Original wall newspapers for the New Year. DIY New Year's posters

Organizing the release of a school wall newspaper is especially important in the days before the New Year, because the mood is already completely “non-working”, and everyone, from first-graders to high school students, is looking forward to a fun New Year holidays. Therefore, a wall newspaper filled with interesting and unusual facts will come in handy.

Features of foreign schools

If in Russia and Japan the school year begins on September 1, then in the USA and Germany this happens a little earlier - in August, in the middle of the month. But as for summer holidays, in these foreign countries they begin only at the end of June. Such a short summer vacation is compensated by vacations during the school year - they last a little longer than in Russia.

Electronic diaries - a useful innovation

In such a diary you can’t hide the assessment

Malicious losers can no longer escape responsibility - soon every Russian school will get one like this useful resource, as their own website where parents can objectively assess their child’s progress.

The Ministry of Education reports that the school's website will be posted online free of charge. The information contained on the site will include general information about the school: how many teachers work in the educational institution; do they have titles; what the students themselves can boast of - what is the number of medalists of the school; do you have any connections? educational institution with colleges and universities.

In the future, the possibility of bringing together all the pages of Russian educational institutions V common system, so that you can get information about any school in one of the regions of the country. This will also help to establish electronic correspondence between students - a kind of analogue of the Soviet fashion for communication between schoolchildren from different cities and countries.

"It's only the beginning"

Teachers, interested in the real workload on their students, counted the basic units of knowledge for all school years. It turned out that students must remember and be able to apply a huge amount of knowledge, for example, mathematics alone includes 137 definitions and 270 concepts, as well as 154 formulas, rules, axioms, symbols, diagrams. But there is also physics, chemistry, biology. Thus, in some classes, students need to memorize about 18 concepts in just one lesson.

New Year traditions from different countries

Such a large country as Russia, located in 9 time zones, meets New Year several times, but usually traditionally. But abroad there are a huge number of peculiarities of celebrating the coming New Year, and all of them are interesting.

Polish girls always make fortunes before the New Year. They place a bunch of hay under the table and blindly pull out the stems from it. It is believed that the girl who pulls out the longest stem will be the first to get married. They also guess from the stem what the character of the future husband will be.

It is customary to rearrange the pairs of shoes standing at the entrance so that a woman’s shoe is next to a man’s shoe. This is done unnoticed, and when the young people are about to leave, it becomes clear who will marry whom, and who will do it first - the pair of shoes closest to the exit warns their owners about the imminent marriage.

Indonesian New Year is celebrated in October. At this time, residents of the country dress smartly and ask each other for forgiveness.

Raisin donuts in Holland can only be found on New Year's Day.

Despite the fact that donuts with raisins are a very tasty food, in Holland they are served exclusively for the New Year's table.

Northern Canadians and Greenlanders celebrate the New Year on December 21st. This day, which is the shortest daylight of the year, symbolizes the end of long nights. Eskimos believe that the New Year begins when the first snow falls.

Austrian chimney sweeps are incredibly popular - in the past, on New Year's Eve, everyone tried to touch the chimney sweep and get dirty with soot, even if only slightly, because, according to legend, this brings happiness. Even considering that in our time there are very few chimney sweeps, this tradition remains unchanged.

When the New Year comes, Swedes break old dishes at the doorstep of their homes. To do this, children collect in advance unnecessary utensils that will no longer be useful. It is believed that the more fragments there are at the entrance to a house, the happier the next year will be for its inhabitants.

New Year in Australia comes on January 1, but unlike Russia, it is very hot there at this time of year. Therefore, Father Frost and Snow Maiden are dressed in swimsuits, delivering gifts in this form.

On New Year's Day, no one will stop you from swimming in the fountain in Trafalgar Square.

Trafalgar Square in London is being overrun by people wanting to swim in the famous fountain. On New Year's Day this is allowed, and, regardless of cold weather, and despite the fact that swimming involves wearing all your clothes, there are always people who are not afraid of any of these circumstances.

