Opening a hostel in non-residential premises. FAQ: how to open a hostel

Hostel as a type of hotel business is gaining increasing popularity. Especially in cities with a large flow of tourists: in Moscow and St. Petersburg, hostel owners are provided with a stable profit all year round.

From the article you will learn what documents a hostel needs when opening, where to start, what organizational and legal form is best to choose and what authorities to notify.

Documents are important, but first we are looking for premises

Resolve the issue with the premises before registering as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. This will save you a lot of money.

The fact is that after registration you need to pay regularly insurance premiums to the Pension Fund. And this does not depend on whether you have already started your activity or are still deciding organizational issues. Therefore, start with choosing a room, so that after registration you can open a hostel as quickly as possible and not pay all social contributions from your own pocket.

When choosing a room, you should remember that hostels cannot be located in basements or basements. With no exceptions. This requirement is put forward by the Sanitary Rules and Standards. The building must also meet fire safety requirements.

Don’t forget that a good hostel should register its visitors with migration records. Make sure that the owners of the premises (provided that you are renting it) give their consent to this.

Recently, the scandal surrounding the law banning the placement of hostels in residential buildings. If the consideration of the law is not postponed to Once again, then his fate will be decided before the end of this year. It is not yet known whether the law will be adopted, since the government has both supporters and opponents of this ban. But just in case, take a closer look at non-residential premises.

Found the ideal premises? Wonderful. If you own it, then immediately move on to the next point and deal with regulatory documents for your hostel. If you are going to rent property for a hostel, then it’s time to sign a lease agreement. Make sure that all the nuances are spelled out in the text of the contract and that you have the right to provide guest accommodation services in the rented area. Sign the contract for the longest possible period or discuss with the tenant the possibility of extending the contract in the future.

A lease agreement or documentary evidence of property rights should always be at hand to avoid problems with law enforcement agencies.

Choosing a legal form

The best choice for a hostel owner would be to register an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company. Let's look at the main differences.

The best option is to register as an individual entrepreneur. Firstly, this is relevant for those who are planning to open one hostel. Registration of a legal entity is required for a network of hostels.

Secondly, the tax and administrative burden on individual entrepreneurs is much lower. Thus, a patent taxation system is available to individual entrepreneurs. In this case, the entrepreneur simply buys a patent for a certain type of activity, which exempts him from paying personal income tax and VAT. But keep in mind that this only applies to entrepreneurs who own hostels. That is, those who rent premises for a hostel do not have access to a patent.

In addition, the individual entrepreneur is freed from the need to keep accounting records, register the charter and contribute the authorized capital. And, of course, an individual entrepreneur, provided that he works alone, is “deprived of the pleasure” of regularly reporting to Pension Fund and the social insurance fund.

Also, registering as an individual entrepreneur is ideal for those who plan to open a hostel in a city other than their own, since an individual entrepreneur is registered at his place of residence, and an LLC at the actual location of the organization.

In the end, registering an individual entrepreneur is simply a faster and more economical procedure.

But an LLC should be chosen by those who plan to open a hostel not alone, but together with business partners, since this form provides for the possibility of co-founding.

OKVED codes for hostels - 55.23.3 “Renting out furnished rooms for temporary accommodation.”

So, we decided on the organizational and legal form of the hostel and put together a complete package necessary documents? Now hand them over to tax authority or multifunctional center, wait for documentary confirmation of your registration and proceed to the next step.

We get the go-ahead from the fire inspectorate and sanitary and epidemiological station

The fire inspection puts forward the same requirements for hostels as for hotels and hostels, that is, this is a functional fire hazard class of 1.2. V Federal lawTechnical regulations on fire safety requirements.”

As for sanitary standards, you should familiarize yourself with the Sanitary Rules and Standards for Small Hotels and Hostels. So, from them it follows that for each bed (including bunk beds) in the room there should be at least 4 square meters, in the hostel itself (even the largest) there should be no more than 120 guests, and wet cleaning must be carried out at least once per day.

Bring your premises into full compliance with all requirements. Approach this responsibly, do not allow negligence, because the lives of many people depend on your actions.

Solving the waste issue

The law obliges hostel owners to independently remove and dispose of waste.

It is necessary to conclude an agreement with a solid waste removal company. It is important to remember that garbage removal must be carried out daily. Be sure to reflect this aspect in your contract.

Last stage: Rospotrebnadzor

Now the only thing left to do is to inform Rospotrebnadzor. Notification of the start of the hostel's activities can be sent by mail (registered letter with an inventory and notification of receipt) or electronically with electronic signature applicant.

After successfully completing all the above procedures, you can open your own hostel and place guests in it.

Ready-made hostel as an alternative solution

Opening a hostel from scratch is quite a troublesome task. A clear algorithm of actions is always interfered with by some circumstances that slow down the process. And even after going through all the circles of bureaucratic hell, there is no guarantee that the hostel will receive all the permits and be able to operate. It is often more useful for the budget and nervous system, which is already a functioning business. In this case, you receive a fully equipped premises, all permitting documentation, established business processes and an establishment that has already created a positive reputation for itself and earned the trust of visitors.

We have collected all the articles about hostels that will be useful to you.

Today you can find many ideas for starting your own business. One of these ideas is opening a hostel. So what awaits a businessman if he decides to start this particular business, and how to open a hostel?

Hostel business. Relevance of the establishment.

Today hostels are not a rare phenomenon. In almost every city in Russia, and even more so in Europe and the West, you can find 2-3 decent hostels. Unlike a hotel, hostels provide the client with fewer services, but they also need to pay less for accommodation. In this regard, hostels are very popular establishments, especially among young people.

Recently, the relevance of hostels has increased several times. After all, hostels are convenient. Moreover, their convenience applies not only to clients, but also to hostel owners. After all, if he knows how to organize a hostel, then soon the establishment will begin to bring in good profits.

