involved issuing obviously bad loans to companies controlled by the bankers themselves.

Well, a very recent case: last week in Lipetsk a case of fraud in a branch of Rosselkhozbank was brought to court. A group of people, which included bankers, received mortgage loans using forged documents.

But the bank's top managers get off with a slight fright. For example, the ex-head of the Yaroslavl branch, who caused damage worth 350 million rubles, received only 3 years probation. Probation They also gave it to the former director of the Vladimir branch.

Despite the depressing financial indicators and mass corruption, in 2016 Dmitry Patrushev even received the industry award “Banker of the Year”. Economist Tatyana Kulikova does not believe in Patrushev’s managerial talents.

– Whether it is inefficiency or corruption, the money that the state allocates to support agriculture is lost. They do not reach many farmers. And the selection of recipients is carried out for non-obvious reasons,” Kulikova said.

But the money reaches the management of Rosselkhozbank. According to the latest annual report studied by Sobesednik, 197 key managers of the bank, on average, taking into account salaries and bonuses, receive 572 thousand rubles each. per month.

Ripe everywhere

The income of bank board members is, naturally, even higher. For 11 people – 256 million per year. Or 2 million per month for one. As chairman, Patrushev probably earns more.

Another line of his income is remuneration from Gazprom. He was also appointed to the board of directors of the monopolist by the state and last year received 25.5 million rubles for this. In total, according to our calculations, Dmitry Patrushev can earn approximately 30 thousand rubles while serving the state. at one o'clock. Even more than federal ministers. And unlike civil servants, he is in a more advantageous position, since many restrictions and obligations are not imposed on the head of the state bank.

Dmitry Patrushev does not publish the declaration publicly. Otherwise, it could have contained an apartment registered in the American state of Illinois in the name of Dmitry Patrushev, which is similar to the name of our hero.

“American Patrushev may also be the namesake of the son of the ex-head of the FSB”

“Interlocutor” sent a written request to Rosselkhozbank with a request to confirm or deny whether the head of the state bank really has property in the United States. We have not yet received a denial from the bank. It is interesting that young Patrushev, unlike many other heads of state-owned companies and state-owned banks, for some reason was not included in the blacklist recently published by the US Treasury.

State Children

Youngest son of a former leader

Administration of President Sergei Ivanov Sergei is the president of the ALROSA company.

The eldest son of former Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov, Peter, is the general director of Russian Export Center JSC. Younger son

Pavel is the deputy head of the Presidential Administration.

The son of ex-director of the Federal Security Service Evgeny Murov, Andrey, is the chairman of the board of JSC FGC UES.

The son of the head of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, Denis is the senior vice president of VTB.

Son of the first deputy Head of the AP Sergei Kiriyenko Vladimir is senior vice president at Rostelecom.

For eight years he headed the state-owned Rosselkhozbank (RSHB), that is, he led strategic investments in national projects of the agrarian-industrial complex. His transition to civil service may seem logical and even correct on the surface. Who else, if not the person lending to agricultural production, should know about the real problems of the industry and the mechanisms for eliminating them? In this case, the lack of experience in public administration seems to be a shortcoming that time will correct.

However, Patrushev Jr. certainly does not leave the bank with his head held high. About what size loan portfolio Rosselkhozbank has already significantly exceeded its capital over the past two years, as everyone in the financial market knows. The debate is only about the scale of this gap - in the range from 700 billion to 1 trillion rubles.

However, we should not know the true state of affairs in the bank after Patrushev’s departure for the foreseeable future - information about problem loans this spring was classified through the 2nd Department of the Directorate “K” of the SEB FSB, which carries out counterintelligence support for the country’s credit and financial system and is in charge of Central Bank. Seconded operational employees of the Main Directorate for Security and Information Protection of the Bank of Russia are responsible for maintaining complete confidentiality.

The loyal supervision of Rosselkhozbank by the Central Bank, which is zealously cleaning up the financial sector, has long outraged many bankers. They say that while they are deprived of licenses for violations of 115-FZ and forced to form gigantic reserves for loans where the slightest delay is allowed, the Russian Agricultural Bank avoids, in principle, any regulations.

["Novaya Gazeta", 05/18/2018, "Patrushev was sent to the potatoes": To call Dmitry Patrushev an effective banking top manager would be an exaggeration. Even though the bank came under sectoral sanctions because of Ukraine and Crimea in 2014, it went into negative territory much faster than all other financial institutions.
It is known that in 2016 the bank’s loss (according to official reports) amounted to almost 59 billion rubles, and a year earlier - almost 70 billion rubles. This, however, did not prevent Dmitry Patrushev from becoming a laureate of the “Banker of the Year” award according to the Association of Russian Banks (ARB).
ARB explained that “despite the difficult macroeconomic conditions and the sanctions imposed on the bank by the United States, Europe and other countries, in 2015 the bank significantly expanded financial support for agriculture, demonstrating an increase in the loan portfolio and the volume of new loans issued at a level that is ahead of the market average indicators". Probably, when determining the winner, ARB did not take into account the fact that the bank issued loans to Maxim Khromtsov’s companies. Khromtsov is the owner of Misam Investments: it appears in Panama Papers, and in 2012 Nikolai Patrushev, the father of the new minister, sold his share in it to Khromtsov. - Insert]

The State Bank is not only protected from strict regulation, but also filled with money: in winter the government Once again recapitalized Rosselkhozbank. True, the 30 billion rubles allocated from the budget to subsidize interest rates on preferential loans, taking into account the scale of the problems in the bank, are more reminiscent of a blood transfusion procedure for a leukemia patient.