Popeye Noel in Brazil is an analogue of Santa Claus. And even though it is very warm outside, observing traditions, this generous old man comes to the children in a fur coat and felt boots. And, of course, with a bag of gifts!

The Vietnamese adhere to the lunar calendar when calculating time, so their numbering does not coincide with our numbers. And the Vietnamese New Year, also called “Tet”, occurs at different times and symbolizes the arrival of spring. Vietnamese people light bonfires on the streets and give each other tangerine trees and twigs of peach trees “hao dao”.

Moldovans are very sensitive to January 1 - on this day it is customary to scatter grain on the floor, not only at home, but also when visiting. This symbolizes prosperity in the house and a great harvest.

Latvians do not lag behind the Moldovans, but instead of grain they use peas. At the New Year's table they are sure to eat a pea so that the year will be rich and happy.

On January 1, Georgians go to visit only if they are invited - if the owner of the house invites guests to his place, this means that these are the people who will bring good things to his house. In addition, those who come must bring sweets with them.

On the first day of the New Year, Armenians always congratulate older friends and relatives.

The Fiji Islands are the pioneers on New Year's Eve - it is from there that the countdown of the first minutes of the coming year begins. This is due to the fact that these Pacific islands are located on the very border of time, their eastern longitude is 180°.

Korea celebrates the arrival of the New Year by jumping on boards. Moreover, it is customary that young women dressed in beautiful national costumes take part in this entertainment. Previously, in this country it was customary to sew new clothes, so that along with the worn-out clothes, all the misfortunes of the old year would remain.

Mongols are confident that the more guests gather at their New Year's table, the more successful the whole next year will be.

Colombians say goodbye to the old year the day before the new year begins. They walk the streets with homemade dolls, symbolizing the passing year, and thank him for everything that he brought them.

Before the New Year, Cubans pour water into glasses, and when the clock strikes 12 times, they throw the contents of the glasses out the window. This symbolizes the end of the old year.

In harsh, taciturn Scotland, it is customary to sit by the fireplace, remain silent, stir the coals, and wait for the New Year to come. When the clock strikes midnight, the main person in the family silently opens the door of the house to let in the New Year and see off the old one. After this tradition is observed, everyone sits down at the table and the fun begins. Any guest can come to a Scottish house, the main condition is that upon entering, turn on the fire in the fireplace - this symbolizes friendly, warm feelings. It is customary to bring whiskey, ham and... a little coal with you so that the house is always warm.

In Italy, instead of Santa Claus, the sorceress Befana delivers gifts

Italian children are waiting not for Santa Claus, but for the sorceress Befana - it is she who delivers gifts, entering the house through chimney. This sorceress puts gifts in children's shoes. And adults amuse themselves by throwing old things out the window - a cheerful, although not entirely safe, custom.

In Ireland, New Year is a universal holiday. At night, the doors of all houses open, and anyone can come to visit - they will certainly be fed, treated to wine and raised a glass with wishes for peace in this house and in the whole world. And the next day the holiday is spent with loved ones - family and friends.

The traditions of the Japanese New Year are somewhat different from the Russian ones, but these holidays have one thing in common - the expectation of a miracle. The Japanese tie together branches of bamboo and pine, decorating each door with them. This combination symbolizes fidelity and longevity. And children draw sailboats and hide them under their pillows to make their wishes come true.

Ancient China declared the New Year a holiday when any poor person could walk into a rich house and ask for anything. They could not refuse him - otherwise, all the neighbors would look at the one who refused with contempt for the rest of their lives. Now the Chinese New Year is symbolized, first of all, by lanterns of various, sometimes fantastic, shapes. And the New Year itself comes only in January or February.

Rural residents in the south of France maintain a wonderful tradition - the housewife who first comes to the source for water leaves a bun or pie nearby. The one who comes next takes it and leaves hers. In this way, all the women of the village manage to treat each other.

Germany has its own custom - with the first strike of the New Year's chimes, people of all ages climb onto chairs or tables, and with the twelfth strike they jump off them to go straight into the New Year. Jumping is usually accompanied by cheerful exclamations.