At the legislative level, such concepts as a hostel and a mini-hotel are not defined. Hostels are small facilities where several people live in one room, the furniture is bunk beds, chairs, with one bathroom and a bathtub for the entire room. Despite such conditions, hostels, with good placement and not inflated prices, are in constant demand. Some hostels offer free WI-FI, safe rentals, breakfast, etc. Before you start organizing this business, read bill No. 876688-6 “On Amendments to Article 17 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.” It was adopted in the first reading on May 13, 2016, the second reading is planned for November 2016. Also read GOST R 55322-2012 “Accommodation services. General requirements to hostels."

Today hostels are divided into three types:

  • Youth;
  • With directions to conferences;
  • Mixed.

The last type is optimal, since it includes the previous two. Compared to the first type, the second requires more space. There are also fewer costs associated with a youth hostel. The second one is often empty, but just one visit from the delegation can cover all the monthly maintenance costs.

Before actually opening a hostel, you need to think through every little detail in accordance with your own capabilities. Write down the positive and negative aspects. Know that there is no gold business that immediately begins to make a profit. It all depends on the individual qualities of the entrepreneur.

Documents required to open a hostel

A hostel, as a business, requires the owner to obtain a lot of documentation. So what do you need to open a hostel?

  • Step one is business registration.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur is the simplest solution for this business. The cost of registering an individual entrepreneur, including opening a bank account and obtaining a seal, will cost 3,000 rubles.

  • Step two is business licensing.

There is no need to license this business; you just need to notify Rospotrebnadzor about the start of your activities. Your premises must comply with all fire and sanitary standards. Follow GOST R 55322-2012 “Accommodation services. General requirements for hostels."

  • Step three is selecting the required premises.

Basically, hostels are organized in residential buildings. Now hostels are located in apartments, taking advantage of gaps in legislation. And if amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation are adopted, this will introduce significant difficulties when opening this business. Therefore, having studied Russian legislation, you should carefully approach the choice of premises for this business. The premises in which your hostel will be located must be converted from residential to non-residential. This translation is a rather complex and lengthy process. Also, with this transfer, you will need to make a separate entrance to your premises and this is not a cheap investment. Therefore, it will not be cost-effective to convert small hostel premises from residential to non-residential.

Now the following documents may be required to open a hostel:

  • Conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological service;
  • Paid bills relating to electricity, water, light, internet if necessary;
  • Agreement with a solid waste removal company;
  • Transfer from residential to non-residential (if necessary).

We warn you that the registration process, and, consequently, the list of documentation is typical for each region of Russia. Therefore, before opening your own hostel, it is recommended to consult a lawyer; he will help you figure out what documents are needed to open a hostel in your region.

Profit, profitability and payback of the hostel, let's talk about numbers.

The main point in the business plan is the economic side of the business. After all, it is impossible to create a hostel as a business without calculating profits, payback period, etc.

Only proper organization of the hostel can make a profit. On average, a night in a hostel costs 500 – 700 rubles. We plan to accommodate 12 people in our premises at maximum occupancy.

As for initial investments in business, everything is more complicated here. To open a hostel, the business plan must take into account the availability of not only equipment, but also staff. Let's take a closer look at what initial expenses and ongoing business expenses await the hostel owner.

Initial investment.

    Selection of a suitable apartment on the ground floor, we conclude a lease agreement. Apartment area 94 sq. meters;

    Converting the premises to non-residential space takes from six months, the cost is 400,000 rubles;

    Renovation of the premises, construction of the entrance group - 800,000 rubles;

    The cost of rent for the period of translation and repair is 18*30000=540000 rubles;

    Signboard – 50,000 rubles.

The initial investment will be approximately 1,790,000 rubles. You can save only if the apartment you need is yours. You can negotiate with some apartment owner, transfer his premises to non-residential, and then rent it.

Capital equipment costs:

  • Beds (bunk) – 90,000 rubles;
  • Full kitchen set – 25,000 rubles;
  • Washing machine– 15,000 rubles;
  • Kettle – 800 rubles;
  • Hairdryer – 1000 rubles;
  • Refrigerator – 15,000 rubles;
  • Stove – 15,000 rubles;
  • TV – 10,000 rubles;
  • Sofa in the recreation area – 10,000 rubles;
  • Video surveillance – 20,000 rubles;
  • Other – 30,000 rubles.

On average, equipment will require an amount of 231,800 rubles. Additionally, you will need funds for bed linen (2 sets per bed), towels, kitchen utensils, cleaning equipment, dishes, detergents, toilet paper And so on. We will accept an additional amount of 70,000 rubles.

In total, starting a business will require 2,100,000 rubles.

Apartment rental and renovation

Purchase of equipment

other expenses

Working capital

Organizational expenses

Total expenses

Hostel staff.

We plan to have 3 administrators for the hostel, they will also act as maids. Accounting - outsourcing services.

The costs of doing business can be viewed in the table below.

Fixed expenses


Payroll taxes



Accountant services

Variable expenses

Hostel materials

Communal expenses


Insurance individual entrepreneurs

Other variable expenses

Total costs

All prices are based on the average cost in Russia; we warn you that they may differ depending on the specific region. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you calculate a business plan yourself, or use the services of specialists from the Business Technology portal, taking into account accurate cost data.

The hostel’s revenue for the period of 2 years under review will be:

In the business plan we are considering, where the planning horizon is 2 years, it can be noted that this period turned out to be insufficient, because Based on the calculation results for both reporting periods, net profit showed a negative indicator. For a correct calculation, the business planning horizon must be increased to 4-5 years.

We have considered one of the most expensive options for opening a hostel. If you have a ready-made premises in mind that meets business standards, then the payback and profitability will be different. The payback period for our business was 23 months.