And even Central Bank employees admit that the patient is seriously ill.

And Patrushev’s successor, whoever this person turns out to be, will have an extremely difficult task in the next year and a half: to cover the back of the son of the Secretary of the Security Council, preparing the Russian Agricultural Bank for the inevitable “recovery.”

It is with this gloomy prospect that the presidential administration and government primarily associate Patrushev’s new appointment, jokingly calling it “evacuation.”

At first, they actively tried to woo Patrushev to the post of chairman of the board of Gazprom (which caused concern among a significant part of the elite), then they looked for a place in the renewed Promsvyazbank, which as a result went to another “son” - Peter Fradkov(his father headed the SVR, and previously the government). Only at the beginning of this spring was Patrushev approved for the post of agricultural minister.

However, even this rotation option initially caused concern on Old Square: Patrushev’s expressive approach to implementation state tasks required insurance. And only at the beginning of May an elegant solution was found - to appoint to the post of Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the agricultural bloc, Alexey Gordeev. This experienced official, who headed the Ministry of Agriculture back in the days Mikhail Kasyanov, was the author of the current program for the development of the agro-industrial complex. Thanks to the patronage of the former prime minister Viktor Zubkova, who has headed the board of directors of Gazprom in recent years, Gordeev together with his associate Sergei Dankvert(head of Rosselkhoznadzor) laid the foundation in the industry for many years.

In fact, former ministers Skrynnik, Fedorov And Tkachev they only followed the vectors drawn by their predecessor.

Dmitry Patrushev will also try not to spoil the furrows, although under the supervision of Gordeev.

The current minister seems to retain subsidies under his direct control interest rate By commercial loans and agricultural insurance. It is these types of state support that have come to the fore in recent years thanks to the position of Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, who was promoted in the renewed government and became first deputy prime minister.

Experts agree that government support for agriculture will increase dramatically by 2020, since the industry today is rightfully considered the main driver of the Russian economy.

This is evidenced by official data from Rosstat: in 2017, the volume of agricultural exports amounted to slightly less than $18 billion, which has already significantly exceeded the volume of military-industrial exports ($13.4 billion). The capture of a share of the country's GDP by agriculture is due to the current situation: unlike Rosoboronexport, which is losing lucrative contracts due to sanctions pressure, the agricultural sector is deepening its penetration into foreign markets every quarter.

And this process seems irreversible: global demand for food, according to forecasts by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, will increase by 50% in the next twenty years with population growth by 30%. Consequently, the volume of rural production will increase by one and a half times.

Russia, judging by the president’s instructions, should occupy a special place in this market - by 2025, agricultural exports are planned to increase to $35–40 billion.

So the irony about the future of Patrushev Jr. in the government looks at least inappropriate. It seems that he will have to try on the laurels of the leader of the Russian economy.

Of course, with the correct support of Alexei Gordeev, Sergei Dankvert, and most importantly - father and Secretary of the Security Council Nikolai Patrushev, who, despite rumors, retained significant influence on current political processes.

Original of this material
© "Interlocutor", 02/13/2018, Photo: RIA Novosti

Young and thieves, or "New nobleman" Dmitry Patrushev

Sergei Ezhov

Dmitry Patrushev
As the son of the Secretary of the Security Council, Dmitry Patrushev conquers strategic state assets.

The head of Rosselkhozbank, Dmitry Patrushev, may join the board of directors of Russian Railways. The candidacy of the hereditary “neo-nobleman” was recommended by the government.

If this appointment happens, it will become the fourth high appointment in the work biography of Nikolai Patrushev’s son.

The former head of the FSB has repeatedly mentioned that he considers himself and his colleagues “new nobles.” And these are not just bare words: he also has a piece of paper to prove it. In 2007, the head of the Russian Imperial House of Romanov, Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna, granted him the title of nobility.

The privileged status also applies to Dmitry Patrushev. Sobesednik figured out what helps him more in moving up the career ladder - outstanding talents or an honorable pedigree.

Invisible Prodigy

In 1994, Nikolai Patrushev was transferred from Karelia to Moscow to the post of head of the FSB's own security. That same year, his eldest son Dmitry graduated from school. Five years later, he apparently received a diploma from the State University of Management with a degree in management.

I don't remember anyone with that name. He definitely wasn’t in our group,” club art director Konstantin Mironov, who graduated from the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration of the State University of Management in the same year, told Interlocutor.