Hungarians scare away evil spirits with the help of children's whistles - so on New Year's Eve you simply cannot get these musical toys in stores. A piercing whistle should call joy and fun into the house, and scare away evil forces.

Guests invited to the New Year's table in Greece bring with them a heavy, mossy stone, which they throw at the threshold of the house with wishes that the owner's wealth be as heavy as this stone.

Bulgarians turn off the lights for a few minutes at the twelfth stroke of the clock. This time is given for New Year's kisses.

India is a large country with a wide variety of customs and traditions, because different regions celebrate the New Year in their own way. Moreover, the dates of the New Year are different and therefore the holiday can be celebrated as many as four times. But one thing remains unchanged - Indians believe that how you spend the first day of the new year will determine your future life for this period. Therefore, Indians get up early on this day, get themselves in order, reflect on the things they have done, and plan for future ones. The New Year's table is usually vegetarian. Moreover, even those who do not fast for a year and eat meat and fish try to adhere to this rule.

Typically, the New Year in India begins with a fire performance, and then scenes from the national Indian epic “Ramayana” are shown. For this, a paper figure of the giant Ravan is prepared so that the actor portraying the hero of the epic Rama will shoot a fiery arrow at him.

Indians firmly believe that the life of every person should be filled with a variety of emotions - both sad and happy. Therefore on New Year's table six dishes of various flavors are served - sour, salty, hot, bitter, spicy, and sweet. Everyone must try a little of all dishes so that their life is harmonious and varied.

Roosters can become participants in fighting competitions. It’s not for nothing that people compare cocky boys with Roosters. Cockfights are held between special breeds of chickens. Only well-trained cockerels are suitable for fights - with a wide chest, strong legs, a long neck, a strong head and a strong beak. But, in addition to external characteristics, roosters must be aggressive and cocky, assertive and stubborn.

You will not hear the usual “Crow” until the rooster “extends” his neck. Cock crow has long been used as a natural alarm clock.

The other sounds coming out of these birds are not just clicking, clucking, etc. In fact, all this is a special chicken language and every “word” of a hen or rooster has a meaning, ornithologists guessed this, for a long time watching them.

The number of chickens on our planet is three times higher than the number of people!

The epithet “stupid chicken” is not true, since these living creatures have intelligence, which manifests itself in the ability to perform mathematical calculations, distinguish some geometric shapes. The memory of chicken individuals can retain up to one hundred distinctive features of people, birds or animals. They are vindictive and grateful to those who treat them with sympathy.

We hope that our information will help you create a fascinating New Year's wall newspaper.

New Year posters are very in a simple way decorate your home for the New Year. In addition, such posters can become a good gift to your friends and loved ones. Those who have never taken on such a task probably do not know how to draw New Year 2017 posters.

How to make a New Year's poster?

First of all, when creating such a New Year's decoration, you will need a sheet of whatman paper, as well as drawing tools. These can be pencils, markers, felt-tip pens, paints. Some additional elements and accessories are often used for decoration. If there is no Whatman paper, and you need to make a poster urgently, then you can staple together several sheets of plain A4 paper. Such sheets should be connected on the reverse side with ordinary transparent tape.

Posters for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 can be decorated with various additional elements, which can be made from colored paper or cardboard. To add some originality to your New Year's poster, you can add decorations from foil or beautiful shiny fabric. You can also add rhinestones, beads and beads here. Even fragments of old Christmas tree decorations can be used for decoration. To do this, it is necessary to apply glue not to the fragments, but directly to the place of the Whatman paper to which they should be glued.

Volumetric posters for the New Year 2017.

Such posters look very original on the wall. Making them is also quite simple. For example, to make a poster in the shape of a New Year tree, you need to cut out 4 identical Christmas trees from whatman paper. Each of them must be folded in half lengthwise.