Where can I get start-up capital?

Start-up capital is the foundation of the hotel business, even if it concerns the opening of a hostel. Not every person can immediately have sufficient starting capital, so you need to look for other ways out. The optimal solution would be to attract investors. Presumably, owners of bars, restaurants, cafes who have the opportunity to expand their own activities can become business partners.

How to attract target clients? Advertising and future promotion of the hostel.

For those who are thinking about how to make a hostel popular so that it does not close in the first months of operation, you need to know about proper marketing.

First, we determine what audience the hostel is designed for. Most often these are young people from 20 to 30 years old with average incomes, as well as foreigners. In connection with this information, you can calculate an advertising strategy, the tools of which can be:

  1. Advertising on international websites. It’s convenient that you can find sites where advertising is practically free. The advantage of this advertisement is that visitors can book their stay at the hostel in advance.
  2. Social media. Create your own groups in popular in social networks. Get as many subscribers as possible, subscribe yourself. You can agree on cooperation with popular people on the network; they will competently advertise your hostel in their own account.
  3. Advertising on the street.
  4. Movement of promoters at train stations and airports. A person who has just arrived in the city and does not yet know where to spend the night will definitely take a leaflet and choose a hostel.
  5. Promotions and discounts for permanent residents. Develop a system of bonuses and discounts; people like to receive nice gifts, such as free breakfast or a discount.

If your hostel is designed for businessmen coming with a delegation, then advertising emphasis should be placed directly in these places.

What kind of modern hostel is it? Requirements.

Hostel design is one of the most important points. Agree that if the hostel is unusual, then you will want to return to it. Now every self-respecting hostel must meet the requirements put forward by government agencies. Namely:

  • You cannot open an establishment in basements or ground floors;
  • Providing a high-quality soundproofing system;
  • Plumbing amenities are calculated according to the principle:
    1 toilet for twelve guests;
    1 shower for fifteen guests;
    1 sink for six guests;
  • The sleeping area must be at least 0.8 x 2 meters. Beds with two tiers are often used in hostels. This leaves significantly more free space in the room;
  • Arrangement of storage chambers for personal belongings of guests;
  • It is advisable to provide the premises with air conditioning and the Internet;
  • The hostel must have such premises as a place to relax, namely a small hall with magazines, a TV and the like, and there must also be a kitchen. This allows people to feel more comfortable, especially since they can prepare their own food in the kitchen.

Choosing a hostel location

The location where the hostel will be located directly affects profits. The best option is to be located near public places, such as:

  • Stations;
  • Airports;
  • Cafe;
  • Educational establishments;
  • Bars;
  • Offices.

Do not choose a location near large hotels that could seriously compete with your business. It is advisable that the place plays in your favor. Hostels located in residential areas of the city are rarely popular. It is also not recommended to open this establishment in remote areas or in places with high crime rates.

It is noteworthy that hostels in the city center are especially popular, as they are within walking distance of the city's main tourist attractions. The ideal location is close to public transport stops and junctions such as metro, buses, trams.

Today it is not difficult to open a hostel. Advice on its organization can significantly increase business profits.

  • So that you do not have to constantly renovate the hostel, introduce a system of residence rules that is mandatory for guests. They will have to familiarize themselves with it before they move into the room;
  • If you are in doubt about what documents are needed to open a hostel and which are not needed in your case, it is better to contact a legal consultant;
  • Calculations of profit, profitability and payback should be done individually for your own region;
  • It is better to order furniture for a hostel in bulk from a factory, so you can get a decent discount;
  • Don’t forget to request a warranty card for furniture and equipment;
  • Quality of service is the main criterion due to which a business will either be successful or lead to failure. Always focus on whether you yourself would like to live in such conditions or not;
  • Periodically monitor the cleanliness of the hostel yourself; cleanliness should be at the highest level;
  • Monitor the market before opening a hostel. Create something new, something that hasn’t existed before. Only a bright and unusual interior can attract a huge number of people who want to move into your hostel;
  • If you want big profits, don't save! Beds should be comfortable, bed linen should be changed immediately after the guest checks out. Don't allow chaos in your establishment.

Now you know how to open a hostel from scratch. We hope that we have helped you understand the main points of this business. We wish you success in your endeavors!

In conditions economic crisis, more and more people are thinking about saving money on tourist trips, especially on accommodation. With the development of hotel services, many people today prefer not expensive hotels, but practical and inexpensive hostels, which determines the opening of such a business project. In this article we will present in detail the hostel business plan and tell you what main points you should focus on in order to launch a successful project.

Experienced businessmen know that the start of any project is preceded by a stage of careful planning. No matter how original and relevant a business idea is, without strategic planning, analysis of the competitive environment, and market capacity, it is impossible to launch a project.

In the absence of initial capital, you will need to contact investors or apply for a targeted loan from a bank, where you will need to justify the feasibility of your business idea. As for attracting investors, it is important to understand what financial obligations this entails.

A competent and detailed business plan will become a step-by-step guide in the future that will allow you to achieve your goal without deviating from the main idea.

The document reflects all aspects of activity and helps to plan the sequence of actions necessary for the successful implementation of the company's goals.

When starting to draw up a business plan, you must:

  • perform a justification of economic feasibility (relevance of the idea);
  • analyze the environment in which the business will develop;
  • consider sources of financing if necessary;
  • draw up a schedule for completing tasks.

Attractiveness of a business idea

Of course, before starting an activity, it is necessary to carefully analyze the relevance of the idea and evaluate its prospects. Despite the great competition in this area, this project is a profitable business.

A hostel is a small hotel designed like a dormitory. A person is provided with a sleeping place without additional amenities in the room, while one room can accommodate from 2 to 10 people.

The payback rate of the hostel will largely depend on the attractiveness of the region in terms of the tourist route, location, and season.