The meager biography of Patrushev Jr. does not indicate which faculty he studied at. I contacted dozens of '99 graduates from all departments. Both with full-time and part-time students.

Unfortunately, I can't help you with anything. “I didn’t study with him and I don’t know anything about him,” said Natalia Kruzhkova, a graduate of the Faculty of Financial Management.

In total, I received 36 similar responses through the social network. There was no person who even just remembered him. Although he should have been famous at the university: by the time he received his diploma, his father was already the first deputy director of the FSB.

In addition, Dmitry had to be a talented student. Indeed, in 2003, when his father was already the head of the FSB, he became a candidate of economic sciences. According to statistics, the distance between candidate and doctoral defenses is on average 13 years. Patrushev Jr. completed it in just five. He is a Doctor of Economic Sciences became already at 31 years old, although the average age of applicants for this degree in Russia is 49 years old.

If we talk about the quality of scientific works, then the Dissernet project has complaints about them. Experts have identified multiple borrowings. But plagiarism did not prevent Patrushev from defending himself, and his scientific consultant Vladimir Korelin was immediately appointed head of the Federal Property Management Agency for the Leningrad Region. Not long ago, there was a corruption scandal in his department, but Korelin simply changed his place of work - now he heads the Rosreestr department for St. Petersburg.

Banker with a hole

The young scientist himself, Dmitry Patrushev, before joining Rosselkhozbank, which he has headed for 8 years, managed to work in the Ministry of Transport and the state bank VTB. The sole shareholder of Rosselkhozbank is also the state.

Under the leadership of an economic “prodigy,” the bank, however, turned out to be extremely ineffective. According to reports, in 2016 its loss amounted to 58.9 billion rubles. Holes in the capital of the Russian Agricultural Bank are being patched up at the expense of the budget: in the summer of 2017, it was additionally capitalized by 25 billion rubles. This amount was simply contributed to the authorized capital.

Family clan
Andrey Patrushev, the youngest son in the family, worked as an adviser to the head of Rosneft, and was recently appointed chairman of the board of directors of TsentrKaspneftegaz, a joint venture of Gazprom and LUKOIL.
The name of Alexei Patrushev - the son of Nikolai Patrushev's brother - appeared in the Panama Papers. He was a shareholder in the offshore company Misam Investments Ltd.

The former head of an agricultural enterprise, and now a member of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Sergei Kazankov, believes that the state is wasting its finances:

It would be understandable if we gave this money to those villagers who found themselves in difficult life situations. Or farmers who can't pay their loan rates.

According to an audit by the Accounting Chamber, the bank created to support the agro-industrial complex, to the detriment of agricultural work, issued loans for the purchase of luxury housing and cars, incl. own employees.

Criminal cases against bank managers in the regions are also common. Thus, 13.5 billion rubles were stolen from the Russian Agricultural Bank in the Krasnodar Territory. In the Rostov region last year, a theft scheme was uncovered, which involved issuing obviously bad loans to companies controlled by the bankers themselves.

Well, a very recent case: last week in Lipetsk a case of fraud in a branch of Rosselkhozbank was brought to court. A group of people, which included bankers, received mortgage loans using forged documents.

But the bank's top managers get off with a slight fright. For example, the ex-head of the Yaroslavl branch, who caused damage worth 350 million rubles, received only 3 years probation. The former director of the Vladimir branch was also given a suspended sentence.

Despite dismal financial performance and massive corruption, in 2016 Dmitry Patrushev even received the industry award “Banker of the Year”. Economist Tatyana Kulikova does not believe in Patrushev’s managerial talents.

Whether it is inefficiency or corruption, the money that the state allocates to support agriculture is lost. They do not reach many farmers. And the selection of recipients is carried out for non-obvious reasons,” Kulikova said.

But the money reaches the management of Rosselkhozbank. According to the latest annual report studied by Sobesednik, 197 key managers of the bank, on average, taking into account salaries and bonuses, receive 572 thousand rubles each. per month.

Ripe everywhere

The income of bank board members is, naturally, even higher. For 11 people - 256 million per year. Or 2 million per month for one. As chairman, Patrushev probably earns more.

Another line of his income is remuneration from Gazprom. He was also appointed to the board of directors of the monopolist by the state and last year received 25.5 million rubles for this. In total, according to our calculations, Dmitry Patrushev can earn approximately 30 thousand rubles while serving the state. at one o'clock. Even more than federal ministers. And unlike civil servants, he is in a more advantageous position, since many restrictions and obligations are not imposed on the head of the state bank.

Dmitry Patrushev does not publish the declaration publicly. Otherwise, it could have contained an apartment registered in the American state of Illinois in the name of Dmitry Patrushev, which is similar to the name of our hero.

“Interlocutor” sent a written request to Rosselkhozbank with a request to confirm or deny whether the head of the state bank really has property in the United States. We have not yet received a denial from the bank. It is interesting that young Patrushev, unlike many other heads of state-owned companies and state-owned banks, for some reason was not included in the blacklist recently published by the US Treasury.
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