Next, each of them must be unfolded and glued together with glue or fastened with a stapler. Then all that remains is to fantasize. You can glue New Year's tinsel around the perimeter. Paint the tree itself green. Or you can make the tree original and paint it pink or orange. In other words, there is complete freedom for creativity and the realization of your wildest fantasies.

New Year's posters made from natural materials.

To make such a poster, you will need whatman paper that is thick enough so that the materials on it hold tightly and do not fall off after a few hours. In addition to whatman paper, you will also need: Christmas tree branches, cones, nuts and additional accessories for decoration.

The branches should be attached around the perimeter of the Whatman paper using wire. The thicker the branches, the better. In some places you can attach cones or nuts. Before this, the cones can be painted with gold or silver spray paint. Additional accessories must be attached to the branches: small Christmas tree decorations, beads, bells, bows. When the border is ready, you can start working on the middle of the poster. Here you can write a New Year's poem or draw some New Year's drawing. For example, fairy-tale bunnies, the Rooster or Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Such posters will be a wonderful decoration of the room and will contribute to the New Year's festive atmosphere.

All of us, young and old, are looking forward to the New Year as a new milestone in our lives, as a symbol of good changes. But this is not the only good thing about the New Year. This holiday pleases us with the opportunity to meet again with loved ones and friends, of course, with its magical atmosphere. Frequently asked question: Is it possible to draw New Year’s posters with your own hands? Of course yes!

New Year: expectation of miracles and fulfillment of desires.

When preparing for the New Year, it is customary to take care of gifts and treats, outfits and hairstyles and, of course, interior decoration. It doesn’t matter what it will be - your home or cottage, country club or other special purpose rented premises, - there will definitely be a Christmas tree with toys, tinsel and garlands, firecrackers and streamers - nowadays it’s not difficult to buy all this. But you have the opportunity to add an original note to the holiday atmosphere - made with my own hands a poster into which you put not only your work, but also a piece of your soul.

Decorating a holiday with your own hands: what could be better?

What you need to make a poster

Do not limit yourself in the choice of tools and materials: the more there are, the more interesting the result will be.

The materials and techniques for making a poster can be very diverse.

But first of all you may need:

  • Large sheet of Whatman paper;
  • Paints and brushes;
  • Pencils and markers;
  • Scissors and glue.

You can also decorate the poster with an applique of colored paper or photographs, fabric, thread or cotton wool, glue glitter or small decorations - whatever your imagination tells you.

What to draw on a poster

Don't forget: the main character of 2019 is the Yellow Earth Dog.

So, draw New Year 2019 posters. What to show on the poster? Of course, these can be traditional characters and signs of the New Year holiday:

  1. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka;
  2. Snowman or just snow and snowflakes;
  3. Heroes of New Year's fairy tales, cartoons or films - both people and animals;
  4. Spruce or spruce branches with toys;
  5. Various New Year's attributes: garlands, wreaths, candles, crackers, sparklers and much more.

In addition, you can put your family and friends on the poster; Their portraits can be drawn, cut out from regular photographs, or combined images can be created.

Perhaps the main character of your poster will be a dog, because 2019 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. Therefore, the color scheme can be kept in yellow tones, and this is wonderful, since yellow is a symbol of the Earth and sunlight.

What inscriptions can be on the poster?

New Year's poems and wishes: wide scope for your creativity.

The poster must have inscriptions. They can be drawn, made from three-dimensional letters, cut out of paper, or simply written with colored pencils, markers, or felt-tip pens. The theme, of course, is New Year's. Poems, wishes, congratulations - whatever comes to your mind. Of course, you can find them on the Internet, but it’s better if they are original and come from your heart. Use a dog-related theme, emphasizing his loyalty, cheerful and friendly disposition.

A poster is not only a holiday decoration

Entertain your guests by inviting them to take part in creating a poster.

If you want, you can offer guests an unusual entertainment: collective creation of a New Year's poster. Make a blank. For example, this could be a drawing that the guests themselves will paint over. Or leave space on the sheet so they can make their own drawings, writing, or wishes. Such a poster can remain a cherished memory for a lifetime.