It is also very important to correctly determine the target audience of the business. Unlike the hotel audience, the hostel is chosen by sociable people who, in addition to economic benefits, choose such an overnight stay from the point of view of social activity.

You won’t be able to have much privacy in a hostel, so this accommodation option is more suitable for young and active people who are looking for communication and are not averse to sharing a room with other tourists.

Hostels usually bring together positive, open people who, even after a hard day of travel, are happy to communicate and share their impressions. Understanding the specifics of this area and the target audience will allow you to create a successful project.

Hostel business plan diagram

To make it easier to write a business plan for opening a hostel, try to rely on standard points:

  1. Summary.
  2. General provisions.
  3. Market analysis.
  4. Product Description.
  5. Marketing and strategic plan.
  6. Costs.
  7. Production plan.
  8. Organizational plan.

Evaluating a business idea: pros and cons

Before we begin drawing up the document, let's analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this project, identifying its strengths and weaknesses.


  • High demand. This aspect largely depends on the attractiveness of the region and the location of the hostel. But if you carefully analyze tourist routes and choose the right place for such a mini-hotel, you can quickly achieve good profitability.
  • Regular customers. With a properly developed marketing strategy and a high level of service, you can find your niche in the market.
  • Opportunity to receive high income. A well-organized hostel, profitable with 30-35% occupancy. And already at 50% occupancy it begins to generate income.


  • High competition. On the other hand, high competition is associated with high demand for this service. Therefore, if you correctly analyze the competitive market and offer clients truly high-quality service, you can take a leadership position in the market.
  • Large starting capital. This business involves large financial investments, without which it would be impossible to organize a hostel. Renting premises or purchasing your own real estate, renovations, purchasing furniture and equipment - all this will require capital investment.

How to open a hostel - where to start?

Before you start calculating how much it will cost you to organize a business, you need to determine what size and concept your mini-hotel will be.

Target audience - tourists

There are three types of hostels in total:

  • Small hostel. This option can be opened in a residential building by purchasing one or two small apartments. The hotel is designed for 10-12 people and allows you to create 3-4 separate rooms for overnight stays and a common area for relaxation. This hostel is quiet, cozy, and many tourists like these types of accommodation options. Compared to other hotel options, you will not need large investments to open this project, but you should not expect big profits here either.
  • The average hostel can accommodate 50 guests. Usually, to organize this mini-hotel format, owners buy 3-4 apartments on the same floor and combine them.
  • A large hostel can accommodate up to 80 guests and already requires a significant investment. Owners, as a rule, buy out part of apartment buildings or build separate mansions, initially designed for the hotel business. This is a more convenient option for tourists, which, in addition to rooms for overnight stay, can contain a common recreation area, a spacious kitchen, a mini laundry room, a bathroom and showers. The disadvantage of this option is the large investment, but the advantage is the possibility of large profits.

Business plan for opening a hostel

  1. Paperwork

To start a business, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur and obtain a Certificate that gives you the right to conduct business activities.

Perhaps, to implement a larger-scale project and provide a wide range of services, you will need to register another form of ownership - LLC.

When contacting the tax service, prepare the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles).
  • Application on form P21001.

The next step will be registration with the Federal Tax Service and the extra-budgetary fund, where you will be asked to choose a tax.

To open and conduct this type of business, you must obtain a License. This document gives the right to provide public services.

For a medium-sized business, it is advisable to choose Single tax. In the future, as the project develops, you can always switch to another form of taxation.

After registering all primary documents, you need to obtain a conclusion from the fire inspection and sanitary and epidemiological station that the hotel complies with all established by law standards

In order to obtain such a Conclusion, it is necessary to provide the following documents to the appropriate authorities:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • individual entrepreneur registration certificate;
  • a document confirming tax registration;
  • premises rental agreement or document confirming ownership;
  • medical records of employees (if you hire staff).

Once you have realistically assessed your financial capabilities and determined the format and scale of your business, we begin to search for a suitable location.

The location of a successful hostel must meet the following criteria:

  • good transport interchange;
  • attractiveness from the point of view of the tourist route;
  • parking space;
  • quiet cozy area.

Many owners prefer to open hostels in the city center, which ensures good traffic. The only downside to this is the high price of real estate, which will significantly reduce the payback period.

It is advisable to open a hostel in a prestigious area with good traffic and transport links.

There are certain requirements for the premises of a mini hotel that cannot be deviated from:

  • The minimum area per guest is 5 square meters. meters;
  • the bed must measure at least 80 by 190 centimeters;
  • the distance between the beds is at least 75 centimeters.

For up to 12 guests, it will be enough to equip 1 toilet. On a larger scale, it is necessary to equip additional toilets. Shower room - maximum for fifteen; there can be one sink for 6 clients.

Design and redevelopment will also require large financial investments. You can decorate a mini-hotel in a simple, minimal style or give it a thematic concept.

Of the required equipment and furniture, you will need to buy:

  • beds (in the number of beds) – to save space, you can take bunk beds;
  • mattresses;
  • towels and bed linen;
  • folding extra seats;
  • desk and chair for administrator;
  • chairs for the relaxation area;
  • furniture and utensils for the kitchen;
  • sliding wardrobes for wardrobe;
  • household appliances: hair dryer, iron, washing machine, electric kettle, microwave oven.

also in mandatory You need to organize a free Wi-Fi zone.

This is the minimum that a modern hostel must have. If you want to stand out from your competitors and implement an original, high-quality hostel, then you can additionally equip a playroom for children, make a room for keeping animals traveling with their owners, install TVs and game consoles, purchase laptops, etc.

Cozy renovations and guest comfort are the key to the success of this business.

When organizing a comfortable level of service for your clients, consider what exactly will be included in the set:

  • sleeping area;
  • provision of a kitchen area with the necessary utensils and utensils;
  • bathroom (shower, toilet);
  • recreation room (with TV, laptop, game console);
  • Wi-Fi;
  • use of washing machine, iron.
  1. Staff

Even a small hotel will require several staff members who will service the hotel, providing quality service.

Marketing plan

As mentioned above, the main target audience of hostels are active tourists who do not plan to spend a large budget on an overnight stay. Good advertising of the hostel will ensure its occupancy around the clock.

Let's characterize a potential hostel client:

  • a person with an average level of income;
  • age from 18-30 years;
  • frequently traveling tourist or business trip.

As a rule, tourists learn information about hostels and mini-hotels from the Internet, so much attention should be paid to promoting the services of this particular industry.

Over time, when you take your place in the market, you will definitely have your own base of regular customers and a “good reputation”, which will help spread information about the hotel.

But at first you will have to spend a lot of money and put in a lot of effort to promote the hotel.

  • Internet advertising;
  • social media;
  • online booking networks;
  • partnerships with general educational institutions;
  • cooperation with travel companies.

Don't waste money on ineffective types of advertising that this business won't bring clients. Focus your attention on promoting services on social networks, on all kinds of partner travel online platforms, etc.

You will definitely need to create your own website, which will display current information about the hotel, range of services, rooms and prices. With a small scale business, you can include in the list of functional responsibilities of the hotel administrator the content of the website and control over the relevance of information. The site should have several interface languages, allowing tourists from other countries to order the service.

Production plan

The main production costs include:

  • purchase of real estate (or rental);
  • purchase of furniture and equipment;
  • renovation of the premises.

We present only an approximate cost plan for opening a hostel, which is designed for 15 guests in a small city of 350 thousand people.

The plan is drawn up taking into account the rental of the premises. When purchasing real estate, this amount must be added to the total costs, which will certainly significantly change the payback period of the project.

The expenditure part of this project includes the following items:

  • monthly rent of premises (150 square meters) – 30 thousand rubles;
  • repairs, purchase of furniture and equipment – ​​150 thousand rubles;
  • salary for staff (4 people) – 80 thousand rubles;
  • advertising (monthly) – 10 thousand rubles;
  • public utilities– 15 thousand rubles;
  • additional expenses – 5 thousand rubles;

Total: 280 thousand rubles.

We calculate the income for 15 people:

When determining the pricing policy of your business, you need to carefully study the market in your region and the offers of competitors. It is important to understand what exactly competitors include in their standard set of services.

In some hotels, the price consists of only one bed. Other hostels include breakfast, free access to the Internet, excursion program, etc. in this amount.

Accommodation cost 1 person/day 500 rubles, occupancy 80%

12 people * 500 * 30 days = 18,000 rubles

We calculate the payback:

280 thousand rubles / 18 thousand rubles = 15 months.

Additionally, to increase profitability and increase profits, you can implement related services:

  • laundry, ironing;
  • snacks in vending machines;
  • TV, game consoles;
  • excursion services;
  • nutrition;
  • transfer, etc.

Risks and guarantees

To determine the strengths and weaknesses of the business, we will perform a small SWOT analysis.

SWOT analysis is an analysis that determines the strengths and weaknesses of a project, external threats and opportunities to overcome them.

Strengths of the hostel:

  • high quality of service;
  • low cost of services;
  • high demand;
  • minimum financial risks, because The bulk of the costs come from purchasing equipment and paying for real estate.

The weaknesses of the business include:

  • large capital investments;
  • lack of parking;
  • high competition.


  • economic instability in the country;
  • emergencies, accidents;
  • low level of qualifications of employees;
  • seasonality of demand.

Project capabilities:

  • increase in demand;
  • increased advertising;
  • offering additional services.

For a business to really work and generate income, it is enough to follow a few simple but effective rules:

  • Thoroughly research the competitive landscape in your area and identify the best and worst hostels. Determine the disadvantages and advantages of each and draw conclusions for yourself.
  • Constantly personally monitor the condition of the rooms, cleanliness, and quality of service.
  • Keep track of your profit levels and expenses. In order for the hostel to be cozy and clean, it is necessary to constantly invest money in cleaning funds, cosmetic repairs, and replacing broken equipment.
  • Find your own “tricks” that will set you apart from your competitors.

Video. Hostel business plan

Over the past few years, hostels have become very popular and in demand. Their popularity is a nuisance to large hotels, which have already begun to pale in comparison to the inconspicuous dwellings. By the way, they are inconspicuous only at first glance.

What's the advantage? There are several factors:

  1. Cheapness of services;
  2. use of a variety of premises;
  3. minimum number of service personnel;
  4. no need for huge investments.

In Russia, such places are most often associated with dormitories. On the one hand, they really resemble student rooms, on the other hand, this is a completely different direction, which is developing very quickly in European countries, where the profitability of such mini-hotels is high.

While this niche has not yet been occupied by us, and the entire sphere is considered relatively free, you can start arranging it from scratch, implementing ideas at reasonable prices. What do you need to open a hostel?

Permits and documents for opening

Those who are interested not only in the opportunity to open such an establishment in their city, but also in further development prospects (network business throughout the country), must officially register their business. To do this, you need to prepare the following documents.

  • Ownership/Rental Rights. Provide all documentation confirming your ownership of the property or the lease agreement.
  • Registration certificate. Register as individual entrepreneur, if you plan to tackle one project first. In the future, when your business grows, you will be able to register as a legal entity.
  • Tax Inspectorate. Register and receive a certificate of payment of income taxes. To reduce reporting hassles and reduce deductions, start with a single tax.
  • Conclusion of the SES. The premises used must comply with all standards and requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological service.
  • Fire inspection. You need to obtain a conclusion that the premises used meet the standards and regulations, and are absolutely safe for both residents and staff.
  • Services. One of the first things you need to provide is a copy of the contract with a company that specializes in household waste removal.