Involve children in creating a poster: the result will exceed expectations!

Of course, on the eve of the New Year there is always a lot of trouble, and there may simply not be enough time to make a poster. Call on your children to help, they will be happy to take part or even do everything themselves, because most children are active and creative people! Make the holiday unforgettable, and your guests will definitely appreciate it.

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The New Year holidays are approaching and preparatory activities will begin very soon in preschool and educational institutions. As a rule, this involves decorating classrooms and matinee venues, rehearsing productions and creating congratulatory wall newspapers. Of course, each class or group should have editors responsible for their production. Usually, these are talented children who not only know how to draw well, but also competently present any information so that it is fun, interesting and attractive.

But, unfortunately, at present, among children there are not always those who want to engage in creative activities. Therefore, wall masterpieces are made one by one, or this mission falls to the lot of guilty students. Moreover, in kindergartens and primary schools, wall newspapers are mainly handled by parents. For many fathers and mothers, this is a good reason to remember their childhood, take a direct part in their child’s school life and, most importantly, have an interesting time, developing a sense of creativity in their child.

What to consider when creating a New Year's wall newspaper

  • Firstly, you need to remember that any wall newspaper must be original and unique. Children perfectly remember all the details of past episodes, so repetitions will not be interesting for them.
  • Secondly, in addition to congratulations and thematic drawings, the newspaper should contain information regarding school and extracurricular activities, summing up the results of 2016 and facts from the lives of individual students.
  • And thirdly, it is necessary to dilute the school theme by placing Interesting Facts about the symbol of the coming 2017 - the Red Fire Rooster. Based on the horoscope, you can draw up what awaits the children in the next school year, add information about each New Year's holiday and character.

What materials will be needed for a wall newspaper?

By standard standards, a wall version of a newspaper is created on Whatman paper in A1 format. To make colorful drawings, use any available drawing tools: pencils, paints, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, etc. To make the task easier, you can print ready-made templates for inscriptions, frames, patterns and images. But more on that a little later... So, in addition to “drawing” materials and paper, you will need:

  1. a simple pencil;
  2. eraser, ruler, compass;
  3. multi-colored paper;
  4. art brushes;
  5. scissors;
  6. office glue;
  7. shiny rain, tinsel, serpentine, sparkles, etc.;
  8. photographs or printed scans of the people to whom the wall newspaper is dedicated.

By the way, to create a New Year's composition, you can use scraps of fabric, ribbons, ribbons, small spruce branches, bells, miniature Christmas tree decorations - such an original mix of patchwork and eco-decor styles. In fact, there are many options for decorating a wall newspaper, you just need to use your imagination a little.

How to properly design a wall newspaper

For those who have never had to engage in such creativity in their lives, we suggest using our advice. The first thing you need to do is make a list of content: texts, photos and drawings. Each of them needs to allocate a separate block and decide where it will be placed on the Whatman paper. Therefore, we take a ruler, a simple pencil and make markings. We sign sections of the template (with a graphite pencil, then erase them with an eraser), for example: a title, a congratulation, a text about the Year of the Rooster, a drawing of a Christmas tree, a collage of photographs, etc. This will make it possible to clearly distribute the space of the wall newspaper and make the correct orientation of the available information.

Example of a wall newspaper:

Important! Start creating a wall newspaper as early as possible so that you can come up with something fun, original and informative without rushing, and also pay attention to the quality of the graphic content.


If you have smooth and beautiful handwriting, then it will not be difficult for you to write the text directly on whatman paper. Be sure to draw horizontal lines (then erase with an eraser) to ensure the lines are straight. For writing, you can use multi-colored markers or felt-tip pens.

If your handwriting is poor or you need to write a lot of information, then we suggest using excellent option– type the text on the computer according to the width of the wall newspaper column, print it out and glue it to whatman paper with PVA glue. Here you can already use graphic tools: a beautiful font and a New Year’s frame. Don't forget that your masterpiece will be read by people of different ages, so make the letters larger.