Search for premises

An ordinary multi-room apartment is quite suitable. To begin with, three rooms are enough, in which you can accommodate up to three or four bunk beds. At the same time, in the process of placing beds and other necessary items, you are guided by the following rules:

  • Comfortable furniture;
  • the distance between the beds is at least 75 cm;
  • toilet, shower, from 3 to 5 washbasins;
  • hot water (required!);
  • about 5 m? for each visitor;
  • free Internet.



A highly responsible and professional person whose responsibilities include accommodating residents, organizing meals, monitoring the sanitary condition of the hostel, and working at the reception desk. You must collaborate with two administrators who will work in shifts. An additional requirement is proficiency in English.


Part-time employee or just a few days a month.


Part-time employee. Main responsibilities include cleaning rooms, stairs, kitchen equipment, and disinfecting bathrooms. All necessary cleaning equipment is provided by the hostel management.


As a rule, people from 20 to 35 years old stay in such mini-hotels. Therefore, except standard equipment(individual lockers, hangers, sockets, bed linen, towels and dishes) it is also important that wireless Wi-Fi is available.

Proper advertising will attract new customers to the hostel. Even if many of them do not currently need such services, they will be informed about their availability, which means, if necessary, they will be able to use them.

Alternatively, you can raise funds mass media, but today it is better to order posting advertisements around the city, promoting services on the Internet, placing bright posters with contact information in places where there is a large concentration of potential customers.

If you live in one of the resort towns, it would be useful to establish contacts with travel agencies that will attract tourists to your establishment, as this is affordable.

If you do not own free real estate, the main expenses will be on its purchase or rental. The most ideal accommodation is in the historical part of the city or near the center.

So, the complete arrangement of one room (4 beds, safe, locker and bedside tables, inexpensive wall decoration) will cost you about 50,000 rubles.

The average salary of one administrator is 20,000 rubles (you will have two), and a maid’s salary is up to 10,000 rubles. Furnishing the kitchen will cost 60,000 – 80,000 rubles. Bathroom and shower - within 70,000 - 80,000 rubles. Add to this Wi-Fi and breakfast delivery (at the request of clients).

Taking into account the fact that in the rented premises you will have approximately 4-5 rooms, two administrators and two maids, one kitchen and two or three bathrooms and a shower, Wi-Fi connection, then it will cost you about 500,000 rubles.

Also today, many properties enter into contracts with a security service, because the rooms are very different people. If you live in a tourist city, you can also prepare additional excursion options, a map of local attractions, cycling routes, etc.


For the first 6 months you don’t have to expect high occupancy. The maximum option is up to 30%. Reason 1: almost no one knows about you and there are few reviews. Reason 2: those who have been to the city more than once try not to change their habits.

If you started a business in a resort town by the sea, lake, or picturesque river, big profits await you in the summer, and the off-season period is characterized by losses. You need to prepare for this in advance.

Tourist flows may fall due to the economic or political situation. No one is immune from this.

How much will you earn?

Now that you know how to open a hostel, you are interested in the possible profit, right? According to the latest statistics, high-quality advertising will allow you to achieve 80% workload at the end of your first year of work. On average, the daily cost of accommodation varies from $20 to $25. In Moscow, St. Petersburg and other big cities it may be higher. So, per month you will receive around $4,000 - $5,000.

Considering that full payback begins at 30% occupancy of the hostel, the remaining 50% will be your net profit. Yes, you will spend on rent, utilities and possible unforeseen expenses, additional services, but you will still remain in the black.

As you can see, to open a hostel, you need to work hard and invest a considerable amount, but all expenses will pay off quickly enough if you run your business correctly, rationally and gradually. In the future, it will be possible to seriously think about opening not just one object, but several at once or even an entire network. How do you like this idea?

Check out bank offers

RKO in Tochka Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free in 10 minutes;
  • Maintenance – from 0 rubles/month;
  • Free payment cards – up to 20 pcs./month.
  • Up to 7% on account balance;
  • Overdraft possible;
  • Internet banking – free;
  • Mobile banking is free.
RKO in Raiffeisenbank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free in 5 minutes;
  • Maintenance – from 490 rubles/month;
  • Minimum commissions.
  • Registration of salary cards is free;
  • Overdraft possible;
  • Internet banking – free;
  • Mobile banking is free.
RKO in Tinkoff Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Free opening of account in 10 minutes;
  • The first 2 months are free of charge;
  • After 2 months from 490 RUR/month;
  • Up to 8% on account balance;
  • Free accounting for individual entrepreneurs on Simplified;
  • Free Internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.
RKO in Sberbank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account - 0 rub.;
  • Maintenance – from 0 rubles/month;
  • Free “Sberbank Business Online”;
  • Lots of extra services.

More about the current account

  • 0 rub. opening an account;
  • 0 rub. Internet banking and mobile banking for account management;
  • 0 rub. issuing a business card for depositing and withdrawing cash at any ATM;
  • 0 rub. first deposit of cash into the account;
  • 0 rub. tax and budget payments, transfers to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in Alfa-Bank;
  • 0 rub. account maintenance if there is no turnover.
RKO in the Eastern Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free;
  • Reservation in 1 minute;
  • Internet banking and mobile application are free;
  • 3 months of service free of charge;
  • after 3 months from 490 rub./month.
RKO in LOKO Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free;
  • Reservation in 1 minute;
  • Maintenance – from 0 rubles/month;
  • Cash withdrawal from 0.6%;
  • Free terminal for acquiring;
  • Internet banking and mobile application are free.
RKO in Expert Bank. Open an account

Approximate data:

  • Net profit - 56,525 rubles
  • Payback - A little more than 1 year.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

Over the past few years, hostels have become popular in Russia. This is due to the low cost for an acceptable level of comfort. If we compare prices with hotel prices, we can say that hostels are much cheaper. Due to the crisis, the popularity and demand for this type of mini-hotels has only increased. Therefore, budding entrepreneurs are increasingly wondering how to open a hostel.

We will look at a hostel business plan with calculations for a three-room rented apartment.

Market analysis

Today there are more than 5 thousand mini-hotels and hostels operating in Russia. Half of them are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In other cities, the potential for this type of business is great. On average, Russian hostels receive about 2.6 million rubles annually as income (not profit!).

Over the past two years, the number of hostels has more than doubled, which indicates the increased attention of entrepreneurs to this type of business and demand from potential clients.

As a rule, hostels are created with a capacity of 10-30 people. Their share is more than 50% of all hostels, in some regions even more. This is due to the relatively low level of investment and high profitability. It is worth noting that over the past 2-3 years, investment in this area has also increased. For example, in St. Petersburg this figure has more than doubled; the total amount of investment has already exceeded 500 million rubles.

Before opening your own hostel, you need to analyze the situation in the hotel business market. This can best be done by collecting data in booking systems. In addition, this information is freely available. For clarity, it is better to compile the information in the form of a table, considering each object separately.

If it is difficult to collect information yourself or there is no time, you can entrust it to freelancers.

There are several ways to open hostels:

  • Buying a franchise.
  • Opening your own business with the purchase of premises.
  • Starting your own business by renting premises.

For most, the third option will seem to be the most acceptable and budget option. This is what will be considered.

It is very important to assess your own level of competitiveness by familiarizing yourself with the services of other hotel companies. Competitors will be: hotels, hotels, other hostels, rented apartments (daily rentals). Competing with hotels will help more low price, and with other hostels and apartments - the quality of the services provided and some “trick” that will make the establishment memorable and recognizable.

Portrait of a potential buyer: the main consumers will be representatives of those segments of the population who have average level prosperity. As a rule, these will be tourists, traveling enthusiasts, and young people. If we talk about middle-aged people, they will be ordinary employees who do not have a conservative outlook on life. Over 65% of all students in the world visit more and more places every year. They will be the main clients of the hostel.

SWOT analysis

Internal factors External factors

1. The prospects of this type of business.

2. Constant demand for services, regardless of the situation in the country, the level of inflation, or the severity of the crisis.

3. Low costs.

4. Since the main investments are made in real estate and household items, losses in case of possible failure are reduced.

5. The presence of a “chip”.


1. A developing market segment in which investors are willing to invest their money.

2. Offering additional services (breakfasts, development of excursions, etc.).

4. Improving quality.

5. Increasing the speed of service and provision of services.


1. Lack of double beds.

2. No breakfast.

3. Lack of parking.

4. Inability to cater for large events due to small capacity.


1. Economic instability in the country.

2. High level competition.

3. Seasonality of demand.

Opportunity Assessment

You can increase your capabilities by introducing additional services and increasing their level. Increased demand will directly depend on promotional activities.

It is also necessary to take into account the seasonality of demand for hotel services.

The organization will operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Organizational and legal issues:

  • Selection of the enterprise's open pension fund. When opening one hostel, it is best to stay at. With further expansion, you can think about registering a legal entity or opening an LLC. OKVED codes can be: 55.23 – activities of other places of residence. Or 55.23.5 - activities of other places for temporary residence, not included in other groups. This will depend on the maximum length of stay of clients.
  • Registration with the tax office, obtaining a certificate, choosing a tax system. You can start by choosing, as it provides many advantages. One of the following objects can be selected as the tax base: 6% of income or 15% of the difference (income-expenses). In the second case, the rate may vary depending on the region in which the business is registered.
  • We also recommend accepting payments from our clients by bank cards. To do this, you need to open a bank account. By the way, we wrote an article about.
  • If the hostel opens in an apartment or separate room, no licenses are required.
  • Compliance with sanitary standards. Wherein additional documents it doesn't work out. However, after some time, the relevant services may come and check. When finishing a room, it is worth obtaining certificates of conformity for the materials used (to avoid possible problems).
  • Obtaining a fire inspection report confirming the satisfaction of all norms and standards in the premises. This document guarantees safety not only for visitors, but also for workers. It is mandatory to receive it.
  • Concluding a rental agreement for premises.

A few more legal requirements:

  • The hostel cannot be located in the basement or on the ground floor.
  • When foreign citizens move in, migration records must be kept.
  • Redevelopment will require an application to the Housing Inspectorate.

Rented premises: this will be a three-room apartment on the ground floor, preferably with a separate exit. It is advisable that the property has already been transferred to commercial ownership, since this procedure is not easy and lengthy.

Description of service

The actual service is the provision of temporary accommodation. It includes:

  • sleeping area;
  • kitchen with necessary utensils (including electrical appliances, dishes);
  • bathroom (shower, toilet);
  • recreation room (with TV, laptop, game console);
  • Wi-Fi;
  • use of dryers, washing machine, iron.

This range of services will certainly attract more visitors to the hostel.

The order will be placed through the administrator, who accepts applications by phone or online.

Drawing up a marketing plan

One of the main factors in demand for hostel services is advertising. You shouldn’t wait for self-promotion - it will be a very long process. The following strategies should be used:

  1. Work with educational institutions (schools, universities). Students and pupils very often go on excursions to other cities and various Olympiads. In addition, by contacting you, they will recommend this place to others. And this is a completely free bonus in the form of word of mouth. The main thing is that they like the hostel.
  2. It is necessary to register the hostel on various social networks that are popular. It would also be a good idea to open your own website with feedback and contact details. It is necessary to indicate the location and telephone numbers. It is worth posting photos of rooms, kitchens, bathrooms and other rooms. Availability good reviews will also be able to instill confidence in the quality of services in potential clients.
  3. Work with various schools (sports, music), clubs, teams. Talented people often travel.
  4. Development of commercial offers with a system of bonuses, promotions, discounts. They can be linked to seasonality, the number of visitors, for example.
  5. Working with travel agencies.
  6. Registration on travel sites and applications such as
  7. System of corporate discounts.
  8. Distribution of leaflets.