Advice! You can use stencils for headings. That's why we've put together a great template gallery for you. Also below are various New Year-themed graphic templates that will help people who have little knowledge of drawing techniques.


Graphic elements are of particular importance in design, because only they can create a festive atmosphere and make the newspaper interesting, colorful and informative. What images must be present:

  1. Red Fire Rooster. This is a symbol of 2017, so the bird design will be the most relevant. You can draw the owner of the year yourself by adding sparkles to the crest, wings and tail. But if this process turns out to be difficult for you, then you can use our template, thanks to which the cockerel will turn out to be more believable.
  2. The traditional decoration of the New Year's wall newspaper will be fairy-tale characters and holiday attributes: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Santa Claus on a team of reindeer, the old man's assistants forest animals, snowflakes, gifts, toys and of course the beautiful Christmas tree.
  3. As the practice of many years has shown, the most striking, discussed, fun and memorable feature of a wall masterpiece is a photo collage. It is advisable to design it as follows: cut out the heads of people in photographs and glue them to drawn human figures.

Another drawing tip. A great way for amateurs to create a professional drawing is to use a children's coloring template. It can be printed on a printer and transferred to Whatman paper using carbon paper.

Additional materials and elements

And finally, the last and brightest touch in creating a New Year's wall newspaper is the use of various sparkles, rain, serpentine, etc. Apply PVA glue to the places of the design that should shine and shimmer. Then sprinkle evenly with fine glitter. Simply blow off any excess sprinkles or turn the paper over and shake lightly.

Advice. The best glitter topping would be fine crumbs of broken glass Christmas decorations. Wrap the ball in thick paper and beat it thoroughly with a hammer on a hard surface. And don’t forget about safety precautions, it’s glass after all!

Another important component of the New Year’s wall newspaper is the opportunity for everyone to take part in its creation. Leave empty space for wishes. Let everyone write their congratulations on New Year and Christmas. Alternative option There will be a special pocket or envelope with paper leaves in the form of snowflakes. You can write your congratulations on them. To do this, place a glass with multi-colored shiny markers next to the wall newspaper.

Of course, our version of a wall newspaper may not be suitable for everyone, so show your abilities and come up with your own masterpiece. We wish that your congratulations become the most wonderful personification of the festive mood not only for you, but also for those around you. And our New Year’s template gallery will help with this...

DIY wall newspaper for New Year 2017 - templates

Inscriptions "Happy New Year!"

These templates are perfect for wall newspapers with little content. The congratulatory inscription will serve as the heading, and the highlighted sections will serve as a place to place the text. But we recommend using only pictures for the central part, and placing blocks with the rest of the content around it.

Letter stencils

Such templates are useful for creating beautiful headlines. Of course, cutting out letters on paper will take a little effort, but it's worth it. Thanks to this small gallery, your wall newspaper will be 100% original and colorful!

Helpful advice! In order to make a beautiful inscription, install Adobe Photoshop on your computer. There you will find a huge number of beautiful fonts. Write the title you need in the application, save it as an image and print it on a printer. All that remains is to take a stationery knife and cut out the letters.

New Year Character Templates

Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Snowman... How can a New Year's wall newspaper do without these characters, beloved by all children?! Download and print images of these cute fairy-tale characters and transfer them to Whatman paper using carbon paper. Also, as an option, you can copy the image using a printer onto A4 paper, colorize it, cut it out and paste it.

Christmas tree

This tree is the most striking symbol of the New Year and Christmas, therefore a special place is allocated for it in any wall newspaper.

Have you already decorated the room with New Year's garlands, snowflakes, and tinsel? Don’t forget to add to all this splendor a large holiday poster - a wall newspaper with wonderful congratulations and good wishes! We bring to your attention a great variety of successful subjects for such New Year's posters on the pages of this section. Many of the special holiday projects featured here are great for doing as a group project with your kids.

Ready-made samples for creating wall newspapers that carry the New Year's mood.

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All sections | DIY wall newspapers for the New Year. New Year posters

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