Payment for accommodation will be made after residents move in. There is no need to pay anything in advance. Checkout time is 12:00. Payment is made in cash.

The cost of one place is set at 700 rubles, since the hostel is equipped with a kitchen, a bathroom, and a room with a TV, laptop and game console. In addition, there is an iron and washing machine. In general, prices for this type of service vary from 350 to 1500 rubles, depending on the conditions of the hostel, city, and location.

Drawing up a production plan

To work you need a room. This will be a three-room apartment on the ground floor with a separate entrance. The premises will require renovation, which will include redevelopment. The apartment will have:

  • kitchen (10 m2);
  • bathroom (4 m2);
  • toilet (4 m2);
  • corridor (4 m2);
  • hall (8 m2);
  • closet for administrator and consumables (5 m2);
  • 2 rooms (30 m2 each);

Total total area will be: 95 m2.

The renovation will include finishing of the premises, installation of lamps, chandeliers, full equipment of the bathroom and bathroom, installation of a sink in the kitchen. The cost will be 700,000 rubles.

Important: For 12 residents there must be 1 toilet, 1 shower, 2 sinks.

The apartment will need the following furniture:

  • kitchen set (1 piece);
  • dining table (1 piece);
  • chairs (5pcs);
  • bunk beds (6pcs);
  • sofa (1 piece);
  • bedside tables (6pcs);
  • cabinets (2 pieces);
  • tables (2 pcs);
  • dryers (2 pcs);
  • chairs (2 pieces).

You can buy new furniture or get by second-hand by purchasing it, for example, on Avito.

You will also need to purchase the following equipment:

  • fridge;
  • microwave oven;
  • stove;
  • TV;
  • game console (preferably);
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • 2 laptops (1 for administrator, 1 for residents);
  • washing machine;
  • Electric kettle.

You can’t do without buying the utensils that you will need for cooking.

The cleaners clean the premises in the morning in shifts (rooms before the arrival of new residents, other premises - 2 times a day).

Administrators work around the clock in shifts. Their responsibilities include accepting applications, monitoring them, adding information about promotions, special offers, settlements with guests, their check-in, and consulting.

Salaries are paid 2 times a month (advance and salary).

People with work experience are hired. Knowledge welcome foreign languages Administrators also need excellent computer and Internet skills.

Organizational plan

1 month 2 month 3 month
Individual entrepreneur registration 6,800 rub.
Conclusion of a lease agreement
Search for colleagues
Competition analysis (booking system)
Advertising 10,000 rubles
Purchase of equipment RUB 135,000
Buying furniture RUB 102,000
Buying bedding 42,000 rub.
Buying dishes 30,000 rub.
Buying curtains, towels 20,000 rub.
Purchasing household products 6,000 rub.
Buying food supplies 1,000 rub.
Website creation 11,000 rub.
Buying a cash register 15,000 rub.
Repair of premises 300,000 rub.
Obtaining a firefighter's report
Internet connection 600 rub.
Equipment installation
Apartment equipment
Total RUB 679,400

The entrepreneur searches for and hires employees, and he also studies existing booking systems to assess competition. Advertising includes placement on the Internet and contracts with travel agencies.

The purchase of bedding includes mattresses, pillows, blankets, bed linen (2 sets for each bed).

Household products include supplies of shampoo, shower gel, soap, as well as products necessary for cleaning premises (including mops, rags).

Food supplies include sugar, coffee, tea.

Financial plan

Monthly income – 210,000 rubles.

Initial costs – 679,400 rubles.

Periodic costs (calculation for 30 days):

Thus, profit before tax will be: 210,000 – 143,500 = 66,500 rubles.

Taxes: 66,500* 0.15 = 9,975 rubles.

Net profit: 56,525 rubles.

Profitability = 56,525/210,000 = 26.92%.

Payback period = 679,400/56,525 = 12.02. Consequently, the business idea will pay for itself in a little more than a year.

The break-even point is reached after 205 check-ins per day.


Risk Probability of occurrence Ways to avoid Possible threats
Tightening legislation, new norms. Low Solving organizational issues Additional expenses.

Decrease in profitability level.

Emergencies, accidents. Low Insurance Damage to property.

Suspension of activities.

Increased competition. Average Formation of a customer base.

Development of special offers.

Additional services.

Improving quality.

Decrease in income.

Decrease in profitability level.

Loss of some clients.

Seasonal fluctuations in demand. High
Choosing an unfavorable location. Average Conducting geomarketing research. Fewer clients.

Lower income level.

Low level of qualifications of employees. Average Hiring experienced workers.


Dissatisfaction with the service from clients.

Reduced number of potential buyers.

Technological risks Average Timely repair of equipment.

Purchase of new equipment using the depreciation fund.

Decrease in the quality of the service provided.

You might think about developing a hostel for a specific consumer. For example, athletes or musicians with the appropriate paraphernalia (gym, studio room for rehearsals).

It is very important to promptly replace old or broken equipment. You can’t ignore things that are constantly used. You can't skimp on these things.

It is worth considering offering additional services. For example, developing excursions, preparing breakfasts for guests.

Make your hostel original, unlike all the others. Maybe it will be a games room or an entertainment room. In a word, everything that will surprise and be remembered!

Of course, it is necessary to constantly maintain the cleanliness of the premises.

After promoting the premises, you can think about opening another point.

We also recommend watching one of the many videos about entrepreneurs who opened a hostel:

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!

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